Houston Independent School District

|Monday |Objectives: |

|11-28-11 |TEKS: 7.6C, 7.18 |

| |ELPS: 4I (show comprehension through basic reading skills) |

| | |

| |Student-Friendly: |

| |I will be able to outline a persuasive essay. |

| |I will be able to identify the four points of view and explain the differences among them. |

| | |

| |Materials: ER ppt, ER packet, books, Scholastic Scope Magazines, Notes sheet, and outline sheet |


| |Reading: |

| |Warm-Up: Use the thesaurus entries to fill in the synonyms and antonyms section of your vocab squares. |

| | |

| |Classwork: |

| |Reading Mini-Lesson: Identifying Point of View |

| |“Las Guayabas”: Part One: p. 58-72 Guided Reading |

| |After Reading Questions: Point of View and “Las Guayabas”: Part One: p. 58-72 |

| | |

| | |

| |ELA: |

| |Warm-Up: Should schools force students to wear uniforms? Why or why not? |

| | |

| |Classwork: |

| |Students will read the article on scope about school uniforms |

| |Students will then complete the graphic organizer brainstorming 3 supporting ideas for each side of the argument and then take a stance |

| |for one side or the other |

| |Students will be guided through the graphic organizer to outline their persuasive essay |

| | |

| |Homework: |

|Tuesday |Objectives: |

|11-29-11 |TEKS: 7.6C, 7.9, 7.18 |

| |ELPS: 3B(use new vocabulary in descriptions and classroom communication) |

| | |

| |Student-Friendly: |

| |I will be able to analyze author’s purpose when choosing point of view and the effects of the point of view on readers. |

| |I will be able to write a persuasive essay and revise my work. |

| | |

| |Materials: Highlighters |


| |Reading: |

| |Warm-Up: Use your vocabulary words in a sentence using your vocab squares to help you. |

| | |

| |Classwork: |

| |Reading Mini-Lesson: Analyzing the Effects of Point of View |

| |“Las Guayabas”: Part Two: p. 72-80 Guided Reading |

| |After Reading Questions: “Las Guayabas”: Part Two: p. 65-80 |

| | |

| |ELA: |

| |Warm-Up: |

| | |

| |Classwork: |

| |Students will be teacher guided to write a persuasive essay ( We will go one paragraph at a time and organize it together) |

| |Revising and Editing: Students will look through their drafts for spelling mistakes, transition words, topic sentences, thesis etc. |

| | |

| |Homework: |

|Wednesday | |

|11-30-11 | |

| |Classwork: |

| |HISD Testing |

|Thursday | |

|12-1-11 |Classwork: |

| |Esperanza Rising Vocabulary Crossword |

| |HISD Testing |

|Friday |Objectives: |

|12-2-11 |TEKS: 7.6A, 7.6B |

| |ELPS: 2H, 4J (show comprehension through inferential skills) |

| | |

| |Student-Friendly: |

| |I will be able to explain how authors create characters through character’s appearance, thoughts and actions and analyze |

| |characterization in the Esperanza Rising. |

| | |

| |Materials: ER ppt, ER packet, books, Vocab Quiz 2, HISD Writing Test |

| |ELA: |

| |Classwork: |

| |HISD Writing Test |

| | |

| |Reading: |

| |Warm-Up: Spend 5 minutes studying your vocabulary squares on pages 4-7 of your packet to prepare for your quiz today. |

| | |

| |Classwork: |

| |Esperanza Rising Vocabulary Quiz 2 |

| |In-class review of quiz |

| |Reading Mini-Lesson: Characterization |

| |Begin “Los Melones”, p. 81-99 Guided Reading |

| | |

| |Homework: |


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