Faithful Schooling ASL 3

Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language Chapter 5 TESTDirections: ?You may use your book for this test. You can download the test on Neu.Annotate on your iPad, complete it, then email it to me, or you can print it, complete it, take a picture of the completed test, and email it to me. You only have to answer 10 questions ?including the Gloss question?, but you should answer as many more as you can to help make questions missed worth less (see below).If you answer # questions…You can miss # without failing.1015202530Vocabulary: Write correct words from the word bank in sentences 1-6 below. Word Bank: deaf and dumb language pidgin sign system signed English code-switching sign systems home signs__________________________ is a word-by-word translation from English into signing. Police use ____________ when they are trying to communicate without words when secretly entering the home of a criminal.Hearing Islanders called the language of the Deaf the ____________________________.Before ASL, American Deaf people tended to communicate with their family members using ____________________. Hearing Islanders tended to use what linguists call _______________ in everyday speech instead of just speaking or just signing. Signing a sentence using an English grammatical structure is called a _______________.In modern Western societies “handicapped” individuals have been expected to ______.What was “the Vineyarders’ social response to” deaf people?Many of the author’s informants “were genuinely surprised when…?”What was the Vineyarders’ attitude toward “mentally retarded or mentally ill” people?What was the attitude of the majority of Deaf Islanders about being unable to hear?If an infant is taught to sign and speak simultaneously (at the same time) which are they more likely to start using first by several months?How did “hearing children with no deaf immediate family members [learn] sign language?”What were the main “difficulties in communication” for Deaf and hearing Islanders? When a Deaf person off-Island signs to a hearing person they usually ___(A)___ while a Deaf person on-Island would usually ____(B)____ when signing to a hearing person. What was “the only regular event for which deaf Vineyarders needed some assistance?”True or false: Hearing Islanders only signed when deaf people were around. “As in other bilingual communities, _______________ was a way to delineate who was and who was not a member of the community.”What are things people “assumed”” or believed” about sign language or Deaf culture until recently (or maybe still assume today) according to the book? (Write as many as you can find. I will count them as separate questions, so if you don’t find them all it won’t hurt you.) What requirements are needed for something to be considered a sign language rather than a sign system? “Only _____ of those born deaf have deaf parents.”What island represents the first stage of developing a signed language (A) and why (B)? What two places represent the second stage of developing a signed language (A and B) and why (C)? What island represents the third stage of developing a signed language (A) and why (B)? “When deafness appears regularly in a community, it seems reasonable to expect….”What, in theory, must happen in order for “a mature, comprehensive sign language [to] develop?”True or false: The appearance of deafness in an isolated community such as the Vineyard is certainly not a unique occurrence. What are “the weaknesses of a young language?” There is evidence that “indicates that sign languages have been used in England at least as far back as _______________.”Why did a uniform language not develop in England until the establishment of British Sign Language? What is the Vineyard sign language most probably based on?Bonus: On page 73, the text refers to a “school in Hartford.” Based on your knowledge of ASL history, what was the name of that school?Bonus: How did the Vineyard sign language influence American Sign Language? When was “French Sign Language introduced to America?”GLOSS QUESTION: THIS QUESTION IS REQUIRED! Write the following sentence in ASL Gloss.If you teach a baby ASL and English, which will they learn first?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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