What is the Code of Student Conduct and Why Do We Need It

New Leadership Charter School


Code of Student Conduct

Mission: The mission of New Leadership Charter School is to develop young people in the sixth through twelfth grade morally, mentally, and physically; and to imbue them with the highest ideals of duty, honor and loyalty. Graduates will be academically prepared to attend the college or university of their choice. They will embody three cardinal principles of leadership-vision, integrity, and compassion.

What is the Code of Student Conduct and Why Do We Need It?

The Springfield Public Schools recognizes the importance of individual student growth and development within a safe environment that supports and encourages learning. To help maintain that environment, the Code of Student Conduct will:

• Describe the conduct that is disruptive of such an environment

• Standardize procedures that the school will use in responding to conduct problems

• Specify the rights and responsibilities of students

• Assure the rights of students when disciplinary action is taken

• Suggest reintegration strategies for disciplined students

Each disciplinary case will be decided according to the facts accompanying it. Efforts will be made to discipline students while maintaining them in regular school programs. The Springfield Public Schools encourages parent(s) and guardian(s) to be involved in the disciplinary process. Due process will be followed for all disciplinary actions.

The Code of Student Conduct is in force:

• During regular school hours

• While students are being transported on a school bus

• At such times and places including, but not necessarily limited to, school sponsored events, field trips, athletic functions, and other activities where school administrators have jurisdiction over students.

Additionally, it is important to understand that Massachusetts law provides a principal with authority to suspend a student for conduct that occurs away from school if the student is charged with a felony or is the subject of a felony delinquency complaint and the principal determines that the student’s continued presence in school would have a substantial detrimental effect on the general welfare of the school. This law also provides a principal with authority to expel a student who has been convicted, adjudicated, admitted to guilt with respect to a felony or felony delinquency, if the principal determines that the student’s continued presence in school would have a substantial detrimental effect on the general welfare of the school.

2 Massachusetts General Law chapter 71, section 37 ½

What are the Roles of the Home, Student and School Personnel in Establishing a Code of Student Conduct?

The Code of Student Conduct promotes a cooperative relationship among students, parents/guardians, and educators:

Parents/guardians are expected to:

• Keep informed about their child's behavior and achievement at school

• Become familiar with the Code of Student Conduct and the Civil Rights and Safety Policy

• Instill respect for all school staff and children and property

• Support school rules

• Consult the school principal/counselor/teacher when issues arise

• Work with school personnel to implement appropriate consequences and/or interventions when a child violates the Code of Student Conduct

• Ensure that children attend school regularly and monitor that they arrive on time each day

• Communicate with school personnel about issues related to their child including attending school conferences

School personnel are expected to:

• Establish and support an orderly, educational environment

• Explain and model expectations and consequences to students

• Listen to and respect student/parent/guardian views on classroom issues

• Establish and support an environment encouraging mutual respect of individuals

• Be consistent in addressing disrespectful, inappropriate behavior

• De-escalate inappropriate behavior through management strategies

• Follow- up on inappropriate behavior with logical consequences

• Reach out to parent(s)/guardian(s) regularly to foster positive school/home communications

• Teach students to solve problems in a nonviolent, positive manner through modeling, role playing and practice

• Develop schedules that meet the needs of students

• Encourage an atmosphere of support and cooperation among all school personnel

• Report violations of the Code of Conduct and the Civil Rights and Safety Policy

Disseminate curricular information in a clear and understandable fashion.

Assess students in a fair and meaningful way.

Provide timely and accurate feedback about academic progress.

Students are expected to:

• Abide by the rules and regulations established in the Code of Student Conduct

• Know their classroom and school rules

• Attend school daily and on time

• Actively participate in the learning experience

• Be respectful to students, school personnel, and property

• Complete all assignments in a timely manner

• Seek academic and/or counseling support when needed



• General Disruptive Conduct: Dress code violations, unexcused tardiness, unexcused absences, truancy, possession of objects such as cell phones, beepers, 2-way radios, pagers, radios, CD players, other recreational electronic devices and/or any other behavior which disrupts the orderly educational process.

• Defiance of School Personnel’s Authority: Refusal to comply with a reasonable request from school personnel.

• Use of Provocative Language: Obscene language, profanity, threats and/or inflammatory statements.


FIRST VIOLATION (within school year)

All disciplinary actions which apply to specific infraction must be implemented and recorded in the student’s transcripts.

• Parent contact / parent conference.

• Administrator/ teacher/student conference.

• In-class/in-school disciplinary action.

• Restitution or restoration, or assign community service.


REPEATED VIOLATION (within school year)

All disciplinary actions which apply to specific infraction must be implemented and recorded in the student’s transcripts.

• Parent contact/parent conference.

• Administrator/ teacher/student conference.

• Suspension or other alternatives, e.g., denial of bus privileges. *

• Refer criminal acts to the Police or to the Student Support Quebec Team (if available) for appropriate legal action.**

• Seek restitution or restoration, or assign community service.


• Assault

• Obscene language towards a staff member and defiance of School Personnel’s Authority/Insubordination

• Disruption on the School Bus

• Gambling

• Indecent Proposition

• Obscene Material

• Petty Theft: (not over $250 dollars in value)

• Use of Provocative Language

• Use of Tobacco Products


• False Accusation

• False Fire Alarm

• Fighting

• Participation in Non-sanctioned Organizations

• Possession of Aerosol/Chemical Weapons

• Possession and/or Concealment of a Simulated Weapon:

• Vandalism

• Possession and/or Use of Laser Pointer

• Bullying

• Harassment (see Civil Rights Policy Definitions)

• Sexual Harassment (see Civil Rights Policy Definitions)

• Distribution of Prescription or Legal Non-Prescription Drugs

• Trespassing

• Violation of Civil Rights (see Civil Rights Policy Definitions)

• Hazing


• Battery (Non-staff Member)

• Extortion

• Grand Theft (over $250 dollars in value)

• Possession, Use, or Sale of Fireworks

• Use of Aerosol/Chemical Weapons with Intent to Harm

• Robbery

• Vandalism (over $250 in damage)

• Participation in Gang-Related Activity

• Stalking (see Definition in Appendix on Page 39)


• Assault on a Staff Member

• Hate Crime (see Civil Rights policy Definitions on Page 28)

• Possession and/or Concealment of Weapons

• Possession, Use, Sale or Distribution of Mood Modifiers or Illegal Drugs

• Causing Mayhem

• Sexual Misconduct


• Battery on a Teacher or other School Personnel

• Aggravated Assault

• Aggravated Battery

• Armed Robbery

• Arson

• Homicide (murder, manslaughter)

• Kidnapping or Abduction

• Making a Threat or False Report about a Destructive Device

• Possession, Use, or Sale of Any Explosive Device

• Possession, Use or Sale of Any Firearm or Destructive Device

• Sexual Battery

• Felony Behavior


Groups II-VI

FIRST VIOLATION (within school year)

All disciplinary actions which apply to specific infraction must be implemented

and recorded in the student’s transcripts.

• Parent contact/ parent conference.

• Administrator/ teacher/student conference.

• Suspension, 3 to 5 days, internal or external. *

• Refer criminal acts to the Police or to the Student Support Quebec Team (if

available) for appropriate legal action. **

• Seek restitution or restoration.

REPEATED VIOLATION (within school year)

All disciplinary actions which apply to specific infraction must be implemented and recorded in the student’s transcripts.

• Parent contact/ parent conference.

• Administrator/ teacher/student conference.

• Suspension, 3 to 5 days, internal or external. *

• Refer criminal acts to the Police or to the Student Support Quebec Team (if

available) for appropriate legal action.**

• Seek restitution or restoration.

• Saturday Detention

*The notice of suspension must be given or mailed to the parent, guardian or

responsible agency.

** Criminal acts shall be reported in accordance with the Police Department and the School Department Agreement made in June 1998.

• When appropriate mediation and/or conflict resolution. Teachers and

assistant principals will be notified whenever mediation or a conflict resolution session has occurred.

• Participate in problem-solving session on the student’s specific problem behavior. Direct instruction of social skills.

• Conduct research on the topic of the student’s problem behavior.

• Participate in a violence prevention program when available.

(Arrangements made through Springfield Academy.)


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