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#1 Retirement Playbook


The #1 Retirement Playbook



Quarantines, isolation and social distancing are the new vernacular of survival. We have to goback over 100 years to find a pandemic that compares with the coronavirus. The Spanish flu of 1918, the most severe contagion in modern history, saw one third of the world's population become infected and an estimated 50 million die.

We must step back over 90 years, to find a market crash that equates with what we've witnessed in 2020. The crash of 1929 wiped out businesses, savings, retirements and consumer confidence. Fueled by an unsustainable asset bubble, high debt, overleveraged banks, and rising unemployment the Dow lost almost 25% in four days.

In March in 2020, the S&P 500 fell 30% in 22 days of trading, exceeding the magnitude and pace of market declines in the Depression era. The current selloff on Wall Street has undone years of market gains and with interest rates at historic lows and sovereign debt at all-time highs, there seems little federal firepower to lift investor sentiment.

As major cities around the world have shut down and citizens have sheltered in place, the global economy has been paused. Travel has been suspended, borders sealed, stores shuttered, events canceled ? as minimal human interaction has emerged as the only weapon

What lies ahead is mass unemployment, trillions in lost economic output, contracting GDP, collapsing consumer sentiment and a return to normalcy that could take months or even years. Economists are now grappling with whether the cure is worse than the disease.

What's become clear is that COVID-19 has delivered an acute economic disruption at a rate of speed unmatched in modern history. While we have sought to flatten the curve of the virus, we have, in effect, bludgeoned the arc of the economy. Consumers are panicked and disconnected. Businesses are stressed and overleveraged. And both are worried that bailouts won't arrive in time and won't be sufficient to keep them afloat.

The lack of buying, selling and living could irreparably damage global commerce. The isolation and segregation could trigger a social and economic depression. And the multi trillion-dollar bailouts could haunt the world for generations to come.

In the midst of this culture-changing journey, we find ourselves in a place we barely recognize. There will be dramatic gains and losses, histrionic winners and losers, and enduring survivors and sufferers. And like most extraordinary moments in time, this one must be met with uncommon resolve and a solid financial plan for the future.


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Why I wrote this book


What this book gives you


CH 1: The Truth about Money


1.1 What is money, really?


1.2 The brittleness of our dollar


1.3 The 3 income classes


Earned income


Portfolio income


Passive income


1.4 Why debt is the anchor dragging your future down


CH 2: Investing for Retirement


2.1 The 5 asset classes


Stocks and equities


Fixed income investments


Cash equivalents


Real estate and tangible assets




2.2 What baby boomers must know


2.3 Investing vs financial planning


2.4 The power of the self-directed individual retirement account


2.5 Why the fast money wins and the slow money sinks


CH 3: Building Fort Knox ? Protecting your wealth and future with precious metals


3.1 A brief history of gold


3.2 A comparison of gold, silver, platinum and palladium










Precious metal forms


3.3 Beware of ETFs and Annuities


3.4 What about crypto?



CH 4: Economic Hurricane ? How to safely navigate the Stormy Seas


4.1 There's a storm brewing


Market waves


The trade winds


Being ill prepared


4.2 How to become a successful investment surfer


4.3 Is Uncle Sam really your friend?


CH 5: A Plan for a Bright Future


5.1 Start where you are


5.2 Now is the time to begin and accelerate


5.3 Passing on a legacy of precious metals


CH 6: Taking the next step


6.1 Who should you rely on?


6.2 A pitch for Red Rock Secured





The #1 Retirement Playbook

What's the hardest thing about money? Is it making the money... is it making more money... or is it preserving your money?

I'm sure that if you asked ten people, you'd probably get ten different answers. However, from my personal experience with my own money as well as working with hundreds of clients... preservation is the most difficult and sadly, the most overlooked aspect of wealth that I've seen by a big margin!

Hi, my name is Sean Kelly. I'm the CEO of Red Rock Secured, an established firm that helps people preserve their wealth and we help to defend them against the radical changes in the economy, markets and trends so that what they've worked so hard for all their lives isn't snatched away.

Let's face it ? once you begin to make money, be it earnings from your career or dividends from stocks or cash flow from income generating assets, it actually gets easier and easier to make more. After all, as the old adage goes ? it takes money to make money, right?

Unfortunately, though, there's a lot of danger in the financial sea. Economic storms threaten to sink your ship... rocky and risky investments might punch holes in your holdings... pirates lurk in the fog to literally steal what you've worked so hard for... and that's just for starters! Another big reason for people's money ships going down is ignorance of the conditions out there and how to read the weather.

After doing this for many years, my team and I decided that it was time to write a book on the subject. Something to help good folks like you to understand the financial sea and not only avoid the shoals of economic ruin, but to chart a course for open waters of prosperity.

So let me begin by congratulating you on taking time to pick up and read this book. I truly believe that you'll discover a wealth of information, tips, tricks and strategies that have proven themselves to work time and time again.

I'm going to show you why precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum and palladium are one of the most powerful tools to preserve your wealth and to armor your ship against attacks.


Why I wrote this book

I've got this friend... in fact, I'd be willing to bet that you've got a friend just like this... anyway, this friend of mine who I'll refer to more than once in this book is a fairly typical guy. For the purposes of discussion let's call him Joe.

"I'd love to put more into the retirement account," Joe was saying, "But between the two mortgages, the cars, the credit cards, the bills and the college... I'm lucky to put in what I can now. And besides... the growth of the fund is like 4%."

Joe is in his mid-forties, married with three kids, the oldest of whom is just starting college. Joe and his wife are both educated and in good careers. She's in real estate sales and Joe is in IT. Together, they average about $150,000 gross per year.

Now you'd think that Joe, especially with a friend such as me who has been in finance in one way or another for decades, would have a hefty savings account, solid retirement accounts and maybe even a few active investments, right?

Sadly, this isn't so. Although Joe and his wife are a bit above the average in income, they are pretty typical of most middle-class Americans today. They live beyond their means, spend too much money, have unsecured debt in the five figures, very little savings and although Joe has a 401K and she's got an IRA... there's not a whole lot to brag about there.

Now please don't get me wrong... I'm not trying to be down on Joe. He's a good guy, a good husband and good dad. It's just that when it comes to money... the two of them just can't seem to exercise enough discipline. It seems like as long as I've known him, which is over fifteen years, Joe has always believed that there's plenty of time.

He's right, to a degree. At 45, he's got 20 to 25 more years to earn a living before retirement. He's got 25 years until he has to start taking withdrawals from his retirement account.

Yet it seems as if no matter how many times we talk and how much advice I give him... he's always a day late and a dollar short...

Let me paraphrase a conversation Joe and I had not long ago, just at the beginning of 2019. Right before I started writing this book. We were having lunch together at a Panera and Joe was griping about his financial situation, as he did fairly often.

I sighed because this wasn't the first time we'd had this discussion. I shook my head, "Joe... you do know that you don't have to contribute to the 401K. You can set up your own retirement account and manage it yourself. And believe me, there's stuff out there that delivers a way better return."

"Yeah, but better returns means higher risk," Joe complained, "And I can't afford to take risks."

I smiled, "Not everything that delivers is risky. You know I deal in precious metals, and there isn't a whole lot better."

Joe frowned, "Yeah, but I can't buy them with my 401K. I think they have those metal funds, what're they called?"

"ETF's," I said with a frown, "Exchange traded funds... and I don't recommend them."

I actually don't, and I'll explain in a later chapter, but for now, I simply want to relay this quick story...

"But look at silver, for example," Joe argued, "This time last year, at the beginning of 2018, silver was like $17 per ounce and now it's around $15. Sounds like metals are dropping. Why would I want to invest in them now?"

I swear, I love Joe but I wanted to reach across the table and slap him. I grinned instead, "And do you remember back in 2011? Silver was almost $50 per ounce."

"Yeah, but look at the stock market right now," Joe continued, "it's going up and up and has been for years. It's more than twice as big as it was ten years ago. That sounds like a safe investment to me."

Remember, I said that Joe was smart. And he is, yet it's this flawed logic that seems to drive our economy. It's easy to understand why people would think this way, too. Yet there's a hidden truth behind economic growth ? a hidden truth that often runs many well-found financial ships on the rocks of ruin, and it's this secret and the things that drive it that this book is really about.


This book is not just for guys like Joe, but for anyone who earns a good living and wants to defend their money against the dangers that lurk all around us. I'd even say the more successful and savvy you are, the more you'll glean from this read and the better prepared you'll be to guarantee a bright and prosperous future for you and your family.

What this book gives you

The primary focus of this book is to show you why precious metals are a good idea for active investors as well as those planning for a comfortable retirement. Yet it's not enough just to say, "Gold and silver are good." It's important that you know why they are, how to invest in them and when as well.

My goal in this book is to paint an accurate picture of our current and future economic landscape. There is a lot of brightness in this landscape... yet there are unpleasant things as well. In order to make sure that your financial ship sails along smoothly on the sea of money, I'm going to walk you through the ins, outs and even the history of metals and how to build yourself a fortress out of them.

In this book, you're going to learn a lot about what makes metals so precious as well as some surprising things from the past that have driven gold from a modestly valuable commodity to one of the world's most expensive metals.

I'm going to explain how to watch the market trends and other types of investments, the truth about money, how to actively invest for the most profitable and comfortable future possible...

...and I'm going to show you how to preserve your wealth. That precious nest egg you have and are still creating so that predators, thieves and even the government don't eat away at your stash until it's virtually depleted.

I'm sorry to say it, but there are predators out there who will be glad to separate you from your money and the more you know, the less likely it is that anybody can steer your ship wrong.

So if you're ready to take the plunge,

then let's begin with arguably the most

basic concept and also the most important:



SEAN KELLY CEO - Red Rock Secured




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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