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How do personality and motivation for English change after studying abroad? Graduation ThesisPresented tothe Faculty of the Department ofEnglish Language and LiteratureNotre Dame Seishin University In Partial Fulfillmentof the Requirement for the DegreeBachelor of Arts byAoi Osafune2020Contents Chapter One: Background1.1 Introduction1.2 Japanese Students Studying Abroad 1.2.1 Current Situation in Japan 1.2.2 The Reasons Why Japanese Students Go Abroad 1.2.3 The Reasons Why Japanese Students Do Not Go Abroad 1.3 The Benefits of Studying Abroad 1.3.1 Linguistic Development Benefits 1.3.2 Personal Growth Benefits 1.3.3 Intercultural Development Benefits1.4 The Big Five Personality Traits1.5 Previous Research1.6 Research Questions1.7 ConclusionChapter Two: The Questionnaire2.1 Introduction2.2 The Questionnaire 2.2.1 Introduction to the Questionnaire 2.2.2 Method 2.2.3 Results of the Questionnaire 2.3 Individual Data 2.3.1 The Changes in Personality 2.3.2 Motivational Changes Chapter Three: Discussion3.1 Introduction3.2 Summary of the Results from Chapter Two 3.2.1 The changes in Personality 3.2.2 Motivational Changes3.3 Comparing Previous Research and the Results of This Study 3.3.1 Introduction 3.3.2 Motivational Changes 3.3.3 The Changes in Personality3.4 Research Questions 3.5 Implications 3.6 Limitation of the Questionnaire and Interviews3.7 Further Research3.8 ConclusionReferencesAppendicesAbstract In the 21st century, the world is becoming more globalized in various ways. The Internet has spread rapidly and we can move around the world easily so the need for learning English is increasing. English is now used as the default communication language in a variety of areas such as politics, diplomacy, business and academia all over the world. Therefore, learning English is necessary for non-English native speakers and the increase of the number of people who go to study abroad have become a global phenomenon today. In Japan, many students want to study abroad for various reasons so that they can experience many changes in their personality and motivation for learning English through overseas experiences. In this study, we will look at how studying abroad experience affects changes in personality and motivation for English of Japanese students. Forty six subjects were asked to answer a questionnaire, eight subjects of them were interviewed to find out detailed information about their the changes in personality after their time abroad. In the questionnaire, eighteen subjects who had studied abroad answered about their own changes in personality and motivation, twenty six subjects answered about the changes in their friends who have experienced studying abroad. The results show it was common for Japanese students to become more open, extroverted and agreeable and their motivation was more positive due to studying abroad. However, some subjects had no changes, or were affected negatively. Chapter 1: Background 1.1 Introduction It is becoming necessary for Japanese people to learn English to communicate with people all over the world. Due to this phenomenon, English education has developed in Japan. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology stated that English education in elementary schools will begin in earnest from 2020. In this globalized world, more and more people want to, or need to, go to study abroad to improve their English skills, learn about different cultures and expand their vision to the world. This chapter shows the background information of studying abroad in Japan and personal types which we have. 1.2 Japanese Students Studying Abroad 1.2.1 Current Situation in Japan The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology reported that they are aiming to significantly increase the number of Japanese university students studying abroad from 60,000 to 120,000 and high school students studying abroad from 30,000 to 60,000 by 2020. Additionally, the Japanese government is planning to create a new system in which government agencies and private companies cooperate to reduce the financial burden of students who want to study abroad, and provide benefits to all young people who have the will and ability to work globally in the future.They are also planning to enhance the collection and provision of study abroad information in local communities, at high schools and universities. Finally, they plan to change the timing of starting employment and recruitment activities, as well as establish an environment in which Japanese students can study abroad easily.Figure 1: The number of Japanese students who went to study abroad Figure 1 shows the number of Japanese students who went to study abroad between 2000-2015. According to these data, we can see that the number has decreased since 2004. When we focus on the variation, it can be said that the number of students who went to study abroad in 2015 was 26,976 lower than in 2004. Figure 2: The number of Japanese students who went to study abroad in various countries (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan)Table 1: The countries where Japanese students studied abroad in 2016 and 2017 (Data for Figure 2)Country20152016Variation1America19,06018,780-2802China14,08513,595ー4903Taiwan6,3197,548+1,2294England3,0982,944ー1545Germany1,7561,797+416Australia1,6721,748+767France1,6461,659+138Canada1,4791,563+849Korea1,2861,416+13010Brazil759935+176Others3,5163,984+468 Figure 2 shows the number of Japanese students who went abroad to study foreign languages by country in 2015 and 2016. Table 1 shows the data of Figure 2 and the variation between 2015 and 2016. According to these data, we can see that Japanese students visited America the most but the number has decreased in 2016 compared to 2015. Asian countries which include China, Taiwan and Korea are popular areas for students studying abroad. According to Table 1, we can know that the number of students who go to those Asian countries has increased. In particular, the number of students who chose Taiwan has increased in recent years. 1.2.2 The Reasons Why Japanese Students Go AbroadAccording to the research of Harada (2010), students have several reasons to go abroad for the purpose of study.For Future WorkMany Japanese students might think that they want to work at foreign companies, be English teachers and expand their career options. Today, English which has become necessary to work because many companies has become internationalized. To Receive an English Education Japanese students study abroad to enter English- speaking universities, acquire degrees in foreign countries, get English scores for college admission and learn international business. To Become an Educated PersonThey would expect to be devoted to studies and arts, understand western music and movies, acquire enough knowledge and the ability to teach English. To Learn Foreign Cultures and LanguagesThey might be interested in multilingual and multicultural policies. They would think that there are few chances to use English in daily life in Japan. Therefore, staying abroad is good for them because they can learn and use English, and experience different cultures compared to living in Japan. (Akazaki, 2007)To Enrich ThemselvesThey would hope to have a variety of experiences and make their lives richer through studying abroad. To achieve this goal, they can do volunteer activities and communicate with foreign people from various countries. 1.2.3 The Reasons Why Japanese Students Do Not Go Abroad We looked at why many Japanese students feel the need to study abroad in the previous section. However, the number of Japanese students who think that they do not need to study abroad is also increasing today. According to the survey by the Cabinet Office, only 32% of Japanese young people want to study abroad, while 53% of them answered that they do not want to go abroad to learn different languages and cultures. These data are the highest among seven countries such as the United States, South Korea, Germany, England, France and Sweden. There are several reasons why they do not want to study abroad. Financial Problems One of the most serious problems for students is that it is costly to study abroad. There are two types of costs. The cost for departure such as airfare, premium, passport and visa application fees, medical fees. Another one is the cost in the host countries, such as tuition, the cost of learning materials, accommodation, food and transportation expenses. Underdevelopment of credits change system Many Japanese students are worried that the credits which they obtained at overseas universities through studying abroad will not easily be recognized by their home institutions. Ota (2011) said that this problem is especially serious at national and public universities compared to private universities. Less credit means university students cannot graduate within four years, which is a major disadvantage for them.Social Impact It is generally said that it is important for Japanese society to make use of the experiences which people have gained through studying abroad. However in fact, some Japanese employers do not appreciate students who have overseas experiences. The New York Times (2012) reported that Japanese companies tend to avoid hiring people who have studied abroad. The reason for this is that they tend to think international students are too talented and they do not suit the company’s vision for human resources. No interest One of the reasons why many Japanese students do not study abroad is that they simply have no interest in it. According to Ota (2011), young Japanese people have become unable to find the value of developing themselves through a hard time in by opening themselves up to challenging situations while interacting with people who have various customs and cultures in different countries. Many Japanese students are satisfied with their happiness in their personal circumstances and relationships in Japan, also many of them have lost interest and lack aspirations to gain new experiences in foreign countries. As a result, they do not feel the need to expand their knowledge through the experiences of studying abroad.1.3 The Benefits of Studying Abroad Many studies have said that we can gain many benefits through studying abroad. In this section, we will look at the benefits of studying English abroad in detail.1.3.1 Linguistic Development Benefits People who have studied abroad can build their second language proficiency through interactions with their host family, classmates and people in the host country. According to the research by Japan Student Services Organization (2019), most people who studied abroad felt the linguistic development and 48 percent of them answered that the experiences are useful at work. At a personal level, a student reported that he felt improvement in his English abilities. He became more active in studying English and was sure that was the best result of his stay in the host country. His story is but one of countless thousands of others.1.3.2 Personal Growth Benefits Minoura (1998) reported that that studying abroad contributes to personal development. Students going overseas to study can learn a lot about themselves through experiences in the host countries. It can help them grow and become tolerant, increases their self-confidence and gives them wide view. Additionally, the ties with friends are strengthened through sharing experiences in another culture, which is also connected to the personal growth of the students studying abroad. 1.3.3 Intercultural Development Benefits Many people feel that studying abroad helps them to deepen their understanding of their own cultural values and develop a more open-minded way of looking at the world. According to the research by Japan Student Services Organization (2019), 86 % of people who have experienced studying abroad answered that their views for their own culture and foreign cultures has changed. 1.4 The Big Five Personality Traits This thesis will examine the personal growth of students going abroad. A common way to assess a person’s personality is by using the ‘Big Five’ personality questionnaire. “The Big Five Personality Traits” is the theory that personality consists of five factors which are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. It is also known as the acronym “OCEAN”. Raymond Cattel, who is a psychologist, created a personality test which was called 16 PF in the 1940s. Robert Macrae and Paul Costa developed the psychological test which was called NEO-PI-R based on the Five-Factor Model (FFM). Finally, Lewis R. Goldberg who was an American personality psychologist proposed “The Big Five Personality Traits” (Murakami, 2003) (Wada, 1996).OpennessOpenness is openness to experience, it shows the quality of their intellectual thinking. People who have a high score on this trait are curious about new things, but people who have an extremely high score on this trait deviate from normal society, have dreams or delusions. On the other hand, people who have a low score on this trait live an ordinary, but steady life. They have also the aspect that they tend to be particular about authority and tradition. Common features of OpennessHighLowCreativeUnconventionalAdventurousRich ImaginationCurious about the worldEnjoy new experiencesArtistic sensitivityBroad interestTraditionalConventionalConservativeCarefulResist new ideasConscientiousnessConscientiousness is the ability to get things done with a clear purpose or will. It measures responsibility, the ability to control emotions and behavior. People who have a high score on this trait have a strong will and a sense of responsibility, and can control themselves to achieve their purpose. People who have a low score on this trait accept their environment and themselves as they are. They are also not particular about their work, do not tend to be persistent, get tired of things and quit. Additionally, they decide things mon features of ConscientiousnessHighLowResponsibilityWell organizedHigh achievement abilityHave a strong preferenceCan pay attention to detailEnjoy making a scheduleEmotionalDisorganizedIntuitivePlayfulDislike making a scheduleExtraversionExtraversion measures sociability, aggressiveness and briskness. People who have a high score on this trait are active, approach to the outside world actively and always want a strong stimulation. People who are extremely high on this trait tend to have a reckless aspect to their personality. On the other hand, people who have low scores on this trait tend to be modest, do not need stimulation and want a quiet life. Many people who are extremely low on this trait can be mon features of ExtraversionHighLowOutgoingTalkativeCheerfulAssertiveLike being involved with many peopleEnjoy social situationsReservedThoughtfulQuietEnjoy being aloneAgreeablenessAgreeableness measures empathy, consideration and thoughtfulness towards people around us. People who have a high score on this trait tend to be cooperative and friendly, avoid argument and conflict, but they tend to be too careful with others. People who have low scores on this trait tend to lack interest in others, and tend to emphasize their own identity. Common features of AgreeablenessHighLowTolerantKind FriendlyAltruisticCares about othersBluntSelf-interestedDefend their opinionsNeuroticismNeuroticism measures the intensity of responses to a negative stimulus. People who have a high score on this trait tend to be emotionally unstable, sensitive to external stimulation, sensitive to danger and tend to act cautiously to avoid danger. Additionally, they tend to feel anxiety and tension when they feel stressed. People who have a low score on this trait have a stable feeling and do not get fazed if they are in danger. However, in extreme cases, they can be emotionally insensitive. Common features of NeuroticismHigh LowUnstableAnxiousDpressiveSelf - consciousFeel stressWorry about many thingsGets upset easilyStableCalmSereneDeal with stress Feel little stress 1.5 Previous Research It is commonly believed that a study abroad experience yields changes in personality and motivation for studying English. Students who studied abroad are said to benefit in their personal growth, linguistic development and intercultural understanding through studying and interaction with people in different countries. Minoura (1998) studied cross-cultural experience and self-formation. She said that studying abroad in one’s youth confers favorable objectives which are a positive attitude towards different cultures, a broader world view, and a decrease in ethnocentric ideas and stereotypes. Additionally, students can acquire awareness of the complexity of things and increase their self-awareness, and respect for our own cultures. She reported that people often discover that the things which they thought were natural before are actually not natural through contact with different cultures. Therefore, they can learn more about what kind of world they live in for the first time. This experience can promote the reorganization of the spiritual world and contribute to character building. Harada (2008) studied how the study abroad experience is related to the motivation of non-Japanese students for learning Japanese. According to her research, motivation for learning the Japanese language by the subjects was further improved and it led to a more spontaneous and autonomous motivation for learning Japanese. The reason was that they were forced to become involved in Japanese society and speak Japanese. She concluded that studying abroad, which by definition means to live in different societies and cultures, forces us to make decisions about how to incorporate and identify the heterogeneity into ourselves. Harada (2010) studied the reasons why students study abroad and how it affects second language study and character building. She reported that the subjects felt a deepening of their motivation for learning English, the embodiment of future goals and personal growth after overseas experiences. Hirano (2016) researched if studying abroad had an influence on students’ motivation for learning English, cognition about studying abroad. She concluded that there were few differences in the motivation and attitudes of students who have studied abroad and students who have not. Most students who have overseas experiences answered that their stay in the host countries was enjoyable but some of them thought that overseas experiences were not as beneficial as they expected before studying abroad. 1.6 Research QuestionsThis thesis has five research questions.1. How do students feel about their personality and motivation after studying abroad?2. Which of “The Big Five personality traits”, are affected the most through studying abroad?3. What do people around the international students think about them?4. Are there differences in the changes in personality and motivation depending on the length of study?5. Are there differences between men and women? 1.7 Conclusion In this chapter we looked at the current situation in Japan, some benefits of studying abroad, the expected changes in personality and motivation for studying English through studying abroad. We could learn that people who went abroad to study can grow mentally, also their motivation for learning English can develop through the experiences in the foreign countries. However, we know a little about the changes in personality and motivation of Japanese students who have experienced studying abroad. In Chapter Two, we will look at the data from a questionnaire and interviews about the changes in personality and motivation for learning English of some Japanese students as a result of studying abroad.Chapter 2: The Data2.1 Introduction In Chapter One, we looked at the current situation in Japan, some benefits of studying abroad, predictable changes in personality and motivation for studying English through studying abroad. This chapter presents the data for a questionnaire and interviews of Japanese students who have overseas experiences for the purpose of study, how they feel about their personal growth and increased motivation to study English. This chapter also presents the data for a questionnaire about how people feel personality and the changes in motivation of their friends’ who have been to study abroad. 2.2 The Questionnaire2.2.1 Introduction to the QuestionnaireThe purpose of this questionnaire was to find out if the students who have been abroad to study English feel their personal growth and development of motivation to study English, and also the changes in their friends who have studied abroad. 2.2.2 Method1) Subjects The 46 subjects, 22 males and 24 females of this questionnaire were Japanese university students except a person who is learning to cook in a technical school in a foreign country. The majors of 45 university students are different and they are between 21 and 24 years old.18 subjects have studied abroad, 28 subjects have not studied abroad. 2) Questionnaire design The aim of this questionnaire was to find what subjects who have experienced studying abroad think about their changes in personality and motivation for English after studying abroad. In addition, it also researched what the subjects think about the changes in their friends who have been overseas to study. The first section of this questionnaire asked the subjects their gender in order to find differences between males and females. In addition, it asked if they have been abroad to study English. The second section of this questionnaire was for people who have studied abroad. Firstly, they answered the questions which are about the countries they went to, the length of their study. Secondly, they answered changes in their personality after studying abroad. This is to see how people who have studied abroad change psychologically. There were sixteen adjectives which relate to The Big Five Personality Traits. The subjects chose a number from 1 to 5 to express their personality after studying abroad compared to before studying abroad. The number 1 is low, the number 2 is a little low, the number 3 is no change, the number 4 is a little high, and the number 5 is high. They chose a number for each items.For example “I became…..”friendly1 less23 no change45 moreThirdly, they answered the reasons why they studied abroad and study English hard. There were seven sentences, for example, “I want to speak English fluently.” The subjects could choose as many as they like. The next question asked the subjects about their changes in motivation after studying abroad. There were eight sentences, for example “I like to speak English more than I went overseas to study English”. The questions asked their changes when they compare with before and after studying abroad. They chose one of three choices which were Yes; my motivation has changed in a positive way, No change ; I do not feel any changes in my motivation for English and No; my motivation has changed in a negative way. Next question also asked their changes in motivation for English compared with before, during and after studying abroad. They wrote the situation, how their motivation for English changed in detail and the reasons why it happened. The last question of this section asked the subjects whether they have any friends who have studied abroad. The third section was for people who have not studied abroad. It also asked them if they have any friends who have studied abroad. The fourth section asked about changes in personality and motivation for English of their friends who have been overseas to study English. Firstly, the question asked the number of their friends who have studied abroad. There were two choices, one person or more than two people. Next, they answered how their friends’ personality changed while overseas in the same way as the second question of the second section. If they answered “a person” in the previous question, they told about that person. If they answered “more than two people,'' they told about their friends in general. The last question asked whether they think their friends’ motivation for English changed in a positive way after his or her studying abroad and were they influenced by him or her. The questionnaire is in the Appendix.3) Procedure The questionnaire was made by using Google Forms. After making the questionnaire, a few Japanese subjects answered the pilot version and checked it to look for errors and to modify questions, and then, 46 Japanese subjects answered it. After that, eight subjects who have experienced studying were asked the questions directly to get more detailed information about their changes and stay in the foreign countries. 2.2.3 Results of the Questionnaire2.2.3.1 Introduction We will look at the results of Questions 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 which asked about changes in personality and motivation for learning English of the subjects who have studied abroad with the tables. We will also look at the results of Questions 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 which asked about changes in personality and motivation of the subjects’ friends who have studied abroad with the tables and figures. Results of Question 2.2 - the changes in personality of the Subjects Who Have Studied Abroad Eighteen subjects who have experienced studying abroad answered this question. The results of the changes in personality after studying abroad were analyzed by separating them into the big five personality traits. The numbers show how many people had weaker, unchanged and stronger the changes in personality.Table 1: Data for the Openness of people studying abroad Weakerin-betweenNo changein-betweenStrongerCreativeness00981Curiousness003510Adventurousness00396 According to Table 1, we can know that creativeness of nine subjects stayed the same as before studying abroad and eight subjects became a little stronger. Ten subjects reported that they became more curious through studying abroad. The Adventurous of nine subjects became a little stronger and six subjects’ became more adventurous compared to before studying abroad. Table 2: Data for the Conscientiousness of people studying abroad Weakerin-betweenNo changein-betweenStrongerConscientiousness05940Reliableness001512Sincereness001431 Five subjects answered that their conscientiousness became a little weaker and nine subjects stayed the same as before studying abroad. Additionally, fifteen subjects felt that their reliableness stayed the same, and fourteen subjects answered that their sincerity stayed the same as before experiences in the foreign countries.Table 3: Data for the Extraversion of people studying abroad Weakerin-betweenNo changein-betweenStrongerTalkativeness001233Assertiveness001143Open-mindedness00657Outgoingness00684After studying abroad, the talkativeness of twelve subjects and the assertiveness of eleven subjects did not change even though they have experienced studying abroad. Seven subjects answered that they became more open-minded and eight subjects reported that they became a little more outgoing compared to before studying abroad. Table 4: Data for the Agreeableness of people studying abroad Weakerin-betweenNo changein-betweenStrongerTolerance00774Friendliness001143Altruism001521 The tolerance of seven subjects, friendliness of eleven subjects and altruism of fifteen subjects stayed the same as before studying abroad.Table 5: Data for the Neuroticism of people studying abroad Weakerin-betweenNo changein-betweenStrongerStability011430Moodiness021510Negativity55710 After studying abroad, the stability of fourteen subjects, the moodiness of fifteen subjects and negativity of seven subjects stayed the same as before studying abroad. Ten subjects reported that their negativity became weaker through studying abroad. Results of Question 2.3 - Motivation for English Studying of the Subjects Who Have Studied AbroadTable 6: Responses to Question 2.3What kind of motivation do you have for English? Choose as many as you like.max=18 for each sentenceI like to use English.10I want to speak English fluently.14I am interested in English grammar structure.0I want to get high scores on tests.2I want to meet parents’ expectations.1I want to get a good job.1I have no reasons.3This question asked the subjects the reasons why they went abroad to study English and what kind of motivation they have for studying English. Ten subjects who have been overseas to study like to speak English and 14 subjects want to be able to speak English fluently. According to these data, it can be said that most subjects who have studied abroad expect to study abroad to improve their English skills, especially speaking. Results of Question 2.4 - motivational changes of the Subjects Who Have Studied AbroadTable 7: Responses to Question 2.4 How did your motivation for English change after studying abroad? max=18 for each sentenceYesNo changeNoAI like to speak English more than I went overseas to study English.1341BI can speak English more fluently than before.1170CI am less nervous when I speak English than I was before.1170DI am less hesitant to talk to English speakers than I was before.1260EI like to read English articles than before.7110FI like to listen to English more than before.1080GI have more motivation to study English than before.1440HI want to go study abroad again if I have the money and time.1701 According to Table 7, we can see that 13 subjects answered that they like to speak English more than they went overseas to study English. Moreover, 11 subjects answered that they became less nervous and 13 subjects became less hesitant when they speak English. Most subjects felt that their motivation for English had changed in a positive way and can speak English more fluently than before their stay in the host countries. Most subjects said that they want to go overseas to study English again if they have enough money and time to go. However, a person who also felt increased motivation for English studying answered “No” to the question about going to study abroad again. Results of Question 3.2 - the changes in personality of the Subjects’ Friends Who Have Studied AbroadForty-four subjects who have studied abroad and those who have not answered this question.Table 8: Data for the Openness of the subjects’ friends studying abroad Weaker In-betweenNo changeIn-betweenStrongerCreativeness0021194Curiousness008288Adventurousness0017216 Twenty one subjects answered that the creativeness of their friends who have studied abroad did not change. However, twenty three subjects in total answered that their friends became a little or more creative. Most subjects felt that their friends became more curious after studying abroad. Additionally, twenty seven subjects in total answered that the adventurousness of their friends became a little or more stronger compared to before experiences in the foreign countries. Table 9: Data for Conscientiousness of the subjects’ friends studying abroad Weaker In-betweenNo changeIn-betweenStrongerConscientiousness193130Reliableness0128132Sincereness033182Most subjects answered that the conscientiousness, reliableness and sincereness of their friends who went abroad to study English stayed as the same before studying abroad. However, ten subjects answered that their friends became less conscientious after studying abroad.Table 10: Data for Extraversion of the subjects’ friends studying abroad Weaker In-betweenNo changeIn-betweenStrongerTalkativeness0017207Assertiveness0015236Open-mindedness0224116Outgoingness0010268According to these data, most subjects feel changes in extraversion to their friends who have experienced studying abroad. Twenty seven subjects in total answered that their friends who have studied abroad became a little or more talkative and thirty four subjects in total also answered that their friends became a little or more outgoing through stay in the foreign countries.Table 11: Data for Agreeableness of the subjects’ friends studying abroad Weaker In-betweenNo changeIn-betweenStrongerTolerance0124154Friendliness1124162Altruism142982According to Table 11, many subjects did not feel the changes in agreeableness of their friends who have studied abroad. Nineteen subjects in total answered that their friends who have been overseas to study English became a little or more tolerant and eighteen subjects in total also felt that their friends became a little or more friendly through overseas experiences. However, some subjects reported that their friends became less friendly and altruistic compared to before going abroad to study English. Table 12: Data for Neuroticism of the subjects’ friends studying abroad Weaker In-betweenNo changeIn-betweenStrongerStability043460Moodiness053351Negativity7181900According to Table 12, twenty five subjects in total reported that negativity of their friends who have experienced studying abroad became weaker after their stay in the foreign countries. Most subjects answered that Stability and moodiness of their friends stayed the same as before studying abroad. However, some subjects answered that their friends were able to control themselves and became more moody compared to studying abroad. Results of Question 3.3 - motivational changes of the Subjects’ Friends Who Have been Overseas to Study Figure 2: Responses to Question 3.3 Do you think YOUR FRIEND'S motivation for English changed in a positive way after his or her studying abroad? Thirty nine subjects answered that their friends’ motivation for English studying changed in a positive way through studying abroad. However, five subjects answered “No” to this question. Results of Question 3.4 - Influence of the subjects’ friends who have been overseas to study Figure 3: Responses to Question 3.4 Were you influenced by him or her? Twenty seven subjects answered that they were influenced by their friends who have been overseas to study English and their motivation has improved. However, seventeen subjects answered “No” to this question. 2.3 Individual Data Eight subjects who have studied abroad were asked to answer the interview to collect more detailed information about changes in personality and motivation through studying abroad. The questions were about their stay in the foreign countries, their changes in personality and motivation compared to before, during and after studying abroad. The aim was to find out how Japanese students feel their own changes in personality and motivation for learning English through overseas experiences. 2.3.1 The changes in personalityThe following section reports the perceived changes in personality over the subjects’ time abroad. The graphs (Figures 4 to 11) show the personality traits after they returned and do not compare the data pre and post studying abroad. The changes in personality are shown in personal one-to-one interviews and are shown in the tables. Subject A Subject A stayed in Australia for two weeks that was his first time staying abroad. He took classes with Japanese and Australian college students for the first week. For the rest of the week, he went sightseeing with the Australian students. While doing some activities, he talked to native speakers actively and got along with them. Figure 4 shows his changes in personality. He answered that he became less scared and more curious about everything through this experience. -2977125192114003827632290629100-249939278915600262083748196500-38862043942000Figure 4: The changes in personality of Subject A Subject B Subject B has experienced studying abroad two times in Canada. For the first time, she stayed in the country for three weeks and the second time was for seven months. She answered about the second studying abroad. She stayed with her host family throughout her stay in the country, and had about twelve classmates who were from Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Mexico, China, Thailand and Brazil. She did volunteer activities on the weekends with her friends who were from different countries. She answered that she did not feel any special changes in personality, but she behaved differently in Canada compared to in Japan. She had a high tension and talked a lot with her host family and friends. She said that her personality was completely different from when she is in Japan. Additionally, she has became open-minded as Figure 5 shows because she was involved with many people who were from various countries. Figure 5: the changes in personality of Subject B2609850704850-600074161925-41868628781152676525609600-638174514350 Subject C Subject C stayed in Canada for seven months. She had about fifteen classmates who were from Korea, Japan, Spain, Mexico,India and Taiwan. On the weekends, she worked in a workshop which was for children. She answered that her personality changed a lot through studying abroad as shown in Figure 6. She reported that she has become less shy with new people because she had many chances to talk with people who were from different countries while studying abroad. Additionally, she answered that she can express her opinions clearly compared to before studying abroad as shown in Extraversion. She said that her friends and family also say that her self- assertion has increased by experience in the country. 28792092576624-526415259778500285454738597700-57984426901800Figure 6: The changes in personality of Subject C-4561374646295Subject D Subject D stayed in Canada for seven months. She stayed at a host family during her stay in the country. There were about fifteen students who were from Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan and Mexico in her class. She went to the home party of her friends on the weekend to talk with them. Figure 7 shows her changes in personality. She answered that her personality has changed by studying abroad and her family and friends also say so. We can see her Extraversion changed the most of the five factors. She acquired energy, confidence in herself and became active in everything through staying in the country. However, she said that she feels her personality is gradually returning to one before studying abroad. Figure 7: the changes in personality of Subject D-428624533400280035053340028034512219192-3533682299335-162841-340Subject E Subject E went to the Philippines for two months. She took classes which were one-on-one for six hours a day. She studied reading, listening, speaking and grammar which were practical English for everyday conversation. Figure 8 shows her changes in personality. We can know that she did not change psychologically. In her opinion, one’s personality does not change in the short term. 2808767656871-412927699401Figure 8: the changes in personality of Subject E2910592886-1083152094614-233267886Subject F Subject F stayed in Ireland for three weeks to study English. She went to a language school during her stay in the country. She had about ten classmates who were from Japan, Italy, Korea, Turkey, Russia and Brazil in her class. She stayed at a host family with an Italian girl and often went sightseeing with her on the weekends. Figure 9 shows the changes in personality of Subject F. She answered that she became curious about various things with new things. However, she did not feel big changes in her personality because the stay in the country was very short for her to feel the changes in personality. Figure 9: the changes in personality of Subject F27527252347913-994217952526479509525-8381994943475-10477492305050Subject G Subject G stayed in Canada for two years to learn cooking so the purpose of his stay was not just to improve his English skills. In the first six months, he studied in a language school to get enough English skills to work in foreign countries. There were about twelve classmates who were from Mexico, Brazil, Korea, China, France, Japan and India in his class. After that, he began studying management skills in a technical school, working at a restaurant in the afternoon. He had about fifteen classmates who were from Iraq, China, Moldova, Yemen, Canada, India, Brazil and Egypt in the technical school. He talked with his classmates a lot and spoke in the classes actively. Figure 10 shows his changes in personality. He said that his personality did not change, but he is completely different when he speaks Japanese and English. In English, he expresses his opinion clearly, has a sharp tongue compared to speaking in Japanese. Figure 10: the changes in personality of Subject G272224530353000-52070028194000-2762252623820306705047625000-39052540449500Subject H Subject H stayed in Australia for two weeks. He went to a language school and stayed at a host family during his stay. There were about fifteen classmates who were from Canada, Germany, China and Korea. On the weekend, he worked as a volunteer at a kindergarten. Figure 11 shows his changes in personality through stay in the country. He reported that he has become open to new experiences and less negative stereotype against foreign cultures through interaction with people from various countries compared to before studying abroad. Figure 11 : Personality changes of Subject H-6572244286252819400533400 297307052324000-438150501015 -1994392138680 2.3.2 Motivational ChangesThis section reports the motivational changes of the subjects.Subject ATable 13: The motivational changes of Subject ABI can speak English more fluently than before.No changeGI have more motivation to study English than before.YesHI want to go study abroad again if I have the money and time.YesTable 13 shows some of the motivational changes of subject A. He said that he did not feel big improvement in his English skills because his stay was very short to improve English skills. However, his motivation for English has changed in a positive way through studying abroad. Therefore, he listened to music and watched movies in English to make his English skills better after coming back to Japan. He answered that he wants to study abroad again.Subject BTable 14: The motivational changes of Subject BBI can speak English more fluently than before.YesHI want to go study abroad again if I have the money and time.NoTable 14 shows changes in motivation for English studying of subject B. She answered that her motivation has improved through studying abroad. She felt that her listening skill had improved and she gained confidence in her English skills. However, she reported that she does not want to study abroad again even if she has enough time and money because she already has got enough English skills to talk with native speakers.Subject CTable 15: The motivational changes of Subject CDI am less hesitant to talk to English speakers than I was before.YesGI have more motivation to study English than before.YesTable 15 shows some of the motivational changes of subject C. Her motivation for learning English has improved through the experience in Canada. After coming back to Japan, she worked as an English guide volunteer for foreign tourists, joined Model United Nations and studied very hard to raise her TOEIC score. Subject DTable 16: The motivational changes of Subject DGI have more motivation to study English than before.No change Her motivation for English studying of Subject D did not change as shown in Table 16. She lost her reluctance to speaking in English, but she reported that she did not feel any special changes in her motivation for learning English. Subject ETable 17: The motivational changes of Subject EAI like to speak English more than I went overseas to study English.NoGI have more motivation to study English than before.No Table 17 shows some of the motivational changes of subject E. She also did not feel motivational changes after studying abroad. She said that she got bored of using English. She reported that she is not good at digging into one thing, gets bored easily in everything. She answered that she did not want to use English at all after coming back to Japan. However, her motivation for English has gradually improved as when she decided to study abroad. She reported that one of the reasons why her personality and motivation did not change because she did not have a deep relationship with people who were from different countries while studying abroad and she did not want that.Subject FTable 18: The motivational changes of Subject FDI am less hesitant to talk to English speakers than I was before.YesGI have more motivation to study English than before.No change Table 18 shows some of the motivational changes of subject F. She said that she has got used to speaking English through stay in the country. However her motivation for English stayed the same as before studying abroad. Subject GTable 19: The motivational changes of Subject GAI like to speak English more than I went overseas to study English.No change Table 19 shows some of the motivational changes of subject G. He answered that he can speak English fluently through studying in the country, but he did not get any special motivation for learning English because his goal is to work in foreign countries. It is natural for him to study and speak English. English is a tool for him to learn cooking. Subject HTable 20: The motivational changes of Subject HCI am less nervous when I speak English than I was before.YesGI have more motivation to study English than before.Yes Table 20 shows some of the motivational changes of subject H. He answered that he was able to get used to speaking English through stay in the country. Additionally, he feels increased motivation for learning English, therefore, he began to study for TOEIC hard and joined English speaking community at Okayama University.2.4 SummaryIn this chapter, we looked at the results of questionnaire and interviews. In the next chapter we will review and see the data from Chapter Two in more detail, we will compare it with previous research in Chapter One. Chapter 3: Discussion3.1 Introduction In Chapter One, we looked at the background information of studying abroad, the current situation of studying abroad in Japan. In Chapter Two, we looked at the results of the questionnaire and interviews. The questionnaire was given to 46 subjects. 16 subjects answered about their own changes in personality and motivation, 44 subjects answered about their friends’ changes due to studying abroad. Additionally, eight subjects who have studied abroad reported their overseas experiences in more detail, what did they do in the foreign countries and how did it affect their changes in personality and motivation. We found that personality and motivation of the subjects who have studied abroad changed in many ways through studying abroad. In this Chapter Three, we will discuss the results of the questionnaire and interviews from Chapter Two in more detail, previous research and research questions from Chapter One. 3.2 Summary of the Results from Chapter Two In Chapter Two, we looked at the results of the questionnaire and interviews. According to the results of the questionnaire and interviews, we found that most subjects who studied abroad experienced personal growth and improvement of motivation for English through their stay in the foreign countries. In addition, many subjects also feel the changes of their friends who have been overseas to study. 3.2.1 The changes in personality In the questionnaire, there were two questions which asked about changes in personality due to studying abroad. A question “How did your personality change after studying abroad?” asked about the changes in personality of the subjects who have studied abroad, “How has his or her personality changed after the time overseas?” asked about the changes in personality of the subjects’ friends who have studied abroad. We will look at the results of these questions and interviews about the changes in personality with focusing on The Big Five Personality Traits from Chapter One. Openness In Tables 1 and 8 from Chapter Two, most subjects answered that the openness of them or their friends became stronger than before studying abroad. Moreover, we can say that the friends of the students studying abroad are more strongly aware of their changes. We can expect the reason for this is that the subjects and their friends who have been abroad can have many chances to speak English and learn about different cultures directly through stay in the host countries. It is stimulating for them because they cannot experience those things in their daily life in Japan. Therefore, they become curious and adventurous about a variety of things. In the interview, Subject D reported that she has become interested in new things, and the ability to take action at once through overseas experiences. Conscientiousness In Tables 2 and 9 from Chapter Two, we could see that the conscientiousness of the subjects and their studying abroad friends stayed the same as before studying abroad. Extraversion In Tables 3 and 10 from Chapter Two, we could know that many subjects who have experienced studying abroad answered that their extraversion became stronger through studying abroad. Especially, they became more open-minded and outgoing than before staying in the foreign countries. The subjects also reported that their friends who went to study abroad became more extraverted and they feel more strongly the changes in their friends. In the foreign countries, the subjects and their friends who have studied abroad can talk with people from different countries, learn foreign cultures through communicating with them. In the interview, Subject B said that she had to be active because she was the only one who could create the environment around her.Agreeableness In Tables 4 and 11 from Chapter Two, some subjects answered that their agreeableness become stronger, the friends of the students studying abroad feel more strongly feel their friends’ changes. On the other hand, some subjects answered that their friends became unfriendly and egoistic through studying abroad.Neuroticism In Tables 5 and 12 from Chapter Two, most subjects answered that the neuroticism of them or their friends who have experienced studying abroad stayed the same as before staying in the foreign countries. However, most subjects reported that the negativity of them or their friends became weaker due to studying abroad. 3.2.2 Motivational change In the questionnaire, there were five questions which asked about motivation for English studying and changes in it due to studying abroad. The first three questions shown below were for subjects who experienced studying abroad, the other two questions were also for them and the subjects who have not been overseas to study. We will look at the results of these questions and interviews about motivational changes in detail. “What kind of motivation do you have for English? ” Most people who have studied abroad thought that they want to improve their English skills, especially speaking through studying abroad. They felt a sense of increased capability through experiences in foreign countries. They felt that it can turn into pleasure and delight, and it also can be a motivation for learning more spontaneously. We can say that they have high self-determination as shown in Harada’s study (2008). It is said that studying abroad makes it easier to improve our speaking skills compared to studying in Japan because we are forced to speak English in foreign countries. On the other hand, some subjects have motivation for learning but these come from worries about the reputation of their English skills from other people. It also can be said that they have low self-determination as defined in Harada’s study. “How did your motivation for English change after studying abroad? ” According to Table 7 from Chapter Two, we could learn that most subjects who have studied abroad felt an improvement in their motivation for learning English, especially the speaking skill. In contrast, there were few subjects who felt the improvement of reading skill because the learning style was similar was similar to that in Japan. There were some subjects who did not feel any changes in the improvement of their motivation or linguistic development through studying abroad. However, they also hoped to go study abroad again if they had enough time and money to do so. According to the results of the interview with Subject E from Chapter Two, she answered that her motivation changed in a negative way because of her personality. She reported that she got bored of speaking English during stay in the country. In addition, Subject B also reported that she does not want to go to study abroad again even if she felt some development of speaking and listening English. We can say that she has achieved her goal of studying abroad and is satisfied with her English abilities. “When you compare before, during and after studying abroad, how has your motivation for English changed, and why?” Most subjects answered that their motivation developed due to studying abroad. Many subjects said that before studying abroad, their motivation for English studying was not high but it has increased while studying abroad. Some subjects reported that they were highly motivated and studied hard for TOEIC or TOEFL before studying abroad. While staying in foreign countries, they thought that they want to acquire speaking skills rather than listening or reading skills. The reasons are they thought that their English skills were not good enough to communicate with people from foreign countries by interacting with them. A subject answered that she felt frustrated because she could not express herself in English. Other reasons included subjects feeling longing for life in different cultures through stay with her host family, and another subject answered that English is indispensable for living and working abroad in the future. In contrast, Subject E answered that her motivation has gone down because she has got bored with speaking English. In the interview, she said that she used English for two months, and she had few chances to talk with local people in the country. Therefore, her motivation did not changed in a positive way even if she stayed overseas and went to a language school. “Do you think your friends’ motivation for English changed in a positive way after his or her studying abroad?” This question asked the subjects about their friends who have been abroad for the purpose of studying English. In Figure 2 from Chapter Two, we could see that most subjects felt that their friends’ motivation for English studying abroad has developed due to studying abroad. On the other hand, five subjects think that their friends’ motivation for learning English has not improved even if they went to study abroad.“Were you influenced by him or her?” This question also asked the subjects about their friends who have experienced studying abroad. According to the Figure 3 from Chapter Two, we could know that more than half of the subjects answered that they were influenced by their friends who have been overseas to study English and their motivation has improved. In contrast, 17 subjects answered that they were not influenced by their friends even if they felt that their friends were motivated due to studying abroad. 3.3 Comparing Previous Research and the Results of This Study 3.3.1 Introduction We looked at the previous research in Chapter One which were written between 1998-2016. They each had different results about changes in personality and motivation for learning English through studying abroad. In Chapter Two, we looked at the results of the questionnaire and interviews of this study. In this section, we will compare the data of previous research in Chapter One and the one of this study in Chapter Two. 3.3.2 Motivational Changes When we compare the data for changes in motivation of this study, Harada (2008) and Hirano (2016), we can see that the results of the studies are the same. We can say that motivation for learning English has improved because the need for communication in English has increased and their involvement in the countries’ society have deepened during their stay in foreign countries. During the stay in foreign countries, they gradually noticed the effect of their learning and gained confidence in themselves. It seemed to be connected to deepening their motivation for learning. However, some subjects in this study and the data from Hirano (2016) reported that they felt few changes in motivation for learning English even if they studied abroad. Additionally, people who have not studied abroad more strongly feel their friends’ changes and had higher expectations of improving English skills for studying abroad. In this study, what is different from previous research was that there was a subject who felt that her motivation for learning English changed in a negative way. She reported that she stayed in the host country for two months, in addition, she easily got tired of everything. Therefore, she lost motivation for learning English, got bored of speaking a different language and culture while studying abroad. According to these results, it can be said that the length of stay and personality have something to do with motivation.3.3.3 The Changes in Personality When we compare these data for changes in personality of this study and Minoura (1998) and Harada (2010), we can know that the results of the studies are also the same. According to our results, it can be said that people who have experienced studying abroad felt the change in their personality through overseas experiences. We can see that their openness and extraversion in the Big Five Personality Traits especially became stronger. They acquired a broader view of the world, saw a decrease in their ethnocentric tendencies and stereotypes, and it was connected to a decrease of prejudice. Additionally, the improvement of motivation was also connected to the changes in personality because while they were staying in foreign countries, students tend to gain confidence in their English skills and themselves, and become more positive. According to this research, what is different from previous research was that people around students studying abroad feel more strongly their changes in personality. In addition, some of them felt the agreeableness trait of their friends became weaker through overseas experiences. 3.4 Research QuestionsThis section will answer the research questions from Chapter One.RQ1. How do they feel about their personality and motivation after studying abroad? Many subjects who have experienced studying abroad feel some kinds of changes in personality and motivation for learning English after studying abroad, and that was beneficial experiences for them. However, some of them do not feel any changes or they noticed that their personality in English and Japanese are different through experiences in foreign countries. RQ2. Which of “The Big Five personality traits”, are affected the most through studying abroad? According to the results of the questionnaire and interviews of this study, openness and extraversion of the subjects who have studied abroad became stronger the most after staying in foreign countries. We can guess the reason for it is that the subjects could learn different cultures directly while there and had the experiences which they cannot get in Japan. Therefore, they tend to become more curious, imaginative and open to new experiences. Additionally, they also had many chances to communicate with people from various countries, so they could become more sociable, positive and active to new people. RQ3. What do people around international students think about them? It can be said that people around international students felt their friends’ changes in personality and motivation more strongly. In addition, they were aware of the changes in students who have studied abroad which they have not noticed. RQ4. Are there differences of changes in personality and motivation depending on the length of study? According to the results of the interviews, we can say that the length of study has nothing to do with the changes in personality and motivation for learning English. Subject G who stayed in Canada for two years, the longest in this study, but he did not feel changes in personality and motivation for learning English. On the contrast, Subject A stayed in Australia for two weeks which is the shortest in this study but he felt the changes in personality and motivation for learning English strongly. RQ5. Are there differences between men and women? According to the results of the questionnaire and interviews, it looks that there are no differences between men and women for personal growth and improvement of motivation by studying abroad. 3.5 Implications According to students who have experienced travel to different countries for the purpose of study, many students could experience personal development and improvement in motivation for learning English. As the answers to the research questions show, our spirit and humanity can grow, also we can be good English learners by having various experiences in the foreign countries regardless of length of stay.3.6 Limitations of the Questionnaire and Interviews There are several limitations with this study. Firstly, most of the subjects who have overseas experiences were female university students. There were only three males who have experienced studying abroad in this study, therefore we cannot find a clear answer to the fifth research question in Chapter One. Secondly, the answers for the changes in personality were not clear because we have a wide variety of characters among the individuals. The questions about the changes in personality should have been more detailed. 3.7 Further Research As further research, we should ask more people to answer the questionnaire and conduct more interviews to collect more accurate data. Additionally, we can add other questions to this study. For example, “How do people who are close to international students think about their changes?” To find answers to this question, we can ask their family and best friends to answer a questionnaire and interview to ask more detailed questions. As the results of interviews from Chapter Two show, there were two subjects who have experienced studying abroad did not feel the changes in personality but they felt that their personality in English is different from when they speak Japanese. According to these data, we can also find other question “Why is the personality of students studying abroad different when they speak English and Japanese?” 3.8 Conclusion In conclusion, we found that studying abroad enhances students’ personal growth and motivation for English studying, and makes learners more confident, curious and open-minded. However, some students do not feel any changes or they feel negative changes because of overseas experiences. There were individual differences but the results of this study show that studying abroad has a positive effect on the development of learners’ personality and motivation for learning English. ReferencesAkazaki, M. 2007. なりたい自分になるー在英日本人成人学生の留学目的 国際経営?文化研究 Vol.12 No.1 Syukutoku University, Chiba.Harada, T. 2008. 留学経験は学習動機にいかに関わっているか : 「 自己決定理論」に拠る「甲南大学Year in Japanプログラム留学生」の留学と日本語学習の動機の変化 Konan University, Kobe.Harada, T. 2010. 日本語学習者と英語学習者の留学動機:留学は第二言語学習と自己形成にどう影響するのか Konan University, Kobe.Hirano, Y. 2016. Study Abroad and Motivation: A Study of Intention for English Language Learning and Perception of Study Abroad. Studies in Language and Culture. pp. 61-80ICS 国際文化教育センター編. 1995. 『私の海外留学体験記』大修館書店.Minoura, Y. 1998. 異文化体験と人間形成 佐伯(編)『岩波講座11 現代の教育国際時代の教育』岩波書店 127-14Murakami, Y. 2003. 日本語におけるビッグ?ファイブとその心理測定的条件 Toyama University, Toyama. Ota, H. 2011. なぜ留学離れは起こっているのか Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo. , Y. 2014. ビッグ5を臨床で使おう: 総合科学としての性格5因子パラダイム Toyko University, Tokyo. , S. 1996. 性格特性用語を用いたBig Five尺度の作成 Tokyo University, Tokyo. Office-Japan 我が国と諸外国の若者の意識に関する調査 Business Press, 留学経験者は不利?日本企業への就職状況 NY タイムズ紙  Accessed September 4, 2019.Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan 「外国人留学生在籍状況調査」及び「日本人の海外留学者数」等について QuestionnaireQuestionnaire about your personality and motivation for EnglishPlease answer these questions. There are several questions. Some are about your background, others are about changes in your personality over time. There are other questions about your motivation for English.*必須I accept that my data can be used for research *I agreeI disagreeYour nameAre you *MaleFemale1. Have you ever studied abroad? *YesNoPeople who have studied abroadThese questions ask you about your personality, your motivation for English after studying abroad. Some people feel and act differently after studying abroad, for example, they may be less shy. Other people feel no differences.2.1. Where? And how long did you stay in the foreign country? *If you experienced studying abroad for several times, please write a country name that you stayed in the longest.2.2. How did your personality change after studying abroad? I became..... *1 less 2 3 No change 4 5 morecreativecuriousadventurousconscientiousreliablesinceretalkativeassertiveopen - mindedoutgoingtolerantfriendlyaltruisticstablemoodynegativecreativecuriousadventurousconscientiousreliablesinceretalkativeassertiveopen - mindedoutgoingtolerantfriendlyaltruisticstablemoodynegative2.3 What kind of motivation do you have for English? Choose as many as you like.I like to use English.I want to speak English fluently.I'm interested in English grammar structure.I want to get high score on tests.I want to meet parents' expectations.I want to get a good job.I have no reasons.2.4 How did your motivation for English change after studying abroad? *Check Yes, No or No change about each sentence.Yes No change NoI like to speak English more than I went overseas to study English.I can speak English more fluently than before.I am less nervous when I speak English than I was before.I am less hesitant to talk to English speakers than I was before.I like to read English articles than before.I like to listen to English more than before.I have more motivation to study English than before.I want to go study abroad again if I have the money and timeI like to speak English more than I went overseas to study English.I can speak English more fluently than before.I am less nervous when I speak English than I was before.I am less hesitant to talk to English speakers than I was before.I like to read English articles than before.I like to listen to English more than before.I have more motivation to study English than before.I want to go study abroad again if I have the money and time2.5 When you compare before, during and after studying abroad, how has your motivation for English changed, and why?2.6 Do you have any friends who have studied abroad?YesNoPeople who have not studied abroadDo you have any friends who have studied abroad?YesNoAbout personality and motivation for English of your friends who has been overseas to study.3.1 How many people do you know who have studied abroad?a personmore than two people3.2 How has his or her personality changed after the time overseas? He or She became..... *If you answered ""a person" in previous question, please tell me about the friend. If you answered "more than two people", please tell me about your friends in general.1 Yes 2 3 No change 4 5 Nocreativecuriousadventurousconscientiousreliablesinceretalkativeassertiveopen-mindedoutgoingtolerantfriendlyaltruisticstablemoodynegativecreativecuriousadventurousconscientiousreliablesinceretalkativeassertiveopen-mindedoutgoingtolerantfriendlyaltruisticstablemoodynegative3.3 Do you think YOUR FRIEND'S motivation for English changed in a positive way after his or her studying abroad?YesNo3.4 Were you influenced by him or her?YesNoJapanese Questionnaire留学後の性格と英語学習に対する意欲の変化についてのアンケートこのアンケートは、あなたの留学後の性格と英語学習に対する意欲の変化について調べるためのものです。あなたに最も当てはまるものを選ぶ、または記入してください。*必須名前 *あなたの性別を教えてください。 *男女私は以下の情報を、卒業論文作成にために利用されることを許可します。 *はいいいえ1. あなたは留学を経験したことがありますか。 *はいいいえ留学経験ありあなたの留学経験と留学後の変化について教えてください。2.1 どこの国に留学しましたか。また、どのくらいの期間、その国に滞在しましたか。複数回留学を経験されている方は、最も滞在期間が長かった留学先について記入してください。回答を入力2.2 留学後、あなたの性格はどのように変化したと思いますか。それぞれ、当てはまるものを選んで下さい。 *以下の各項目において、留学後の変化を教えてください。1 弱まった 2 3 変化なし 4 5 強まった創造的である好奇心旺盛である冒険好きである用心深い信頼される誠実であるおしゃべり好きである自己主張が強い偏見がない社交的である寛大である人懐こい献身的である情緒が安定している気分が変わりやすい消極的である創造的である好奇心旺盛である冒険好きである用心深い信頼される誠実であるおしゃべり好きである自己主張が強い偏見がない社交的である寛大である人懐こい献身的である情緒が安定している気分が変わりやすい消極的である2.3 あなたが熱心に英語を勉強しようと思う理由は何ですか。当てはまるものを全て選んでください。英語を使うのが好きだから英語を流暢に話せるようになりたいから英語の文法構造がおもしろいからテストで良い点を取りたいから両親の期待に応えたいから就職活動のため特に理由はない2.4 留学後、英語学習に対する意欲に変化はありましたか。当てはまる方を選んで下さい。 *はい 変化なし いいえ留学前よりも英語を話すことが好きである留学前よりも英語を流暢にはなすことができる留学前よりも英語を話すときに緊張が少ない留学前よりも英語を話すことにためらいがない留学前よりも英文の新聞や雑誌を読むことが好きである留学前よりも英語の音楽を聴くのが好きである留学前よりも英語を勉強する意欲が高いお金と時間があれば、留学にもう一度行きたいと思う留学前よりも英語を話すことが好きである留学前よりも英語を流暢にはなすことができる留学前よりも英語を話すときに緊張が少ない留学前よりも英語を話すことにためらいがない留学前よりも英文の新聞や雑誌を読むことが好きである留学前よりも英語の音楽を聴くのが好きである留学前よりも英語を勉強する意欲が高いお金と時間があれば、留学にもう一度行きたいと思う2.5 留学前、留学中、留学後を比べた時、あなたの英語学習に対する意欲はどのように変化していきましたか。また、留学の何によって変化したと思いますか。例)留学前はそれほど高くなかったが、留学中、留学後につれて高くなった。回答を入力2.6 あなた以外に、あなたの周りの人の中で、留学を経験している人はいますか。 *はいいいえ留学経験なしあなたの周りの人の中で、留学を経験している人はいますか。 *はいいいえ友人の性格と英語学習に対する意欲の変化について3.1 あなたの友人の中で留学を経験したことがある人は何人いますか。1人2人以上3.2 友人の方の性格は、留学後、どのように変化したと思いますか。 *以下の各項目において、友人の方の留学後の変化を教えてください。上の質問で1人と答えた方はその方について、2人以上と答えた方は留学経験のある方の平均的な情報を教えてください。1 弱まった 2 3 変化なし 4 5 強まった創造的である好奇心旺盛である冒険好きである用心深い信頼される誠実であるおしゃべり好きである自己主張が強い偏見がない社交的である寛大である人懐こい献身的である情緒が安定している気分が変わりやすい消極的である創造的である好奇心旺盛である冒険好きである用心深い信頼される誠実であるおしゃべり好きである自己主張が強い偏見がない社交的である寛大である人懐こい献身的である情緒が安定している気分が変わりやすい消極的である3.3 留学後、友人の方の英語学習に対するモチベーションは上がったと思いますか。はいいいえ3.4 あなた自身は、友人の方に影響を受けて、英語を熱心に勉強しようという気持ちになりましたか。はいいいえ ................

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