Posture & Positioning

Keyboarding 101

Posture & Positioning

Keyboarding 101

Learning Target:

To learn proper keyboarding techniques to utilize when typing.

Essential Questions:


Why is it important to use proper

keyboarding techniques?


What proper keyboarding

techniques should be utilized when

typing on a computer keyboard?

What is Keyboarding?

? Keyboarding is the capability of entering text by using

the correct fingers without looking at the keys (touch


? Touch typing involves using all ten of your fingers to

type, using the correct finger for each key, and not

looking at the keyboard.

What is Keyboarding?

? Having excellent keyboarding skills will help you to use

the computer more efficiently and be more productive.

? Keyboarding skills are skills for life. You will use these

skills now and in the future for things like school work

and in your career. There is no hiding from a computer


Why Do We Care?

As the day drags on, people tend to slouch.

While slouching may feel like a comfortable way to relax

and save energy, it can lead to back and neck pain. If

you maintain good posture, you're likely to feel more

alert throughout the day, because the muscles will

have less strain placed on them, resulting in lower

energy usage. Learning to have better posture is a

practice that may take some time, but you'll look and

feel better---and your body will be more relaxed.


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