Why is my hp laptop keyboard not typing


Why is my hp laptop keyboard not typing

June 28th, 2021First, it's the F key, then the R. Before you know it, your entire laptop keyboard has stopped working--and so have you. Not only can this be frustrating, it can be difficult to fix, unless you know what's causing the issue.Here at Asurion, our experts help millions of customers get the most out of their favorite tech every day, whether it's a phone that won't turn on or a TV that keeps turning off by itself. If your laptop keyboard is broken, check out our tips for getting it to work like it should, so you can get back to typing--without interruption.Why is my laptop keyboard not working?There are several reasons you may be having trouble with your keyboard, from hardware failure to software issues. But most of the time, you can narrow it down to a few common laptop repair problems, including:The driverYour keyboard may be unresponsive because of a driver issue. If you've previously attached a different keyboard, that driver could be interfering with and disabling your current keyboard.The motherboardThe ribbon or connector between your keyboard and your laptop's motherboard may have become loose, damaged, or broken, causing your keyboard to be unresponsive.Hidden dirt and spillsCan't remember the last time you cleaned your keyboard? There could be dirt in or around specific keys causing them to stick, jam, or stop working.Sensitivity settingsWhen you press a key once and it appears on your screen several times, your settings could have updated incorrectly or been changed, resulting in multiple entries per keypress.How to fix your laptop keyboardOnce you've determined that the keyboard on your laptop is not working, there are a few ways to get it back up and running. The first thing you'll want to do is figure out whether it's a hardware or software problem getting in the way of your keystrokes. Most hardware issues can be identified by look and feel. Is your keyboard dirty? Do certain keys feel sticky or difficult to press? Is the T loose or barely hanging on? If so, here are the best ways to fix your laptop's hardware:Check for dirtRemove any buildup or dirt on your keyboard with a can of compressed air and a soft cloth. You can also gently shake your laptop upside down to get rid of dust. But make sure to unplug and turn off your laptop before doing so.Remove the batteryTake out your laptop battery (if it's detachable) and plug your computer in with the charging cord instead. Sometimes your keyboard issues can be caused by the battery because it's positioned directly underneath the keys--this is especially true when your laptop battery is overheating.Reconnect the motherboardIf your keyboard has lost connection with your laptop's motherboard or has been damaged, this is a complicated problem. We recommend you take your laptop to an expert for a quick repair rather than fixing it yourself, like the ones at the nearest uBreakiFix? by Asurion or Asurion Tech Repair & SolutionsTM store.If you don't see any physical dirt or damage, your keyboard may have a software glitch. Here are some expert tips that should help:Update the keyboard drivers or change settingsHaving trouble with your HP? or Dell? laptop keyboard not working? Your device drivers could be malfunctioning for several reasons, including third-party software or a power issue. Uninstall and reinstall the drivers to see if it fixes your keyboard. It's simple:How to update keyboard drivers on a WindowsTM 10 PC:If you're using a Mac?, your Accessibility settings could be causing problems as you type.How to fix the keyboard keys on your MacBook:While this feature can stop you from accidentally entering keys you don't want to, it can also cause general typing issues.Change the keyboard layoutIt's possible that the language on your laptop or keyboard layout was accidentally changed. If you notice your keys are producing different letters than they should be, follow these steps:How to change the keyboard layout on a Mac:How to change the keyboard layout on a PC:If you're still having trouble, the reason your keyboard is not working on your laptop may be more severe. It could be defective, infected with malware, or be physically damaged.Can you replace a laptop keyboard? Sure. But before you go to extremes, check in with an expert for a free device diagnostic at your nearest uBreakiFix? by Asurion or Asurion Tech Repair & SolutionsTM store.Protect your laptop and all of your other favorite home tech with Asurion Home+. For less than $1/day, you'll get fast repairs for your laptop from trusted experts whenever you need them--no matter where you bought it or the brand. To learn more about laptop protection plans, visit homeplus.*The Asurion? trademarks and logos are the property of Asurion, LLC. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Asurion is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by any of the respective owners of the other trademarks appearing herein.*SHARE THIS ARTICLE Just imagine that you realize that you have a paper due the very next morning and you haven't finished it yet. You start up your HP laptop and start typing words frantically but to your horror and dismay, no words that you type appear on the screen. You've got your HP laptop keyboard not working and now you have no idea how to deal with that problem. If this situation seems familiar then you are not alone. Everyday, a lot of HP laptop owners, especially those laptops that have become a bit old, face this same situation and don't have any clue how to fix their problem of HP laptop keyboard not working. This is why, we at the The FIX have come up with steps to diagnose this problem of yours. It can be a very frustrating situation when you suddenly get to know that the keys on your HP laptop keyboard are not working. Not only will your time be wasted, your work will also get hampered. So how to find a permanent solution when your HP laptop keyboard not working? Is your HP laptop keyboard not working? Are you too facing the same dilemma as thousands of HP users? Worry not! We are here to provide you with reliable tips to troubleshoot the issues with your HP laptop keyboard. Here, we have provided some effective solutions to solve this error quickly. What Causes HP Laptop Keyboard Not Working HP laptop keyboard not working is a very common problem that seems to creep up in every other HP laptop from time to time. The severity and frequency of these errors is particularly very high with older devices that have been in use for quite a long time. There may be a lot of reasons as to why this problem happens. Some of the most commonly found issues that lead to HP laptop keyboard not working are: A faulty driver is installed ? It may happen that your Windows version does not support this installed driver or the driver is simply faulty. So, your keyboard may not work until it is uninstalled. Using older driver versions? Outdated keyboard drivers are another possible reason for keyboard not working. You should update your keyboard driver. Damaged keys ? It might also be possible that the keys are damaged due to some physical cause. Your keys may go out of work if the laptop is pretty old. Beside these reasons, any mis-configuration or mistake in the setup process may also cause this issue of HP laptop keyboard not working. So you need to check each and every aspect carefully. What To Do If HP Laptop Keyboard Not Working? If you have been "victimized" by this uncalled problem, then don't worry. There are some trusted ways to fix the issue of HP laptop keyboard not working. Here we are providing some tried and tested methods that shall definitely help you in solving this keyboard related problems. These methods have been tested and recommended by our expert technicians and will surely provide you with a solution to your faulty HP laptop keyboard. Here are some of the steps that you can take to fix this problem: Perform A Clean Boot Rebooting is unarguably one of the best ways to correct any kind of keyboard related faults. At certain times, you may find that your system is lagging or freezing too much and you cannot write anything from your keyboard. In such a situation, rebooting is the best way to resolve this issue. This process clears up the internal bugs and refreshes your system as well. Connect an External USB Keyboard If rebooting your laptop doesn't work, then connect an external USB keyboard to your laptop and check if it works. If the external keyboard works fine, then the problem may be with the hardware of your HP laptop's keyboard. In such a situation you should take your HP laptop to your nearest The FIX store at the earliest and get it fixed by the highly trained expert laptop technicians. If the external keyboard doesn't work too, then there may be some software settings issue. To fix this, proceed with the next step. Reinstall Keyboard Driver Another method is to reinstall the keyboard driver after uninstalling it. Go to Control Panel and select the Device Manager option. From there you can uninstall the keyboard driver. After uninstalling, simply reboot your laptop and the drivers will be reinstalled. Update Keyboard Driver Sometimes new keyboard driver updates are released and the support for older versions is lifted off. You can update your keyboard driver by going to the keyboard options under Control Panel>Device Manager. From there search for and install any updates to your keyboard driver. HP Laptop Keyboard not Working | Reset Keyboard Settings To fix the HP laptop keyboard not working issue, you can also choose to reset the keyboard settings. To do this, go to the Start icon and select the Settings option. After that, click on Time & Language button and select the Region & Language button present on the left side of the pane. Make sure that the default language is set to English (United States). Then choose reset to default to reset your keyboard settings. These are some of the tried and tested tips to solve the issue of HP laptop keyboard not working. If these methods are not able to give you satisfactory solutions, then there may be a hardware issue. Come over to your nearest The FIX shop for effective and permanent solution to your problem.

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