Uniforms in schools - MR. McCarey's Class Website

Uniforms in schools Uniforms in schools discourage students' style and don't let them feel good about being themselves.

"Don't these schools do enough damage making all these kids think alike, now they have to make them look alike too?" - George Carlin

Uniforms discourage students from developing their styles, finding themselves and stop them from feeling good about themselves in their own skin and their own clothes. Many scientists have proven that uniforms don't stop bullying or bring peace into schools, but only give students another reason to dislike going to school. Instead of trying to improve a student's self-image by making them look just like the others, uniforms actually do the opposite. Students have different weights, body types and heights, therefore, with time, they find a style that they like and feel like it fits them. Beauty standards are already very stressful for students, imagine trying to keep up while wearing an ugly uniform.

Taylor 8/6/16 13:43 Comment [1]: I suggest you review who George Carlin is

Taylor 8/6/16 13:43 Comment [2]: Hook is present

Taylor 8/6/16 13:44 Comment [3]: Thesis is not present

A group of students that are unhappy with their uniforms, protesting to get their rights to express themselves back.

Students act and learn better when they are able to show their thoughts and style individually, instead of looking the same as everybody else, self expression also helps them in further life. As a busy middle school student, I function better when I feel happy with myself and the way I look. Wearing my own clothes and creating my own style helps me concentrate more and find inspiration easier; seeing other people's clothes helps me get to know them better and create my own style. How would you feel if you had to wear the exact same clothes every single day? I am sure that you, even as a responsible parent, would not function your best and would get bored of it soon, which would cause a lack of inspiration. Therefore, uniforms are not a good idea because we would all look the same, nobody would be allowed to have a style and feel good about themselves when wearing it.

Taylor 8/6/16 13:44 Comment [4]: Topic sentence is present

Taylor 8/6/16 13:44 Comment [5]: Audience is mentioned

Many schools are choosing to invest in uniforms, even if the students are against it. I personally went to a few different schools, and one of them had uniforms. When I was put in a situation where I had to wear the same clothes to school every day and look like everyone else, I didn't feel good about myself and I felt as if I've lost my own identity. I noticed that I had better results in schools where we could wear our own clothes and there was no similar dress code. Later on, I have heard that other students experienced the same thoughts. Surveying my whole class about this topic earlier this month, I came to the conclusion that 79% of people were strictly against uniforms. The data is perfectly clear. We have also encountered thousands of students around the world that are against uniforms and feel harmed because they are not able to express themselves in their own way. Since the uniforms are not being accepted by students, the schools should not make them wear something they do not want to.

The main reason uniforms are being introduced is because people think that students are going to be teased for their clothes (brands and style), so uniforms should be a "perfect solution". However, this is not true, although some bullies choose to pick on a person's clothes, most of them find other, more valid reasons (for example racism and homophobia). A recent study conducted by experts from Texas Southern University showed that bullying increased by as much as 12%, after the implementation of mandatory uniform wearing. This shows us that uniforms do not end bullying, they increase it because now bullies have to find different reasons to mock others, which leads to using even the smallest details, for example how a person walks or talks. If you really care about your child's education and well being, you will fight against uniforms and encourage their originality. Schools should find another, more efficient way to end bullying because at the moment, they are not making any progress.

Taylor 8/6/16 13:45 Comment [6]: This is similar to the argument made in the previous paragraph

Taylor 8/6/16 13:46 Comment [7]: Would this data work for your intended audience: parents?

Taylor 8/6/16 13:46 Comment [8]: Concluding sentence is present

Taylor 8/6/16 13:47 Comment [9]: No evidence is given for the other side.

What evidence do they have that uniforms solve this problem? Taylor 8/6/16 13:46 Comment [10]: Strong evidence shown regarding uniforms

Bullies in school still continue abusing and finding new victims, regardless of the clothes or uniforms.

Therefore, it is clear that uniforms are bad and should not be introduced in schools because they harm the students' identities and increase bullying. From my

Taylor 8/6/16 13:47

Comment [11]: Thesis is present and clear

experience, students function better when they are happy with themselves and how they look. According to many surveys more than 70% of students don't want uniforms as they feel like they can't express their style. Most importantly, uniforms do not stop bullying, because it will always be present; only the reasons might change over time. In conclusion, there is no reason to invest in uniforms because almost all students are against them and we, as students, should be the ones to decide if they would be helpful for our education. Bibliography:


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