Saturated and unsaturated fat which is better


Saturated and unsaturated fat which is better

At this hour, you may have heard that poor fat diets are not all they are. Did you know that monounsaturated fats in particular have powerful health benefits? Over the years, research has slowly demonstrated the fallacy of the argument "all fats are bad." In fact, now we understand that fats are necessary parts of a healthy lifestyle and body. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are `essential', which means that your body does not produce them on its own and must take them through food intake. Would you be surprised to know that monounsaturated fats can help prevent depression, protect you from heart disease and even prevent certain types of cancer? As many people are discovering through the cheto diet, these fats are an important element in many physical processes and are also associated with a lower body fat content. That's true. So, don't erase fat in your diet. It is important and, of course, also delicious. What is monounsaturated fat? There are three fats commonly found in a diet, and all three have different effects and benefits. These three are saturated fats, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. It is important to understand the benefits of the three types of fat present in nature to include them correctly in the diet, since poor diets have many risks, including reduced brain function, poor brain health and hormonal imbalance. A fourth type, trans fat, is an extremely unhealthy by-product of industrial fat production and should be avoided at all costs. In fact, this type of fat is so dangerous and strongly associated with heart disease, high cholesterol and obesity that the FDA banned these fats in 2015, fixing a limit of three years to their elimination from all processed foods. In addition, the U.S. Advisory Committee on Dietary Guidelines published an innovative recommendation to change its recommended intake of fats in the diet to include no higher limit for the three healthy types of fat. This was the first time in 35 years any change had been made to the previous fat intake guideline. The committee also took a step further to say that it does not recommend poor diets or lifestyles for obesity prevention. This is a huge positive leap. (1) Fats are essential parts of the body's ability to function. From body temperature to weight management, maintaining a good level of healthy fat in your body is extremely important for long-term health. The truth is, in the United States we've heard for decades that poor fat diets are the way to keep the lowest level of body fat and stay healthy, but that's not true. If it is true that an overwhelming amount ofin your diet can contribute to weight gain, this is true for any food that contains a high number of calories. Fats are an essential part of any healthy diet, and very soon you will understand why. Monounsaturated fats are fatty acids with a double bond in the chain of fatty acids with the rest mono-alloyed. Dissolving dissolutionOf monounsaturated fats, or mafa, it is between saturated fats and polyunsaturated fats (PUFA), ie they are liquid at room temperature and begin to solidify when chilled. (2) Like all fats, the mafa contain 9 calories per gram and should be consumed in moderation to adjust the calories up to acceptable levels of daily intake. (3) The most common mafa in food products is olean acid, a fatty acid present naturally in vegetable and animal oils, in particular olive oil. Monounsaturated fats are often found in foods such as olive oil, walnuts, avocado and whole milk. Scientifically, research shows that children with high levels of unsaturated fats in their diet have ? ? ? * best lipid profiles ", which means that they actually less lipids, or fats, in the blood. While this seems counterintuitive, actually shows that your body was created to process food fats in a positive way. The Mediterranean diet was very observed over the years due to its fatty rich foods ? "not surprising that, if you understand the purpose of unsaturated fats, people of these countries have a considerably lower risk of heart disease and Of some tumors than those of the traditional Western diet. (4) Related: Skin oil for the skin and beyond: benefits, uses and side effects Benefits for health 1. Protects from heart disease the most documented advantage of monounsaturated fat consumption is the possibility of keeping the heart healthy, especially As regards the replacement of high levels of saturated fats with mafa. Consuming higher levels of mafa than saturated fats has a protective effect against metabolic syndrome, a set of disorders that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. (5) A study published in the Journal of Nutrition is concentrated on the occurrence of atrial fibrillation, a common type of arrhythmia associated with decrease in blood flow to the heart, in women with cardiovascular disease. The results have suggested a correlation between the healthy hiring of fat with the diet and the reduction of the risk of atrial fibrillation. (6) Researchers have also found that high-content diets of monounsaturated fats have positive effects on children with high cholesterol and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease, actually even more than high pufa diets. (7) One of the reasons why the mafa are so important in the diet that they have anti-inflammatory properties that contribute to the general health of the organism. (8) Because inflammation is at the root of most diseases, any food replacement that is able to make to reduce internal inflammation increases the ability to prevent common diseases And to maintain a constant level of health throughout life. 2. Insulin sensitivity and helps your body to use its fat properly Another factor that contributes to the decline of health of most of the Western world is the prevalence of insulin resistance. Considered a very common condition, insulin resistance affects more than 3 million people in the United States every year. Year.It equally impacts across age groups after 18 years and is marked by the body's inability to process and release insulin at correct levels. This causes glucose to build up in the bloodstream and often leads to type II diabetes. Losing weight and exercising regularly can help reduce insulin resistance, but there are specific dietary actions you should take to increase your insulin sensitivity, one of which is to reduce saturated fats in your diet and replace them with gr. Monounsaturated axes. (9) A major cause of insulin resistance is fat tissue dysfunction. Fat tissue or fatty tissue, serves a purpose in the body by storing triglycerides in the body when you take in more calories than you need at that exact time, then release that energy during periods of fasting or hunger like free fatty acids and glycerol. When this process happens, fatty tissue secretes a large number of peptides (compounds of amino acids) which have a great positive impact on the brain, liver and skeletal muscle, keeping them in homeostasis and maintaining a level of metabolism. When the body experiences fat dysfunction, however, fat cells fail to release the appropriate amounts of peptides and fatty acids into the body, causing insulin resistance and a reduced ability to maintain a healthy weight. It is most commonly experienced by individuals with excess or too little body fat. (10) The good news is that replacing saturated fats in your diet with a higher level of monounsaturated fats not only increases insulin sensitivity, but also reverses adipose dysfunction. In fact, these fats have a positive effect on fat dysfunction even in the case of obesity. (11) This is why monounsaturated fat can be so effective in weight loss. 3. Helps you lose weight diets in Mufas Aren Aren ? T ONLY helpful for weight loss because of their impact on fat dysfunction. They have also been shown to help patients with high levels of certain liver enzymes (a precursor of liver disease) reduce weight, waist circumference and cholesterol, along with other factors related to obesity. (12) Other research studies have studied the ability of MUFAS and PUFAS in various combinations to help people lose weight. These studies determined that a concentration of monounsaturated fats of 60 percent, with a ratio of 1: 5 saturated fats to saturated fats to unsaturated fats, showed the highest event of body fat loss and the ability to prevent further fat concentrations in the body. (13) 4. It improves your mood. Do you feel better? All right. Because eating more monounsaturated fats is also good for your mood. Replacing saturated fats with monounsaturated fats in your diet can levels of anger and increase your physical activity daily and rest energy expenditure, which means you burn more calories while you light up. (14) ANTROSE RESEARCH FROM THE HEEST OF LAS PALMA DE GRAN CANARIA IN SPAIN, focused specifically on depression, found a reverse relationship between High-Mufa and ediets and risk of depression. By studying more than 12,000 candidates who were initially devoid of depression, researchers found that not only did it make high levels of mono and polyunsaturated fats in the diet indicate a lower instance of depression, but a "critical reaction" was found between consuming large amounts of trans risk and dangerous depression. (15) This may be due in part to the activation of dopamine within the body. Dopamine must be activated to feel the emotions of contentment and happiness, and high levels of only saturated fat in the diet dopamine inhibit the dopamine to signal happiness to the brain. (16) This is why you should make sure you get enough MUFA and PUFA when you follow a diet plan depression. 5. Strengthens the monounsaturated fats of the bones also allow the bones to absorb calcium efficiently, leading to denser bones and less occurrence of fragile bones and conditions such as osteoporosis. (17) On the contrary, high-fat diets with saturated and low-fat content are associated with lower bone density and reduced calcium absorption. 6. It reduces cancer risk For decades, experts discussed the impact of high-fat diets on cancer risk. While some research has been inconclusive, a lot of recent material argues that high-fat diets, especially unsaturated fats, lend themselves to a reduced risk of some tumors. Thus, high foods in MUFA are potential foods for cancer fight. In the case of endometrial cancer, all three types of common beneficial fat were observed. Interesting, saturated and monounsaturated fat had a reverse correlation with the risk of this cancer, while polyunsaturated fat had no significant correlation. Of the two that indicate a lower risk of endometrial cancer, MUFAs were associated with the greatest decrease in that risk. (18) High diets in monounsaturated fats have also been observed in relation to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a form of liver cancer. HCC is a very underresearched cancer, especially in terms of how diet affects potential risk factors. However, in an 18-year study published in the Journal of Cancer, researchers found that MUFA diets were associated with a smaller risk of HCC, while saturated and polyunsaturated fats had no correlation. (19) Another important research area related to MUFA and cancer is the occurrence of breast cancer, which is perhaps the most controversial research topic in this field. Some experts disagree, and more research is still necessary to understand the impact of dietary fat on the risk of breast cancer, but the current consensus is that monounsaturated fat has a possibleon the occurrence of breast cancer. A study in June 2016 took a step back to look at how the consumption of different types of fats during adolescence affected the breast density to develop girls. The high density of the breast increases the risk of breast cancer in the future by four to five times, so this can be an important important Of potential problems. During adolescence, subjects were observed for the types of food that consumed regularly, then followed after 15 years to calculate the levels of mammary density. A rather high correlation has been found in women who assumed high levels of monounsaturated fats and less mammary density, a good indicator of a considerable reduction in the risk of breast cancer. (20) Related: Is good or bad peanut oil for health? Separation Fact vs Fiction Mono-container fat vs Poinsaturated fat These two types of unsaturated fats have some shared things, but they are both individually important in turn. Here's how monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats accumulate: both can reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL and triglyceride cholesterol levels. Both showed signs of a positive impact on the mood. Both have anti-inflammatory properties, although polyunsaturated fats more of monounsaturated fats. Both positively influence the heart, even if there are more researches that explain the complexity of a diet rich in mafa and how the risk of heart disease decreases. Both contain nine calories per gram. Mufa contribute to reducing the risk of many types of cancer, while pufa have a greater impact on brain health and cognitive function. The mafa do not have different profiles of fatty acids, while the pufa contain two distinct types of fatty acids: omega-3 and omega-6, which should be combined in equal quantities. Consume too Omega-6 and not enough omega-3 is associated with your list of problems. The best monounsaturated fats some of the best monounsaturated fat sources are: risks and side effects as I have already said, it is important to be aware of your own contribution of fats, as an enormous excess of calories (from any source) makes it yes that the Most people accumulate unwanted belly fat. In no way I advise you to follow a low-fat diet ", anyway. A study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, connects the presence of a fat-rich diet (including all three good fats) with a greater incidence of bile calculation diseases. (21) If you are at risk of bile calculations disease, you must monitor fat intake and immediately report your doctor any symptom of bile calculations. Final considerations Monounsaturated fats are an important part of a healthy diet for everyone. A diet rich in healthy fats is associated with a healthy weight, while poor fat diets are dangerous and useless. Recent research and documents of the FDA and the advisory committee for US dietary guidelines confirm the truth about mafa: ? ?There should be maximum limits for dietary fats and support healthy fats as part of a healthy lifestyle. All three kinds of fats (saturated fats, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats) should be consumed regularly, although research indicates that it is healthier to consume less saturated fat than the other two. The trans fat must be avoided at all times and will soon befrom all processed foods in the United States monounsaturated fats are an effective first line of defense against heart diseases, insulin resistance, many tumors, bone weakness and mood problems. When possible, you should consume MUFA in foods that are organic and not processed as you can find. Some olive oils, eggs and red meats that should contain MUFAs cannot contain as much as you can expect due to the presence of GMOs and improper feeding and lifestyle of animals. animals.

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