Chapter 7 Study Guide: Ancient Rome

Chapter 7 Study Guide: Ancient Rome

Vocabulary: define each term. (see your book for definitions)

1. Dictator

2. Veto

3. Inflation

4. Consul

5. Province

6. Aqueduct

7. plebian

8. Martyr

9. Jesus

10. Republic

11. Patrician

12. Describe the geographical setting of Rome. On a penninsula

13. Which large body of water surrounds Rome? Mediterranean Sea

14. Why did the Romans create a republic? Because they did not want to be overpowered by one ruler.

15. In Rome, who ruled the government and had the power to veto? Consuls

16. Which people conquered the Romans around 600 B.C? Estrucans

17. What was the period of stability and prosperity known as? Pax Romana

18. How did Julius Caesar gain control of Rome? He conquered Gaul.

19. Why did the Roman senate give Augustus all the power he wanted? He respected them, and there was peace and prosperity.

20. Which social class did the majority of Roman citizen’s fall under? Why? Poor, unemployed.

21. What did the Romans use knowledge for? To build things.

22.What were two reasons for Rome’s economic problems? Inflation and unemployment.

23. Who created the Laws of Twelve Tables? The senate.

24. Why were the Laws of the Twelve Tables created? To allow equal rights.

25. Who invaded Rome and overwhelmed the Empire? Barbarians form the North.

26. Who were the gladiators in Rome? Slaves.

27. How does the United States share similar ideas with the Romans about justice? Innocent until proven guilty, Justinian’s code.

28. Were Roman slaves able to seek freedom? Yes.

29. Did the women in Rome have complete power in their homes? No.

30. What did the women depend on to determine their independence? Their husbands wealth and political status.

31. What did the Romans value above everything else? Family.

32. What were the social classes of Ancient Rome? Wealthy, Poor, slaves.

33. How did a dictator become appointed in the Roman Republic? In the state of an emergency when the consuls disagreed.

34. Why did the Romans overthrow the Etruscan king? Because they did not want to be overpowered by one ruler.

35. Why was the Roman senate angered by Julius Caesar? He took away their power because he was becoming a dictator.

36. How did Rome handle the difficulties of governing a large empire? They established provinces that were governed by govenors.

37. What did the Romans learn from the Greeks? Mathmatics, philosophy, astrology.

38. Who killed Julius Caesar? A group of senators.

39. What areas of land did the Romans conquer? From Britain all the way to Egypt.

40. What was each part of the Roman Empire known as? Province

41. What was the Roman policy toward conquered peoples? They were to supply all the raw materials the Romans needed.

42. How did Augustus treat the senate? With respect.

43. Who did the Roman government provide the majority of family support to? The upper class.

44. How were unmarried men over 20 and couples who had no children treated by the government? With financial penalties.

45. What is the difference between a democracy (ch.6) and a republic? A republic is a form of government where eligible voters elect representatives; a democracy is a form of government where the power is derived from the people. (We have a democratic republic)


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