Civics Chapter 4 Study Guide - Mr Dean's History Site

Civics Chapter 4 Study Guide

1. Define Civil Liberties.

2. Know all of the Freedoms listed in the First Amendment.

3. What is Freedom of Religion and why do we have it?

4. What is Freedom of Speech?

5. What is Freedom of the Press?

6. What is Freedom of Assembly?

7. What is Freedom of Petition?

8. What has the Supreme Court decided that comes before our First Amendment Freedoms?

9. What are some limits to our First Amendment freedoms? (know three)

10. Define Slander.

11. Define Libel.

12. What comes before the rights of the individual?

13. What does the 4th Amendment protect against?

14. What is a search warrant and who has to issue it?

15. What does the 5th Amendment protect?

16. Define indictment.

17. What is double jeopardy?

18. What is self-incrimination?

19. Define due process.

20. Define eminent domain.

21. What all does the 6th Amendment allow for an arrested citizen?

22. What does the 8th Amendment prohibit?

23. Define Bail.

24. What does the 2nd Amendment say and what is the debate over its meaning?

25. What does the 3rd Amendment say?

26. What does the 7th Amendment say?

27. What is civil law?

28. What does the 9th Amendment say?

29. What does the 10th Amendment say and what are some examples of this?

30. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments are known as ____ ______ Amendments.

31. When was the 13th Amendment passed and what did it do?

32. When was the 14th Amendment passed and what did it do?

33. The 14th says that every state must grant its citizens what?

34. What Supreme Court case in 1925 stated that the 14th Amendment could safeguard free speech and free press from “impairment by the states”

35. When was the 15th Amendment passed and what did it say?

36. When was the 17th Amendment passed and what did it do?

37. When was the 19th Amendment passed and what did it do?

38. When was the 23rd Amendment passed and what did it do?

39. When was the 24th Amendment passed and what did it do?

40. When was the 26th Amendment passed and what did it do? What was going on when this amendment was passed?

41. What are civil rights?

42. How did /does the NAACP fight for civil rights?

43. How does the Urban League protect against discrimination?

44. Why did the civil rights movement start?

45. What was Brown vs. the Board of Education?

46. How did MLK hope to change unfair laws (what were his tactics)?

47. What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 guarantee?

48. What is affirmative action?

49. What are some criticisms of affirmative action?


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