US History I

US History II

Chapter 23: An Era of Social Change (1960-1975)

Study Questions

Section 1: Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality (pp. 768 - 773)

1. What 6 groups make up America's Latino population?

2. Which group makes up the biggest part of America’s Latino population? Identify 3 different time periods and reasons for large numbers of this group entering into the U.S.

3. What problems did Latino groups share during the 1960s?

4. What did Cesar Chavez believe farm workers should do? Why?

5. What group did Chavez help lead? How did they attempt to achieve their goal? Were they successful? Explain.

6. Identify 3 ways that Native Americans suffered greater than other minority groups throughout the 1960s.

7. What was the focus of the Declaration of Indian Purpose that was drafted in 1961?  How did President Johnson respond to it?

8. What were 2 goals of the American Indian Movement?

9. What 2 areas did Congress and federal courts help Native Americans out with during the 1970s?

Section 2: Women Fight for Equality (pp. 776 – 780)

10. What is feminism?

11. What kind of jobs were available to women in the early 1960s?

12. What were the 2 major findings that the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women reported in 1963?

13. What effects did the civil rights and antiwar movements have on many women?

14. What were 2 major goals that the National Organization for Women pushed for? Were they successful? Explain.

15. Who was Gloria Steinem? Name and explain the function of the group and magazine she founded.

16. What was the Supreme Court's decision in the Roe v. Wade case? Did feminist groups support this decision?

17. What was the Equal Rights Amendment supposed to guarantee?

18. Identify 4 concerns that motivated those who opposed the ERA.

19. What was the New Right? Why was it established?

20. Did the ERA get added to the Constitution? Why or why not?

21. Identify 3 ways that the Women’s movement altered society in the U.S.

Section 3: Culture and Counterculture (pp. 781 – 785)

22. What was the counterculture? What was its main goal?

23. Identify 4 ways that hippies were different than mainstream America? 

24. Why did the hippie movement eventually fall apart?

25. How did the counterculture influence '60s art? 

26. How did the counterculture influence '60s music? 

27. What was the Woodstock festival? How was it a symbol of the late 1960s?

28. How did conservative politicians feel about the counterculture movement?

29. What unintended impact did the counterculture have on many mainstream Americans?


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