Book IX - HISP Literature

Book 9

1. Look back to the ending of Book VIII. What is the occasion for Odysseus telling these stories of his adventure?

2. What social amenities does he observe in beginning his tale? What three brief experiences does he begin with?

3. Who sends the storm? Why is it not Poseidon who does it?

4. What happens to the sailors when they meet the lotus-eaters?

5. Describe the Cyclopians.

6. What motivates Odysseus to explore the island? Who does he take with him? What do they find?

7. Why should Odysseus have listened to his men?

8. What does Polyphemus have for supper and breakfast?

9. Why don’t the men escape during the day?

10. How do they finally get out of the cave? What gory details does Homer use to make a vivid story? What modern examples resemble Homer’s?

11. Why don’t the other Cyclopians help Polyphemus?

12. What one scene appeals to the reader’s sympathy and makes Polyphemus more than just a brute?

13. Why does Odysseus shout out his real name as he leaves?

14. What action at the end of this book could be considered foreshadowing? What do you know will happen to Odysseus?

Book 10

1. What power has Zeus given Aeolus?

2. What catastrophe takes place? Why does this happen?

3. Describe the Laestrygonians’ odd appearance and behavior.

4. Find out who Circe’s father Helios was. What was his duty?

5. Describe Circe’s house and the guards in front of it.

6. Why are the men not afraid? What happens when they go in?

7. Who reports the incident to Odysseus and the others?

8. Who protects Odysseus from Circe’s witchery? How?

9. Before Odysseus will eat or make love to Circe, what does he make her do?

10. Who opposes Odysseus when he tells the men to pull the ship up on land and go to eat at Circe’s house? Why? How long do they stay?

11. When Odysseus reminds Circe of her promise to help them get home safely, what does she tell him he must do first? Why?

12. What is the ritual Circe prescribes for them when they land?

13. What tragedy takes place just before they leave?

14. What gift does Circe leave for them near the ship?

Book 11

1. Where is Oceanus? What one quality stands out about it?

2. What does Odysseus do first when he lands? What response does he get?

3. Who is the first person he recognizes? What is his request?

4. Why does Teiresias drink the blood? What predictions does he make? How will Odysseus die?

5. Why does Odysseus’ mother not look at him the first time he sees her?

6. What four things does he learn from her?

7. What happens when he tries to hug his mother? Why?

8. What experience do the women whom Persephone sends have in common?

9. Who is Jocasta? What is the story about her and her son?

10. When Odysseus feels his story has been long enough, about whom does Alcinous want to hear?

11. What tragic reception did Agamemnon get when he returned from Troy?

12. What does Achilles say about death?

13. Next, Odysseus visits those who are tormented in the afterlife. Describe the punishment of the following:

a. Tityo –

b. Tantalus –

What word that we use today came from his name?

c. Sisyphus –

14. What was Hercules’ crime? What was his punishment? Now that he has accomplished peace, why does he pity Odysseus? Why do Odysseus and his men leave so quickly afterward?

15. Who is Persephone? What is her story? Why must she stay in Hades six months of every year? What happens on earth while she is gone?

Book 12

1. What is Odysseus’ first act after leaving Hades and returning to Circe’s island?

2. What two great dangers does Circe warn the men about? What advice does she give about meeting them?

3. Describe Scylla and Charybdis.

4. Which of those two monsters does Circe recommend that they sail near? Why?

5. What is her warning about Helios’ cattle? What will be the consequences to Odysseus? To his men?

6. When Odysseus tells the experience with Scylla and Charybdis, what does he say was the most pitiful sight?

7. What disagreement do Eurylochus and Odysseus have as night approaches?

8. Why do they not stay for just one night as they had planned?

9. What agreement between two gods does Calypso explain to Odysseus? What impression does this give you of the Greek gods?

10. What danger that he once experienced with his men does Odysseus now face all alone? What are the consequences?

11. Describe how Homer has used the flashback technique and has adapted tales extant at the time to create a poem about an epic hero. What features of these stories contribute to their continuing popularity?


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