Unit 2 - Managing a Music Product

Scheme of work

Guided learning hours (GLH): 30

Number of lessons: 30

Duration of lessons: 1 hour

Learners should spend lesson time and non-supervised time working on projects, research and directed study.


AS: Activity Sheet

PS: Presentation Slide

EC: Evidence Collection Sheet

|Lesson |Unit content* |Activities |Resource checklist |Links to other units |

|1 |Unit introduction |Teacher presentation (approx. 10 minutes) – outline the nature of the learning aims and the |Specification – learning |This unit provides suitable administration|

| | |number of assignments that learners will be expected to complete. |aims, unit content and |and business support to many live and |

| | | |assessment criteria |recorded music assignments in many other |

| | | |Centre-devised assignments. |units. |

| | | |Alternatively, use authorised| |

| | | |assignments from Pearson. | |

|Learning aim A Plan, develop and deliver a music product |

|Learning aim B Promote a music product |

|1 (cont.) |What are products? |Group activity (3–4 learners): discuss and debate the possibilities of what a product could be. | |Other units considering the nature of the |

| |Planning for a live |Teacher to guide on definitions of what each entails. | |work they cover: |

| |concert/event | | |Unit 4: Introducing Music Composition |

| |Creating a CD or | | |Unit 5: Introducing Music Performance |

| |online product | | |Unit 6: Introducing Music Recording |

| | | | |Unit 7: Introducing Music Sequencing. |

|2–4 |Planning techniques |Learners must find out about their audience. | | |

| |Factors affecting form|What event would get the largest crowd? | | |

| |and content |What venue would you use? | | |

| |Logistical |What would be the technical, logistical and artistic issues you would face? | | |

| |requirements |Learners conduct research to find out what event would generate the largest audience. | | |

| | |They then put together a proposal for the show with details of where it would be held, who or | | |

| | |what they would present and the technical and logistical issues they expect and how they would | | |

| | |overcome them. | | |

|5 |What is promotion? |Learners begin to examine what promotion is, introduce the promotional pack, discuss how CDs, | | |

| |Promoting practice |concerts and online products are promoted using examples. | | |

| |Promotional pack |Look at a recent CD launch and concert tour, with posters, magazine adverts, social networking, | | |

| | |merchandise, etc. | | |

| | |Set task for learners to bring examples in of promotional material they have seen in the week. | | |

| | |Group activity (3–4 learners): discuss and debate promotional campaigns learners have seen | | |

| | |recently and critically analyse what works or does not work for them. | | |

|6 |Promotion strategies –|Learners to discuss and show the promotion ideas they have seen in the week (set as homework in | | |

| |creative thinking day |week 5). | | |

| | |Group activity (3–4 learners): choose one idea from the list and come up with a creative | | |

| | |suggestion for how to promote the event. (to be presented to the class next week): | | |

| | |A) Bruno Mars’ new perfume ‘Chimp’ product launch. | | |

| | |B) Concert tour by new boy band sensation ‘Feeling Tight’ fresh from their win on Britain’s | | |

| | |Talented Teens. | | |

| | |C) Gig by classical violin sensation Mimi Cesare (aged 8) and her accompanist brother Carl (aged| | |

| | |10). | | |

| | |D) Small-scale UK tour by American metal band ‘Fnat’ famous for their mix of pyrotechnics, power| | |

| | |tools and punk. | | |

| | |E) Relaunch of local club night ‘Skank’ – ‘a tasty blend of urban beats blended with edgy dance | | |

| | |and techno energy’ – following their rebuild after the gas explosion last Christmas. | | |

|7 |Promotion strategies –|Learners present to the class the ideas and material they produced for the creative thinking day| | |

| |creative thinking day |event last weekend. Class to debate, criticise and enjoy the work of other learners. | | |

| |presentations | | | |

|8–11 |Practical work: |Group practical lesson: each group must produce a promotional pack for an event, suitably | |Practical work could draw upon the |

| |‘promoting live |designed for their target market. | |learning taking place in: |

| |events’ (similar |Learners must work as a team and display their team-working and personal management skills in | |Unit 4: Introducing Music Composition |

| |suggestions could |achieving this real-life task in limited time. | |Unit 5: Introducing Music Performance |

| |include ‘promoting a |Learners must work with the school in ensuring the event is suitably arranged with contingencies| |Unit 6: Introducing Music Recording |

| |compilation CD’, |allowed for and risks considered. | |Unit 7: Introducing Music Sequencing. |

| |‘launching your band’,| | | |

| |‘launching your | | | |

| |venue’, ‘promoting | | | |

| |your website’, | | | |

| |‘launching your | | | |

| |studio’, etc.) | | | |

|12 |Team-working skills |Learners address their team-working skills and consider their strengths and areas for | |Learning which examines the structures and|

| |Team-working and |improvement in light of their experiences on the ‘End-of-term gigs’ assignment. | |practices of the music industry covered in|

| |personal management |Teacher to lead the class in discussing the implications that the areas under discussion have in| |Unit 1: The Music Industry will be |

| |skills |the music industry. | |relevant here. |

|13–16 |Promotional strategies|Learners must produce a promotion strategy for an artist, which they will present to the artist | | |

| |Delivering a music |at a pitch meeting in week 16. | | |

| |product |The pitch will consist of presenting their ideas to the client and the teacher. | | |

| | |The pitch could include ideas for events, promotional materials, social networking, editorial | | |

| | |copy, photographs, audio and video, timelines and outline budgets where applicable. | | |

|17–19 |Consolidation and |Work here should be designed to consolidate the learning of learning aims A and B before the | | |

| |revision work |learners begin their major assignment that will take them to the end of the unit. | | |

|Learning aim C Review the management of a music product |

|20 |Campaign review |Teacher to introduce learning aim C and the concept of critically reviewing and assessing | | |

| |Self- and peer review |promotion activity. | | |

| |Learning Aim C |What is the purpose of promotion? | | |

| | |What is a successful promotion and what is unsuccessful? | | |

| | |Learners to review the promotion work they have seen and collected as examples of good and poor | | |

| | |practice. Learners to identify promotion materials in the coming weeks and review its | | |

| | |effectiveness noting their comments in a written format. | | |

|21–30 |Assignment and project|During the assignment, teachers should hold regular workshops for the class to use as workspace,| |Practical work here could draw upon the |

| |workshops |interim review sessions, individual learner monitoring, assessment for learning reviews and | |learning taking place in: |

| | |target setting. | |Unit 4: Introducing Music Composition |

| | |Where live events are organised, learners should use this time to ensure they have fully | |Unit 5: Introducing Music Performance |

| | |collected and collated their evidence for presentation and verification. | |Unit 6: Introducing Music Recording |

| | |Learners should also use the content from the unit to ensure they have a full grasp of the | |Unit 7: Introducing Music Sequencing. |

| | |learning required to run and manage successful events and/or launch successful music products. | | |

|TOTAL: 30 hours |


BTEC Level 3 National Children's Play, Learning and Development

Teaching and Assessment Pack

Unit X [TITLE]

BTEC First Music

Teaching and Assessment Pack

Unit 2: Managing a Music Product



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