AP Human Geography .k12.fl.us

AP Human Geography Summer Assignment

This summer you will have preparation work to help you begin to learn about the concepts and issues we will be discussing in class. Your summer preparation includes reading ONE of the books below!

AP Human Geography Summer Reading Options (pick one)

The City of Joy by Dominque LaPierre

Confucius Lives Next Door by T. R. Reid

Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women by Nicholas Kristof

How Soccer Explains the World: An Unlikely theory of Globalization by Franklin Foer

Messages from an Unknown Chinese Mother by Xinran

The Middle of Everywhere: The World’s Refugees Come to Our Town by Mary Pipher

Why Geography Matters: Now more than ever. by Harm de Blij

Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution by Thomas L. Friedman

Summer Reading Reflection

You are required to write a reflection paper on your chosen book based on the following rubric. Please use the following rubric as a guide to how to organize your paper:


I. Description (5 points)

• Author’s Name,

• place of publication,

• date of publication,

• number of pages in book

II. Summary of Book (20 points)

• Important points brought out, highlights, etc).


III.Analysis (30 points)

• Author’s objectives – What did the author intend for the reader in writing this book? (10 Points)

• Universal Lessons – Provide examples from the book of lessons that would apply any place or time. These lessons should deal, if possible, with threads of humanity or the universal condition. If you do not feel there is any lesson to be learned from your book, explain why. (Use passages to support your answer)(20 points)


IVAppraisal (15 points)

• Did you like/dislike he book and why? (10 points)

• What is missing? (5 points)


V.Themes of Geography (20 points)

Please integrate, where applicable, the 5 geographic themes of place/location, movement, perception, human/environment interaction, and region. If you are unsure of the definitions of these terms, you will find them in any dictionary or web inquiry related to the Five Themes of Geography. You do not have to address them all, just the ones that apply to your book!


Ten points are reserved for the overall paper. (10 points)

This includes organization, neatness, and having had someone check the grammar and spelling. MUST BE TYPED!


The Book Review is worth a total of 100 points. The due date is Friday, September 11, 2015

AP Human Geography Summer Assignment Part 2

NAME_________________________________________ PER_____

Mental Map of Your World Due the 1st week of School (8/28/15).

On a piece of paper no larger than a poster board and no smaller than an 8-1/2 x 11 piece of plain white paper, please draw your mental map of your life. Please make sure you include your home, Sunlake High School, and ANY other important locations on your map. If your important places are located outside of Land O Lakes(other states, other countries) please include them too. Show as much detail as you can, and remember to make the map accurate in terms of what is important to you, such as the places you eat, work, walk, recreate, etc. Finally, make sure you include your own made-up symbols for landmarks (prominent points of interest- shop, work, eat, etc.), pathways (streets, routes to…), districts (downtown, “downtown”), nodes (meeting places, centers where streets of pathways cross), and edges (obvious breaks or boundaries between areas).

Please use color, pictures, words, anything that can best represent your perspective on the world you live in.

When your map is complete, please answer the following questions here:

1. What do you personally consider to be the most important features you drew on your map? Why?

2. How long have you lived in the Land O Lakes area? How has this affected your mental map?

3. How do you get around? Car? Bicycle? Public Transport? Walk? How has this affected your mental map?

4. Take a look at a street map of the Tampa Bay Area area using google maps or equivalent. When you get there, type in Land O Lakes for the city and FL for the state, then, zoom into the map. How does your mental map compare to the street map? Consider differences in detail, distances, directions, etc.

5. What do the differences between the way you think of the San Jose area and the way it "actually" is on a street (cartographic) map imply?

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY (due by the end of 9/25/2015)

NAME_________________________________Per_________APHG Where Children Sleep

Due 2nd Week of school (8/27/15)

Go to this website:

Part I:

Look at all 33 photographs. Choose 5 pictures from 5 different regions. In a short paragraph for each, describe what you think the lives of these children are like, based on what you see in the pictures. Record name, age, and location for each paragraph. Label locations by number on the map below.


Write and number paragraphs 1-5 here.


PART II: Photograph, draw, or describe your own room. Attach a separate sheet of paper/picture if necessary. Then reflect on how your room might be “read” by an outsider, just as you have “read” the contents of the 5 rooms you chose.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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