Persuasive Writing Selection Written by a Middle School ...

[Pages:1]Persuasive Writing Selection Written by a Middle School Student

Dress for Success

How a person dresses determines what other people think of them. If a poorly dressed teenager with long hair and dirty clothes walks into a store, store workers are going to think differently of them than a nicely-dressed teenager. How you dress is who you are and it is important. As long as a teenager dresses nicely we should be accepted. Public schools should not make mandatory uniform requirements for students!

First, how we dress in school doesn't have anything to do with our grades.There isn't any research that shows students who wear uniforms have better grades than students who don't. Isn't that why we're in school, to learn? If how we dress doesn't have a thing to do with our goal of learning, schools shouldn't worry about it. I don't wear a school uniform and I get straight A's in school. How would wearing a school uniform make me learn or do any better?

Second, the students in our middle school don't want to wear uniforms. I did a school survey of seventh grade students and found that NOBODY wants to wear school uniforms. All of the students were against school uniforms and some students said that if uniforms were made mandatory they would find another school.

Finally, we do have a dress code and that's enough. How we dress in public at school is important. Girls shouldn't be able to wear halter tops to school, but we don't need uniforms. Dressing the way we want is right under in the Constitution.We have a freedom of expression and speech. That means we can dress the way we want as long as it's appropriate to our school dress code.

No, uniforms in public schools I say. Uniforms have nothing to do with getting good grades in school, we don't want uniforms at school and it is our right to dress the way we want by the U.S. Constitution. Think about it, "Do teachers wear uniforms?"


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