Name 3. Who would you say the main characters of your book ...

Name_______________________________ 1. Title:________________________________________________________ 2. Author:______________________________________________________ 3. Who would you say the main characters of your book are and why?

4. Name three other important characters and explain what makes them important.

5. Who was a character you liked and why? 6. Who was a character you didn't like and why? 7. Which character reminded you of a person you know and why? 8. What happened in the book that reminded you of something in real (maybe your) life?

9. What is one scene from your book that you wish you could see? 10. What part of the book did you like more than the rest?_________________________ 11. What part of the book did you like the least?________________________________ 12. What was a particularly exciting part of the book?____________________________ 13. What was a boring part of the book?_______________________________________ 14. If you were able to make a change to something that happens in the book, what would it be?______________________________________________________________

15. Explain why you liked or did not like the book.______________________________

16. What are five words in your book that a reader might have to look up? Include the page numbers where these words can be found.

1._________________________ Page________________ 2._________________________ Page________________ 3._________________________ Page________________ 4._________________________ Page________________ 5._________________________ Page________________ 17. Explain why this book would or would not make a good movie.

18. If you could trade places with one character in the book, which character would it be and why?

19. Sometimes our minds drift when we read because a book makes us think about something. What did this book make you think about?

20. If the author handed you this book and told you to add or subtract something from the book, what would you add or subtract and why?

21. Was there anything to be learned from this book? Even if it didn't try to teach you anything, are you taking anything away from it? If so, what is it? If not, why not?

22. Why would you recommend this book, or not recommend it, to someone else?


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