“PHYSICIANS OF NO VALUE” - Sermon Outlines. Org


JOB 13:4

INTRO: Job had problems. He has suffered great loss. God had allowed

Satan to strip him of everything he held dear. But the people who

came to help him could do nothing for him. In Job 13:4 referring to

those who come to his aid Job said—“…ye are forgers of lies, ye are all

physicians of no value.” Job called them liars and quack doctors.

The dictionary defines a quack doctor as a person who pretends to be

a doctor but who is a charlatan, a fake.

Just as there are quack doctors in the physical realm, so there are

quack doctors in the spiritual realm also. Man has something terribly

wrong with him and he desperately needs a physician. The problem

we all have is SIN! According to the Scripture it is a disease that

affects the whole body. Isaiah 1:6 says—“From the sole of the foot

even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and

bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound

up, neither mollified with ointment.” Not only is sin a disease but also

it is a terminal illness. James 1:14-15 tells us—“But every man is

tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then

when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is

finished, bringeth forth death.” And Romans 6:23 reminds us—“For

the wages of sin is death…” Friends, our condition is grave and we are

helpless and hopeless. There is nothing we can do. Jeremiah 13:23

asks—“Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?

then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.”

Today, let us call in some of, what people think, are the greatest

doctors this world can produce. Let’s see if they can help us with our

most desperate situation. Let us meet…


A. HIS PROGNOSIS. After a quick and careful examination, Dr. Reformation

says, “You are a good person. The reason you have done the wicked things

you have done is because of the environment you were raised in or maybe

the education you failed to receive. It is really all your parents fault. If they

had been there for you more, or provided for you more, or loved you more

then you would not have done the things you have done.” Friend, the Bible

declares that none of us are good. Paul wrote in Romans 7:18-20—“For I

know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is

present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the

good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do

that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.”

B. HIS PRESCRIPTION. Dr. Reformation tells the lost sinner, “All you can do

is reform. You need to turn over a new leaf. Change your ways. Start

living right.” What is reformation? It is trying to change a person from the

outside rather than the inside. Nicodemus was good on the outside, but he

needed an inside change. Jesus told him in John 3:5—“Jesus answered,

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit,

he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”

ILLUS: You have probably heard the story of the little girl who wanted a pet

pig. Her parents got it for her on her birthday. She kept him a nice

little pen her daddy had built. She kept him bathed, groomed,

perfumed, and a pretty bow on his head. But one day the pig got out

of his pen, and made a beeline for the muddy pond. The little girl cried

and asked her daddy why the pig went to the muddy pond. The father

replied, “Sweetheart, you have to understand that he has a pig’s


Friends, just like that pig, you and I are born with a sin nature. David

wrote in Psalm 51:5—“Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my

mother conceive me.” We are sinners by birth and by choice and not

amount of reformation—doing good deeds, turning over new leaves, or

beginning to live better lives can change that sin nature within us!

ILLUS: Jack Jones wrote: "Putting a hog in the living room will not change the

hog's nature, but it will damage the living room. A lost man's nature

will not be changed by placing his name on the church roll, but the

church will suffer by his being a member. Every Christian should be a

church member; in fact, there is no place for a true Christian outside

the church. But the church membership has nothing whatever to do

with the salvation of the soul. Billy Sunday was right when he said,

"Joining the church does not any more make one a Christian than

entering a garage will change one into an automobile.'" (Robert G. Lee,


DR. REFORMATION says “Turn over a new leaf. Change your ways. Start living right.” Let us also meet…


A. HIS PROGNOSIS. After finishing his examination, Dr. Imagination says,

“It’s all in your mind. There is no such thing as sin, Satan, Heaven or Hell.”

There is no such thing as salvation because there is nothing to be saved

from.” The Bible declares—“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth

good.” (Psalm 14:1). A companion of a newly converted Christian said to

him one day, "Can you tell me where hell is?" After a moment's hesitation

the young Christian said, "Yes, it's at the end of a Christless life."

B. HIS PRESCRIPTION. Dr. Imagination prescribes creating your own

Heaven—whatever your concept of that may be, your own Hell, and your

own God.”

ILLUS: A young lawyer, an atheist, boasted that he was going west to locate

some place where there were no churches, no Sunday schools, and no

Bibles. Before the year was over, he wrote to a classmate, a young

minister, begging him to come out and start a church. "Be sure to bring

plenty of Bibles," he urged. "I have become convinced that a place

without Christians, Sunday schools, churches, or Bibles is too much

like hell for any living man to stay in." (Bible Illustrator for Windows.

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DR. REFORMATION says, “Turn over a new leaf. Change your ways. Start living right,” and DR. IMAGINATION says, “Create your own Heaven, Hell, and your own God.” But let me introduce you to…


A. HIS PROGNOSIS. This doctor’s theory is that we can be educated out of


ILLUS: Some people see education as the anchor of civilization, but it was the

best educated nation on earth that gave birth to the Nazis. Some see

health as an anchor for life, but much of the work in the world is being

done by people who don't feel like doing it. Some see stability in

wealth--it is their anchor. They may have an experience similar to that

of the ship Marine Electric, which sank off the coast of Virginia early in

1983, costing the lives of thirty-one sailors. The reason was this: the

ship's eight-ton anchor came loose and battered the hull of the ship

until the ship went down. The vessel was destroyed by its own anchor.

If [education, or health or] wealth is your anchor, it may destroy you.

Our hope in Christ is the only unfailing anchor for the soul. (Robert C.

Shannon, 1000 Windows, (Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Publishing

Company, 1997).

Jeremiah 9:23-24 tells us—“Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man

glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the

rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he

understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise

lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things

I delight, saith the LORD.”

B. HIS PRESCRIPTION. Dr. Education says—“Gain all the knowledge that

you can. The reason you do bad things is because you don’t know any

better.” Friends, we claim to be the smartest people in our day that the

world has ever known and yet with all our intelligence we are:






About the only thing we are getting smart in is how to create more evil,

legalize sin, put God and His Word out of the classrooms, and that is not

smart. That is spiritual suicide.

We have met DR. REFORMATION, DR. IMAGINATION, and DR. EDUCATION but also may I introduce you to…


A. HIS PROGNOSIS. This doctor claims that we came from monkeys. That

God did not create us but we are here because of evolution. Have you heard

about the monkey that escaped from the zoo? They finally found him in the

public library checking out two books. One was the Bible and the other on

Darwin's theory of Evolution. When they asked him what he thought he

was doing the monkey replied, "I'm trying to find out if I am my brother's

keeper or my keeper's brother." (Pulpit Helps, Nov. 1980).

B. HIS PRESCRIPTION. Dr. Evolution says, “Since you came from monkeys,

and there is no God who created you, eat drink, and be merry. When you

die it is all over.”

ILLUS: Three monkeys sat in a coconut tree,

And talked of things that were said to be.

Said one to the others: "See here, you two!

There's a rumor afloat that can't be true,

That man descended from our lofty race,

To think of such a great disgrace.

No monkey ever beat his wife,

Or starved her child or spoiled her life.

And there is another thing a monk won't do,

That is to go out at night, and get on a stew;

Then use a gun, a club, or a butcher knife,

To take another poor monkey's life.

Man may have descended - the ornery cuss:

But brother - he didn't descend from us!

(Pulpit Helps, 1980).

Thus far we have met DR. REFORMATION, DR. IMAGINATION, DR. EDUCATION, and DR. EVOLUTION but there is one final PHYSICIAN OF NO VALUE I want to introduce you to…


A. HIS PROGNOSIS. Friends, this is the most dangerous doctor of all. He

says, “Yes! It is all true. There is a God. You are lost and need to be

saved.” There is a Heaven and a Hell. It’s all true.”

ILLUS: A minister was planning to preach on the text, "Behold, now is the

accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." While in his

study meditating upon the subject he fell asleep and dreamed that he

saw Satan and the fallen angels gathered for the purpose of devising

ways and means by which they might effectively damn souls. He said

that in the dreams he saw an infernal spirit arise and say, "I will go

and tell the people there is no God." But Satan said, "That will not

do, for only fools deny that fact."

Then another fiend, of unusual intelligence, arose and said, "I

will go and tell them that there is nothing to religion; that it is

all a farce."

But Satan replied, "That will never do, for multitudes have seen

saints die, in sight of heaven, declaring that salvation was real."

One after another arose making suggestions, but Satan refused them

all. Finally the most subtle of all arose and said, "I will go and

tell them that there is a God; that the Bible is true; that salvation

is real, but that there is plenty of time."

The minister said that in the dream he could see all were jubilant

and Satan said, "Go! that is the plan." And the meeting disbanded.

(William Moses Tidwell, "Effective Illustrations.").

Friends, Satan has been trapping souls with that lie for years.

B. HIS PRESCRIPTION. Dr. Procrastination says, “Yes! It is all true,” but

then he says, “you have plenty of time.” Proverbs 29:1 warns—“He, that

being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and

that without remedy.” Listen to the words to this song:

Plenty of Time

Words and music: McLean

I got up one Sunday morning

Went to church at ten

I listened to the words I'd heard time and time again

The preacher spoke of sinful eyes

It seemed he spoke of mine

But I was young

I had plenty of time


Plenty of time to decide where I'm bound

To eternal darkness or to a heavenly crown

I'm just a young man

Not yet in my prime

So I'll just wait

I've got plenty of time


You know as I was traveling down life's highway

Living just the way I wanted to live

I was out to beat the other guy

And to try to get whatever life could give

Now I know that making money, that wasn't a sin

And having fun, that wasn't a crime

I thought I'd wait

I had plenty of time

Repeat Chorus

Before I knew what had happened, life seemed to have passed away

And millions stood before God's throne for it was Judgment Day

Now eternal darkness blackens and the name he calls is mine

But I had thought that I had plenty of time

Eternity waits

I've got plenty of time to think of all the days Christ could have been in mine

My chance is over

Life's days are left behind

And here am I, I've got plenty of time

Now I've got nothing, but plenty of time




PHYSICIANS OF NO VALUE! But there is one physician that is

not a religious quack His name is JESUS. He is the GREAT

PHYSICIAN and He has the remedy for the sin-sick soul! He

promises life through His name. Romans 10:9-10 promises—“That

if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt

believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou

shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness;

and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Friend, Are you listening to one of the PHYSICIANS OF NO VALUE

or have you by faith followed the prescription of THE GREAT

PHYSICIAN. J. H. Stockton wrote:


The great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus;

He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,

Oh! hear the voice of Jesus.


Sweetest note in seraph song,

Sweetest name on mortal tongue;

Sweetest carol ever sung,

Jesus, blessed Jesus.


Your many sins are all forgiven,

Oh! hear the voice of Jesus;

Go on your way in peace to heaven,

And wear a crown with Jesus.


All glory to the dying Lamb!

I now believe in Jesus;

I love the blessed Savior's name,

I love the name of Jesus.


His name dispels my guilt and fear,

No other name but Jesus;

Oh! how my soul delights to hear

The charming name of Jesus.




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