April 2013

We hope that you have all enjoyed the sunny Easter Holiday. In the International office, we are busy preparing for a youth sports group to take part in Challenge 2013 in Hungary with the help of our Hungarian intern who has just arrived. You can read about her and about Hungary below

Last week, we had the pleasure to meet a group of German people from Derwentside’s partner town of Werdohl and also spoke with members of a group twinned with the Plateau Vert region in France. If you are planning a visit to your partner town remember that the next date for grant applications for Town-twinning Citizens Meetings is 1th June of 2013.

Our Hungarian intern at Europe Direct North East

My name is Ildiko Negyesi and I came from Hungary, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County. I am spending about 18 weeks at Durham County Hall with a Grundtvig assistant scholarship.

I graduated on University of Debrecen as a cultural manager, but my specialization was in adult education.

My sending institution: Aba-Novák Kulturális Központ (the Aba-Novák Cultural Centre ~ ANKK), Szolnok.

In Durham, I am studying the mid-term and yearly planning process, and also the way in whichEnglish institutions and associations act in the field of adult education. I am also looking for possibilities of cooperation/twinning relations among LLL institutions, and organisations based in County Durham and Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County.

I am also involved in the day to day work of the International Relations team which is very interesting.

I chose Durham to undertake my scholarship because County Durham is my home county of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok ‘s twinned English. I also heard a lot of good things about Durham. It is a beautiful place with good cultural offer and strong adult education background.

Some interesting information about Hungary

When you hear Hungary, you think about Budapest, paprika, goulash and maybe Lake Balaton. We also have a lot of other beautiful parts of our country. Visegrád, Lake Tisza, Szeged, Lake Hévíz (Hévíz Spa) etc.

Some Hungarian origin protected products are wild camomile flower, protected paprika of Szeged, Szeged winter salami, Hajdúság horseradish, Makó [red] onions, Gönc apricots and Hungarian grey cattle beef.

Very famous is Herend Porcelain. The Herend factory has been making masterpieces for 187 years. Herend Porcelain is made by hand from the shaping and casting of the porcelain paste by potters to the value-creating firing in the kilns and the last brushstroke thereby Herend Porcelain is a Hungaricum and part of the Hungarian Heritage.

Famous Herend porcelain customer include Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince of Wales, Lady Diana and Lewis Hamilton.

Hungary won prizes as part of the EDEN project no fewer than five times. In 2010 it was Lake Tisza’s turn to win.

What is EDEN?: EDEN is the acronym for European Destinations of Excellence, a project promoting sustainable tourism development models across the European Union. The project is based on national competitions that take place every year and result in the selection of a tourist “destination of excellence” for each participating country. Through the selection of destinations, EDEN effectively achieves the objective of drawing attention to the values, diversity and common features of European tourist destinations. It enhances the visibility of emerging European destinations, creates a platform for sharing good practices across Europe and promotes networking between awarded destinations.

Europe Day – 9th May


We have a range of publications, activity booklets and bunting to help decorate your classroom for 9th May. Please feel free to call at County Hall, Durham to collect resources. We are also happy to provide a few prize packs comprising; ponchos, T shirts, rulers, rubbers and pencil cases for winners of school quizzes and competitions with a European theme.


If you want to undertake a professional development course, job shadow a colleague or attend a conference or seminar in any of the other 32 participating Comenius Countries, you should apply before 30 April.

Undertaking a professional development activity or attending a conference in another European country can help you: learn new skills, build lasting, relationships with colleagues throughout Europe and gain a greater understanding of European education.

Job shadowing a European colleague can help you: strengthen links with partner institutions, increase your cultural awareness, learn about different education systems, refresh your language skills, exchange good practice.

The Mystery of the Golden Stars


This free two part resource produced in cooperation with a UK teacher consists of a story book to be handed out to every pupil and an activity guide exclusively for teachers including suggestions on how to use the resource plus the handouts to be copied for the children.

The primary aim of the resource is to introduce some aspects of the European Union in a child-friendly way to upper junior school-aged children in the UK. The resource allows children to discover something about what the EU is, how it works and how it may be relevant to them, in a fun and stimulating way.

The activities take a cross-curricular approach, including six different links to the curriculum (geography, maths, history, English, science and design & technology). The subject matter and concepts are mainly, but not exclusively, suited to upper junior school-aged children in the UK (ages 9 to 11).

Snakes and Dragons Education Park

The Chinese Spring Festival and Chinese New Year began on 10 February. This year is the Year of the Snake. The British Council has created a ‘Snakes and Dragons’ education pack for primary schools across the UK to explore Chinese culture and language with pupils in the run up to the Chinese New Year and beyond. We have a limited number to give to schools free of charge. Call if you would like to receive a copy.

Skype in the classroom

The British Council has teamed up with Skype in the classroom to give you even more opportunities to connect with educators around the world. Skype in the classroom features thousands of lesson ideas posted by teachers looking to bring something new and inspirational to the classroom.

Using Skype, you can join these lessons in real-time and introduce your students to classrooms, experts and artists in other countries – without worrying about geographical, time or cost barriers.

UK-German connection

There is funding for schools of up to £1000 to support a visit to Germany where the pupils will have contact with young Germans. They suggest 3 days out of a four day visit spent with German kids. Schools can apply if they have not been to Germany before on this type of visit.

Past newsletters and bulletins can be found at

We hope that you have been following our posts on Twitter and Facebook. The monthly e-bulletin will continue to be circulated with a resumé of all the month’s postings but for up to the minute information about resources, deadlines and new programmes follow us


Ildiko Negyesi

Europe Direct North East England

International Relations

Durham County Council

County Hall

Durham DH1 5UF

Tel. 0044 03000 268500/ 268503

Fax. 0044 (0) 191 383 4487


Europe Direct North East is part funded by the European Commission. Sole responsibility for any information produced by Europe Direct North East lies with the author - the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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