
 Lesson 5 Student Activity Sheets: Is there a disease that could have affected the buffalo?WARM UP:1. What did we decide that we wanted to investigate today?____________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What questions do you still have about the buffalo population?____________________________________________________________________________________________________PRIOR EXPERIENCES: 3. Describe a time when you got sick after a friend or family member got sick. Where did the sickness come from? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PROCEDURE: 4. You will read an article about a disease that affected animal populations in the Serengeti during this time. Complete the 4Cs thinking routine as you read and use the space below to take notes. 5. After you are done reading, use the space below to generate a timeline of rinderpest using the buffalo population graph and the information from the reading. NOTES: Connections: What connections do you draw between the text and your own life or your other learning?Concepts: What key concepts or ideas do you think are important and worth holding on to from the text?Challenge: What ideas, positions, or assumptions do you want to challenge or argue within the text?Changes: What changes in attitudes, thinking, or action are suggested by the text, either for you or others?6. Based on your reading, create a timeline of how you think Rinderpest introduction and elimination in Africa affected animals, like the buffalo. Rinderpest TimelineMODEL BUILDING: 7. Use the space below to generate a model of how elimination of rinderpest in the Serengeti affected the buffalo population. Be sure to include the how the cattle and the buffalo are involved and all relevant and accurate scientific facts. Don’t forget to include relevant labels!How did elimination of rinderpest in the Serengeti affect the buffalo population?MAKING SENSE:8. What do we still need to figure out about the changing buffalo population?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________NEXT STEPS: 9. What ideas did we come up with for what we should investigate in our next lesson?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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