Digital Quiz Teacher Documentation

[Pages:36]Digital Quiz Teacher


Simple Solutions Learning, Inc. Beachwood, OH

Simple Solutions?

Digital Quiz Teacher Documentation

Simple Solutions

Digital Quiz Teacher Documentation

Table of Contents

Getting Started (Steps 1?3)............................................ 1 Digital Quiz Setup

Class Setup (Steps 4?7)........................................... 2 Student Setup (Steps 8?10).................................... 5 Copy Class Roster (Steps 11?13).............................. 6 Import from CSV File (Steps 14?25)....................... 7 Deleting Students (Steps 26?28)........................... 11 Assigning Quizzes (Steps 29?34).......................... 12 Quiz Reporting................................................................ 15 Quiz Results Report.................................................. 16 Standards Summary Report................................ 18 Quiz Item Analysis........................................................ 23 Quiz Questions Report.......................................... 26 Quiz Overview (Gradebook)............................... 28 Pre/Post-Test Results.............................................. 30

Simple Solutions?

Digital Quiz Teacher Documentation

Simple Solutions

Digital Quiz Teacher Documentation

1. Using any browser, navigate to your Simple Solutions landing page using the link provided to you from the email you received. digital.

2. Login to the Simple Solutions Tools and Resource (S2TaR ) Center using the information provided from the email you received. (This includes your School ID number, Email, and the password you created on your initial sign-in. Click Sign In.

3. Forgotton passwords can be updated by clicking the Lost Password link.


Simple Solutions?

Digital Quiz Teacher Documentation

Digital Quizzes are available for most levels of Standards-Based Math, StandardsBased English, Original Math, Reading Comprehension, Science, and Social Studies. Schools are given one license per student book ordered.

4. When successfully logged in, you will land on the S?TaR Center home page. You will need to set up your class or classes to use Digital Quizzes. To do this, select either the Digital Quizzes icon or the tab on the page.

Welcome to the Simple Solutions S2TaR Center!


Simple Solutions?

Digital Quiz Teacher Documentation

5. To add students, click Edit Classes.


Simple Solutions?

Digital Quiz Teacher Documentation

6. Start by Naming your Classes and choosing the Subject for which you will be using digital quizzes. Then click Add Class.

7. Once you have your classes set up, choose a class to add students. Three options will appear; Add Student, Import Students from Another Class, and Import Class CSV.


Simple Solutions?

Digital Quiz Teacher Documentation

8. The Add Student feature allows you to type in each Student's Name, Username, and Password.

9. Start by entering a unique Student ID. Students cannot have the same ID. (Consider using the first three initials of first and last name of the student. Example: Vince Camp = VinCam.)

NOTE: Student IDs can ONLY be made up of letters and numbers. No symbols are allowed, therefore email addresses will not work.

10. Enter the student's First/Last name and password, and then click Add Student. Continue adding students until entire class is entered.


Simple Solutions?

Digital Quiz Teacher Documentation

11. The Import Students feature allows a teacher teaching multiple subjects to the same group of students to import one existing class to a new one. (Example: 4th Grade English class imported to 4th Grade Math class, same students in each class.) Select the new class that you want to populate, then click Import Students from Another Class.

12. The class on the left is your From Class which should be the class that contains students already listed. Next confirm the To Class where you want your roster duplicated. The default class will be the new one you are creating.

13. Finally click Copy Roster. When copied correctly, a brief Successfully Copied message will appear in green.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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