“Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald

1. Dexter Green can best be described as —A ambitious and full of desiresB judgmental and comicalC courageous and helpfulD honest and trustworthy2. Which of the following word pairs describes Judy Jones?F Sensitive and compassionateG Confident and condescendingH Uneducated and poorJ Sophisticated and kind3. Dexter quits his job as a caddy when he —A joins the ArmyB is told to caddy for the young girl Judy JonesC gets into an argument with the nurseD wins the championship4. Dexter wants most to —F associate with the rich and famousG marry a woman who truly loves himH become a great golferJ have the best things in life5. What happens to Dexter and Judy’s engagement?A Dexter breaks off the engagement.B Dexter reveals that he never intended to marry Judy.C Judy breaks off the engagement.D Judy discovers that Dexter is married.6. At the end of the story, Devlin tells Dexter that —F Judy cannot stand her husbandG Judy and her husband are divorcedH Judy still dates a number of menJ Judy’s husband does not treat her well7. What is Dexter’s eventual attitude toward Judy’s flirtations with men?A He is outraged.B He often criticizes Judy to her face.C He enjoys watching Judy flirt with other men.D He does not condemn Judy for her flirtations.8. At the end of the story, tears stream down Dexter’s face because F Judy has told him she never loved himG he is mourning the loss of a dream or idealH Judy’s slap stung him painfullyJ he realizes that Judy had never truly been beautiful9. What is Dexter’s motivation for pursuing Judy?A He wants to work for her father.B He sees her as a symbol of “the best.”C He is the only man she is interested in.D She seems shy and lonely.10. Which of the following expressions describes a paradox?F Winter dreamsG Tremendous superiorityH Affordable luxuriesJ Reverberating sound11. Which of the following items contains a paradox?A “May one year back had been marked by Judy’s poignant, unforgivable, yetforgiven turbulence. . . .”B “Judy Jones, a slender enameled doll in cloth of gold . . .”C “She was watching him closely and the silence was embarrassing. . . .”D “Two tears had rolled down her wet face and trembled on her upper lip.”12. On Dexter’s return to the golf course as a golfer, what do his actions suggest about his feelings?F He is uncomfortable with his new, privileged position.G Proud and arrogant, he looks down on the caddies.H He wishes he had learned the course better in his youth.J He has gone golfing only in the hope of impressing Judy.13. maliciousA kindlyB nastyC wildD tame14. mirthF sorrowG hopeH despairJ joy15. ludicrousA ridiculousB uncommonC sensibleD direct16. divergenceF differenceG exactnessH widthJ height 17. reserveA follyB restraintC creativityD sentimentality18. In Richard III, Shakespeare refers to “the winter of our discontent.” How do Dexter’s “winter dreams” reflect discontent? Does his discontent subside when he becomes rich and respected? Explain.And for that matter, why winter? Why not another season?19. When they meet again as adults, Dexter decides that he “Wanted Judy Jones ever since he was a proud, desirous little boy” (632). What does Judy represent for Dexter? Does Dexter really love her?Would he have been happier if he had married Judy? How do you know?20. A recurring theme in Fitzgerald’s work is the pursuit of the American dream. How would you define what Fitzgerald saw as the American dream? (Be sure to include Dexter’s quest for Judy as part of your answer.)Keep in mind Fitzgerald’s own life – he struggled to keep up the facade of wealth and success in a changing world. He and several writers and artists moved to Paris for a time due to their disillusionment with the American dream, traditions and artificiality. These moderns grew to view America as a new Eden – a land of infinite possibility ending in disappointment. ................

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