Speak Up 2010 - Project Tomorrow

Instructions for Completing the Survey with Members of the Community– Speak Up is open throughout the academic year!

Dear Group Facilitator:

If you are facilitating a group survey, please follow the instructions below.


1. This survey contains 19 multiple choice and one open-ended question. All the questions let you enter the number of parents responding. Print the group input form at the end of this document and use it to collect and tally your group responses.

2. As a group, either ask participants to raise their hands to respond to each question and record the results or print out copies of the questions () for each participant to complete than tally into the document below. For some questions if completing as a group raising hands, you may want to receive written responses to protect participants' privacy.

3. For the open-ended question, we recommend that you facilitate a short group discussion to select your group's favorite answers to this question.

4. When you are ready to enter all the data responses, log onto Speakup.  to enter the results. On the welcome page, click “Begin Speak Up”. On the next page select the group facilitator option from the dropdown list. Select your appropriate survey. Remember this is a group survey please enter the total number of participants responding to each survey option.

*Please note: We have disabled the use of the ENTER on the survey screen - please use the TAB key to advance between survey options.

*Please note there is a difference in the questions asked on the Speak Up individual surveys verse group, to accommodate a group setting. When pulling copies of the questions to print out please select the group version.

Here is the introductory text to read to the participants if you wish: 

Dear Community Member:

Thank you for sharing your ideas with us through this year’s Speak Up Research Project for Digital Learning. 

Project Tomorrow, an education nonprofit organization, facilitates these surveys as a free service to help schools and districts learn more about the views and ideas of their stakeholders – and to inform local, state and national discussions around education and digital learning. We are not selling anything here. No instructional funds are being used to support this research process. This is a special opportunity for you and your community to share your ideas about how digital tools can improve student learning in your community. 

All your responses are secure and kept confidential. No one will be able to identify your responses from any of the questions asked on Speak Up. 

The Speak Up questions are mostly multiple choice and should take you no more than 20 minutes to complete. There are 19 feedback questions including an open-ended question near the end that asks you about how your community could support home Internet access for students. Your expert insights on these feedback questions are greatly appreciated. We value your input! 

At the end of the survey you will find some demographic questions that help us understand who from the community is completing the survey – questions such as about your role in the community and some demographic information. These are optional questions, but we hope that you fill them out since it helps us with the analysis of the data on the national level. 

We know your time is precious and so we thank you upfront for taking the time to provide your input! 

Let’s get started.  Here is the first question.

When entering in the Speak Up group input, the system will prompt you for the total number of participants in your group that participated. This information is used for data validation and to update your school counts into the system. If this prompt does not come up, please log in to the system at speakup. to input your results.

|Question # |Question/Options |# of Responses |

|1 |Which of these best describes your role in the community (in relation to the local schools)? (Participant may |# of Responses |

| |answer more than once) | |

|  |After school or informal educator |  |

|  |Business leader or employer |  |

|  |Civic leader (i.e., city council member, local government official) |  |

|  |Grandparent or relative of school-aged children |  |

|  |Homeowner |  |

|  |Interested in school issues |  |

|  |Parents of children already graduated or too young to attend |  |

|  |School board member |  |

|  |School or district employee (but not a teacher or administrator) |  |

|  |School volunteer |  |

|  |Other |  |

|  |  |  |

|2 |How would you rate your technology skills? (One response per participant) |# of Responses |

|  |Advanced - My skills are more advanced than most adults I know |  |

|  |Average - My skills are similar to those of the adults I know |  |

|  |Beginner - My skills are less advanced than most adults I know |  |

|  |  |  |

|3 |How do you use technology in your professional and personal lives? (Participant may answer more than once) |# of Responses |

|  |Conduct Internet research |  |

|  |Create and post videos about things that interest me |  |

|  |Create presentations (e.g. PowerPoint, Prezi) |  |

|  |Email with colleagues, friends, and family |  |

|  |Learn how to do something by watching an online video |  |

|  |Participate in online classes or tutorials |  |

|  |Read articles or books on a digital reader or tablet |  |

|  |Text with colleagues, friends, and family |  |

|  |Update my profile on a social networking site (e.g. LinkedIn or Facebook) |  |

|  |Use Internet-based services (e.g. Google drive, Dropbox) |  |

|  |Use mobile apps |  |

|  |Use Twitter to follow people and share ideas |  |

|  |Other |  |

|4 |Which of these do you think are the biggest challenges facing school district leaders today? (Participant may |# of Responses |

| |answer more than once) | |

|  |Achievement measured by standardized test scores |  |

|  |Adequate funding |  |

|  |Adequate school facilities |  |

|  |Closing the achievement gap |  |

|  |College and career readiness of our students |  |

|  |Communications with parents |  |

|  |Educational equity |  |

|  |Effective use of technology to support student learning outcomes |  |

|  |Global awareness and skill development |  |

|  |High school graduation rates |  |

|  |Implementation of state curriculum standards |  |

|  |Inequity in the distribution of resources between classrooms or schools |  |

|  |Mental health supports and the social emotional well-being of students |  |

|  |Online safety for students when they are using technology and the Internet at school |  |

|  |Physical safety and protections in place when students are on school grounds |  |

|  |Providing access to technology to support classroom learning |  |

|  |Recruitment and retention of highly qualified teachers |  |

|  |School/District public image in the community |  |

|  |Serving diverse student populations |  |

|  |Staff morale/motivation |  |

|  |Student access to technology and the Internet outside of school |  |

|  |Using data to assess student achievement |  |

|  |Other |  |

|  |  |  |

|5 |What concerns do you have about the future for students that live in your community? (Participant may answer |# of Responses |

| |more than once) | |

|  |Having to compete with better-educated workers across the globe for jobs |  |

|  |Having to live with their parents as adults |  |

|  |Needing more education beyond a college degree to get a good job |  |

|  |Not being able to afford to live in our community |  |

|  |Not being as well off as their parents financially |  |

|  |Not getting into a college that they want to attend |  |

|  |Not graduating from high school |  |

|  |Not knowing how to use technology in the workplace |  |

|  |Not learning the right skills in school needed to be successful in the future |  |

|  |Taking on too much student tuition debt for college or job training |  |

|  |Other |  |

|  |  |  |

|6 |How important is the effective implementation of instructional technology to students' success? (One response |# of Responses |

| |per participant) | |

|  |Not Important |  |

|  |Somewhat Important |  |

|  |Important |  |

|  |Extremely Important |  |

|  |No Opinion |  |

|7 |Besides having strong subject area knowledge (e.g. English, math, science, history) which of these skills do you|# of Responses |

| |think are most important for today's youth to learn to be successful in the future? (Participant may answer more| |

| |than once) | |

|  |Ability to communicate in more than one language |  |

|  |Ability to learn new skills independently |  |

|  |Ability to work with a diverse group of people |  |

|  |Appreciation of the arts |  |

|  |Awareness of global issues |  |

|  |Being creative and "thinking outside of the box" |  |

|  |Critical thinking and problem-solving skills |  |

|  |Effective communications through public speaking |  |

|  |Effective communications through writing |  |

|  |Financial literacy - understanding personal finances |  |

|  |Information and media literacy skills |  |

|  |Leadership skills |  |

|  |Research skills |  |

|  |Teamwork and collaboration skills |  |

|  |Technology skills |  |

|  |Understanding of civics and community responsibilities |  |

|  |Other |  |

|  |  |  |

|8 |Based upon your response to the question above, what do you think is the best way for today's youth to acquire |# of Responses |

| |these skills? (Participant may answer more than once) | |

|  |Conduct scientific experiments or research projects |  |

|  |Gain work experience through a job, internship, or volunteering |  |

|  |Keep updated on global current affairs |  |

|  |Learn an additional language |  |

|  |Participate in a team sport or academic group |  |

|  |Participate in after school or summer academic programs |  |

|  |Participate in school leadership opportunities |  |

|  |Participate in project-based learning experiences including creating and building things in maker spaces |  |

|  |Pursue artistic and/or performance interests |  |

|  |Pursue public speaking opportunities through clubs or volunteer activities |  |

|  |Take a class at a local college and earn both high school and college credits |  |

|  |Take a class to learn how to use computer applications |  |

|  |Take a coding or computer programming class |  |

|  |Take advanced science or math classes |  |

|  |Take fully online or virtual courses |  |

|  |Take pre-professional, career technical education or vocational classes |  |

|  |Use technology outside of school to pursue academic interests |  |

|  |Use technology within his/her classes |  |

|  |Work on group projects in class |  |

|  |Other |  |

|9 |There is a new movement in education to teach students about different forms of computer programming or |# of Responses |

| |“coding.” How important do you think it is that all students develop these types of skills to be prepared for | |

| |future success in the workplace or college? (Participant may answer more than once) | |

|  |Not important |  |

|  |Somewhat important |  |

|  |Very important |  |

|  |  |  |

|10 |There is a new movement in education to teach all students about different forms of computer programming or |# of Responses |

| |“coding.” What would be a good reason for schools or districts to do this? (Participant may answer more than | |

| |once) | |

|  |Colleges value students who have coding skills |  |

|  |Local employers have job offerings for people with those skills |  |

|  |National leaders say this is important for the economy |  |

|  |Students are interested in computer programming or coding |  |

|  |Students would be more engaged in school |  |

|  |Students could collaborate with other students on projects |  |

|  |Students would develop communications skills |  |

|  |Students would develop creativity skills |  |

|  |Students would develop critical thinking skills |  |

|  |Students could work on solving real world problems |  |

|  |Students could develop strategies for solving complex problems |  |

|  |Students could learn design thinking |  |

|  |Students would learn how computers work |  |

|  |Students would learn how to think logically |  |

|  |Students would learn skills necessary to get a job in programming or technology |  |

|  |None of the above |  |

|  |Other |  |

|11 |Imagine you are designing a dream school for today's students. Which of these tools or strategies do you think |# of Responses |

| |holds the greatest potential for increasing student achievement and success? (Participant may answer more than | |

| |once) | |

|  |Augmented reality apps |  |

|  |Chromebook or laptop for every student to use at school |  |

|  |Cloud-based communications and collaboration tools (e.g. Google Apps for Education, Microsoft Office 365) |  |

|  |Dashboard or portal to track student academic progress over time (e.g. classes taken, course grades, test |  |

| |scores, absences) even if students change schools | |

|  |Digital content (animations, simulations, online articles, and resources) |  |

|  |Google Hangouts or other online group messaging in class |  |

|  |Interactive whiteboards |  |

|  |Internet access anywhere at school |  |

|  |Learning management systems (e.g. Blackboard) |  |

|  |Mobile apps for learning |  |

|  |Online or virtual classes |  |

|  |Online tests and assessments |  |

|  |Online textbooks |  |

|  |Online tools that help organize schoolwork and provide access to important information |  |

|  |Online tutors |  |

|  |Online, video, and digital games |  |

|  |Online videos and movies |  |

|  |Social media tools for students to connect and work with others (e.g. blogs, wikis, social networking sites) |  |

|  |Tablet for every student to use at school |  |

|  |Tools to help students create media projects (e.g. video, audio) |  |

|  |Virtual reality experiences and hardware (headsets and devices) |  |

|  |Other |  |

|12 |How do you usually learn about what is happening in local schools in your community? (Participant may answer |# of Responses |

| |more than once) | |

|  |City or town meetings |  |

|  |Company newsletters |  |

|  |Neighbors and friends |  |

|  |Newspaper stories |  |

|  |Public broadcast announcements |  |

|  |School electronic bulletin boards |  |

|  |School open houses or community events |  |

|  |School or district employees |  |

|  |School or district Facebook or other social media accounts |  |

|  |School or district informational websites |  |

|  |Students |  |

|  |TV or radio news |  |

|  |Twitter |  |

|  |Word of mouth |  |

|  |Other |  |

|  |  |  |

|13 |On average, how often do you visit your local school district website for information? (One response per |# of Responses |

| |participant) | |

|  |Daily |  |

|  |Weekly |  |

|  |Monthly |  |

|  |Few times a year |  |

|  |Rarely/never |  |

|14 |When you have visited the school district website, what types of information were you looking for? (Participant |# of Responses |

| |may answer more than once) | |

|  |Academic performance information |  |

|  |Board meeting notes or information |  |

|  |Directions to schools |  |

|  |Employment |  |

|  |Event information |  |

|  |Financial information |  |

|  |Neighborhood school information |  |

|  |Parent support resources |  |

|  |Policies and rules |  |

|  |Press releases and news about the district |  |

|  |School boundary information |  |

|  |School calendars |  |

|  |School or district awards |  |

|  |Security alerts or updates |  |

|  |Student enrollment procedures |  |

|  |Testing information |  |

|  |Transportation |  |

|  |Vision and mission |  |

|  |Volunteer opportunities |  |

|  |Other |  |

|  |  |  |

|15 |How satisfied are you with the information that you get from your local school district about education in your |# of Responses |

| |community? (Participant may answer once) | |

|  |Very dissatisfied |  |

|  |Somewhat dissatisfied |  |

|  |Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |  |

|  |Somewhat satisfied |  |

|  |Very satisfied |  |

|  |  |  |

|16 |Our research indicates that 13% of students in grades 6-12 say that they cannot do their homework because they |# of Responses |

| |do not have access to technology or the Internet at home. Some students say to do their homework they have to go| |

| |to a fast food restaurant or sit in their school parking lot to get online. Many communities agree that these | |

| |options are not acceptable and they worry about the impact of the lack of home technology access on students’ | |

| |futures. What do you think your community could do to ensure that all students have access to safe, consistent, | |

| |and reliable technology at home to do homework? We are very interested in your creative ideas to this difficult | |

| |challenge! | |

| |See section on last page of this document to input your answers | |

|  |  |  |

|  |  |  |

|17 |Gender (One response per participant) |# of Responses |

|  |Female |  |

|  |Male |  |

|  |Decline to state |  |

|18 |Age (One response per participant) |# of Responses |

|  |Under 29 |  |

|  |30-39 |  |

|  |40-49 |  |

|  |50-59 |  |

|  |60-69 |  |

|  |70 + |  |

|  |  |  |

|19 |Race or Cultural Identity (One response per participant) |# of Responses |

|  |American Indian/Alaskan Native |  |

|  |Asian |  |

|  |Black/African-American |  |

|  |Caucasian/White (non-Hispanic) |  |

|  |Hispanic/Latino |  |

|  |Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander |  |

|  |Multiracial |  |

|  |Decline to state |  |

|  |Other |  |

|  |  |  |

|20 |Highest level of educational attainment (One response per participant) |# of Responses |

|  |Less than high school diploma |  |

|  |High school diploma |  |

|  |Some College |  |

|  |Associate degree |  |

|  |Bachelor's degree |  |

|  |Graduate Education (e.g. Master's, Doctorate, etc.) |  |

|  |Other |  |

Open Ended:

30.) Open Ended: Our research indicates that 13% of students in grades 6-12 say that they cannot do their homework because they do not have access to technology or the Internet at home. Some students say to do their homework they have to go to a fast food restaurant or sit in their school parking lot to get online. Many communities agree that these options are not acceptable, and they worry about the impact of the lack of home technology access on students’ futures. 

• What do you think your community could do to ensure that all students have access to safe, consistent, and reliable technology at home to do homework? 

We are very interested in your creative ideas to this difficult challenge! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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