White Paper August 2020

White Paper August 2020


Scope of the consultation


Ministerial Foreword6

Introduction 10

Pillar One ? Planning for development26

Pillar Two ? Planning for beautiful and sustainable places44

Pillar Three ? Planning for infrastructure and connected places 60

Delivering change68

What happens next74

Annex A


Scope of the consultation

Topic of this consultation: Scope of this consultation:

Geographical scope: Impact Assessment:

This consultation seeks any views on each part of a package of proposals for reform of the planning system in England to streamline and modernise the planning process, improve outcomes on design and sustainability, reform developer contributions and ensure more land is available for development where it is needed.

This consultation covers a package of proposals for reform of the planning system in England, covering plan-making, development management, development contributions, and other related policy proposals.

Views are sought for specific proposals and the wider package of reforms presented.

These proposals relate to England only.

The Government is mindful of its responsibility to have regard to the potential impact of any proposal on the Public Sector Equality Duty. In each part of the consultation we would invite any views on the duty. We are also seeking views on the potential impact of the package as a whole on the Public Sector Equality Duty.

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Basic information


Body/bodies responsible for the consultation: Duration: Enquiries: How to respond:

This consultation is open to everyone. We are keen to hear from a wide range of interested parties from across the public and private sectors, as well as from the general public. Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

This consultation will last for 12 weeks from 6 August 2020. For any enquiries about the consultation please contact planningforthefuture@.uk. You may respond by going to our website

Alternatively you can email your response to the questions in this consultation to planningforthefuture@.uk.

If you are responding in writing, please make it clear which questions you are responding to.

Written responses should be sent to: Planning for the Future Consultation, Planning Directorate, 3rd Floor, Fry Building, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF.

When you reply it would be very useful if you confirm whether you are replying as an individual or submitting an official response on behalf of an organisation and include: ? your name, ? your position (if applicable), and ? the name of organisation (if applicable).

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