
HAVOC II ROUND 6 – Packet by Chuhern Hwang

1.Colonel Pickering prevents Alfred from hitting one character with this first name. Another character of this first name is accompanied by Mr. Gardiner to Pemberley and earlier saw her friend Charlotte Lucas marry Mr. Collins. One character by this name utters the phrase “not bloody likely!” while being trained in phonetics while another by this name loves Mr. Wickham before that man runs away with Lydia Bennett. FTP, give this name shared by Henry Higgin’s Cockney flower girl in George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion and by the eventual lover of Mr. Darcy in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.

A: Elizabeth [accept Doolittle until “first name;” accept Pygmalion until “character”]

2.Dmitri Kabalevsky wrote one of these pieces for Soviet youth, and Mozart’s twentieth is his only one in a minor key and his twenty-sixth is often called the “Coronation”. Franz Liszt wrote one of these for two of the solo instruments entitled “Pathetique”, and both Sergei Prokofiev and Maurice Ravel wrote ones for Paul Wittgenstein to be played only with the left hand. Beethoven’s fifth and final of these compositions is called the “Emperor”. FTP, name these pieces written for orchestra and solo piano.

A: Piano Concerto [prompt on concerto]

3.Practitioners of this school founded the nine-mountain monasteries in Silla. Some members of this sect experience Mushi dokugo, or “enlightenment alone,” although Dokuan Genko stated that roshi should not need approval from teachers. It was spread by Bodhidharma and it traces its roots to Sakyamuni plucking a white lotus before a sangha, the Flower Sermon. This school is also known for counterintuitive questions called koans, which include “what is the sound of one hand clapping?” FTP, name this school of Mahayana that promotes enlightenment through meditation, a branch of Buddhism common in China and Japan. A: Chan or Zen Buddhism [accept Thien or Seon Buddhism]

4.One of his earliest poems praised the “distant fire” of a “Proud Evening Star.” This author of Dream-Land wrote “But Evil things, in robes of sorrow/assailed the monarch’s high estate,” in The Haunted Palace, which Roderick recites in one of this man’s short stories. Another poem describes iron, brazen, golden, and silver types of an instrument, while other poems tell about a maiden in a kingdom by the sea and a creature that croaks “Nevermore.” FTP, name this American Dark Romantic author of The Fall of House of Usher, The Bells, Annabel Lee, and The Raven.

A: Edgar Allan Poe

5.This artist painted a lion hunt and a Jewish wedding after a trip to North Africa, during which he also painted a man in yellow riding a horse outside a yellow-walled city in The Sultan of Morocco. This artist also painted portraits of George Sand and Frederic Chopin and painted an Ottoman on horseback near a pile of dying Greeks in Massacre at Chios. Other works show a nude’s throat being slit as a king sits on his bed, and a work in which a man in a top hat marches next to a woman flying a tricolor. FTP, name this artist of The Death of Sardanapalus, a French Romantic who painted Liberty Leading the People.

A: Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix

6.This figure planted hazel, poplar, and chestnut near a watering hole so that a flock of goats would produce spotted and speckled offspring. He named the city of Bethel after dreaming that his brother, a guardian angel of Edom, climbed into the clouds on a ladder. This man who married Laban’s daughters disguised himself in sheepskin to receive the blessing of his father with the help of his mother, Rebecca. FTP, name this Biblical figure who fathered the twelve tribes of Israel and wrestled an angel, a son of Isaac and brother of Esau.

A: Jacob [Accept Yakub; prompt on Israel]

7.The Qutb Minar’s construction began under a dynasty of these people in northern India. This group defeated the forces of Hulegu Khan at the Battle of Ain Jalut, and members of this group also ruled the Delhi Sultanate in the Khilji Dynasty. Despite defeating the Mongols, this group was conquered by the janissaries of Selim I. This group’s leaders were killed in the Massacre of the Citadel by Muhammad Ali Pasha, and this group that had led the Bahri and Burji dynasties had earlier lost the Battle of the Pyramids and fought at Madrid under Napoleon. FTP, name these former rulers of Egypt, a group of Islamic slave soldiers.

A: Mamluks [or Mamelukes]

8.The 2008 edition of this event featured a set of eight terracotta men who had previously been displayed at Qizhong Stadium in Shanghai in 2007. Last year, this event also saw Zheng Jie pledge her winnings to Sichuan earthquake relief after she defeated Ana Ivanovic. Bjorn Borg won this five times in succession, and the Rosewater Dish has been awarded for the past two years to Venus Williams. FTP, name this tournament where last year’s five-set final saw Rafael Nadal end Roger Federer’s five successive titles, a grass-court tennis grand slam held at the All-England Club.

A: The Championships, Wimbledon

9.This province’s Tobeatic Game Reserve and Kejimkujik National Park inspired Albert Paine's The Tent Dwellers. It includes the town of Truro, near Cobequid Bay, which is part of the Minas Basin. This province includes Sable Island, as well as another island connected to the mainland by the Canso Causeway. That island contains the Bras d’Or Lake as well as the city of Sydney. The Cabot Trail runs through this province’s Cape Breton Highlands National Park, and its town of Yarmouth lies near the mouth of the Bay of Fundy. FTP, name this Canadian Maritime province with a capital at Halifax.

A: Nova Scotia

10.A Supreme Court case In re this man declared that it was within the power of the federal government to issue injunctions to regulate interstate trade. Grover Cleveland claimed that this man disrupted mail service to send the US Army to settle a strike led by this man against the Pullman Palace Car Company. Due to a speech he gave in Canton, he was imprisoned by President Wilson, and this man cooperated with Bill Haywood to found an organization more radical than the AFL. FTP, name this man who was imprisoned for violating the Espionage Act, a perennial Socialist candidate for president who helped found the Industrial Workers of the World.

A: Eugene Victor Debs

11. The Dicer enzyme is used to create fragments of these molecules that control the activeness of genes in a process known as these molecules’ interference. Okizaki fragments are added onto short strands of these molecules known as primers. Cloverleaf-shaped ones of these molecules carry an anticodon loop, while operons control the production of messenger types of these molecules that are translated by ribosomes. FTP, name these molecules with r-, t- and m- varieties, long strands of nucleotides that use uracil rather than thymine as a base.

A: Ribonucleic Acid

12.In one play by this man, Arnolphe attempts to raise his ward Agnes to be an ideal wife and another of his plays tells of the moneylender Harpagon, whose love for money impedes the weddings of his children. In addition to The School for Wives and The Miser, he wrote a play in which Alceste loves Celimene but is frustrated with society. During a performance of a play about the hypochondriac Argan, this man collapsed, dying shortly thereafter. In another of his plays, Orgon is almost evicted from his own house by the titular religious hypocrite. FTP name this French playwright of The Misanthrope, The Imaginary Invalid, and Tartuffe.

A: Moliere [or Jean Baptiste Poquelin]

13.This ruler attempted to win over the Monophysites but failed because he contradicted the provisions of the Council of Chalcedon. This man's general Narses defeated the Ostrogoths at Taginae, while another of his generals defeated the Vandals in the reconquest of North Africa; that general Belisarius also helped defeat Hypatius, whom the Greens had backed in a civil unrest between chariot-racing factions, the Nika Riots. This ruler also ordered the construction of the Hagia Sophia. FTP, name this man who ordered a compilation of his empire’s civil law, a husband of Theodora and emperor of the Byzantines. A: Justinian I [or Justinian the Great]

14.This thinker postulated Sophia as the final stage of development of an aspect of males that has earlier stages known as Eve, Helen, and Mary. This psychologist also believed that people tend to connect causally unrelated events, and he influenced the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator with his ideas on personality. This man who postulated the ideas of synchronicity, anima and animus, and introversion and extroversion also formed the idea of a reservoir in the unconscious of human experience. FTP, name this thinker who came up with the idea of the collective unconscious, the Swiss founder of analytic psychology. A: Carl Gustav Jung

15. A major “accretion event” likely created Hoag’s Object, which is one of these objects, and the Antennae are a pair of interacting ones of these. Gerard de Vaucouleurs improved on a tuning-fork shaped morphological classification for these objects created by Edwin Hubble. Lenticular and elliptical are varieties of these entities that include the Andromeda one. FTP, name these types of celestial objects whose centers contain supermassive black holes, known for spiral ones such as the Milky Way.

A: Galaxy

16.This country is the setting which a harelipped gardener travels through in one novel, and yet another novel in this setting tells of a bakkie being stolen after Bam and Maureen Smales escape a civil war with their servant. In another novel set here, Stephen goes to the city in search of his sister Gertrude to find his son Absalom charged with murder. FTP, name this nation that is the setting of The Life and Times of Michael K, July’s People, and Cry, the Beloved Country, home to authors such as J.M. Coetzee, Nadine Gordimer, and Alan Paton, who wrote against this nation’s apartheid.

A: Republic of South Africa

17.This man served as a general for Bento Gonçalves and helped take Santa Catarina in the War of the Tatters. The Tukory aided this man’s victory at the Battle of Milazzo, fought after his earlier success in helping the Colorados in Uruguay. This man’s forces won the Battle of Bezzecca in the Invasion of Trentino, in which he led the Hunters of the Alps. He led the Expedition of the Thousand, and despite his dislike for the Count Cavour, he fought the Kingdom of Two Sicilies for the Risorgimento. FTP, name this general who fought to unify Italy with his Redshirts.

A: Giuseppe Garibaldi

18. In statistics, this quantity is equal to one minus beta, or the Type II error, and is the probability of correctly rejecting a null hypothesis. The optical type of this is equal to the reciprocal of focal length of a lens. This term is defined as angular velocity multiplied by torque in rotational systems, and is defined as both I times R squared and as the current multiplied by the voltage drop in electrical systems. FTP, name this quantity that has a mechanical form equal to work over time, measured in watts.

A: Power

19.A man-eating monster of Aventine Hill once stole cattle which themselves were stolen by this man, who then dug out a mountain to kill Cacus. This man sacked Troy after Laomedon refused to give him the horses of Zeus, and he died after being poisoned by a shirt given by his wife, Deianira, after this man had earlier killed Nessus. He also killed some man-eating birds near Lake Stymphalia and rerouted the Alpheus and Peneus rivers so that in a single day he could clean the Augean Stables. FTP, name this Greek hero hated by Hera, who slew the Nemean Lion and the Hydra as part of his Twelve Labors.

A: Heracles or Hercules or Alcides [Accept Cacus until “this man”]

20.The United States became involved in a rebellion in this nation with a series of airstrikes named Operation Classic Resolve. In 2003, a group of soldiers in this nation led the Oakwood Mutiny against its current president. After winning another war here, the United States fought the Bolo War against its natives. A leader of this nation who put down the First Quarter Storm was deposed in the People Power Revolution of 1986, after which Corazon Aquino came to power. Emilio Aguinaldo fought for the independence of, FTP, what nation once ruled by Ferdinand Marcos, a predominately Catholic country ruled from Manila?

A: the Philippines

EXTRA TOSS-UP; only read if there is a tie

21. In addition to this procedure’s Fischer variety for finding trace amounts of water, another form of this process can be used to find the iso-electric points of colloids and is known as the zeta potential type. Finding the point of inflection of the curves for this method gives the equivalence point. This method usually involves a burette and commonly performed ones involve phenolphthalein turning pink. FTP, name this laboratory method in which a reagent and indicator are used to find the concentration of a reactant.

A: Titration

1.FTPE, Andrew Jackson invaded Florida during the first war with this group.

[10] Name this Native American group which fought against the U.S. under Osceola and was originally an offshoot of the Creek.

A: Seminole

[10] Andrew Jackson defied John Marshall’s ruling in Worcester v. Georgia by enacting the Indian Removal Act and sending the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole on this journey to Oklahoma.

A: Trail of Tears

[10] Later amended by the Burke Act, this 1887 legislation divided Indian reservations into privately-owned plots and tried to assimilate Indians into American culture.

A: Dawes Severalty Act

2.His works include The Savage Mind and The Raw and the Cooked. FTPE:

[10] Name this French founder of structural anthropology, author of The Elementary Forms of Kinship.

A: Claude Levi-Strauss

[10] Levi-Strauss studied the role of the Trickster in these tales; Camus wrote about one of these “of Sisyphus.”

A: Myths

[10] This American comparative mythologist explored the development of an archetype in The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

A: Joseph John Campbell

3.This work was originally found above the doorway of its artist’s The Gates of Hell. FTPE:

[10] Name this sculpture showing a man resting his chin on his hand in meditation.

A: The Thinker [Accept Le Penseur or The Poet]

[10] The Thinker is a sculpture by this French artist who also depicted a scene from the Hundred Years’ War in The Burghers of Calais as well as several from the Inferno, including The Kiss.

A: Auguste Rodin

[10] Rodin was accused of casting this life-size male nude based on Michelangelo’s Dying Slave from a living model.

A: The Age of Bronze [or L’age d’airain]

4.FTPE, Their officers included centurions and tribunes, and they were at various times divided into cohorts or maniples.

[10] Name these units of the Roman army, several of which were destroyed at the battle of Teutoburg Forest.

A: Legions

[10] This general allied with King Bocchus to capture Jugurtha before fighting a civil war against Marius. He used his legions to march on and secure power over Rome.

A: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

[10] This rich Roman general had gold poured down his throat after losing the Battle of Carrhae to the Parthians, though he is perhaps better known for being part of the First Triumvirate. A: Marcus Licinius Crassus

5.The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral lies atop this city’s Toompea Hill. FTPE:

[10] Name this city that is the capital of Estonia.

A: Tallinn

[10] Tallinn lies on the Gulf of Finland, which is an arm of this sea which includes the Rugen and Oland islands and which the Vistula River empties into.

A: Baltic Sea

[10] Vaasa is a port on this northern portion of the Baltic Sea, which is sandwiched between Finland and Sweden.

A: Gulf of Bothnia

6.One of these in Greek myth moved around the sea so that Leto would have a place to safely give birth. FTPE:

[10] Name this geographical feature, several of which were created using fishhooks in one story in which a god tricks his brothers into pulling these features up.

A: islands

[10] That god is part of the mythology of this island group, whose other deities include Pele, a goddess of fire and volcanoes whose current home is considered to be Kilauea.

A: Hawaii [Accept Hawaiian Islands or State of Hawaii]

[10] This Hawaiian trickster god and namesake of a Hawaiian island tricked his brothers into pulling up the islands and also climbed Haleakala to lasso the sun.

A: Maui

7.In this novel, Wilson cares for the protagonist after mistakenly believing he is shot. FTPE:

[10] Name this novel that sees the death of Jim Conklin before the final heroism of Henry Fleming, written by an author who never saw action in the Civil War.

A: The Red Badge of Courage

[10] The Red Badge of Courage is a novel by this American Realist who wrote short stories such as Bride Comes to Yellow Sky, The Blue Hotel, and The Open Boat.

A: Stephen Crane

[10] Crane's first novel is this one about the title character, who eventually becomes a prostitute, and her brother Jimmie.

A: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets

8. Li Bai and Du Fu wrote many jueju, which are forms of these poems with five or seven syllables. FTPE:

[10] Name these four-line stanzas or poems, many of which are collected in Rubaiyat.

A: Quatrains

[10] This Persian polymath wrote the lines “Here with a Loaf of bread beneath the bough/a flask of wine, a book of verse- and thou” in his Rubaiyat.

A: Omar Khayyam

[10] This Japanese poet is known as a master of haiku and wrote The Narrow Road to the Deep North.

A: Matsuo Basho [Accept either name or Matsuo Kinsaku]

9. The Vickers test is a method of determining this property of a material. FTPE:

[10] Name this property that for minerals is measured from 1 to 10 on the Mohs Scale.

A: Hardness

[10] Amethyst is a type of this mineral with a hardness of 7 on the Mohs Scale. It consists of silica and its piezoelectric abilities allow its use in running clocks and watches.

A: Quartz

[10] Quartz is at the bottom of this diagram that splits into discontinuous and continuous branches and attempts to explain why some minerals are more commonly found together.

A: Bowen’s Reaction Series

10.Protests erupted in this nation in 2007 after its president announced a tax on mining operations. FTPE:

[10] Name this nation whose president upset Petrobras by nationalizing its natural gas industry in 2005, home to Manfred Reyes Villa and site of some 2007 protests against its indigenous head of state. They also expelled US ambassador Philip Goldberg in September 2008.

A: Republic of Bolivia

[10] This leader of the Movement for Socialism is the current president of Bolivia and is known for his advocacy of coca cultivation.

A: Juan Evo Morales Ayma

[10] This man recovered from a 2002 coup to nationalize his nation’s cement industry, lower poverty levels, and attempt to allow himself to continuously run for reelection for president of Venezuela.

A: Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias

11.The appendix to this work is a commentary on Peter Lombard’s Four Books of Sentences. FTPE:

[10] Name this medieval work of religious philosophy, known for its quinquae viae, five proofs of the existence of God.

A: Summa Theologica [accept Summa Theologiae]

Summa Theologica was written by this Dominican Saint who also wrote Summa Contra Gentiles and On Being and Essence.

A:Thomas Aquinas

Aquinas belonged to this theological philosophical movement based on synthesizing Church doctrine and Aristotelian philosophy, whose other members include Peter Abelard and William of Ockham.

A: Scholasticism [accept other word forms]

12.Characters in this opera include the slave girl Liu, who is tortured for not revealing the name of the protagonist. FTPE:

Name this opera in which Calaf sings the aria “Nessun Dorma” after correctly answering the three riddles of the titular Chinese princess.

A: Turandot

Turandot is an opera by this Italian who also depicted Mario Cavaradossi's death at the hands of the police chief Scarpia over his love for the titular singer in Tosca.

A: Giacomo Puccini

This other Puccini opera features the title character's rejection of Prince Yamadori, giving birth to a child named Sorrow, and abandonment by Lieutenant Pinkerton before she commits suicide with her father's dagger.

A: Madama Butterfly Accept Madame Butterfly

13. Magnesium ions are found in the center of the chlorin rings of these molecules. FTPE:

[10] Name these yellow-green pigments that are found around the P680 and P700 reaction centers in thylakoid membranes.

A: Chlorophyll

[10] Chlorophyll is a key pigment in this plant process in which carbon dioxide and water are converted to oxygen and glucose in the presence of light.

A: Photosynthesis

[10] In this type of photosynthesis, contrasted with C4, succulent plants fix carbon into malate at night and the stomata stay closed during the daytime.

A: Crassulacean Acid Metabolism Photosynthesis

14.Their rights were revoked by the Edict of Fontainebleau. FTPE:

[10] Name these French Calvinists who were granted equal rights as Catholics in the Edict of Nantes.

A: Huguenots

[10] Probably instigated by Catherine de Medici, this bloodbath started on August 23, 1572 and saw Catholics kill a bunch of Huguenots in Paris.

A: St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

[10] This last of the French Wars of Religion saw the ascent of the first Bourbon king of France, who declared “Paris is worth a Mass” and issued the Edict of Nantes after the defeat of two similarly named men.

A: War of the Three Henrys

15.This Russian author wrote about Gurov’s affair with Anna in Yalta in his short story The Lady with the Dog. FTPE:

[10] Name this author also wrote about the title character working with his niece Sonya for the stingy Professor Serebryakov in his play Uncle Vanya.

A: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

[10] This Chekhov play features a love square between Treplyov, Nina, Trigorin, and Arkadina and ends with Nina describing her failure as an actress and Treplyov's desperate suicide.

A: The Seagull [accept Chayka]

[10] In this Chekhov play, Natasha marries Andrey to the dismay of the titular group, which includes Masha, who has an affair with Colonel Vershinin, and Irina, whose betrothed Tuzenbakh is killed in a duel in the play's conclusion.

A: Three Sisters [accept Tri Sestry]

16. The cgs unit for its dynamic form is poise and for its kinematic form is stokes. FTPE:

[10] Name this internal resistance of a fluid to flow that can be measured with a Zahn cup.

A: Viscosity

[10] Moody charts relate the friction factor to this dimensionless number, a ratio between inertial and viscous forces; turbulent, rather than laminar, flow occurs at high values for this number.

A: Reynolds Number

[10] This fluid dynamics principle states that for inviscid flows, a decrease in pressure is accompanied by an increase in fluid velocity. It is named for Daniel, a member of an important Swiss family of mathematicians.

A: Bernoulli’s Principle

17. FTPE, China is prone to rebellions. Name some.

[10] This rebellion featured a peasant army led by a man who thought he was the brother of Jesus. It conquered much of southern China during the 1850's and placed its capital at Nanjing.

A: Taiping Rebellion

[10] In this rebellion, Europeans were targeted by the Chinese, who besieged Beijing and were eventually defeated by the Eight-Nation Alliance.

A: Boxer Rebellion [accept obvious equivalents, as well as the Righteous Harmony Society Rebellion or the Rebellion of the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists]

[10] This rebellion featured secret Taoist societies with the namesake head coverings. It is described in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

A: Yellow Turban Revolt [or rebellion, or uprising, etc.]

18.One of its characters writes stories about Angry Bob and Danny Donkey, while another must avoid a Fraternity of Crocodiles known as Zeeba Zeeba Eata. FTPE:

[10] Name this comic-strip launched in 2001 by Stephen Pastis that includes characters like Pig, Zebra, Goat, Rat, and Little Guard Duck.

A: Pearls Before Swine

[10] This comic strip by Bill Watterson features a six-year old boy named after a leader of the Protestant Reformation who pretends to be Spaceman Spiff while playing with his pet tiger.

A: Calvin and Hobbes

[10] Stick figures form the cast of this Randall Munroe webcomic “of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.”

A: xkcd

19.Her son castrated her husband with a sickle she gave to that son. FTPE:

[10] Name this mother of Rhea and Tethys by Uranus, considered to be a Mother Goddess in Greek mythology.

A: Gaia

[10] Hephaestus molded this first woman with a part of Gaia; she notably opened a box that she wasn’t supposed to, releasing evil into the world.

A: Pandora

[10] This was the son of Gaia who overthrew Uranus. He would later be overthrown by his sons Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, who imprisoned him in Tartarus.

A: Cronus

20. The fractional form of this process is used on crude oil. FTPE:

[10] Name this method used to separate the parts of mixtures by capitalizing on the different boiling points of those parts.

A: Distillation

[10] These substances, one of which consists of 95.6% ethanol and 4.4% water, are liquid mixtures that cannot be separated through simple distillation.

A: Azeotropes

[10] Azeotropes deviate from this law that states that for ideal solutions, the vapor pressure is equal to the vapor pressure of the pure solvent times the mole fraction.

A: Raoult’s Law

21.One of this author's novels tells of Clym Yeobright's love for Eustacia Vye. FTPE:

[10] This author of a novel in which the title character drunkenly sells his wife and daughter to a sailor, The Mayor of Casterbridge, wrote Return of the Native as well as poems like The Darkling Thrush.

A: Thomas Hardy

[10] In this Hardy novel, the title character originally marries Arabella Donn but later falls in love with Sue Bridehead, whose children are killed by his son Little Father Time.

A: Jude the Obscure

[10] This other novel tells of a young woman who seeks to meet a member of an aristocratic family she may be related to but ends up having a child with Alec and later murders him to be with Angel Clare.

A: Tess of the D'Urbervilles


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