A Short History of Tyranny

[Pages:18]A Short History of Tyranny

(September 3, 2021)

Ladies and gentlemen, we are not going to talk about the tragedy in Afghanistan. We don't have time for that today. We're going to talk about a much broader problem. So, don't go anywhere. But I do want to say this. Go and listen to Ben Shapiro, who, as you know, has a podcast called The Daily Wire. That's his organization. Listen to the August 17th show because most of what Ben says in there I agree with. There's a couple things I might not agree with. Here is the title of Ben's show. I think this was on Tuesday of this week. This is the title, he doesn't pull any punches, "Biden's Dishonest, Cowardly Afghanistan Surrender Proves He is Unfit for His Office". And, by the way, he doesn't just go after Biden, he goes after Trump too. I think it's a fair assessment of what's been going on, so please go listen to that, because I think he does a good job. He pulls audio clips so you can hear what people are saying in their own words. This is a tragedy. It is the worst possible way to ever leave a country. And I'm recording this right here on Thursday. There may be some developments before you hear this. But this is a disaster. And it's right at Biden's feet. Alright, enough of that.

Here's my next question. How do you take power from the people and consolidate it in a dictator or a government? There happened to be known facts to do this and they have been demonstrated time and again since the time of Plato. But you see, these are deceptive tactics. And, as you know, Satan deceives by disguising himself as an angel of light. Now, here's one problem with deception. When you're being deceived, you don't know it. And I submit to you that many of us have been deceived and are being deceived right now about many things in our culture, and there is no better person I know on the planet to give us an historical perspective on these deceptive tactics and how people can, basically, have power taken from them step after step.

I'm calling this program A Short History of Tyranny. And my friend, William Federer, just gave a series of unbelievable presentations out at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. We happened to be out there at the same time. We were running CIA, the CrossExamined Instructor Academy, and Bill was across campus, actually doing these three wonderful presentations that you can see on Jack Hibbs' YouTube channel. I highly recommend you go watch these. They each have over 100,000 views already. Go to Real Life with Jack Hibbs YouTube channel and see Bill Federer lay out what we're going to talk about in very short order here on this program.

Bill: Hey, Frank. Great to be with you.

Frank: Now Bill's website is and his book on this topic is called Socialism - The Real History from Plato to the Present: How the Deep State Capitalizes on Crises to Consolidate Control. And so, we're just going to scratch the surface here on this broadcast here today, on this particular book. If you want to go deeper, look at those YouTube presentations that Bill did and get the book called Socialism by Bill Federer. It's always great to have Bill on. He's been on before. Bill, how are you?

You do some great work, Bill. Before we get into this, I don't think I've ever seen anybody better have a handle on history and a handle on it that can communicate the big picture of history to the general public. How did you get so skilled in doing this?

Bill: Probably just repetition. My dad was an attorney historian, so we grew up going to French forts, Spanish forts, Civil War battle fields, Kit Carson, and all these different places had a library in the house. But it really was when I became a Christian as an adult. And I tell people it's like turning the corner on a cornfield and you see the rows line up. So, it's the same corn from one point of view, but it seems unorganized. Another point of view, you see a progression. And so, from God's point of view, there's this progression of limiting tyranny so that people can be all that God made them to be, and ultimately have the freedom of conscience to choose God, right, through Jesus. So, the most common form of government in world history is kings. I decided to do a project of researching every civilization that has ever existed on planet earth. Spent about a year or two and went back all the way to Sumerian cuneiform on clay tablets, the Mesopotamian Valley, and Nimrod Tower of Babel, and Sargon of Acadia, and the kings of Assyria and Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon and Indian Maharajas, 5000 years of Chinese emperors, 2000 years of Egyptian pharaohs, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, ultimately, the King of England. The most common form of government in world history is top down. It's kings.

Power gravitates into the hands of one person, sort of like the movie The Lord of the Rings, where Gandalf tells Frodo, always remember Frodo, the ring is trying to get back to its master, it wants to be found. Power wants to concentrate, and the dilemma is, it's in each of our own human DNA. So, you put some kids on a playground, one's the bully. You put some junior high girls in a clique, and one is the diva. You put some people in the woods and one of them is an

Indian chief, and you put them in an inner city, and one is a gang leader. And all a king is a glorified gang leader. And it's a hierarchical system. If you're friends with a king, you're more equal, if you're not friends with the king, you're less equal. And if you're an enemy of the king, you're dead. It's called treason. Or you're a slave. And so, that's the norm. Very rarely do people get a chance to try to rule themselves without a king. I go through those quite extensively, ancient Israel, ancient Greece, Athens, ancient Rome. But in times of crisis, people panic and give up their freedoms and the rubber band snaps back into the hands of the king.

Frank: Well, that's what we're gonna talk about. How can people gradually take power from other people and consolidate it in a dictator or a government? Now your book, the book called Socialism - The Real History from Plato to the Present, that book goes through all we're going to talk about. But let's start at the basics, Bill, because I think a lot of people don't really have a good handle on socialism. If you had to define socialism, how would you define it? What is it?

Bill: It's a cultural bait and switch. It promises heaven, delivers hell. Promises a dream, delivers a nightmare. In other words, if the norm is kings, and then you have rare times where people rule themselves, if someone wants to take power away from the people, how do you do it? They don't want to give it up. And so, there are two tactics. One is fear. When people get afraid, they trade freedom for security. And so, it's either creating or capitalizing on a crises to consolidate control. That's sort of the subtitle of my book. So, one is fear. The others free stuff. And you get people dependent, and that is a little more subtle, but it's just as dangerous. I tell people, a drug dealer can take over a neighborhood two ways. He can come in with guns, and everybody panics and agrees to pay him protection money for him to leave them alone. So, fear. But the other is, the drug dealer can give away free drugs and everybody gets hooked, and once they're hooked, he says, oh, you want more drugs? Well, you're gonna have to sell yourself into prostitution, you're gonna have to steal from your neighbor, you're gonna have to do this, that and the other, right. It's like a hunter can catch animals; one, with a gun, or two, with bait.

You know, I was reading an article about how to catch wild pigs. You put a post in the ground with some corn at the bottom, and then you put two posts, the next day three, and the next day four, and the next day five, and you sort of build a semi-circle. And you keep putting the corn out, the pigs come and eat the corn, and they really don't notice these poles until finally, there's a little opening to get into this circle and the pigs squeeze through there and eat the corn. And then one day, you just shut the gate, right. And so, you use bait to catch them. So, socialism can take over two ways; they can come in with tanks, or they can bankrupt the

country until everybody says, government help us out. And so, that's what they call, the great reset, where they're intentionally bankrupting the country, inflating the dollar So everybody that's on fixed income, especially the older people, will have to basically surrender their lives to the government to keep them alive and so forth.

Frank: We're gonna see how this is happening here in America and ask Bill a number of other questions about how power is taken from the people through tactics that have been used for centuries. So, don't go anywhere. You're listening to I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist with Frank Turek. My guest is William Federer. His website is . Check it out. And we're back in two minutes.

Welcome back to I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist with Frank Turek on the American Family Radio Network. Our website is . Our YouTube channel, two words, Cross Examined. And thank you for putting positive reviews of this podcast the I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist podcast, on iTunes or wherever you hear this podcast. It helps move it up the charts.

I want to mention I'm going to be at Compass Bible Church this Sunday, August 22. That's in Aliso Viejo, California. For the morning services we'll be doing, If God, Why Evil? And then the following week, I will be at the Values Advocacy Council 2021 in San Jose, California. That's Saturday night at 6:00pm on the west coast. And then the next morning, South Valley Community Church in Gilroy and also Hollister, California. There's three services. You can see all this on our website, , click on events and Frank Turek calendar. If you're out there on the west coast, I'd love to see you. I've got three trips to the west coast this this month, so hopefully I'll be able to hold up going back and forth across the country. But it's a privilege to speak to those places.

My guest today is Dr. Bill Federer, William Federer, who has done some amazing historical work. Bill, just before the break, we were talking a little bit about socialism. And I've always understood socialism to be, kind of, a bare bones description of it, it's where the state has the means of production. They take the means of production, there's not private property, the state holds that. I guess there's, kind of, quasi socialist places where they don't have complete control. Is that a fair definition, however, of socialism?

Bill: Well, I like to look at people who were in history like Lenin. Lenin said, socialism is a transition phase to communism.

And Karl Marx defined communism. He said, communism can be summed up in one sentence, abolition of private property. And so, long story short, my book goes all the way back to Plato, 380 BC. He considered Atlantis, this highly structured civilization on an island that sinks in the sea, but it's his ideal structured society. And Plato thought democracy was an unstructured society. [Unintelligible]. In a democracy, the chief characteristic is tolerance. Everybody tolerates each other. It's great. Then they tolerate people that are a little bit off, then they tolerate people that are a lot off, until finally, they're tolerating lawlessness, and crooks, and crime, and fraud, broad daylight looting in the streets, and robbing, and stealing, and smashing windows, and nobody does anything about it. And the people begin to say, can't someone come along and fix this mess? And that's when some governor comes along, and he says, I can fix it, I just need some emergency powers.

And Plato says, at first, when he appears above ground, he's a protector and he's full of smiles. Like, yes, I'm going to protect you but I'm going to have to take away some of your freedoms to do it. And Plato says, finally, he stands up in the chariot of state holding the reins of power and he's revealed as the tyrant. And so, he's going to institute structure and he's the head of gold, and his administrators and military are the arms and chest of silver. They are the ruling class, everyone else is the abdomen of iron and bronze. They are the ruled class. So, socialism is a structured society of a ruling class and a ruled class. Now, Plato says that the ruling class, they're above the law, they're politically connected, they're supported by the commoners. They can do things like getting their hair styled when nobody else can.

Frank: Oh, I wonder where you got that idea from?

Bill: Now the ruled class, yes, everyone is provided for, but no one owns anything and the government controls at all. And there's sort of a saying, he who holds the purse strings has the power. Okay, everybody gets an equal amount. Well, wait a second, who is in the government position doling out all this stuff? And they end up liking their job, and they end up being tempted to be preferential, doling a little extra out to those that are their friends, and maybe holding back from those that don't like them. And it ends up becoming oppressive. And so, that's the dilemma, that if everybody owns everything equally, somebody is in the government

position doling it out. Who gets to decide who lives in the nice house and who lives in the dumpy house? Somebody in the government dictates that. Well, whoever dictates that is the dictator.

So, Plato, everybody gets provided for, but nobody owns anything. Matter of fact, Plato, the government decides who gets to have children, and the government takes the children away from the parents and brings them into the city where they're indoctrinated with noble lies. That's what Plato said. He says that the philosopher King will take the children away before they've been affected by the habit to their parents and he'll bring them into the city. And he says, we want one single grand lie, which will be believed by everybody. Could you imagine the government taking the kids away from the parents and teaching them lies? And, and the purpose of the lies is so these kids are programmed to serve the ruling class, the elites, to maintain...

Frank: This has already happened.

Bill: Yeah. And so, I make it simple. If you think of power as a line, a spectrum, one side is total government and the other side is no government. Total government power keeps concentrating, a little bit here like socialism-light, and then transitions to communism. And basically, whenever you get communism, there's a party, there's a Communist Party, and then you have people seizing power amongst themselves until you get a party boss, and he functions as a dictator. So, then the other side of the spectrum is no government. And that would be anarchy, unless each person is taught the law.

And that's where ancient Israel comes in. So, in my studies of 1000s of years of world history, and kings is the most common form of government, there's a strange example of an alternative. The first example, matter of fact, it's ancient Israel. Around 1400 BC, they came out of Egypt, and for 400 years they don't have a king. And every single citizen is taught the law, and they're personally accountable to God to follow the law, and it worked for four centuries until the priests stopped teaching the law. And every man did what was right in their own eyes, it turns into chaos, Sodomites banging on doors, concubines being raped. You know, Levi priests with silver graven images in the house of a guy named Micah. Eli, the high priest, his own sons are sleeping with women in the very tent where the Ark of the Covenant is. It turns into lawlessness, and they all go to Samuel the Prophet, and they say, this self-government system is not working anymore. We want to be like all the pagan countries around us. We want a king.

And Samuel cries and the Lord tell Samuel, they did not reject you, they rejected me. And God sends lightning and thunder, destroys their crops, and they said, we sinned and ask him for a king. And Samuel said, yes, you did sin. He's going to take away your best land and give it to his favorites. Redistribution of wealth. He's going to take your daughters, make them be cooks, make your sons run before his chariots, right.

And now God still worked his plan of redemption, but it was with a plan B, so to speak. It was the people not being in charge of their lives anymore. So, America's founding fathers in colonial New England, they looked back to this period of ancient Israel. It's called the Hebrew Republic. Matter of fact, they taught Hebrew at Harvard and Yale. To this day, Yale has Hebrew characters on its coat of arms, right. And so, in New England, they set up this form of government called Assemblies and Congregations. And the word synagogue means meeting place. And so, every town would have a meeting place, it was the church. And they would have their Congregational Church government, but they would then decide...the word politics comes from the Greek word polis, which means city. And all you had in the city of Providence, Rhode Island, was Thomas Hooker's church and the Congregationalists. And all you had in Providence, Rhode Island was Roger Williams' church. They founded the city. How can you say, oh, we're Christians, we can't get involved politics, when all there was in the city where the Christians? Hello.

Frank: Yeah, right.

Bill: And so, they were involved in every issue. And so, America's Founding Fathers looked back to Colonial New England as the model of self-government. And we call it We the People, right. So, it's a polarity change in the flow of power. Set a top down, rule by King. Bottom up, rule by weak. It's a difference between a dead pyramid and a living tree, where every root and every little capillary route sucks up nutrients, they'll keep the tree alive. Every citizen is needed to make this bottom up form of government work. But like ancient Israel, in times of crisis and in immorality, people have lawlessness and chaos, and they panic, and they want some governor to come along and fix it, some King Saul to come along and fix it. Yeah, yeah, he'll restore order, but you won't have your freedoms that you had. And Saul, he turned around and killed most of the priests. Remember? He had Doeg the Edomite might kill all 70 of those priests. So, the pastor's that don't do a good job teaching God's word, once the tyrant gets in office, he's gonna have them killed.

Frank: Hmm. So, you say the two ways to take power from the people gradually, are through fear and free stuff. Okay. Now, do you need a lot of people to do this? I mean, some people are probably listening, going, oh sure, Bill, there's a grand conspiracy that all this is happening. But you don't need a lot of people to actually do this, to get power from the people and consolidate it in a dictator, or a big government. There are tactics that are being used. Correct? I mean, it doesn't take a grand conspiracy, does it?

Bill: No. But imagine being in heaven, and somebody sows discord in heaven, Lucifer, and he got a third of the angels to rebel and, of course, God cast him out. But Lucifer, his concept was to sow division. So, an example is, he sews division in the garden. Gets Adam to blame Eve But ancient Israel, that first 400 year period before they got King Saul, there was an instance where they almost lost it with Abimelech. Who's Abimelech? He's an illegitimate son of Gideon. So, Gideon defeated 100,000 Midianites, Israel has no threats, it is at peace. But Abimelech wants power, and he decides to sow discord. So, he goes to the town of Shechem and he does race identity politics. And he says, sure, the sons of Gideon reign over you. Remember that I am your flesh and your bone. And the people say, well, we got to vote for Abimelech because he is our brother. And then they go to the temple of Baal-Berith and they take 70 pieces of silver, where Abimelech hired rioters, Antifa type people, to do violence. And they go into this Father's house Ophrah and they kill all the other son to Gideon. And that's when Abimelech becomes King. And Israel [unintelligible] Republic would have ended them had not someone threw a millstone over a wall and killed Abimelech.

Frank: You can read this and judges nine. So really, Abimelech is the first guy in the Bible, anyway, to invent identity politics. Is that a fair statement?

Bill: Yeah, and to sow division where there was no division, just for the sake of getting power. But this is studied throughout history. I can give examples, but one notable one is Machiavelli. He lived 500 years ago in Italy. Italy was much a city states, Venice, Genoa, Naples, Florence Sienna, and they all had armies and they fought. And Machiavelli's thought is, if one Prince could control all of Italy it would stop the infighting. And so, he writes a book called The Prince, and he's basically telling what Caesare Borgia does to usurp power of assassinations, and poisonings and so forth. But if a prince wants to conquer a city, in his quest to unify Italy, that's a good thing because it'll stop all the infighting. But if the city doesn't want to be conquered,


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