Lessons from Mr. LeBlanc - HOME

The Roaring Twenties Name ______________________________Part II - The Questions_________________1. What were radios called in the 1920s?_________________2. The most famous dance of the “Roaring Twenties_________________3. Secret, illegal nightclubs where alcohol was served._________________4. Another name for large, beautiful movie theaters in the 1920s._________________5. The world record holder for flagpole sitting during the 1920s._________________6. A gangland slaying in Chicago ordered by Al Capone in 1929._________________7. The name for young, unconventional , rebellious women of the 20s_________________8. How did James Tunney defeat Jack Dempsey in his second title fight?_________________9. The star of the talking picture “Steamboat Willie”_________________10. Famous trial about teaching evolution vs. creationism in school_________________11. What kinds of groups did the Ku Klux Klan target in their movement?_________________ 12. Thanks to the assembly line, how long did it take to build a car at the time?_________________13. What was ironic about the Cotton Club where black artists played jazz?_________________14. The plane used in the first successful flight across the Atlantic Ocean_________________15. The name given to the first motion pictures with sound_________________16. What was the sentence for Sacco and Venzetti in their court case?_________________17. What do we call goods like the washing machine, refrigerator, and oven?_________________18. What was the religious movement known as in the twenties?_________________19. Where did the black art movement (music, literature) immerge in the 20s?_________________20. What did installment plans make it possible to do?_________________21. This was one of the big radio comedy acts of the 20s_________________22.This amendment ended the Prohibition movement_________________ 23. What were automobiles called in the 1920s?_________________24. What did conservative adults call the young people of the 29s?_________________25. He hit 60 homeruns for the Yankees in 192726. Describe some of the changes in American culture and lifestyle that began in the 1920s and are still having an impact on our society today.USE THE BACK TO WRITE YOUR ANSWER ................

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