Blackline Master 4 - Weebly

name:date:AssessmentWork Habits RubricBLM G43Learning SkillLevel 1EmergingLevel 2DevelopingLevel 3AccomplishedLevel 4ExceptionalResponsibilityCourse WorkI complete little course work. I frequently submit work late.I complete some course work.I occasionally submit work late.I complete all course work. I submit course work on time every time.I complete all course work, and submit work on time or early.ChoicesI avoid, resist, or ignore ownership for my own choices.I accept responsibility for my choices after they are brought to my attention.I accept responsibility and take ownership for my choices.I take ownership for my own choices and proactively make wise choices.Independent WorkFollowing InstructionsI frequently do not listen to instructions. I sometimes do not listen to instructionsI listen to instructions and get to work.I listen to instructions and provide leadership to others.On-taskI do not use class time wisely to complete tasks.I usually use class time to complete tasks.I use class time wisely to complete all tasksI use class time wisely to complete all tasks and I sometimes work ahead.InitiativeAttitudeI have a negative outlook on learning.I only care about my own needs.I usually have a positive outlook on learning.I care about my own interests and rights.I have a positive outlook on learning.I care about my own rights, as well as the rights and responsibilities of others. My enthusiasm for learning positively influences others.I promote my own rights, as well as the rights and responsibilities of others.Academic Risk-takingI am not willing to try new things. I need support from others.I am hesitant to try new things. I may need prompting from others.I am willing, interested, and enjoy trying new things.I am willing, interested, and eager to try new things, and I often challenge anizationPlanningI make no plans.I have no priorities.I make a plan.I prioritize with assistance.I independently create a plan and establish priorities.I create, prioritize, and update a plan, and then reflect on it. Being PreparedI arrive in class with few or no resources.I arrive in class with most necessary things.Before coming to class, I identify, gather, and then bring all required resources.I always identify, gather, use, and evaluate all resources before arriving in class.CollaborationWorking With PeersI do not work with my peers.I reluctantly share my ideas with peers.I willingly work with peers, share my ideas, and encourage others to participate.I willingly work with peers, encourage and model critical thinking, and elaborate on and value others’ ideas.Self-regulationGoalsI have unrealistic goals or no goals at all.My goals require clarity and detail.I have specific and achievable goals.I set, monitor, and reflect on my goals frequently.PerseveranceI frequently give up.I need encouragement from others to keep trying. I keep trying, and make an effort to overcome challenges.I never give up, and always try to learn from and reflect on challenges. ................

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