Mrs. Luzier's Science Classroom

Environmental Issues-Mrs. LuzierRenewable/Nonrenewable Energy and Waste UnitProject Based LearningWe are going to be doing a project based learning unit for chapters 17-19. There are many different topics found within this unit. Over the next couple of weeks you will be working on projects of our choice on a variety of topics. Each of these topics can be found in your textbook. However, feel free to use other sources as well. You will receive a daily participation grade to make sure that you spend each day focused on your task. Below is a list of different projects you can choose from. You will choose ten points worth of assignments from the list. The accumulation of projects you choose with total 100 points (100 points can affect your grade greatly). You will be given class time to work on these projects. However, you can work on any of your projects at home as well (as long as you are utilizing class time too. You may NOT only do the project at home and sit around in class).***Grading: (100 possible points) + (45 possible participation points) = 145 pointsWhen working on these assignments keep in mind:Anything you write down needs to be in your own words. You will lose points for copying.Your diagrams and pictures must be drawn by hand or if you are using a printed diagram, you must label it all by hand and color it by handMake sure your written assignments are legibleMake sure your posters are neat and can be seen from a distance. Do not leave a lot of empty spaceDo not be afraid to get creative! The more creative, the higher grade you will receivePut 100% effort into everything. Doing the bare minimum will get you the bare minimum gradeIf you have any questions, please ask1 POINT OPTIONSNonrenewable ResourcesCh. 17Recently a scientist designed a machine to replace all nonrenewable energy resources. In order for the machine to work, the scientist must know the all of the energy that is available on Earth (Coal, Oil, Natural gas, Nuclear, and renewable). Provide the scientist with the following information:A graph showing the available energy of each type listed above in different parts of the worldA description of each type of energyNonrenewable resources-informative reportCh.17Write an informative paper (in your own words) explaining what fossil fuels are, where they are located, when they are harvested, and how they are harvested. Also include what environmental problems are included in the extraction, transportation and use of fossil fuels.Nonrenewable resources-Nuclear Energy-My life as a neutronCh.17Use your book to guide you through the different stages involved in the making of nuclear energy, starting as a neutron. You must explain all steps and can draw a figure to explain also. Be creative!Renewable energy-Persuasive EssayCh.18You believe strongly that we (as a community, nation, or world) can live without using nonrenewable resources like fossil fuels. Write an essay which explains the pros and cons of using both nonrenewable energy, and the pros and cons of using renewable energy, and explain why you believe renewable energy is better. Waste-Profile of a landfillCh.19Write an informative paper explaining solid waste, reducing solid waste, and hazardous waste.2 POINT OPTIONSNonrenewable resources-Comic strip: My life as a fossil fuelCh.17Use your book to refresh your memory on the different types of fossil fuels. Get a blank copy of a comic strip from Mrs. Luzier if you want. You must be each type of fossil fuel listed in ch. 17 at some point of your life. The comic strip should include pictures and dialogue. Be creative!Coal-Fired Power Plant: How it worksCh.17Use poster board to make a model of the way a coal fired power plant works. Make sure to label, color, and explain the parts of the plant.Nonrenewable resources-Song or PoemCh.17Write a song (can change the lyrics to a tune you already know) or poem about nonrenewable resources. Include at least three unique facts. Be creative!Renewable resources-Song or PoemCh.18Write a song (can change the lyrics to a tune you already know) or poem about nonrenewable resources. Include at least three unique facts. Be creative!Life Cycle of a Piece of CoalCh. 17Draw a timeline of the life cycle of a piece of coal from creation to use. Each stage should include a picture and a detailed description (in your own words) of what occurs during that stage.3 Point OptionsReducing Solid Waste-A Persuasive PosterCh. 19Create a poster or advertisement regarding solid waste and how to reduce it. Must include different ways to reduce waste, and you must persuade your audience to reduce solid waste. Make sure your poster is fully labeled. Be creative, colorful and clever!Hazardous Waste-An informative PosterCh. 19Create an in formative poster regarding hazardous waste. Pretend your audience knows nothing at all about the subject. Include colored pictures and make sure it is fully labeled. Be creative, colorful and clever! 5 Point OptionsNonrenewable Energy- Children’s BookCh. 17Write a children’s book teaching what nonrenewable energy resources are, how they’re used, and where we will get more in the future. Remember that children’s books have lots of pictures. The words and sentences should be simple enough for a child to understand. Be creative!Renewable Energy- Children’s BookCh. 18Write a children’s book teaching what nonrenewable energy resources are, how they’re used, and where we will get more in the future. Remember that children’s books have lots of pictures. The words and sentences should be simple enough for a child to understand. Be creative!Nonrenewable/Renewable Resources UnitProject GradeName________________________________List of Completed ProjectsPoints ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Daily Participation______Total______Comments: ................

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