Release Notes for Time Matters 10 - LexisNexis

Release Notes for Time Matters, Billing Matters, and LexisNexis Total Practice Advantage 10.0 SP1


Version 10.0 SP1

Support Added for SP1

Known Issues for v10.0 SP1

Fixed Issues for v10.0 SP1

Reminder of Fixed Issues for v10.0

Version 10.0 SP1

This section lists the known and fixed issues for Time Matters, Billing Matters, and LexisNexis Total Practice Advantage v10.0 SP1.

Support Added for SP1

▪ Windows 7

o Updated dtSearch module

o Updated Amyuni print driver

▪ Internet Explorer 8

Known Issues for v10.0 SP1

▪ Inbox: When email is opened, the cursor defaults to the body of the message, and the Tabs key does nothing. (8368)

▪ Notes: Cannot insert time and/or date on the same note. It will insert the first time selected, but if another time or date is selected, it will not populate. (8495)

▪ Amicus V Import: All ToDo’s are being imported as “Not Done.” (9521)

▪ Staff Not Showing on Invoice Form: Go to the Invoice list and open a newly created Invoice form. Under Staff, there is no staff listed and it can not be edited. (8517)

▪ Time Matters appends the following Keywords on every Time Matters record:

TM_Archive, TM_Staff, TM_AStaff, TM_Mat_No, TM_Mat_Ref, TM_Con_No, TM_Keyword

For example, if someone searches on, “*Archive” then every database record will be returned.  If someone searches on just “Archive”, it will NOT match “TM_Archive”, but of course could match other fields that might have the word “Archive” in their value. (8773)

▪ Unpaid Payables: In the Tutor Mode, Unpaid Payables all show up as “Posted, View Only” but are not posted. (9596)

▪ Discounts to vendors are not being applied when Changing Dates: When a check is created based on a discount that has been applied to a vendor’s account, if you choose to pay the vendor from the vendor list and then change the check date, the check amount goes back to the original payable amount, and no discount is applied. (9716)

▪ Word Macros: Time Matters 10.0 Word macro disables the Hidden Data Removal add-on. (9735)

▪ Merge Setup: Added fields are not holding the position where placed in Merge Data File List. When you select the Fields tab and add a field from the Available Fields, added fields will be moved back to the bottom, no matter where you originally placed them. (9740)

▪ Merge: When a .dat file for a merge is saved in a local directory, the merge will generate an error when someone with a different login on a different workstation uses it. The error will state that the .dat file cannot be found. (9780)

▪ Online Update: An error message is displayed stating that the installation failed if UAC is on in Vista or Win 7. (9840)

Fixed Issues for v10.0 SP1


9562 Chained records are skipped by the batch archive process. When chained records are archived, they can not be retrieved. You will get a message that some records were not processed due to being part of a chain

Auto Entry Forms

8582 The Gross column in the Billing Form adds extra zeros to the gross amount if an Auto Entry form is created

9798 Contact and matter Auto Entry forms populating extraneous data in secondary and additional tabs when code is part of the Auto Entry form

Backup / Restore

9411 Backup during import: Even if no filename is specified during the folder creation, you always get a prompt that a file exists, even though it does not

Basic Billing

9827 The wrong billing items could be imported into an invoice when users use the "Add

Billing Items" button

Billing Arrangements

9063 Basic Billing: Missing billing items in the invoice

BlackBerry Synchronization

9609 The Help button associated with BlackBerry Synchronization Setup does not launch the help program--Nothing happens when you click the Help button

9613 BlackBerry Setup: Accelerator Key “ALT + 0” is linked to multiple functions, and in some instances, shortcuts are missing

9620 BlackBerry OTA: The tmbbcfg.exe configuration application does not contain Help button

9621 BlackBerry OTA: The tmbbcfg.exe Server Information Accelerator shortcut “ALT + B” is tied to multiple functions and should be changed throughout this wizard

9622 BlackBerry OTA: Security Profiles and User Groups are displayed as Users in the tmbbcfg.exe on the List of Users screen--this list should only display Users

9654 BlackBerry User Configuration: The Accelerator shortcuts for Staff, Date, and Filter sub-tabs are not working

9655 BlackBerry Setup: the option “Expand Groups to Show Individual Members Records” never becomes available

9657 BlackBerry OTA Setup: Server Information - "Time Matters Server" should be updated with more explanatory text to minimize incorrect setup and support calls

9660 BlackBerry OTA Configuration: Configure Time Matters User--the Column Header text for "User Initials" is cut off

9661 BlackBerry OTA Configuration: The Next button has graphical display issues

9779 BlackBerry Sync Setup: Options for Events, ToDo’s, etc. - Help button links to the wrong topic(s)


9720 Calendar: CTRL +T on the Staff selector pane has a limitation of less than 100

Database Creation

9432 At the end of the Initial Configuration Wizard, the Finish button does nothing other than cause the text to flash and therefore should have more focus to provide users with additional direction

9527 Add more detail to the screen that shows SQL Servers that are found during the database creation process

Data Indexer

9743 Index flag is cleared when Time Matters v10 is opened

9753 The Data Indexer starts up and then shuts down

Desktop Extensions

9104 Add a message stating that you can only email one document per email. On the Document Viewer, there’s a right-click option to email, and a button on the fly-out for emailing. If selected while multiple documents are tagged, only one will be attached

9105 Re-design the arrow buttons on the agenda viewer

9151 Contact Viewer: Add Cell Phone Number to contact viewer fly-out

9472 Desktop Extensions crash when converting phone pad records

9517 Search results in Time Matters are not consistent

9650 Security issue: “Favorites” does not change when users changes

9701 Add error reporting capabilities

9809 Total Practice Advantage databases get activation error and cannot use Desktop Extensions

DMS Links (TM Save, TM Insider, TM Open, etc.)

9401 When you have your cursor in the “To” field of a new email message and use the Insider to paste in an email address, it pastes into the body of the email instead of the “To” field

9602 The “PA Save” function for PowerPoint is using the TM Save icons instead of the ones needed for Total Practice Advantage


9304 Email Attachments are not being restored when email is restored from recycle bin

9777 The email signature does not show with HTML turned on

Exchange Sync

9233 Information in the “File-As” field is not being updated as expected--Org with no first/last are being filed as O. Last name only, no Org, is being filed as N

9419 Import 9.0 Exchange Information Option Display Issue-- If you open the ExConfig application, imported changes will not display until you close and reopen the configuration application

9697 Events created in Outlook 2003 with # signs will not sync

Feature Packages

2308 Feature Packages import issue with Auto Entry Forms

9456 During the Feature Package Import process, there are several screens with formatting issues

9461 The Package Unlock Code Screen has several formatting issues

Form Tabs

9426 Form Tabs that are set to create sublist tabs by Quick Tabs displays incorrectly

Help System (Manuals, Help)

9629 Help Menu: The Time Matters Technical Support and Update Information links are incorrect


9487 Importing a TM8 document Index into Time Matters 10 displays as "Not a valid index"

9599 The Product name is displayed incorrectly in initial import wizard

9749 Merge Templates that displayed in Time Matters 9.0 will not display in Time Matters 10.0


9691 Program files are not uninstalled completely with the uninstall routine

9700 A new EUSA for Time Matters to allow for error reporting


4583 Make the Quick_Tabs on the sublist work the same as the Main Lists and not allow other Quick_Tabs to be listed before the All Tab

8768 Added options to the Matter list not sorting correctly

9031 When a ToDo/Event is created and then Saved and Closed, focus will return to a random entry on the list

9427 Matters inside the Matter list losing focus to another matter when opening Billing preferences using CTRL +B

Matter Form

9643 Newly created Matter forms are not reflected in the list when created through File > New Record > Matter


8769 Date formats are not coming through in the merge

8972 Merge Templates are not recognizing the Date display format selected

9750 Merge Template not displaying manually entered and save location for .dat file


9373 The Up and Down arrows pointing to Next/Previous records within different forms works inconsistently

9418 The “Default” background is not showing for the Workstation Level Setup mode

9478 The Tech Support number has changed and must be updated in all applicable locations accordingly

9763 Updated links under Help Menu and Training and Support Navigators in TM and LNTPA to point to accurate web links

Outlook Integration

9003 Accepting a meeting notice in Outlook with a response causes an ADX error

9081 Field mismatching in Time Matters - Outlook Synchronization

PayFlow Manager

9179 Vendor Payable and Credit Memos are added together in the PayFlow Manager, and paying them thru the PayFlow Manager doesn't alway work


9329 The Payable List does not show “Departments” in the Dept. Column

PCLaw Link

9724 Time Matters notifications in PCLaw send the wrong client-introducing attorney to the Time Matters Contact

Power Views

9663 The Power View Name/Text search functionality is not working


9433 Document records created via inheritance are created as both Automatic and Specified relations

9437 Updating Client & Client No. results in only Client Name updating on related records

9440 The Matter No. field does not validate if it is not performed first


9552 Custom Export breaks the Re-login process stating that the SQL server is unavailable or has been taken offline.

Reverse Payments

9172 Reverse Payment is not always recognizing that a payment has been deposited. If a payment has been deposited, you cannot delete the entry, but you can still reverse it.


9567 Document Search: Hits that occur based on the file path and not in the doc/file causes a Runtime Error

9664 Global Search does not return all expected results

9666 Global Search does not find a Contact with middle initials if a wildcard is used in first name


7055 Non-administrative users can still log in when Maintenance lockout for non-administrative users is enabled

8471 Related billing sublist records continues to visible to users even though security settings are set not to allow them to View, Add, Chg, or Delete Normal and/or Private records

8891 Special Exceptions are not filtering out overall Security Settings on billing codes

9553 Although access to Utilities can be blocked, users can still access the Duplicate Contact Checker under the Utilities Menu (File > Utilities > Duplicate Contact Checker)

9571 The Vendor list can still be accessed even when access has been restricted or blocked

9585 Users can view restricted Contact information using the "email as vcard" functionality

9591 Users can view restricted Event information using the "email as ical" functionality

9662 A user with restricted access to Contacts can still get access through the Duplicate Checker

Send To

9528 “Send to Time Matters” in Windows Explorer contextual menu for Version 10 shows old,

not current Time Maters Icon

Staff and Users

9012 New User form should indicate that the User ID is a required field

9420 Long staff names push “Inactive” off the viewable area

9754 Inactive Staff members are displayed in Event records as Active


9556 Right-click on document sublist to view an invoice from a Matter form results in an error message due to an incorrect path


9410 Remote Sync: Opening a newly created Remote database for the first time prompts an import

TM Save

9728 Using a dot “.” in the Description field truncates the Filename field

Transactions (Invoices, Payments, Credits, Refunds, Write-offs, etc.)

9240 Bill Express: After adding a Bill Express payment and clicking “Save and New” does not allocate the payment


9479 Triggers based on Archiving do not fire if Archiving is done from the Process menu

User Defined Record

9499 When using the “Save and Copy” or “Copy Record” button, audit entries are not created

9505 If the “Auto Archive When Done” is checked, then “Save Start and Stop Times” options do not work

User Wizard

9499. The Initial 'New User' wizard does not prevent users from creating 'ADMIN' user ids


9559 Batch Archive: Does not support UDR records but says "All Dated" in Help

9569 Doc Index Mgr: Deleting an index does not remove the index listing

Reminder of Fixed Issues for v10.0

This section lists the fixed issues for Time Matters, Billing Matters, and LexisNexis Total Practice Advantage v10.0.

Account Reconciliation

8615 Account Register does not show updated balance that includes Finance Charge from Account Reconciliation

Account Register

6629 Deleting or voiding a Check with a Department selected does not reverse out of the Dept properly

Alerts, Reminders, and Watches

9234 User Defined Record fields cannot be viewed on Alerts, Reminders, and Watches

AutoEntry Forms

8152 Cannot creating an auto entry form with required fields unless values are provided

Backup / Restore

7164 Status window does not display

8767 Check box option to “remember this destination” on Backup screen does not work

Bill Codes

8373 Department codes are not saved in Billing Preferences or in the Staff options form

Billing Arrangements

8104 Departments not sorting or subtotaling correctly in custom billing reports

Billing Item Records

8604 Opening billing item from timeline tab opens a Time Matters/Juris Matching Billing Form

Billing Matters

8113 A Matter list customized to show Fund 1 Balance errors when sorted

8624 Save and copy of Billing records does not clear the transaction ID field

8625 Enter opening balances does not clear the transaction ID from the billing record

8868 Using Receipt Allocation Methods Markup and Discount % amounts are being allocated incorrectly to GL

Calendar / Scheduler / Docketing

6883 Regional time format (hhmm) gets cut off in 5 day calendar printout

8415 Unable to Delete TM Multi‐Day Events from within the TM Calendar


3548 The default list layout of the Document Form Tab does not include checkout status

8727 More accurate error message needed when Time Matters loses network connection to the database

Data Link

9103 Datalink not able to make relationships from billing items to matters

DMS Links (TMSave, TMInsider, TMOpen, etc.)

7528 TM Save is not functioning in Excel 2003

Document Automation / Creation / Management

8616 Interwoven matters are not displayed or searchable from "Go to the Matter"

9289 Advanced Save from Report preview with “Create Time Matters Document Record” option selected crashes TM


7807 Deleted attachments are not removed when using the option to store attachments outside the database

7899 Inbox populated with blank emails

8088 Attachment toolbar intermittently does not show up on HTML emails

8229 Attachments deleted from an email individually are not deleted from Windows

8315 Staff field on email containing sending staff rather than replying staff

8329 Emails in the Sent Items folder in the Inbox that both Show on List and Show on Inbox are both checked even when an email is successfully sent

8337 Deleting an Email from inside the Email puts a copy of the Email in the Deleted Items folder when setting is OFF

8351 Cannot send external email messages from a TM user with a username of maximum length characters (10)

Exchange Sync

6916 TM login required for Exchange configuration does not release user license on logout

7352 Turning off option for "allow TM to add contacts in Exch" causes updates to fail

7550 When an admin changed a user’s expired password for Exchange, the synchronization with TM did not resume and the user still received password change notifications

Field/Area Customization / Form Styles

6809 Changes on a custom form not saved unless user tabs or clicks out of the field


9253 Automatic Case/Matter file numbers reset to 0 on import

Help System (Manuals, Help)

8228 The "Troubleshooting" topic in the help files points to the Time Matters home page instead of the knowledge base

Inbox and Email

8661 Set regarding from the inbox on email with attachment causes error when attachments are stored within the database


6500 Windows explorer will launch the Time Matters installation when laptops are removed from network

9262 Adobe Acrobat program features not installed by default when using Adobe 9 Pro


8058 Cannot sort by billing preferences columns on Matter list

8218 Alt+F12' hotkey does not open Invoice list

8320 The setting to "show which relations..." does not work on List Data Area

Lookup Lists

7159 When two contacts have the same last name the contact lookup or using F2 goes to wrong contact


5850 After performing a merge to Word, TM takes focus from Word

7076 Data source not found when using default settings

8054 Merge template setup crashing when clicking back and forth between the Fields, Settings and Files tabs repeatedly

8116 Merge creates File Name with WPD extension when using old templates

8456 Merge allows user to create WordPerfect documents with no name


7644 Knowledge base button on training and support navigator points to wrong site

8352 Lexis and Martindale Links open improperly


4348 Arrange icons doesn't have any function. (Removed in v10)

7119 While in Notes striking the return key may cause behavior as if the CTRL key is stuck


8294 Recurring payables skip January 1, 2009

9177 Recurring Payables set for the last Friday of every month are skipping August

PCLaw Link

7138 Timesheet fields truncated on a billing item

7227 Not able to use Task Code rates in PCLaw. TM only uses rates matter rates

7365 The Sent Date on the Billing List does not sort

7887 The Amount column is not sorting correctly in PCLaw Worksheet

8240 PCLaw creating duplicate matters in TM

9045 Save and close of billing item after bill create not working

Power Views

7126 Filter does not stick in Power View showing related UDR records

Practice Advantage

8440 Bankruptcy Navigator's Client Short Intake Form page is missing

8518 The Bankruptcy Initial Filing links generate errors

8577 LNTPA Estate Practice: Bad Links in new forms

Process Menus

7869 On the Notes List several Process menus in the list toolbar are not working properly


8459 QB Server does not configure for LNTPA without a Billing Matters license

Recycle Bin

8159 Delete of a tagged item lists a duplicated of the next item on the bottom of list

8301 Recycle Bin performance is slow

Report/Bill/Invoice/Check Designer (Bill Layouts, Check Layouts, etc.)

7855 Print of Autotxt codes longer than three characters is truncated

Reverse Payment

8416 Reverse Payments made on Prepaid Payments result in a 1-sided entry to the GL


6742 Searching on the referred by field not working correctly

8035 Global search does not complete when searching Outlook

8220 Matter custom search has a staff search field that is mislabeled as "code"

8345 Web Search of LexisNexis Research passes incorrect URL to Firefox

8478 Data Indexer first execution in TMv9 did not index archived records

9260 Document Search > Create Document Profile Records unresponsive


6197 Sizable security windows

7582 Private contacts and matters names are seen by those without permission on TM Save

Staff and Users

6686 Inactive staff showing when adding records

Standard Reports (Billing Matters)

8342 If customer closes books at the end of the year, then filters that use a “fictitious” journal entry for year end closing will reverse their manual closing entry


8336 Related record not displayed when the sublist is loaded with more than 100 records


7141 Remote synchronization changing multiple record types when no changes are made

8319 Document records do not synchronize

8405 Repeated synchronizations fail for items created on remote database

8451 Incorrect remote database synchronization with follow tagged

9374 Remote sync entry fields – remove 80 character limit and increase to windows standards


4388 tmtslip.dll is no longer needed and should be removed from the application


6447 Associate Outline Element button and the dropdown do not work

Transactions (Invoices, Payments, Credits, Refunds, Write-offs, etc.)

8145 Adding trust accounts in the billing preference funds tab causes checks not to be printed for AR Fund


7411 Email trigger set to create a chain on delete does not work

User Defined Record

6930 Memo field does not fully maximize

7135 UDR Description Field does not show lookup button after setting record to lookup from Record

8331 Quick_Tabs that use advanced searches as filters do not function properly

8403 Create names are not shown on Add Record

8404 Adding through process menu can cause inaccurate dates in custom date field

8441 Calculated fields do not function on reports


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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