Humble Independent School District

AP Statistics: Simulation PracticeName:Group #:For each of the problems, be sure you are following the 4-step procedure for simulations and have a table of data for your trials. You should perform AT LEAST 20 trials, the more the better. An airline has just finished training 25 pilots – 15 male and 10 female – to become captains. Unfortunately, only eight captain positions are available right now. Airline managers announce that they will use a lottery to determine which pilots will fill the available positions. The names of all 25 pilots will be written on identical slips of paper, which will be placed in a hat, mixed thoroughly, and drawn out one at a time until all eight captains have been identified. A day later, managers announce the results of the lottery. Of the 8 captains chosen, 5 are female and 3 are male. Some of the male pilots who weren’t selected suspect that the lottery was not carried out fairly. One of these pilots asks your statistics class for advice about whether to file a grievance with the pilots’ union. The key question in this possible discrimination case seems to be: is it possible that these results happened just by chance? To find out, simulate the lottery process that airline managers said they used. Use line 105. 5334000952500A game of chance is based on spinning a 1–10 spinner like the one shown two times in succession. The player wins if the larger of the two numbers is greater than 5.1.What constitutes a single play of this game? What are the possible outcomes resulting in win or lose? 2.Describe a correspondence between the random digits from a random digit table and outcomes in the game.3.Describe a technique using your calculator to simulate the result of a single play of the game.4.Use the random digit table or your calculator to simulate 20 repetitions. If you use the table, begin at line 140; if you use the calculator, first seed the calculator with 123. Report the proportion of times you win the game. Professional tennis players bring multiple racquets to each match. They know that high string tension, the force with which they hit the ball, and occasional “racquet abuse” are all reasons why racquets break during a match. Brian Lob’s coach tells him that he has a 15% chance of breaking a racquet in any given match. Using the random digit table (Line 125), determine how many matches, on average, Brian can expect to play until he breaks a racquet and needs to use a backup. ................

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