I N D E X [jfk.hood.edu]


Babi Yar N 498

Babylon, Edwin A. O 444

Bacon, Roger, New Orleans Police Department O 482

Badeaux, Hubert CO xvi, 169

Baden. Michael N 211-2, 217-9, 236, 266, 472, 477-9

Bag, Brown Paper The CO 94, 96, 102, 104

W1 15-23, 29, 32, 70, 80, 100

W2 39, 82

Prints CO 95

Bagert, Bernard J. O 235-6, 242-3, 247

Bagley, Tennent Pete CO 48-9, 53

Bahamas O 664, 679

Bahan, Rolland, Jr. O 545

Bahmer, Robert H., Archivist C 78

N 126

PM 18, 147, 248, 323, 461, 576

PW 22, 45, 56-9, 96, 120, 153-154

W2 126, 212-3, 221-2, 238, 240, 242

W4 8-9

O 187

See Also National Archives

Bailey, F. Lee C 255, 269

F 47, 64

Bakeman, George PM 72, 534

Baker, Bobby C 93

Baker, Donald, Mrs.[Rachley, Virgie], Witness N 188

PM 47, 122, 454

PW 211

W2 129-31

Baker Exhibit No. 1 CO 147

Baker, Hugh L. C 344-5

F 170-1

Baker, Marrion L., Dallas Police Department CO 88-9, 117-23

N 394, 395, 398, 403

PM 89

PW 29

W1 36-8, 46, 111-2

W2 41-4, 53, 89, 157, 192, 206, 225

Baker, Phillip L., James Earl Ray’s Attorney C 464

F 334

Baker, Virgie [Mrs. Don] PW 211

Bakst, Jerome C 82

Balan, Garcia Barbara C 104

Balart, Mrs. O 654

Balart, Rafael Diaz O 653-5

Ball, George N 25, 371

Ball, Joseph A. CO 16

PM x, 81, 86, 490, 492, 496, 501, 539, 606

PW 18, 43, 53-6, 58-60, 120, 142

W1 16-20, 54, 60, 77-8, 106-8, 109-10

W2 44, 174, 187-8

W4 25

Ball, Lucille O 352

Ballantine Books W4 11, 195

Ballard [Juror] F 105


N 105, 153, 214, 294, 297, 298, 368, 387

See Also Under Evidence

Ballistics Experiments W1 172

Ballistics Expert W1 44, 169

W2 94, 96, 100, 106, 108, 175, 177

Ballistics Research Laboratory N 301

Baltimore, MD F 310

N 33, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 91, 198, 214, 272

PM 133, 218, 223, 317, 580-1

Baltimore Sun F 311

PM 34-9, 103

PW 20

Ban The Bomb O 491

Banister, Guy O 51, 327-35, 337-43, 347, 349, 351-4, 364, 380, 391, 401, 417, 461,


Banister, Guy, Associates, Inc. O 349, 461, 463

Banmiller, Brian CO 58-9, 75

Bantam Books PM 324

Baptist Rescue Mission O 548


See Batista

Barbe, E. C., Jr. O 485-6

Barbee, William N 391

Barber, Stephen N 451

W1 192

Bardes, See Frank Bartes

Barker, Eddie, Krld PM 46

PW 99-100, 108, 241, 243, 256-7

Barker, W. E., Dallas Police Department, Dallas, TX PW 167

Barkham, James F xi

Barksdale Air Force Base O 417-48, 579, 582

Barnes, Gene, NBC O 59

PW 273

Barnes, Sidney Crockett C 97-8

Barnes, Tracy, CIA O 52

Barnett, Wellcome Eugene, Dallas Police Department PW 37, 168-9

Barnhart, New Orleans Naval Institute O 491

Barnum PM 21, 41

Baronne Hotel O 547

Barr, Rosemary O 706

Barr, William P. N 436, 437, 438, 440

Barragona O 319

Barrett, Rae N xxiv, xxvi

Barrett, Robert M., FBI Agent, Dallas, TX N 342, 374

PM 53

PW 18, 26, 46, 48-9, 99, 125, 127-8, 132, 140-2, 176, 241, 278

W2 183-4

Barrientos Ortuna, Rene, President, Boliva C 72

Barron, John CO 55

Barrouquere, Pete, Jr. O 237

Barry, Bill, Miami News C 75, 78-9, 125, 129

O 383-5

Barry, David H., FBI Agent PW 50, 177

Bartes, Frank C 141, 187-8

O 330, 333, 346, 463, 477

Barson, Philli PM x

Bartlett, Orrin, FBI Agent, Liaison With Secret Service PM 351, 599, 603

W2 123

Bascuas, Ernesto, CRC C 141

Basement Police Station, Search Of W1 92

Basham [Sic], FBI Agent PW 58

Basic Institutions N 368, 405, 407, 410, 417, 420, 430. 434, 439, 498

Basic Pamphlets O 622

Bastard Bullet, The: A Search For Legitimacy PM 19, 305

Bastille Day C 446

Batchelor, Charles, Chief, Dallas Police Department O 277, 530

Batista, Fulgencio C 26, 29, 32, 34, 103, 140, 187

O 68, 356, 362, 459, 571, 664, 689

Batista Falla, Laureano O 150, 153-4, 158-60, 662-4, 666-7, 669, 672, 674, 677, 700-1

Baton Rouge, La C 421-2

F 272-3, 394-5, 463

Battle, W. Preston, Judge, Shelby County Criminal Court C 54, 244, 25, 257, 259, 270, 272-3, 276-9, 285-6, 288-91, 293, 296-301,

303-5, 308, 310-1, 313-6, 325, 327-9, 336, 371-2, 378, 382, 386, 436, 443, 449, 452-3, 458, 461, 475, 500-1

F 31, 46, 48, 52, 68-70, 74-5, 77, 79, 85, 87-93, 101-9, 111, 116,

124-8, 134, 143, 146, 156-7; 210-1, 220, 226, 296, 298, 306, 314, 317-9, 325, 329-30, 353, 366, 389-90, 395-6, 488, 506, 509-10, 512-3

PM 291

Court Order C 336, 371-2, 485

Letter From Ray C 452

Part Of Deal C 286-7, 289

Baxter. Charles N 68

Bay Of Pigs C 22, 28. 58, 84-5, 90, 104, 187, 194, 255, 437

F 46, 464

N 426

O 17, 51-2, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 84, 161, 184, 191, 197, 205, 229, 254, 288,

301-2, 349-51, 356, 361, 382, 400, 460, 510, 520, 587, 662

PM 363, 398

W1 120, 153

W2 51

Bay Of Pigs, The, [Johnson] N 426

O 62, 330, 350

Bazelon, David, Judge W4 175-6

Bea, See British European Airways

Beach Welding And Supplies Company W2 236

O 279, 533, 551, 569

Beasley, James W., Assistant D.A. General, Shelby County C 244, 290, 300, 316, 328-32, 334-5, 337-48, 350-9, 361, 363-76, 380,

384-6, 391, 407, 428, 435

F 92, 129, 146-55, 161-74, 176-7, 179-84, 186-94, 196-210, 212-6, 218,

220, 223-6, 229-31, 237, 256, 278-9, 283-4, 294, 300, 339-40, 344, 360-2, 437, 440, 445, 460

Narration Of Evidence C 316, 329-32, 334, 338-46, 348, 350, 352-9, 362, 364-76, 380-2, 385-6,

407, 425, 435, 467, 470, 481

Beauboeuf, Alvin O 185-6, 197, 239, 376, 577, 589-90

Beauregard Grammar School O 482, 485

Beauregard Junior High School O 35, 55, 602

Beck, Mrs. PW 288

Becker, John J., New Orleans Police Department O 511

Becker, Raymond David O 655

Beckman, Bill PW 206

Beers, Jack PW 273

Beezer O 201

Beggar's Opera, The C 416

F 266

Behn, Gerald A., Saic, White House Detail PM 46, 104, 276, 548

W2 125

Belacourt, Robert C 224

F 455-6

Belcher, Carl W., Department Of Justice C 246-8, 514-5

F 34-6, 412

Belgium C 225

F 3

O 209

Belin David W., Assistant Counsel C 165

CO 106-7, 119, 121, 130

N 189, 365, 371, 384, 398, 404

PM x, 54-5, 333, 403, 470, 490, 492-3, 496, 501, 503, 606

PW 18, 32-3, 51-3, 55-6, 120, 142, 295-98, 301, 304, 307

W1 21, 36-7, 41-2, 56, 77-9, 110-1

W2 44, 81-6, 88, 92, 174, 192

W4 25

Bell, Charles, FBI, Miami C 332, 334

F 153

Bell & Howell 8-Millimeter Camera CO 4

PW 17, 25-6, 141, 146-51, 153-4

W2 133, 181, 184, 241

See Zapruder Camera

Bellevue Hospital, New York O 256, 652

Belli, Melvin L. W1 93

W4 141

Belmont, Alan H., FBI, Assistant To Director, FBI N 10, 21, 22, 23, 32, 252, 253, 369

O 77

PM 485

W4 28, 138, 158

Belmont, MA PM 386

Belt, Alan H. O 443

Belt Guillermo O 443

Benavides Domingo PM 493

W1 6, 57-8, 62, 77, 112

Bender, Mr. PM 408, 493

Bennerfield, FNU, Mr. O 409

Bennett, Glen A., Secret Service Agent N 216

W1 185

W2 119, 121

Bent, Walter N 29

Bentley, Elizabeth, FBI Spy C 389

Berea, KY C 142-3

Berger, Andrew A. W1 74


See Burkley, George G.

Berkeley, CA C 26

PM 555

Berkeley [CA] Gazette PM 388

Berkley, See Burkley, George G.

Berle, A. A. O 52

Berlin, Michael J. O 171-2

PW 24

Berlitz School O 344, 348

Bernabei, Richard C 39, 52-3, 56, 223, 230-1, 382, 466, 481

F 11, 227-9, 338, 465

N 206

PM 349, 379

Bernard, Julius A., FBI, Portland, OR O 175, 507

Bernard, Taylor O 237

Bero, Arthur, INS O 486

Bertel, Numa, New Orleans, District Attorney N 112

PM 133-7

Bertram, Clay O 435

Bertram, Lane, Secret Service Agent W4 141

Bertrand, Charlene O 499

Bertrand, Charles C. O 499

Bertrand, Charles Caffery O 499

Bertrand, Clay O 73, 105-10, 115, 118-27, 129, 132, 134-7, 139-40, 190, 200, 205-6,

211-5, 217-20, 227-33, 326, 376, 405, 408-13, 420-39, 457, 470, 498-9

W1 150-1

Bertrand, Clem O 240

Bertrand Russell Foundation PW 296

Bert’s Shoe Store O 487

Best, Robert T., Lieutenant Colonel PM 532

Best Evidence [Lifton] N 454

Beth Israel Synagogue C 97

Bethell, Tom, New Orleans District Attorney O 711-2

PM 223, 230

Bethesda, MD PM x, 29, 33, 66, 71, 113, 130, 168-9, 190, 231, 242, 246, 257-8, 266, 271,

276, 304, 379, 468, 501, 511, 524-6, 531-3, 546-9, 552, 555, 565, 573, 575, 584

Bethesda Naval Hospital, See National Naval Medical Center C 35

Better Business Bureau, See Under New Orleans

Betzner, Hugh William, Jr., Photographer PW 42-5, 47, 57-8, 174-5

W2 151, 207-8

Bevel, James L., Southern Christian Leadership Council C 282, 396, 478-80

F 84, 240, 356, 358-9

Beverly Hills, CA C 484

CO 29

F 364

Bibliography N 453-64

Bieberdorf, Frederick A. C 39-43

Big Bear, CA C

Bigart, Homer C 474

F 464

Biggio, W. S., Dallas Police Department O 525

Billings, Richard, Life N 429

PM 47

Biloxi, Ms C 126

Binkley, Emily, See Bivkley

Birch, John O 329, 362

Birch, Philip Frederick, Scotland Yard C 363

F 2, 200

Birmingham C 46, 79, 82, 108, 128, 135, 143, 175-6, 214, 218, 234-5, 239, 252, 254-5,

257, 262-3, 265-7, 271, 279, 308, 325, 344, 348-51, 354, 356-61, 368, 385, 387, 419, 425-6, 430, 432, 441, 467-9, 480, 498, 515

F Ix, 16, 18, 24, 42-6, 48, 55-61, 67, 78, 115, 142, 170-1, 176, 178,

180-1, 185-6, 189-91, 193-4, 196, 206, 231, 234, 239, 250, 252, 269, 277, 279-80, 286, 288, 303, 339-40, 342-3, 387, 453, 459, 468-470, 474, 478

Church Bombing C 79, 89, 124, 126-7, 130, 174, 178-80, 185, 447

Police C 356, 405, 432

Rooming House C 239, 263, 344, 351, 354-5, 359

Birmingham News C 404

F 253

Biikley, Emily C 37

Bishop, Jim N 113, 115-6, 117, 122

PM 239-40, 242, 244

Black, FNU C 298

Black, Fred C 399

F 243

Black, Hugo W1 xiii

Black [Juror] F 104

Black Muslims C 75, 89, 164, 166, 390

F 235

Black Panther Party C 395, 437, 517-20, 522-5

Black Panthers C 311, 394-6

F 122, 296-7

Campaign Against C 394-7

Raids On C 517-27

Black Star Publishing Co., Inc. PW 286-7

Blackmail By FBI N 7, 36-7, 492

Blackmun, Andrew F 416

Blackmun, Harry A. PM 313

Blackstone C 512, 514

F 411

Blackwell [Juror] C 298

F 104

Blackwell, J. A., Court Clerk C 216, 303, 305, 452

F viii, 111, 117, 317

Blair, Clay, Jr. C 209-10, 213-7, 222-5, 227-8, 233, 237, 244, 332, 334, 348-9, 353, 358,


F viii, 1-3, 6, 31, 102-3, 107-8, 129, 132-4, 147, 149, 152-3, 176-7, 183,

194, 199, 390, 455-6, 459, 466

Press Conference C 213

Transcript Of Court Proceedings C 216, 244, 297, 299-301, 316, 318-9, 322, 328, 330, 358, 360, 363

Blair, Lorraine Elizabeth [Davis] O 702

Blair, Sheri C 56-7

Blake, Arthur A. W2 42

Blakey, G. Robert N 92, 108, 429-30, 471, 472, 483

Blalock, Vance O 619

Blanket, Oswald's W1 16, 21, 29

Hairs On W1 119

Blasdell, Cal PW 148-9

Bledsoe, Mary W1 53, 108-10

W2 128

Testimony W1 108-10

Blofeld, Ernst Starvo C 406

F 255

Blond Latin C 260-1

Blondel C 209, 397

PM 463

Blood N 81-4, 87, 93, 106, 108, 127

Bloody Harlan - County, KY N 360-1

Blue Streak Missiles N 426

Blumberg, J. M. N 75, 273, 286, 287

B’nai Brith C 31, 182

Boac, See British Overseas Airways Corporation

Board Room, The, Blair, Clay, Jr. C 224

F 456

Bobbs-Merrill C 161

Bodies, Position Of When Shot N 142, 181-2, 196, 229, 231, 232

Bodley Head N 417

Body, Kidnapping By Secret Service N 2, 32, 206

Bogard , Albert, Auto Salesman W1 146

Boggs, George [Leno J.] C 143

Boggs, Hale, Congressman C 41

CO xvi

N 221, 226, 239, 255-6, 326, 492

PM x, 96, 307, 406-7, 467, 475-9, 481, 483-4, 486-7, 489

W1 100-1

W2 44, 234

W4 27, 35-6, 47-8, 51, 53, 55-8, 61-2, 64, 74, 80-1, 83, 86-7, 90, 92,

98, 102, 106, 108-9, 114, 117-8, 120-1, 124, 127, 131, 138, 140, 203

As Communist CO xvi

Bogoslav, Anton W1 134

Bohemia Internacional O 150, 657, 660, 680

Boies, David V. CO 74

Bolden, Abraham, Secret Service, Chicago, Il C 159-60

Boldens C 159

Bolen, A. O. C 126

Boleyn, Anne PM 305

Bolivia C 72

Bolling Field N 2, 31

Bolton Ford Company O 101, 460

Bombings C 28, 30-1, 34, 71, 79, 97-9, 101, 103-5, 108-9, 126-7, 131, 141, 174-6

Birmingham Church C 30-1, 34

By Cubans C 26

Bonafede, Dom, Reporter, New York Times PW 71, 200-1, 204-6

W2 157, 162

Bond, James C 224, 406-8

F 255, 257, 455

PM 344

W2 8, 54, 64, 169

Bond, Wilma PW 42, 46-9, 82, 176

Bone, Bullet Striking N 158, 160, 161-2, 163, 166, 442-3

Bonebrake, George Jacob C 366-8, 370-2, 509

F 23, 27-8, 204-7, 210-2, 403, 431-2

Bonebrake, Jacot C 238-9, 241-2

Bonhan, TX C 83

Bonnie And Clyde C 220, 430

F 287

Book Depository

See Texas School Book Depository

Book World F xii

Bookhout, James W. W1 69, 71-3, 76, 90

Books On Assassination N 416-7, 452-5

Boone, Eugene, Deputy Sheriff CO 111, 113, 116

PW 43, 174

W1 32, 36, 89

Booth, George N 388

Booth, John Wilkes PM 396-7

W1 ix

Border Patrol, U.S. O 72, 684, 695, 697

Boren, Bryant PW 248, 254

Borenstein, Lorenzo [Larry] C 139

Bosch, Juan N xx, xxxvi

Bosch, Orlando C 103-4

O 363

Boston Globe, The CO 30

N 69

Boston, MA C 90, 212, 255

F 47

PM 143

Boston Strangler, The C 210

F 450

Boswell, J. Thornton, Commander, Dr., U.S. Navy PM 34-8, 40, 42, 63, 66, 71, 86-7, 103, 127, 131, 139-42, 144, 146,

148-9, 153, 158, 167, 196, 231, 237, 252, 254, 260-1, 304-5, 309, 312, 364, 501, 528, 530, 533, 539-40, 554, 568-9, 571, 573, 574-6, 579-80, 584, 591, 594

W1 165, 178, 181, 183

W2 94, 97, 100, 111, 119, 242

N xii, xxvii, xxviii, 135, 136, 151, 263

Assigned Autopsy N 2, 153

Associated Press Interview N 55-6

Autopsy Chart Error N 55, 58-60, 61, 67, 214, 264

Forensic Qualifications N 2, 74, 76-7

Interview With Lundberg N xxxi, xxxii, 4-5, 49, 167-8

Knebel Interview N 55

Levine Interview N 52-5, 270-2

In New Orleans N 155

On Finck N 154-5

Papers Burned By Humes N 91-2

Public Interviews N 68

Refusal To Attend Press Conference N 41-2, 50

Request For Study Of JFK Autopsy Pictures PM 139-40, 574

Thompson Interview N 60-1

Twenty-Eight Years Of Silence N 55, 56, 60, 61, 91

Warren Commission Appearance N 87

And Weisberg N 52, 54-5

Wound Locations N 33, 146, 173

Bouck, Robert Inman, SAIC, Protective Research Service, C 169-70

Secret Service N 1, 89, 91, 104, 105, 128, 129, 248

O 24, 409, 472

PM 102-3, 250, 265, 274, 276, 302-3, 527, 548, 557-9

W1 133

W2 15, 114-5, 123

Bouhe, George A. W2 47

Boulder, Co C 112, 137, 144, 184-5, 389

Bow Street Magistrate's Court, London C 230, 233, 235-6, 238-40, 244, 249, 507, 514

F 1, 10, 14, 22, 25, 31, 38, 401, 431

PM 611

W4 185

Bowers, Chester H., U.S. Navy PM 72, 270, 534

Bowers, Evangeline C 109

Bowers, Lee CO 16

Bowers, Sam, Sr. C 109

Bowers, Sam Holloway, Jr., Kkk C 100, 105-9, 131, 185, 292, 445

Bowley, T. F. PW 298

Affidavit Of PM 493

Bowron, Diana Hamilton, Nurse, Parkland Hospital PM 358

N 198, 240-1

W 33-6, 45, 50, 100, 204-5

Boxes W2 25-6, 39, 81, 88, 107, 109, 176-7

Boyers, Chester H., See Bowers, Chester H.

Boyd, E. L. W1 61, 80

Boylston, Robert O 36

Boxes, The CO 95, 117

W1 33-6, 45, 50, 100, 204-5

W2 35-6, 39, 81, 88, 107, 109, 176-7

Stacked CO 88, 117

Bozwell, See Boswell, J. Thornton

Braden, Tom C 392, 515

F 461

Bradlee Benjamin N 69, 115

PM 238, 240

Bradley, Edgar Eugene C 1

Charged With Conspiracy C 1

Bradshaw, R. W., Memphis Police Department C 331, 471, 474

F 346, 351

Brain In Autopsy N 218

Disposition Of N 74-5, 82, 88, 104

Removal Of N 167

And Shooting N 1, 166

Tissue Of N 185

Branch, Ben, Eyewitness C 380

F 223

Brandeis, Louis N 421, 423

Braniff, Airline W4 13

Braniff, Matthew S. O 236, 243, 367, 376

Brant, Roy C 217

Brass, David G. PM 135

Braune, Edward L. O 645

Brazil O 52, 664-5, 679

Brazilian Embassy O 443

Breadbasket Band C 61

F 483

Brennan, Howard Leslie, Witness O 266-7, 638

PM 118

W1 24, 34, 39-42, 99, 105, 207

W2 2, 41-2, 73, 87-9, 151

Identification Of Oswald W1 41-2, 76

Testimony W1 40-2

Brenk, Rudolf Viktor PW 100, 102, 104-6, 244-6, 249, 253-4

Brennan, Howard Leslie CO 125-30, 133

PW 92, 125

Lineup Identification CO 131

Breo, Dennis N xii, xxvii, xxxi, xxxii, 38, 40, 41, 45, 47, 50, 52, 68, 71-85, 102, 104,

151-5, 165-9, 263, 264, 266, 271-82, 441, 442

Bress, David G., U.S. Attorney, D.C. C 93

PM 135

Bresson, Thomas H., FBI Agent, Department Of Justice PM 415-7, 545, 618

Brewer, Bessie, Landlady, Memphis C 239, 330-1, 334-5, 338, 342, 419, 476

F 24, 148-51, 154-5, 160-1, 166, 269, 354, 436

Brewer, Johnny Calvin W1 60

Brian, V. J., Dallas Police Department C 167

Bridenstine, Kenneth, FBI Agent, Atlanta, GA C 185

Bridgeman, Paul, See Ray, James Earl C 56, 261, 330, 363

F 53, 149, 198

Bridges, Mary C 332

F 152

Brigham, Dan O 647

Bright, H. R. W2 12

Brinegar, John H. W1 28

Bringuier, Carlos Jose, Witness, Cuban Refugee C 25-9, 31, 33, 37, 140-1, 188-90

CO xvi, 169

O 36, 39, 49-50, 65, 79, 81, 106-7, 130-2, 149-50, 152, 156, 166, 172, 174,

204-6, 271, 275, 304, 308, 310, 315, 326, 349, 359, 362-4, 380, 392-3, 441-56, 458-9, 470, 475, 477, 492-4, 497, 500, 502, 504, 543, 583, 599-601, 608, 610, 612-5, 617-22, 633, 657-61, 664-5, 680-3, 685-6, 690-1, 694-5, 704

W1 147-9

W2 61, 64

W4 27-8, 156

Testimony W1 147-8

See Also Casa Roca

Bringuier, Carlos, Mrs. O 683, 694-95

Bringuier, Juan Felipe O 613

Bringuier, Julio O 613

Bringuier, Julio Enrique O 613

Bringuier, Maria Del Carmen [Bearce] O 613

Bringuier, Vicente O 613

Bringuis, Carlos

See Bringuier

Brinton, Larry, Nashville Banner C 451

F 316

Bristol Myers Company V. F.T.C W4 173

British Authorities W4 184-5

British Court C 234-6, 238, 243, 335, 512-4

F 17, 23, 30, 155

British European Airways C 226, 228, 230-1, 364, 424

F 4, 7, 11, 201, 276

British Government C 232, 235, 241, 249, 365, 507, 511

F 17, 38

PM 227

Foreign Office C 234

Home Office C 234-5, 249, 514

House Of Lords C 236

British High Court F 19

British Immigration Service F 9-10

British Law C 241

British Ordnance C 383

F 227

British Overseas Airways Corporation C 231

F 11-2

British Reporter C 249

Brixton Prison, England C 233

F 14

Broad Street Taxi Owners Association O 643

Brokaw, Tom CO 1

Bromley, Bruce N 236

PM 159-60, 187, 197, 220-2, 581, 596

Bronson Film And Pictures N 29, 30, 31

Bronte, Ken N 429

Brookhart, William G., FBI Agent, Dallas, TX PW 159

Brookline, MA PM 308

Brooklyn Bridge C 413

F 264

Brotherhood Week C 82

Broussard, Wilmore O 374-5

Brown, Arnold J., FBI Agent, Dallas, TX O 75

W4 150

Brown, Bernard C., FBI Agent, Detroit, MI PW 288

Brown, Captain, Los Angeles Police Department. PM 436

Brown, Charles T., Jr., FBI Agent, Dallas, TX N 328, 396, 398-9, 400

PW 34-5, 38, 162-3, 170, 172

W2 19

Brown, Claude C 131

Brown, Edmund G. [Pat] C 94

PM 81

Brown, Festus O 329

Brown, Jack, Chattanooga, TN C 123, 125, 128, 131

Brown, Jack H. C 152, 175-8, 180

Brown, Joe, Judge PW 254

W4 37

Brown, Leo O 694

Brown, Leon F., FBI Agent, Los Angeles, CA O 261-3, 273, 558, 565

W2 56

Brown, Ned., Inc., Huie Agent C 484

Brown, R., Intelligence Training C 138, 142

Brown, Robert Kenneth, Captain, U.S. Army C 83-4, 88-9, 110-3, 136-8, 141-5, 184-5, 187, 189-90, 389, 447

Brown University CO 29

Brown, William S., FBI Agent Portland, OR O 175, 505

Browne, Malcom W., New York Times C 72

Brownlee, Morris C 71

Browns, Jack C 180

Browntowner Motor Inn O 695

Brunson, Beverly PW 136

Brushy Mountain, TN CO 143

Brussels, Belgium C 225-6, 231, 363-4, 366, 408-9, 429, 465

F 3-6, 11, 200, 203, 258, 285, 337

Brutus C 7

Bucaro, Richard, FBI Agent, New Orleans, LA O 133, 414, 435

Buchanan, Marvin C., FBI Agent, Atlanta, GA C 184-5

Buchanan, Thomas PW 127-9, 235

W2 12

W4 135

Buchenwald C 196, 397

F 241

Buckley, David V., FBI Agent, New Orleans, LA O 547

Buckley, William C 31

Bugliosi, Vincent CO 17

Building, Across From TSBD W1 99, 137

Building, Next To TSBD W1 159

Bullet C 62, 64, 150, 246, 317, 319-20, 322, 327, 343, 370, 374-81, 383, 429, 435

CO 71, 90, 111

N 72, 116-8, 123

6.5-MM CO 150

CE 399 [Q-1] N 259-62, 277-8, 281, 288, 289, 293, 295-9, 313, 317

O 292-4, 297

Core CO 89

Deformed N 292, 296-8, 300

Dumdum N 184

Fatal CO 97

Firing Time Frames N 3, 303-4, 407

First CO 35

First Fired Theories N 3, 4

Found W2 36, 67, 93, 95-100, 103, 106-7, 124-6, 166, 171, 227, 234, 241

Four Or More N 229, 233, 250, 323, 325, 331, 345, 367, 429

Fragments Of CO 99-100

N 82, 88, 161-2, 163, 166-7, 171-2, 184, 204-6, 245, 248,

259-62, 272, 274-6, 289, 310, 313, 368-9, 475, 483-8

From Grassy Knoll N 188, 190

High-Velocity N 165, 166, 168, 194, 212, 267

Jacket CO 98

Location Fired From N 142, 166, 168, 181

Magic CO 76

Manhole CO 141

Military N 184, 185, 274-5, 381, 483, 487, 488, 492

Missed Shot CO 97, 140

N 292, 324, 328-34, 336, 339, 340, 352, 365-82, 382, 384, 390, 393

Pristine CO 62

N 296-8

Recovering From Body N 146

Reports Of Other Shots N 390-407

Second Bullet N 157-8, 159, 163, 166, 174

Sidewalk Mark N 384-90

Soft-Nosed N 483-8, 492

Tests On Cadavers N 297-301

Three Fired Theory N 3, 181, 188, 196, 223, 229, 250, 292, 323, 367, 405

Trajectories CO 66, 98-9

N 101, 142, 158, 173, 174, 184, 203, 249-50, 268, 317, 339, 492

Two Bullets From The Front N 279, 289

Two Bullets From The Rear N 272-3, 281

Two Bullets Only Theory N 72, 168, 267, 324, 325, 338, 371, 493

Wounds Allegedly From Connally N 191-4, 219, 232-3, 292, 341, 381, 485, 488

X Rays To Locate N 474-5

See Also Ammunition

Single-Bullet Theory

Bullets, Kennedy, John F. PM 13, 16-20, 32, 35, 37, 41, 44-9, 51-3, 55-8, 62, 65-8, 73-7, 83-8, 90-2,

94-9, 104, 120, 122-5, 127-9, 131, 152-3, 163, 169, 171-5, 178-9, 182-5, 187-90, 192-3, 195-207, 210, 212, 215, 219, 224-7, 233, 235-7, 240-2, 244, 260, 269, 280, 295-6, 306-7, 309, 313, 318-9, 321, 330, 332, 334, 347, 350-4, 356, 358, 364, 368, 379, 381, 383, 388-91, 393-6, 399, 401, 409, 416, 419-22, 431, 438, 443-5, 447, 454, 457-9, 488, 490-1, 501-2, 504, 532, 535-40, 543-4, 550, 552, 578, 593-5, 599, 601, 604, 606, 619

W4 31-2, 102, 105, 137, 139, 147, 176-7

See Also Bullet CE 399

Car PM 57, 98, 104, 171, 440, 548, 607

Fragments PM 13-7, 19-20, 51-2, 66-7, 75-6, 83-4, 92, 98, 104-5, 169, 171-2, 183, 185,

191, 193, 196-7, 199-202, 204-5, 214, 219, 227, 233, 266-8, 316-7, 319-21, 351, 364, 367, 378, 395-6, 409, 416, 420-2, 438, 440, 445, 447, 449-50, 456, 488, 506, 548, 585, 603-4, 607, 619

W4 31, 103, 171, 187

From Rifle PM 421, 440-1

Missing PM 454

Spectrographic Analysis W4 103, 171

Stretcher, See Bullet, CE 399 PM 46, 49, 55, 73-4, 77, 87-8, 91, 94-9, 128, 275, 319, 392, 531, 535,

537, 539, 548, 603, 607

W4 105, 137, 140, 177

Testing Of PM 13, 16-20, 171, 183, 226, 316, 438, 448

399 Exhibit [Q-1] PM x, 13, 16-20, 52, 58, 62, 83-4, 92, 94-9, 104, 124, 171-2, 178, 183,

185, 188, 193, 199, 204, 226, 235, 269, 305, 316-21, 324, 329, 345, 349-50, 352-3, 364, 378, 395, 409, 420-2, 440-1, 443, 446, 449-50, 455, 502, 504, 506, 542, 578, 585, 587-8, 599, 602, 604, 607

Bullets, Kennedy, Robert F. PM 434

Bullets, Revolver W1 57, 60-2, 112

W2 29, 123, 225

Casings Discarded W1 58-9, 62, 76, 112

Recovered From Tippit's Body W1 62

W2 28-9

Remington-Peters W1 62

Spectrographic Analysis C 47, 65, 114, 374

W2 29, 238, 241

Winchester Western W1 62

PM 604

Bullets, Rifle C 47

W1 27-8, 30-31, 156-7

W2 2-3, 29, 31-2, 36-8, 67, 82, 93, 95-100, 103, 106-7, 111, 119, 122-6, 131, 138-9, 166-7, 171, 199, 203, 210, 225, 228, 234, 238, 241, 243

Curbstone W1 158-60

W2 31-2, 36-8, 82, 93, 106

Examination Of W1 163-4, 195

Fragments C 114

W1 156-7, 159-60, 163-6, 170, 171-4, 179

W2 2, 95-6, 100, 103, 106, 111, 119, 124-6, 166, 171, 241

Comparisons Of, With Whole W1 184

Found At White House Garage W1 164

"Found" W1 156-7, 160-3, 165-6, 171-4, 176, 185, 189, 193-5

Identification Of W1 161

Number Of W1 161, 193

W2 3, 31, 95-6, 106-7, 122-3, 131, 167, 199, 225, 228, 243

“Unmutilated" W1 194, 208

Spectrographic Analysis W1 160-1, 163-4

W2 238, 241

Turf, Near Manhole Cover, Struck By W1 158

Types W1 161, 169, 171-2

Bullets, Tippit, Officer, Dallas Police Department PM 603

Bullets, Walker, Edwin A. PM 444

Bundy, McGeorge N 25

W4 204, 211

Bundy, Vernon O 246

Bunker, Nelson, See Hunt, Nelson Bunker

Bunnell, Albert PW 242-3, 245

Burbank, Colonel Louisiana State Police O 499

Burch, Dean, Fcc C 503, 514-5

F 412

Burch, Phillip F., New Scotland Yard C 223, 225, 233

Burdine's C 103

O 363

Burger, Warren E., Chief Justice, Supreme Court C 286-8, 290, 438

F 88-9, 92, 397

PM 317, 429

Burger, Willard C 129

Burke, David W., Em Kennedy's Administrative Assistant PM 293

Burke, Gunnar C 467

F 340-1

Burkley, George C., Presidential Physician W2 114-5

Burkley, George Gregory N 113-23, 142

PM 50, 71, 77, 81, 102, 127, 144-5, 239-45, 248-50, 256-8, 261-2, 265,

270, 279, 302-6, 308-12, 358-9, 465, 508-9, 524-8, 530, 533, 556-7, 559, 575-6

At Autopsy N 151, 152, 157, 159, 287, 289

At Bethesda Naval Hospital N 140

At Dallas N 140, 159

Authorization To Release JFK Material Held By

Secret Service PM 556-7

Autopsy Authorization N 73

Autopsy Report Approval N 139, 140

Certificate Of Death N 413

Conferring With Jacqueline Kennedy N 2

Galloway Letter N 103, 128, 148

Humes Claims Turnover Of Autopsy Materials To N 82, 84, 88

Jfk's Brain N 74, 104

Not Witness For Warren Commission N 106

Preference Of Bethesda For Autopsy N 153

Receipts For Autopsy Materials N 89, 126, 128, 148

Report Of PM 242-5

Verifying Back Wound N 147

Burlington Township, NJ C 145

Burma O 490

Burnett, Richard J., FBI Agent, Dallas, TX O 280, 528

W2 43-4, 53

Burns, Thomas W. O 544

Burr, Aaron C 292

F 95

Burris, Bill, New York Post C 472

F 348

Burroughs, Warren E. W1 60

Burton, Robert E., Navy C 98

Burton, Steve C 86, 88

Busch, Joseph P., Los Angles District Attorney PM 432

Bush, George N xxxiv, 433, 435-9, 469

Butler, Edward Scannell, Inca C 140, 190

O 255-6, 452, 467, 470, 621

PM 484

Butler, George, Dallas Police Department, Dallas, TX C 173

Butler Fire Station, Memphis, TN C 342

F 166

Butler, Thomas, Detective Chief Superintendent Scotland Yard C 230, 365

F 10, 201-2

Butler, Waldo D. PW 90, 236-7, 239

Buzendo, Julien O 379


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