Release: Baseline

Release: Baseline |Test Case Creation Engineer: Will Leverenz | |

|Title: Change display options on graphical products |Date Test Case Created: 02/03/06 |

|Test Case Execution Engineer: |Pass/Fail/Pending: |

|Test Platform: TBW3 (WFO), TBW4, TBDR, TBDW (SIT) |Total Test Time: |

|Start Date: |Run Time for processes or reports: |

|Complete Date: |Database Instance and Version: PostGres 7.4.8 |

|Logged in User’s Role: |Test Case Version Number: V2 |

|Notification Server Version: OB8.1 |Test Case Version Number Update Date: 08/07/06 |

|Last Modified By: Jim Richardson |Location of Test Artifacts for this test case: N/A |

|CI: GW | |

Test Case # D2D_Prod_Disp_1.4.1.21

Test Case Description

This test case demonstrates functionality of D2D to alter the view options for a graphical product.

• Requirements:

Not Applicable.

• Data Input:

Not Applicable.

• Prerequisite Conditions:

The tester must log on to a graphics workstation (LX) with valid username & password.

AWIPS system is in an operational state.

|Step # |Action / Inputs |Expected Outputs |Pass(P)/ |DR #, Name, Description|Special Needs / |

| | | |Fail(F) |for failed step |Comments |

| | | |Pending (Pen) | | |

| |From the Scale pull-down menu (left side of toolbar), |Main pane map scale changes to selected scale. Note: if no data is| | | |

| |select N.Hemisphere. |available in the next step, reset scale to State(s). | | | |

| |In D2D under the NCEP/Hydro option, HPC section, Temps & |Products are displayed in the main pane and product appears in | | | |

| |Weather subsection, load the MSL Pressure Analysis and |product legend (lower right of main pane). | | | |

| |the Surface Front Analysis. | | | | |

| |Click the text in the product legend for one of the |Pop-up menu opens. | | | |

| |products with MB3. | | | | |

| |Click set color and click on one of the colors in the |Pop-up menu closes and graphic changes to that color. | | | |

| |sub-menu. | | | | |

| |Click the text in the product legend for the other |Pop-up menu opens. | | | |

| |product with MB3. | | | | |

| |Click set color and click on the Choose Color option (at |The Choose Color GUI opens. | | | |

| |the bottom). | | | | |

| |Use the color wheel to select a color. |Sample color changes to what was selected. | | | |

| |Press OK. |Choose Color GUI closes and product changes color. | | | |

| |Click the text in one of the product legends with MB3. |Pop-up menu opens. | | | |

| |Click on Line Width and set the width to a thicker |Width of isobars thickens in the main pane. | | | |

| |setting. The default setting is the thinnest width. | | | | |

| |Click the text in the other product legend with MB3. |Pop-up menu opens. | | | |

| |Click on Line Style and set the style to a dashed line. |Isobars become dashed lines. | | | |

| |Click the text in the Pressure Analysis product legend |Pop-up menu opens. | | | |

| |with MB3. | | | | |

| |Click on Magnification and set to the highest magnitude. |Text graphics, such as: highs (H), lows (L), and mean sea-level | | | |

| | |pressure magnitudes increase in size. | | | |

| |Click the text in the other product legend with MB3. |Pop-up menu opens. | | | |

| |Click on Blinking. |Product blinks on and off. | | | |

| |Click the text in one of the product legends with MB3. |Pop-up menu opens. | | | |

| |Click on Unload. |Product is unloaded from the main pane. | | | |

| |Open the Volume Browser: under Volume click on Browser. |The Volume Browser opens. | | | |

| |Select one of the GFS models as a source from the Grid |Source shows up highlighted (yellow) in the source selection list. | | | |

| |menu. | | | | |

| |Select Wind as a field from the Basic menu. |Field shows up highlighted (yellow) in the field selection list. | | | |

| |Select 500 MB as a plane from the Pres menu. |Plane shows up highlighted (yellow) in the plane selection list; | | | |

| | |product shows up highlighted (yellow) in the product selection | | | |

| | |list. | | | |

| |In the Volume Browser select the Load button at the |Product is loaded in the main pane as a wind barb graphic. It | | | |

| |bottom. |defaults to the last frame. | | | |

| |Close the Volume Browser: under File select Exit. |Volume Browser closes. | | | |

| |Click the text in the product legend with MB3. |Pop-up menu opens. | | | |

| |Click on Density and choose the highest magnitude. |The number of wind barbs per unit area increases. | | | |

| |Click the text in the product legend with MB3. |Pop-up menu opens. | | | |

| |Click on load as streamlines. |Wind barbs overlay wind streamlines. | | | |

| |Click the text in the product legend with MB3. |Pop-up menu opens. | | | |

| |Click on load as arrows. |Wind streamlines overlay wind arrows. | | | |

| |Click the text in the product legend with MB3. |Pop-up menu opens. | | | |

| |Click on Display Product. |Product display is turned off, but product remains loaded. Product| | | |

| | |is grayed out in the product legend. | | | |

| |On the D2D menu, under File, click on Exit. |D2D closes and the test case is completed. | | | |


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