FOREWORD - OCPS TeacherPress


Southwest Middle School

Band Handbook


“The everything you need to know about band and more book!”


The Southwest Middle School Band will continue a “Tradition of Excellence” this fall and each member of this organization will contribute to that success. In order to achieve that success, it is vital that each student be familiar with the valuable information contained in the handbook about the Band program at Southwest Middle School. To consistently achieve and maintain the high standard of excellence desired by this organization, members and families should familiarize themselves with the regulations and procedures for the band program, which are included in this handbook. The information enclosed is written for both the band student and the band parent so that both parties are knowledgeable in all areas of the program. There may also be “individual class” policies set forth by the class director as required.

Most of the questions you may have regarding band will be answered in this handbook, however, if a question should arise, please contact Ms. Bernloehr at (407) 370-7200 ext.5252-228. I am looking forward to a great year and am sure that together we can continue to achieve our goal of musical excellence.


The Wind Ensemble is a full year class that is open to students in 7th and 8th grade who have at least two years of previous instruction, or have shown exceptional musical aptitude on wind and/or percussion instruments. It consists of modern band instrumentation and provides instruction in advanced instrumental skills such as instrumental technique, small ensemble performance, solo performance as well as an emphasis on the fundamental concepts of rhythm, tone production, ensemble balance and blend, and overall ensemble sonority. The Wind Ensemble is a class that meets every school day and performs several concerts and festivals each year. There will be some before and after school rehearsals, which will be announced at least one week in advance. Thirty minutes a day of home practice is expected and must be documented on practice records provided by the director. Private study is strongly encouraged. Membership is at the discretion of the director.


The Symphonic Band is a full year class that is open to students in 7th and 8th grade who have at least two years of previous instruction, or have shown exceptional musical aptitude on wind and/or percussion instruments. It consists of modern band instrumentation and provides instruction in advanced instrumental skills such as instrumental technique, small ensemble performance, solo performance as well as an emphasis on the fundamental concepts of rhythm, tone production, ensemble balance and blend, and overall ensemble sonority. The Symphonic Band is a class that meets every school day and performs several concerts each year. There will be some before and after school rehearsals, which will be announced at least one week in advance. Thirty minutes a day of home practice is expected and must be documented on practice records provided by the directors. Private study is strongly encouraged. Membership is at the discretion of the director.


The Beginning Band is a year long class which is open to students in the sixth grade who have had little or no experience in instrumental music. All students will choose an instrument with the aid of the director. Basic concepts such as proper embouchure, hand position, posture, listening skills and breathing skills will be emphasized. The Beginning Band is a class that meets every school day and will perform a concert. Private study is encouraged. Thirty minutes a day of home practice is expected and must be documented on practice records provided by the director. Membership is at the discretion of the director.

Jazz Ensemble I

The Jazz Band is a full year class and is an auditioned group of 7th and 8th graders. It consists of standard jazz band instrumentation and provides instruction in advanced instrumental skills such as instrumental technique, small ensemble performance, solo performance, rhythmic fundamentals, tone production, ensemble balance and blend, and overall ensemble sonority within the realm of jazz music. The Jazz Band is a class that meets every school day and performs several concerts and festivals each year. There are mandatory extra rehearsals involved with this class, which affect the student’s grade. Thirty minutes a day of home practice is expected and private study is strongly encouraged. Membership in an additional musical ensemble is required in order to participate in Jazz Band. Membership is at the discretion of the director.

Jazz Ensemble II

Jazz Ensemble II is a full year class and it is a group of auditioned 7th and 8th graders. This is a performing class that teaches the fundamentals of jazz, including jazz theory, style, history and improvisation techniques. This class meets Tuesday-Friday before school from 8:30-9:10am. Membership is at the discretion of the director.


All band students are responsible for reading of and adherence to the ORANGE COUNTY CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT. Here are some general rules about conduct in the Band Room and when representing SWMS as a member of the band:

1. Loud, boisterous behavior is inappropriate in the Band Room.

2. Gum and food are NOT allowed in the Band Room. Water will be allowed as long as students act responsibly.

3. DO NOT touch anything that is not yours! This is a very simple way to protect your personal property and the property of the school.

4. Please keep the Band Room clean so that we may have a pleasant place to share the joy of music.


Due to the nature of all the band groups, it is imperative that students’ behavior is exemplary. There will be opportunities for off campus trips and because of that, students will be held to the expectation of zero discipline referrals from ANY music teacher. In the event that a student does receive a referral from a music teacher, that student will be put on probation and not be allowed to participate in any activities outside of the regular class time for a nine week period. If a second referral is written by a band teacher, the student will be removed from the Jazz class. Please understand that referrals written by other Southwest Staff will be reviewed on a case by case basis, but consequences will be determined by the band director. Students will maintain a semester GPA of at least a B-Average in their band classes and a C-Average in their academic classes. If a student falls below the GPA they will be placed on probation. If it occurs a second time, the student will be removed from the second band class.


Band students are expected to be model students in the area of academics. It is very difficult to take students of another class for special rehearsals or performances when they are failing that class. Even though we do not pull students out of other classes often, it is sometimes necessary for performances, so it is important for students to keep up with their other classes.

The rules for eligibility for band festivals held by the FLORIDA BANDMASTERS ASSOCIATION are quoted from the FBA handbook:

“…the student must have attained a 2.0 GPA and have passed at least 5 courses during the previous marking period.”

Middle school students are involved in two festivals during the school year. The first is concert festival held in late March (see calendar section for specific dates) and solo/ensemble festival held in February. For participation in these festivals, the following report cards will be checked:

1. Third Marking period, issued in early January.

2. Fourth marking period, issued in April.

It would be especially unfortunate for a student to miss festival, as they receive valuable feedback on their performance from experienced judges. In many cases, one ineligible student causes an entire ensemble to suffer the loss of a valuable educational experience.


Band members are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. These events are naturally part of the grading process. Students must also be on time for all Band functions.

Performances are essential to the success of the band. Even one student being absent can turn a potentially fine performance into a mediocre event. Absences must be approved by the director in advance. If students are excused from a performance, they will be assigned a make up assignment, usually a five page typed paper. Any absence that is not brought to the director’s attention for approval at least two weeks prior to the performance will be considered unexcused. Unexcused absences from any performances will result in that student not being allowed to participate in any future field trips for a semester period (at the director’s discretion) and will result in the student’s grade being lowered at the discretion of the director.

Performances are a required part of this class and failure to attend a performance will result in the lowering of the student’s nine weeks grade by two letter grades but will not affect their ranking.

The student will be required to perform the missed program in any case for the director at a time designated by the director. Students are expected to remain at the performance until released by the director. Any student who leaves early without permission will have their grade lowered at the director’s discretion.


Every Band member will need to bring their instrument, music, pencil and any other equipment as specified by the director to rehearsal each day. When entering the band room, students should check the outside bulletin boards or classroom marker boards to make themselves aware of the schedule of events for the rehearsal-keeping in mind which extra book and materials will be needed for the day. Students should leave their personal belongings in their locker so that no “non-musical” items will be at their seat.

There is to be no talking or disturbance during rehearsals. Subdued talking is permitted with the director’s permission only when the director leaves the podium. Talking should cease when anyone stands on the podium.

Gum chewing or eating food is not permitted during rehearsals or performances. We are in a nice facility and we keep it clean and free from food, candy and drinks.

All band music is the property of Southwest M.S. and should not be folded, torn, or mutilated. Each piece of music will be returned to the school after the concert in which it is performed. Students will be charged for music that is lost or not cared for properly. Do not make excessive marks on music- always use PENCIL, NEVER INK!! Students needing a music part should fill out a music request form and place it in the “need music?” bin in the band copy room. Students, please remember that it is YOUR responsibility to have all your music, every day.

Each student should be seated with his or her materials, ready to work, at the designated time or the student will be marked tardy. Tardy or previously absent students should give excuses to the attendance manager rather than disturbing rehearsal.

Do NOT lean back in your chair!!

Do NOT lean or write on music stands!!

Above all, come to class prepared, with a positive attitude and an open mind ready to learn and share the joy of music.


Most middle school students approach practicing with the wrong attitude. They get out their horns, toot a few notes, and then play through their favorite pieces. This is not practicing!!

In order to accomplish the most in the least amount of time, you must have a plan when you practice. To begin, instrumentalists must start off with their mouthpiece. This is a very important part of the skill of playing an instrument. Flutes work on playing a low note and a high note with just the head joint. All other woodwind instruments should concentrate on proper embouchure with just the mouthpiece. Brass players should work on a siren with their mouthpieces.

The next step is very important. Each session should begin with Long Tones. This means very long notes on a scale or a chromatic pattern. Most musicians usually play very slow whole notes that go chromatically downward. If you don’t sound good, no one will want to listen to you. Concentrate while playing these long tones on embouchure, breath control, and most importantly, your sound.

After long tones, work on your scales. Scales teach key signature, technique, and flexibility. Articulations can also be worked out in different combinations. After scales, work on music that you need to practice from class. Fix mistakes by saying each rhythm while fingering at the same time. Slow practice makes more sense because you have more time to correct your problems. Isolate problem areas (practice two difficult measures at a time) and then play the entire piece.

After working on the more difficult selections, allow yourself time to play through pieces that you are already able to play. Make sure that you are always playing with a good tone quality! This whole process should take about 30 minutes. If you practice with this plan in mind every single day (EVEN ON WEEKENDS and HOLIDAYS), you will be amazed at your progress. Remember, practice does not (by itself) make perfect. Only Perfect Practice makes Perfect.

Before & After School Practice

The Band room will be open before and after school for students to do their daily practice. It will not be a social gathering place or a hang out for students. Also, non-band students will not be allowed in the room as a security measure. Each afternoon the band room is open students will be able to play test material, concert music, lesson material, pass-offs or just get extra help. There will be a schedule of afternoon practice days posted on the bulletin boards outside of the band room. Students should check this weekly for more information.


Practice rooms may only be used with permission of the director. You may NOT use practice rooms during a period in which you have an academic class. If you have a period with a study hall, you may make arrangements to use the practice room during this time so long as the privilege is not abused. Practice rooms time is at a premium, so please schedule in advance. Practice the material that needs work and make the most of your time- we want to hear lovely music emanating from the practice rooms!! There is a maximum occupancy of three students per room unless there is special permission granted by the director. All students are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of these rooms or their privileges will be revoked.

1. No more than two people per room without permission.

2. You must be practicing an instrument while in this room.

3. No goofing off while in this room.

4. Make sure you take out what you bring in.


Normally, the band does not provide instruments for students; however, there are a few exceptions to this rule. Southwest Middle School rents the following instruments to individual students on a first come, first served basis: Oboe, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax, French Horn, Euphonium, and Tuba.

Students issued school-owned instruments will pay a $50.00 Instrument Rental Fee payable to Southwest Middle School for the rental of the instrument for the entire school year. This fee will not cover any damage (dents, broken parts, etc.) brought about by the student. Such repairs become the student/parent’s responsibility and will not be paid for by the school. If stolen and/or destroyed, the instrument will have to be replaced by the student.

Students using school owned instruments will also need to purchase their own mouthpiece and other accessories as needed. All supplies are available from area music stores.


Each Band student will have the opportunity to be issued a Band locker. The school is not responsible for items left in band lockers therefore students are advised to take their instruments home every afternoon. For reasons of security, students are never to share their locker combination with anyone except their locker partner. Also only band materials are to be kept in their locker. The fair share covers the use of a locker and provided lock. A copy of the combination must be provided to the director before students may begin using them. This donation pays for repairs and upkeep of the band lockers. Students who habitually leave their instruments overnight or do not keep the lockers and the locker room in a neat and clean manner will have their locker privileges revoked.




Supplies such as reeds, oil, cork grease, and swabs may be ordered from area music stores and will be delivered to school. Students who need to purchase accessories may do so before school, NOT before or during class. Plan ahead and be sure to have the appropriate materials on hand when needed. That way when emergencies happen, you need only to reach into your case and get another reed or some oil.

Brass players will be expected to have valve or slide oil, mouthpiece brush, and tuning slide grease on hand at all times. There will be a mouthpiece puller available in the band office if needed. Please do not attempt to pull out a stuck mouthpiece with pliers because it can result in serious expensive damage to your instrument.

Woodwind players should have a reed guard, four good reeds, swab, and cork grease on hand at all times. Please also remember that you will only be as good as your equipment allows you to be- if you are playing on the cheapest reed available, you can only achieve the sound potential of the reed. Both Vandoren and Mitchel Lurie are preferred brands.

Percussionists- will be responsible for their own snare drum and mallet kit (which may be kept at home to practice with), drumsticks, and mallets for bells and timpani.

with dry erase markers and a notebook (preferably a 3 ring black binder for hand-outs, the rank system requirements, tests, and quizzes).

All students –will also need a pencil, plastic page protectors with dry erase markers and a notebook (preferably a 3 ring black binder for hand-outs, the rank system requirements, tests, and quizzes). Band Members will also need the book: Foundations to a Superior Performance by Richard Williams and Jeff King (it is a blue book).

Accidents with instruments do happen and when they do, the director can make minor repairs. If the director is unable to repair the instrument, please call your local music store and inform them of the problem. The music store will then pick up the instrument from Southwest, repair it and return it to school. Please make arrangements for payment with the music store that repairs the instrument.


The Southwest Middle School Wind Ensemble

Men: Black button down long sleeved shirt with collar able to be tucked in

Women: Black wrap tunic- information will be passed out in class.

Black Dress Pants –with belt loops. No jeans

Black Socks or Hose

Black closed toed shoes (ABSOLUTELY NO WHITE ON SHOES!!!)

Black Belt

FBA Medals may be worn on the vest.

Symphonic Band:

White long sleeve button down shirt with collar able to be tucked in

Black Dress Pants –with belt loops. No jeans

Black Socks or Hose

Black closed toed shoes (ABSOLUTELY NO WHITE ON SHOES!!!)

Black Belt

Without the proper attire, no student will be allowed to perform. There will be no exceptions to this rule. If this presents a problem, please contact the director as soon as possible so that a solution can be reached.

Jazz Ensemble – More information will be handed out during class.



Even though the director will work with all students on an individual basis, the value of private lessons cannot be overstated. Band class is essentially ensemble practice, while in private lessons students can progress individually at a much faster rate. The director has a list of names of reputable instructors in the area; please contact Ms. Bernloehr. We also have several private instructors that teach here at Southwest Middle School. Information and sign ups for these teachers will be handed out within the first few weeks of school.


All Advanced Band students will participate in a minimum of two school concerts per year. Beginning Band students will participate in one concert.

Music Performance Assessment

The Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band and Concert Band may perform in the Music Performance Assessment sponsored by the Florida Bandmasters Association. This performance will be evaluated by three highly qualified judges and rated on a musical scale of Superior, Excellent, Good, Fair and Poor. After their concert performance the band will then go to another room and be evaluated on their ability to ‘sight read’ music they have never seen before by a fourth judge using the same rating scale.

Music Performance Assessment is a valuable experience for many musical reasons and takes place in the latter part of March or the early part of April each year. Each student in the band must thoroughly prepare for this performance since the whole band is evaluated. The comments the band receives will enable the ensemble to grow musically as a group and as individuals.

All State Band & Orchestra

The All State Band and Orchestra are ensembles drawn, through auditions, from the finest musicians in the state of Florida. Auditions are held locally each year during the latter half of September. Rehearsals and performances are held during the Florida Music Educators Convention in early January in Tampa. Participation in this event is a great honor. All students who are capable are urged to prepare the All State Audition Materials and audition. Summer is the ideal time for preparation of those materials. Interested students will be required to attend morning or afternoon rehearsals with the director to prepare for this audition, unless they are studying privately.

All County Middle School Honors Band

The All County Middle School Honors Band is made up of Orange County middle school students who have been selected through an audition process required audition materials. This audition takes place in early before or after school in practice sessions totally devoted to making the All County Band. There are a limited number of students that can be selected for the actual audition, so attendance at these after school sessions is important. Once selected to audition, it is imperative that the student participate fully in the audition process. Also, all students selected to participate in the band must agree to attend all rehearsals and performances related to All County Honors Band. (There are a total of four rehearsals plus the performance).

Solo & Ensemble Festival

The Solo and Ensemble Festival of the Florida Bandmasters Association is held during the month of February each year. The opportunity to be evaluated as a soloist or a member of a small ensemble is a wonderful learning experience. Participation in this festival by 7th and 8th grade students is strongly encouraged by the director!

Music must be selected from the FBA Music list that is available from Ms. Bernloehr. An original score must be provided for the judge and an accompanist must be provided with all solos (Ms. Bernloehr will help find an accompanist). For their time practicing, attending rehearsals, and attending three performance and there will be a small entrant’s fee (usually under $10). You must contact the director in order to participate. Once you have made the commitment to participate, if you fail to attend the performance, you will forfeit the money paid to the accompanist and to the FBA. Choice of ensemble partners becomes important because you rely on the members of your ensemble to be present for rehearsals and the performance in order to participate. If a student signs up to participate and does not come to play for a music teacher at least three times prior to the week of the festival, the student’s grade will be lowered by one letter grade. If a student signs up and does not attend the festival, the same will occur. After school rehearsals may be required.


Each year the band program does two fundraisers in order to raise money to purchase new instruments, new equipment and new music. In the past few years, we have spent over $100,000 dollars on new French horns, refurbishing our percussion equipment, baritones, tubas, new stands, bassoons and new bari sax. There are however other needs that we have that help us better teach the band students at Southwest. For these items, we are asking that each student donate $35.00 to the band programs so that we can continue to provide each student with the best learning methods possible.


Although we will not travel as much as a High School Band, there will be several trips throughout the year and we will need chaperones in order to make these trips possible!! Parents may sign up as chaperones by calling the Band Office or by indicating so on the permission slips sent home before the trip. For chaperones to be approved for trips they must fill out the proper forms that can be found at: volunteers.

Chaperones will carry the same authority as the director on trips and are to be obeyed and treated with courtesy and respect. Students will be on their best behavior at all times.

The complete uniform will be worn properly when in public because you are representing Southwest Middle School. Horseplay and screaming are prohibited on the bus- OCPS bus rules apply as stated in the OCPS student code of conduct. Students may not change buses without permission. Roll will be checked on each bus before departure.

No drinking or eating will be permitted except when designated by the director. Students are responsible for their own instruments and music so double-check EVERYTHING.

Any students who will receive a ride home with their parents must give the director a written request in advance of the trip. If approved, the parent or designated must appear in person to pick up the student from the director.

Upon arrival at a destination, all students should remain seated until instructed to unload by the director or a chaperone in charge. Conduct of students in public eating-places should be subdued and courteous. Also, remember that there will be NO individuals playing instruments at any time unless other wise instructed to do so.

Let’s be professional, courteous, and gracious guests on all our band trips!!

2014-15 Calendar!

August 28…………7th/8th grade Band Parent Meeting @ 6:30 in the Band Room

September ……..7th/8th grade “Lesson Night” @ 6:30 in the Band Room

September………Band Community Night at DPHS!

September 20.……..All State Auditions Ocoee HS 8am-12pm

October 21…………Fine Arts Showcase @ 7:00pm SWMS Gym

November 1……….High School Marching MPA at University HS- Go DPHS!

November 4..…….iPlay Music Department Fundraiser Southwest Campus

November 11………All County Auditions @ Conway MS

December 16………SWMS Winter Concert 7p.m. SWMS Cafeteria

January 6…………..Mixed Bag Fundraiser Kick-Off!

January 14-17.….…...FMEA All State Convention @ Tampa, FL

January 27…………All County Sectional Rehearsal Winter Park High School

January 29-31…….. All County Weekend Winter Park High School

February 19……..…Jazz Band MPA Oak Ridge H.S

February 20-21…….Solo and Ensemble @ Walker MS

February 24………..All County Jazz Sectional @ Timber Creek HS

February 26-28….....All County Jazz Weekend @ Timber Creek High School

February 25………..6th Grade Prism Concert Southwest Gym

March 11…………..Symphonic Band Day

March 12-14……….Middle School MPA Location TBA

April 3 …………….Fine Arts Festival

…………….. Band Trip

May 21……. ……….Southwest Band Spring Concert @ 7:00 SW Gym

More dates coming soon!

Signature Sheet

We have read the SWMS Handbook and understand and agree to the information it contains. We know that if we have any questions, we may contact Ms. Bernloehr by telephone or e-mail.

_______________ ________________

Parent Signature Student Signature


Name: ________________________________________

Instrument: ____________________________________

Band: ________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________


City:__________________________ Zip: ____________________

Home Phone: ______________________________________

Parents Name:


Work Phone: ________________________________

Cell Phone: __________________________________

Email Address: _______________________________

Father: _______________________________

Work Phone: __________________________

Cell Phone: ___________________________

Email Address: ________________________



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