Test Plan Template

P11401 Portable High Power-Density Energy System

Test Plans & Test Results

Table of contents

Note: Once you complete each of the three sections, right click on the table below and select Update Field to update the Table of Contents.)

1. MSD I: Preliminary TEST plan 2

1.1. Sub-Systems/ Functions/ Features 2

1.2. Engineering Specificiations 3

1.3. Test Equipment 5

msd ii WKS 2-3 test plan – “HOW, WHO, WHEN” 6

2.1. Weight Test 6

2.2. System Size Test 9

2.3. Sound Pressure Level Test 11

2.4. Power Test 13

2.5. Voltage Test 15

2.6. Ripple Test 16

2.7. Battery Charge Time Test 18

2.8. Battery Discharge Time Test 20

2.9. Quantity Test 22

2.10. Generator Test 23

2.11. Energy Storage Efficiency Test 26

2.12. Drop Test 28

2.13. Component Operating Temperature Range Test 30

2.14. Compatibility Test 33

2.15. Surface Operating Temperature Test 35

2.16. RoHS Compliance Test 37

2.17. Power Achievement Test 39

2.18. Test Procedure, timeline 41

3. MSD II – WKS 3-10 design VERIFICATION 42

3.1. Logistics 42

3.2. Analysis of Data – Design Summary 42

3.3. Conclusion or Design Summary 42


Preliminary Test Plan

MSD I: Preliminary TEST plan

1 Sub-Systems/ Functions/ Features

|Major Sub-Systems/ Features/ Function |

|1 Acquiring Energy to a Charge Li-ion Battery |

|2 Charging a Li-ion Battery |

|3 Giving Power to WOCCS System – Through Li-ion Battery |


2 Engineering Specificiations

If not already, apply specifications to each sub-system, feature and/or function. Project “clustered” into “chunks”, as described in MyCourses reading Ulrich Chap. 9: Product Planning & Systems Design. Review page 174; Exhibit 9-7, and page 183; Exhibit 9-14.

For previous team examples, see MSD I MyCourses/ Content/ Week 6 Detailed Design Test Plan (samples) and .

For example of completed test results, see .


|Overall System |

|Engr. Spec. # | Specification (description) |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |Test |

|ES1 |Net weight |Analysis |> 30 lbs | Weight Test |

|ES1 |System volume |Analysis |> 7 cubic feet | Volume Test |

|ES3 |System sound pressure level (audible noise) |Test |> 90 dB | Sound Test |

|ES12 |Withstand drop impact |Test |< 5 feet | Drop Test |

|ES16 |RoHS Compliant with hazardous substances laws |Analysis |Not all parts are | Compliance Test |

| | | |compliant | |

| | | | | |

|Generating Power |

|Engr. Spec. # | Specification (description) |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |Test |

|ES10 |Energy generation efficiency |Analysis |< 15 % | Generator Test |

|ES17 |Achieve power |Demonstration |< 1.155 Watt-hr | Power Capture Test |

| | | | | |

|Charging Battery |

|Engr. Spec. # | Specification (description) |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |Test |

|ES7 |Li-Ion Battery charge time |Test |> 8 hours |Charge Time Test |

|ES11 |Energy storage efficiency |Analysis |< 50 % |Energy Storage Efficiency Test |

|ES13 |Operating temperature range |Test |> 32°F or > 100°F |Temperature Operating Test |

|ES15 |Component surface operating temperature |Test |> 140 °F |Temperature Test |

| | | | | |

|Supplying Power |

|Engr. Spec. # | Specification (description) |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |Test |

|ES4 |Power: rated, peak |Test |< 1 Watt |Power Test |

|ES5 |Voltage: rated, peak |Test |< 3.2 Volts |Voltage Test |

|ES6 |Ripple: % of battery voltage |Test |> 0.5% |Ripple Test |

|ES8 |Li-Ion Battery discharge time |Test |< 6 hours |Discharge Time Test |

|ES9 |Battery Quantity during charging |Observation |Greater than 1 |Quantity Test |

|ES13 |Operating temperature range |Test |> 32°F or > 100°F |Temperature Operating Test |

|ES14 |Compatible with P11201 test bench components |Demonstration |Not Compatible | Compatibility Test |

|ES15 |Component surface operating temperature |Test |> 140 °F | Temperature Test |

3 Test Equipment

Focus on any equipment that the team requires to measure specifications but is not available to measure specifications. Discuss this with your Guide. Some examples of specifications that teams could not measure were: measurement of forces, vibration, rf frequency spectrum, field strength, serial communication data accuracy, static and dynamic force measurements, very accurate velocity measurements, rf noise (S/N), complex data acquisition. Contact your Department Guide for any further equipment that may be necessary.

|Engr. Spec. # | Instrumentation or equipment not available (description) |

|ES1 |  |

|ES2 | |

|ES3 |  |

|ES4 |  |

msd ii WKS 2-3 test plan – “HOW, WHO, WHEN”



1 Weight Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES1 |This test is designed to determine the weight of the |Lbs. |Less than 30lbs. |

| |entire system which includes the wind turbine, charge| | |

| |circuitry and Li-ion Battery. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |Dec. 18, 2010 |

| | | |

| | | |


_____ Scale – accurate to within 0.5 lb _____ #1 Phillips head screwdriver

_____7/16 wrench _____ #2 Phillips head screwdriver

_____5/64 Allen wrench _____ 7/16 socket wrench


_____ 1. In EE senior design lab, disassemble blades from hub using 7/16 socket wrench. Place bolts and nuts back into hub to ensure that none are misplaced. Set blades and hub aside.


Figure 1: Hub and blades assembly


Figure 2: Disassembled 4' galvanized pipes (step 2)

Left – Bottom pipe

Right – Top Pipe

_____ 2. Disassemble turbine stand to most basic components by unscrewing threaded connections. There are two 4’ galvanized pipes (see image above) that makeup the turbine stand. Leave the connector coupling attached to the bottom 4’ pipe, and keep the top coupling and 3” pipe attached to the top 4’ pipe. The joint connections of the entire tail assembly are permanently fixed and will not unscrew. Disconnect the motor mount from this assembly, leaving the motor attached to the mount.


Figure 4: Support cables and spikes


Figure 5: Tail assembly with motor disconnected


Figure 3: Tail assembly with motor attached

_____ 3. Weigh each individual component listed below and record in respective column

_____ 4. Sum the weight and record total weight of system

_____5. Check the box indicating pass or fail

_____6. Reassemble components, or leave components disassembled for the System Size Test.


|Component |Weight (lbs) |

|Turbine Blade 1 | |

|Turbine Blade 2 | |

|Turbine Blade 3 | |

|Hub with nuts and bolts | |

|Tail assembly | |

|Cab les with flange and carabineers | |

|4’ Galvanized Pipe #1 with coupling (bottom half of stand) | |

|4’ Galvanized Pipe #2 with coupling and 3” pipe ( top half of stand) | |

|Spikes (4) | |

|Electronics Box with Charge Circuitry and 20 gage generator wire | |

|Generator with mount | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Total | |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the weight test if the total weight is less than or equal to 30 lbs. The system fails the weight test if the total weight is greater than 30 lbs.

Pass □ Fail □


2 System Size Test

Volume Measurement

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of |Marginal Value |

| | |Measure | |

|ES2 |The system volume test determines the total volume of the charging |ft3 |Less than 7 ft3 |

| |system in its most compact form. It is a test for transportability, | | |

| |with the underlying idea being that the marginal value is the maximum | | |

| |size desirable to be carried by a soldier in the field. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |01/03/2011 |

| | | |

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_____ 25’ Tape measure _____ 7/16” wrench and 7/16” socket

_____ 12” Ruler _____ #1 Phillips head screwdriver

_____#2 Phillips head screwdriver _____ Flathead screwdriver

_____ Micrometer


_____ 1. Disassemble turbine stand and assembly to individual components in the laboratory. This test would be best performed after the weight test, since each component will be already disassembled.

_____ 2. Organize turbine components and charge circuit into compact form on table, as if system was to be packaged. Stack blades together, group galvanized steel pipe

_____ 3. Using equipment listed above, measure length, width, and height of layout to determine the overall space volume occupied by the disassembled system

_____ 4. Record the length, width, and height measurements in the table below

_____5. Reassemble components


|Disassembled Charging System Volume |

|Length | |inches |

|Width | |inches |

|Height | |inches |

|System Volume | |in3 |

| | |ft3 |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the size test if the total measured volume is less than 7 ft3. The system fails the size test if the total volume exceeds the limit of 7 ft3.

Pass □ Fail □


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3 Sound Pressure Level Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES3 |The sound pressure level test is a measure of the |dB |90 dB |

| |audible noise produced from the blades, generator and| | |

| |charge circuit during the charging phase. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |01/03/2011 |

| | | |

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_____ Decibel Meter _____ Anemometer


_____ 1. Set up wind turbine in test stand on the hill behind RIT building 78.

*Note: average wind must be at least 1.5 m/s (~3.5 mph) on the day of testing

_____ 2. Connect generator motor to charge circuit. See assembly instructions for more detail.

_____ 3. Place discharged battery into charge circuit battery holder. See assembly instructions for more detail on properly discharging a lithium ion battery.

_____ 4. As the turbine blades spin, measure blade sound pressure level at a distance of approximately 3 feet from blades.

Note: use caution as spinning blades can cause injury

_____ 5. As generator motor is spinning and battery is charging, measure sound pressure level

output using decibel meter from both the generator and charge circuit at each voltage input level

_____6. Record results in Table 1

_____7. Repeat steps two more times to ensure consistency in measurements


TABLE 1: Recorded Measurements

|Average Windspeed |Sound Pressure Level |

|mph |dB |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the sound pressure level test if the total sound pressure level does not exceed 90 dB. The system fails the test if, at any point, the sound pressure level exceeds the threshold limit of 90 dB.

Pass □ Fail □


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4 Power Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES4 |This test is designed to determine the instantaneous |Watt |1Watt |

| |power the power board produces for the WOCCS system. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |Jan. 2, 2011 |

| | | |

| | | |


_____12 ohm Load with Mating Connector*

_____EE senior design room lab bench

_____Digital Multi-meter


_____Scope Probe

_____Power Board

_____TI-83 Calculator or equivalent

* 12ohm load is used based on1 Watt = (3.5 Volts)2/R, where 3.5 Volts is the average battery voltage. Resistance R was solved to be 12 Ohms


_____ 1. Measure the resistance of the load with the multi-meter and record in the table below

_____ 2. Connect load to the RF connector on the Power Board

_____ 3. Connect the scope probe across the load

_____ 4. Record the voltage value and record in the table below

_____ 5. Find the Power by multiplying Voltage by Voltage and divide it by the Resistance and record the value in the table below

_____6. Check the box indicating pass or fail


| |Measured Value |

|Load Resistance (Ohm) |  |

|Voltage (V) |  |

|[pic] (W) |  |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the power test if the power is greater than 1W. The system fails the power test if the total power is less than 1W.

Pass □ Fail □


5 Voltage Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES5 |This test is designed to determine the voltage the |Volts |3.2V |

| |power board outputs at a set load over a period of | | |

| |time. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |Jan. 2, 2011 |

| | | |

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_____16 ohm Load with Mating Connector*

_____Lab Bench


_____Scope Probe

_____Power Board

* Load resistance calculated by R = V/I, where V = 3.5 Volts (average battery voltage) and I = 0.220 Amps (max current supplied to the WOCCS transceivers)


_____ 1. Connect load to the RF connector on the Power Board

_____ 2. Connect the scope probe across the load

_____ 3. Record the voltage value and record in the table below

_____4. Check the box indicating pass or fail


| |Measured Value |

|Voltage (V) |  |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the voltage test if the voltage is greater than or equal to 3.2V. The system fails the voltage test if the total voltage is less than 3.2V.

Pass □ Fail □


6 Ripple Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES6 |This test is designed to determine the ripple voltage|Percentage |0.5% |

| |the power board produces. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |Jan. 2, 2011 |

| | | |

| | | |


_____16 ohm Load with Mating Connector

_____Lab Bench


_____Scope Probe

_____Power Board


* Load resistance calculated by R = V/I, where V = 3.5 Volts (average battery voltage) and I = 0.220 Amps (max current supplied to the WOCCS transceivers)


_____ 1. Connect load to the RF connector on the Power Board

_____ 2. Connect the scope probe across the load

_____ 3. Find the peak-to-peak voltage value and record it in the table below

_____ 4. Find the average voltage value and record it in the table below

_____ 5. Find the percentage by taking the peak-to-peak voltage value and dividing it by the average voltage value and multiply by 100 and record it in the table below

_____6. Check the box indicating pass or fail


| |Measured Value |

|Peak-To-Peak Voltage (V) |  |

|Average Voltage (V) |  |

|[pic] (%) |  |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the ripple test if the percentage is less than or equal to 0.5%. The system fails the ripple test if the percentage is greater than 0.5%.

Pass □ Fail □


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7 Battery Charge Time Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES7 |The battery has a 3.7 nominal voltage. Discharge |Minutes (Hours) |480 (8) |

| |battery to 3.2 V (this is the voltage level at which | | |

| |the WOCCS group will no longer be able to pull | | |

| |power). Charge battery to 4.2 V and measure the time| | |

| |duration to reach this voltage. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |1/6/2011 |

| | | |

| | | |


|Check Off |Item |Detailed Description |

| |Battery | |

| |Charging Circuit | |

| |Wind Turbine | |

| |Multimeter | |

| |Stopwatch | |


_____ 1. Ensure battery is fully discharged (VBATT < 3.2 V). Use discharge circuit from the Battery Discharge Test Plan to completely discharge battery if necessary.

_____ 2. Setup wind turbine. See Wind Turbine Assembly Plan for details.

_____ 3. Place battery in battery holder. Connect battery charge circuit to turbine. Place voltmeter (multimeter) across battery. Simultaneously start stopwatch.

_____ 4. Measure and note the voltage across the battery at 30 minute intervals.


|Time (Minutes) |Voltage (V) |Time (Minutes) |Voltage (V) |

|30 |  |510 |  |

|60 |  |540 |  |

|90 |  |570 |  |

|120 |  |600 |  |

|150 |  |630 |  |

|180 |  |660 |  |

|210 |  |690 |  |

|240 |  |720 |  |

|270 |  |750 |  |

|300 |  |780 |  |

|330 |  |810 |  |

|360 |  |840 |  |

|390 |  |870 |  |

|420 |  |900 |  |

|450 |  |930 |  |

|480 |  |960 |  |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the charging test if the voltage across the battery reaches 4.2 V (or fluctuates above 3.7 V) before or at the 480 minute mark.

Pass □ Fail □


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8 Battery Discharge Time Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES8 |Pull average current of 220 mA from the fully charged|Minutes (Hours) |< 360 (6) |

| |battery, measure time it takes for voltage to drop to| | |

| |3.2 V. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |1/6/2011 |

| | | |

| | | |


|Check Off |Item |Detailed Description |

| |Battery | |

| |Battery Holder | |

| |Breadboard | |

| |Power Supply | |

| |BJT (x4) |Q2N3904 |

| |Resistor |100 Ohm |

| |Multimeter (x2) | |

| |Stopwatch | |


_____ 1. Use digital multimeter, verify that battery is fully charged (VBATT > 3.7 V)

_____ 2. Construct circuit shown in diagram below. Do not ground circuit yet.

Figure 1 Improved Wilson Current Mirror

_____ 3. Place voltmeter across battery to measure voltage concurrently. Place ammeter in series with battery to measure current concurrently.

_____ 4. Simultaneously connect ground and start stopwatch.

_____5. Monitor Current and Voltage, noting both at 30 minute intervals.

_____6. Stop measurements when VBATT drops below 3.2V.


|Time (Minutes) |Current (mA) |Voltage (V) |

|30 | | |

|60 | | |

|90 | | |

|120 | | |

|150 | | |

|180 | | |

|210 | | |

|240 | | |

|270 | | |

|300 | | |

|330 | | |

|360 | | |

|390 | | |

|420 | | |

|450 | | |

|480 | | |

|Average Values | | |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes if the voltage across the battery is above 3.2 V after 360 minutes and the average current drawn from time 0 minutes to time 360 minutes is greater than or equal to 220 mA.

Note: If the average current does not pass spec, retry using a smaller resistance value.

Pass □ Fail □


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9 Quantity Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: ___________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES9 |This test is designed to determine the total |Binary |1 |

| |batteries that are charged in a single charge cycle, | | |

| |as well as the number of batteries used in a single | | |

| |phase of the WOCCS mission. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |Jan. 7, 2011 |

| | | |

| | | |


_____ MSD lab notebook and pen


_____ 1. Locate WOCCS power board.

_____ 2. Observe total battery holders. Record value in Table 1


|TABLE 1 |Battery Quantity |

|WOCCS Power Board |  |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the battery quantity test if the number of batteries used on the WOCCS board is equal to one. The test fails if the quantity of batteries in the WOCCS power board is greater than one.

Pass □ Fail □


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10 Generator Test

Energy Generation Efficiency

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification|Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES10 |This test is to determine the efficiency of energy captured from the wind |% |15% |

| |through the power electronics, blade, and generator efficiency losses. The | | |

| |power in the wind will be determined using the equation P = ½ ρAv3. The power | | |

| |output from the generator will be measured at this wind speed. The system | | |

| |efficiency is determined by dividing generator power output by power in the | | |

| |wind. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |12/18/2010 |

| | | |


_____ Anemometer

_____ Digital Multi-meter

_____ Generator (Pacific Scientific Stepper Motor)

_____ Wind Turbine (Blades and Stand Assembly)

_____ Connected Load Device (Battery Charger IC and Lithium Ion Battery)

_____ Calculator

_____ Data Logger Model ___________ P/N ____________


_____ 1. The wind turbine will be constructed outside with the generator connected during the daytime with average wind conditions present.

_____ 2. Use the Anemometer to determine the current wind speed. The power in the wind is calculated using the equation shown in [1].

Pw = 1/2ρAv3 [1]


Pw = Power ρ = Air Density A = Swept Area of the Blades v = wind speed

______ 3. Connect the Anemometer to the Data Logger and begin recording wind speed data. This will be used to verify average wind speed conditions to compare against the output power of generator.

_____ 4. Measure the voltage and current output of the generator using a digital multi-meter under no load conditions. This is to verify proper operating function of the generator. The power of the generator is calculated using the equation shown in [2].

PG = V∙I [2]


PG= Power of Generator V= Voltage Output I = Current Output.

_____ 5. The output will then be connected to the battery charging circuit to simulate a load connection. The Charger IC LED should indicate the battery is properly charging. Use the digital multi-meter to test the DC rectified voltage and current from the generator. Use equation [2] to determine the generator power.

_____ 6. The system efficiency is determined by dividing the generator power output by the power in the wind during proper operation.


|Data Set |Average |Generator |Generator Current (I) |Power of Generator (W) |Power in Wind (W) |

| |Wind Speed |Voltage (V) | | | |

| |(m/s) | | | | |

|1 | | | | | |

|2 | | | | | |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the Energy Generation Efficiency test if the total system efficiency during average wind conditions and proper operation is greater than or equal to 15%. The system fails the Energy Generation Efficiency test if the system efficiency falls below 15%.

Pass □ Fail □


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11 Energy Storage Efficiency Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: ___________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES11 |A bench test that compares output from the |Efficiency |> 50% |

| |generator with input to the charging circuit using|(Percentage) | |

| |similar techniques described in energy generation | | |

| |efficiency test. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |1/7/2011 |

| | | |

| | | |


|Check Off |Item |Detailed Description |

| |Wind Turbine | |

| |Rectification Circuit | |

| |Load Circuit | |

| |Multimeter (x2) | |

| |Calculator | |


_____ 1. Setup Wind Turbine. See Wind Turbine Assembly Plan for details.

_____ 2. Setup Rectification Circuit. See Rectification Circuit Assembly Plan for details.

_____ 3. Setup voltmeter and ammeter (Multimeter #1) after generator but before rectifier.

_____ 4. Setup voltmeter and ammeter (Multimeter #2) after rectifier but before charge circuit.

_____5. Measure voltage and current both before and after rectification circuit. Repeat 10 times.


| |After | |After | |Post-Generator Power |Post-Rectifier Power|Efficiency |

| |Generator | |Rectifier | | | | |

|2 | | | | |  |  |  |

|3 | | | | |  |  |  |

|4 | | | | |  |  |  |

|5 | | | | |  |  |  |

|6 | | | | |  |  |  |

|7 | | | | |  |  |  |

|8 | | | | |  |  |  |

|9 | | | | |  |  |  |

|10 | | | | |  |  |  |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the energy storage test if all 10 calculated efficiencies are greater than 0.5 (50%).

Pass □ Fail □


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12 Drop Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES12 |The drop test is a measurement of the durability of |ft |5 ft |

| |the wind turbine and charging circuitry. The | | |

| |intention is to test for the components’ ability to | | |

| |withstand being dropped on the ground during | | |

| |transport or setup. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |01/03/2011 |

| | | |

| | | |


_____ 25’ Tape measure _____ #1 and #2 Phillips head screwdrivers

_____ 5 ft galvanized pipe _____ Flathead screwdriver

_____7/16” socket wrench _____ 5/64 Allen wrench, 3/32 Allen wrench


_____ 1. Disassemble turbine to individual components (blades, hub, motor w/ mount, tail)

_____ 2. Place charge circuitry in charging box with lid securely attached

_____ 3. Place all components in flat grass behind the parking loop of the KGCOE building

_____ 4. Using the 5 ft galvanized pipe as a reference height, drop each component in Table 1 from

a five foot height onto the earth

_____ 5. Record and describe any damage in Table 1.

_____ 6. After performing the test, reassemble the turbine, check for functionality

_____ 7. Test generator motor in the lab with charge circuit to verify functionality

_____ 8. Record functionality and description in Table 2


Table 1: Drop Test Results

|Component |Damage Induced |

|Blades | |

|Hub | |

|Generator motor | |

|Tail Assembly | |

|4 ft stand pipes | |

|Cable supports | |

|Charge circuit | |

Table 2: Functionality Verification

|Component |Functional (Y/N) |Description |

|Turbine Stand | | |

|Blades | | |

|Generator motor | | |

|Charge Circuit | | |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the drop test if there is minimal to no damage recorded in Table 1, and if each component in Table 2 is verified to be functional after the drop test. The drop test will result in failure if one or more of the components of Table 2 is listed as “No” for functional.

Pass □ Fail □


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13 Component Operating Temperature Range Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: ___________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES13 |The Operating Temperature Range Test determines the |Celsius |Minimum = 0º C |

| |minimum and maximum temperatures for which the system| |Maximum = 40 º C |

| |operates effectively. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |12/18/2010 |

| | | |

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_____ Generator (Pacific Scientific Stepper Motor)

_____ Wind Turbine (Blades and Stand Assembly)

_____ Connected Load Device (Battery Charger IC and Lithium Ion Battery)

_____ Access to Wind Tunnel Facility


_____ 1. TitanX is a company that provides rental access to a climatic wind tunnel. To perform this test this company will be contacted and the steps involved to access and use their facilities will be documented and evaluated.

_____ 2. TitanX US Wind Tunnel - The climatic wind tunnel is a powerful tool for TitanX’s internal product development, but it’s capabilities are also available on a rental basis for testing of cars, trucks and buses. Testing can also be performed on non-vehicle products such as outdoor storage and structures, alternative energy technologies, etc.


Figure 1: Diagram of Wind Tunnel Set-up.

_____ 3. Once the needed instrumentation has been determined, TitanX technicians prepare the device, installing test components and the sensors (thermocouples, flowmeters, pressure transducers, fiberoptic rpm pickups, current shunts, etc.) that will interface with the data acquisition system. 

_____ 4. US contact Info Below

Phone: 716-665-7166

 Fax:  716-665-7184


Email: jmt_titanx_vwtinfo@

  Mail: Vehicle Climatic Wind Tunnel

TitanX Engine Cooling, Inc.

233 Blackstone Avenue

Jamestown, New York 14701


Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the temperature range test if the system operates in a minimum temperature of 0 degrees Celsius and in a maximum temperature of 40 degrees C.

Pass □ Fail □


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14 Compatibility Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES5 |This test is designed to determine the compatibility |Demonstration |Compatible |

| |with the WOCCS System | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |Jan. 2, 2011 |

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_____WOCCS Box

_____WOCCS RF Board

_____WOCCS Test Bench Board

_____Power Board


_____ 1. Load the power board and RF Board into the WOCCS Box

_____ 2. Connect the WOCCS test bench board to the power board

_____ 3. Look to see if the Power board fits into the WOCCS box with the lid close and check the table below

_____ 4. Check to see if the connectors connect properly to the RF Board, with the switch on, check to see if the power LED lights up and check the table below

_____ 5. Take out the jumper connector and connect the WOCCS test bench board to the power board and see if it properly is connected and check the table below

_____6. Add all the passes and failures up in the table below

_____7. Check the box indicating pass or fail


|Test |Pass |Fail |

|Power Board Fits into the WOCCS Box |  |  |

|Connector mates with the RF Board |  |  |

|Power LED lights up |  |  |

|Connector mates with the WOCCS Test Bench Board |  |  |

|Total |  |  |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the compatibility test if the table above has no failures. The system fails the compatibility test if the table above has one or more failures.

Pass □ Fail □


15 Surface Operating Temperature Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES15 |The surface operating temperature test will measure |°F |140°F |

| |and evaluate the surface temperature of the generator| | |

| |and charge circuitry during normal charging | | |

| |operation. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |01/03/2011 |

| | | |

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_____ Motor test stand _____ Oscilloscope ____ Phillips head screwdriver

_____ Thermocouple _____ Power Supply

_____ Thermometer _____ Alligator clips


_____ 1. In the EE Senior Design lab, set up the generator motor in the motor test stand and connect the shaft to a driver motor

_____ 2. Connect driver motor to power supply using alligator clips

_____ 3. Connect generator motor to charge circuit using alligator clips

_____ 4. Place discharged Li-Ion battery into battery holder of the charge circuit

_____ 5. Place charge circuit into its containing box and secure the lid

_____ 6. Begin charging battery at 0.25C

_____ 7. Set thermocouples on surface of generator motor and surface of container box

_____ 8. Record temperature of generator and container box at 10 minute intervals in Table 1


|Time Interval |Driver Motor Input |Container Box Temp |Generator Temp |

| |Voltage | | |

|Minutes |Volts |°F |°F |

|0 | | | |

|10 | | | |

|20 | | | |

|30 | | | |

|40 | | | |

|50 | | | |

|60 | | | |

|70 | | | |

|80 | | | |

|90 | | | |

|100 | | | |

|110 | | | |

|120 | | | |

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the surface operating temperature test if the temperatures of both the container box and the generator motor do not exceed 140°F at any time interval during the charge rate of 1C. If at any point the temperature of either container box or generator motor exceeds 140°F, the test is failed.

Pass □ Fail □


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16 RoHS Compliance Test

Date Completed: __ 12/29/10_________

Performed by: ____Trevor Smith______


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES16 |The RoHS Compliance test determines the overall system |Demonstration |Pass |

| |compliance by collecting and verifying documented evidence| | |

| |outlining each components adherence to the EU Directive. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |12/18/2010 |

| | | |

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_____ 1. Obtain RoHS Letter of Certification for electrical components used in this design.

_____ 2. Obtain a Material of Declaration test report to verify the absence of prohibited substances in relevant components.


See Attached RoHS Compliance Certificates and Declaration Sheets. Note that batteries are not included within the scope of RoHS.

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes the RoHS Compliance test if every relevant subsystem and component is compliant. The system fails the test if one or more components are non-compliant. Compliance Certificates must be obtained for each relevant component. The directive applies to equipment as defined by a section of the WEEE directive. The following numeric categories apply:

1. Large and small household appliances.

2. IT equipment.

3. Telecommunications equipment (although infrastructure equipment is exempt in some countries)

4. Consumer equipment.

5. Lighting equipment—including light bulbs.

6. Electronic and electrical tools.

7. Toys, leisure, and sports equipment.

8. Medical devices (currently exempt)

9. Monitoring and control instruments (currently exempt)

10. Automatic dispensers.

As such the Wind Turbine Assembly does not apply to this test.

Pass ■ Fail □


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17 Power Achievement Test

Date Completed: ___________________

Performed by: _____________________


|Tested Specification |Description |Unit of Measure |Marginal Value |

|ES17 |The power achievement test determines the measured |Watts |2 W |

| |power output from the generator and verifies the | | |

| |minimum power required to charge the battery (1.115 | | |

| |Watts) is achieved during average wind conditions. | | |

Revision History

|Revision |Description |Date |

|1 |Document created |12/18/2010 |

| | | |

| | | |


_____ Anemometer

_____ Digital Multi-meter

_____ Generator (Pacific Scientific Stepper Motor)

_____ Wind Turbine (Blades and Stand Assembly)

_____ Connected Load Device (Battery Charger IC and Lithium Ion Battery)


_____ 1. The wind turbine will be constructed outside with the generator connected during the daytime under average wind conditions (5 – 15 mph).

_____ 2. Use an Anemometer to determine the current wind-speed. Verify that the speed at least 4 MPH.

_____ 3. Measure the voltage and current output of the generator using a digital multi-meter.

_____ 4. The output will then be connected to the battery charging circuit to simulate load connection. The Charger IC LED should indicate the battery is properly charging.


Include any tables, charts, and space for figures needed

Pass/Fail Criteria

The system passes if the wind turbine is able to turn the generator at a speed of 110 RPM’s under average wind conditions while the battery load is connected. At this speed the generator output should be approximately 4V at 0.5A (equivalent of 2 Watts). The system fails the power achievement test if the turbine generator system fails to deliver the required power when the battery load is connected.

Pass □ Fail □


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18 Test Procedure, timeline

Who is testing what and when? Are there interdependencies between subsystems (Block Diagram)? Can test equipment enable preliminary simulation of needed signals prior to integrating into the next level of completion?


For an example of completed test results, see

1 Logistics

Each individual test plan will be printed out, and results shall be recorded in ink on the hard copy. These results will then be electronically entered into this document, and the hard copy will be filed in a Test Plan folder for record. The electronic version of the test plan will be uploaded to the Edge website at .

Project notebooks will be used for recording data and making observations and necessary notes while performing the tests.

2 Analysis of Data – Design Summary

This section is to be completed at the conclusion of the testing.

3 Conclusion or Design Summary

Can you explain why a particular function doesn’t work? Conclusions are reported or summarized (i.e. significance with confidence, pass/fail, etc.) as applicable.

1 Lab Demo with your Guide and Faculty Consultants

Perform each of the specifications and features.

3 Meeting with Sponsor

See Customer Acceptance above. Field Demonstration. Deliver the project. Demonstrate to the Sponsor. Customer needs met / not met.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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