Chapter 2 Technology

Chapter 6 Technology Exercises


1. There is a plan to erect a windmill at Richland to generate power.

Choose the Preliminary Climatology Data (CF6) from the National Weather Service at and choose the Archived Data for the Decatur Airport (the closest location to Richland). Select the month you are given for each of the last two years and gather the average wind speed (column 10) for each day of the month.

a) Which month are you working with?

b) Create a graphical summary for the wind speed and paste it here.

c) Find a 95% confidence interval for the true population mean wind speed for your month.

d) Various research suggests that you need a minimum wind speed of 15 mph to economically generate electricity. Does 15 mph fall inside your confidence interval?

2. Use the same National Weather Service site listed in question 1 and gather the average daily temperatures (column 4) for the same month assigned in question 1. However, this time, only gather the data for the latest complete month.

a) Create a graphical summary for the temperature and paste it here.

b) Find a 95% confidence interval for the true population mean for the average daily temperature for the month you were assigned.

c) Visit the Weatherbase at and do a search for Decatur, IL. What is the average monthly temperature for your month?

d) Does the claimed average temperature from Weatherbase fall inside your confidence interval?


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