How to remove activate windows 8.1 watermark permanently


How to remove activate windows 8.1 watermark permanently

How to remove activate windows watermark permanently. How to remove windows 8 activation watermark permanently. How do i permanently remove activate windows watermark.

You are viewing this annoying watermark on your Windows PC or laptop? Of course you do! Otherwise you may not be here. LOL. However, as the declared content of this tutorial I'll show how exactly you can remove the watermark ? Activate Windows? permanently and not be bothered! This works with Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and 10. If you have a

different version of windows like windows 7 then you might just have to try even if you are not sure if its going to work since I only tested it with 3 versions of Windows. So why 'see this watermark of a sudden? It's simply because Windows ? found that your version of the operating system is not activated. They are simply reminding you to activate

your copy of Windows to enjoy more functionality. What are these characteristics? First of all, ? Why you need to activate the Windows operating system? To enjoy more functionality on an activated version of Windows. These features are as follows: Activate Windows Defender ? This function is very important since its first line of defense against

malware and viruses. Install Microsoft Office ? know that you can not install any product for microsoft office unless the operating system is activated? Now you know, then already active. Install security updates ? this really is an important feature. Update your PC with the latest security updates. Change your desktop wallpaper ? probably the most

important feature of all! Change the desktop wallpaper is the most crucial feature. If you can not change the wallpaper, you're using a PC DEAD. It appears the PC does not belong to you! No customization sucks! You should thank me for having saved my ass with this method. Related: 5 big must-have app for mobile photography Ok, the moment of

truth '. The method by which you came here. Not so difficult and involved various methods. Let's start with the easiest and most effective method. Method 1: Remove the watermark Activate Windows Permanently Run and install the UWD. ex-files After the successful installation you will notice immediately the watermark is gone! It seems like a

magic! Of course this process is not actually activating the Windows operating system. It is simply removing the watermark. The above features will not be available. Method 2: The CMD method or Disable the Watermark using only a Command Prompt. You do not know what the command prompt? Google! Lazy strange .... Anyway run CMD command

prompt simply go to the search bar and type ? CMDA without quotes. Remove Watermark Activate Windows When using CMD is now in the type CMD in bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF then press enter Remove Watermark Activate Windows using CMD If you can see a message ? The operation completed successo? if not then you will see ?

TESTSIGNING OFF FAILED? If this process is not successful, go on with the next method! Method 3: Activate Windows Remove Watermark setting their registry keys! Type in the search bar ? RegEdit without quotes and enter if the app appears Registry Editor. Remove Watermark Activate Windows using Regedit Now go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER /

Control Panel / Desktop. See image. Double-click PaintDesktopVersion and change its value from 1 to 0 (zero) and click OK. See image. Related: How to delete the conversation / messages MessengerRemove watermark Activate Windows using Regedit Now, when you notice that the watermark is still there. Do not worry. It will be gone after you

reboot your PC. Method 4: Remove ? Activate Windows? Watermark using this special script. Go to this URL to pastebin. Remove Activate Windows Watermark Batch script Copy the entire contents or better yet download it as a .txt file. Now to the folder where you downloaded the text file and rename it. Rename it with any name and change the file

to .cmd and not .txt make sure you do this otherwise this will not work! Remove Activate Windows Watermark using batch script Now the file has been changed to a batch file. Remove Activate Windows Watermark using using Script Now right-click the file and click the ¡°RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR¡± you will see that the process is running. I can't

show you screenshot because my window copy is already activated and you don't need to run this on my machine. If everything went well, it should remove the watermark after a RESTART. Otherwise you will see an error message ¡°I¡¯m sorry! Your version is not supported¡± EASIEST THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD: This is probably the easiest

method on how to remove the window watermark active forever! Also, you have to enjoy the special features I mentioned above. And that my friend are the best and easiest methods on how you can remove the ¡°Windows Activate¡± watermark your Windows desktop or laptop. I made it as easy as possible so that users can follow without a fuss! Do you

have any questions? Comment below! Related: Quickly generate a temporary email address Are you getting ¡°Enable Windows 10 ¨C Go to Settings to Activate Windows¡± watermark on Windows desktop? Looking for a way to remove filigree 10 windows from your desktop? Nothing to worry about here is a simple and easy method to remove the windows

10 watermark without a product key. Here's the solution for you. The common reason to Activate Windows 10 watermark is your Windows license expired. If you have a genuine product key then you can activate it directly, but if you do not have a product key or a serial key you will see the Active Windows watermark on your desktop. In addition, you

can use some third-party software to activate the windows you can do, but there are plenty of chances to get the watermark again. So, if you want to remove Active watermark Windows, Here follow the steps below. Try to remove Enable Windows 10 Watermark You can remove Active watermark Windows with a simple notepad makeup. We follow the

following steps: First open note block, you can click this by clicking the button of search of the note block type start menu and press the input button. Now on the known block type, the following commands: @echo off taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe exit explorer.exe Now on the note block go to file and click ¡°Save as¡±. Here Edit the save as type to all files

(*.*) and Give the file name as ¡°remove.bat¡± Now open the location of the file where you saved it. You will see a file as shown below the image. Now just select and right-click the remvoe. bat files and click run as administrator. you will see a command prompt will open and close. This is now simply rebooting your Windows computer. And you will

notice Enable Windows 10 watermark will be removed from your desktop. Remove a Windows watermark with Regedit Here is another tweak to remove the windows activated 10 watermark from the registry editor. Here is how to press Windows + R, type regdit, and ok to open the editor of the Windows registry. First database of the backup registry

then move to the following key. ¡°HKEY_CURRENT_USER¡± Expand ¡°Control Panel¡±. Click the "Desktop" folder. Now on it in the right window, double-click ¡°PiacereDesktopVersion¡± DWORD key. And change the ¡°1¡± to a ¡°0¡± in the field ¡°Data Value¡± and click ¡°OK¡±. This is all, Close registry editor, and restart the windows to take effect the changes. This

is the best tweak to remove the activation of 10 watermark windows from Windows desktop computer or laptop. I hope that after applying this tweak you can easily remove activate Windows watermark. still, have any query, feel free to comment below. Also, read from our blog Show comments (17) Inarticle I will show you how to remove Enable

Windows 10 Watermark permanently. We will remove the text ¡°Activate Windows 10 ¨C Go to settings to activate the windows¡± which shows in the lower right corner of a non-active machine Windows 10, as below screenshot shown This message is displayed on your desktop to remind you to activate Windows 10. Why do I have an activated Windows

watermark? You have an active window watermark on your system because whyWindows 10 operating system has not been activated. You need to activate Windows 10 to enable some features like Windows Defender / Security FEATURES / Many other features Enable Microsoft Office to be installed Install security updates Many more reasons The

easiest and fastest way to remove the text is to activate the windows. To activate windows 10 you will need a valid product key that you can buy from Amazon If you are not ready to activate windows and want to remove activation text I will show you how to remove Activate Windows 10 Watermark Permanently below. There are many ways to remove

the windows 10 watermark permanently, I will show you all the ways below. To remove the watermark by regedit, click Start and type in regedit and press Enter If you are required by UAC click Yes Now browse HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Control Panel > Desktop Now scroll down to PaintDesktopVersion and double-click it. Make sure Hexadecimal is

selected and edit Value Data to 0 Click OK and close registry editor Restart Windows 10 When accessing the desktop, the watermark should be removed. If this method did not work we have many other ways to remove this watermark from your machine. Ease of access Using the windows 10 ease of access we can remove the background image of

windows that then make the water sign disappear. To do this follow these steps. Click the Start menu and search Control Panel then click the app Click on Ease of Access Centre On the next screen click Make the computer easier to see Scroll down this screen and select the Remove Background Images box (where available) Restart the machine We

can permanently remove the Windows 10 water sign using a free tool called Universal Watermark Disable, to remove these steps. Download Universal Watermark Disabler in this page Disabler the file you just downloaded NOTE: Make sure all applications are closed on you machine and save all double-click work on uwd. ex On screen

charging click on installation The application will then automatically log in. Access your Watermark machine should be removed Disable Via CMD If your Windows 10 machine has the enabled test mode this will cause the activation water brand to show. We can disable the test mode via the cmd by doing the following. Click on the startup and type

CMD with the right mouse button and select run as administrator If required by UAC click yes In the window cmd insert bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF then press Enter If everything went well you should see the text ¡°The successfully completed operation¡± Now restart your machine Disable Via Powershell Using microsoft powerhell we can

temporarily activate windows 10 for 90 days source. After 90 days we can reactivate. To activate Windows 10 via powerhell, click Start and type Powershell right-click and select run as administrator If required by UAC click yes In the command window type in slmgr /renew and press Enter Now restart the machine Another way to remove the

windows 10 activation watermark is to run a script. To do this follow these steps Open the Notepad on your computer Copy and paste the text below the Notepad @echo offtitle Activate Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 for FREE!&cls&echo Translation: #Copyright: &echo Translation: #Products supported:&echo ¨C Windows 7 Professional&echo

¨C Windows 7N&echo ??? Windows 7 Professional E&echo ??? Windows 7 Enterprise&echo ??? Windows 7 Enterprise N&echo ??? Windows 7 Enterprise E&echo ??? Windows 7 Enterprise E&echo ??? Windows 8 Core&echo ??? Windows 8 Core Single Language&echo ??? Windows 8 Professional&echo ??? Windows 8 Professional N&echo ??? Windows 8 Professional

WMC&echo ??? Windows 8 Enterprise&echo ??? Windows 8 Enterprise N&echo ??? Windows 8.1 Core&echo ??? Windows 8.1 Core N&echo N&echo Windows 8.1 Core Single Language&echo ¨C Windows 8.1 Professional&echo ¨C Windows 8.1 Professional N&echo ¨C Windows 8.1 Professional WMC&echo ¨C Windows 8.1 Enterprise&echo ¨C Windows 8.1

Enterprise N&echo ¨C Windows 10 Home&echo ¨C Windows 10 Home N&echo ¨C Windows 10 Home N&echo. &echo.&echo. ^______ ? ? "KMS_Sev=kms7. if %i%==2 set KMS_Sev=kms8. if %i%==3 set KMS_Sev=kms9. if %i%==4 dropo non supportatocscript //nologo c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /skms

%KMS_Sev% >nulcscript //nologo c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ato | find /i ¡°successfully¡± &&cho (echo. Translation: & echo. & scelta /n /c YN /m ¡°Vi piacerebbe visitare il mio blog [Y,N]?¡± & se il livello di errorre 2 uscita) || (echo La connessione al server non ¨¨ riuscita! Surrounding di connettersi a un altro... Echo Attendere nail... & eco. & eco. &

set /a i+=1 & drop server)explorer ¡° . net"&goto halt:non supportato eco Transone: Scusa! La tua versione non ¨¨ supportata. : Il tuo blocco note dovrebbe assomigliare di Seguito In notepad Fare clic sul file > Salva come name il file windows10.cmd (Molto important che si conclusive con .cmd) salvae il file sul desktop Fare clic destro sul file

windows10. cmd appena creato sul desktop and fare clic su eseguire come amministratore Riavviare la macchinaWindows 10 suggestions We can disable windows 10 tips that can also remove the watermark, to do this follow these steps Click the start menu Click the Settings button (looks like a gear) Click System Click Notifications & Shares Scroll

to the bass and turn off show me the welcome windows experience after updates and get tips, tricks and suggestions as you use windows methods to avoid while looking for this article I came across many websites that advised you to apply corrections that simply not They work. List them below. Taskkill / f / im Explorer.exe Many websites like this is

recommended to create a batch file and run the following command. @echo off taskkill / f / im Explorer.exe Explorer. exe output


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