Evaluating Web Tools and Apps to Support Didactic Teaching

[Pages:7]Evaluating Web Tools and Apps to Support Didactic Teaching

We have identified that there are different kinds of learning objectives that need to be addressed in didactic teaching practice. These learning objectives include:

Knowledgebased learning

Understandingbased learning

Applicationbased learning

?focusing on what students should know e.g. factual, moral, social and natural knowledge

?focusing on what students should understand e.g. how osmosis or the electoral system works

?focusing on what students should be able to do e.g. use a scientific calculator, conduct an experiment or a survey

Tools: Internet Windows 8 Apps

We need to consider what different resources/tools we would consider utilizing for different didactic teaching objectives?

But how do we know which resources e.g. websites, apps and tools, are going to support students to reach the outcomes we intend? How can we ensure that we are offering opportunities for successful learning? Also are we supporting different learning styles or approaches adopted by students?

ICT Skill Level Required: Beginner

Supporting Resources: Evaluating a Research Site Rubric

Evaluating a Web Tool Rubric

Evaluating a App Rubric

As with any textbook or classroom resource, evaluation is essential. Let's take some time to investigate and use a couple of rubrics that can help you do exactly this.

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Further Resources and Ideas

Evaluating a Research Site Rubric



Check the author's credentials and affiliation. Is the author an expert in the field?

The author is probably a student. Spelling and other errors indicate that the author is not an expert.

The author is unnamed and/or no credentials are given.


The author is named but credentials and contact information is incomplete.


The author's credentials are given and indicate that he/she is an expert in the field. The author provides an email address and/or contact information.

Does the resource have a reputable organization behind it? (If you can't tell right away, strip the URL from the right side until you get to a home page.)

The page is hosted by an individual.

Any of these: The home page is a K-12 site The home page is a student's folder on an .edu site. The home page is an unknown .com or .org

The home page is sponsored by a known business, professional association, organization, museum, or university

Are the site's sources of information stated? Are photos clearly labelled and sources cited?

No sources or works cited is given.

There is a general statement about the source of the information, but no specific works cited list.

There is a works cited list and/or a bibliography for further information.

A government department or agency is the home page.

There is a works cited list and/or a bibliography for further information. Photos are labelled and cited.

How current is the site?

There is no indication of when the site was created or revised.

The date given for the site's creation is over 3 years old and there is no date of revision or update.

The site has been created or updated within the last 3 years.

The site has been created or updated within the last 6 months. If there is a bibliography, the sources that are referenced are current.

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What is the domain in the URL?

The domain is .com or .edu but it is clearly the work of students or individuals without authority.

The domain is .com and there are a lot of popup menus and items for sale or the domain is .org and the organization behind the site is unrecognized.

The domain is .edu, .com, .info, .net, or .org and has been reviewed by a reputable subject directory such as The Internet Public Library, Dewey Browse, subject directory, etc.

Any of these: The domain is .gov The domain is .com, .info, .net, or .org and is posted by a wellknown, reputable organization or company.

The domain is .edu and t h e university or college faculty, not students, maintain the site

What is the purpose of the site? Is the information mostly fact or opinion?

The purpose is personal.

The purpose is to sell something, persuade, offer assistance, or give a point of view. There may be some factual information or useful pictures but the focus of the site is to promote something.

The purpose is to offer factual information. Some opinion may be included.

The purpose is to support scholarly research with factual information.

Check your total mark against the advice to the right, and decide on the applicability of use of this site.

0 to 6 pts

Highly questionable source.

7 to 10 pts

11 to 14 pts

Site is useful for ideas or casual projects. Do not cite as a reference for a research paper or academic project.

Good source for a research paper or academic project. Confirm with other sources

15 to 18 pts

Excellent source for research.

Rubric Adapted from: Diane C. Beaman -- Library Media Specialist, Moultonborough Academy, Moultonborough, NH

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Evaluating a Web Tool Rubric

Ineffective Use 1 pt

Instructional Goals met with Tool

Instructional goals might be met by implementation of Web 2.0 Tool.

Possible Use 2 pts

Instructional goals are mostly met by implementation of Web 2.0 Tool.

User-friendly design

Site is difficult to navigate, little or no help is provided, tools and resources are difficult to make use of.

Site can be navigated with minimal difficulty, help guides/tutorials are available, tools and resources can be implemented.


Site is unpredictable, navigation between pages is inconsistent.

Site is rarely down for maintenance, navigation between pages is slow but predictable.

Free/Paid Resource

Limited free resources, paid subscription price is unreasonable for the benefit of the tools.

Most of the tools are free, desired tools require paid subscription although other comparable sites might be available.

Must Use 3 pts

Instructional goals are fully met by implementation of Web 2.0 Tool.

Site is easy to navigate, help guides/tutorials available and clear, tools and features are conveniently located.

Site is always available (especially at peak times of the day). Navigation between pages in quick.

Desired tools are available for free, or fee is reasonable and worth the advantage of the tools.

Tour/ Screenshot Available

Essential information is not provided, registration required to evaluate if site is worthwhile.

Feature list, screenshots available but lacking information.

Full feature list, screenshots, samples, and tour available before account registration is required.

External Links

Links do not seem to work or hold relevance to the topic.

All links are working but relevance is not apparent.

All links to pages are in working order and relevant to material.

Contact Information

No contact information is provided.

Contact information is available but not complete.

Complete information on how to contact owner/company is available and easy to find.


Site is out-of-date, and many parts of site are not functional.

Site is in working order, although there may be a lapse in time since last update, update information is unavailable, or not current.

Site is well maintained, recently updated, and information is current and up-to-date.


Site apparently has little or no recognition outside of owner/company.

Site claims to have received awards although information is vague.

Site has received multiple awards (specifically educational awards). Information regarding awards is available on the site.

From: iRubric

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Evaluating an App Rubric




The app's focus has a strong connection to the purpose for the app and appropriate for the student

The app's focus is related to the purpose for the app and mostly appropriate for the student


App offers complete flexibility to alter content and settings to meet student needs

App offers some flexibility to alter content and settings to meet student needs



Limited connection to the purpose for the app and may not be appropriate for the student

Does not connect to the purpose for the app and not appropriate for the student

App offers limited flexibility to adjust content and settings to meet student needs

App offers no flexibility to meet student needs


Student is provided specific feedback

Student is provided feedback

Student is provided limited feedback

Student is not provided feedback

Thinking Skills

App encourages the use of higher order thinking skills including creating, evaluating, and analyzing

App facilitates the use of higher order thinking skills including evaluating, analyzing, and applying

App facilitates the use of mostly lower order thinking skills like understanding and remembering

App is limited to the use of lower order thinking skills like understanding and remembering

Usability Engagement

Student can launch and operate the app independently

Student is highly motivated to use the app

Student needs to have a teacher show or model how to operate the app

Student uses the app as directed by the teacher

Student needs to be cued each time the app is used

App is difficult to operate or crashes frequently

Student perceives app as "more schoolwork" and may be off-task when directed to use the app

Student avoids the use of the app and might complain when its use is required


Specific performance summary or student product is saved in app and can be exported to the teacher or for an audience

Performance data or student product is available in app but exporting is limited and may require a screenshot

Limited performance data or student product is not accessible

No performance summary or student product is saved

From: Tony Vincent ? Learning in Hand

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Evaluating an App Checklist

Use of app is relevant to the purpose and student needs

Help or tutorial is available in the app

Content is appropriate for the student

Information is error-free, factual, and reliable

Content can be exported, copied, or printed

App's settings and/or content can be customized

Customized content can be transferred to other devices

History is kept of student use of the app

Design of app is functional and visually stimulating

Student can exit app at any time without losing progress

Works with accessibility options like VoiceOver and Speak Selection

App is free of charge

No in-app purchases are necessary for intended use of app

App loads quickly and does not crash

App contains no advertising

App has been updated in the last 6 months

App promotes creativity and imagination

App provides opportunities to use higher order thinking skills

App promotes collaboration and idea sharing

App provides useful feedback

Total s The more checks, the better the app is for education

From: Tony Vincent ? Learning in Hand

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Educator Scenario


Step 1 Take some time to read through the rubrics Step 2 Working in pairs discuss the applicability to use in your classroom, consider the question:

Step 3

Will this site, app or tool help me to support the learning outcomes I am focusing on in this unit of work?

In pairs choose a new site, app or tool to evaluate

Step 4

Independently evaluate your chosen resource using the appropriate rubrics

Step 5

Compare and discuss your conclusions with your partner

Framework Alignment

Course: How do Technology and Pedagogy Mix? Unit of Study: TL.3.a Exploring Digital Technologies to Support Didactic Teaching Topic 2: Selecting the Right ICT Resources to Support Didactic Teaching Practices

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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