Esker Tun Emulite setup - McAleer Solutions

Esker Tun Emulite setup Version 10.XX, 11.XX , 12.XX or 2005.

1) Make sure the operating system is NOT Windows 95. Windows 98, NT, 2000 and XP are ok. If you are not sure right-hand click on My Computer then normal click on Properties. Under System: it will show what operating system you are using.

2) Find CD labeled TUN PLUS PC-to-Host integration software. The CD case is mostly black with red & white writing. Note: The Version 12 CD is gold black & grey and is labeled "Esker Tun Plus". The box is Red black and grey and is labeled "Esker Tun Emul".

3) Close any programs that you are running.

4) Insert CD into your CD drive. A Tun Plus screen will appear. ( If you have a CD burner in your system the Tun Plus screen may not appear automatically. Just click on 'My Computer' then double click on your CDROM icon to start the CD. )

5) Click on Install. A welcome screen will appear. Click on next.

6) A serialization screen will appear. Find your serial numbers and keys. It should be in the form of a e-mail or a fax. It will have both serial numbers ( SN: ) and activation keys ( AK: ). If the sheet doesn’t have the activation keys it is not the correct sheet. If you do not have a sheet that lists a activation key or keys you need to contact Esker Inc. ( Tel 405-624-8000 ) and ask for sales. They will fax or e-mail your activation keys ( AK: )

7) Find a unused serial number. Do not use a number that is already in use. (Note: Some serial numbers activate more than one computer.). The program will automatically force a log off to users using the same single-computer serial number.

8) Enter the serial information and click next. Keep track of which serial numbers that are being used by writing the name of the computer ( or person ) next to each serial number on a copy ( not the original )of the serial numbers list.

9) If a “installation type” screen appears select Traditional based on EXE components. ( NOT Standard Installation based on Active X components.)

10) A setup type screen will appear. Click on next to use typical. On the Start copying screen click next. The files will start copying.

11) A restart windows screen will appear. Click on OK. This will reboot the computer.

12) After the computer reboots click on START move up to ‘programs’ out to ‘Esker Tun’ out to Application Access’ and click on ‘SCO Access’.

13) After the program loads a Session screen will appear. In the host name box type in the IP address of the Unix server and click on OK. If you don’t know the address go to another workstation that already has a working copy of Esker Tun load the program. The IP address will be at the top in brackets. Call MCAI ( 800-239-6224 ) if you need help finding the IP address of your server.

14) You should now see a login: prompt.

15) At the top click on settings then Display Settings. In the Display Settings screen click on the tab labeled Colors. At the bottom in the frame that’s labeled Background click on the blue square ( Top row, second color from left. ). Click on OK.

16) At the top click on Macro then Edit. In the filename box type startup and click Open. Click yes to create new file. This will start the notepad program.

17) Type exitifdisconnect in first line. Click on file ( In notepad ) then exit. Click on Yes to save changes.

18) At the top click on Settings then macros. In the Startup Macro ( or Connect macro ) frame click on the down arrow in the file: box. In the drop down box click on Macro files. Click on the box with 3 periods ( … ). Find the startup macro and double-click on that file. This will take you back to the Macro Settings screen. Click on OK.

19) At the top click on File then Print Setup. Make sure that ‘Manage transparent printing’ and ‘Use the selected font’ DO NOT have check marks. If you are using transparent printing ( TPRINT ) pick the printer at the top on this screen with the drop box. Click on OK when finished. (Note: Use or add a Windows print queue using the Microsoft Generic/Text driver with all transparent printers. You can leave the normal print driver and queue in Windows print manager. Just add an additional print queue using a generic/text driver and set it to the correct printer port. Make sure you selected the text driver/queue in the Esker print setup.)

20) At the top click on File then click on Save As. In the filename box type mcai and click on Save.

21) At the top click on File then click on Create a Shortcut. In the box type then name that will appear under the icon ( example: Accounting ) and click OK.

22) Click on the X in the upper right to close Esker Tun. Click on yes to disconnect the session.

23) There should be a new Icon ( A small yellow computer with white screen ). Double-click on it. Esker Tun should come up and should have a blue background with white text. Login into the accounting software and at the master menu of McAleer Accounting hit S to log out. Esker tun should also exit.

24) If the person using this new installation is new to the McAleer Accounting remind them to exit McAleer Accounting by entering S at one of the menu’s ( or hitting enter till they are back to USER ID and entering STOP at the User Id screen.). Do not use the X in the upper-right of Esker Tun to close when the user is still logged into McAleer Accounting.


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