Minutes of the AGM held - Microsoft

Minutes of the AGM held

Wednesday 24th September 2014


Alison Wyld (Head Teacher), Tracey Stone (Chair), Katharine Bulcock (Treasurer), Margaret Thorne (Secretary) Carmella Reece (Governors), Richard Lewis (Teacher), Liz Willcocks (Teacher)

Christina Perks, Sarah Threadgold. Ursula Davidson, Carol Sheircliff, Monalisa Das, Jo Pullen, Christele Hyde, Ruth Lewis, Emma Brown, Laura Storey, Annica Lockyer, Jane Garratt, Sarah Threadgold, Deepa Karunanidhi, Erika Mullerworth, Jan Harrod, Ursula Davidson, Vicky Lovelock, Jaya.S.S Madabhushi, Nicky Wright

1. Apologies:

Jakki Holland, Caroline Coleman, Christine Randall (Vice Chair), Natascha Logan, Sandy Poulter, Sue Wilson, Sarah Sewell, Paula Jenkins, Sam Nicholls, Chantelle & Graeme Gardner, Annica Lockyer, Stephen Davies

2. Welcome (Head Teacher)

Alison Wyld opened the meeting by thanking ASSA for all their efforts over the last year

3. Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes of the last AGM were accepted as a correct record Proposed: Tracey Stone Seconded: Ursula Davidson.

4. Head Teacher’s Report

2015 is a special year for the school.

• 150 years since the School was founded and

• on 17th December there will be a special Celebrations Day at All Saints church

• the 15th Anniversary of our link with the Gambia. All Saints and the scouts have maintained that link making a real difference to the Soma School. Mrs Wyld and Miss Reese have been invited to a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace.

The year is proven to be busy with upcoming events:-

September: Fundraisng for the authentic African Roundhouse will continue: Lloyds bank community scheme, Grow a Pound and a Half, contribution from ASSA.

9th Jan: 1865 (Victorian Day) Day the school opened. Miss Reece is seconded to the Gambia for half a term to assist with schooling matters.

February: Half term Mrs Scott and Mrs Wyld will visit the Gambia and arrive back with Miss Reece.

March: Two Ex pupils from All Saints will compose music based on an adaptation of Alice in Wonderland (which is also celebrating its 150th Anniversary). This music will be performed by the All Saints Orchestra at The National Festival Music for Youth.

April: Fleet Infants, which was the infant school of the original All Saints School, will visit All Saints to join in an Easter Egg Hunt.

May: Focus week which will relate to the Gambia. The school has applied for a grant to the British Council to bring out teachers from the Gambia.

July: Summer Fair to be held with an African Theme.

September: 1,500 Bulbs will be in the ground.

October: 150 years History: A Thanksgiving Service will be held on the 17/12/14 with a reception before hand for invited guests only.

November: All Saints is hoping to hold their Bonfire Night again, which has proven to be very successful in the past.

December: A Time Capsule for 2015 will be buried, along with the one that was recently dug up due to building work that had been buried in the millennium and special marker slabs will be laid.

Everyone visited the new block of class rooms that had been handed over and are occupied by year 4. The next block is soon to be handed back and the Play Ground is to be hard-surfaced next week.

Thanks and flowers were presented to Tracey Stone, Katharine Bulcock, Christine Randall (in absentia) and Margaret Thorne for their commitment and hard work

5. Treasurer’s Report for the Year ended 31 July 2014: Katharine Bulcock

1. Despite the continuing tough economic conditions, but with the enthusiasm of Tracey Stone and the small ASSA team, 2013/2014 has been a solid, rather than excellent, fund raising year for ASSA. We are delighted to be making a donation to the school of £15,000 at the beginning of our financial year, (compared to 012/2013 donation of £17,000

2. In addition to the main donation to the school of £17,000 made last year, we also donated £156.50 to the All Saints Gardening Club which is run by and Joanna Lindberg.This amount was the sum made by the Gardening Club stall at the Christmas Fair.

3. During the year, our 3 biggest fundraisers were:

• The Christmas Fair £4,000 (£4,700)

• The Summer Fair £3,800 (£3,100)

• Quiz Night £700 (£500)

2013’s figures are shown in brackets

4. It should be noted that ASSA’s accounts are prepared on a Receipts and Payments basis. This means that there are two significant items pertaining to the Summer Fair in 2013 carried over to this year’s accounts, namely the cost of the hire of a marquee at £150 and also the receipt of ‘£ for £’ matching from Barclays of £750. These two items together gave ASSA an additional there are two significant items pertaining to the Summer Fair in 2013 carried over to this year’s accounts, namely the cost of the marquee at £150 and also the receipt of ‘£ for £’matching from Barclays of £750. These two items together gave ASSA an additional income from the 2013 Summer Fair of £600.

5. This year the amount of funds raised has suffered from not being able to hold our usual and very successful Bonfire Night, due to the building work. This normally raises in the region of £3,000.

6. A number of other events raised in excess of £500 each – the January and July Discos, Mother’s Day Sale, Father’s Day Sale and the Autumn Bingo Evening.

7. The Curry Night was not held this year due to a lack of ASSA manpower to organise it. A Bingo Evening in the summer was cancelled due to lack of interest.

8. Club 200, run by Maggie Thorne, raised a total of £270.

9. The sale of 2nd hand uniform throughout the year, coordinated by Sandy Poulter, raised £460.

10. The two raffles which we hold each year raised £740 and £580. These amounts are accounted for in the profits of the Christmas Fair and Summer Fair respectively.

11. .Linda Ashworth acted as our Independent Examiner and audited our accounts. She has very kindly agreed to examine our accounts at the end of this coming year. I have passed on our thanks and a gift of £50 in recognition of her help.

12. Finally, I am standing down as Treasurer and would like to say how much I have enjoyed being on the ASSA committee. I have made some good friends and have enjoyed having closer ties with the school and being involved with all the events.

6. Chairpersons’ Report 2013 – 2014 Tracey Stone

Thank you all for coming this evening. It’s the first of a lot of thank you’s, because without the support and commitment of a lot of dedicated volunteers, we wouldn’t achieve the results we do.

We received a letter from the Governors this year, acknowledging our contribution to the school and saying that we are one of the highest performing PTA’s in Hampshire for school size. Over the years, ASSA has raised over £70 000 for the school.

I would like to thank the outgoing committee who worked together to make our fun and fundraising events run last year. Thanks to our out-going officers, Katharine Bulcock and Christine Randall. The staff of All Saints School also deserves our thanks, as they are very supportive and always help at events.

It’s time to look back at the year.

In ASSA, everything depends on the events organisers, who, with the support of the committee, take on a task for the year and make it happen.

We would like to thank everyone who helped, and in particular:

• Sarah Threadgold, who took on organising raffle prizes

• Nicky Wright who organised catering

• Paula Jenkins who compeered Bingo Night and Quiz night

• Natascha Logan, who has got our website up and running.

• Maggie Thorne who took on Club 200 which raised £240,

• Sandy Poulter who does second hand uniform which raise £460

• The Mothers and Fathers Day sale team of Christina Perks, Christine Randall and Christelle Hyde which raise £1200

• The Bingo Night and Quiz night teams who raised £1000

• Kim Cook who took on The Art Project and Christmas Cards singlehandedly, which raised £450

• Sarah Sewell and Ruth Lewis who ran the Film Nights which raised £550

• Ursula Davidson and Caroline Coleman who ran the Discos and raised £1100

• Sue Wilson who took on Bag2School, which will raise £180

The big purchases the school has made with ASSA funds are

• the ongoing support for visiting authors, poets and theatre groups and very exciting –

• a school radio station worth £8000, which will be arriving in October.

Our biggest challenge this year was getting enough support on the day for our two big events, the Summer Fair and Christmas Fair. We need 40 work hours volunteered and had 20. We would like to thank all those who worked triple shifts to make it happen.

As a result we are going to try and increase communication by getting a Facebook page and also having class reps.

Our themes are a Victorian Christmas to celebrate 150 of the school and an African Summer, to celebrate 15 years of our Gambian connection.

Our fundraising goal for this year is to landscape the new buildings.

Powerpoint shown of pupils using items bought with ASSA funds over the years.

7. Proposed Amendment to the Constitution

Proposed: Tracey Stone Seconded: Katharine Bulcock.

Clause 10 currently states:

Eight members of the Committee, at least two of whom are Officers, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of full committee meetings.

The proposed amendment is:

Five members of the Committee, at least two of whom are Officers, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of full committee meetings.

Setting the quorum at 8 was practical when it was thought that there would be a committee of 20 to 30 running the association. As we usually have a committee of around 10 members, 5 is a more practical number.

Resolution: The Amendment was passed unanimously.

8. Election of Committee Members

Alison Wyld is automatically President of the Committee as Head Teacher.

Governor’s nominee: Carmella Reece.

Teachers’ Nominees: Richard Lewis, Liz Willcocks (nee Rees).

All the nominees on the list were duly elected to the committee:

Tracey Stone (6KO) Proposed: Katharine Bulcock Seconded: Ruth Lewis

Caroline Coleman (in absentia) Proposed: Katharine Bulcock Seconded: Ruth Lewis

Christele Hyde Proposed: Katharine Bulcock Seconded: Ruth Lewis

Christina Perks Proposed: Katharine Bulcock Seconded: Ruth Lewis

Maggie Thorne (4EW) Proposed: Katharine Bulcock Seconded: Ruth Lewis

Natascha Logan (5SV)(in absentia) Proposed: Tracey Stone Seconded: Maggie Thorne

Nicky Wright Proposed: Tracey Stone Seconded: Maggie Thorne

Paula Jenkins (in absentia) Proposed: Jane Garratt Seconded: Sarah Threadgold

Sandy Poulter (5KC) (in absentia) Proposed: Tracey Stone Seconded: Maggie Thorne

Ursula Davidson (in absentia) Proposed: Vicky Lovelock Seconded: Jane Garratt

Sarah Threadgold Proposed: Tracey Stone Seconded: Maggie Thorne

Jo Pullen Proposed: Vicky Lovelock Seconded: Sarah Threadgold

Sue Wilson (in absentia) Proposed: Sarah Threadgold Seconded: Tracey Stone

Monalisa Das Proposed: Tracey Stone Seconded: Maggie Thorne

Katharine Bulcock Proposed: Tracey Stone Seconded: Maggie Thorne

9. Call for Volunteers: helping hands, class reps, sub-committees: Bingo, Quiz Night, Christmas Fair, Summer Fair.


10. Any Other Business

There being no other business the AGM concluded and was followed by a Committee meeting.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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