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CRIS 2.09.10p Specific Release Notes v1.0


© Healthcare Software Systems 2010 Registered Office: Healthcare Software Systems, 3rd Floor i2 Mansfield, Hamilton Court, Oakham Business Park, Mansfield. NG18 5BR

General Information

This release replaces all previous major, minor and emergency releases. All changes included in a major release will also be included in a minor release. There is no downtime needed to install a release unless specifically mentioned in the Trust Implementation Issues section. All sites can be upgraded to this release of CRIS. No changes are included in a release until the change passes all tests and that change has no known issues or has caused any new known issues at the time of release. Each release of CRIS is not normally released with any known major issues unless specifically mentioned in the know issues section.

1. Contents

CRIS 2.09.10p Specific Release Notes v1.0 1

Copyright 1

General Information 1

1. Contents 2

2. Issue Summaries 4

2.1 New Features 5

2.1.1 Interfaces 5

2.2 Enhancements 5

2.2.1 ** 5

2.2.2 Dictation 5

2.2.3 Reporting 5

2.2.4 Worklists 5

2.3 Issues Resolved 6

2.3.1 ** 6

2.3.2 Dashboard 6

2.3.3 Database 6

2.3.4 Diary 6

2.3.5 Dictation 6

2.3.6 Event Details 7

2.3.7 Interfaces 7

2.3.8 Login 7

2.3.9 Orders 7

2.3.10 Other 7

2.3.11 Patient 8

2.3.12 Portering 8

2.3.13 Post Processing 9

2.3.14 Reporting 9

2.3.15 Scanning 9

2.3.16 Setup Tables 10

2.3.17 Statistics 10

2.3.18 Vetting 10

2.3.19 Widget 11

2.3.20 Worklists 11

2.4 House Keeping 12

3. Trust Implementation Issues 13

3.1 Standard issues: 13

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only: 13

4. Change Details 14

4.1 ** 14

4.2 Dashboard 15

4.3 Database 16

4.4 Diary 16

4.5 Dictation 16

4.6 Event Details 17

4.7 Interfaces 18

4.8 Login 20

4.9 Orders 20

4.10 Other 21

4.11 Patient 22

4.12 Portering 24

4.13 Post Processing 24

4.14 Reporting 25

4.15 Scanning 28

4.16 Setup Tables 29

2. Issue Summaries

The following section summarises the changes made in this version of CRIS relative to release 2.09.10p. Changes are divided into new features and issues resolved. Details of each change are provided later in the document in "Change Details". Navigation is best achieved by searching the document for the relevant "HSS Ref" number.

Notes on the following tables:

HSS Ref. - this relates to internal HSS change numbers.

LSP Ref. - this relates to LSP Incident, Problem or RFC reference numbers.

By Request - these changes can only be activated by HSS on a specific request by a Trust.

Trust Interest - these changes are deemed to be of significance to trusts either because they impact end users, require trust action or are desirable new features/fixes, which trusts are most likely to take advantage of.

2.1 New Features

2.1.1 Interfaces

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|247886 |- |Infinitt PACS DTI |- |- |

2.2 Enhancements

2.2.1 **

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|235994 |- |Pop up message of the day |- |Yes |

2.2.2 Dictation

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|236209 |- |Partial dictation button |- |Yes |

2.2.3 Reporting

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|244083 |- |Ability to see a report is flagged as restricted before verification. |- |- |

2.2.4 Worklists

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|243930 |- |Radiologist Widget Urgent Events |- |- |

2.3 Issues Resolved

2.3.1 **

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|246740 |- |Waiting Time Clock Resets |- |- |

|248401 |- |Clear without saving when clearing a report |- |- |

|247963 |- |When loading an event a selecting [Resources] an IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions sometimes|- |- |

| | |appears | | |

|247068 |- |Display issue with waiting time. |- |- |

|245430 |- |Issues with two users vetting same event |- |- |

|245981 |- |Erroneous 'fullstop' in hospital number field |- |- |

|244701 |- |Contrast field - change so the description is displyed rather than the code. |- |- |

2.3.2 Dashboard

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|249553 |- |Cancelled and DNA patients are showing on the deceased widget |- |- |

2.3.3 Database

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|244715 |- |Server overwrites exam booked time when setting study id |- |Yes |

|246229 |- |Create an easier way to build stats versions |- |- |

2.3.4 Diary

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|241919 |- |Swapping ignored flags for exams on the diary scratchpad. |- |- |

|238138 |- |Cannot use exam editor after selecting from scratch pad |- |- |

2.3.5 Dictation

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|235433 |- |Stop beep plays when opening dictation page |- |- |

|247766 |- |Use of message on event and dictation list causes CRIS to crash |- |- |

|231285 |- |Two separate people opening an event to dictate warning. |- |- |

2.3.6 Event Details

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|246736 |- |Batch verify query not always showing urgent reports |- |Yes |

|246742 |- |Change to the format of text held within the comments box on the events screen |- |- |

|245426 |- |Specialty issue |- |- |

|245870 |- |Exam not updated when cancelling event |- |Yes |

|245485 |- |Report Icon showing for unreported exam summary. |- |- |

|242570 |- |Orders on the patient event list are not displayed in the correct order. |- |- |

2.3.7 Interfaces

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|246388 |- |Implement Visage DTI. |- |- |

|237361 |- |WARDS and REFERRER mappings tables do not work for ADT messages |- |- |

|245664 |- |Interface - Unable to create/process new triggers |- |- |

|246734 |- |Outbound Order Messages with Scanned Request Cards |- |Yes |

|246743 |- |Changing NOK details does not create interface trigger |- |- |

2.3.8 Login

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|241827 |- |Start New CRIS Instance security |- |Yes |

2.3.9 Orders

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|245403 |- |The orders list is slow to display on WAN or N3 |- |- |

|239664 |- |Loading outstanding orders can overwrite the patient's practice |- |- |

2.3.10 Other

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|246828 |- |Backport Whiteboard to P |- |- |

|243156 |- |The mouse wait cursor is displayed when the application is not blocked |- |- |

|248397 |- |Incorrect patient returned when selecting 'Collect' on the portering list |- |- |

|244759 |- |Error on linking trust |- |- |

|248160 |- |Unvetted Widget slow to return results |- |- |

|247797 |- |Multi Select Checkbox Controller does not always deselect checked items when re |- |- |

| | |selected and then closed | | |

|247857 |- |End dated Speciality Codes are still displayed in the popup list if the user |- |- |

| | |manually types the code into the field | | |

|246873 |- |SFTP within CRIS can leave files locked when using Core FTP server on a windows |- |Yes |

| | |environment | | |

2.3.11 Patient

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|247572 |- |create an option for users to 'DNA' as well as 'Not Performed' on Undo attend |- |Yes |

|246750 |- |Trust specific hospital numbers not appearing on patient banner hover help |- |Yes |

|244665 |- |If the primary value for the GENERAL.PatientIDPriority does not exist an exception |- |- |

| | |is thrown | | |

|246745 |- |Display patient age as years and months until the patient reaches 3 years of age. |- |Yes |

|245338 |- |Exception errors received when no enteries exist within the edit hospitral number |- |- |

| | |field | | |

|246731 |- |Patient match screen not appearing |- |- |

|245911 |- |Patient Banner displays previous patient (Hover Only) |- |- |

|246738 |- |'Request Made By' field not populated |- |- |

|242627 |- |Consent checkbox for mobile and email cannot be blanked. |- |- |

|237319 |- |Patient Alarms limited to 30 characters |- |- |

2.3.12 Portering

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|242932 |- |Sort Portering list by status |- |- |

2.3.13 Post Processing

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|237311 |- |Mandatory Clinician on Post Processing Page |- |Yes |

|236086 |- |An error can orrcur if the start time is before midnight and the end time is after|- |- |

| | |midnight whilst Post Processing | | |

|248533 |- |Error message displayed when going into the post processing screen. |- |- |

|236088 |- |Trigger for adding extra exams |- |- |

|246748 |- |Users able to post process a verified report |- |Yes |

2.3.14 Reporting

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|246724 |- |Auto reports inserting in clinical information rather than the report area |- |Yes |

|247454 |- |Erroneous Control Characters in Obs HL7 message |- |Yes |

|244646 |- |Remove incorrect term PANCREASE from HSS dictionary |- |- |

|244743 |- |Removing first exam in reporting. |- |- |

|248127 |- |Blank Diagnosis Codes on report |- |- |

|247975 |- |Loading Obstetric event from daylist doesn't load episodes tab |- |- |

|246744 |- |Extra information required on reports linked to a series |- |Yes |

|247038 |- |TRAINEE role should mark a report for checking if selecting verify |- |- |

|246503 |- |Dictation status incorrectly updated |- |- |

|241218 |- |Prevent intended clinician to be set to self for QA |- |- |

|220847 |- |Misleading error message when saving new report with invalid event details |- |- |

|245324 |- |Unable to use Footpedals with PET Forms |- |- |

|245153 |- |Re-reporting deleted reports previously marked for checking throws exception |- |- |

|242564 |- |Report Info List skips reports |- |- |

2.3.15 Scanning

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|240656 |- |Saving a scanned document creates file without extension |- |- |

2.3.16 Setup Tables

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|248962 |- |End dated contrasts can be added to the PostExamDefaults |- |- |

|249146 |- |Error when closing PostExamDefaults setup table |- |- |

|244775 |- |Users unable to search via practice in Referral Source. |- |- |

|246741 |- |Examination Code field displays the ‘SUMMARY’ rather than the Examination Code |- |- |

|231861 |- |Users cannot close PostExamDefaults after copying a room |- |- |

|230234 |- |Changes to the staff table are saved to the database when focus is lost |- |- |

|248371 |- |Add End Date to CONTRAST table. |- |- |

|246730 |- |Security Settings - updated multiple groups when altering child group |- |- |

|244704 |- |Translation table code check |- |Yes |

|248403 |- |The Lead Clinician field is not populated |- |- |

|248190 |- |Exception when loading Security Settings setup table |- |- |

|247987 |- |selecting activities after refresh tables has been pressed causes null pointer |- |- |

| | |exception. | | |

|248027 |- |No validation on 'Specialities' field within the 'Referrers' table. |- |- |

|246727 |- |FTP settings incorrect after the upgrade |- |- |

|247067 |- |Issue adding coded phrases empty tables |- |- |

|247066 |- |Patient Postcode to be added to the available columns |- |Yes |

|242938 |- |Invalid characters in ALLLIST filters |- |- |

|236429 |- |Verify FTP Save XR setting has no prompt list |- |- |

|247705 |- |When in Staff Setup Tables Reordering a column and selecting a row gives an error |- |- |

2.3.17 Statistics

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|246856 |- |Run statistical reports on the Postgres DR server |Yes |- |

|238936 |- |Problem with selection type in stat |- |- |

2.3.18 Vetting

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|244670 |- |Vetting Status automatically created as VN (Vetting Not Required) |- |- |

|244739 |- |Disable ability to alter vetting comments without stopping addition |- |Yes |

|247908 |- |Vetting Details not being Saved |- |- |

|246774 |- |It is possible to vet a previously rejected/cancelled event |- |Yes |

|248279 |- |When entering/editing vetting protocol, only the site you are currently logged in |- |- |

| | |as is displayed on the rooms list. | | |

|224465 |- |Contact number is not shown on event info page |- |Yes |

|247878 |- |Selecting an order then setting the event to Vetting Completed causes an error. |- |- |

| | |Exhausted ResultSet | | |

|246728 |- |Vetting Icon & hover help not displaying correctly after Vetting 'Not Required' |- |- |

|246511 |- |Intended radiologist to be included in the configurable columns |- |Yes |

2.3.19 Widget

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|248164 |- |Events containing mixed modality exams, with one exam requiring vetting and the |- |- |

| | |other not, the Radiologist widget counts both | | |

|248165 |- |The counts on the 'Reporting' section of the Radiologist widget can be inaccurate.|- |- |

2.3.20 Worklists

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|249186 |- |Configurable column errors |- |- |

|249086 |- |Report Info List not showing the currently selected event |- |- |

|247712 |- |‘Accession Number’ addition to configurable column |- |Yes |

|242557 |- |Report Info list QA columns cannot properly be reset to default. |- |- |

|241670 |- |Contact details in patient banner |- |- |

2.4 House Keeping

House keeping is reserved for general code tidying which may provide minor improvements in efficiency or cosmetic changes that do not relate to issues resolved nor add new functionality.

3. Trust Implementation Issues

This section details issues which must be addressed by the Trust before a release or, where they are for issues which are only by request, before a particular feature is activated.

3.1 Standard issues:

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only:


4. Change Details

This section provides further details of each change.

HEAD refers to the development and unreleased testing versions of CRIS. Changes reported in HEAD are either new features not in any previous version of CRIS or issues that have only been introduced or discovered during development or testing of the next release of CRIS. Issues reported in a particular release, HEAD or otherwise, may also be pertinent to other releases of CRIS.

4.1 **

246740 - Waiting Time Clock Resets

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in:

Description: Please could someone take a look at a few events where the Weeks Waiting does not seem to have reset?

All of these events have had an appointment cancelled by the patient and so a patient cancellation reason was used, and then a new appointment booked on the same event. Our understanding was that this should reset the weeks waiting back to 0, and it should start again from the date of the appointment which was cancelled.

Please can someone see if this is correct and why the weeks waiting is continuing from the initial Request Date?

Resolution: According to product designers this was fixed by change 0209058.

248401 - Clear without saving when clearing a report

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: If a report is acknowledged in iCRIS, it doesn't update the corresponding events field of EVENTS.Abnormal_Actioned to Yes. This field has to be updated in line with changes to the 'Acknowledged' field. If the same change is made in CRIS, the update works fine.

Resolution: Clearing down (F5) an event with a unchanged acknowledged report from the finished Report page should NOT show a the warning saying "abnormal_actioned"

235994 - Pop up message of the day

Reported in: Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: Enable a new Message of the day pop up dialogue when the user logs in.

Resolution: A new configurable pop up window containing the 'Message of the Day' is available.

247963 - When loading an event a selecting [Resources] an IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions sometimes appears

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: When loading an event a selecting [Resources] an IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions sometimes appears

Resolution: Loading an events resourses is now performed without errors.

247068 - Display issue with waiting time.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: If an event has multiple exams, and and exam is removed, the minimum breach date can be taken from the exam that was deleted as this will not have DNA status therefore the clock has not been reset for this exam.

Resolution: If an event has multiple exams, and and exam is removed, the minimum breach date now should not be taken from the exam that was deleted even though this will not have DNA status and the clock has not been reset for this exam.

245430 - Issues with two users vetting same event

Reported in: Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: If a user has the vetting screen open and another user books an appointment for the same event, user A can overwrite the appointment partially as the event doesn't appear to do a refresh when saving.

Resolution: If one user updates an event in the diary whilst another user has the event in vetting, then the second user vets the event, the diary update will not be lost and the event will be updated before it is vetted.

245981 - Erroneous 'fullstop' in hospital number field

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p

Description: An erroneous 'fullstop' character is appearing on hospital number field in patient details screen. Only applies to HIS patients.

Resolution: The Hospital Number field on the patient details screen no longer displays a full stop after the list of hospital numbers.

244701 - Contrast field - change so the description is displyed rather than the code.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: Currently In the protocol contrast field the contrast code is displayed. It would be more user friendly if the description is displayed instead.

Resolution: The protocol section on the vetting page now shows the description of the contrast used under the contrast entry field and as a tooltip on the contrast field itself.

4.2 Dashboard

249553 - Cancelled and DNA patients are showing on the deceased widget

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p_b

Description: Cancelled and DNA patients are showing on the deceased widget

Resolution: The updated query has now been committed to the Widget SQL

4.3 Database

244715 - Server overwrites exam booked time when setting study id

Reported in: Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: The Server overwrites the exam booked time when the study ID is set.

Resolution: When the server needs to update the Study ID on exam it will ONLY update this column in the database avoiding any incorrect updates, such as booked time.

246229 - Create an easier way to build stats versions

Reported in: N/A Fixed in:

Description: Currently the process of building stats versions is very time consuming as it is mainly manual.

The suggested changes should be made to the database and processes to help improve this.

Resolution: Database changes completed

4.4 Diary

241919 - Swapping ignored flags for exams on the diary scratchpad.

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: Added an event to the diary scratchpad that has two exams, one is ignored and one is not ignored only shows the non ignored exam on the scratchpad.

If the user then goes back to main CRIS swaps round which exam is ignored and then re adds it too the diary then the now non ignored exam is added to and shown on the diary scratchpad.

As a result both exams are show on the scratchpad.

The user is able to drag and drop the exam which should be ignored into the diary and it is saved as a non ignored exam.

Resolution: The ignored status of an exam is now treated correctly on the Diary scratch-pad.

238138 - Cannot use exam editor after selecting from scratch pad

Reported in: HEAD Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: It is not possible to select within a field of the exam editor after selecting an exam from the scratch pad.

Resolution: It is again possible to select within a field of the exam editor after selecting an exam from the scratch pad.

4.5 Dictation

235433 - Stop beep plays when opening dictation page

Reported in: HEAD Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: When opening the dictation page for a newly attended event, the stop beep plays.

Resolution: The beep sound is no longer played when opening the Dictation page.

247766 - Use of message on event and dictation list causes CRIS to crash

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: An issue has been found whereby if an event contains a message/note, and is dictated, when loaded from the dictation list to reporting screen, the note causes CRIS to crash and renders the session unusable.

Resolution: Messages / notes can now safely be displayed for dictated events on Java 1.7 and above.

236209 - Partial dictation button

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: It would be useful if you could create a partial dictation without having to press F5.

Resolution: A new option to save a partial dictation is available on the Dictation page.

231285 - Two separate people opening an event to dictate warning.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: If two users open the same unreported event for dictating the second user is warned about the first user.

If the second user confirms that they want to continue to load the event onto the dictation screen they get an additional warning that the dictation audio file cannot be found even though the first user has not saved any audio and no audio file has been created.

CRIS should only give this message if the dictation file is expected to exist.

Resolution: No attempt is now made to ftp locked dictations with a zero length.

4.6 Event Details

246736 - Batch verify query not always showing urgent reports

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: It has been identified that if the radiologist has more than 100 reports outstanding on their batch verify, the query is not guarenteed to find any urgent reports that are assigned to that radiologist.

Resolution: A new 'urgency' filter has been implemented within batch verify, forcing the list to show only urgent reports if populated.

246742 - Change to the format of text held within the comments box on the events screen

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p

Description: Change the format of the text held with the comments box in the EVENT screen.

The comments which are added are displayed in normal text. The User details and date of when comments added are displayed light grey text.

Resolution: The User details and date text in the event comments box have been changed to grey.

245426 - Specialty issue

Reported in: Fixed in:

Description: The speciality field doesn't seem to be validated against end-dated codes. A user can enter any code in the table, regardless of end-date state.

Resolution: End date validation has been added to the Speciality field on the event details page.

245870 - Exam not updated when cancelling event

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10o, HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: Events cancelled from CRIS appear cancelled in CRIS but are still visible as booked exams in diary.

Resolution: When the event is now cancelled, the 'exam_book_mode' has been updated accordingly with either 'H' for hospital cancel or 'P' for patient cancel.

245485 - Report Icon showing for unreported exam summary.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: It is possible for an event list to show a report summary icon when there is no report summary present on an event. This happens if the user selects the patient and from the patient event list presses F12 to load the report viewer and views the exam report for the event that has no summary report.

Resolution: Phantom icon no longer appears for a non-existant summary report.

242570 - Orders on the patient event list are not displayed in the correct order.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: The orders on the patients event list are displayed in time order rather than in date and time order.

Resolution: Orders are now sorted by request date and time. All events including orders are sorted by the first out of date (if any), request date (if any), and date on waiting list, and then by time/request time, event key and order key. This means orders and requests (without a date) will appear above attendances and appointments (which have a date). In practice there is not much difference between old and new list sorting except for orders being sorted.

4.7 Interfaces

246388 - Implement Visage DTI.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p

Description: Implement Visage DTI.

Resolution: Visage DTI is now implemented in 2.09.10p.

237361 - WARDS and REFERRER mappings tables do not work for ADT messages

Reported in: Fixed in: HEAD

Description: WardsMap and ReferMap only work against orders and not against ADT messages (PV1.3 and PV1.9)

Resolution: When we receive an ADT message from the PAS the ward code in PV1.3 is now mapped using the mapping table specified in the ADTwardMap attribute.

247886 - Infinitt PACS DTI

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: Implement one-way DTI for the Infinitt PACS as per the specification (see attachment)

Resolution: Desktop integration is now available for Infinitt PACS.

245664 - Interface - Unable to create/process new triggers

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p

Description: An Issue was identified where none of the outbound interfaces were working. This was because the interface was unable to create/process any new triggers.

The following error was in the interface log for all outbound messages: -

2012-05-08 15:35:26,150 ERROR [hss.interfaces.cris.TodaysMessagesAsync] Got an exception posting trigger

java.sql.SQLException: Numeric Overflow

The cause of this error was that the figure for the PROCESS ID sequence had gone over the maximum value for an integer in JAVA code which is 2^31 which is approx 2.1 billion.

Resolution: Interface trigger 'process ids' are now represented as longs rather than ints.

246734 - Outbound Order Messages with Scanned Request Cards

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: CRIS currently sends scanned request cards with outbound results and accepts them in inbound orders, what it doesn't do is send them with outbound order messages. This is problematic for sites who want to use a reporting solution with CRIS (Powerscribe, Biotronics, Dict8 etc) as they will need/want to see the scanned request card while they are reporting and they will probably not have access to CRIS.

Resolution: Scanned documents can now be sent with outbound order messages.

246743 - Changing NOK details does not create interface trigger

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: On a two-way PAS system, typically when details are altered for the patient or address, an interface trigger is created by the application and a message sent to PAS. It has been found that altering the details in the next of kin does not create a trigger so the updated details are not sent to PAS.

Resolution: If the XR setting GENERAL.SendMessageWhenNOKChanged is set to true then an UPDATE trigger is created whenever the NOK details change. This is picked up by the PACS and PAS and, if the attribute SendNOKDetails is set to true, the resulting ADT^A08 message will include an NK1 segment containing the NOK details. If NOK details are added when the patient is registered and SendNOKDetails is set to true then an NK1 segment is included in the resulting ADT^A04 message.

4.8 Login

241827 - Start New CRIS Instance security

Reported in: Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: There is an XR setting GENERAL.DisableNewCrisButton

This is used to stop users openening several copies of CRIS. Having several copies of CRIS open can cause issues on reporting workstations because PACS DTI's, Voice Recognition and Digital Dictation can become confused by having multiple copies of CRIS open with different patients and events open at the same time.

This secutity check can be circumnavigated if a site is configured with a "WorkstationPort" set in the jnlp which would mean that using the desktop icon starts a new copy of CRIS in the same way as pressing "New CRIS" from the toolbar.

Resolution: If another instances of CRIS is started and the first CRIS instance has GENERAL.DisableNewCrisButton is set to Yes. Then the instance should NOT start logging "Multiple instances of CRIS if disabled"

4.9 Orders

245403 - The orders list is slow to display on WAN or N3

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: The orders worklist can be slow to display the orders when the database is accessed through a slow latency network such as N3.

Resolution: The orders list no longer queries for CLOBS when refreshing. Queries for CLOBS are now only made for orders as and when needed.

239664 - Loading outstanding orders can overwrite the patient's practice

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10o, 2.09.10p

Description: Loading outstanding orders can overwrite the patient's practice. This occurs when an order is received for a PAS patient that is not yet a patient on CRIS. At the point when the order is loaded, a CRIS patient is created. The referral source for the CRIS patient should be set to the PAS patient's referral source, whereas it is actually being set to the order's referral source.

Resolution: Added logging and also a fallback for if the correct field cannot be found within the manager performing the query.

4.10 Other

246828 - Backport Whiteboard to P

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p

Description: Currently the whiteboard runs of the HEAD release of CRIS. It might be worth while porting it back to P.

Resolution: Backported the whiteboard to 2.09.10p. Works under java 1.5

243156 - The mouse wait cursor is displayed when the application is not blocked

Reported in: HEAD Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: The CRIS event queue implementation displays a mouse wait cursor if the event thread takes more than one second to complete. However it sometimes fails to redisplay the normal cursor after the event has completed. These seems to occur fairly frequently in Java 1.7.

Resolution: Wait cursor should not be permanently displayed under certain circumstances.

248397 - Incorrect patient returned when selecting 'Collect' on the portering list

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: If the porter list is re-sorted and then then a patient is selected to be collected by clicking 'Collect' from the right hand button pane, the incorrect patient shows as 'collecting'.

Resolution: Table-to-model mapping has been corrected for the Porter list.

244759 - Error on linking trust

Reported in: Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: If correct NACS codes are not used within the Referrer links, the system creates a null pointer error.

Resolution: If a referrer less than four characters is used in CRIS and a referrer Search is performed then CRIS should now ignore these referrers without error.

248160 - Unvetted Widget slow to return results

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: It has been noted the the un-vetted widget is slow in returning its results.

Resolution: The Un-vetted Widget query has now been improved to ensure the values are returned promptly.

247797 - Multi Select Checkbox Controller does not always deselect checked items when re selected and then closed

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: Multi Select Checkbox Controller does not always deselect checked items when re selected and then closed

Resolution: Any changes made to the multiselection box which are subsequently cancelled are not added to the promptfield.

247857 - End dated Speciality Codes are still displayed in the popup list if the user manually types the code into the field

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: End dated speciality Codes are still displayed in the popup list if the user manually types the code into the field

Resolution: Speciality codes past their end date no longer appear in the popup list.

246873 - SFTP within CRIS can leave files locked when using Core FTP server on a windows environment

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: There have been cases of stats files being locked and unable to be deleted when the transfer happens to be to a windows server with Core STP Server installed.

This will affect all areas of the system which could use SFTP file transfer.

Resolution: SFTP of files to a windows environment with Core SFTP Server installed no longer leaves the created files as locked by the Core FTP Server process.

4.11 Patient

247572 - create an option for users to 'DNA' as well as 'Not Performed' on Undo attend

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: There are occasions where users may need to DNA or Not Perform a patient upon undo attend.

Resolution: Users are now given the option of marking attendances as 'DNA' or 'Not Performed' when pressing 'Undo Attendance'.

246750 - Trust specific hospital numbers not appearing on patient banner hover help

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: Trust specific hospital numbers not appearing on patient banner hover help

Resolution: Now on the patient banner will show tooltip hover help will also show hospital numbers

244665 - If the primary value for the GENERAL.PatientIDPriority does not exist an exception is thrown

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10o, 2.09.10p

Description: ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Error when loading PAS patient and XR setting general.patientIDpriority is set to CRIS, PAS, NHS, CHI

Resolution: An array index out of bounds exception is no longer thrown if GENERAL.PatientIDPriority has less than 4 value set.

246745 - Display patient age as years and months until the patient reaches 3 years of age.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: Requirement to display patient age as years and months until the patient reaches 3 years of age.

Resolution: The patient's age is now displayed in months and years on the 'Patient Details' tab if the patient is less than three years old.

245338 - Exception errors received when no enteries exist within the edit hospitral number field

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: Exceptions are thrown from the hospital number table for new patients.

Resolution: Exceptions are no longer thrown from the hospital number table for new patients.

246731 - Patient match screen not appearing

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: The Patient Match screen no longer appears from the orders list and when loading from a PAS record on the patient search screen.

It seems to work OK still for CRIS records.

Resolution: Patient match screen will now be displayed if patients alias number is null or 0.

245911 - Patient Banner displays previous patient (Hover Only)

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: Previous CRIS patients details show in patient banner hover help if a PAS record is subsequently loaded.

Resolution: Patient banner hover help is now correct when selecting a PAS patient after a CRIS patient.

246738 - 'Request Made By' field not populated

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: When in vetting mode, and loading an order from the vetting module, the 'Request Made By' field doesn't get populated with an 'O'

Works fine if using any other workflow, i.e. making a request.

Resolution: The 'Request made by' field is again populated with 'O' (Order Comms) as expected when changing an order to a request.

242627 - Consent checkbox for mobile and email cannot be blanked.

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: The consent field against the Mobile Phone and Email Address fields is initially blank for new patients indicating that their consent status is unknown.

If this is accidentally set to Yes or No, setting it to blank does not get saved to the patient.

Resolution: Consent for email and telephone number can now be saved as blank on the patient demographics page.

237319 - Patient Alarms limited to 30 characters

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: Patient Alarm text fields are limited to 30 characters. Some sites need to record more information about the alarm.

Resolution: Patient alarms are no longer restricted to 30 characters.

4.12 Portering

242932 - Sort Portering list by status

Reported in: Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: The portering list is no longer sorted by status.

Resolution: The portering list is again sorted by status according to portering request priority ('Waiting', ' Returning', 'Collecting', 'Returned', 'Collected').

4.13 Post Processing

237311 - Mandatory Clinician on Post Processing Page

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: CRIS can be configured so that the intended clinician is mandatory on the post processing page.

If you attempt to 'Auto report' the exam - it gives you a warning message to say intended clinician must be entered.

In this scenario - when the user chooses to autoreport the intended clinician should be auto populated with AUTO ( or logged in user if selected)

Resolution: If the POSTEXAM.MandatoryIntendedClinician XR setting is set to 'Yes' an intended clinician must be configured. Auto-Reporting fills the 'Intended Clinician' field appropriately with a clinian's name or 'Auto'.

236086 - An error can orrcur if the start time is before midnight and the end time is after midnight whilst Post Processing

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: When post processing near midnight you can get the error message: end time is before the start time.

If the started time and finished time span midnight then an error message is produced.

Resolution: Post processing times that span past midnight are now handled correctly.

248533 - Error message displayed when going into the post processing screen.

Reported in: HEAD Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: Every so often, does not happen with specific events, a error message is displayed when pressing the [Process] button on CRIS.

Resolution: Error message now no longer appears upon entering the post processing screen.

236088 - Trigger for adding extra exams

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: If you add an extra exam while post processing the processed message is only triggered for the first exam.

The process is different between modes, and in post processing mode doesn't do what they expect, despite updating the PP tab with the new exam.

They need to undo attend, and re-attend at this point to trigger the message to PACS

Resolution: Post Processing display function populates the radiologist1 prompt field without setting the corresponding field in the exam object. FinishPostProcessing will populate the radiologist1 field in exam with current radiologist when saving (or error if user has no rad code). Clearing Radiologist1 text will still be interpreted as an unprocess action.

246748 - Users able to post process a verified report

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: It is possible for a user to post process a verified event even if the security setting CHANGE_VERIFIED is set to NO.

Resolution: If the users security setting has GENERAL.CHANGE_VERIFIED set to N they cannot post process verified events.

4.14 Reporting

246724 - Auto reports inserting in clinical information rather than the report area

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: When a report is auto reported it places the report in the Clinical Information section of the report rather than the report area, this is causing a problem in e.g the Report Info Lists. If a user selects the Unreported tab and then under options selects 'Show Unreported Exams' auto reported exams appear in the list.

Resolution: Auto reporting now puts the text 'Auto reported' into each exam section so that the event will not be displayed on the unreported list when the Show unreported option is selected.

247454 - Erroneous Control Characters in Obs HL7 message

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: If a user changes an Obs scan form after the initial report has been created, the resulting HL7 message can contain erroneous control characters in the outbound HL7 messages.

Resolution: The 'Change Scan Form' option on the right click menu is no longer available once a report is present against an event.

244646 - Remove incorrect term PANCREASE from HSS dictionary

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: Remove word PANCREASE from the HSS dictionary

Resolution: The word PANCREASE has been removed from the HSS dictionary.

244743 - Removing first exam in reporting.

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: Users are able to remove the first exam during the reporting phase.

Resolution: Ignoring the report warning and proceeding to save the report will keep the summary report changes.

248127 - Blank Diagnosis Codes on report

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: If a coded phrase is inserted onto a report without a diagnostic code, a blank entry in the diagnosis table would be created.

This only applies when not using the coded phrases lookup table.

Resolution: Blank diagnosis codes are no longer inserted when coded phrases with no diagnosis code are inserted using alt-p.

247975 - Loading Obstetric event from daylist doesn't load episodes tab

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: When selecting an Obstetric event from the daylist, the episodes tab doesn't load as expected.

Resolution: When selecting an Obstetric event from the daylist, the episodes tab now also loads.

246744 - Extra information required on reports linked to a series

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: For a report series, the linked reports should contain the extra information of the event Date/Time and the Exam Description/Code of the main report.

Resolution: For a report series, the linked reports now contain the extra information of event date/time and exam description/code of main report.

247038 - TRAINEE role should mark a report for checking if selecting verify

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: when reporting an event with a user assigned a TRAINEE Role selecting [Verify] should set the report as marked for checking

Resolution: If a trainee attempts to verify a report, it is now marked for checking rather than being marked as verified.

246503 - Dictation status incorrectly updated

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: A user has managed to update a dictation to 30COMP and not save the report. This resulted in an untyped dictation coming off the dictation list.

Resolution: Dictations can no longer be updated to complete if all reports are blank.

244083 - Ability to see a report is flagged as restricted before verification.

Reported in: Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: Some reports have been marked as restricted by the user when they should not have been. When the user verifies this report it cannot be seen by other users.

It would be useful if the reporter was notified on the report editor screen that a report has been flagged as restricted and that this would not be visible to other users. This is so that they have the chance to remove the restricted flag if this has been selected in error before the report is verified.

Resolution: Now will show the text "(Restricted)" on the header of restricted reports

241218 - Prevent intended clinician to be set to self for QA

Reported in: Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: When setting the intended clinician for an event that has been put for Reporting QA, it must not be possible to set the intended clinician to the original reporter.

Resolution: It is no longer possible to set the intended clinician for an event that has been put for Reporting QA to the orginal verifier.

220847 - Misleading error message when saving new report with invalid event details

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10o, 2.09.10p

Description: A misleading error message can be displayed when saving a report,


The report cannot be saved because event details have changed since the report was started. Please make a copy of any report text, clear (F5) and reload (F9) this patient, and try reporting again.

This can be displayed if some of the fields on the event are blank.

Resolution: Invalid changes to On Call are now ignored, consistent with Request Category and Patient Type. Other fields such as referral source being blank will now give a clearer error message when saving the report.

245324 - Unable to use Footpedals with PET Forms

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p

Description: Users are unable to use footpedals when using the PET CT Softforms in the report editor.

If they click into any of the text fields of the forms and press any of the buttons on the footpedal, the curser jumps into the report editor at the top of the screen, rather than staying in the part of the softform that they want to type.

Resolution: Playback buttons no longer change focus if focus is currently in a report editor soft form.

245153 - Re-reporting deleted reports previously marked for checking throws exception

Reported in: HEAD Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: Deleting and re-reporting reports marked for checking causes a null pointer error when saving them. Looks like the QA flags aren't getting reset.

Resolution: Event QA flags are removed from event when the last report is deleted from event.

242564 - Report Info List skips reports

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10o, HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: If Intended Clinician is filtered, alongside REPORT.AutoRefreshUnreportedList=YES and 'Auto Load Next Patient' option, CRIS skips a report on each refresh of the list, meaning the radiologist only sees every other report.

This could potentially lead to urgent reports being missed during batch reporting.

Resolution: The finishing a report with these settings now loads the next event in the list rather than the next plus one.

4.15 Scanning

240656 - Saving a scanned document creates file without extension

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: Saving a scanned document saves the file without an extension. This means that is you save a scanned document to your PC it cannot be uploaded to CRIS again unless the extension is manually added.

Resolution: Scanned images now always save with a valid file extension.

4.16 Setup Tables

248962 - End dated contrasts can be added to the PostExamDefaults

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: It should not be possible to add an end dated contrast to the setup table other -> postexam -> PostExamDefaults. Doing so means this code will appear automatically at post processing time and the event can be saved with an end dated code. Note that if a contrast already used in the PostExamDefaults is end dated then it will need to be removed from the table manually.

Resolution: End dated contrasts no longer appear in the contrast code box on the post exam defaults page in the setup tables.

249146 - Error when closing PostExamDefaults setup table

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: A NullPointerException is thrown when closing the PostExamDefaults setup table.

Resolution: The PostExamDefaults setup table can again be closed without errors.

244775 - Users unable to search via practice in Referral Source.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: The CRISRST normal table is the "Referral Source Types" table and contains consultant search, dental practice, GP practice and trust. Against each of those is a setting called PRACTICE SEARCH Y/N.

This has to be filled in in order to return those referral source types in the "Select Referrer and Practice" search.

There is a possibility that an instance could have modified the CRISRST table and therefore we wouldn't update it as standard, however the additional info field needs to be set in order to return the GP and Dental practices.

Resolution: If the CRISRST table has been locally modified, and so the Practice Search fields for GP and Dental are not Y but blank, Y is now assumed. This will cause the practice search to continue working as before.

246741 - Examination Code field displays the ‘SUMMARY’ rather than the Examination Code

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: If a trust set REPORT.Summary=Yes, when you go into batch verify, the examination code field displays 'SUMMARY' rather than the examination code.

With the exception of Softform reports.

Resolution: The examination column no longer contains the value of the XR setting 'REPORT.SummaryText' when 'REPORT.SummaryOnly' is set to 'Yes'.

231861 - Users cannot close PostExamDefaults after copying a room

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: The PostExamsDefaults tab looses it's close ('X') icon after copying a room.

Resolution: post exam pages is now closable after closing the copy to room tab

230234 - Changes to the staff table are saved to the database when focus is lost

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p

Description: The following fields get save to the DB when focus is lost:





They do not require the Save button to be pressed.

Resolution: changes to the staff table are now only saved when the save button is pressed and not when focus is lost.

248371 - Add End Date to CONTRAST table.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: There is not currently a way to end date fields on the contrast table. This means that users are able to select values which are no longer valid.

Resolution: There is now an End Date column present in the contrast table.

246730 - Security Settings - updated multiple groups when altering child group

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: Changed 5 permissions in a child group from Y to N and checked the parent group. Some of those permissions had changed, but the same permissions had changed on a number of other groups in the baseline table too.

Resolution: Security setting changes no longer affect the parent group.

244704 - Translation table code check

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: Change to Translation tables that allows the use of a check to see whether the same CRIS code already exists in the translation table. This will stop instances where interfaces fail due to duplicate entries in the translation table.

Resolution: The translation table setup now checks for duplicate entries and warns of any found. The user may opt to delete the duplicates or flag one as the one to be used in outbound translations.

248403 - The Lead Clinician field is not populated

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: When entering a new event for a GP request, the information for the GP is populated from the patient details (if applicable). The Lead Clinician field is not populated even though they have lead clinician checked in the field CRIS Setup>Referrers.

Resolution: The 'Lead Clinician' field is now automatically populated under all circumstances whenever the 'referrer' field is populated.

248190 - Exception when loading Security Settings setup table

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception is thrown when opening the Security Settings setup table.

Resolution: An exception is no longer thrown when opening the Security Settings setup table.

247987 - selecting activities after refresh tables has been pressed causes null pointer exception.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: selecting activities after refresh tables has been pressed causes null pointer exception.

Resolution: Null pointer exception no longer occurs when selecting activities in the security tables

248027 - No validation on 'Specialities' field within the 'Referrers' table.

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: An end-dated speciality code can be manually entered without validation.

Resolution: Validation is now performed upon entry of speciality code's that are past their end date into the referrer table.

246727 - FTP settings incorrect after the upgrade

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: An issue has been found whereby some sites have experienced issues with FTP/SFTP directories not being calculated after an upgrade. Related to call 224551 change to SFTP library

Resolution: ftp can be configured using relative path rather than full path

247067 - Issue adding coded phrases empty tables

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: It's not possible to add a new code to an otherwise empty coded phrases table.

Resolution: This application has been changed to stop the exception that was happening when adding coded phrases empty tables

247066 - Patient Postcode to be added to the available columns

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: The Patient Postcode is to be added as a column on the Daylist, Orders List, Appointments once it has been added in the XR-Settings

Resolution: Patient Postcode can now be added as a column on the Daylist, Orders List, Appointments once it has been added in the XR-Settings

242938 - Invalid characters in ALLLIST filters

Reported in: 2.09.10 Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: It is possible for invalid characters to find their way into the list filters. The worst offenders seem to be ALLLIST.Exam, ALLLIST.Room which seem to get random things added.

Resolution: Filter prompt fields no longer retain invalid entries when a work list page loses focus.

236429 - Verify FTP Save XR setting has no prompt list

Reported in: HEAD Fixed in: HEAD , 2.09.10p

Description: The DICTATION.VerifyFTPSave XR setting has no lookup values listed when F4 is pressed. The user has no prompt for the user to identify valid values.

Resolution: There are now Yes, No or blank options available for look up for XRSetting verifyftpstate

247705 - When in Staff Setup Tables Reordering a column and selecting a row gives an error

Reported in: Fixed in: 2.09.10p, HEAD

Description: When in Staff Setup Tables Reordering a column and selecting a row gives an error


Java.lang.illegalArgumentException: Identifier not found

Resolution: when sorting on the user id in the staff table the correct index is returned when an index is highlighted.


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