New Start Pack

[pic] |24th St Luke’s Bournemouth Scouts

New Starter Pack Contents

Welcome to Beavers and the world of Scouting

|[pic] | |

Details on website .uk

|1 |Baden-Powell (BP) |Front cover |

|2 |Contents page |New Starters Pack.doc |

|3 |Details about the 24th St Luke’s |Scout Group Welcome Pack mail version.doc |

| |Bournemouth Scout Group | |

|4 |Personal details to complete and return | New Member to update record.xls |

|5 |Letter from the Executive committee |Executive Cttee Letter(Mar13).docx |

|6 |Standing Order form for the bank |24th Standing order instruction.pdf |

|7 |Gift Aid form to return to us |Gift Aid declaration.pdf |

|8 |Where to Purchase uniform |Uniform can be bought from Various Sources.doc |

|9 |What Uniform to Purchase | -Jumper |

| |Details on Web | |

|10 |Flyer for Scout Shop in Butchers Coppice |Preferred retail outlet to use. |

|11 |Where Sew on Badges on uniform |Beaver Uniform.jpg |

| | | |

|12 |Current Program |Beaver Training Programme - Summer Term 2011 v1.1.doc |

|13 |CRB Form |Download and complete |

| | | |

|14 |Guide to investiture |Beaver Guide to becoming invested.doc |


Please complete and return the following to me

• Personal details (New Member to update record.xls

• Gift Aid Form (Gift Aid Declaration .pdf)

• CRB form

Please complete the Standing order form online or hand/send to your bank to start the 1st of the Month with the Childs full name on the reference field preceded with a B, - B Doug Smith



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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