PARISH OF ARRINGTONNotice of Parish Council Meeting Dear Councillor You are hereby summoned to remotely attend a meeting of Arrington Parish Council on 20th April 2020 at 18:30 by video conferencing link (zoom), pursuant to the Regulations under the Coronavirus Act 2020, relating to the conduct of local authority business by remote attendance. Sally WalmesleySally Walmesley, Clerk14/04/20BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED6.30pm Parish Council MeetingCo-option of Councillors1.Coronavirus Act 20201.1To amend Standing Orders to allow remote attendance at meetings2.Apologies for absence, declarations under the code of conduct and requests for dispensations3.To approve the minutes of 3.1Parish Council Meeting held on 16th March 2020 4.Matters Arising and Carried Forward from previous meeting4.1Wimpole Estate Issues 4.1.1Meeting with Estate Manager4.2Defibrillator Training March 2020(postponed)4.3 Funding of Open Burial Ground Maintenance4.3.1Feedback from MP Anthony Browne4.3.2Feedback from Croydon Parish Council5.County and District Councillors’ reports6.Public Questions on agenda items and for discussion at future meetingsTo members of the Public:You are invited to remotely attend the meeting for the purpose of transacting the following business. The meeting will be conducted by a video conferencing link. If you wish to remotely attend please send an email to the Parish Clerk; the Clerk will give you access details. If you also wish as a remote attendee to make any comments or raise any questions about an item on the Agenda please include the text of your comments and questions in the email or letter to the Clerk in advance of the meeting. 7.Finances7.1To receive the financial statement and to approve the payment of bills7.2Budget 2020/21 7.3Internal Audit 2019/208.Village Garden8.1Village Garden Maintenance 9. Highway Issues9.1Community Speedwatch –Update 9.2A1198 Flooding –update on County Council meeting with landowners9.2.1Update on meeting of County Council Officers, National Trust & Councillors9.3CCC LHI 9.3.1LHI 2020/21 Successful Application9.3.22021/22 –Applications invited from 1st April 2020 deadline to be advised9.4Update on Yellow Line Consultation9.4.1Purchase of Bollards9.4.2Clifden Close and other parking issues10.Village Hall 10.1Feedback on Proposal presented at March PC meeting11.Planning11.1Planning Ref 20/01321/FULLand at Church End –Change of use from agricultural land to garden land -Representation made of Objection by majority of Councillor votes12.To consider correspondence received including:12.1Coronavirus 12.1.1Updates from SCDC and CAPALC12.1.2Village Volunteer Group update12.1.3 National Trust –Tenancy and Payment of Rent 13.Annual Parish Meeting 2020 14.Councillors' items for information and requiring the urgent attention of the Clerk15.Date of Next Meeting -18th May 2020 ................

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