

Chairman Peter Smith (PS) Secretary Rosey Foster (RF)Treasurer Phil Jones (PJ)

Men’s Captain Tom Wesolowski (TW) Men’s Vice Captain Mark Pearce (MP)

Ladies’ Captain Jess Howard (JH) Ladies’ Vice Captain Jane Pugh

General Manager Jonathan Gray (JG)


2. Minutes from 19.5.20 Agreed

3. Matters arising

3.6 JP confirmed that green fees charges at weekends have been clarified

4.8 MP stated that update from CSI for web development on going. Bill Goodman

will be attending a website workshop when restrictions allow. The £200 workshop fee was agreed for BG and two members to attend. PS noted the potential overlap in content between the club website, Clubv1, the members hub and How did I do. He had asked Bill to set this out as one of the issues that would need to be addressed. There was no urgency in developing a new website and time could be taken to make sure we got it right.


4. Chairman:

4.1 PS congratulated TW on his 24 hour golfathon in aid of the club charities.

4.2 Congratulations also to JG and BGL staff for making the return to golf safely successful.

4.3 PS looked forward to welcoming 45 members to the ‘StayDay’ golf day on Tuesday 21st July at Hoebridge in aid of the club charities. This was in place of the usual Committee Away Day. PS thanked JG for his support for this event.

5. General Manager

JG acknowledged the thanks and would pass on the comments to the staff.

5.1 The Trackman screens are being installed on the driving range. Hoebridge is the first range in the world to have screens on it!

5.2 JG pleased that approx. 84% member renewals have been confirmed. Non renewals have been contacted. Sales are currently working on Flexi member renewals. Reconciliation between BGL data and Clubv1 is progressing well with Andy Richardson and MP. In response to a question from PS, JG said he would be pleased for the sales team to discuss the process in more detail once a new Sales Manager had been appointed.

5.3 Competitions have restarted cautiously with social distancing in place.

5.4 Discussions continuing with Mina Crowe re a Charity day later in the year when restrictions may be lifted. The 4 people seating inside and 6 seating areas outside arrangements are generally working well but it is essential that people continue to observe the requirement.

5.5 Gym restrictions to be lifted on Saturday 25.7.20 with the function room being used for some classes.

5.6 PS asked if the wearing of face coverings would be applied when entering the ProShop from 24.7.20. JG said masks would be necessary as the ProShop is a retail outlet. JG to discuss with ProShop manager and arrange extra signage. JG

5.7 PS asked if the 150m marker posts would be replaced. JG to discuss with

Terry Edwards JG

5.8 TW enquired when the Function Room would be available. JG did not think

any functions would be held before the end of the year unless restrictions were changed.

6. Secrtary’s Report

6.1 An additional 50 County cards have been supplied by Surrey Golf for the new fee paying members recruited since March and will be distributed shortly. Even more cards may be necessary if the recruitment continues to grow.

7. Treasurer’s Report

7.1 PS thanked PJ for the paper previously circulated outlining the potential impact of Covid 19 on 2020 Club finances.

[the video link was problematic for PJ and discussion was not possible]

8. Men’s Captain’s Report

8.1 TW thanked the members, JG and the staff for their support with his 24hr golfathon.

8.2 Mixed Foursomes played on 11.7.20 was won by Steph Williams and Rod Henry

8.3 Medals and Stablefords have resumed with an average of 65 players at the weekends. External competitions have all restarted.

9.Lady Captain’s Report

9.1  JH added her thanks to JG and Ian Hayward for the successful reintroduction of ladies competitions.  The Ladies Foursomes will now be played  on Sat 15th August and the  Club Championships will be played  28/29th August. Booking is on Clubv1 and there is a reduced w/e green fee of £20 / day available to 5 day members to encourage participation in Club Champs.

9.2  There are anomalies regarding qualification for  board competitions between Flexi-w-fee members and 5 day members which need to be resolved for 2021. JH/TW/MP/JP        

9.3  NAPGC have reinstated their team competitions eg JHB  but cancelled the individual championships  for 2020

9.4  JP reported that the Thornbury Trophy  for mixed foursomes will be going ahead.  JP and Neil West to represent Hoebridge. PS added that Surrey Golf had confirmed that most of their competitions would continue albeit with some rescheduling.

10. Any Other Business

10.1 ‘Membership Secretary’ PS proposed that there is a need for a new role for a Membership Secretary to be the one person to deal with BGL admin. They would be responsible for distributing membership info to all officers of the club who needed it, entering details on to club V1, dealing with all queries and carrying out periodic reconciliation. It was agreed in principle and further discussion to be arranged to move the proposal forward PS

10.2 A new members’ evening MP reported his discussions with Mina. There were many new men who had joined and he wanted to do something to welcome them to the club. A 9 hole event was suggested. As there are a significant number of new lady joiners as well, Vanessa Lynton has organised one for them. An event for the men which would also be open to the ladies is to be planned. JG said he generally welcomed such new member initiatives. MP /MC

10.3 Agree clarification and amendments to Club Competition rules

TW had given notice of three possible changes.

a) In pairs competitions, if for any reason, a player withdraws from the competition another player may be substituted providing that none of the team’s matches in the competition have been played. The substitute must not have played in the competition with another partner.

b) In pairs competitions, if for any reason, a player is unable to play in a match their partner can play the match on their own against the other team. Calculation of the handicap allowance for that competition will remain the same.

c) Where a competition is open to 7 day (Full) members those members must be a 7 day member on the day that entry to the competition closes.

The first two were agreed as they confirm existing practice and will be written into the rules. The third will need further consideration owing to the change in competition season start date. TW

10.4. Update on Club notice boards and Honour boards

PS reported on his discussions with Gidden Place designs. The latest draft of the proposed layout from Gidden Place had been circulated but there was insufficient time on the call for a full discussion. JG was in full support of the layout and design. TW mentioned concerns by one or two members that board with the past captains' photos should go up again. It was noted, however, that the photos would be on the club website and that there was an honours board giving their names. A new display would be made for photos of the current and past captain and the vice captain for both men and ladies. The general view was therefore that the old photos should not be put up.

10.5 Zoom account or similar for web meetings.

JH proposed that the club hold an account for Zoom or other providers of web meetings to allow for longer meetings and for other club meetings. Decision pending lifting of Covid 19 restrictions.

10.6 Lady Vice Captain for 2021

JP informed the MC of the name for the Lady Vice Captain for 2021. The MC gave its approval. Members to be informed shortly.

Next meeting: Tuesday 8th September 10.30 (venue/zoom tbc)


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