Steps for Installation of SharePoint 2016

Steps for Installation of SharePoint 2016Make a VM for SharePoint 2016 with Server 2012r2Change the Computer Name and restart it.Make that server Domain Controller (DC) by going into Server Manager and then Add Roles and Features Go to Roles and check on Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) and click next and install. At the end of this Wizard you many face Error like this TCP/IP type. You can resolve it by checking the Network Connection that did you assigned Switch to this Machine or not. NOTE: at this point you should give static IP to the Machine it can be done by network Settings.After finishing this Wizard, you will see the YELLOW Notification bar at the top of the Server Manager. Click it and then go to the Notification “Promote this to Domain Controller”.Check the Create a New Forest and type your Desire Domain name with “.com” for Example . click next type the Password for the machine and then confirm it. Then click next till the end After this server, will restart and then give the credentials for the new Admin that could be like this Domain\Administrator and type the Password which you gave at step 4After entering Server these activities should be ensured 7.1-Change the Time zone of your Server like given below7.2-Turn off your Firewalls by going to Control Panel Network and Internet Network and Sharing CenterWindows Firewall in the left bottom Turnoff and On firewalls Turn-off all the firewalls7.3 Allow Internet into Domain Controller DC by First of all make an Internal Switch follow steps to make a Switch 7.3.1Go to Hyper V Manager on the right top Click Virtual Switch Manager Create a Virtual Switch with Internal Selected Name your newly Switch and click ok Then Go to your Base Machine Network Settings Change Adapter Settings Go to the Network Properties where your Internet Connected and after opening Properties Go to Sharing tabCheck both the Options and in the First give your Switch name which you have recently created. Now you Internet should be enabled in your Server Next Step is to Share Your data from Base machine to VM it will be done by this Go to Base Machine and type in RUN diskmgmt.msc Action TabCreate VHD Give the Location path and Space in GB and check the VHDX Radio Button then click ok go to the location open it and paste the SQL SERVER 2012 or SQL 2014 SP1 after copying again go to Diskmgmt.msc in the list of drive find your VHDX and right clickoffline Deattach (This option will not come in SSD drive). Go to Your Machine Settings ISCSI Add Hard Drive location of your Drive okgo to Server RunDiskmgmt.mscfind the VHDX right click online Go to the SP2016 Folder open Sharepoint Prerequisite copy all the command till Restart-Computer and paste it somewhere in notepad and delete the Spaces and copy these comandlets and open Powershell run as administrator and paste in this press enter it will restart automatically. 1-Then Attach the image of Windows Server 2012 R2 in this VM and run the .Net 3.5 frame work Command “dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /all /Source:d:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess”Then Install Sql Server with Feature ie: SQL Database Engine , SQL Console management both Management option should be checked and Don’t forget to click on ADD CURRENT USER In Server Wizard in SQL SERVERAfter Installing SQL go to the Sharepoint folder prereqs folder Install these in the given Sequence 10.1MicrosoftIdentityExtensions-6410.2msodbcsql10.3setup_msipc_x6410.4sqlncli10.5Synchronization10.6vcredist_x64 (1)10.7WcfDataServices10.8Windows8.1-KB2898850-x6410.9Windows8.1-KB2919442-x6410.10Windows8.1-KB2919355-x6410.11NDP46-KB3045557-x86-x64-AllOS-ENUNOTE: Don’t install both the file named “WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64 and AppFabric1.1-RTM-KB2671763-x64-ENU” After these go to SP2016 folder Splash open with first option Install Software Prerequisite (Ensure your Internet should be working you can check by going to RUNping it should reply back with TTL and Time)Click Next and Accept the License and Installation should be Started it will download App fabric and download and then needs to be restarted After Restart assign the Static IP to the network After successfully Installation of Prerequisites go to SP2016 folder again Splash Install SharePoint 2016 You need to insert Key which is given in the folder Click Next till end After successfully finished the wizard will come with the check box just click ok with checked.Then Next warning will come click okType your SQL SERVER Instance Name (that can be found by opening SQLSERVER in the starting SERVER name will be shown)In the bottom enter the DOMAIN\Administrator and Password of your administratorNext Type password again in both fields Specify Port range Next Next Installation should be Started You may face this error while Creating Database likeThe issue only appears to occur, if you are downloading the?“Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6”?prerequisites component using the direct download (Offline installer) link or if you copy the?“Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6”?executable from a network location.? ?Files that are downloaded from the internet or copied from a Network location are blocked by Windows Operating System SmartScreen Program/ File Security feature.?In some cases, though installation of the blocked file is allowed.? However, this may affect the installation or the registration of certain components.??Problem: “Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPUpgradeException: One or more types failed to load. Please refer to the upgrade log for more details.”Resolution :Go to Control Panel Uninstall Programs Wcf Data Services 5.6 Tool Setup click on it click on Repair and after repairing restart the sharepoint configuration console now it should work. After Successfully Installing SharePoint Click FINISH and Browser will open give the credentials and click ok click on no participation radio and then click on cancel on the right bottom Now you are done Your SharePoint Central Administration Page should be Landed ................

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