Universal File and Stream Loader Interface

Universal File and Stream Loader Interface


Revision C

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|Published: 06/2010 |

Table of Contents

Terminology ix

Chapter 1. Introduction 1

Reference Manuals OSIsoft 2

Supported Features 2

Diagram of Hardware Connection 6

Chapter 2. Principles of Operation 9

Interface Startup 9

Runtime Operations 10

PlugIn Principles 11

ASCII Files 11

Serial 12

POP3 12

BatchFL 12

Use of PI SDK 13

Chapter 3. Installation Checklist 15

Data Collection Steps 15

Interface Diagnostics 16

Chapter 4. Interface Installation 17

Naming Conventions and Requirements 17

Interface Directories 18

PIHOME Directory Tree 18

Interface Installation Directory 18

Interface Installation Procedure 18

Installing Interface as a Windows Service 18

Installing Interface Service with PI Interface Configuration Utility 19

Service Configuration 19

Installing Interface Service Manually 22

Chapter 5. Digital States 23

Chapter 6. PointSource 25

Chapter 7. PI Point Configuration 27

Point Attributes 27

Tag 27

PointSource 28

PointType 28

Location1 28

Location2 28

Location3 28

Location4 28

Location5 28

InstrumentTag 29

ExDesc 30

Convers 30

Scan 30

Shutdown 30

Output Points 31

Chapter 8. Startup Command File 33

Configuring the Interface with PI ICU 33

UFL Interface page 35

Command-line Parameters 38

Sample PI_UFL.bat File 41

Chapter 9. PI_UFL Configuration (INI) File 43

General 43



[PLUG-IN] – ASCII Files 46

ERR 46

IFM 46

IFS 46


PFN 48



REN 49


[PLUG-IN] – Serial Port 50


COM 50






[PLUG-IN] – POP3 52













PFN 55










[PLUG-IN] – BatchFL 58






ERR 59


IFM 59

IFS 59




REN 60




DEB 61






[FIELD] 65

FIELD(n).Name 65

FIELD(n).Type 65

FIELD(n).Format 67

[MSG] 70

MSG(n).Name 70

MSG(n).EPC 70

MSG(n).EPC_Inherit 71


Message Structure Definitions: [XXXX] 72

Data Extraction to Fields 75

Data Manipulation 78

Arithmetic and Logical Operators 78

Mathematical Functions 82

String Functions 82

DateTime and Time Functions 83

IF Statement 83

MSG(n).Action 83

Chapter 10. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Facilitating the INI File Creation 91

Chapter 11. PI_UFL Redundancy – Failover 99

Chapter 12. Interface Node Clock 101

Chapter 13. Security 103

Chapter 14. Starting / Stopping the Interface on Windows 105

Starting Interface as a Service 105

Stopping Interface Running as a Service 105

Chapter 15. Buffering 107

Buffering Principles 108

Which Buffering Application to Use 108

How Buffering Works 109

Buffering and PI Server Security 109

Enabling Buffering on an Interface Node with the ICU 110

Choose Buffer Type 110

Buffering Settings 111

Buffered Servers 113

Installing Buffering as a Service 116

Chapter 16. Interface Diagnostics Configuration 119

Scan Class Performance Point 119

Performance Counters Points 119

Performance Counters 120

Performance Counters for both (_Total) and (Scan Class x) 120

Performance Counters for (_Total) only 121

Performance Counters for (Scan Class x) only 124

Interface Health Monitoring Points 125

Creating Health Monitoring Points Using the PI Tag Configurator 125

I/O Rate Point 129

Interface Status Point 132

Chapter 17. For Users of Previous (2.x) Interface Versions 135

Appendix A. Error and Informational Messages 139

Appendix B. BatchFL_to_UFl Conversion Utility 141

BatchFL_to_UFL Conversion Utility 142

Post Conversion Steps 144

Appendix C. CSV (Comma Delimited) Data Files 147

For Users of the PI Batch File Interface 147

Data File Example 147

Configuration File Example with ASCIIFiles PlugIn 148

Configuration File Example - BatchFL Mode 149

Bat File Example (ASCIIFiles PlugIn and BatchFL Mode) 149

Explanation 149

ASCIIFiles PlugIn 149

BatchFL Mode 150

Appendix D. XML Document Files 151

Data File Example 151

Configuration File Example 152

Bat File Example 153

Explanation 153

Appendix E. Reading Data from Serial Port 155

Streams Patterns from Serial Port 155

Configuration File Example 155

Bat File Example 156

Explanation 156

Appendix F. Reading Data from POP3 Server 157

Email Text 157

Configuration File Example 157

Bat File Example 158

Explanation 158

Appendix G. More Advanced Examples 161

Data File Example 161

Configuration File Example 161

Point Configuration 162

Bat File Example 162

Explanation 162

Appendix H. ASCII Codes Supported 165

Appendix I. Tested Operating Systems and Other Components 167

Appendix J. Technical Support and Resources 169

Before You Call or Write for Help 169

Help Desk and Telephone Support 169

Search Support 170

Email-based Technical Support 170

Online Technical Support 170

Remote Access 171

On-site Service 171

Knowledge Center 171

Upgrades 171

Appendix K. Revision History 173


To understand this interface manual, you should be familiar with the terminology used in this document.


Buffering refers to an Interface Node’s ability to store temporarily the data that interfaces collect and to forward these data to the appropriate PI Servers.

N-Way Buffering

If you have PI Servers that are part of a PI Collective, PIBufss supports n-way buffering. N-way buffering refers to the ability of a buffering application to send the same data to each of the PI Servers in a PI Collective. (Bufserv also supports n-way buffering to multiple PI Server however it does not guarantee identical archive records since point compressions specs could be different between PI Servers. With this in mind, OSIsoft recommends that you run PIBufss instead.)


ICU refers to the PI Interface Configuration Utility. The ICU is the primary application that you use to configure and run PI interface programs. You must install the ICU on the same computer on which an interface runs. A single copy of the ICU manages all of the interfaces on a particular computer.

You can configure and run an interface by editing a startup command file. However, OSIsoft discourages this approach. Instead, OSIsoft strongly recommends that you use the ICU for interface management tasks.

ICU Control

An ICU Control is a plug-in to the ICU. Whereas the ICU handles functionality common to all interfaces, an ICU Control implements interface-specific behavior. Most PI interfaces have an associated ICU Control.

Interface Node

An Interface Node is a computer on which

• the PI API and/or PI SDK are installed, and

• PI Server programs are not installed.


The PI API is a library of functions that allow applications to communicate and exchange data with the PI Server. All PI interfaces use the PI API.

PI Collective

A PI Collective is two or more replicated PI Servers that collect data concurrently. Collectives are part of the High Availability environment. When the primary PI Server in a collective becomes unavailable, a secondary collective member node seamlessly continues to collect and provide data access to your PI clients.


PIHOME refers to the directory that is the common location for PI 32-bit client applications.

On a 32-bit Operating system

A typical PIHOME is C:\Program Files\PIPC.

On a 64-Bit Operating system

A typical PIHOME is C:\Program Files (x86)\PIPC.

PI interfaces reside in a subdirectory of the Interfaces directory under PIHOME.

For example, files for the Modbus Ethernet Interface are in C:\Program Files\PIPC\Interfaces\ModbusE.

This document uses [PIHOME] as an abbreviation for the complete PIHOME or PIHOME64 directory. For example, ICU files in [PIHOME]\ICU.


PIHOME64 will be found only on a 64-bit Operating System and refers to the directory that is the common location for PI 64-bit client applications.

A typical PIHOME64 is C:\Program File\PIPC.

PI interfaces reside in a subdirectory of the Interfaces directory under PIHOME64.

For example, files for a 64-bit Modbus Ethernet Interface would be found in C:\Program Files\PIPC\Interfaces\ModbusE.

This document uses [PIHOME] as an abbreviation for the complete PIHOME or PIHOME64 directory. For example, ICU files in [PIHOME64]\ICU.


The PI SDK is a library of functions that allow applications to communicate and exchange data with the PI Server. Some PI interfaces, in addition to using the PI API, require the use of the PI SDK.

PI Server Node

A PI Server Node is a computer on which PI Server programs are installed. The PI Server runs on the PI Server Node.


PI SMT refers to PI System Management Tools. PI SMT is the program that you use for configuring PI Servers. A single copy of PI SMT manages multiple PI Servers. PI SMT runs on either a PI Server Node or a PI Interface Node.


The pipc.log file is the file to which OSIsoft applications write informational and error messages. While a PI interface runs, it writes to the pipc.log file. The ICU allows easy access to the pipc.log.


The PI point is the basic building block for controlling data flow to and from the PI Server. For a given timestamp, a PI point holds a single value.

A PI point does not necessarily correspond to a “point” on the foreign device. For example, a single “point” on the foreign device can consist of a set point, a process value, an alarm limit, and a discrete value. These four pieces of information require four separate PI points.


A Service is a Windows program that runs without user interaction. A Service continues to run after you have logged off from Windows. It has the ability to start up when the computer itself starts up.

The ICU allows you to configure a PI interface to run as a Service.

Tag (Input Tag and Output Tag)

The tag attribute of a PI point is the name of the PI point. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the name of a point and the point itself. Because of this relationship, PI System documentation uses the terms “tag” and “point” interchangeably.

Interfaces read values from a device and write these values to an Input Tag. Interfaces use an Output Tag to write a value to the device.


This document describes OSIsoft’s Universal File and Stream Loader (PI_UFL) interface to the PI System. It describes how to configure it as well as how to use it effectively.

PI_UFL interface reads data from various ASCII stream data sources. Its modular concept is built on the functionality division – the core part of the interface does the stream parsing and data forwarding to PI, while the actual data reading, which is proprietary to each data source, is implemented in dynamically loaded libraries (DLLs). These data sources must produce readable (ASCII) data; that is, ASCII streams with (repeatable) patterns. The interface parses those patterns and extracts the information the user specifies in a configuration file.

As mentioned above, the interface is shipped with three DLLs, which implement the actual communication to the sources of ASCII text data:

ASCII files: PI_UFL cyclically processes a given directory while looking for file names that match the user defined criteria (the directory and the file name pattern is one of the interface’s parameters). The interface thus scans the specified directory and if a file name matches the specified pattern, it opens the file, reads its content and looks for lines that pass the specified filters. After a file is processed, the interface renames the file and, optionally, deletes it.

Reading data from Serial Ports (RS 232) works similarly. The interface continuously reads the specified serial port and when it encounters a character(s) that signals the end-of-the-line, it stores this line in a (memory) container. In the defined intervals, this memory is emptied and the lines processed, again looking for the specified patterns.

The POP3 PlugIn periodically checks emails sent to the specified POP3 user on the given POP3 server. Emails are downloaded, processed and, finally, they are deleted.

As stated in the previous paragraph, the ASCII streams from the data sources need to be processed and parsed. A mandatory startup parameter the PI_UFL interface needs is therefore the path to the configuration file. This config. (INI) file actually controls how the interface identifies and manipulates the retrieved lines. The basic principle is very simple. The data is examined line by line. Each line is checked to see whether it matches one of the several sets of criteria (filters) and in case a line 'satisfies' a given filter, it is assigned a certain message type and is further broken into fields.

The content of these fields is then assigned to variables, which can take part in arithmetic expressions. The results are finally forwarded to PI.

[pic]Note: The PI UFL Interface is a replacement for the PI Batch File interface. Users of the PI Batch File interface should read Appendix B and C before upgrading to PI UFL.

The Interface runs on Intel machines with Microsoft Windows operating system. The Interface Node may be either a PI Home or PI Interface node – see the Diagram of Hardware Connection section of this manual for more details.

This document contains the following topics:

• Brief design overview

• Installation and operation details

• PI points configuration details (points that will receive data via this interface)

• Configuration file specifications

• Supported command line parameters

• Examples of various configuration files (including a brief explanation of each presented feature) in Appendices B - G

[pic] CAUTION! PI_UFL version 3 is a major rewrite of PI_UFL version 2. See chapter For Users of Previous (2.x) Interface Versions that lists all the changes implemented in PI_UFL 3.

Reference Manuals OSIsoft

• PI Server manuals

• PI API Installation manual

Supported Features

|Feature |Support |

|Part Number |PI-IN-OS-UFL-NTI |

|* Platforms |32-bit Interface |64-bit Interface |

|Windows XP | | |

| 32-bit OS |Yes |No |

| 64-bit OS |Yes (Emulation Mode) |No |

|Windows 2003 Server | | |

| 32-bit OS |Yes |No |

| 64-bit OS |Yes (Emulation Mode) |No |

|Windows Vista | | |

| 32-bit OS |Yes |No |

| 64-bit OS |Yes (Emulation Mode) |No |

|Windows 2008 | | |

| 32-bit OS |Yes |No |

| 64-bit OS |Yes (Emulation Mode) |No |

|Windows 2008 R2 | | |

| 64-bit OS |Yes (Emulation Mode) |No |

|Windows 7 | | |

| 32-bit OS |Yes |No |

| 64-bit OS |Yes (Emulation Mode) |No |

|* APS Connector |Yes |

|Point Builder Utility |No |

|ICU Control |Yes |

|PI Point Types |Float16 / Float32 / Float64 / Int16 / Int32 / Digital / |

| |String |

|Sub-second Timestamps |Yes |

|Sub-second Scan Classes |No |

|Automatically Incorporates PI Point Attribute |Yes |

|Changes | |

|* Exception Reporting |Yes |

|Outputs from PI |No |

|Inputs to PI: Scan-based / Unsolicited / Event Tags| Scan Based |

|Supports Questionable Bit |Yes |

|Supports Multi-character PointSource |Yes |

|Maximum Point Count |Unlimited |

|* Uses PI SDK |Yes |

|PINet String Support |No |

|* Source of Timestamps |Current time, or from the input stream(s). |

|* History Recovery |Yes |

|* UniInt-based |No |

|* Disconnected Startup |No |

|* SetDeviceStatus |Yes |

|* Failover |Yes, Two independent Interface Instances. |

|Vendor Software Required on PI Interface Node / |No |

|PINet Node | |

|Vendor Software Required on Foreign Device |No |

| Vendor Hardware Required |No |

|Additional PI Software Included with Interface |Yes |

|Device Point Types |Not applicable |

| Serial-Based Interface |Yes |

* See available paragraphs below for further explanation.


The Interface is designed to run on the above mentioned Microsoft Windows operating systems and their associated service packs.

APS Connector

The PI_UFL Interface does not use a traditional APS Connector to create PI Points. It does however have the ability to create PI points from the data received and processed if they do not currently exist. See the section MSG(n).EPC for details on how to use this feature.

Exception Reporting

PI_UFL implements standard exception reporting, however, several start-up parameters and PI Point attributes will cause the exception spec. parameters NOT to be considered. Following is their short list (see the Startup Command File and Location5 for more details).

Start-up parameters:




PI point parameter:



The PI SDK and the PI API are bundled together and must be installed on each PI Interface Node. This Interface specifically makes PI SDK calls to create PI Points, and write PI Annotations.

Source of Timestamps

Timestamps are read from the input file or, when not specified, the current (Interface Node local time) is used.

History Recovery

History recovery is automatically included with any file-based interface. After the interface has been down for some reason, and, as long as the data files were not deleted, PI_UFL will process them during the 1st scan cycle after the start; no matter how much data is stored in these files and no matter how long the interface has been down.

The same is true for the POP3 PlugIn; provided the emails remain in the specified inbox, the interface will process immediately after start-up.

In case the interface communicates with data sources, which do not persist the data, there is nothing to recover from. This is the case when the interface communicates with a serial port via the Serial PlugIn


PI_UFL is NOT a UniInt based interface!

There are several relevant functionality reasons why PI_UFL has not been built on UniInt libraries:

• PI_UFL can operate without the PointSource; that is the /ps start-up parameter is NOT required

• PI_UFL stores values to PI Annotations

• PI_UFL automatically creates new PI Points and Digital Sets/States

• PI_UFL is designed with the modular concept of PlugIns

• At the time of writing, none of the above listed features were implemented in UniInt.


Since version PI_UFL implements Health Points. One of them is marked by [UI_DEVSTAT] in the ExtendedDescriptor and represents the status of the source device. The following events are written into the Device Status Health Point:

• “Starting” – The interface has been started, has initialized the given PlugIn and is waiting for the first scan class.

• “Good” – the interface is properly communicating and gets data from a data source (that is, from a directory with files, from a serial port or POP3 server).

• “Intf Shutdown” – the interface was shut down.

See more details in chapters Interface Health Monitoring Points and Performance Counters Points.


See section PI_UFL Redundancy – Failover for details.

Additional PI Software

See section Graphical User Interface (GUI) Facilitating the INI File Creation for details.

Serial-Based Interface

This interface can run with a serial connection when configured with the Serial PlugIn.

Server class machines often have inferior serial ports. Server class machines are not required for most interfaces and should not be used, especially not when serial port connections are required.

Diagram of Hardware Connection

The drawing below depicts the basic configuration of the hardware and software components in a typical scenario used with the PI_UFL Interface:


Figure 1. PI_UFL Configuration Diagram – PI Home Node with PI Interface Node


Figure 2. Hardware Diagram – All PI Software installed on one node

Principles of Operation

A brief description of the basic principles has been given in the Introduction chapter. Following paragraphs have more details:

Interface Startup

At startup, the PI_UFL interface checks the correctness of the specified start up parameters and continues with processing of the configuration (.INI) file. As mentioned in the Introduction chapter, the configuration file tells the PI_UFL interface how to extract and interpret data streams from the given data source. After the interface is started, it performs a series of syntax checks on the message parsing constructions and expressions specified in the .INI file – that is, it compiles it. If errors are found, detailed info about them is written to the output log file and the interface halts. Once the configuration file has been read and successfully compiled, the interface accesses the PI Point database according to the specifications found on the startup command line.

The following paragraphs describe various modes depending on the presence of the following startup parameters - /ps and /tm.

• If the /ps parameter was specified, all PI points with that PointSource will be loaded into the interface’s memory and this list will be continuously updated through the signup for points’ update mechanism. The same is true for points that fit the /tm pattern.

Both parameters (/ps and /tm) thus define the PI points that are loaded while the interface starts.

If neither of the two was specified, no PI points will be loaded at startup. However, the interface will then 'continuously build' its internal tag list out of the TagNames that appear in the data files as they arrive; that is, the list will be created dynamically.

Note: the /ps (as well as the /tm) startup parameters are optional. In other words, PI_UFL can start without them. Sending data to any PI tag is a feature that differentiates PI_UFL from the majority of OSIsoft interfaces!

• When the /ps or /tm are specified, both parameters also make sure the interface will write values only to tags that comply with the given specification; that is, if for instance, the /tm is set and a TagName arrives that does not fit the /tm pattern, the interface will NOT send anything to this tag (neither will it try to create such a tag).

• Simultaneous use of /ps and /tm is NOT supported!

Note: If the configuration file specifies values should be sent to PI via the string pattern in the InstrumentTag (see section InstrumentTag ) – such a tag must already be present in the internal interface’s tag-list. In case it is not, events for this tag will be skipped (will NOT be sent to PI). The reason is that PI Point database is not indexed by the InstrumentTag attribute and any on-line searching via this attribute is potentially expensive. The /ps or the /tm are thus required for addressing via the InstrumentTag.

After the configuration steps and checks during the start-up phase are completed, the interface continues with run-time operations:

Runtime Operations

During run-time, the PI_UFL interface checks, at regular time intervals, whether new input streams (that is: files, emails, ASCII streams on a serial port) appear and if yes, the interface reads them and stores the lines in memory. The "check frequency" is specified as the start-up parameter /f=hh:mm:ss on the command line (for more information on command-line parameters, see the Command-line Parameters section of this manual).

Note: The PI_UFL interface supports just ONE scan class; that is, only one /f is recognized.

The data lines in memory, which were read by the configured PlugIn, are consequently processed by the actual interface. The following bullets shortly discuss what important steps the interface runtime operations consist of:

• PI_UFL interface checks each input line against the filter declarations given in the configuration file. As soon as the input line 'satisfies' any of the specified filters (see the description of the keyword MSG(n).Filter), the line is assigned a certain message type and is consequently broken into individual fields. These fields can be named and treated as variables; they can optionally take part in expressions. Fields (variables) are finally sent to PI via the StoreInPI() function:

StoreInPI (Tag, InstrumentTag, Timestamp, Value, Status, Questionable, [Annotation])

Following is an example, showing the described principles and used terminology:


field(1).name = “time”

field(2).name = “value”

field(3).name = “tag”


msg(1).name = “message1”


message1 = C1==”Line containing *”





message1.action = StoreInPi(tag,,time,value,,)

Note: The text lines are processed by the INI file as if it were a procedure; and the lines as if they were the input parameters.

If the input message does not satisfy any filter definition, it is skipped and NO error is reported.

PlugIn Principles

Which data source will the interface talk to; that is, which DLL it will load is specified in the PLUG-IN entry of the INI file in section [INTERFACE]. The following bullets list the main features implemented in the three installed DLLs: AsciFiles.DLL, Serial.DLL and POP3.DLL.


• Data files are processed in 'settable order' – they can be sorted according to the creation date, modification date and according to the actual file name. The sorting mode is given via the .INI file (see the description of the IFS keyword).

Note: Before the interface opens a data file, it moves it into the directory with the PI_UFL executable and temporarily renames it by prefixing the original name by the underscore and the interface Service ID; then the whole file is read into the memory and the lines are processed. Thus, new files (with the same name) can be copied into the data directory even if the interface is currently processing a file.

• After a data file has been processed, it is renamed with a suffix indicating the time of processing.

• After the given time period, files which have been processed will be deleted. This purge interval is specified by the PURGETIME keyword in the section [PLUG-IN] of the configuration file. The default purging period is one day (PURGETIME = 1d) and the purge time period represents the interval .

Note: Files, which were given the BAD extension, are not purged.


• The Serial PlugIn opens a COM port using parameters specified in the [INTERFACE] section in the INI file.

• After the successful COM port initialization, ASCII characters are 'continuously' collected; in other words, the Serial PlugIn reads them in a separate thread and the collected lines are, at the specified frequency (/f=hh:mm:ss),handed over to the PI_UFL parsing engine for processing.


• The POP3 PlugIn connects to the specified POP3 server as the specified user.

• Emails are periodically downloaded (at the specified frequency /f=hh:mm:ss) and handed over to the PI_UFL parsing engine for processing.

• The processed emails are then deleted from the POP3 server.

• The POP3 PlugIn allows for forwarding the downloaded emails to the specified SMTP server.

Note: The POP3 PlugIn works over a TCP/IP connection using TCP port 110. Communication over the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) on an alternate port 995 (also known as POP3S) is not supported!


In order to simplify the process of migration from the PI BatchFL interface (PI-IN-BF-LAB-NTI) to PI_UFL, version implemented a mode, which allows working with the (fixed) BatchFL data structures without a need to manually create an .INI file. In fact, the PI_UFL GUI (see section Graphical User Interface (GUI) Facilitating the INI File Creation ) can be used for this purpose. See also an examples shown in section Configuration File Example - BatchFL Mode.

• The BatchFL compatible mode does not require a separate DLL. The logic is implemented within the PI_UFL.EXE.

• The main differences between this PlugIn and the ASCII Files PlugIn are as follows:

- the content of the data file is not read into the memory; the data file gets opened and the lines are taken one after the other

- since the data file structure is fixed, the interface bypasses the parsing tree, therefore the performance (ratio of events per second sent to PI) is higher

Note: All operations and evaluations the PI_UFL interface performs are


The exceptions to this rule are timestamp formats (shown in Table 5 in the chapter describing the Field(n).Format) and pattern based extractions, see sections MSG(n).Filter , Data Extraction.

Use of PI SDK

The scope of tasks PI_UFL interface implements is wide; for some features it also requires functionality, which is only implemented in the PI SDK. The interface therefore maintains two links to the PI Server – one based on PI API, the other on PI SDK. The following tasks are done using the PI SDK:

1. Automatic point(s), digital set(s) and digital state(s) creation.

In other words, if a non-existing PI tag-name appears (in the data file) or a digital tag that does not have the given state in its state table, the PI SDK is used to create these objects automatically.

2. Writing to PI annotations.

Next to the value and status, PI_UFL allows sending the annotations to PI tags.

For more information about both above mentioned features, see the appropriate sections in chapter PI_UFL Configuration (INI) File.

Note: Use of the PI SDK requires that the PI Known Server’s Table contains the PI Server name of the node the interface connects to.

Note: The PI SDK link (connection) is created only when needed. If StoreInPI() is used WITHOUT the Annotation argument and the EPC (Enable Point Creation) keyword IS NOT specified, the interface will only establish the PI API link.

[pic] CAUTION! When the PI_UFL interface runs against a High Availability PI Servers, events containing PI Annotations will NOT make it to the non-primary PI Servers. The reason is that neither PI buffer server, nor buffer subsystem support sending annotated events to PI.

Installation Checklist

If you are familiar with running PI data collection interface programs, this checklist helps you get the Interface running. If you are not familiar with PI interfaces, return to this section after reading the rest of the manual in detail.

This checklist summarizes the steps for installing this Interface. You need not perform a given task if you have already done so as part of the installation of another interface. For example, you only have to configure one instance of Buffering for every Interface Node regardless of how many interfaces run on that node.

The Data Collection Steps below are required. Interface Diagnostics and Advanced Interface Features are optional.

Data Collection Steps

1. Confirm that you can use PI SMT to configure the PI Server. You need not run PI SMT on the same computer on which you run this Interface.

3. If you are running the Interface on an Interface Node, edit the PI Server’s Trust Table to allow the Interface to write data.

4. Run the installation kit for PI Interface Configuration Utility (ICU) on the interface node if the ICU will be used to configure the interface. This kit runs the PI SDK installation kit, which installs both the PI API and the PI SDK.Run the installation kit for this Interface.

5. Run the installation kit for this Interface. This kit also runs the PI SDK installation kit which installs both the PI API and the PI SDK if necessary.

6. If you are running the Interface on an Interface Node, check the computer’s time zone properties. An improper time zone configuration can cause the PI Server to reject the data that this Interface writes.

7. Run the ICU and configure a new instance of this Interface. Essential startup parameters for this Interface are:

PI Server (/host=host:port)

Scan Class (/f=##:##;##,offset)

Configuration File (/cf=)

8. Configure the Interface configuration .INI file. See chapters:

PI_UFL Configuration (INI) File and

Graphical User Interface (GUI) Facilitating the INI File Creation

9. If you will use digital points, define the appropriate digital state sets.

10. Build input tags and, if desired, output tags for this Interface. Important point attributes and their use are:

Location1 is not used

Location2 is not used

Location3 is not used

Location4 is not used

Location5 specifies if exception reporting is used and/or the archive mode

ExDesc is not used (except for Health Points).

Convers defines the coefficient that multiplies the PI numeric tags.

InstrumentTag defines the TagName alias.

PointSource defines the PI points that are loaded at interface startup

11. Start the Interface interactively and confirm its successful connection to the PI Server without buffering.

12. Confirm that the Interface collects data successfully.

13. Configure the Interface to run as a Service. Confirm that the Interface runs properly as a Service.

14. Restart the Interface Node and confirm that the Interface restarts.

Interface Diagnostics

1. Configure Scan Class Performance points.

2. Install the PI Performance Monitor Interface (Full Version only) on the Interface Node.

3. Configure Performance Counter points.

4. Configure Health Monitoring points

5. Configure the I/O Rate point.

6. Install and configure the Interface Status Utility on the PI Server Node.

7. Configure the Interface Status point.

Interface Installation

OSIsoft recommends that interfaces be installed on a PI Interface Nodes instead of directly on the PI Server node. A PI Interface Node is any node other than the PI Server node where the PI Application Programming Interface (PI API) has been installed (see the PI API manual). With this approach, the PI Server need not compete with interfaces for the machine’s resources. The primary function of the PI Server is to archive data and to service clients that request data.

After the interface has been installed and tested, Buffering should be enabled on the PI Interface Node. Buffering refers to either PI API Buffer Server (Bufserv) or the PI Buffer Subsystem (PIBufss). For more information about Buffering see the Buffering section of this manual.

In most cases, interfaces on PI Interface Nodes should be installed as automatic services. Services keep running after the user logs off. Automatic services automatically restart when the computer is restarted, which is useful in the event of a power failure.

The guidelines are different if an interface is installed on the PI Server node. In this case, the typical procedure is to install the PI Server as an automatic service and install the interface as an automatic service that depends on the PI Update Manager and PI Network Manager services. This typical scenario assumes that Buffering is not enabled on the PI Server node. Bufserv can be enabled on the PI Server node so that interfaces on the PI Server node do not need to be started and stopped in conjunction with PI, but it is not standard practice to enable buffering on the PI Server node. The PI Buffer Subsystem can also be installed on the PI Server. See the UniInt Interface User Manual for special procedural information.

Naming Conventions and Requirements

In the installation procedure below, it is assumed that the name of the interface executable is PI_UFL.exe and that the startup command file is called PI_UFL.bat.

When Configuring the Interface Manually

It is customary for the user to rename the executable and the startup command file when multiple copies of the interface are run. For example, PI_UFL1.exe and PI_UFL1.bat would typically be used for interface number 1, PI_UFL2.exe and PI_UFL2.bat for interface number 2, and so on. When an interface runs as a service, the executable and the command file must have the same root name because the service looks for its command-line parameters in a file that has the same root name.

Interface Directories

PIHOME Directory Tree

32-bit Interfaces

The [PIHOME] directory tree is defined by the PIHOME entry in the pipc.ini configuration file. This pipc.ini file is an ASCII text file, which is located in the %windir% directory.

For 32-bit Operating Systems a typical pipc.ini file contains the following lines:


PIHOME=C:\Program Files\PIPC

For 64-bit Operating Systems a typical pipc.ini file contains the following lines:


PIHOME=C:\Program Files (X86)\PIPC

The above lines define the \Program Files\PIPC directory as the root of the PIHOME directory tree on the C: drive. OSIsoft recommends using \Program Files\pipc as the root directory name. The PIHOME directory does not need to be on the C: drive.

Interface Installation Directory

The interface install kit will automatically install the interface to:


PIHOME is defined in the pipc.ini file.

Interface Installation Procedure

The PI_UFL Interface setup program uses the services of the Microsoft Windows Installer. Windows Installer is a standard part of Windows 2000 and greater operating systems. To install, run the appropriate installation kit.

32-bit Interface


Installing Interface as a Windows Service

The PI_UFL Interface service can be created, preferably, with the PI Interface Configuration Utility, or can be created manually.

Installing Interface Service with PI Interface Configuration Utility

The PI Interface Configuration Utility provides a user interface for creating, editing, and deleting the interface service:


Figure 3. PI ICU

Service Configuration

Service name

The Service name box shows the name of the current interface service. This service name is obtained from the interface executable.


This is the service id used to distinguish multiple instances of the same interface using the same executable.

Note: For PI_UFL, the service ID must be a number!

Display name

The Display Name text box shows the current Display Name of the interface service. If there is currently no service for the selected interface, the default Display Name is the service name with a "PI- " prefix. Users may specify a different Display Name. OSIsoft suggests that the prefix "PI- " be appended to the beginning of the interface to indicate that the service is part of the OSIsoft suite of products.

Log on as

The Log on as text box shows the current Log on as Windows User Account of the interface service. If the service is configured to use the Local System account, the Log on as text box will show LocalSystem. Users may specify a different Windows User account for the service to use.


If a Windows User account is entered in the Log on as text box, then a password must be provided in the Password text box, unless the account requires no password.

Confirm password

If a password is entered in the Password text box, then it must be confirmed in the Confirm Password text box.


The Installed services list is a list of the services currently installed on this machine. Services upon which this interface is dependent should be moved into the Dependencies list using the [pic] button. For example, if API Buffering is running, then Bufserv should be selected from the list at the right and added to the list on the left. To remove a service from the list of dependencies, use the [pic] button, and the service name will be removed from the Dependencies list.

When the interface is started (as a service), the services listed in the dependency list will be verified as running (or an attempt will be made to start them). If the dependent service(s) cannot be started for any reason, then the interface service will not run.

Note: Please see the PI Log and Windows Event Logger for messages that may indicate the cause for any service not running as expected.

[pic] - Add Button

To add a dependency from the list of Installed services, select the dependency name, and click the Add button.

[pic] - Remove Button

To remove a selected dependency, highlight the service name in the Dependencies list, and click the Remove button.

The full name of the service selected in the Installed services list is displayed below the Installed services list box.

Startup Type

The Startup Type indicates whether the interface service will start automatically or needs to be started manually on reboot.

• If the Auto option is selected, the service will be installed to start automatically when the machine reboots.

• If the Manual option is selected, the interface service will not start on reboot, but will require someone to manually start the service.

• If the Disabled option is selected, the service will not start at all.

Generally, interface services are set to start automatically.


The Create button adds the displayed service with the specified Dependencies and with the specified Startup Type.


The Remove button removes the displayed service. If the service is not currently installed, or if the service is currently running, this button will be grayed out.

Start or Stop Service

The toolbar contains a Start button [pic] and a Stop button [pic]. If this interface service is not currently installed, these buttons will remain grayed out until the service is added. If this interface service is running, the Stop button is available. If this service is not running, the Start button is available.

The status of the Interface service is indicated in the lower portion of the PI ICU dialog.


Installing Interface Service Manually

Help for installing the interface as a service is available at any time with the command: PI_UFL.exe -help

Open a Windows command prompt window and change to the directory where the PI_UFL1.exe executable is located. Then, consult the following table to determine the appropriate service installation command.

|Windows Service Installation Commands on a PI Interface Node or a PI Server Node with Bufserv implemented |

|Manual service |PI_UFL.exe -install -depend "tcpip bufserv" |

|Automatic service |PI_UFL.exe -install -auto -depend "tcpip bufserv" |

|*Automatic service with service|PI_UFL.exe -serviceid X -install -auto -depend "tcpip bufserv" |

|id | |

|Windows Service Installation Commands on a PI Interface Node or a PI Server Nodewithout Bufserv implemented |

|Manual service |PI_UFL.exe -install -depend tcpip |

|Automatic service |PI_UFL.exe -install -auto -depend tcpip |

|*Automatic service with service|PI_UFL.exe -serviceid X -install -auto -depend tcpip |

|id | |

*When specifying service id, the user must include an id number.

Check the Microsoft Windows Services control panel to verify that the service was added successfully. The services control panel can be used at any time to change the interface from an automatic service to a manual service or vice versa.

Digital States

For more information regarding Digital States, refer to the PI Server documentation.

Digital State Sets

PI digital states are discrete values represented by strings. These strings are organized in PI as digital state sets. Each digital state set is a user-defined list of strings, enumerated from 0 to n to represent different values of discrete data. For more information about PI digital tags and editing digital state sets, see the PI Server manuals.

An interface point that contains discrete data can be stored in PI as a digital tag. A Digital tag associates discrete data with a digital state set, as specified by the user.

System Digital State Set

Similar to digital state sets is the system digital state set. This set is used for all tags, regardless of type to indicate the state of a tag at a particular time. For example, if the interface receives bad data from an interface point, it writes the system digital state bad input to PI instead of a value. The system digital state set has many unused states that can be used by the interface and other PI clients. Digital States 193-320 are reserved for OSIsoft applications.

PI_UFL and Digital States

PI_UFL interface uses the /des=# startup parameter, where # is the number from the PI System digital state set, in case it is NOT possible to translate a string into the particular digital state (e.g. the arrived string does not exist in the corresponding digital set).

Note: Along with the automatic tag and digital sets creation, PI_UFL is also able to dynamically extend the digital sets; that means, it will automatically add new digital states at run-time. See section [MSG] later in the manual.


The PointSource is a unique, single or multi-character string that is used to identify the PI point as a point that belongs to a particular interface. For example, the string Boiler1 may be used to identify points that belong to the MyInt Interface. To implement this, the PointSource attribute would be set to Boiler1 for every PI Point that is configured for the MyInt Interface. Then, if /ps=Boiler1 is used on the startup command-line of the MyInt Interface, the Interface will search the PI Point Database upon startup for every PI point that is configured with a PointSource of Boiler1. Before an interface loads a point, the interface usually performs further checks by examining additional PI point attributes to determine whether a particular point is valid for the interface. For additional information, see the /ps parameter. If the PI API version being used is prior to 1.6.x or the PI Server version is prior to 3.4.370.x, the PointSource is limited to a single character unless the SDK is being used.

PI_UFL differentiates from other OSISoft interfaces in its ability to operate on all tags that exist in the PI Point database. Moreover, the interface automatically creates PI tags as it encounters a TagName that cannot be located in the PI Point database; more about creating points can be found in chapter [MSG] later in the manual.

At the beginning of this document, in the chapter on Principles of Operation, it was shortly described how the interface behaves in relation to the startup parameters /ps and /tm. Both are meant to optimize the runtime performance in terms of minimizing the access to the PI Point database as well as they restrict sending data to the specified tags.

Note: As the interface maintains its internal cache of tags, which consists of names that were already used in data files, the run-time performance overhead stemming from accessing the PI point database is not that significant and the interface can easily operate without the startup parameters /ps, /tm.

Case-sensitivity for PointSource Attribute

The PointSource character that is supplied with the /ps command-line parameter is not case sensitive. That is, /ps=U and /ps=u are equivalent.

Reserved Point Sources

Several subsystems and applications that are shipped with PI are associated with default PointSource characters. The Totalizer Subsystem uses the PointSource character T, the Alarm Subsystem uses G and @, Random uses R, RampSoak uses 9, and the Performance Equations Subsystem uses C. Do not use these PointSource characters or change the default point source characters for these applications. Also, if a PointSource character is not explicitly defined when creating a PI point; the point is assigned a default PointSource character of Lab (PI 3). Therefore, it would be confusing to use Lab as the PointSource character for an interface.

Note: It is not recommended to use a point source character that is already associated with another interface program.

PI Point Configuration

The PI point is the basic building block for controlling data flow to and from the PI Server. A single point is configured for each measurement value that needs to be archived.

Point Attributes

Use the point attributes below to define the PI Point configuration for the Interface, including specifically what data to transfer.


The Tag attribute (or TagName) is the name for a point. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the name of a point and the point itself. Because of this relationship, PI documentation uses the terms “tag” and “point” interchangeably.

Follow these rules for naming PI points:

• The name must be unique on the PI Server.

• The first character must be alphanumeric, the underscore (_), or the percent sign (%).

• Control characters such as linefeeds or tabs are illegal.

• The following characters also are illegal: * ’ ? ; { } [ ] | \ ` ‘ “


Depending on the version of the PI API and the PI Server, this Interface supports tags whose length is at most 255 or 1023 characters. The following table indicates the maximum length of this attribute for all the different combinations of PI API and PI Server versions.

|PI API |PI Server |Maximum Length |

| or higher |3.4.370.x or higher |1023 |

| or higher |Below 3.4.370.x |255 |

|Below |3.4.370.x or higher |255 |

|Below |Below 3.4.370.x |255 |

Table 1. TagName Length

If the PI Server version is earlier than 3.4.370.x or the PI API version is earlier than, and you want to use a maximum tag length of 1023.


The PointSource is a unique, single or multi-character string that is used to identify the PI point as a point that belongs to a particular interface. For additional information, see the /ps command-line parameter and the PointSource section.

While the PI_UFL interface may collect data without regard to the PointSource, this attribute is NOT required to be set when creating the point. However, it is recommended to assign a certain PointSource to a point that is known to receive data through the PI_UFL interface. For additional information, see the /ps command-line parameter described in the Command-line Parameters section of the manual.


Typically, the types of values read from the data files do not need to correspond to PI point types. For example, integer values read from a file can be sent to a Float32 point or to Digital PI tags. Similarly, a float value read from a file can be sent to integer or Digital PI tags, although the values will be usually truncated. The following types are supported:

float16, float32, float64, int16, int32, digital, string.

For more information on the individual point types, see PI Data Archive for NT and UNIX.

Note: Blob and Timestamp types are NOT supported by the PI_UFL interface!


Location1 is not used by this interface.


Location2 is not used by this interface.


Location3 is not used by this interface.


Location4 is not used by this interface.


Note: Location5 is only taken into account when NO bulk calls are made. In other words, neither /lb nor /lbs start-up parameters are set.

Note: When StoreInPI() does have the annotation parameter (PI SDK calls), the exception reporting does NOT occur!

Exception specification parameters are neither taken into account when /lb,/lbs start-up parameters are used or Location5 = 1 or 2.

Location5 determines how the value will be sent to PI. Two modes are recognized:

In-order data: newvalue.timestamp >= prevvalue.timestamp

Out-of-order data: newvalue.timestamp < prevvalue.timestamp

The table below summarizes the supported options:

|Location5 |Behavior |

|0 |In-order data – the interface does the exception reporting in the standard way. |

| |Out-of-order data is supported, but existing archive values cannot be replaced; there |

| |will be the -109 error in the pimessagelog when the same timestamp is used. |

|1 |In-order data – the interface gives up the exception reporting – each retrieved value is|

| |sent to PI; |

| |Out-of-order data – the existing archive values (same timestamps) will be replaced and |

| |new events will be inserted. For PI3.3+ servers the existing snapshot data (the current |

| |value of a tag) is replaced. For PI3.2 (or earlier) systems the snapshot values cannot |

| |be replaced. In this case the new value is added and the old value remains. |

| |Note: When there are more events in the PI archive at the same timestamp, only one |

| |event is overwritten – the first in the succession. |

|2 |If the data comes in-order – the behavior is the same as with Location5=1 |

| |Out-of-order data – values are always inserted; that is, multiple values at the same |

| |timestamp can occur. |

Table 2. Location5 Settings



Depending on the version of the PI API and the PI Server, this Interface supports an InstrumentTag attribute whose length is at most 32 or 1023 characters. The following table indicates the maximum length of this attribute for all the different combinations of PI API and PI Server versions.

|PI API |PI Server |Maximum Length |

| or higher |3.4.370.x or higher |1023 |

| or higher |Below 3.4.370.x |32 |

|Below |3.4.370.x or higher |32 |

|Below |Below 3.4.370.x |32 |



Depending on the version of the PI API and the PI Server, this Interface supports an Extended Descriptor attribute whose length is at most 32 or 1023 characters. The following table indicates the maximum length of this attribute for all the different combinations of PI API and PI Server versions.

|PI API |PI Server |Maximum Length |

| or higher |3.4.370.x or higher |1023 |

| or higher |Below 3.4.370.x |80 |

|Below |3.4.370.x or higher |80 |

|Below |Below 3.4.370.x |80 |

Performance Points

The extended descriptor is checked for the string "PERFORMANCE_POINT ". If this character string is found, PI_UFL treats this point as a performance point. See the section called Scan Class Performance Points.


Coefficient applied against the value of the PI numeric tags; that is:

float16, float32, float64, int16, int32.

Their value is multiplied by the Convers parameter.


By default, the Scan attribute has a value of 1, which means that scanning is turned on for the point. Setting the scan attribute to 0 turns scanning off. If the scan attribute is 0 when the interface starts, a message is written to the pipc.log and the tag is not loaded by the interface. There is one exception to the previous statement.

If any PI Point is removed from the interface while the interface is running (including setting the scan attribute to 0), SCAN OFF will be written to the PI Point regardless of the value of the Scan attribute. Two examples of actions that would remove a PI Point from an interface are to change the point source or set the scan attribute to 0. If an interface specific attribute is changed that causes the tag to be rejected by the interface, SCAN OFF will be written to the PI point.


The Shutdown attribute is 1 (true) by default. The default behavior of the PI Shutdown subsystem is to write the SHUTDOWN digital state to all PI points when PI is started. The timestamp that is used for the SHUTDOWN events is retrieved from a file that is updated by the Snapshot Subsystem. The timestamp is usually updated every 15 minutes, which means that the timestamp for the SHUTDOWN events will be accurate to within 15 minutes in the event of a power failure. For additional information on shutdown events, refer to PI Server manuals.

Note: The SHUTDOWN events that are written by the PI Shutdown subsystem are independent of the SHUTDOWN events that are written by the interface when the /stopstat=Shutdown command-line parameter is specified.

SHUTDOWN events can be disabled from being written to PI when PI is restarted by setting the Shutdown attribute to 0 for each point. Alternatively, the default behavior of the PI Shutdown Subsystem can be changed to write SHUTDOWN events only for PI points that have their Shutdown attribute set to 0. To change the default behavior, edit the \PI\dat\Shutdown.dat file, as discussed in PI Server manuals.

Bufserv and PIBufSS

It is undesirable to write shutdown events when buffering is being used. Bufserv and PIBufSS are utility programs that provide the capability to store and forward events to a PI Server, allowing continuous data collection when the Server is down for maintenance, upgrades, backups, and unexpected failures. That is, when PI is shutdown, Bufserv or PIBufSS will continue to collect data for the interface, making it undesirable to write SHUTDOWN events to the PI points for this interface. Disabling Shutdown is recommended when sending data to a Highly Available PI Server Collective. Refer to the Bufserv or PIBufSS manuals for additional information.

Output Points

This Interface does NOT support Output Points!

Startup Command File

Command-line parameters can begin with a / or with a -. For example, the /ps=U and -ps=U command-line parameters are equivalent.

For Windows, command file names have a .bat extension. The Windows continuation character (^) allows for the use of multiple lines for the startup command. The maximum length of each line is 1024 characters (1 kilobyte). The number of parameters is unlimited, and the maximum length of each parameter is 1024 characters.

The PI Interface Configuration Utility (PI ICU) provides a tool for configuring the Interface startup command file.

Configuring the Interface with PI ICU

Note: PI ICU requires PI 3.3 or greater

The PI Interface Configuration Utility provides a graphical user interface for configuring PI interfaces. If the interface is configured by the PI ICU, the batch file of the interface (PI_UFL.bat) will be maintained by the PI ICU and all configuration changes will be kept in that file and the module database. The procedure below describes the necessary steps for using PI ICU to configure the PI_UFL Interface.

From the PI ICU menu, select Interface, then New Windows Interface Instance from EXE..., and then Browse to the PI_UFL.exe executable file. Then, enter values for Point Source and Interface ID#. A window such as the following results:


"Interface name as displayed in the ICU (optional)" will have PI- pre-pended to this name and it will be the display name in the services menu.

Click on Add.

The following display should appear:


Note that in this example the Host PI System is mkellyD630. To configure the interface to communicate with a remote PI Server, select ‘Interface => Connections…’ item from PI ICU menu and select the default server. If the remote node is not present in the list of servers, it can be added.

Once the interface is added to PI ICU, near the top of the main PI ICU screen, the Interface Type should be PI_UFL. If not, use the drop-down box to change the Interface Type to be UFL.

Click on Apply to enable the PI ICU to manage this copy of the Interface UFL.


The next step is to make selections in the interface-specific tab (i.e. UFL) that allow the user to enter values for the startup parameters that are particular to the PI UFL Interface.

To set up the interface as a Windows Service, use the Service page. This page allows configuration of the interface to run as a service as well as to starting and stopping of the interface. The interface can also be run interactively from the PI ICU. To do that go to menu, select the Interface item and then Start Interactive.

For more detailed information on how to use the above-mentioned and other PI ICU pages and selections, please refer to the PI Interface Configuration Utility User Manual. The next section describes the selections that are available from the UFL page. Once selections have been made on the PI ICU GUI, press the Apply button in order for PI ICU to make these changes to the interface’s startup file.

UFL Interface page

Since the startup file of the PI_UFL Interface is maintained automatically by the PI ICU, use the UFL page to configure the startup parameters and do not make changes in the file manually. The following is the description of interface configuration parameters used in the PI ICU Control and corresponding manual parameters.



The PI UFL ICU Control for PI ICU has 1 section. A yellow text box indicates that an invalid value has been entered, or that a required value has not been entered.

Configuration File

Enter the name of the INI file to use with this instance of the interface or click on the browse button[pic]. The command line equivalent is /cf=.

Send data to PI Archive

LaBoratory. If this parameter is present, the interface will store the data directly to the PI Archive. In case some events already exist at the given timestamp, they will be by default replaced. See the /am at the beginning of this table on how to change the mode. This archive mode is then used for all tags (regardless of Location5 of individual tags). The command line equivalent is /lb.

Note: Usage of /lb and /lbs has several consequences:

- when set, the events are cached in the interface and the cache is flushed (events are sent to PI) before each scan class or when the cache is full (see the /ws /wd for more details). The consequence of this logic is that the interface cannot “react” on a run-time error like for example “Target Date In Future” or “Point does not Exist”, when it comes to storing the problematic line to MSGINERROR file. In other words, the interface cannot store the “erroneous” lines into the MSGINERROR file, because these errors are “discovered” only when the buffer is flushed) and, at this time, it is already too late to assign the problematic events to the original input lines.

- thanks to the caching, the event ratio (number of events sent to PI per second) is much higher compared to event by event execution

- /lb or /lbs and setting of Location5 also cause no exception filtering occurs

Laboratory Snapshots

LaBoratory Snapshot. Events are sent to PI through the PI Snapshot in bulks. The event ratio is then significantly faster comparing to the event-by-event sending, which occurs when neither /lbs nor /lb are present. The command line equivalent is /lbs.

Archive Mode

When the PI API bulk calls are configured (see the /lb) the following modes can be specified:

3 (ARCNOREPLACE) add unless event(s) exist at same time (PI 2.x).

4 (ARCAPPEND) add event regardless of existing events.

5 (ARCREPLACE) add event, replace if event at same time.

6 (ARCREPLACEX) replace existing event (fail if no event at time).

7 (ARCDELETE) remove existing event.

8 (ARCAPPENDX) add event regardless of existing events, with no compression.

The command line equivalent is /am=#, Default: 5 (ARCREPLACE).

Note: This startup parameter does not apply when the values are sent through the PI SDK call (StoreInPI() and it contains the annotation parameter). For PI SDK calls the archive mode is specified through the Location5.

Read Before Overwrite

Check this box to enable the read before overwrite function. This mode of operation will do an archive read first (to see if the value exists at the given timestamp) and will send the new value only if it is different. Also, this mode only works when Location5=1 and neither /lb nor /lbs start up parameters are set. The reason is that /lb and /lbs mean sending data in bulks and some events thus may still not be in PI Archives when the reading occurs. The command line equivalent is /rbo.

Use UTC Timestamps

When specified; the timestamps read from the data file are forwarded to PI as UTC timestamps. The command line equivalent is /utc.

Ignore Missing Tags

Ignore Missing Tags. In case the tag does not exist in PI, do not print any error message. The command line equivalent is /imt.

Run Once and Exit

If present, the interface executes once and exits. For the PlugIn ASCIIFiles it means it processes the existing files in the given directory and exits; for the PlugIn POP3 it processes all the existing emails and exits. For the Serial PlugIn this start-up parameter does not make sense. The command line equivalent is /runonce.

Launch UFLDesigner.exe

This button when clicked will start the UFLDesigner.exe program to help in the configuration of the INI file.

Tag Mask

When specified, the interface will load all points matching this tag mask prior to run-time operation. This is especially useful:

• when using the InstrumentTag to identify the tags to store data in

• when it is required to limit the write operations to a subset of tags

The tag mask complies to the PI Tag Search rules; that means, the wildcard characters are * or ?. The command line equivalent is /tm=.

Default Error Status

Default Error Status. This status will be stored in PI when the digital status string cannot be translated. N is the index of the desired state from the PI System Digital Set. The command line equivalent is /des=#.

Note: This startup parameter does closely relate to the MSG(n).DIGITALSET keyword. If the /des=# is present, the interface will NOT try to automatically extend the digital sets when the non-existing state arrives. The specified index (#) to the system digital state will be used instead.

Write Delay (ms)

Write Delay, in milliseconds, between two bulk writes to the PI archive. This is used to tune the load on the PI Archive and the network. See also the /ws=# below. The command line equivalent is /wd=#, Default: 10 milliseconds.

Write Size (# events)

Write Size. Maximum number of values written in one (bulk) call to the PI Archive.

This parameter can be used to tune (throttle) the load on the PI Archive.

With the PI_UFL, it is possible to load huge amounts of data in a short time; for example, when loading files covering a long time periods, the /ws /wd can be used to throttle the load. The command line equivalent is /ws=#, Default: 10240.

Command-line Parameters

|Parameter |Description |

|/am=# |Archive Mode. |

|Optional |When the PI API bulk archive calls are configured (see the /lb) ; the following modes |

| |can be specified: |

| |3 (ARCNOREPLACE) add unless event(s) exist at same time (PI 2.x). |

| |4 (ARCAPPEND) add event regardless of existing events. |

| |5 (ARCREPLACE) add event, replace if event at same time. |

| |6 (ARCREPLACEX) replace existing event (fail if no event at time). |

| |7 (ARCDELETE) remove existing event. |

| |8 (ARCAPPENDX) add event regardless of existing events, with no compression. |

| |Default is 5 (ARCREPLACE). |

| |Note: This startup parameter does not apply when values are sent through the PI SDK |

| |call (StoreInPI() contains the annotation parameter). For PI SDK calls the archive |

| |mode is specified through the Location5. |

|/cf=xxx.yyy |The full path pointing to the Configuration File. |

|Required | |

|/des=# |Default Error Status. This status will be stored in PI when the digital status string |

|Optional |cannot be translated. N is the index of the desired state from the PI System Digital |

| |Set. |

| |Note: This startup parameter does closely relate to the MSG(n).DIGITALSET keyword. If|

| |the /des=# is present, the interface will NOT try to automatically extend the digital |

| |sets when the non-existing state arrives. The specified index (#) to the system |

| |digital state will be used instead. |

|/disablecounters |Disable writing to performance counters. |

|Optional | |

|/f=HH:MM:SS |The /f parameter defines the time period between scans in terms of hours HH, minutes |

|Or |MM, and seconds SS. |

|/f=SS | |

|Required |Example of one minute scan class: /f=00:01:00 |

| |Note: With the PI_UFL interface, only the first instance of the /f flag on the command|

| |line is taken into account! |

| |Unlike other OSIsoft interfaces, which are UniInt based, PI_UFL does NOT support |

| |offset (to support scans at discrete moments in time)! |

|/host=host:port |The /host parameter is used to specify the PI Home node. Host is the IP address of |

|Required |the PI Sever node or the domain name of the PI Server node. Port is the port number |

| |for TCP/IP communication. The port is always 5450. It is recommended to explicitly |

| |define the host and port on the command-line with the /host parameter. Nevertheless, |

| |if either the host or port is not specified, the interface will attempt to use |

| |defaults. |

| |Examples: |

| |The interface is running on a PI Interface Node, the domain name of the PI home node |

| |is Marvin, and the IP address of Marvin is Valid /host parameters would|

| |be: |

| |/host=marvin |

| |/host=marvin:5450 |

| |/host= |

| |/host= |

|/imt |Ignore Missing Tags. In case the tag does not exist in PI, do not print any error |

|Optional |message. |

|/lb |LaBoratory. Events are written directly to PI Archive in bulks. The event ratio is |

|Optional |then significantly faster comparing to the event-by-event sending, which occurs when |

| |no /lb neither /lbs is present. The /am is used to specify which archive mode will be |

| |used. |

|/lbs |LaBoratory Snapshot. Events are sent to PI through the PI Snapshot in bulks. The event|

|Optional |ratio is then significantly faster comparing to the event-by-event sending, which |

| |occurs when neither /lbs nor /lb is present. |

|/perf=# |The /perf parameter specifies the interval between output of performance summary |

|Default: 8 hours |information in hours. With PI_UFL, this start-up parameter is used in relation to |

|Optional |performance counters. |

|/ps=x |The /ps parameter specifies the point source for the interface. X is not case |

|Required |sensitive and can be any single/multiple character string. For example, /ps=U and |

| |/ps=u are equivalent. |

| |The point source that is assigned with the /ps parameter corresponds to the |

| |PointSource attribute of individual PI Points. The interface will attempt to load only|

| |those PI points with the appropriate point source. |

| |If the PI API version being used is prior to 1.6.x or the PI Server version is prior |

| |to 3.4.370.x, the PointSource is limited to a single character unless the SDK is being|

| |used. |

|/rbo |Read Before Overwrite. This mode of operation will do an archive read first (to see if|

|Optional |the value exists at the given timestamp) and will send the new value only if it is |

| |different. Also, this mode only works when Location5=1 and NO /lb, /lbs start up |

| |parameters are set. The reason is that /lb, /lbs means sending data in bulks and some|

| |events may still not be in PI Archives when the reading occurs. |

| |Note: In the current PI_UFL version the /rbo does NOT have any effect when events are|

| |sent to PI through PI SDK calls! |

|/runonce |If present, the interface executes once and exits. For the PlugIn ASCIIFiles it means |

|Optional |it processes the existing files in the given directory and exits; for the PlugIn POP3 |

| |it processes all the existing emails and exits. For the Serial PlugIn this start-up |

| |parameter does not make sense. |

|/tm=xxx* |Tag Mask. |

|Or |When specified, the interface will load all points matching this tag mask prior to |

|/tm="xxx xxx*" |run-time operation. This is especially useful : |

|Optional |- when using the InstrumentTag to identify the tags to store data in |

| |- when it is required to limit the write operations to a subset of tags |

| |The tag mask complies to the PI Tag Search rules; that means, |

| |the wildcard characters are * or ?. |

|/utc |Universal Time Coordinated |

|Optional |When specified; the timestamps read from the data file are forwarded to PI as UTC |

| |timestamps. |

|/wd=# |Write Delay, in milliseconds, between two bulk writes to the PI archive. Default is |

|Optional |10ms. Used to tune the load on the PI Archive and the network. See also the /ws=# |

| |below. |

|/ws=# |Write Size. Maximum number of values written in one (bulk) call to the PI Archive; |

|Optional |default is 10240 events per bulk. |

| |This parameter can be used to tune (throttle) the load on the PI Archive. |

| | |

| |With the UFL, it is possible to load huge amounts of data in a short time; for |

| |example, when loading files covering a long time periods, the /ws /wd can be used to |

| |throttle the load. |

Table 3. PI_UFL start-up Parameters

Sample PI_UFL.bat File

The following is an example file:




REM Sample startup file for the Universal File and Stream Loader

REM Interface



REM OSIsoft strongly recommends using PI ICU to modify startup files.



/host=XXXXXX:5450 ^

/f=00:01:00 ^

/cf="C:\Program Files\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\pi_ufl_cfg.ini"


REM End of PI_UFL.bat file

PI_UFL Configuration (INI) File

PI_UFL interface uses the configuration file to describe how to interpret the individual input files. The configuration file is referenced by the mandatory startup parameter /cf=full_path. Its content is divided into sections (enclosed in square brackets) and each section can contain any number of parameters (parameters begin with a keyword, followed by the equals sign and a value) underneath. The configuration file thus resembles the structure of a standard Windows INI file[2]). Refer to Appendices B-D for configuration examples and further discussion. Configuration file examples, data file examples and batch startup files are also included with this interface in the directories

PIHOME\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Examples and PIHOME\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Examples\Data\.

In the following paragraphs we will discuss the individual sections and key definitions in detail:


As stated in the Introduction chapter, the configuration file allows the interface to process a variety of ASCII patterns. Examples are comma separated (csv) files, data files with tabular content, inputs with (simple) XML structures, ASCII streams from serial ports and emails from POP3 servers. The interface design assumes the input streams must have a coherent and consistent structure that can be described by means of the configuration file. A repeating part of the input stream is a message; if a particular message is recognized, it is assigned a certain message type. Such a message is further on divided into (one or more) fields, which must be sufficiently described so that the interface can treat them as variables; that is, variables need a data type (DateTime, String, Number,..); some also need a format (e.g. DateTime). See the picture in section Runtime Operations.

For example, a field that contains a date/time string needs further information that tells the interface how to transform this string pattern into a valid timestamp. All these declarations and format specifications must be stated in the configuration file.

Besides the data extraction directives, the configuration file contains additional (optional) sections that influence the interface behavior; e.g., definition of the line termination characters, interface logging, etc. All the configuration file sections and their keywords are detailed in this chapter and more complex examples (with detailed description on how the interface processes them) can be found in the appendices to this document.


Both, comment lines and blank lines can be included in a configuration file. Such comment lines placed in the configuration file are there for the benefit of the person doing the configuration, and for other people who might examine the file later. The PI_UFL interface ignores both, blank lines as well as all characters following a comment character on a line (comment characters within a string, double quotes, are ignored) through the line end. The comment character is the apostrophe ' (ASCII code: 39).

Example of Comment Lines




' QTY+46:-140:KWH

' ¦-'¦--'¦--'¦--'

' ¦ ¦ ¦ +> Units, KWH

' ¦ ¦ +> actual quantity

' ¦ +> Delivered quantity code


Line Continuation

Data in the configuration file can be split over several lines. For this purpose, the line continuation character _ (underscore, ASCII code: 95) must be used.

Example of Line Continuation

message1.filter = C1=="Line containing *" And _


The following paragraphs will give a detailed overview of the individual sections and keywords the INI file consists of.


PI_UFL interface has a modular design. It consists of a generic frame, responsible for parsing the ASCII data patterns and stream handling and of a module that takes care of communication with the PI Server. In addition, the modules for accessing the individual data sources (ASCII files, Serial ports, etc.) are implemented in separate Dynamically Linked Libraries (DLLs). In the [INTERFACE] section of the configuration file, one has to specify the appropriate DLL name, which contains the logic for communication with the given data source. The individual keywords are listed below.

In its basic configuration, PI_UFL interface is shipped as the actual executable PI_UFL.exe and three DLLs. One implements communication with ASCII files ASCIIFiles.dll, the second one with serial ports Serial.dll and the third one implements downloading emails from POP3 servers POP3.DLL. The following keyword is recognized in order to distinguish, which DLL to load:


One instance of the interface can only talk to one data source. That means, the interface either scans a directory looking for the ASCII files of the given pattern in their names, or it communicates with (one) serial port or POP3 server.

The following are valid values for the PLUG-IN keyword.





Default setting is ASCIIFiles.dll.

Plug-In Example:

Plug-In = ASCIIFiles.dll

Note: The specified DLL has to be in the same directory as the PI_UFL.EXE


In case the ASCIIFiles.dll is specified in the [INTERFACE] section, the following keywords are used to read and process the content of data files:


File extension in case of an file handling error. If a data file cannot be opened, read or renamed, the interface will try to rename it with the specified suffix.

The default error suffix is ERR.

Note: The renaming schema has changed compared to PI_UFL version 2.x. In PI_UFL 2.x, the data file was suffixed with the specified ERR endings always when there was a problem with reading the content, parsing it as well as sending individual events to PI. This approach proved to be inefficient, because it was difficult to locate a concrete line in the data file, which caused the error. PI_UFL version 3.x offers a separate file, which stores the erroneous lines. See the MSGINERROR for more details.

Err Example:

Err = BAD


Input File Mask. The keyword points to a directory with data files. The file name pattern can contain the wild-card character *, or be without it.

Examples below show some of the supported constructs:

IFM Example:

IFM = C:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Data\data.txt

' or

IFM = C:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Data\data*.txt

' or

IFM = \\computerName\shareName\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Data\*.txt

Note: This keyword is mandatory.

Note: Only one directory can be used when scanning files for a given interface instance.


Input File Sort. The order of the data files can be changed by the IFS keyword.

The interface can read the data files sorted according to:

Creation date (default) IFS=C

Modification date IFS=M

File Name IFS=N

IFS Example:



By default, a stream is read until the carriage return–linefeed (CRLF, ASCII codes: 13 and 10) – the default line termination for ASCII files is encountered. However, it is useful to have the possibility to specify 'whatever' marker for the line end.

The NEWLINE keyword allows the user to specify a different set of line-end character(s):

NEWLINE Example:

NEWLINE = "event end>"

' or


' or

NEWLINE = 13,10

' or

NEWLINE = 13,10 OR 83,84,79,80

The following rules apply:

• The NEWLINE keyword is followed by one or more characters (characters can be enclosed in double quotes). The combination of all specified characters is then interpreted as the line end.

• Multiple OR-ed strings (enclosed in double quotes)

• The string comparisons are case SENSITIVE.

• Numbers are interpreted as ASCII codes separated by commas. Between commas, there cannot be any whitespaces.

• Multiple successions of ASCII codes (comma separated).

Successions can be OR-ed

• It is not possible to combine the characters and ASCII codes; that is, the following definition is NOT valid:

NEWLINE = "event end> 13,10"

• The default is CRLF; that is: 13,10

• The specified (line-end) characters are excluded from the message.

This way it is possible to configure the non-printable characters or characters that have a special meaning, like a white space, a single quote ', etc.

Note: See Appendix H: ASCII Codes Supported for a list of supported ASCII codes.

The maximum line length supported by PI_UFL interface is 10K (10240) characters!


Prepend File Name. If this keyword is present, the PlugIn will add the filename as the first line read. The filename is included as the first line in the read stream.

For better filtering of such line, the filename can be prefixed with the specified string pattern. See the keyword Pfn_Prefix below. Default value is false.

PFN Example:

' Data File Name: Data.txt

' UFL_Tag1, 01-Feb-2007 15 :00 :00, 123

' UFL_Tag2, 01-Feb-2007 15 :00 :00, 456

' …

' The interface will get :

' Data.txt

' UFL_Tag1, 01-Feb-2007 15 :00 :00, 123

' UFL_Tag2, 01-Feb-2007 15 :00 :00, 456

' …

PFN = True


This may be useful when the filename is included with the PFN keyword. It may be of use to add a prefix to distinguish the filename line from the other lines in the data file.

Default value is FileName>

PFN_Prefix Example:

' Data File Name: Data.txt

' …

' The interface will get:

' FileName>Data.txt

' …

PFN_Prefix = FileName>


Purge Time. Specify the amount of time to wait before purging processed data files. The time specified is relative to the current (local) time on the Interface Node and is compared against the to-be-purged file processed time. Default is one day – 1d. The minimum value is 1s (one second). The other recognized patterns are:

#s – number of seconds

#m – number of minutes

#h – number of hours

#d – number of days

Purgetime Example:

Purgetime = 10m

Note: Only those renamed files that were processed without an error will be purged. That is, if the file is renamed with the suffix specified via the ERR keyword, it will NOT be purged!


File extension in case of successful file read. After the file is read, it gets the specified suffix. In addition, the original filename is suffixed with the time of reading; that is, local date-time when the file was processed by the interface.

Note: This suffixed date-time format is not configurable by the user!

The default rename suffix is _OK, and the suffixed date-time format is dd-MMM-yyyy_hh-mm-ss.nnn. See the following example:

REN Example:

' The original file; e.g., data.txt is thus renamed to

' data_20-Jan-2007_10-10-41.416.SUCC



Defines the fixed line size. If defined, it has higher priority than NEWLINE


' Data file content:

' TagName1 1 TagName2 2 TagName3 3 TagName4 4


' Lines recognized using WORDWRAP=11:

' TagName1 1

' TagName2 2

' TagName3 3

' TagName4 4


Note: The maximum line length is 10K (10240) characters. Any attempt to define bigger WORDWRAP will end up with WORDWRAP=10240.

[PLUG-IN] – Serial Port

In case the Serial.dll is specified in the [INTERFACE] section, the following keywords are used to configure the specified serial port (RS 232) on the Interface Node.


Number of bits. Acceptable values: 4,5,6,7,8

Default value is 8.

BITS Example:

BITS = 8


The serial port number; default value is 1.

COM Example:

COM = 1


Full path to a file storing raw data read from the serial port. When this parameter is specified, the interface stores all incoming characters from the serial port to a file. This is mostly useful for verification and troubleshooting purposes.

ComData Example:

ComData = c:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Logs\rawdata.txt


See the NEWLINE description in chapter [PLUG-IN] – ASCII Files.

Note: The NEWLINE keyword for the Serial PlugIn does NOT support the OR operator!

Default value is CRLF; that is: 13,10

NEWLINE Example:

NEWLINE = "event end>"

' or



Acceptable parity patterns are:






Default value is NO.

Parity Example:

Parity = even


Baud Speed. Default value is 9600.

Speed Example:

Speed = 9600


Number of stop-bits. Acceptable values and matching:

0 = 1 stop bit

1 = 1.5 stop bit

2 = 2 stop bits

Default value is 0.

StopBits Example:

StopBits = 0

Note: In case the Serial Port PlugIn fails to initialize, the interface prints the relevant error codes in the specified OUTPUT file. These errors are Microsoft Windows system error codes and their list can be found on Microsoft support Web sites (search for the results of the Windows function call GetLastError()).

Because the number of possible errors is big, we list just a few that occur most often:

2 – The system cannot find the file specified - the specified serial port probably does not exist.

5 – Access denied – the specified serial port is probably used by some other driver.

87 – The parameter is incorrect – one of the port parameters is not properly specified.


The POP3 PlugIn allows connecting to a specified POP3 server and periodically reading emails, which were sent to the specified user. The emails can contain attachments, but both – the email body as well as attachments must be ASCII text. The PlugIn supports emails that comply with MIME format[3]). After processing, the emails are deleted from the POP3 server. However, there is a backup option available (see the FORWARD_TO keyword).

Note: The POP3 PlugIn works over a TCP/IP connection using TCP port 110. Communication over the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) on an alternate port 995 (also known as POP3S) is not supported.

If the POP3.dll is specified in the [INTERFACE] section, the following keywords are used to configure reading from the POP3 mail server.


This may be useful when the keyword MAIL_ATTACHMENT is defined. Default pattern is [Attachment]:

Attachment_Prefix Example:

' the actual email lines will begin with the following line

' [Message Attachment] :

' 4ufl

' …

Attachment_Prefix = [Message Attachment]:


This may be useful when the keyword MAIL_BODY is defined. Default pattern is [Body]:

Body_Prefix Example:

' the actual email lines will begin with the following line

' [Message Body] :

' 4ufl

' …

Body_Prefix = [Message Body]:


This may be useful when the MAIL_DATE keyword is defined to distinguish the "Date" entry from the other lines in the email. Default pattern is [Date]:

Date_Prefix Example:

' the actual email lines will begin with the following line

' [Message Date] :Thu, 15 May 2008 07 :16 :40 +0200

' …

Date_Prefix = [Message Date]:


This keyword causes the emails from specified address(es) to be processed. Emails from other sources will be ignored (but optionally forwarded to the backup address).

If more addresses are needed, they have to be divided by semicolons.

In case this keyword is NOT present, all emails (for the specified user, see the keyword POP3_USER in this section) will be examined by the interface.

Filter_From Example:

Filter_From = me@;lab@

Note: Even if the emails from NOT specified addresses won’t be processed, they will be deleted!


Optionally specify a backup email address. This may be useful when emails need to be available after being processed or in case of errors.

When the keyword (FORWARD_TO) is NOT specified, all emails (for the specified user, see the keyword POP3_USER in this section) will be read, their content parsed and consequently deleted from the specified POP3 server. With FORWARD_TO specifying a concrete email address, the content of the email (including the content of the attachments) is forwarded to this given address.

The SMTP server and port number (through which the email is forwarded) are specified via the keywords SMTP_SERVER and SMTP_PORT.

Default is NO forwarding; see the keyword FORWARD_AS_UFLSTREAM below. In case the forwarding is enabled and no FORWARD_TO is specified, the interface will use the sender’s email address for FORWARD_TO.

Forward_to Example:

Forward_To = uflBackup@


Enables email forwarding. Default is false – means no forwarding.

Forward_as_Uflstream Example:

Forward_As_UflStream = True


This may be useful when the MAIL_FROM keyword is defined to distinguish the "From" entry from the other lines in the email. Default pattern is [From]:

From_Prefix Example:

' the actual email lines will begin with the following line

' [Message From]: mail4ufl@

' …

From_Prefix = [Message From]:


If set to false, the PlugIn will not read the attachments and will not send the attachment- content to the interface for parsing. Default value is true.

Mail_Attachment Example:

Mail_Attachment = True


If set to false, the PlugIn will not take the email text lines and will thus not send them to the interface for parsing. Default value is true.

Mail_Body Example:

Mail_Body = True


Prepend Date. The date, when the email was sent, will be prepended at the beginning of the email body. Default value is true.

Mail_Date Example:

' the actual email lines will begin with the following line

' [Date]: Thu, 15 May 2008 07 :16 :40 +0200

' …

Mail_Date = True


Prepend From. The address from which the email arrived will be prepended at the beginning of the email body. Default value is true.

Mail_From Example:

' the actual email lines will begin with the following line

' [From]: mail4ufl@

' …

Mail_From = True


Prepend Subject. The email Subject will be prepended at the beginning of the email body. Default value is true.

Mail_Subject Example:

' the actual email lines will begin with the following line

' [Subject]: 4ufl

' …

Mail_Subject = True


Prepend File Name. When set to true, the name of the attachment will be included as a separate line - as the first line of the attachment content. Default value is false.

PFN Example:

' Attachment File Name: attachedfile.txt

' …

' [FileName]: attachedfile.txt

' first line

' …

PFN = True


This may be useful when the attached filename is included with the PFN keyword. The PFN_PREFIX is for distinguishing the filename line from other lines. Default pattern is [FileName]:

PFN_Prefix Example:

' Attachment File Name: attachedfile.txt

' …

' [Attached File Name]: attachedfile.txt

' first line

' …

PFN_Prefix = [Attached File Name]:


Number of millisecond to wait for the POP3 answer. Default 500 ms. Applicable when the POP3 server response times are long.

POP3_Command_Wait Example:

POP3_Command_Wait = 1000


Specify the password for the given POP3 user.

POP3_Password Example:

POP3_Password = LetMeGo2PI

Note: The interface must be run in interactive mode in order to input the password and store it in the encrypted form. This encrypted password is persisted in the directory where the interface’s .INI file is located and the name of the file is POP3.PWD. In case such a file exists, and there is no password defined in the .INI file, the interface takes the password from this file. This allows starting the interface as a Windows service without the necessity to specify the POP3 password in the .INI file.


Figure 4. Entering the POP3 Password in Interactive Mode


Specify the Port number of the POP3 server. Default value is 110.

POP3_Port Example:

POP3_Port = 110


Address of the POP3 server. You must specify either the direct IP address or the name of the POP3 server. Default value is localhost.

POP3_Server Example:

POP3_Server = mail.


Email account / user name on the POP3 server.

Note: This keyword is mandatory.

POP3_User Example:

POP3_User = ufl


Specify the port number of the SMTP server. Default value is 25.

SMTP_Port Example:

SMTP_Port = 25


Address of the SMTP server which is then used to optionally forward incoming emails to. Either direct IP address or the name of the SMTP server can be used. See the FORWARD_TO description for more details. Default value is the specified POP3 server.

SMTP_Server Example:

SMTP_Server = mail.


This may be useful when the MAIL_SUBJECT keyword is defined to distinguish the "Subject" entry from the other lines in the email. Default value is [Subject]:

Subject_Prefix Example:

' the actual email lines will begin with the following line

' [Message Subject]: 4ufl

' …

Subject_Prefix = [Message Subject]:

[PLUG-IN] – BatchFL

The BatchFL mode has been designed to simplify migration for existing BatchFL interface users. In addition, because this mode assumes the data-file has a fixed structure, the interface is able to achieve higher throughput of events to PI. The .INI differs from the other PI_UFL PlugIns in the fact that no DLL is needed; the logic for this mode is implemented in PI_UFL.EXE.

In case the BatchFL is specified in the [INTERFACE] section, the following keywords are recognized:


Specifies the number of minutes to adjust the timestamp, i.e.: 60 will add 60 minutes to the timestamp in the data file. –60 will subtract 60 minutes from the timestamp in the data file. Default value is 0.

ADJUST Example:



The data file will have an Alias tagname instead of a PI tagname. The interface will search for the alias tag in the Extended Descriptor or Instrument Tag of the points with the specified point source. If the Alias is used, a point source must be specified (/ps=x). Default value is PI tagname is in the data file.

ALIAS Example:

Valid values for the ALIAS keyword are E (Extended Descriptor) or I (Instrument Tag).



See Table 5. Keywords for Timestamp Parsing in section FIELD(n).Format for detail on how to format date and time string.


See the section FIELD(n).Format for details.


DATETIME_FORMAT = dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss

DATETIME_MONTH_FORMAT = Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun.Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec


If the POINT_TYPE is defined as Digital, then the digital set name must be specified. The name will have to be one of the existing digital set names found on the PI home node that the interface is communicating with. Default value is System.


DIGITAL_SET= Existing_Digital_Set


See the ERR keyword with the ASCIIFiles PlugIn.


The keyword specifies the field separator between tagname and timestamp, and timestamp and value. This is an optional parameter. If not specified a comma , is used.




See the IFM keyword with the ASCIIFiles PlugIn.


See the IFS keyword with the ASCIIFiles PlugIn.


When the interface reads a data line and cannot find the PI point, the interface will make the PI SDK calls to create it. In the BatchFL mode the interface will only be able to create one type of a PI point per instance. In addition, digital type points require the DIGITAL_SET defined. Default value is empty string; that means – no new points will be created.


POINT_TYPE = Float32


See the PURGETIME keyword with the ASCIIFiles PlugIn.


Remove leading and trailing blanks for string type values. Default value is True.




See the REN keyword with the ASCIIFiles PlugIn.


Apply scaling on the data - the UserReal1 point attribute will be read and the value will be multiplied by the value in the data file. This is only for numeric types of PI points.

No scaling will be done if the UserReal1 value equals 0.

Default value is False.

SCALE Example:

SCALE = True


Specifies the number of seconds to pause between processing files.

This can be used to throttle the rate that the data files get processed. Default value is 0; that is, no sleep between file processing.

SLEEP Example:

SLEEP = 10


This section is intended for various (generic) settings which are NOT PlugIn specific.

The following keywords are recognized:


Debug level. The interface maintains its own log file, where it redirects all kinds of messages – errors, as well as debug, or information messages (see the description of the OUTPUT keyword below). The higher the debug level the more detailed is the printout. The following table summarizes what is covered by individual levels:

|DeBug Level |Meaning |

|0 |No debug output. |

|Default | |

|1 |Tasks that are normally performed once; e.g. startup and shutdown messages, points added into the |

| |interface’s cache, etc. |

|2 |Same as 1, but with more details. |

|3 |Tasks that are performed regularly; with deb=3, the interface will e.g. print out (raw) data, |

| |extracted from the data streams. Raw data obtained from the PlugIn; |

|4 |Tasks that are performed regularly; with deb=4, the interface will e.g. print out data before sending|

| |it to PI. |

|5 |High level of reporting; e.g. read scan cycles start and end times; interface internal cache refresh |

| |cycles starts and ends times, etc. |

|6 |The most detailed level of reporting, including raw data lines read by PlugIn (before sending them to|

| |the main interface frame). |

Table 4. PI_UFL Interface Debug Levels

Note: The debug levels are cumulative; that is, the higher levels contain the info covered by the lover levels.

In case the OUTPUT keyword is omitted, the printout is redirected to the pipc.log located in the \PIPC\DAT directory.

DEB Example:

DEB = 4


Specifies how the interface transforms the string representation of numbers to the native numeric form; that is, which locale it will use. Thus, different decimal separators can be accepted. The list of all locale codes can be found at:

One can use the long as well as the short form, or directly through the numeric identifier (LCID). All three forms are equivalent. Following examples demonstrate it:

LOCALE Example

LOCALE = "German – Germany" 'long form


LOCALE = "de-de" 'short form



Note: The default Locale is English – United States.


Maximum number of log files in the circular buffer. The interface starts overwriting the oldest log files when the MAXLOG has been reached. When not specified, the log files will be indexed indefinitely (see the OUTPUT keyword). MAXLOG default value is 1.

MAXLOG Example:



Maximum size of the log file in MB. If this parameter is not specified, the default MAXLOGSIZE is 20 MB.

MAXLOGSIZE Example (10 MegaBytes):


The interface will create a new log-file (during the run-time), when the size reaches the specified number of megabytes.

[pic] CAUTION! Since version the default MAXLOGSIZE has changed from 2 GigaBytes to 20 MegaBytes!


Defines the full path to the file, which stores not successfully processed messages.


MSGINERROR = c:\pipc\interfaces\PI_UFL\logs\errors.txt

If, for instance, a certain item (message field) could not be sent to PI, because for instance, the target point did not exists, or there was a bad DateTime format recognized during parsing of the input stream, the corresponding message is appended to the aforementioned file. Such a message is prefixed with the current time and the error code (in square brackets) indicating the reason of the failure. The erroneous messages can be re-processed later on.

Note: Thanks to performance improvements in version the events are by default sent to PI in bulks; that means, the internal caches are utilized. The consequence of it is that certain runtime errors are recognized only when the cache is flushed. At this time it is already too late to assign the individual errors to the original data lines. Hence, the MSGINERROR file will not store those messages where the runtime errors occurred during flushing of the caches.

[pic] CAUTION! Since version, when no MSGINERROR keyword is used, no default error file is created! In addition, a new MSGINERROR file is created per data file. The logic of the new MSGINERROR file creation is the same as for the OUTPUT files (see the MAXLOG and OUTPUT sections). In other words, in case one or more runtime errors occured, a separate MSGINERROR file is produced. The reason for this behavior change is that the recorded run-time errors are immediatelly available for re-processing.


Defines the path to the interface specific log-file. This keyword works in conjunction with the DEB keyword. Upon startup, the interface always renames the specified log-file and creates the new one. The renaming mechanism suffixes the log-file name by the increasing ordinal number. The following example demonstrates how it works:

OUTPUT Example:

Output = c:\pipc\interfaces\PI_UFL\logs\PI_UFL.log

Should the above directory already have the file named pi_ufl.log, the next interface start will rename it to:


and the next restart will rename it to .. PI_UFL.log;2

Note: When no OUTPUT keyword is used, all the messages are redirected to the pipc.log file.

Example of the Configuration File Sections



PLUG-IN = ASCIIFiles.dll



IFM = "C:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Data\*.txt"




DEB = 1



MSGINERROR = c:\pipc\interfaces\PI_UFL\logs\errors.txt

OUTPUT = c:\pipc\interfaces\PI_UFL\logs\pi_ufl.txt

LOCALE = de-de




The [FIELD] section in the INI file is mandatory and specifies the fields’ name, format and data types.

Note: The [FIELD] section starts the area of the INI file that describes the actual messages. Do not place any of the above stated sections ( [INTERFACE], [PLUG-IN], [SETTING] ) after the [FIELD] section!

In the [FIELD] section, the following keywords are recognized:


Depending on the input stream structure, users can specify as many field definitions as necessary. Like the [MSG] section (see the [MSG] chapter below), the fields can remain unnamed (the field’s indexed is taken instead; that is, FIELD(1),FIELD(2),..). However, it is recommended users always give the field a descriptive name and use it in all references to the particular field later on.

FIELD(n).Name Example:

FIELD(n).Name = Value1

' or

FIELD(n).Name = "Value 1"

A valid name starts with a letter (A-Z), followed by letters, digits (0-9) or an underscore characters. Letters are NOT case sensitive and the name with spaces needs to be enclosed in double quotes.

Note: Avoid any names that match the reserved keywords, like "FIELD", "MSG", "TIME"...


By default each field is of the type string. However, in certain cases, it is required the field is of a certain data type. The following types are supported:

• String (default)

• DateTime (Replacement for the data type Time used in PI_UFL 2.x; See chapter For Users of Previous (2.x) Interface Versions )

• DSTFlag

• Int32 (integer type)

• Number (float type)

Note: Transformation from string to number works in conjunction with the LOCALE keyword. In addition, the scientific (exponential) notation is also recognized.

• Time

Note: DateTime is an instant in time while Time is an interval.


DateTime: 30-Mar-2007 08:00:00

Time: 08:00:00

FIELD(n).Type Example:


FIELD(1).Type = String

' If no type is specified, the String is the default, data is

' copied "as is", no transformation is done.

FIELD(2).Type = DateTime

' This is particularly useful when reading and interpreting

' DateTime (full Timestamp)

' strings from an input message. The expected DateTime format

' attribute can be specified via the FIELD(n).Format definition. ' See Table 5 below for more on supported keywords.

FIELD(n).Type = DSTFlag

' This field type translates into the marker telling whether the ' timestamp is in Standard Time – ST, or in Daylight Savings Time ' – DST.

' The FIELD(n).Type=DSTFlag also requires a FIELD(n).Format

' definition (see the description below in Field Type DSTFlag).

Note: Variables of type DSTFlag will internally be converted into an integer number 0 or 1. Any later calculations specified in the configuration file therefore must treat these variables as Number. Default value is 0, meaning Standard Time. See one of the examples below.

FIELD(4).Type = Number

' In this case the input data is converted to a number

' (internally it is Float64).

' If the transformation cannot be done, an error is logged.

Note: Certain functions return and/or require the integer representation, use Int32 (instead of Number) in these cases.

FIELD(5).Type = Time

' Defines the Time data type. The FIELD(n).Format defines

' the pattern. See Table 5 below for more on supported keywords.


The field types Time, DateTime and DSTFlag require a format specification. Only one format is allowed per field. If the format in the data file does not match the one specified and the field thus cannot be evaluated the runtime-error occurs.

FIELD(n).Format Example:


Field(1).Name = Timestamp

Timestamp.Type = DateTime

Timestamp.Format = "dd-MMM-yy hh:mm:ss", _


Note: The month’s names can be omitted when the month number is used in the timestamp pattern. The default for months’ abbreviations is as specified in the example above; that is, the first three letters of months in English.

The format definition has to be enclosed in double quotes!

Assume an input line containing the following pattern:

' Data example:

27-Jul-06 13:11:10

As this timestamp pattern matches the format specification shown in the example above, the string pattern is transformed into the DateTime data type.

The following characters are recognized in the time format definition:

|Characters in format |Accepts the following from the input file |

|yy |Year, two digits. |

|yyyy |Year, four digits. |

|MM |Month, two digits. |

|M |Month, one or two digits. |

|MMM |Month, in string format. |

| |The exact spelling of the months is specified by the value of an additional parameter |

| |MonthList: "dd-MMM-yy", "MonthsList". |

| |In "MonthList", each month has to be ‘named’ and separated by a comma. |

| |See examples below this table.The "MonthList" is optional. |

| |When not specified, the Us-En months abbreviations |

| |"Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec" are assumed. |

|dd |Day of the month, two digits. |

|d |Day of the month, one or two digits. |

|hh |Hour, two digits. By default a 24-hour clock is assumed, unless p or pp is used to |

| |specify AM/PM. |

|h |Hour, one or two digits. |

|m |Minutes, one or two digits. |

|mm |Minutes, two digits. |

|s |Seconds, one or two digits. |

|ss |Seconds, two digits. |

|n |Tenths of a second. |

|nn |Hundredths of a second |

|nnn |Milliseconds |

|p |A/P for AM/PM. In this case a 12-hour clock is assumed. |

|pp |AM/PM. In this case a 12-hour clock is assumed. |

Table 5. Keywords for Timestamp Parsing

Note: The timestamp format string comparison is CASE SENSITIVE !

Note: The format characters listed in the above table can be delimited by whatever (suitable) character; except for the month’s abbreviations, they must be comma delimited. See the pattern examples below:

DateTime and Time Format Strings Example:

"dd-MMM-yy hh:mm:ss",_


'Foreign Language Example (months abbrev. Are in German):

"dd-MMM-yy hh:mm:ss", _


'Other timestamp patterns (various delimiters):

"dd.MM.yy hh:mm"

"dd/MM/yy hh:mm:ss"

"M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss.nnn"

"M_d_yyyy hh_mm_ss_nnn"

' …

Instead of a user-defined string format, two predefined numeric representations can be also used:

|Format string |Accepts the following from the input file |

|SECONDS_GMT |Number of seconds since 1970, in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) |

|SECONDS_LOCAL |Number of seconds since 1970, in local time. |

Table 6. Numeric TimeStamps

Numeric Timestamps Example:


Field(1).Name = Timestamp

Timestamp.Type = DateTime

Timestamp.Format = "SECONDS_GMT"

'The numeric formats allow an input line with timestamps as 'numbers; The number below thus translates into

'30-May-06 00:00:00


Field Type “DSTFlag”

The optional field type DSTFlag may be used to define the relationship of the timestamp field with Daylight Savings Time (DST). The Format property expects two words, delimited by a comma. The first word maps to a value of 0 (indicating no adjustment to DST), the second one maps to 1, means the time should be adjusted. Either of the two words is expected in the data file at the 'DSTfield' location. The way in which the time correction is applied depends on various scenarios. The example below adds the one hour offset whenever the input data is flagged with the 'summer' keyword. This will be suitable when the Interface Node is NOT configured for the automatic DST adjustment, while the input data may come from a source where the DST adjustment was already done.

Note: If the format property is omitted and the DSTFlag is used, the interface expects 0 or 1 in the input stream.

The following example shows how subtract one hour depending on the presence of the word winter or summer marker in the input data stream.

DSTFlag Example:

' Data file content:

' 01-Jun-2007 14:00:00

' Summer

' …


FIELD(1).Name = "TimeStamp"

TimeStamp.Type = "DateTime"

FIELD(2).Name = "DSTOffset"

DSTOffset.Type = "Time"


FIELD(3).Name = "DSTField"

DSTField.Type = "DSTFlag"

DSTField.Format = "winter,summer"


DSTOffset = "01:00:00"

If(DSTFlag == 1) Then

TimeStamp = TimeStamp – DSTOffset



The PI_UFL interface checks each line against a message filter and, in case the line passes it, the interface accepts the line and assigns it a certain message type. Normally, there is also more than one message type; therefore, more message filters thus need to be specified. In other words, it is expected that at least one message type will be defined in this section.

The [MSG] section is primarily designed to define message names. If the user can work with descriptive message names; the .INI file becomes more readable.

As a result of defining message names a Message Structure Definitions [XXXX] section must be created in the INI file where “XXXX” is either the value of a MSG(n).Name keyword or a generic MSG(n). This section is used to define the data extraction definitions.

When using the UFLDesigner to create an INI file, the UFLDesigner creates generic names of the form MSG_1, MSG_2 etc. and are made automatically when a message type is added. These can be changed to use more descriptive message name.

In addition, the [MSG] section serves a couple of other purposes. As already stated at the beginning of this text, the interface implements the automatic point creation. In the [MSG] section the user can specify which PI point types will be created on a per message basis. The following paragraphs summarize the supported keywords:


Depending on the data file structure, the user can specify as many message names as necessary or the messages can remain unnamed (MSG(1), MSG(2), etc.). Once the name has been entered into the [MSG] section, it can be used in all subsequent references.

A valid name starts with a letter (A-Z), followed by letters, digits (0-9) or an underscore. Letters are NOT case sensitive. Message names are NOT case sensitive and any name with spaces needs to be enclosed in double quotes.

Note: Avoid any message names with a predefined meaning, like "FIELD", "MSG", etc.!

MSG(n).Name Example:


MSG(1).Name = "HEADER"

MSG(2).Name = "DATA LINE"


Enable Point Creation. The specification is per message! The interface will only create a new PI tag when a line that satisfies the given message filter points to a tag that does not exist. The following PI point data types are supported:

Int16, Int32, Foat16, Float32, Float64, Digital, String

MSG(n).EPC Example:


'Point type will be Float32:

MSG(1).Epc = "Float32"

'or, if the point type will be Digital;

'the MSG(n).DigitalSet keyword is expected:

MSG(2).Epc = "Digital"

'If there is NO MSG(n).DigitalSet keyword specified,

'the interface will create the state out of the arrived

'TagName + _SET (see the description in the relevant section 'below).

MSG(2).DigitalSet = "DigSetName"


For the newly created points, inherit (copy) the tag attributes from the referenced tag.

MSG(n).EPC_Inherit Example:


'The newly created tag will be created with the same 'attributes as Sinusoid:

MSG(1).Epc_Inherit = "Sinusoid"

Note: MSG(n).EPC and MSG(n).EPC_Inherit are mutually exclusive, use just one per message type.


If the MSG(n).EPC keyword (Enable Point Creation; see the description of this keyword above) specifies the Digital point type, the DIGITALSET keyword must define the digital state set, which is used while creating the PI point of the type Digital. In case this digital state set does not exist, the interface will create the needed set out of the TagName – giving it the suffix ‘_SET’. The behavior is thus as follows:

If the keyword MSG(n).DIGITALSTATE is NOT present, and the MSG(n).EPC=Digital, the interface will create the digital set like: TagName + _SET , else it will use the specified set.




Note: The interface will also automatically add new digital states when it does not find a digital state. The automatic state addition is the default behavior; see the /des startup parameter description later on that disables the automatic digital state creation.

Message Structure Definitions: [XXXX]

This section is mandatory. That means, one or more message structure definitions [XXXX] must always be specified.

Note: The message structure definitions section will correspond to how the MSG(n) keywords are used above. If the messages are named using the MSG(n).Name keyword then the message structure definitions section will use that “name” to create the [Message Structure Definitions] section. If it is unnamed then the section will be [MSG(n)]. When using the UFLDesigner if the messages are unnamed it will use [MSG_n] as the message structure definitions section name.


The filter sets the conditions for a line to be recognized as a specific message. At least one message filter definition is therefore required.

Note: Once a match is found, all other message definitions are ignored. The message belongs to the message type whose filter was ‘satisfied’ first.

Message filter definitions are read from top to bottom in the configuration file:



The evaluation order can be changed via the SetNextMsg() action. See this description later in this document.

MSG(n).Filter = Set Of Filter Conditions Example:

• The whole filter can consist of one or more filter conditions, which can be

AND-ed or OR-ed. Parentheses can be used for grouping.

• Each filter condition can be negated by the NOT keyword.

Message filter definitions can thus have the following syntax:

MSG(n).Filter = Cx=="Mask"

' or

MSG(n).Filter = Cx=="Mask 1" OR Cy=="Mask 2"

' or

MSG(n).Filter = NOT Cx =="Mask 1" AND Cy=="Mask 2"

' …

Where x, y define pattern-starting position.

Note: The mask pattern must be enclosed in double quotes and indexing (x,y) is one based!

The mask pattern evaluation is CASE SENSITIVE!

Mask Syntax

The following special characters are recognized in the mask string:

|Characters in mask declaration |Matches the following in a line from the input file |

|? |Any single character |

|* |Zero or more characters |

|# |Any single digit (0 — 9) |

|[character list] |Any single character in character list. |

| |Must be enclosed in square brackets! |

|[!character list] |Any single character not in the character list. |

| |Must be enclosed in square brackets! |

|( ) |A section in the pattern declaration that is enclosed in parentheses indicates |

| |that this section of the input line must be extracted. |

|\ |To match any of the above mentioned characters with a special meaning, you can |

| |either put the character within square brackets [ ] or prefix it with a backslash |

| |\. To have a literal match on the slash \ itself, use \\. |

Table 7. Message Filter Specification

Example 1. Basic Filter Condition


MSG(1).Filter = NOT C1=="!*" AND C10=="TAG*" AND C30=="VALUE*"

' In this case, a line matches the filter if:

' NOT C1=="!*" line doesn’t start with an exclamation mark !


' C10=="TAG*" line, from position 10 on does have the

' string TAG followed by any number of characters


' C30=="VALUE*" line from position 30 on has the string VALUE

' followed by any number of characters


' The following data line would thus match the filter criteria:

' 1234 TAG=mytag VALUE=10.0

Example 2. Filter Condition and Character List [xyz]


' In this case a line satisfies the filter if

' any of the characters in square brackets are found


MSG(1).Filter = C1=="State.City.[ABC].*"


MSG(2).Filter = C1=="Plant.Area.Operation.[XYZ]*"

' MSG(1) filter will then be satisfied with the following:

' State.City.A.*, State.City.B.*, State.City.C.*

' and the MSG(2) filter will like the following:

' Plant.Area.Operation.X.*, Plant.Area.Operation.Y.*,

' Plant.Area.Operation.Z.*

Example 3. Filter Condition and Character List with ! Operator


' In this case a line satisfies the filter if

' the character(s) in square brackets are NOT found

MSG(1).Filter = C1=="State.City.[!DEF].*"


MSG(2).Filter = C1=="Plant.Area.Operation.[!OPQ]*"

Data Extraction to Fields


Once a line had passed the filter check, it becomes a message; the next step is to break it into smaller units – fields. This is achieved through the Field(n) = construction. Fields (variables) must already be declared in the [Field] Section (see section [FIELD]) and can be referenced either by their names defined in FIELD(n).Name (recommended) or just by the corresponding index Field(n).

Data Extraction

Each part of the message can be assigned to an individual field through a simple assignment.

Field(n) = Cx – Cy

Field(n) will take characters from position x to position y.

Note: x and y positions are included - the positioning is one based

Field(n) = Cx – Cy("Mask")

Field(n) = Cx – ("Mask")

Field(n) = Cx("Mask") – ("Mask")

The Cx-Cy (fixed position) construct can be extended and become the more generic one: Cx("Mask") ; the Cx can even be omitted.

Note: The Cx("Mask")construct is exclusive; in contrast to Cx-Cy, which does take the characters at positions x and y.

The field pattern evaluation is CASE SENSITIVE!

Field(n) = ["(Mask), Mask, Mask"]

This is the most complicated, nevertheless the most powerful extraction mechanism. The user can specify a mask in the standard wild-card notation and the message will be divided to fields applying this mask(s) specification. To indicate which part of the message needs to be assigned to a particular field, the parentheses ( ) marker is needed.

Mask Syntax

The following special characters are recognized as mask patterns:

|Characters in mask declaration |Matches the following in a line from the input file |

|? |Any single character |

|* |Zero or more characters |

|# |Any single digit (0 — 9) |

|[character string] |Any single character in character string. |

| |Must be enclosed in square brackets |

|[!character string] |Any single character not in character string. |

| |Must be enclosed in square brackets |

|( ) |A section in the mask declaration that is enclosed in parentheses ( ) |

| |denotes this part of the input line that is taken. |

|\ |To match any of the above mentioned characters with a special meaning, one |

| |can either put the character within the square brackets [ ] or prefix it |

| |with a backslash \. |

| |To have a literal match on a backslash, use \\. |

Table 8. Field Filter Specification

Example 1. Field Assignment at Fixed Positions

' Field 1 will get the 1st 10 characters from the input line

FIELD(1) = C1 – C10

Example 2. Cx(“Mask”) Construct

' Field 2 will get characters at position 11 up to (but NOT

' including) the 1st comma ',' after position 11

FIELD(2) = C11 – C11(",")

Example 3. Mask Without Cx specification

' Field 3 will start after the 1st comma ',' after position 11 up

' to (but not including) the 1st comma ',' after that

FIELD(3) = C11(",") – (",")

Example 4. Mask with [xyz] Construct

' Field 4 will get characters starting at position 31 up to (but

' not including) the 1st semi-colon ';' comma ',' or colon ':'

' after position 41

FIELD(4) = C31 – C41("[;,:]")

Example 5. Mask with [!xyz] Construct

' Field 5 will get characters starting at position 51 up to

' (but not including) the 1st NON-DIGIT after position 51

FIELD(5) = C51 – C51("[!0123456789]")

Example 6. Mask and NEWLINE

' Field 6 will get characters from Cx("Mask") till

' the end of the line

FIELD(6) = Cx("Mask") – NEWLINE

Example 7. Mask with Parenthesis

' Assume the input file is csv (comma separated values),

' but the positions of individual fields vary. The mask with

' parenthesis is the most suitable method of parsing the message.

' REM: The last field (status) is NOT separated by comma; it is

' enclosed in double quotation marks. The example shows how to

' use ' the escape character (back slash \) so that the double

' quotation marks can be used as delimiters. Thus, in addition,

' the quotation marks are stripped (which is mostly desirable).

' TagName, Timestamp, Value “Status”

' TagName, Timestamp, Value “Status”

' …

FIELD(1) = ["(*),*,*\"*\""]

FIELD(2) = ["*,(*),*\"*\""]

FIELD(3) = ["*,*,(*)\"*\""]

FIELD(4) = ["*,*,*\"(*)\""]

Data Manipulation

Fields (variables) can take part in arithmetic expressions. The following rules must be taken into account when these expressions are set in the INI file:

The resulting value of an expression on the right hand side (of an assignment) is stored into the variable on the left hand side.

The data types of all operands in the expression on the assignment’s right hand side are implicitly converted as needed. E.g., when two operands are added using a ‘+’ operator, both operands are interpreted as numbers.

Arithmetic and Logical Operators

|Operator |Meaning |Data Types Operands |

|* / |Multiply and Divide |Number, |

| | |Time |

|+ - |Add and Subtract. |Number, |

| | |DateTime, Time |

|& |String concatenation. |String |

|AND |Logical AND |Number |

| |The logical AND will check if both operands are different from 0; | |

| |if so, the result will be 1 else the result will be 0. | |

|OR |Logical OR. |Number |

| |The logical OR will check if one or both operands are different | |

| |from 0; if so, the result will be 1 else the result will be 0 | |

Table 9. Supported Arithmetic Operators

Note: PI_UFL supports arithmetic operators for all numeric data types. And, in addition, it supports the following operator overloads:

DateTime Operator+(x DateTime, y Time)

DateTime Operator+(x Time y DateTime)

Time Operator+(x Time, y Time)

Time Operator-(x DateTime, y DateTime)

DateTime Operator-(x DateTime, y Time)

Time Operator-(x Time, y Time)

Time Operator*(x Int32, y Time

Time Operator*(x Time, y Int32)

Time Operator/(x Time, y Int32)

Arithmetic and Logical Operators - Examples

Example 1. Simple Expressions with Arithmetic Operators


FIELD(1).Type = "String"

FIELD(2).Type = "Number"


' Data file content:

' 001, Value: 1.23

' …

' and it is required to create a tagname TAG_001

' by means of the '&' and the value needs to be scaled

' (multiplied by 100).

' …

' create the tag name:

FIELD(1) = C1 – (",")

FIELD(1) = "TAG_" & FIELD(1)

' extract the value and scale it


FIELD(2) = 100 * FIELD(2)

Example 2. Mathematical Functions


FIELD(1).Type = "Number"

FIELD(2).Type = "Number"


' Data file content:

' Value1: 1.23; Value2: 2.61

' …

FIELD(1) = ["*(*);*:*"]

FIELD(2) = ["*:*;*(*)"]

' Apply ROUND()



Example 3. String Functions


FIELD(1).Type = "String"


' Data file content:

' any string

' …

' It is required to replace the given string pattern

' with the specified string



FIELD(1) = REPLACE(FIELD(1), "Invalid string part", "OK")

Example 4. Sub-Milliseconds


FIELD(1).Type = "DateTime"

FIELD(1).Format = "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss.nnn"

FIELD(2).Type = "Number"


' Data file content:

' 01-Jul-2006 08:00:00.1234; 123

' …

' PI allows the time precision up to 15 microseconds.

FIELD(1) = C1 – (";")

' extract the subsecond part:

FIELD(2) = ["*;(*)"]

Example 5. IF Statement (1)


FIELD(1).Type = "Number"

FIELD(2).Type = "Number"


' Data file content:

' 1;2

FIELD(1) = ["(*);*"]

FIELD(2) = ["*;(*)"]






Example 6. IF Statement (2)


FIELD(1).Type = "DateTime"

FIELD(2).Type = "DateTime"

FIELD(3).Type = "Time"


' Data file content:

' 25-Jan-2007;01-Nov-2007;01:00:00

FIELD(1) = ["(*);*;*"]

FIELD(2) = ["*;(*);*"]

FIELD(3) = ["*;*;(*)"]


' Add one hour

FIELD(1) = FIELD(1) + FIELD(3)


Example 7. IF Statement (3)


FIELD(1).Type = "String"

FIELD(2).Type = "DateTime"

FIELD(3).Type = "Number"


' Data file content:

' Tag1; 23-Oct-2007 01:00:00; 1

FIELD(1) = ["(*);*;*"]

FIELD(2) = ["*;(*);*"]

FIELD(3) = ["*;*;(*)"]

' Only store in PI when a valid tagname has been extracted




Example 8. IF Statement (4)


FIELD(1).Name = "TimeVar"

FIELD(1).Type = "Time"

FIELD(1).Format = "m"

FIELD(2).Name = "TimeOffset"

FIELD(2).Type = "Time"

FIELD(2).Format = hh:mm:ss"

FIELD(3).Name = "DateVar"

FIELD(3).Type = "DateTime"

FIELD(3).Format = "yyyymmdd"

FIELD(4).Name = "TimestampVar"

FIELD(4).Type = "DateTime"

FIELD(5).Name = "TagNameVar"

FIELD(6).Name = "ValueVar1"

FIELD(6).Type = "Number"

FIELD(7).Name = "ValueVar2"

FIELD(7).Type = "Number"

' …

' Data file content:

' 200,TagName1,kWh,30,

' 300,20071201,,1,1.2,1.1,1.12,1.01,…

' …


MSG(1).NAME = "DataDetails"

MSG(2).NAME = "Values"

' …


Values.FILTER = C1=="300*"

' There can be multiple expressions in the IF() construct:

' …

TimeOffset = "00:30:00"

IF (TimeVar == TimeOffset) THEN

TimestampVar = DateVar + TimeVar


TimestampVar = TimestampVar + TimeVar


TimestampVar = TimestampVar + TimeVar

' …


Mathematical Functions

|Operator |Meaning |Data Types Operands |

|ABS |Absolute value. |Number ABS(x Number) |

|ACOS, ASIN,ATAN, ATAN2, COS,COSH,|Trigonometric functions. |Number ACOS(x Number) |

|SIN,SINH,TAN,TANH |Return value is in radians. |… |

| | |Number ATAN2(x Number, y Number) |

|CEILING |Rounds a number with a fractional portion|Number CEILING(x Number) |

| |to the next highest integer. | |

|EXP |Exponential value. |Number EXP(x Number) |

|FLOOR |Largest integer less than or equal to the|Number FLOOR(x Number) |

| |given numeric expression. | |

|LOG,LOG10 |Logarithmic value. |Number LOG(x Number) |

|PI |3.14 |Number PI() |

|ROUND |Round the value. |Number ROUND(x Number) |

Table 10. Supported Mathematical Functions

String Functions

|Operator |Meaning |Data Types Operands |

|CONCAT |Concatenate two strings. |String CONCAT(x String, y String) |

|INSTR |Returns the position of the given |Int INSTR(x String, ubstring String, |

| |occurrence |start Int, occurrence Int) |

| |of a specified substring. | |

|LOWER |All characters lower-case. |String LOWER (x String) |

|LEFT |Leftmost count of characters. |String LEFT(x String, n Int) |

|LEN |Number of characters excluding leading |Int LEN (x String) |

| |and trailing blanks. | |

|LTRIM |Trim the leading blanks. |String LTRIM (x String) |

|REPLACE |Find the given string and replace it |String REPLACE (x String, findWhat String, |

| |with the third parameter. |replaceWith String) |

|RIGHT |Rightmost count of characters. |String RIGHT(x String, n Int) |

|RTRIM |Trim the trailing blanks. |String RTRIM (x String) |

|SPACE |Character string consisting of n spaces. |String SPACE (n Int) |

|SUBSTR |String consisting of len characters |String SUBSTR(x String, start Int, len Int) |

| |starting at start position. | |

|TRIM |Trim the leading and ending blanks. |String TRIM (x String) |

|UPPER |All characters upper-case. |String UPPER (x String) |

Table 11. Supported String Functions

DateTime and Time Functions

|Operator |Meaning |Data Types Operands |

|DAY |Extracts the Day from DateTime. |Int32 DAY(x DateTime) |

|FRACTION |Extracts the Subsecond part from |Float64 FRACTION(x DateTime) |

| |DateTime. |Float64 FRACTION(x Time) |

|HOUR |Extracts the Hour from DateTime. |Int32 HOUR(x DateTime) |

| | |Int32 HOUR(x Time) |

|MINUTE |Extracts the Minute from DateTime. |Int32 MINUTE(x DateTime) |

| | |Int32 MINUTE(x Time) |

|MONTH |Extracts the Month from DateTime. |Int32 MONTH(x DateTime) |

|MONTHNAME |Extracts the Month Name from DateTime. |String MONTHNAME(x DateTime) |

|SECOND |Extracts the Second from DateTime and |Int32 SECOND(x DateTime) |

| |Time. |Int32 SECOND(x Time) |

|WEEK |Extracts the Week from DateTime. |Int32 WEEK(x DateTime) |

|YEAR |Extracts the Year from DateTime. |Int32 YEAR(x DateTime) |

Table 12. DateTime and Time Functions

IF Statement

The IF statement can have the following form:





{[NOT] | ()}

[{AND | OR} ]

[, …]


{ = | > | < | >= | set

Confirm that TZ is not in the resulting list. If it is, run the System applet of the Control Panel, click the Environment Variables button under the Advanced Tab, and remove TZ from the list of environment variables.


The PI Firewall Database and the PI Proxy Database must be configured so that the interface is allowed to write data to the PI Server. See "Modifying the Firewall Database" and "Modifying the Proxy Database" in the PI Server manuals.

Note that the Trust Database, which is maintained by the Base Subsystem, replaces the Proxy Database used prior to PI version 3.3. The Trust Database maintains all the functionality of the proxy mechanism while being more secure. See "Trust Login Security" in the chapter "Managing Security" of the PI Server System Management Guide.

If the interface cannot write data to the PI Server because it has insufficient privileges, a -10401 error will be reported in the pipc.log file. If the interface cannot send data to a PI2 Server, it writes a -999 error. See the section Appendix A: Error_and_Informational_Messages for additional information on error messaging.

PI Server v3.3 and Higher

Security configuration using piconfig

For PI Server v3.3 and higher, the following example demonstrates how to edit the PI Trust table:

C:\PI\adm> piconfig

@table pitrust

@mode create

@istr Trust,IPAddr,NetMask,PIUser



For the above,

Trust: An arbitrary name for the trust table entry; in the above example,


IPAddr: the IP Address of the computer running the Interface; in the above example,

NetMask: the network mask; specifies an exact match with IPAddr

PIUser: the PI user the Interface to be entrusted as; piadmin is usually an appropriate user

Security Configuring using Trust Editor

The Trust Editor plug-in for PI System Management Tools 3.x may also be used to edit the PI Trust table.

See the PI System Management chapter in the PI Server manual for more details on security configuration.

PI Server v3.2

For PI Server v3.2, the following example demonstrates how to edit the PI Proxy table:

C:\PI\adm> piconfig

@table pi_gen,piproxy

@mode create

@istr host,proxyaccount



In place of piapimachine, put the name of the PI Interface node as it is seen by PI Server.

Starting / Stopping the Interface on Windows

This section describes starting and stopping the interface once it has been installed as a service.


Starting Interface as a Service

If the interface was installed a service, it can be started from PI ICU, the services control panel or with the command:

PI_UFL.exe -start

To start the interface service with PI ICU, use the [pic] button on the PI ICU toolbar.

A message will inform the user of the status of the interface service. Even if the message indicates that the service has started successfully, double check through the Services control panel applet. Services may terminate immediately after startup for a variety of reasons, and one typical reason is that the service is not able to find the command-line parameters in the associated .bat file. Verify that the root name of the .bat file and the .exe file are the same, and that the .bat file and the .exe file are in the same directory. Further troubleshooting of services might require consulting the pipc.log file, Windows Event Viewer, or other sources of log messages. See the section Appendix A: Error_and_Informational_Messages for additional information.

Stopping Interface Running as a Service

If the interface was installed a service, it can be stopped at any time from PI ICU, the services control panel or with the command:

PI_UFL.exe -stop

The service can be removed by:

PI_UFL.exe -remove

To stop the interface service with PI ICU, use the [pic] button on the PI ICU toolbar.


Please read the following note before you consider turning on any buffering on an interface node hosting the PI_UFL interface:

Note: PI_UFL is not a “classic OSIsoft interface”, which usually periodically copies current values from a DCS (Distributed Control System) and stores them in PI; hence, the characteristics of the “UFL like” data collection requires considering using Buffering from various angles:

Data redundancy

1. With ASCII files, the data is actually "buffered" on the hard drive, in addition, any failure while reading or sending events to PI Archive is accompanied by either marking the given file with a certain suffix (indicating this file needs to be reprocessed later on) or storing the line, which did not make it to PI in a separate place (see section MSGINERROR for more details).

2. The POP3 data source is relatively similar to ASCII files, because the FORWARD_TO allows “copying” the emails to the specified address and any data loss can thus be recovered from the backed-up location.

3. Finally, the Serial PlugIn, through the keyword COMDATA allows for storing the incoming streams in a file, which, again, can be reprocessed in case the interface encounters problems.

In general, PI_UFL offers means for reprocessing the not delivered events to PI manually.

PI_UFL implements features, which do not work with Buffering

1. PI_UFL uses PI SDK for sending events with Annotations; as PI SDK bypasses Buffering, the annotated events will not make it to PI when PI server is not available.

2. PI point and Digital Sets/States automatic creation is also implemented through PI SDK calls; point #1 therefore also applies here.

3. Sending annotated events to a collective (HA) will end up with annotated events not making it to the non-primary PI Servers.

4.The /rbo start-up parameter causes the interface reads an event from the PI Archive every time before it attempts to store a new one (at a given timestamp) in PI. With Buffering in place (and at times when PI Server is not available) this configuration won’t work.

5. PI_UFL maintains its internal cache of PI Points and Digital Sets/States and keeping this cache in sync with PI means polling the PI Server. As Buffering is a component, which is one-directional (from an interface to PI Server), the polling will generate runtime errors when PI Server is down or not reachable.

The features and scenarios described above are not meant to imply PI_UFL should NOT be used with Buffering; it is just useful to think about them when the question of using buffering and PI_UFL arises. In the majority of cases PI Buffering and PI_UFL will work smoothly.

Buffering Principles

Buffering refers to an Interface Node’s ability to temporarily store the data that interfaces collect and to forward these data to the appropriate PI Servers. OSIsoft strongly recommends that you enable buffering on your Interface Nodes. Otherwise, if the Interface Node stops communicating with the PI Server, you lose the data that your interfaces collect.

The PI SDK installation kit installs two buffering applications: the PI Buffer Subsystem (PIBufss) and the PI API Buffer Server (Bufserv). PIBufss and Bufserv are mutually exclusive; that is, on a particular computer, you can run only one of them at any given time.

If you have PI Servers that are part of a PI Collective, PIBufss supports n-way buffering. N-way buffering refers to the ability of a buffering application to send the same data to each of the PI Servers in a PI Collective. (Bufserv also supports n-way buffering, but OSIsoft recommends that you run PIBufss instead.)

Which Buffering Application to Use

You should use PIBufss whenever possible because it offers better throughput than Bufserv. In addition, if the interfaces on an Interface Node are sending data to a PI Collective, PIBufss guarantees identical data in the archive records of all the PI Servers that are part of that collective.

You can use PIBufss only under the following conditions:

the PI Server version is at least 3.4.375.x; and all of the interfaces running on the Interface Node send data to the same PI Server or to the same PI Collective.

If any of the following scenarios apply, you must use Bufserv:

the PI Server version is earlier than 3.4.375.x; or the Interface node runs multiple interfaces, and these interfaces send data to multiple PI Servers that are not part of a single PI Collective.

If an Interface Node runs multiple interfaces, and these interfaces send data to two or more PI Collectives, then neither PIBufss nor Bufserv is appropriate. The reason is that PIBufss and Bufserv can buffer data only to a single collective. If you need to buffer to more than one PI Collective, you need to use two or more Interface Nodes to run your interfaces.

It is technically possible to run Bufserv or PIBufss on the PI Server Node. However, OSIsoft does not recommend this configuration.

How Buffering Works

A complete technical description of PIBufss and Bufserv is beyond the scope of this document. However, the following paragraphs provide some insights on how buffering works.

When an Interface Node has Buffering enabled, the buffering application (PIBufss or Bufserv) connects to the PI Server. It also creates shared memory storage.

When an interface program makes a PI API function call that writes data to the PI Server (for example, pisn_sendexceptionqx()), the PI API checks whether buffering is enabled. If it is, these data writing functions do not send the interface data to the PI Server. Instead, they write the data to the shared memory storage that the buffering application created.

The buffering application (either Bufserv or PIBufss) in turn reads the data in shared memory, and if a connection to the PI Server exists, sends the data to the PI Server; or if there is no connection to the PI Server, continues to store the data in shared memory (if shared memory storage is available) or writes the data to disk (if shared memory storage is full).

When the buffering application re-establishes connection to the PI Server, it writes to the PI Server the interface data contained in both shared memory storage and disk.

(Before sending data to the PI Server, PIBufss performs further tasks such as data validation and data compression, but the description of these tasks is beyond the scope of this document.)

When PIBufss writes interface data to disk, it writes to multiple files. The names of these buffering files are PIBUFQ_*.DAT.

When Bufserv writes interface data to disk, it writes to a single file. The name of its buffering file is APIBUF.DAT.

As a previous paragraph indicates, PIBufss and Bufserv create shared memory storage at startup. These memory buffers must be large enough to accommodate the data that an interface collects during a single scan. Otherwise, the interface may fail to write all its collected data to the memory buffers, resulting in data loss. The buffering configuration section of this chapter provides guidelines for sizing these memory buffers.

When buffering is enabled, it affects the entire Interface Node. That is, you do not have a scenario whereby the buffering application buffers data for one interface running on an Interface Node but not for another interface running on the same Interface Node.

Buffering and PI Server Security

After you enable buffering, it is the buffering application—and not the interface program—that writes data to the PI Server. If the PI Server’s trust table contains a trust entry that allows all applications on an Interface Node to write data, then the buffering application is able write data to the PI Server.

However, if the PI Server contains an interface-specific PI Trust entry that allows a particular interface program to write data, you must have a PI Trust entry specific to buffering. The following are the appropriate entries for the Application Name field of a PI Trust entry:

|Buffering Application |Application Name field for PI Trust |

|PI Buffer Subsystem |PIBufss.exe |

|PI API Buffer Server |APIBE (if the PI API is using 4 character process names) |

| |APIBUF (if the PI API is using 8 character process names) |

To use a process name greater than 4 characters in length for a trust application name, use the LONGAPPNAME=1 in the PIClient.ini file.

Enabling Buffering on an Interface Node with the ICU

The ICU allows you to select either PIBufss or Bufserv as the buffering application for your Interface Node. Run the ICU and select Tools > Buffering.

Choose Buffer Type


To select PIBufss as the buffering application, choose Enable buffering with PI Buffer Subsystem. To select Bufserv as the buffering application, choose Enable buffering with API Buffer Server. If a warning message such as the following appears, click Yes.


Buffering Settings

There are a number of settings that affect the operation of PIBufSS and Bufserv. The Buffering Settings section allows you to set these parameters. If you do not enter values for these parameters, PIBufSS and Bufserv use default values.


For PIBufSS, the paragraphs below describe the settings that may require user intervention. Please contact OSIsoft Technical Support for assistance in further optimizing these and all remaining settings.


Primary and Secondary Memory Buffer Size (Bytes)

This is a key parameter for buffering performance. The sum of these two memory buffer sizes must be large enough to accommodate the data that an interface collects during a single scan. A typical event with a Float32 point type requires about 25 bytes. If an interface writes data to 5,000 points, it can potentially send 125,000 bytes (25 * 5000) of data in one scan. As a result, the size of each memory buffer should be 62,500 bytes.

The default value of these memory buffers is 32,768 bytes. OSIsoft recommends that these two memory buffer sizes should be increased to the maximum of 2000000 for the best buffering performance.

Send rate (milliseconds)

Send rate is the time in milliseconds that PIBufss waits between sending up to the Maximum transfer objects (described below) to the PI Server. The default value is 100. The valid range is 0 to 2,000,000.

Maximum transfer objects

Maximum transfer objects is the maximum number of events that PIBufss sends between each Send rate pause. The default value is 500. The valid range is 1 to 2,000,000.

Event Queue File Size (Mbytes)

This is the size of the event queue files. PIBufss stores the buffered data to these files. The default value is 32. The range is 8 to 131072 (8 Mbytes to 128 Gbytes). Please see the section entitled, “Queue File Sizing” in the pibufss.chm file for details on how to appropriately size the event queue files.

Event Queue Path

This is the location of the event queue file. The default value is [PIHOME]\DAT.

For optimal performance and reliability, OSIsoft recommends that you place the PIBufss event queue files on a different drive/controller from the system drive and the drive with the Windows paging file. (By default, these two drives are the same.)


For Bufserv, the paragraphs below describe the settings that may require user intervention. Please contact OSIsoft Technical Support for assistance in further optimizing these and all remaining settings.


Maximum buffer file size (KB)

This is the maximum size of the buffer file ([PIHOME]\DAT\APIBUF.DAT). When Bufserv cannot communicate with the PI Server, it writes and appends data to this file. When the buffer file reaches this maximum size, Bufserv discards data.

The default value is 2,000,000 KB, which is about 2 GB. The range is from 1 to 2,000,000.

Primary and Secondary Memory Buffer Size (Bytes)

This is a key parameter for buffering performance. The sum of these two memory buffer sizes must be large enough to accommodate the data that an interface collects during a single scan. A typical event with a Float32 point type requires about 25 bytes. If an interface writes data to 5,000 points, it can potentially send 125,000 bytes (25 * 5000) of data in one scan. As a result, the size of each memory buffer should be 62,500 bytes.

The default value of these memory buffers is 32,768 bytes. OSIsoft recommends that these two memory buffer sizes should be increased to the maximum of 2000000 for the best buffering performance.

Send rate (milliseconds)

Send rate is the time in milliseconds that Bufserv waits between sending up to the Maximum transfer objects (described below) to the PI Server. The default value is 100. The valid range is 0 to 2,000,000.

Maximum transfer objects

Max transfer objects is the maximum number of events that Bufserv sends between each Send rate pause. The default value is 500. The valid range is 1 to 2,000,000.

Buffered Servers

The Buffered Servers section allows you to define the PI Servers or PI Collective that the buffering application writes data.


PIBufss buffers data only to a single PI Server or a PI Collective. Select the PI Server or the PI Collective from the Buffering to collective/server drop down list box.

The following screen shows that PIBufss is configured to write data to a standalone PI Server named starlight. Notice that the Replicate data to all collective member nodes check box is disabled because this PI Server is not part of a collective. (PIBufss automatically detects whether a PI Server is part of a collective.)


The following screen shows that PIBufss is configured to write data to a PI Collective named admiral. By default, PIBufss replicates data to all collective members. That is, it provides n-way buffering.

You can override this option by not checking the Replicate data to all collective member nodes check box. Then, uncheck (or check) the PI Server collective members as desired.



Bufserv buffers data to a standalone PI Server, or to multiple standalone PI Servers. (If you want to buffer to multiple PI Servers that are part of a PI Collective, you should use PIBufss.)

If the PI Server to which you want Bufserv to buffer data is not in the Server list, enter its name in the Add a server box and click the Add Server button. This PI Server name must be identical to the API Hostname entry:


The following screen shows that Bufserv is configured to write to a standalone PI Server named etamp390. You use this configuration when all the interfaces on the Interface Node write data to etamp390.


The following screen shows that Bufserv is configured to write to two standalone PI Servers, one named etamp390 and the other one named starlight. You use this configuration when some of the interfaces on the Interface Node write data to etamp390 and some write to starlight.


Installing Buffering as a Service

Both the PIBufss and Bufserv applications run as a Service.

PI Buffer Subsystem Service

Use the PI Buffer Subsystem Service page to configure PIBufss as a Service. This page also allows you to start and stop the PIBufss service.

PIBufss does not require the logon rights of the local administrator account. It is sufficient to use the LocalSystem account instead. Although the screen below shows asterisks for the LocalSystem password, this account does not have a password.



API Buffer Server Service

Use the API Buffer Server Service page to configure Bufserv as a Service. This page also allows you to start and stop the Bufserv Service

Bufserv version 1.6 and later does not require the logon rights of the local administrator account. It is sufficient to use the LocalSystem account instead. Although the screen below shows asterisks for the LocalSystem password, this account does not have a password.


Interface Diagnostics Configuration

The Interface Point Configuration chapter provides information on building PI points for collecting data from the device. This chapter describes the configuration of points related to interface diagnostics.

Scan Class Performance Point

A Scan Class Performance Point measures the amount of time (in seconds) that this Interface takes to complete a scan. The Interface writes this scan completion time to millisecond resolution. Scan completion times close to 0 indicate that the Interface is performing optimally. Conversely, long scan completion times indicate an increased risk of missed or skipped scans. To prevent missed or skipped scans, you should distribute the data collection points among more interface instances.

Note: You can only configure one Performance Point for this Interface, because it supports just one scan class.

The following pattern must be written into the ExtendedDescriptor of a numeric PI point in order to set-up a performance point: [PERFORMANCE_POINT]

It is required to restart the Interface in order to write values to the Scan Class Performance Point.

Performance Counters Points

When running as a Service, this Interface exposes performance data via Windows Performance Counters. Such data include items like:

• the amount of time that the Interface has been running;

• the number of points the Interface has added to its point list;

• the number of tags that are currently updating among others

There are two types or instances of Performance Counters that can be collected and stored in PI Points. The first is (_Total) which is a total for the Performance Counter since the interface instance was started. The other is for individual Scan Classes (Scan Class x) where x is a particular scan class defined for the interface instance that is being monitored.

OSIsoft's PI Performance Monitor Interface is capable of reading these performance values and writing them to PI points. Please see the Performance Monitor Interface for more information.

Note: Since the PI_UFL Interface is not a UniInt Based interface, the ICU cannot be used to create Performance Counters Points. To use any of the following Performances Counters the PI point used by the PI Performance Monitor Interface to monitor these counters will have to be created manually.

Creating Performance Counters Points Using the PI Tag Configurator

In order to make it easy to create the Performance Counters Points the interface install kit include a sample PI Tag Configurator spreadsheet


Before using this spreadsheet you will have to make some changes. These changes are listed in comment within the spreadsheet. The OSIsoft PI Tag Configurator and Microsoft Excel also required. You can get the PI Tag Configurator from the OSIsoft Download Center at the following URL:

Note: The PI Performance Monitor Interface - and not this Interface - is responsible for updating the values for the Performance Counters Points in PI. So, make sure that the PI Performance Monitor Interface is running correctly.

Performance Counters

In the following lists of Performance Counters the naming convention used will be:

"PerformanceCounterName" (.PerformanceCountersPoint Suffix)

The tagname created by the ICU for each Performance Counter point is based on the setting found under the Tools ( Options ( Naming Conventions ( Performance Counter Points. The default for this is "sy.perf.[machine].[if service] " followed by the Performance Counter Point suffix.

Performance Counters for both (_Total) and (Scan Class x)

“Point Count” (.point_count)

A .point_count Performance Counters Point is available for each Scan Class of this Interface as well as a Total for the interface instance.

The .point_count Performance Counters Point indicates the number of PI Points per Scan Class or the total number for the interface instance. This point is similar to the Health Point [UI_SCPOINTCOUNT] for scan classes and [UI_POINTCOUNT] for totals.

The ICU uses a naming convention such that the tag containing “(Scan Class 1)” (for example, “sy.perf.etamp390.E1(Scan Class 1).point_count” refers to Scan Class 1, “(Scan Class 2)” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on. The tag containing “(_Total)” refers to the sum of all Scan Classes.

“Scheduled Scans: % Missed” (.sched_scans_%missed)

A .sched_scans_%missed Performance Counters Point is available for each Scan Class of this Interface as well as a Total for the interface instance.

The .sched_scans_%missed Performance Counters Point indicates the percentage of scans the Interface missed per Scan Class or the total number missed for all scan classes since startup. A missed scan occurs if the Interface performs the scan one second later than scheduled.

The ICU uses a naming convention such that the tag containing “(Scan Class 1)” (for example, “sy.perf.etamp390.E1(Scan Class 1).sched_scans_%missed” refers to Scan Class 1, “(Scan Class 2)” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on. The tag containing “(_Total)” refers to the sum of all Scan Classes.

“Scheduled Scans: % Skipped” (.sched_scans_%skipped)

A .sched_scans_%skipped Performance Counters Point is available for each Scan Class of this Interface as well as a Total for the interface instance.

The .sched_scans_%skipped Performance Counters Point indicates the percentage of scans the Interface skipped per Scan Class or the total number skipped for all scan classes since startup. A skipped scan is a scan that occurs at least one scan period after its scheduled time. This point is similar to the [UI_SCSKIPPED] Health Point.

The ICU uses a naming convention such that the tag containing “(Scan Class 1)” (for example, “sy.perf.etamp390.E1(Scan Class 1).sched_scans_%skipped” refers to Scan Class 1, “(Scan Class 2)” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on. The tag containing “(_Total)” refers to the sum of all Scan Classes.

“Scheduled Scans: Scan count this interval” (.sched_scans_this_interval)

A .sched_scans_this_interval Performance Counters Point is available for each Scan Class of this Interface as well as a Total for the interface instance.

The .sched_scans_this_interval Performance Counters Point indicates the number of scans that the Interface performed per performance summary interval for the scan class or the total number of scans performed for all scan classes during the summary interval. This point is similar to the [UI_SCSCANCOUNT] Health Point.

The ICU uses a naming convention such that the tag containing “(Scan Class 1)” (for example, “sy.perf.etamp390.E1(Scan Class 1).sched_scans_this_interval” refers to Scan Class 1, “(Scan Class 2)” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on. The tag containing “(_Total)” refers to the sum of all Scan Classes.

Performance Counters for (_Total) only

“Device Actual Connections” (.Device_Actual_Connections)

The .Device_Actual_Connections Performance Counters Point stores the actual number of foreign devices currently connected and working properly out of the expected number of foreign device connections to the interface. This value will always be less than or equal to the Expected Connections.

“Device Expected Connections” (.Device_Expected_Connections)

The .Device_Expected_Connections Performance Counters Point stores the total number of foreign device connections for the interface. This is the expected number of foreign device connections configured that should be working properly at runtime. If the interface can only communicate with 1 foreign device then the value of this counter will always be one. If the interface can support multiple foreign device connections then this is the total number of expected working connections configured for this Interface.

“Device Status” (.Device_Status)

The .Device_Status Performance Counters Point stores communication information about the interface and the connection to the foreign device(s). The value of this counter is based on the expected connections, actual connections and value of the /PercentUp command line option. If the device status is good then the value is ‘0’. If the device status is bad then the value is ‘1’. If the interface only supports connecting to 1 foreign device then the /PercentUp command line value does not change the results of the calculation. If for example the Interface can connect to 10 devices and 5 are currently working then the value of the /PercentUp command line parameter is applied to determine the Device Status. If the value of the /PercentUp command line parameter is set to 50 and at least 5 devices are working then the DeviceStatus will remain good (i.e. have a value of zero).

“Interface up-time (seconds)” (.up_time)

The .up_time Performance Counters Point indicates the amount of time (in seconds) that this Interface has been running. At startup the value of the counter is zero. The value will continue to increment until it reaches the maximum value for an unsigned integer. Once it reaches this value then it will start back over at zero.

“Log file message count” (.log_file_msg_count)

The .log_file_msg_count Performance Counters Point indicates the number of messages that the Interface has written to the log file. This point is similar to the [UI_MSGCOUNT] Health Point.

“PI Status” (PI_Status)

The .PI_Status Performance Counters Point stores communication information about the interface and the connection to the PI Server. If the interface is properly communicating with the PI server then the value of the counter is ‘0’. If the communication to the PI Server goes down for any reason then the value of the counter will be ‘1’. Once the interface is properly communicating with the PI server again then the value will change back to ‘0’.

“Points added to the interface” (.pts_added_to_interface)

The .pts_added_to_interface Performance Counter Point indicates the number of points the Interface has added to its point list. This does not include the number of points configured at startup. This is the number of points added to the interface after the interface has finished a successful startup.

“Points edited in the interface”(.pts_edited_in_interface)

The .pts_edited_in_interface Performance Counters Point indicates the number of point edits the Interface has detected. The Interface detects edits for those points whose PointSource attribute matches the Point Source parameter and whose Location1 attribute matches the Interface ID parameter of the Interface.

“Points Good” (.Points_Good)

The .Points_Good Performance Counters Point is the number of points that have sent a good current value to PI. A good value is defined as any value that is not a system digital state value. A point can either be Good, In Error or Stale. The total of Points Good, Points In Error and Points State will equal the Point Count. There is one exception to this rule. At startup of an interface, the Stale timeout must elapse before the point will be added to the Stale Counter. Therefore the interface must be up and running for at least 10 minutes for all tags to belong to a particular Counter.

“Points In Error” (.Points_In_Error)

The .Points_In_Error Performance Counters Point indicates the number of points that have sent a current value to PI that is a system digital state value. Once a point is in the In Error count it will remain in the In Error count until the point receives a new, good value. Points in Error do not transition to the Stale Counter. Only good points become stale.

“Points removed from the interface” (.pts_removed_from_interface)

The .pts_removed_from_interface Performance Counters Point indicates the number of points that have been removed from the Interface configuration. A point can be removed from the interface when one of the tag properties for the interface is updated and the point is no longer a part of the interface configuration. For example, changing the point source, location 1, or scan property can cause the tag to no longer be a part of the interface configuration.

“Points Stale 10(min)” (.Points_Stale_10min)

The .Points_Stale_10min Performance Counters Point indicates the number of good points that have not received a new value in the last 10 min. If a point is Good, then it will remain in the good list until the Stale timeout elapses. At this time if the point has not received a new value within the Stale Period then the point will move from the Good count to the Stale count. Only points that are Good can become Stale. If the point is in the In Error count then it will remain in the In Error count until the error clears. As stated above, the total count of Points Good, Points In Error and Points Stale will match the Point Count for the Interface.

“Points Stale 30(min)” (.Points_Stale_30min)

The .Points_Stale_30min Performance Counters Point indicates the number of points that have not received a new value in the last 30 min. For a point to be in the Stale 30 minute count it must also be a part of the Stale 10 minute count.

“Points Stale 60(min)” (.Points_Stale_60min)

The .Points_Stale_30min Performance Counters Point indicates the number of points that have not received a new value in the last 60 min. For a point to be in the Stale 60 minute count it must also be a part of the Stale 10 minute and 30 minute count.

“Points Stale 240(min)” (.Points_Stale_240min)

The .Points_Stale_240min Performance Counters Point indicates the number of points that have not received a new value in the last 240 min. For a point to be in the Stale 240 minute count it must also be a part of the Stale 10 minute, 30 minute and 60 minute count.

Performance Counters for (Scan Class x) only

“Device Scan Time (milliseconds)” (.Device_Scan_Time)

A .Device_Scan_Time Performance Counter Point is available for each Scan Class of this Interface.

The .Device_Scan_Time Performance Counters Point indicates the number of milliseconds the Interface takes to read the data from the foreign device and package the data to send to PI. This counter does not include the amount of time to send the data to PI. This point is similar to the [UI_SCINDEVSCANTIME] Health Point.

The ICU uses a naming convention such that the tag containing “(Scan Class 1)” (for example, “sy.perf.etamp390.E1 (Scan Class 1).device_scan _time” refers to Scan Class 1, “(Scan Class 2) refers to Scan Class 2, and so on.

“Scan Time (milliseconds)” (.scan_time)

A .scan_time Performance Counter Point is available for each Scan Class of this Interface.

The .scan_time Performance Counter Point indicates the number of milliseconds the Interface takes to both read the data from the device and send the data to PI. This point is similar to the [UI_SCINSCANTIME] Health Point.

The ICU uses a naming convention such that the tag containing “(Scan Class 1)” (for example, “sy.perf.etamp390.E1(Scan Class 1).scan_time” refers to Scan Class 1, “(Scan Class 2)” refers to Scan Class 2, and so on.

Interface Health Monitoring Points

Interface Health Monitoring Points provide information about the health of this Interface.

Creating Health Monitoring Points Using the PI Tag Configurator

In order to make it easy to create the Health Monitoring Points the interface install kit include a sample PI Tag Configurator spreadsheet


Before using this spreadsheet you will have to make some changes. These changes are listed in comment within the spreadsheet. The OSIsoft PI Tag Configurator and Microsoft Excel also required. You can get the PI Tag Configurator from the OSIsoft Download Center at the following URL:


The [UI_IF_INFO] Health Point is the Interface Information Point. This point provides information for all interfaces that connect to a PI Server. The value of this point is a string that indicates:

the node name on which an interface is running

the IP address on which an interface is running

an interface’s executable name

an interface’s Point Source parameter

an interface’s Interface ID parameter

an interface’s Scan Classes

the number of points in an interface’s point list

the number of messages to interface specific log that an interface has written

the number of seconds that an interface has been running

An example value for the Interface Information Point is:

ifnodename | | PI_UFL | UFL | ID N/A |

1 Scan Class: 5 | Points 10 | Message Count 31 | Up Time 1234

This Interface updates the value of the Interface Information Point every 30 minutes.


The [UI_HEARTBEAT] Health Point indicates whether the Interface is currently running. The value of this point is an integer that increments continuously from 1 to 15. After reaching 15, the value resets to 1.

The fastest scan class frequency determines the frequency at which the Interface updates this point:

|Fastest Scan Frequency |Update frequency |

|Less than 1 second |1 second |

|Between 1 and 60 seconds, inclusive |Scan frequency |

|More than 60 seconds |60 seconds |

If the value of the [UI_HEARTBEAT] Health Point is not changing, then this Interface is in an unresponsive state.


The [UI_DEVSTAT] Health Point provides an indication of the connection status between the Interface and the data source. The possible values for this string point are:

• Starting – The Interface remains in this state until it has successfully initialized the given PI_UFL PlugIn.

• Good – This value indicates that the Interface was able to connect to all of the devices referenced in the Interface’s point configuration. A value of Good does not mean that all tags are receiving good values, but it is a good indication that there are no hardware or network problems.

• Intf Shutdown – The Interface has shut down.


The [UI_SCINFO] Health Point provides scan class information. The value of this point is a string that indicates

• the number of scan classes;

• the update frequency of the [UI_HEARTBEAT] Health Point

• the scan class frequency

An example value for the [UI_SCINFO] Health Point is:

1 | 5 | 120

The Interface updates the value of this point at startup and then each 8 hours.


The [UI_IORATE] Health Point indicates the sum of the number of scan-based input values the Interface collects before it performs exception reporting.

The Interface updates this point at the same frequency as the [UI_HEARTBEAT] point. The value of this [UI_IORATE] Health Point may be zero. A stale timestamp for this point indicates that this Interface has stopped collecting data.


The [UI_MSGCOUNT] Health Point tracks the number of messages that the Interface has written to the interface specific log file since start-up. In general, a large number for this point indicates that the Interface is encountering problems or has been/is run with high debug level. You should investigate the cause of these problems by looking in the corresponding log file.

The Interface updates the value of this point every 60 seconds. While the Interface is running, the value of this point never decreases.





These four (above stated) Health Points are NOT implemented in PI_UFL interface!


This Health Point indicates the number of events that the Interface has collected. If the current value of this point is between zero and the corresponding [UI_SCPOINTCOUNT] point, inclusive, then the Interface executed the scan successfully. If a [UI_SCIORATE] point stops updating, then this condition indicates that an error has occurred and the tags for the scan class are no longer receiving new data.

The Interface updates the value of a [UI_SCIORATE] point after the completion of the associated scan.


This Health Point indicates the number System Digital State values that the Interface has collected. The Interface updates the value of a [UI_SCBVRATE] point after the completion of the scan.


Represents the number of scans that the Interface has performed. The Interface updates the value of this point at the completion of the associated scan. The Interface resets the value of this point to zero after the interval defined by the /perf start-up parameter.


Represents the number of scans that the Interface was not able to perform before the scan time elapsed and before the Interface performed the next scheduled scan.

The Interface updates the value of this point each time it skips a scan. The value represents the total number of skipped scans. The Interface resets the value of this point to zero after the interval defined by the /perf start-up parameter.


This Health Point monitors the number of tags in a Scan Class. The Interface updates the [UI_SCPOINTCOUNT] Health Point when it performs the scan.


Represents the amount of time (in milliseconds) the Interface takes to read data from the device, fill in the values for the tags, and send the values to the PI Server.

The Interface updates the value of this point at the completion of the scan.


Represents the amount of time (in milliseconds) the Interface takes to read data from the device and fill in the values for the tags.

Normally, the value of a [UI_ SCINDEVSCANTIME] point is a fraction of the corresponding [UI_SCINSCANTIME] point value. You can use these numbers to determine the percentage of time the Interface spends communicating with the device compared with the percentage of time communicating with the PI Server.

If the [UI_SCSKIPPED] value is increasing, the [UI_SCINSCANTIME] points along with the [UI_SCINSCANTIME] points can help identify where the delay is occurring: whether the reason is communication with the device, communication with the PI Server, or elsewhere.

The Interface updates the value of this point at the completion of the scan.

I/O Rate Point

An I/O Rate point measures the rate at which the Interface writes data to its input tags. The value of an I/O Rate point represents a 10-minute average of the total number of values per minute that the Interface sends to the PI Server.

When the Interface starts, it writes 0 to the I/O Rate point. After running for ten minutes, the Interface writes the I/O Rate value. The Interface continues to write a value every 10 minutes. When the Interface stops, it writes 0.

The ICU allows you to create one I/O Rate point for each copy of this Interface. Select this Interface from the Interface drop-down list, click IO Rate in the parameter category pane, and check Enable IORates for this Interface.


As the preceding picture shows, the ICU suggests an Event Counter number and a Tagname for the I/O Rate Point. Click the Save button to save the settings and create the I/O Rate point. Click the Apply button to apply the changes to this copy of the Interface.

You need to restart the Interface in order for it to write a value to the newly created I/O Rate point. Restart the Interface by clicking the Restart button:


(The reason you need to restart the Interface is that the PointSource attribute of an I/O Rate point is Lab.)

To confirm that the Interface recognizes the I/O Rate Point, look in the pipc.log for a message such as:

PI-ModBus 1> IORATE: tag sy.io.etamp390.ModbusE1 configured.

To see the I/O Rate point’s current value (snapshot), click the Refresh snapshot button:


Enable IORates for this Interface

The Enable IORates for this interface check box enables or disables I/O Rates for the current interface. To disable I/O Rates for the selected interface, uncheck this box. To enable I/O Rates for the selected interface, check this box.

Event Counter

The Event Counter correlates a tag specified in the iorates.dat file with this copy of the interface. The command-line equivalent is /ec=x, where x is the same number that is assigned to a tag name in the iorates.dat file.


The tag name listed under the Tagname column is the name of the I/O Rate tag.

Tag Status

The Tag Status column indicates whether the I/O Rate tag exists in PI. The possible states are:

• Created – This status indicates that the tag exist in PI

• Not Created – This status indicates that the tag does not yet exist in PI

• Deleted – This status indicates that the tag has just been deleted

• Unknown – This status indicates that the PI ICU is not able to access the PI Server

In File

The In File column indicates whether the I/O Rate tag listed in the tag name and the event counter is in the IORates.dat file. The possible states are:

• Yes – This status indicates that the tag name and event counter are in the IORates.dat file

• No – This status indicates that the tag name and event counter are not in the IORates.dat file


The Snapshot column holds the snapshot value of the I/O Rate tag, if the I/O Rate tag exists in PI. The Snapshot column is updated when the IORates/Status Tags tab is clicked, and when the Interface is first loaded.

Right Mouse Button Menu Options


Create the suggested I/O Rate tag with the tag name indicated in the Tagname column.


Delete the I/O Rate tag listed in the Tagname column.


Allow the user to specify a new name for the I/O Rate tag listed in the Tagname column.

Add to File

Add the tag to the IORates.dat file with the event counter listed in the Event Counter Column.


Allow the user to search the PI Server for a previously defined I/O Rate tag.

Interface Status Point

The PI Interface Status Utility (ISU) alerts you when an interface is not currently writing data to the PI Server. This situation commonly occurs

• if the monitored interface is running on an Interface Node, but the Interface Node cannot communicate with the PI Server; or

• the monitored interface is not running, but it failed to write at shutdown a System state such as Intf Shut.

The ISU works by periodically looking at the timestamp of a Watchdog Tag. The Watchdog Tag is a tag whose value a monitored interface (such as this Interface) frequently updates. The Watchdog Tag has its excdev, excmin, and excmax point attributes set to 0. So, a non-changing timestamp for the Watchdog Tag indicates that the monitored interface is not writing data.

Please see the Interface Status Interface to the PI System for complete information on using the ISU. PI Interface Status runs only on a PI Server Node.

If you have used the ICU to configure the PI Interface Status Utility on the PI Server Node, the ICU allows you to create the appropriate ISU point. Select this Interface from the Interface drop-down list and click Interface Status in the parameter category pane. Right click on the ISU tag definition window to bring up the context menu:


Click Create to create the ISU tag.

Use the Tag Search button to select a Watchdog Tag. (Recall that the Watchdog Tag is one of the points for which this Interface collects data.)

Select a Scan frequency from the drop-down list box. This Scan frequency is the interval at which the ISU monitors the Watchdog Tag. For optimal performance, choose a Scan frequency that is less frequent than the majority of the scan rates for this Interface’s points. For example, if this Interface scans most of its points every 30 seconds, choose a Scan frequency of 60 seconds. If this Interface scans most of its points every second, choose a Scan frequency of 10 seconds.

If the Tag Status indicates that the ISU tag is Incorrect, right click to enable the context menu and select Correct.

Note: The PI Interface Status Utility - and not this Interface - is responsible for updating the ISU tag. So, make sure that the PI Interface Status Utility is running correctly.

For Users of Previous (2.x) Interface Versions

The PI_UFL interface version 3.x is a complete rewrite. The goal was to merge the BatchFL interface (PI-IN-BF-LAB-NTI) and the Message Logger interface (PI-IN-OS-ML-NTI), because the functionality of these interfaces overlapped. In addition, the new PI_UFL interface has been designed so that it consists of the reusable frame and the data source specific PlugIns implemented as DLLs. All stream oriented data can thus be interfaced in the unified way; regardless if the data comes from ASCII files in directories, from ASCII files located on FTP servers, or if the data is read from serial ports or emails. The syntax for the message/field description and the consequent expression evaluation (configuration file) will remain the same. Any new ‘stream oriented’ interface will thus only require a proprietary PlugIn (DLL) that will implement the communication with the given stream producer. To achieve this, a couple of configuration parameters (of the existing PI_UFL interface) had to be modified. In addition, it was necessary to change the existing startup parameters' location. Some parameters were moved from the PI_UFL.BAT file to the configuration file.

Users of the previous PI_UFL versions who want to upgrade their existing installations should carefully read the following paragraphs:

PI_UFL.BAT Changes

The major change (against the previous PI_UFL version – occurred with start-up parameters. Some parameters were moved from the PI_UFL.BAT to the configuration file, and some were renamed. The following table lists all the startup parameters supported in the older versions and documents those that changed their location, or have a modified name:

|Old Parameter Name |New Parameter Name |Location / Remark |

|New start-up parameter |/am |BAT file. |

| | |Since version 3.0.3 |

|/cf=xxx.yyy |Unchanged | |

|/db |deb=n |Moved to INI file; section |

| | |[SETTING] |

|/des |Unchanged | |

|New start-up parameter |/disablecounters |BAT file. |

| | |Since version 3.1.0 |

|New start-up parameter |/ec |BAT file. |

| | |Since version 3.0.3 |

|/err |err |Moved to INI file; section |

| | |[PLUG-IN] |

|/f=hh:mm:ss |Unchanged | |

|/host=host |Unchanged | |

|/id |No longer Supported | |

|New start-up parameter |/imt |Supported since 3.1.0 |

|/if |ifm |Moved to INI file; section |

| | |[PLUG-IN] |

|/ifs |ifs |Moved to INI file; section |

| | |[PLUG-IN] |

|/lb |Unchanged |BAT file |

| | |Also, see description of |

| | |Location5. |

|New start-up parameter |/lbs |Supported since 3.1.0 |

|/output |output |Moved to INI file; section |

| | |[SETTING] |

|/ps |Unchanged | |

|New start-up parameter |/perf=# |BAT file. |

| | |Since version 3.1.0 |

|/pu |purgetime |Moved to INI file; section |

| | |[PLUG-IN] |

|New start-up parameter |/rbo |BAT file |

|/ren |ren |Moved to INI file; section |

| | |[PLUG-IN] |

|New start-up parameter |/runonce |BAT file |

|/test |No longer supported | |

|/tm |Unchanged | |

|/utc |Unchanged | |

|New start-up parameter |/wd |BAT file |

| | |Supported since version 3.0.3 |

|New start-up parameter |/ws |BAT file |

| | |Supported since version 3.0.3 |

Configuration File Changes

In PI_UFL 3.x version, the configuration file not only defines the definitions for parsing the messages, it also contains some of the interface’s start-up parameters. The above table explicitly lists which parameters moved from the .BAT file to the configuration file. The chapter PI_UFL Configuration (INI) File contains full description of individual sections with keywords. Users only have to make sure, the sections [INTERFACE], [PLUG-IN] and [SETTING] are defined at the beginning of the configuration file; the sections [FIELD] or [MSG] then have to follow.

Note: The most important change in the messages and fields description part of the config. file is related to data types. PI_UFL 3.x has much stricter data type control. The new data type Time has been introduced and the new name DateTime replaced the name Time used in the previous PI_UFL versions. In the 3.x+ the Time data type is real Time and DateTime describes the full timestamp. Therefore, existing INI files (used with PI_UFL version 2.x) have to be changed so that Time needs to be replaced with DateTime; that is:

FIELD(1).NAME= "PI_TimeStamp"

' FIELD(1).Type= "Time"

' needs to be replaced with

FIELD(1).Type= "DateTime"

The following bullets summarize the other important changes/enhancements:

• The Now() function was added.

• The StoreInPI() function has been enhanced to support the Annotation parameter. It also returns a value indicating success or failure of the operation.

• StoreInPIDST() is no longer supported.

• New functionality has been added regarding the automatic tag and digital set/state creation. See the MSG(n).EPC and MSG(n).DigitalSet keywords.

• The IF (Expression) THEN construct was added.

• Messages in error are now stored by default in a file specified by the MSGInError keyword.

• The processed file renaming logic has been changed. Reading the data files is the responsibility of the PlugIn. The PlugIn is not aware about any success or failure when sending the data to PI or of any other run-time (parsing) error. In version 3.x the file is not given the Err suffix when there was runtime error. The Err is only used when the file cannot be open or read.

Note: Examples showing the above listed changes are given in Appendixes to this document. See the Appendixes B – F below.

Changes in Point Attributes

In PI_UFL 3.x, the following attributes from the PI Point Database are interpreted differently. See their description in the corresponding section in this document.

• Convers – this parameter is now applied as a coefficient against the numeric tags

• Location5 – defines whether exception reporting is used, or what archive writing mode is applied

A. Error and Informational Messages

All messages are sent to the standard output, and, depending whether the output keyword is specified or not, interface will log the messages to the output file or to the PIPC.log.

Each message has the following format

dd-MMM-yy hh:mm:ss [PI_UFL] [Msg type] Message


dd-MMM-yy hh:mm:ss

is the date time the message occurred.

Msg type Is the type of the message:

[Info], [Error], [Warning], [PL_Info], [PL_Error], [PL_Warning]

The PL prefix stands for PlugIn and indicates the message was printed from the PlugIn DLL.

Message Message Body.

Note: Should the consequent message be the same as the previous one, the interface stops printing them after 10 identical occurrences.

B. BatchFL_to_UFl Conversion Utility

The PI_UFL Interface now supports a BatchFL Plug-In. To facilitate the migration from the BatchFL interface to the PI_UFL interface a conversion utility was developed.

Note: The PI_UFL interface does not support using a tag number instead of a tagname or alias tagname in the data files. (/TN) If your BatchFL interface depends on this feature you should continue using the BatchFL interface and not convert to PI_UFL.

Note: If you have used either the /EC or /OO command line parameters with the BatchFL interface it is imparative you refer to the Post Conversion Steps section below for detailed instructions.

• Any errors encountered while using this utility will be displayed in a text box displayed to the user.

• If the ICU is open when this utility is used it will be necessary to exit the ICU and reenter it before you will see the new interface instance created by the utility.

The new utility has the following functions.

1. If the “Unregister BatchFL Interface (Recommended)” check box is checked it will unregister the BatchFL interface instance in the ICU which is being converted . This check box will already be checked since it is the recommended way of using this utility. Leaving the BatchFL instance in the ICU could cause problems if both the BatchFL and PI_UFL interfaces are configured for the same PI Points and data source.

2. If will also delete any service associated with the BatchFL interface instance being unregistered if the“Unregister BatchFL Interface (Recommended)” check box is checked.

3. It will create a new PI_UFL#.bat file from the BatchFL batch file command line and store this in the PI_UFL interface INI subdirectory.

4. It will create a new PI_UFL#.ini file from the BatchFL batch file command line and store this in the PI_UFL interface directory.

5. If will register a new PI_UFL# interface instance using the new batch and ini file created.

BatchFL_to_UFL Conversion Utility

To use this utility:

1. Navigate to the [PIHOME]\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Utility\ directory.

2. Double click the BatchFL_to_UFL.exe file. The following windows will appear.


3. Browse using the “…” browse button to select the BatchFL batch file to convert. The window will change to show what will be created, the old BatchFL command line and the new UFL command line.


4. Click the Convert to UFL button. The following dialog will appear indicating that a new ICU interface instance for this BatchFl interface batch file was created and the names used for the new PI_UFL interface instance.


5. Once it has been converted, select another batch file to convert or click the Exit button to end the program.

6. Open the ICU and select the instance created by the utility to make further changes to the configuration.

Post Conversion Steps

Since the BatchFL and PI_UFL interfaces differ slightly in their implementation of the command line parameters the best possible conversion has been done using this utility. However in a few instances there are things which might cause the converted interface instance to need further configuration.

“Unregister BatchFL Interface (Recommended)” checked

1. The newly create PI_UFL interface instance will retain the /EC=# command line parameter used by the BatchFL interface instance. The IORate PI Tag associated with this event counter will be named “sy.io.node.BatchFL#” if the standard naming convention was used to create this tag. If you wish to rename this tag so it is more closely aligned with the new PI_UFL interface instance follow the steps below:

1. Start the ICU

2. Select the new PI_UFL interface instance

3. Then select the IO Rate section

4. Click on the Rename button, this will open a dialog where you can rename the tag. The suggested way to change this tag is to remove the BatchFL# and replace this with PI_UFL# using the service ID # used when this instance was created by the utility.

Example: sy.io.xyz.BatchFL1 - Old IO Rates Tag from BatchFL instance

sy.io.xyz.PI_UFL2 - New IO Rates Tag for PI_UFL instance

1. If this interface is to be run as a service one will have to be created using the ICU. See the section Installing Interface Service with PI Interface Configuration Utility for details.

“Unregister BatchFL Interface (Recommended)” unchecked

If you have unchecked this box then you have decided to keep the BatchFL interface instance in the ICU and Module Database, its associated IO Rates Tag and service as well as the new PI_UFL interface instance which will use the same PI points and data sources.

The ramifications of doing so are as follows:

1. If both the BatchFL and PI_UFL interface instance are allowed to run simultaneously

a. They will both be competing for the same data source files

b. and sending data to the same PI tags.

2. The BatchFL will retain its IO Rates tag and event counter if used, however, the new PI_UFL interface instance will not have an IO Rates tag or event counter unless one is created using the ICU.

3. The BatchFL interface instance will retain any service created for its interface instance, however, the new PI_UFL interface instance will not have a service unless one is created using the ICU. If making a service for the new PI_UFL interface instance first make sure the service for the BatchFL interface instance that was converted is changed to “Manual” and not left in “Automatic”. This will help prevent both the BatchFL and PI_UFL interface instances from running simultaneously during a reboot.

Out Of Order Data used in BatchFL instance

If the BatchFL interface instance depended on Out Of Order data the PI_UFL interface does not have a command line parameter which matches the BatchFL interface. Any Out of Order processing is control by location5 for each PI Tag. The user will have to make the necessary changes to each PI Tag they wish to process that might have Out of Order data. Please see the point attribute Location5 section in the PI Point Configuration section for detail on this value. In order to use Out of Order data the command line parameters /LB and /LBS cannot be used. Make sure the conversion did not include these in the batch file if you wish to process Out of Order data.

C. CSV (Comma Delimited) Data Files

For Users of the PI Batch File Interface

The interface installation kit distributes examples that show the ability of the PI_UFL interface to process files covered by the BatchFl interface (PI-IN-BF-LAB-NTI).

Please consult the examples found under:






and the corresponding data files found in:






Examples one till three show how to process the BatchFL data file structure with the ASCII Files PlugIn. Example four (Example5BatchFl04) shows the configuration file for the BatchFL mode. You will need to modify the paths (and possibly the timestamp formatting) in the configuration files for these to work properly.

Next to the above mentioned BatchFl examples, the following sections show the data stream extract, the configuration file and the .BAT file together with a short explanation for both – that is ASCIIFiles PlugIn as well as the BatchFL mode:

Data File Example

BATCHFL-1,25-Jan-07 08:00:25,1234.1

BATCHFL-2,25-Jan-07 08:00:25,1234.2

BATCHFL-3,25-Jan-07 08:00:25,1234.3

BATCHFL-4,25-Jan-07 08:00:25,1234.4

BATCHFL-5,25-Jan-07 08:00:25,1234.5

BATCHFL-6,17-Jan-07 08:00:25,1234.6

BATCHFL-7,17-Jan-07 08:00:25,1234.7

BATCHFL-8,17-Jan-07 08:00:25,1234.8

BATCHFL-9,17-Jan-07 08:00:25,1234.9

BATCHFL-0,17-Jan-07 08:00:25,1234.0

Configuration File Example with ASCIIFiles PlugIn

‘ BatchFl.ini

‘ Shows that PI_UFL interface covers the tructures

‘ processed by the BatchFl interface


PLUG-IN = ASCIIFiles.dll



IFM = C:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Data\*.txt




DEB = 1



MSGINERROR = c:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\logs\errors_batchfl.out

OUTPUT = c:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\logs\pi_ufl_batchfl.out



FIELD(1).NAME = “TagName”

FIELD(1).TYPE = “String”

FIELD(2).NAME = “Timestamp”

FIELD(2).TYPE = “DateTime”

FIELD(2).FORMAT = “dd-MMM-yy hh:mm:ss”, _


FIELD(3).NAME = “Value”

FIELD(3).TYPE = “Number”


MSG(1).NAME = “BatchFL”

‘ Enable the point creation; that is, all new points will be

‘ automatically created. See the appropriate chapter for more

‘ detailed explanation

MSG(1).EPC = “Float32”


‘ Message filter. If the data file contains a valid message on

‘ each line, no filter is necessary.

BatchFL.FILTER = C1==”*”

‘ Positions of the individual fields:

TagName = [“(*),*,*”]

Timestamp = [“*,(*),*”]

Value = [“*,*,(*)”]

‘ Send value to PI

StoreInPi(TagName,, Timestamp, Value,,,)

Configuration File Example - BatchFL Mode




IFM = C:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Data\*.txt






POINT_TYPE = Float32





DEB = 4



MSGINERROR = c:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\logs\batchfl.err

OUTPUT = c:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\logs\batchfl.out


Bat File Example (ASCIIFiles PlugIn and BatchFL Mode)


/host=piserver1 ^

/f=00:01:00 ^



ASCIIFiles PlugIn

A comma delimited data file is a rather simple case for the PI_UFL interface. There is only one message type and messages consist of only one line. Separating the fields from each other is also easy, because the comma (delimiter) serves as the ‘search string’.

In the configuration file we use names for a message – BatchFL and for the fields TagName, Timestamp, Value. This makes the file more readable.

A valid data line is recognized based on the timestamp format (BatchFL.FILTER = C1==”*,??-???-?? ??:??:??,* “).

The field containing a TagName is read in first. It is positioned between column 1 and the first occurrence of the comma (TagName = C1 – (“,”)).

Second field – the Timestamp; the date/time format uses 3 characters month abbreviations, so it is important to know in which language they are given. The second parameter of the Format attribute explicitly names them.

Finally the Value; the Value field starts after the comma, which follows the Timestamp, and ends with the line itself.

At the very end, the data is sent to a PI tag (StoreInPi() function). Once this is completed, the interface starts a new iteration with the next data line..; until the data file reaches its end.

Note: The PI_UFL thus covers much ‘wider spectrum’ of data files than the BatchFL interface. In other words, the data file structure does not have to be strictly orthogonal; i.e., ‘column oriented’.

BatchFL Mode

As described in section BatchFL, PI_UFL interface version 3.1 implemented a new mode – the BatchFL mode; PI_UFL interface relies on the fact that the data file structure is fixed. The above example shows how the corresponding INI file looks like. There is neither [FIELD] nor [MSG] section; they are not needed, because the interface expects a fixed data file structure.

D. XML Document Files

XML files can be relatively complex; however, it does not mean PI_UFL cannot parse them. Simple XML structures like below are easily parse-able by the means PI_UFL offers. All what is needed is to write a suitable .INI file. As always, first step is to define a line. In case the XML file has lines ended with CRLF (ASCII codes: 13 and 10), the line division can remain and the content treated as ordinary ASCII file. When needed, the NEWLINE keyword allows for the definition of multiple line-ends (see the NEWLINE section in this document) and the XML content can be broken into lines, which end for instance, with the xml end tags:

NEWLINE = “” OR “” OR “”

Data File Example










Configuration File Example

‘ xml.ini

‘ Shows that PI_UFL interface can parse the XML files


PLUG-IN = ASCIIFiles.dll



IFM = C:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Data\*.xml




DEB = 4



MSGINERROR = C:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Logs\errors_xml.out

OUTPUT = C:\PIPC\Interfaces\PI_UFL\Logs\pi_ufl_xml.out






FIELD(3).TYPE = “DateTime”

FIELD(3).FORMAT = “yyyy,MM,dd,hh,mm,ss”


FIELD(4).Type = “DSTFlag”

FIELD(4).Format = “no,yes”



FIELD(6).Type = “Number”




FIELD(9).TYPE = “Time”

FIELD(9).FORMAT = “hh:mm:ss”


‘ Five messages are recognized:







MSG(5).EPC = “Float32”


‘ TAG_ID and Unit of Measure


XML_LINE_MP.FILTER= C1==”*”)-(“ My Calls.

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J. Revision History

|Date |Author |Comments |

|Dec-06 |Mfreitag |PI_UFL Version 3.0 Manual Draft. |

|Mar-07 |Mfreitag |Manual review for PI_UFL version |

|16-Mar-2007 |Janelle |Version, Revision A: update manual to latest |

| | |skeleton (2.5.2), update hardware diagrams |

|30-Mar-2007 |Mfreitag |Version, Accommodated changes recommended in |

| | | Revision A. |

|07-Jun-2007 |Janelle, Mfreitag |Version |

|26-Jun-2007 |Mfreitag |Version, Revision A: corrected the /ps and /tm |

| | |description |

|17-Jul-2007 |Mfreitag |Version, Revision B: added the section about the |

| | |Scan, IO Rate Tag and Performance Point; Incorporated |

| | |changes suggested by Mkelly |

|30-Jul-2007 |Mkelly |Version, Revision C: Added Serial Based interface |

| | |to support features table. Updated headers and footers. |

|05-Sep-2007 |Mfreitag |Version added Table 1in section Performance |

| | |Considerations. |

| | |Updated the list of supported OS. |

|Mar-2008 |Mfreitag |Version – PLIs., WORDWRAP keyword, new functions |

| | |INSTR(), YEAR(), MONTH(),DAY().. Reformulated examples |

| | |description in chapter Appendixes A-D |

|Jul-2008 |Mfreitag |POP3 PlugIn |

|23-July-2008 |Janelle |Version Revision A: updated to latest skeleton; |

| | |fixed headers |

|Jul-2008 |Mfreitag |Version Revision B. Added a paragraph to the |

| | |Buffering chapter. |

|31-July-2008 |Janelle |Version Revision C: added note to indicate that |

| | |POP3S is not supported by the POP3 PlugIn. |

|20-May-2009 |Mfreitag |Version updated to latest interfaces skeleton; |

| | |fixed headers; added the Health Points and the GUI |

| | |chapters, new start-up parameter switches, changed the |

| | |cross-references to hyperlinks and several other minor |

| | |fixes. |

|15-Jun-2009 |Mkelly |Version Revision A, Fixed header, footers, section|

| | |break. Fixed broken hyperlinks. Rebuilt TOC. |

|18-Jun-2009 |Mkelly |Version Revision B; Updated ICU Control section |

| | |and its screenshots. |

|19-Jun-2009 |Mfreitag |Version Revision C; Removed several screenshots, |

| | |added some page-breaks; |

| | |rebuilt TOC. |

|19-Jun-2009 |Mkelly |Version Revision D; Added section on creating |

| | |Health Points using PI Tag Configurator; rebuilt TOC. |

|01-Apr-2010 |Mfreitag |Version Using the Word 2007 skeleton. |

|07-May-2010 |Mkelly |Version Revision A. Updated to current formatting |

| | |styles and skeleton 3.0.27. Rearrange the INI file section|

| | |keywords in alphabetic order. |

|12-May-2010 |Mfreitag |Version Revision B. Added the BatchFL mode example|

| | |removed the references to Windows 2000. |

|11-Jun-2010 |MKelly |Version Revision C. Updated the BatchFL_to_UFL |

| | |Conversion Utility appendix with new information and |

| | |screenshots. |


[1] UniInt stands for Universal Interface. UniInt is not a separate product or file; it is an OSIsoft-developed template used by developers, and is integrated into many interfaces, including this interface. The purpose of UniInt is to keep a consistent feature set and behavior across as many of OSIsoft’s interfaces as possible.




Line containing Timestamp dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss Value 123 and Tag Name at fixed positions


time field

value field

tag field

Status of the Interface Service

Service installed or uninstalled

Status of the ICU


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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