CIS 50: Computing and Information Technology

Screen CapturesAt the end of this assignment, you will:Use the keyboard to capture the whole Windows/MAC desktop screen or only the active windowExplore Windows 10 Snipping ToolExplore Office 2016/2019 Screenshot toolPaste clipboard info into various programs: Paint, WordPad, MS WordSave the pasted information using various file formatsCompare file size on various screen capturesCreate a Screen-o-matic video with AUDIO -- computer with speakers and microphone requiredTHERE WILL BE ONE (2) PRINTOUTS/FILES TO SUBMIT FOR CREDIT:Assignment #1— your_name_screencapture.docx - MS Word document that shows a table comparing the file sizes of various screen capturesAssignment #2— your_name_screenomatic.mp4 - submit your Screen-O-matics .mp4 file/video with AUDIO computer with speakers and microphone requiredSubmit assignments via Canvas: Click on the Assignments button, Click on link: HW2a: Screen Captures. Screen CaptureAny image you currently see on your computer screen can be "CAPTURED", placed into memory (the Clipboard), pasted into another program (word processor, Paint, or other application) and then printed to your printer or saved to a file for later use.You could accomplish the same thing by taking a picture with your smart phone -- presto -- you have a picture of your computer screen with the image you wanted. 249174015684500So, how do I do it?For this example, let's pretend you have clicked on My Computer and you are viewing the files in a particular File Folder (directory) on your C: drive. You would like to have a copy of this particular screen.Step 1:? With this screen image on your computer, press the Print Screen key on your keyboard.Just tap this key once! Note: You will not see anything physically happen. Don't worry; the image went into memory (the Clipboard.)Step 2:? Click on the Start button, the lower left-hand corner of your Windows screen.Click on Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Paint (or Paint 3D) or WordPad Step 3:? If your Paint or WordPad screen is small, maximize your Paint or WordPad screen by clicking on the Maximize (middle) icon in the upper right-hand corner of the WordPad screen.Step 4: Click on Edit/Paste. This will copy the computer screen image from memory (clipboard) to your WordPad or Paint document.Step 5:? Depending on what you plan to do with this image, you can either save or print the screen image--it's up to you!Why would I ever do this?Some instructors may want to know what the computer screen looks like in a particular part of a homework assignment (such as a Windows course where you are asked to show the current state of your desktop). This method allows the instructor to "see" your computer without actually being there!This may look a little confusing, but after you have done a few screen captures you will find that it is really quite simple.In this class you will often be asked to;screen capture or printscreenpaste the ‘screen capture’ into an application (MS Paint, Wordpad, MS Word)save the filesend the instructor that file via an email attachmentHelpful Tutorials to Explore - Learn how to make a 'screen shot'. Click the Windows tab to view how to take a screen shot in a Windows environment, Windows 7/Vista have a 'Snipping Tool' accessory (Start --> All Programs --> Accessories --> Snipping Tool). Click the MAC tab to view how to take a screen shot when using a MAC. Click the Websites tab to view how to take a screen shot of a website using your FireFox browser with Screengrab plugin - Windows Snipping Tool (Windows Accessory) - How To Capture a Screen Shot of your Desktop or the Active Window in Windows - Mac Screen CaptureScreen capture using Office 2016/2019 Screenshot: Screen O Matic – web-based screen recording tool for PC and MACs screen recording tool: Assignment #1: Screen CaptureIn this assignment you will use a screen capture/printscreen of the website, paste the screen capture into each of the software applications listed below, save the file using the stated file type. Record the number of bytes of each of the files to compare the file sizes. Size is everything! You will notice that the same screen capture/printscreen will vary as to the # of bytes. For example, the Las Positas website screen capture will create a file from 500KB bytes to 6800KB bytes. STEP 1: Start a new MS Word document, save the file with the filename: your_name_screencapture.docx or .pdf ATTENTION MAC users, do NOT send me .ipages files. You must export your iPages file to .docx or .pdf format.STEP 2: Copy the following table, and paste that table into your your_name_screencapture.docxHW2a: Screen Capture Assignment NAME: ___________________________________________ApplicationSave as Type:Save as FilenameFile Size: # BytesMS Paint24-bit bitmapyour_name_mspaint_24bit.bmp6067 KBMS PaintJPEGyour_name_mspaint.jpgMS PaintGIFyour_name_mspaint.gifMS PaintPNGyour_name_mspaint.pngWordPadRTFyour_name_wordpad.rtfMS WordDOCXyour_name_msword.docxWhich application will you use to save your screen captureNOTE: Windows 10 has MS Paint and MS Paint 3D. MAC users can use any image software program.STEP 3: Go to the websiteSTEP 4: Maximize the browser window, capture the whole screen (use either the PrtScn key, or Windows 10 snipping tool or Office 2016/2019 Screenshot tool). MAC users, need to review above links on taking ‘printscreen’ with MAC operating system.STEP 5: Open MS Paint, paste (select Edit/Paste from the menu) the screen into MS Paint, save the file using the file name your_name_mspaint_24bit.bmp. When you save the file, be sure to select the Save as type: 24-bit Bitmap (*.bmp, *dib). Do NOT send me the .bmp file.NOTE: MAC users will not have MS Paint. Simple option: search/download PaintBrush for MAC.STEP 6: Review the details of the file, how large is the file?STEP 7: Record the file size in the above tableSTEP 8: While in MS Paint, save the file again, use .jpg, .png, .gif file formats. Be sure to record the file size.STEP 9: Open Wordpad, copy the info saved in the clipboard, save the file (with appropriate filename) as .rtf. MAC users can use TextEdit, be sure to save a .rtf file format.STEP 10: Open MS Word, copy the info saved in the clipboard, save the file (with appropriate filename) as .docxSTEP 11: When done, and you have filled in the blanks in the above table, Paste a printscreen of your folder where you saved your files. Be sure to include the file name, date saved, file type and filesize.When done, you are going to submit the file via Canvas: AssignmentsAssignment #2: Screen O MaticScreen O Matic is a free screen and webcam recorder to capture video from your computer screen and share it on Screencast-O-, YouTube, or save to a video file. See website: Access the website and become familiar with recording and saving a short video.Does it require a download?If you are on a Windows PC using a Java enabled browser (and Java is installed) then you don't need to download or install anything. For everybody else you'll need to download our "Screen Recorder Launcher" so you can start the recorder right here in your browser. The software needs Java enabled.Helpful Screen-O-Matic tutorials:Note: you need only the free version of Screen O Matic, you do not need to purchase the upgrade -- Getting Started -- All tutorials: Video editing, iPhone/iPad screen recording App, Android screen recording AppScreen-O-Matic upgrade pricing plans. Some nice features, but not required for this class: MAC users can use Screen-O-Matic to record their screen. MAC users can use QuickTime for MAC to record their screen with audio.In this assignment you are going to record video AND Audio the process of logging into Canvas.Start Screen O Matic recorder OR a screen capture program of your choice.NOTE: you MUST be able to record AUDIO narration with your screen recording. This is a requirement for the final student projectStart a MS Word document, type: your nametype: CIS 50type: todays dateaudio narration: Speak: “My name is state your first name and last name”NOTE: you will not need to save or send the MSWord document file. By having you record creating the document, I know which student to give credit.After you type your MS Word document, immediately start your browser, go to the Canvas website, and login. Remember, you need to verbally describe what you are doing along with showing me what you are doing. Record video with audio.Stop the recording screen AND AUDIO narration -- yes, talk in your screen recording. When done, save the .mp4 video as your_name_screenmatic.mp4Here is an example of what your screen capture recording will look using Canvas: done, you are going to submit the both files via Canvas: Assignments – HW2a ................

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