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Performance Work Statement forVeterans Health Administration (VHA) Clinical Enterprise Videoconferencing Network (CEVN) Helpdesk Support, Services & EquipmentSAC-14-10755Revised: 15 May, 2014PART 1GENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL: The Government shall not exercise any supervision or control over the contract service providers performing the services herein. Such contract service providers shall be accountable solely to the contractor who, in turn is responsible to the Government.Description of Services/Introduction: The contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment, supplies, facilities, transportation, tools, materials, and supervision necessary to perform (CEVN) Helpdesk Support, Services & Equipment Provisioning as defined in this Performance Work Statement (PWS) except for those items specified as government furnished property and services. The contractor shall perform to the standards in this PWS.1.2Background: As part of the Secretary of the Veterans Affair’s Telehealth Transformation Initiative during Fiscal Year 2011 the Under Secretary of Health for Operations and Management (10N) established the National Teleheatlh Technology Help Desk, (NTTHD). NTTHD is a contracted services for support of the medical care technologies that clinical end-user with Tier 1 technical support from a remote Customer Service Operations Center. Since its inception, NTTHD has resolved over ten thousand trouble tickets related to telehealth technologies. Of those, over 97 percent of the technical issues have been resolved at the Tier 1 level. Issues not resolvable at the Tier 1 are fed through to Tier 2 support from Office of Information Technology (OIT) and Biomedical Engineering (BME).The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has a continued need to sustain the operation of the Clinical Enterprise Videoconferencing Network (CEVN), Store and Forward Technologies (SFT) and the Telehealth Scheduling System (TSS) which are used to deliver health care services to Veterans via Clinical Video Teleconferencing (CVT). CVT is defined as the use of real-time interactive video conferencing, sometimes with supportive peripheral technologies, to assess, treat and provide care to a patient remotely. Typically, CVT links the patient(s) at a clinic to the provider(s) at another location. CVT can also provide video connectivity between a provider and a patient at home. CVT encompasses a wide variety of clinical applications such as specialty and primary care.In most cases these telehealth processes require immediate action from technical support staff in order to avoid patient encounter interruptions or cancellations due to technical difficulties. A tier system is used to route technical issues to the proper entities for remediation. There are 3 tiers, which include the NTTHD, OIT, and BME. Following is a listing of the tiers and associated responsibilities:Tier 1 NTTHDThis team coordinates and triage technical support issues related to Tier 1 level of support.Tier 2-A OI&T National Service Desk, (NSD)Technical support will be provided by various OI&T team members respective of areas of expertise. This team is responsible for all video infrastructure including gatekeepers, MCUs, gateways and call routing, dial plans, standards for all video equipment, technical support related to LAN and WAN issues and some equipment setup/configuration. Tier 2-B Facility BME TeamThis team is responsible for technical support related to equipment deployment, repair, software upgrades, maintenance and replacement of telehealth technologies.Tier 3 Vendor Service Maintenance AgreementsThis level of technical support will also be provided by this effort. NTTHD will provide support associated with coordinating new provisioning, equipment replacements and equipment integration.1.3Scope: The contractor shall provide VA Medical Centers (VAMCs) or VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) with Tier 1 support services as described in this Performance Work Statement (PWS). These services will also include equipment integration, hardware/software maintenance, inventory management, training and equipment provisioning. For Tier 2 the contractor shall provide support assistance to the OI&T and BME Teams to resolve elevated issues. For Tier 3 that requires equipment provisioning and replacement the contractor shall coordinate the movement and integration of hardware from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) to telehealth facilities. The contractor shall also provide training to telehealth technicians.These support services described herein shall extend to currently fielded CVT and SFT equipment and future system provisioning such as TSS. BPA Orders will be issued in accordance with FAR 8.405-3(C) (1), as the need for the service or supply arises. The government is obligated only to the extent of authorized purchases made under this BPA. 1.4General Information1.4.1Quality Control: The contractor shall develop and maintain an effective Quality Control Program (QCP) to ensure services are performed in accordance with this PWS. The contractor shall develop and implement procedures to identify, prevent, and ensure non-recurrence of defective services. The QCP is the means by which the contractor assures that the work complies with the requirement of the task order. The QCP shall be delivered within 30 days after the Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) is established.1.4.2Quality Assurance: The government shall evaluate the contractor’s performance under each task order under the BPA in accordance with the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan. This plan is primarily focused on what the Government must do to ensure that the contractor has performed in accordance with the performance standards. It defines how the performance standards will be applied, the frequency of surveillance, and the minimum acceptable defect rate(s).1.4.3Hours of Operation: The contractor shall provide helpdesk support Monday through Saturday 0700EDT until 2300 EDT with emergency pager assistance available in a limited capacity during off hours.? (Off hours are defined as federal holidays; the hours between 2300 EDT and 0700 EDT; and, Sundays.) The Contractor must at all times maintain an adequate workforce for the uninterrupted performance of all tasks defined within this PWS. When hiring personnel, the Contractor shall keep in mind that the stability and continuity of the workforce are essential. 1.4.4Recognized Holidays: New Year’s DayLabor DayMartin Luther King Jr.’s BirthdayColumbus DayPresident’s DayVeteran’s DayMemorial DayThanksgiving DayIndependence DayChristmas Day1.4.5Place of Performance: Tasks under this PWS shall be performed at contractor facilities. Request location(s) is identified in contractor proposal submission. 1.4.6Government Furnished Equipment: Laptop computer (one for each Help Desk Contractor); Qty: 18; Estimated value: $9K. Personal Identity Card (PIV) Card VPN access to VA NetworkCAG access to VA NetworkSecurity: The contractor shall prescreen all personnel requiring access to the computer systems to ensure they maintain the appropriate Background Investigation, and are able to read, write, speak and understand the English language. See part 8.Within 3 business days after award, the contractor shall provide a roster of contractor and subcontractor employees to the COR to begin their background investigations. The roster shall contain the employee’s Full Name, Full Social Security Number, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, and individual background investigation level requirement (based upon Part 4 Tasks).The contractor should coordinate the location of the nearest VA fingerprinting office through the COR. Only electronic fingerprints are authorized.For a Low Risk designation the following forms are required to be completed: 1.OF-306 and 2. DVA Memorandum – Electronic Fingerprints. For Moderate or High Risk the following forms are required to be completed: 1. VA Form 0710 and 2. DVA Memorandum – Electronic Fingerprints. These should be submitted to the COR within 5 business days after award. The contractor personnel will receive an email notification from the Security and Investigation Center (SIC); through the Electronics Questionnaire for Investigations Processes (e-QIP) identifying the website link that includes detailed instructions regarding completion of the investigation documents (SF85, SF85P, or SF 86). The contractor personnel shall submit all required information related to their background investigations utilizing the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Electronic Questionnaire for Investigations Processing (e-QIP).The contractor is to certify and release the e-QIP document, print and sign the signature pages, and send them to the COR for electronic submission to the SIC. These documents should be submitted to the COR within 3 business days of receipt of the e-QIP notification email.A contractor may be granted unescorted access to VA facilities and/or access to VA Information Technology resources (network and/or protected data) with a favorably adjudicated Special Agreement Check (SAC) or “Closed, No Issues” finger print results, training delineated in VA Handbook 6500.6 (Appendix C, Section 9), and, the signed “Contractor Rules of Behavior.” However, the contractor will be responsible for the actions of the contractor personnel they provide to perform work for VA. The investigative history for contractor personnel working under this contract must be maintained in the database of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The contractor, when notified of an unfavorably adjudicated background investigation on a contractor employee as determined by the Government, shall withdraw the employee from consideration in working under the contract.POSITION/TASK RISK DESIGNATION LEVEL(S) AND CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL SECURITY REQUIREMENTS POSITION/TASK RISK DESIGNATION LEVEL(S)PositionSensitivityBackground Investigation (in accordance with Department of Veterans Affairs 0710 Handbook, “Personnel Security Suitability Program,” Appendix A)LowNational Agency Check with Written Inquiries (NACI) A NACI is conducted by OPM and covers a 5-year period. It consists of a review of records contained in the OPM Security Investigations Index (SII) and the DOD Defense Central Investigations Index (DCII), FBI name check, FBI fingerprint check, and written inquiries to previous employers and references listed on the application for employment. In VA it is used for Non-sensitive or Low Risk positions.ModerateModerate Background Investigation (MBI) A MBI is conducted by OPM and covers a 5-year period. It consists of a review of National Agency Check (NAC) records [OPM Security Investigations Index (SII), DOD Defense Central Investigations Index (DCII), FBI name check, and a FBI fingerprint check], a credit report covering a period of 5 years, written inquiries to previous employers and references listed on the application for employment; an interview with the subject, law enforcement check; and a verification of the educational degree.High Background Investigation (BI) A BI is conducted by OPM and covers a 10-year period. It consists of a review of National Agency Check (NAC) records [OPM Security Investigations Index (SII), DOD Defense Central Investigations Index (DCII), FBI name check, and a FBI fingerprint check report], a credit report covering a period of 10 years, written inquiries to previous employers and references listed on the application for employment; an interview with the subject, spouse, neighbors, supervisor, co-workers; court records, law enforcement check, and a verification of the educational degree.Position Sensitivity and Background Investigation RequirementsTask NumberLow/NACIModerate/MBIHigh/BI1 FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX 2 FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX 3 FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX 4 FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX 5 FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX 6 FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX The Tasks identified above and the resulting Position Sensitivity and Background Investigation requirements identify, in effect, the Background Investigation requirements for contractor individuals, based upon the tasks the particular contractor individual will be working. The submitted contractor staff roster must indicate the required Background Investigation Level for each contractor individual based upon the tasks the contractor individual will be working, in accordance with their submitted proposal.1.4.7Contractor Personnel: The contractor shall provide qualified supervisory, technical, quality control, administrative, and clerical personnel to accomplish all work and services required by the task order within specified time frames. Staffing will be adequate to execute work in a timely manner from receipt of the task order to completion of the effort. Contractor employees shall be trained, qualified, certified, or licensed as required prior to starting work. The Government will not provide initial skills training to contractor employees. The contractor shall maintain records of training qualifications, certifications, and licenses. The contractor shall maintain the workforce in such a manner as to ensure that the employees remain fully qualified to perform the work assigned. The contractor shall provide the following management, engineering, supervisory, technical, and administrative personnel each workday at the contractor’s facilities. Project Manager. The contractor shall provide a Project Manager (PM) who shall be responsible for the performance of the work. The name of this person and an alternate who shall act for the contractor when the manager is absent shall be designated in writing to the Contracting Officer. The PM or alternate shall have full authority to act for the contractor on all contract matters relating to daily operation of this contract. The PM shall be responsible for the financial and process management of the CEVN Helpdesk Support and Equipment task orders and is delegated final authority in the approval of policy and resources for program implementation. Specifically the PM shall work with the contractor team to validate hours used and proper invoicing. The PM shall be responsible for required reports, documentation and updates that need to be provided to the COR. The PM shall review and approve recommended project documents, policies and procedures. The PM shall coordinate project changes with the COR and Contracting Officer. Operations Manager shall be responsible for the day to day operations of the helpdesk including: Accountability of helpdesk personnel, customer services, training requirements, and customer relations. Supports administrative functions such as requests for documents, administrative statistics and utilization reporting. Responsible for staffing integrity and provides recommended changes as needed within the project guidelines. Consults on updates to strategic program charter in support of the PM. Makes recommendations of supplies and services necessary for equipment, software, operation and maintenance of the project. Provides input to the PM in support of technical and business management decisions. Accountable for the integrity and accuracy of reports of the program's status, utilization, accomplishments and planned future direction. Deputy Operations/Asset Manager shall perform the following duties: Hour by hour operational management. Monitors call/ticket queues to ensure they are within prescribed thresholds. Directs Customer Service Representatives as needed. Requests support from technical support resources as necessary. Ensures issues are escalated to the proper resource (i.e. OEM, OI&T, BioMed, etc.). As an Asset Manager, ensures parts dispatch (RMA) processes are executed, tracked and sufficient inventory is maintained in accordance with project requirements. Responsible for the technical accuracy in the execution and processing of customer requests. Ensures operations are executed in accordance with Government expectations. Provides direct management, contractor customer services policy adherence, training, technical competencies and overall customer satisfaction of the support staff. Customer Service Representative is the front line support staff responsible for capturing request information, initiating the support process, updating the call record/ticket, and ensuring support levels and escalations are within prescribed thresholds. Responds to all incoming customer requests (phone, email, fax, web, etc.). Records required call/ticket data to initiate the support process and update the customer as necessary. Corresponds with the customer for status updates as prescribed. Works to resolve calls of a basic technical or procedural nature. Engages support resources as appropriate to maintain quality control of requests. Escalates customer service or technical issues to the Operational Manager. Technical Support Engineer is responsible for providing support to customer with technical remediation on complex technical issues. Assists Customer Service Representatives in the initial triage of customer technical requests. Proactively reports possible problems to the Customer Service Representative for customer notification. Leads or participates in remediation issues to restore services from the helpdesk. Performs remote troubleshooting/remediation from the helpdesk (where applicable). Lead Technical Support Engineer is responsible for providing customer facing technical remediation on complex technical issues. The Lead Technical Support Engineer assists Technicians in the resolution of customer technical requests. Performs remote troubleshooting/remediation from the helpdesk (where applicable). Escalation Engineer is on call to provide the customer facing the most complex technical issues. The Escalation Engineer is assigned as the dedicated technical resource to the helpdesk for a defined duration on a 24x7 basis carrying a pager outside business hours. The Escalation Engineer assists Lead Technical Support Engineers in the resolution of customer technical requests. Performs remote troubleshooting/remediation (where applicable). Shall operate as the escalation point in coordinating manufacturer support where applicable.1.4.8Training: The contractor staff assigned to the operations of the helpdesk support will each complete the basic training required by the Office of Telehealth Services prior to engaging in support activities or accessing support data. This training is expected to be a combination of documented briefings and online accessible training provided by the VA.Prior to engaging in support activities, support and technical training will be provided to each staff member on specific support, escalations, system use, and procedures. Additionally, each team member will complete OEM training on GlobalMed, Polycom, Cisco (Tandberg), JedMed, SMART, Avizia, BL Healthcare, TOPCON, Cannon and SFT products for medical cart and video codec support. 1.4.9Data Rights: The Government has unlimited rights to all documents/material produced under this contract. All documents and materials, to include the source codes of any software, produced under this contract shall be Government owned and are the property of the Government with all rights and privileges of ownership/copyright belonging exclusively to the Government. These documents and materials shall not be used or sold by the contractor without written permission from the Contracting Officer. All materials supplied to the Government shall be the sole property of the Government and shall not be used for any other purpose. This right does not abrogate any other Government rights.1.4.10 Organizational Conflict of Interest: Contractor and subcontractor personnel performing work under this contract may receive, have access to or participate in the development of proprietary or source selection information (e.g., cost or pricing information, budget information or analyses, specifications or work statements, etc.) or perform evaluation services which may create a current or subsequent Organizational Conflict of Interests (OCI) as defined in FAR Subpart 9.5. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer immediately whenever it becomes aware that such access or participation may result in any actual or potential OCI and shall promptly submit a plan to the Contracting Officer to avoid or mitigate any such OCI. The Contractor’s mitigation plan will be determined to be acceptable solely at the discretion of the Contracting Officer and in the event the Contracting Officer unilaterally determines that any such OCI cannot be satisfactorily avoided or mitigated, the Contracting Officer may affect other remedies as he or she deems necessary, including prohibiting the contractor from participation in subsequent contracted requirements which may be affected by the OCI.PART 2APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSAPPLICABLE DOCUMENTS: In the performance of the tasks associated with this Performance Work Statement, the Contractor shall comply with the following:44 U.S.C. § 3541, “Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002”.Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 140-2, “Security Requirements For Cryptographic Modules”.FIPS Pub 201, “Personal Identity Verification of Federal Employees and Contractors,” March 2006.10 U.S.C. § 2224, "Defense Information Assurance Program".Software Engineering Institute, Software Acquisition Capability Maturity Modeling (SA CMM) Level 2 procedures and processes.5 U.S.C. § 552a, as amended, “The Privacy Act of 1974”.42 U.S.C. § 2000d “Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964”.Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Directive 0710, “Personnel Suitability and Security Program,” June 4, 2010.VA Directive 6102, “Internet/Intranet Services,” July 15, 2008.36 C.F.R. Part 1194 “Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards”.OMB Circular A-130, “Management of Federal Information Resources”.32 C.F.R. Part 199, “Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS)”.NIST SP 800 Rev 1, An Introductory Resource Guide for Implementing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Rule, October 2008.Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. § 794d), as amended by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-220), August 7, 1998.Homeland Security Presidential Directive (12) (HSPD-12), August 27, 2004.VA Directive 6500, “Managing Information Security Risk: VA Information Security Program,” September 20, 2012.VA Handbook 6500, “Risk Management Framework for VA Information Systems – Tier 3: VA Information Security Program,” September 20, 2012.VA Handbook 6500.1, “Electronic Media Sanitization,” March 22, 2010.VA Handbook 6500.2, “Management of Data Breaches Involving Sensitive Personal Information (SPI)”, January 6, 2012.VA Handbook 6500.3, “Certification and Accreditation of VA Information Systems,” November 24, 2008.VA Handbook, 6500.5, “Incorporating Security and Privacy in System Development Lifecycle” March 22, 2010.VA Handbook 6500.6, “Contract Security,” March 12, 2010.Project Management Accountability System (PMAS) portal (reference PWS References -Technical Library at ).OIT ProPath Process Methodology (reference PWS References -Technical Library and ProPath Library links at ) NOTE: In the event of a conflict, OIT ProPath takes precedence over other processes or methodologies.VA Technical Reference Model (TRM) (reference at ).National Institute Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publications.VA Directive 6508, VA Privacy Impact Assessment, October 3, 2008.VA Directive 6300, Records and Information Management, February 26, 2009.VA Handbook, 6300.1, Records Management Procedures, March 24, 2010.OMB Memorandum, “Transition to IPv6”, September 28, 2010. Deputy Under Secretary for Operations and Management (10N) Memorandum, “Technical Support for Telehealth End-Users”, September 18, 2013.PART 3CONTRACTOR FURNISHED ITEMS AND SERVICESATTENTION: ALL PRODUCTS LISTED MUST BE VISTA VERIFIED AND COMPATABLE WITH EVTN: ?Part NumberCISCO ??Precision HD USB & MOViSalient Characteristics1CTS-PHD-USB-1PACPrecision HD USB?USB Camera Performance Features ? 1?3" 2.7 megapixel CMOS Sensor? 1280 x 720 pixels progressive@30fps (720p)? Aperture f/1.7? Multi coated all glass optics? Focus distance 0.1m-infinity? 50° Horizontal field of view? 29° Vertical field of view (plus manual tilt)? Ultra wideband microphone? Upgrade via softwareApplication Features? Auto focus? Auto light adjustment (mechanical iris)? Auto anti flicker (50/60Hz light detection)? Optimized for MOVI/JabberDesign Features? Laptop, desktop and stand alone mounting? Mechanical privacy shutter? LED In-call indicator? Travel case includedSupported ResolutionsWide Resolutions? 1280x720 (w720p)? 1024x576 (w576p) 768x448 (w448p) 512x288 (w288p)Native PAL? 352 x288 (CIF)Native PC Resolutions? 640x480 (VGA)? 320x240 (QVGA) 160x120 (1/16 VGA)* All resolutions are supported at 30 fps, 25 fps and 15 fpsSpecifications? Height: 58mm? Width: 34mm? Length: 125mm? Weight: 230g2GZ-CON-PZDN-PHDUSB1PZ Care ESS WITH 8X5XNBD Precision HD USB?24X7XNBD annual support for USB Video Conference Camera Listed AboveAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc.)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements3L-MOVI-25Movi TMS 25 Additional User LicensesMovi TMS 25 Additional User Licenses System Management ● Support for the Cisco Telepresence Management Suite (14.x series or higher) and/or Cisco Unified Communications Manager (9.x series or higher) 4GZ-CON-PZDN-MOVI-25Z Care ESS SW SUPP+UPGR Movi TMS 25 Additional User Licenses 24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco MOVI TMS 25 Additional User LicensesAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc.)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 5L-MOVI-100Movi TMS 100 Additional User LicensesMovi TMS 100 Additional User Licenses System Management Support for the Cisco Telepresence Management Suite (14.x series or higher) and/or Cisco Unified Communications Manager (9.x series or higher) 6GZ-CON-PZDN-MOVI-100Z Care ESS SW SUPP+UPGR Movi TMS 100 Additional User Licenses 24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco MOVI TMS 100 Additional User LicensesAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc.)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 7L-MOVI-500Movi TMS 500 Additional User LicensesMovi TMS 500 Additional User Licenses System Management ● Support for the Cisco Telepresence Management Suite (14.x series or higher) and/or Cisco Unified Communications Manager (9.x series or higher) 8GZ-CON-PZDN-MOVI-500Z Care ESS SW SUPP+UPGR Movi TMS 500 Additional User Licenses 24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco MOVI TMS 500 Additional User LicensesAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc.)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 9L-MOVI-2000Movi TMS 2000 Additional User LicensesMovi TMS 2000 Additional User Licenses System Management ● Support for the Cisco Telepresence Management Suite (14.x series or higher) and/or Cisco Unified Communications Manager (9.x series or higher) 10GZ-CON-PZDN-MOVI-2KZ Care ESS SW SUPP+UPGR Movi TMS 2000 Additional User Licenses 24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco MOVI 2000 Additional User LicensesAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc.)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements ?EX9011CTS-EX90-K9CISCO EX90 base system including NPP optionSpecification DescriptionProduct Compatibility Fully compatible with standards-compliant telepresence and video systems Software Compatibility Cisco Telepresence Software Version TC6.2 or later Components Fully integrated unit including: ● Codec ● Display ● Camera ● Microphone and loudspeakers ● Cables including: DVI-I-to-VGA cable, DVI-D cable, 3.5-mm jack audio cable, LAN cable, power adapter, and power cable Display ● 24-in. LCD monitor ● Resolution: 1920 x 1200 (16:10) ● Contrast ratio: 1000:1 ● Viewing angle: 160° ● Response time: 5 ms ●Brightness: 300cd/m2Supported PC input resolutions SVGA (800 x 600) to WUXGA (1920 x 1200) Camera ● TelePresence Precision HD design ● Resolutions: 1080p30 and 720p60 ● Auto focus ● Integrated privacy shutter ● Document camera mode ● Multicoated all-glass optics ● 1/3-in., 2.1 megapixel CMOS sensor ● Horizontal field of view: 45°-65° ● Vertical field of view: 40°-27° ● Focus distance 0.3-infinity ● Optical, motorized zoom Audio System ● Two stereo front speakers ● Integrated full-range microphone ● One 3.5-mm line-in jack for PC or other audio source ● Two 3.5-mm jack for headset ● Wideband handset ● Bluetooth-ready ● Integrated subwoofer ● Support for Cisco TelePresence Table Microphone 20 ● HDMI audio input/outputPhysical Dimensions "Not to exceed: 21.4 x 22.3x 6.8 in. (54.5 x 56.7 x 17.3 cm)"Weight main unit: 12.9 lb. (5.85 kg) Power Autosensing power supply 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz EX90: 150 watts max Temperature Range Operating temperature and humidity: ● Ambient temperature: 32 to 95°F (0 to 35°C) ● Relative humidity (RH): 10 to 90% ● Storage and transport temperature at RH 10-90% (non-condensing): -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) Approval and Compliances ● Directive 2006/95/EC (Low-Voltage Directive) - Standard EN 60950-1 ● Directive 2004/108/EC (EMC Directive) - Standard EN 55022, Class A - Standard EN 55024 - Standard EN 61000-3-2/-3-3 ● Approved according to UL 60950-1 and CSA 60950-1-07 ● Complies with FCC15B Class A Bandwidth H.323/SIP up to 6 Mbps point-to-point Video Standards ● H.261 ● H.263 ● H.263+ ● H.264 Video Features ● Widescreen: 16:9 ● Advanced screen layouts ● Intelligent video management ● Local auto layout Live Video Resolutions ● 1280 x 768@30 fps (WXGA) (Encoded/Decode) ● 1920 x 1080@30 fps (1080p30)* ● 1440 x 900@30 fps (WXGA+)* ● 1680 x 1050@30 fps (WSXGA+)* ● 1600 x 1200@30 fps (UXGA)* ● 512 x 288@60 fps (w288p60)* ● 768 x 448@60 fps (w448p60)* ● 1024x576@60 fps (w576p60)* ● 1280x720@60 fps (720p60) ● 1920x1200@25fps (WUXGA)* * Requires premium resolution option Audio Standards ● G.711 ● G.722 ● G.722.1 ● 64/128 kbps MPEG4 AAC-LD ● AAC-LD stereo Audio Features ● CD-quality 20-kHz stereo ● Acoustic echo canceling ● Automatic gain control ● Automatic noise reduction ● Active lip synchronization Dual Stream ● H.239 (H.323) dual stream ● BFCP (SIP) dual stream ● Supports resolutions up to 1080p in both main stream and dual stream simultaneously Protocols ● H.323 ● SIP Multisite (optional feature)Network Interfaces ● Internal 2-port Ethernet switch ● One LAN/Ethernet (RJ-45) 10/100/1000 Mbps for PC ● One LAN/Ethernet (RJ-45) 10/100/1000 Mbps for LAN Other Interfaces ● Bluetooth for future applications ● Two USB device for future applicationsIP Network Features ● Domain Name System (DNS) lookup for service configuration ● Differentiated Services (QoS) ● IP adaptive bandwidth management (including flow control) ● Auto gatekeeper discovery ● Dynamic play out and lip-sync buffering ● H.245 DTMF tones in H.323 ● Date and time support with Network Time Protocol (NTP) ● Packet loss-based down-speeding ● DNS-based URI dialing ● TCP/IP ● Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) ● IEEE 802.1x network authentication ● IEEE 802.1q VLAN ● IEEE802.1p QoS and class of service (CoS)Firewall Traversal ● Compatible with Cisco TelePresence Expressway Technology ● H.460.18 and H.460.19 Firewall Traversal Embedded Encryption ● H.323/SIP point-to-point ● Standards-based: H.235v3 and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) ● Automatic key generation and exchange ● Supported in dual streamSecurity Features ● Management via Secure HTTP (HTTPS) and Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol ● IP administration password ● Menu administration password ● Disable IP services ● Network settings protection System Management ● Support for the Cisco Telepresence Management Suite (14.x series or higher) and/or Cisco Unified Communications Manager (9.x series or higher) ● Total management through embedded Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Telnet, SSH, XML, and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) ● Remote software upload: Through web server, Secure Copy Protocol, HTTP, and HTTPS Directory Services ● Support for local directories (My Contacts) ● Corporate directory ● Unlimited entries using server directory supporting ● Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and H.350 ● Unlimited number for corporate directory (available with Cisco TelePresence Management Suite ● Local directory: 200 numbers ● Received calls with date and time ● Placed calls with date and time ● Missed calls with date and time12LIC-EX90-DDCISCO EX90 Dual Display OptionDual Display License Key for Video Conference Unit Above13LIC-EX90-MSCISCO EX90 Multi Site Option4 Way Multisite License for Video Conference Unit Above14LIC-EX90-PRCISCO EX90 PR OptionPremium Resolution (1080P) option for Video Conference Codec Above15GZ-CON-PZDN-CTS-EX90 One year Z Care warranty and remote service agreement for EX9024X7XNBD annual support for Codec aboveAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc.)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 16ASF-CEI-G-BV-IAUXOption: On-Site installation for EX90. Onsite Installation of Video Conference Codec Above?EX6017CTS-EX60-K9EX60 - NPP, Touch UISpecification DescriptionProduct Compatibility Fully compatible with standards-compliant telepresence and video systems Software Compatibility Cisco TelePresence Software Version TC6.2 or later Components Fully integrated unit including: ● Codec ● Display ● Camera ● Microphone and loudspeakers ● Cables including: DVI-I-to-VGA cable, DVI-D cable, 3.5-mm jack audio cable, LAN cable, power adapter, and power cable Display ● 21.5-in. LCD monitor (with LED backlight) ● Resolution: 1920 x 1080 (16:9) ● Contrast ratio: 1000:1 ● Viewing angle: 170° ● Response time: 5 ms ● Brightness: 225cd/m2 Supported PC input resolutions SVGA (800 x 600) to 1080p (1920 x 1080) Camera ● TelePresence Precision HD design ● Resolutions: 1080p30 and 720p60 ● Auto focus ● Integrated privacy shutter ● Document camera mode ● Multicoated all-glass optics ● 1/3-in., 2.1 megapixel CMOS sensor EX60 ● Horizontal field of view: 50° ● Vertical field of view: 29° ● Focus distance 0.1-infinity Audio System ● Two stereo front speakers ● Integrated full-range microphone ● One 3.5-mm line-in jack for PC or other audio source ● Two 3.5-mm jack for headset ● Wideband handset ● Bluetooth-ready Physical Dimensions Not to exceed: 20.0 x 20.5 x 5.4 in. (50.8 x 52 x 13.8 cm) Weight not to exceed: 12.9 lb. (5.85 kg) Power Autosensing power supply 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz 75 watts max Temperature Range Operating temperature and humidity: ● Ambient temperature: 32 to 95°F (0 to 35°C) ● Relative humidity (RH): 10 to 90% ● Storage and transport temperature at RH 10-90% (non-condensing): -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) Approval and Compliances ● Directive 2006/95/EC (Low-Voltage Directive) - Standard EN 60950-1 ● Directive 2004/108/EC (EMC Directive) - Standard EN 55022, Class A - Standard EN 55024 - Standard EN 61000-3-2/-3-3 ● Approved according to UL 60950-1 and CSA 60950-1-07 ● Complies with FCC15B Class A Bandwidth H.323/SIP up to 6 Mbps point-to-point Video Standards ● H.261 ● H.263 ● H.263+ ● H.264 Video Features ● Widescreen: 16:9 ● Advanced screen layouts ● Intelligent video management ● Local auto layout Live Video Resolutions ● 1280 x 768@30 fps (WXGA) (Encoded/Decode) ● 1920 x 1080@30 fps (1080p30)* ● 1440 x 900@30 fps (WXGA+)* ● 1680 x 1050@30 fps (WSXGA+)* ● 1600 x 1200@30 fps (UXGA)* ● 512 x 288@60 fps (w288p60)* ● 768 x 448@60 fps (w448p60)* ● 1024x576@60 fps (w576p60)* ● 1280x720@60 fps (720p60) * Requires premium resolution option Audio Standards ● G.711 ● G.722 ● G.722.1 ● 64/128 kbps MPEG4 AAC-LD ● AAC-LD stereo Audio Features ● CD-quality 20-kHz stereo ● Acoustic echo canceling ● Automatic gain control ● Automatic noise reduction ● Active lip synchronization Dual Stream ● H.239 (H.323) dual stream ● BFCP (SIP) dual stream ● Supports resolutions up to 720p in both main stream and dual stream simultaneously Protocols ● H.323 ● SIP Multisite (optional feature)Network Interfaces ● Internal 2-port Ethernet switch ● One LAN/Ethernet (RJ-45) 10/100/1000 Mbps for PC ● One LAN/Ethernet (RJ-45) 10/100/1000 Mbps for LAN Other Interfaces ● Bluetooth for future applications ● One USB device for future applicationsIP Network Features ● Domain Name System (DNS) lookup for service configuration ● Differentiated Services (QoS) ● IP adaptive bandwidth management (including flow control) ● Auto gatekeeper discovery ● Dynamic play out and lip-sync buffering ● H.245 DTMF tones in H.323 ● Date and time support with Network Time Protocol (NTP) ● Packet loss-based down-speeding ● DNS-based URI dialing ● TCP/IP ● Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) ● IEEE 802.1x network authentication ● IEEE 802.1q VLAN ● IEEE802.1p QoS and class of service (CoS)Firewall Traversal ● Compatible with Cisco TelePresence Expressway Technology ● H.460.18 and H.460.19 Firewall Traversal Embedded Encryption H.323/SIP point-to-point ● Standards-based: H.235v3 and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) ● Automatic key generation and exchange ● Supported in dual stream Security Features ● Management via Secure HTTP (HTTPS) and Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol ● IP administration password ● Menu administration password ● Disable IP services ● Network settings protection System Management ● Support for the Cisco Telepresence Management Suite (14.x series or higher) and/or Cisco Unified Communications Manager (9.x series or higher) ● Total management through embedded Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Telnet, SSH, XML, and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) ● Remote software upload: Through web server, Secure Copy Protocol, HTTP, and HTTPS Directory Services ● Support for local directories (My Contacts) ● Corporate directory ● Unlimited entries using server directory supporting ● Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and H.350 ● Unlimited number for corporate directory (available with Cisco TelePresence Management Suite ● Local directory: 200 numbers ● Received calls with date and time ● Placed calls with date and time ● Missed calls with date and time18LIC-EX60-PREX60 PR optionPremium Resolution (1080P) option for Video Conference Codec Above19GZ-CON-PZDN-CTS-EX60Z Care WITH 8X5XNBD EX60 24X7XNBD annual support for Codec aboveAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc.)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 20ASF-CEI-G-BV-IAUXOption: On-Site installation for EX60Onsite Installation of Video Conference Codec Above?SX2021 CTS-SX20-PHD4X-K9 SX20 Quick Set HD, NPP, 4x PHD Cam, 1 mic, remote control Design Features ● Transforms a flat panel display into a 1080p high-definition meeting space ● Simple, intuitive connections make set up as easy as connecting a DVD player ● up to 1080p30 and 720p60 resolution Standards-compliant 1080p solution — compatible with standards-based video without loss of features ● Sleek, compact designApplication Features ● Multimedia and presentations can be shared at the touch of a button ● Basic API available over IP (Telnet or Secure Shell Protocol [SSH]) ● Dual-display option available ● High-definition content sharing up to 1080p15 resolution ● One button to push (OBTP) to start a meetingPerformance Features ● Optimal definition up to 1080p60 ● H.323/SIP calls up to 6 Mbps ● Built-in individually transcoded multipoint conferencing offers ability to add three additional participants (optional feature key)Specification DescriptionSet Delivered Complete With: Telepresence PrecisionHD Camera – (1080p4xS2) Table Microphone 20, remote control, cables, and power supplyBandwidth ● H.323 and SIP up to 6 MbpsMinimum bandwidth for ● 720p30 from 768 kbpsresolution/frame rate ● 720p60 from 1152 kbps ● 1080p30 from 1472 kbps ● 1080p60 from 2560 kbpsFirewall Traversal ● Compatible with Cisco Telepresence Expressway technology ● H.460.18 and H.460.19 Firewall TraversalVideo Standards ● H.263, H.263+, H.264Video Features ● Native 16:9 Widescreen ● Advanced Screen Layouts ● Intelligent Video Management ● Dual Monitor License Key ● Local Auto LayoutVideo Inputs (2 Inputs) One HDMI and One DVI-I (Analog and Digital): Supported Formats: ● 640x480 ● 720x480 ● 720x576 ● 800x600 ● 848x480 ● 1024x768 ● 1152x864 ● 1280x720 ● 1280x1024 ● 1280x768 ● 1280x800 ● 1280x960 ● 1360x768 ● 1366x768 ● 1400x1050 ● 1440x900 ● 1680x1050 ● 1920x1080 Extended Display Identification Data (EDID)Video Outputs (2 Outputs) Two HDMI Outputs Supported Formats: ● 1920 x 1080@60 fps (1080p60) ● 1920 x 1080@50 fps (1080p50) ● 1280 x 720@60 fps (720p60) ● 1280 x 720@50 fps (720p50) ● 1366 x 768@60 fps (WXGA) ● 1360 x 768@60 fps(WXGA) ● 1280 x 768@60 fps (WXGA) VESA Monitor Power Management EDID Live Video Resolutions (Encode and Decode): ● 176 x 144@30, 60 fps (QCIF) (Decode only) ● 352 x 288@30, 60 fps (CIF) ● 512 x 288@30, 60 fps (w288p) ● 576 x 448@30, 60 fps (448p) ● 768 x 448@30, 60 fps (w448p) ● 704 x 576@30, 60 fps (4CIF) ● 1024 x 576@30, 60 fps (w576p) ● 640 x 480@30, 60 fps (VGA) ● 800 x 600@30, 60 fps (SVGA) ● 1024 x 768@30, 60 fps (XGA) ● 1280 x 768@30, 60 fps (WXGA) ● 1280 x 720@30, 60 fps (HD720p) ● 1920 x 1080@30, 60 fps (HD1080p)Audio Standards ● G.711, G.722, G.722.1, 64 bit MPEG4 AAC-LDAudio Features ● CD-Quality 20KHz Mono ● 1 acoustic echo canceller ● Automatic Gain Control (AGC) ● Automatic Noise Reduction ● Active lip synchronizationAudio Inputs (4 Inputs) ● Two microphones, 4-pin minijack ● One minijack for line-in (stereo) ● One audio in from camera (HDMI)"Audio Outputs(Two Outputs)" ● One minijack for line out (stereo) ● One HDMI, (digital main audio)Dual Stream ● H.239 (H.323) dual stream ● BFCP (SIP) dual stream ● Support resolutions up to 1080p (1920 x 1080)Protocols ● H.323 ● SIP ● ISDN (may require additional hardware to support)Embedded Encryption ● H.323 and SIP point-to-point ● Standards-based: H.235 v3 and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) ● Automatic key generation and exchange ● Supported in dual streamIP Network Features ● DNS lookup for service configuration ● Differentiated services (quality of service [QoS]) ● IP-adaptive bandwidth management (including flow control) ● Automatic gatekeeper discovery ● Dynamic play out and lip-sync buffering ● H.245 Dual Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) tones in H.323 ● Date and time support using Network Time Protocol (NTP) ● Packet loss-based down speeding ● Uniform resource identifier (URI) dialing ● TCP/IP ● DHCP ● 802.1x network authentication ● 802.1Q Virtual LAN ● 802.1p (QoS and class of service [QoS])Security Features ● Management via HTTPS and SSH ● IP Administration Password ● Menu Administration Password ● Disable IP services ● Network Settings protectionNetwork Interfaces ● 1 x LAN/Ethernet (RJ-45) 10/100/1000 MbitOther Interfaces ● Two USB ports for future usageSystem Management ● Support for the Cisco Telepresence Management Suite (14.x series or higher) and/or Cisco Unified Communications Manager (9.x series or higher) ● Total management via embedded SNMP, Telnet, SSH, XML, SOAP ● Remote software upload: via web server, SCP, HTTP, HTTPS ● Remote control and on-screen menu systemDirectory Services ● Support for local directories (My Contacts) ● Corporate directory ● Unlimited entries using server directory supporting LDAP and H.350 (requires Cisco TelePresence Management Suite) ● Unlimited number for corporate directory (through Cisco TelePresence Management Suite) ● Received calls with date and time ● Placed calls with date and time ● Missed calls with date and timePower ● Auto-sensing power supply ● 100 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz ● Maximum 40 watts for codec and main cameraOperating Temperature and Humidity ● 0° C to 40° C (32° F to 104° F) ambient temperature ● 10% to 90% Relative Humidity (RH)Storage and Transport Temperature ● -20° C to 60° C (-4° F to 140° F) at RH 10–90% (non -condensing)Codec Dimensions Codec should be sized to mount behind, next too, or underneath a display monitor with appropriate mounting devices. 22 GZ-CON-PZDN-SX2PHD4X Z Care 8X5XNBD SX20 QK Set HD, NPP,4x PHDCam,1 mic RC 24X7XNBD annual support for Codec AboveAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc.)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 23 CTS-CTRL-DVC8 Touch 8 - Control Device Touch 8 - Control Device for CODEC listed24CTS-SX20-QS-WMKWall Mount Kit for SX20Wall Mount Kit for CODEC listed above25LIC-SX20-DDDual Display Option for SX20Dual Display License Key for Video Conference Unit Above26LIC-SX20-MSMulti-Site Option for SX204 Way Multisite License for Video Conference Unit Above27LIC-SX20-PRPremium Resolution Option for SX20Premium Resolution (1080P) option for Video Conference Codec Above?C4028CTS-INTP-C40-K9CISCO Integrator Package C40 4x - includes Codec C40, 2 HDMI cables and 1 table microphone. Natural Presenter Package (NPP) is included. (Must also order CTS-PHD-1080P4XS) CODEC DOES NOT COME WITH CAMERAFeature Summary Design Features ● Next generation HD video collaboration codec for every team room ● 1U high, rack-mountable, with rack-mounting solution included ● Professional-grade connectors ● Unmatched quality and flexibility ● Standards-compliant 1080p solution — compatible with standards-based video without losing featuresApplication Features ● Individual Transcoding embedded Multi Site (option key required) ● HD collaboration with resolutions up to WXGA at full frame ratePerformance Features ● Optimal definition up to 1080p ● H.323/SIP up to 6 Mbps point-to-point ● Connect up to 3 HD sources and 2 microphones directly into the interface ● Full duplex audio with high-quality stereo sound ● Full APIs ● Recording and streaming, Multiway and firewall traversal ● Utilizes ClearPath packet loss protection technology for optimal experienceSpecification DescriptionUnit Delivered Complete With: ● Videoconferencing codec, wireless remote control, rack-mounting ears, LAN cable, and power cableBandwidth ● H.323/SIP up to 6 Mbps point-to-pointFirewall Traversal ● TelePresence Expressway technology ● H.460.18 and H.460.19 Firewall TraversalVideo Standards ● H.261, H.263, H.263+, H.264Video Features ● Native 16:9 Widescreen ● Dual Monitor License Key ● Advanced Screen Layouts ● Intelligent Video Management ● Local Auto LayoutVideo Inputs (4 Inputs) 2 X HDMI Inputs, Supported Formats: ● 1920 x 1080@60, 59.94 Hz (1080p60) ● 1920 x 1080@50 Hz (1080p50) ● 1920 x 1080@30, 29.97 Hz (1080p30) ● 1920 x 1080@25 Hz (1080p25) ● 1920 x 1080@24, 23.97 Hz (1080p24) ● 1280 x 720@60, 59.94 Hz (720p60) ● 1280 x 720@50 Hz (720p50) ● 720 x 480@60, 59.94 Hz (480p60) ● 640 x 480@60 Hz (480p60) ● 1600 x 1200@50, 60 Hz (UXGA) ● 1280 x 1024@60, 75 Hz (SXGA) ● 1024 x 768@60, 70, 75, 85 Hz (XGA) ● 800 x 600@56, 60, 72, 75, 85 Hz (SVGA) ● 1920 x 1200@50, 60 Hz (WUXGA) ● 1680 x 1050@60 Hz (WSXGA+) ● 1440 X 900@60 Hz (WXGA+) ● 1280 x 768@60 Hz (WXGA) 1 X DVI-I Inputs, Supported Formats: Analog (VGA): ● 1920 x 1080@60 Hz (1080p) ● 1280 x 720@60 Hz (720p) ● 1600 x 1200@60 Hz (UXGA) ● 1280 x 1024@60, 75 Hz (SXGA) ● 1280 x 960@60 Hz ● 1024 x 768@60, 70, 75, 85 Hz (XGA) ● 1920 x 1200@50 Hz (WUXGA) ● 1680 x 1050@60 Hz (WSXGA+) ● 1440 x 900@60 Hz (WXGA+) ● 1280 x 800@60 Hz (WXGA) ● 1280 x 768@60 Hz (WXGA) Analog (YPbPr): ● 1920 x 1080@60 Hz (1080p60) ● 1920 x 1080@50 Hz (1080p50) ● 1920 x 1080@30 Hz (1080p30) ● 1920 x 1080@25 Hz (1080p25) ● 1280 x 720@60 Hz (720p60) ● 1280 x 720@50 Hz (720p50) ● 1280 x 720@30 Hz (720p30) ● 720 x 576@50 Hz (576p50) ● 720 x 480@60 Hz (w480p60) Digital (DVI-D): ● Same as HDMI, ref. above. 1 X S-Video/Composite Input (BNC Connectors): ● PAL/NTSC ● Extended Display Identification Data (EDID)Video Outputs (2 Outputs) 1 X HDMI Output, 1 X DVI-I Output, Supported Formats: ● 1920 x 1080@60 Hz (1080p60) ● 1280 x 720@60 Hz (720p60) ● 1600 x 1200@60 Hz (UXGA) ● 1280 x 1024@60 Hz (SXGA) ● 1024 x 768@60 Hz (XGA) ● 800 x 600@60 Hz (SVGA) ● 640 x 480@60 Hz (VGA) ● 1920 x 1200@60Hz (WUXGA) ● 1360 x 768@60 Hz ● 1366 x 768@60 Hz ● 1280 x 768@60 Hz (WXGA) ● VESA Monitor Power Management ● Extended Display Identification Data (EDID)Live Video Resolutions (Encode/Decode) ● 176 x 144@30 fps (QCIF) ● 352 x 288@30 fps (CIF) ● 512 x 288@30 fps (w288p) ● 576 x 448@30 fps (448p) ● 768 x 448@30 fps (w448p) ● 704 x 576@30 fps (4CIF) ● 1024 x 576@30 fps (w576p) ● 1280 x 720@30 fps (720p30) ● 1920 x 1080@30 fps (1080p30)** ● 512 x 288@60 fps (w288p60) ● 768 x 448@60 fps (w448p60) ● 1024 x 576@60 fps (w576p60) ● 1280 x 720@60 fps (720p60)** ● 640 x 480@30 fps (VGA) ● 800 x 600@30 fps (SVGA) ● 1024 x 768@30 fps (XGA) ● 1280 x 768@30 fps (WXGA) ● 720p30 from 768kbps ● 720p60 from 1152kbps ● 1080p30 from 1472kpbsAudio Standards ● G.711, G.722, G.722.1, 64 kbps & 128 kbps MPEG4 AAC-LD, AAC-LD StereoAudio Features ● CD-Quality 20KHz Mono and Stereo ● Four separate acoustic echo cancellers ● 2-port Audio mixer ● Automatic Gain Control (AGC) ● Automatic Noise Reduction ● Active lip synchronizationAudio Inputs (5 Inputs) ● 2 x microphone, 48V phantom powered, XLR connector each with separate echo cancellers and noise reduction, all microphones can be set for balanced line level ● 2 x RCA/Phono, Line Level: Stereo PC input, configurable to 2 x RCA/Phono, Line Level: Mono auxiliary/DVD input ● 1 x HDMI, digital: Stereo PC/DVD inputsAudio Outputs (3 Outputs) ● 2 x RCA/Phono, line level, stereo main audio, configurable to S/PDIF or 2 x RCA/Phono, line level, mono to recording device ● 1 x HDMI, digital, stereo main audioDual Stream ● H.239 (H.323) dual stream ● BFCP (SIP) dual stream ● Support for resolutions up to WXGAp30, Independent of the Main Stream ResolutionMultisite Features (optional item) ● 4-way SIP/H.323 MultiSite. Resolution up to w576p30 ● Full individual audio and video transcoding ● Individual layouts in multisite CP (takes out SelfView) ● H.323/SIP/VoIP in the same conference ● Support for Presentation (H.239/BFCP) from any participant at resolutions up to WXGAp30 ● Best Impression (Automatic CP Layouts) ● H.264, Encryption, Dual Stream from any site ● IP Downspeeding ● Dial in/Dial out ● Additional telephone call (no license required) ● Conference rates up to 10 MbpsProtocols ● H.323 ● SIP ● ISDN (requires Cisco TelePresence ISDN Link)Embedded Encryption ● H.323/SIP point-to-point ● Standards-based: H.235 v2 & v3 and AES ● Automatic key generation and exchange ● Supported in Dual StreamIP Network Features ● DNS lookup for service configuration ● Differentiated Services (quality of service [QoS]) ● IP adaptive bandwidth management (including flow control) ● Auto gatekeeper discovery ● Dynamic playout and lip-sync buffering ● H.245 DTMF tones in H.323 ● Date and time support through Network Time Protocol (NTP) ● Packet loss-based downspeeding ● URI dialing ● TCP/IP ● Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) ● 802.1x Network Authentication ● 802.1Q Virtual LAN ● 802.1p (QoS and class of service [CoS]) ● ClearPathSecurity Features ● Management via HTTPS and SSH ● IP Administration Password ● Menu Administration Password ● Disable IP services ● Network Settings protectionNetwork Interfaces ● 2 x LAN/Ethernet (RJ-45) 10/100/1000 MbitOther Interfaces ● USB device for future usageTelePresence Precision HD Camera (1080p) ● 1/3" CMOS ● 4 x zoom ● +15°/-25° tilt, +/- 90° pan ● 43.5° vertical field of view ● 72° horizontal field of view ● Focus distance 0.3m–infinity ● 1920 x 1080 pixels progressive @ 60fps (12 x version) ● 1920 x 1080 pixels progressive @ 30fps (4 x version) ● Other formats supported (configurable through Dip-switch): ● 1920x1080@60fps (HDMI only)* ● 1920x1080@50fps (HDMI only)* ● 1920x1080@30fps ● 1920x1080@25fps ● 1280x720@60fps* ● 1280x720@50fps* ● 1280x720@30fps ● Automatic or manual focus/brightness/white balance ● Far-end camera control ● Daisy-chain support (Visca protocol camera)* ● Dual HDMI and HD-SDI output ● Upside-down mounting with automatic flipping of pictureSystem Management ● Support for the Cisco Teleprecense Management Suite (14.x series or higher) and/or Cisco Unified Communications Manager (9.x series or higher) ● Total management via embedded SNMP, Telnet, SSH, XML, SOAP ● Remote software upload: via web server, SCP, HTTP, HTTPS ● 1 x RS-232 for local control and diagnostics ● Remote control and on-screen menu systemDirectory Services ● Support for Local directories (My Contacts) ● Corporate Directory ● Unlimited entries using Server directory supporting ● LDAP and H.350 ● Unlimited number for Corporate directory ● 200 number local directory ● Received Calls ● Placed Calls ● Missed Calls with Date and TimePower ● Auto-sensing power supply ● 100–240 VAC, 50/60 Hz ● 175 watts max. for codec and main cameraOperating Temperature and Humidity ● 0° C to 35° C (32° F to 95° F) ambient temperature ● 10% to 90% Relative Humidity (RH)Storage and Transport Temperature ● -20° C to 60° C (-4° F to 140° F) at RH 10–90% (non -condensing)Dimensions (approx) ● Length: 17.4"/44.2 cm ● Height: 1.7"/4.4 cm ● Depth: 10.9"/27.8 cm ● Weight: 8.8 lbs/4 kg28aCTS-PHD-1080P4XSPrecision HD 1080p Camera w 4x zoom - not sold stand alone (order with CTS-INTP-C40-K9) MUST ORDER THIS CAMERA WITH C40 CODEC4X Video Conference Camera for Codec Above29LIC-INTP-C40-DDCISCO Integrator Package C40 4x Dual Display OptionDual Display License Key for Video Conference Unit Above30LIC-INTP-C40-MSCISCO Integrator Package Codec C40 4x, 4 Way Individual Transcoding Multisite (MS)4 Way Multisite License for Video Conference Unit Above31LIC-INTP-C40-PRCISCO C40 Premium Resolution (1080p/720p60) Option - Must be purchased with a configurable GSA end product - Not separately orderablePremium Resolution (1080P) option for Video Conference Codec Above32ASF-CEI-G-BV-IAUXCISCO Integrator Package C40 4x Domestic On-site InstallationOnsite Installation of Video Conference Codec Above33GZ-CON-PZDN-INTPC40CISCO Integrator Package C40 4x 1 Year Domestic Customer Z Care Service24X7XNBD annual support for codec aboveAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 33aGZ-CON-PZDN-1080P4XSMaintenance for Precision HD 1080p Camera w 4x zoom Z Care- not sold stand alone24X7XNBD annual support for camera aboveAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements ?C6034CTS-INTP-C60-K9CISCO Integrator Package C60 Int Pkg C60 - NPP, PHD 1080p Cam, Remote Control, Mic, Cables ++Design features? HD video collaboration codec? 1 rack unit (1RU) high, rack-mountable, with rack-mounting solution included? Professional-grade connectors? Standards-compliant 1080p solution-compatible with standards-based video without losing featuresApplication features? 720p30 HD embedded Cisco TelePresence MultiSite (MultiSite) with individual transcoding? Collaborate with three simultaneous video inputs? HD Collaboration with 1080p30 and WUXGA *? One button to push (OBTP) to start a meeting? Ideal for team-based collaboration, boardrooms, meeting rooms, and industry applications? Seven video compositors (embedded)Performance features? Optimal definition up to 1080p? H.323/SIP up to 6 Mbps point-to-point? Up to 10 Mbps total MultiSite bandwidth? Ability to connect up to five HD sources and four microphones directly into the interface? Full duplex audio with high-quality stereo sound? Full application programming interface (APIs)? Ability to takes advantage of Cisco ? TelePresence Total Solution Management, transcoded HD MultiSite, recording and streaming, Multiway, and firewall traversal? Cisco TelePresence ClearPath packet loss protection technology for optimal experience? Cisco Unified Communications Manager native support (requires Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 8.6 or higher)Product CapabilitiesTable 2 lists the product capability specifications for the Cisco TelePresence Codec C60.Table 2. Product SpecificationsSpecificationDescriptionUnit delivered complete with:? Videoconferencing codec, wireless remote control, rack-mounting rails, LAN cable, and power cableBandwidth? H.323/SIP up to 6 Mbps point-to-point? Up to 10 Mbps total MultiSite bandwidthFirewall traversal? H.460.18 and H.460.19 Firewall TraversalVideo standards? H.261, H.263, H.263+, and H.264Video features? Native 16:9 widescreen? Advanced screen layouts? Intelligent video management? Local auto layout? Seven embedded individual video compositors-one for every output and one for every encoder **Video inputs (five inputs)Two HDMI Inputs, Supported Formats:? 1920 x 1080@60 and 59.94 Hz (1080p60)? 1920 x 1080@50 Hz (1080p50)? 1920 x 1080@30 and 29.97 Hz (1080p30)? 1920 x 1080@25 Hz (1080p25)? 1920 x 1080@24, and 23.97 Hz (1080p24)? 1280 x 720@60, and 59.94 Hz (720p60)? 1280 x 720@50 Hz (720p50)? 720 x 480@60, and 59.94 Hz (480p60)? 640 x 480@60 Hz (480p60)? 1600 x 1200@50, and 60 Hz (UXGA)? 1280 x 1024@60, and 75 Hz (SXGA)? 1024 x 768@60, 70, 75, and 85 Hz (XGA)? 800 x 600@56, 60, 72, 75, and 85 Hz (SVGA)? 1920 x 1200@50 and 60 Hz (WUXGA)? 1680 x 1050@60 Hz (WSXGA+)? 1440 X 900@60 Hz (WXGA+)? 1280 x 768@60 Hz (WXGA)Two DVI-I Inputs: Supported Formats:Analog (VGA):? 1920 x 1080@60 Hz (1080p)? 1280 x 720@60 Hz (720p)? 1600 x 1200@60 Hz (UXGA)? 1280 x 1024@60 and 75 Hz (SXGA)? 1280 x 960@60 Hz? 1024 x 768@60, 70, 75, and 85 Hz (XGA)? 1920 x 1200@50 Hz (WUXGA)? 1680 x 1050@60 Hz (WSXGA+)? 1440 x 900@60 Hz (WXGA+)? 1280 x 800@60 Hz (WXGA)? 1280 x 768@60 Hz (WXGA)Analog (YPbPr):? 1920 x 1080@60 Hz (1080p60)? 1920 x 1080@50 Hz (1080p50)? 1920 x 1080@30 Hz (1080p30)? 1920 x 1080@25 Hz (1080p25)? 1280 x 720@60 Hz (720p60)? 1280 x 720@50 Hz (720p50)? 1280 x 720@30 Hz (720p30)? 720 x 576@50 Hz (576p50)? 720 x 480@60 Hz (w480p60)Digital (DVI-D):? 1920 x 1080@60, 59.94 Hz (1080p60)? 1920 x 1080@50 Hz (1080p50)? 1920 x 1080@30, 29.97 Hz (1080p30)? 1920 x 1080@25 Hz (1080p25)? 1920 x 1080@24, 23.97 Hz (1080p24)? 1280 x 720@60, 59.94 Hz (720p60)? 1280 x 720@50 Hz (720p50)? 720 x 480@60, 59.94 Hz (480p60)? 640 x 480@60 Hz (480p60)? 1600 x 1200@50, 60 Hz (UXGA)? 1280 x 1024@60, 75 Hz (SXGA)? 1024 x 768@60, 70, 75, 85 Hz (XGA)? 800 x 600@56, 60, 72, 75, 85 Hz (SVGA)? 1920 x 1200@50, 60 Hz (WUXGA)? 1680 x 1050@60 Hz (WSXGA+)? 1440 X 900@60 Hz (WXGA+)? 1280 x 768@60 Hz (WXGA)OneComposite Input (BNC Connectors)? PAL/NTSC? Extended Display Identification Data (EDID)Video outputs (three outputs)One HDMI Output and One DVI-I Output; Supported Formats:? 1920 x 1080@60 Hz (1080p60)? 1920 x 1080@50 Hz (1080p50)? 1280 x 720@60 Hz (720p60)? 1280 x 720@50 Hz (720p50)? 1600 x 1200@60 Hz (UXGA)? 1280 x 1024@60 Hz (SXGA)? 1024 x 768@60 Hz (XGA)? 800 x 600@60 Hz (SVGA)? 640 x 480@60 Hz (VGA)? 1920 x 1200@60Hz (WUXGA)? 1360 x 768@60 Hz? 1366 x 768@60 Hz? 1280 x 768@60 Hz (WXGA)OneComposite Output (BNC Connector): Supported Formats:? PAL/NTSC? VESA Monitor Power Management Extended Display Identification Data (EDID)Live video resolutions (encode and decode)? 176 x 144@30 frames per second (fps) (QCIF)? 352 x 288@30 fps (CIF)? 512 x 288@30 fps (w288p)? 576 x 448@30 fps (448p)? 768 x 448@30 fps (w448p)? 704 x 576@30 fps (4CIF)? 1024 x 576@30 fps (w576p)? 1280 x 720@30 fps (720p30)? 1920 x 1080@30 fps (1080p30) *? 640 x 480@30 fps (VGA)? 800 x 600@30 fps (SVGA)? 1024 x 768@30 fps (XGA)? 1280 x 1024@30 fps (SXGA)? 1280 x 768@30 fps (WXGA)? 1440 x 900@30 fps (WXGA+)? 1680 x 1050@30 fps (WSXGA+)? 1600 x 1200@30 fps (UXGA) *? 1920 x 1200@25 fps (WUXGA) *? 512 x 288@60 fps (w288p60)? 768 x 448@60 fps (w448p60)? 1024 x 576@60 fps (w576p60)? 1280 x 720@60 fps (720p60) *? 1920 x 1080@60 fps (1080p60) **? 720p30 from 768 kbps? 720p60 from 1152 kbps? 1080p30 from 1472 kbps? 1080p60 from 2560 kbpsAudio standards? G.711, G.722, G.722.1,64 kbps & 128 kbps MPEG4 AAC-LD, and AAC-LD StereoAudio features? CD-quality 20 kHz mono and stereo? Four separate acoustic echo cancellers? Four-port audio mixer? Automatic Gain Control (AGC)? Automatic noise reduction? Active lip synchronizationAudio inputs (seven inputs)? Four microphones, 48V phantom powered, XLR connector each with separate echo cancellers and noise reduction, all microphones can be set for balanced line level? Two RCA/Phono, Line Level: Stereo PC input, configurable to 2 x RCA/Phono, Line Level: Mono auxiliary/DVD input? One HDMI, digital: Stereo PC/DVD inputsAudio outputs (three outputs)? Two RCA/Phono, line level, stereo main audio, configurable to S/PDIF or 2 x RCA/Phono, line level, and mono to recording device? One HDMI, digital, and stereo main audioDual stream? H.239 (H.323) dual stream? BFCP (SIP) dual stream? Support for resolutions up to 1080p30/WUXGA, and independent of main stream resolutionMultiPoint support? Four-way embedded SIP/H.323 MultiPoint, reference. Reference MultiSite? Cisco TelePresence Multiway support)(requires Cisco TelePresence Video Communications Server [Cisco VCS] and Cisco TelePresence MCU)? Ability to natively join multipoint conferences hosted on Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch (CTMS)MultiSite features(embedded MultiPoint)? Four way 720p30 High Definition SIP/H.323 MultiSite? Full individual audio and video transcoding? Individual layouts in MultiSite CP (takes out self-view)? H.323/SIP/VoIP in the same conference? Support for Presentation (H.239/BFCP) from any participant at resolutions up to WXGAp30? Best Impression (Automatic CP Layouts)? H.264, Encryption, Dual Stream from any site? IP Downspeeding? Dial in and dial out? Additional telephone call (no license required)? Conference rates up to 10 MbpsProtocols? H.323? SIP? ISDN (requires ISDN Link)Embedded encryption? H.323/SIP point-to-point? Standards-based: H.235-v3 and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)? Automatic key generation and exchange? Supported in dual streamIP network features? DNS lookup for service configuration? Differentiated Services (QoS)? IP adaptive bandwidth management (including flow control)? Auto gatekeeper discovery? Dynamic playout and lip-sync buffering? H.245 DTMF tones in H.323? Date and Time support via NTP? Packet Loss based Downspeeding? URI Dialing? TCP/IP? DHCP? 802.1x Network authentication? 802.1Q Virtual LAN? 802.1p (QoS and class of service [CoS])? ClearPath? Medianet: Mediatrace and Metadata? Native registration with Cisco Unified Communications Manager? Basic telephony features such as hold, resume, transfer, and Corporate Directory lookupIPv6 network support? Single call stack support for both H323 and SIP? Dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 for DHCP, Secure Shell (SSH), HTTP, Secure HTTP (HTTPS), DNS, and Differentiated Services (DiffServ)? Support for both static and auto configuration (stateless address auto configuration)Security features? Management through HTTPS and SSH? IP administration password? Menu administration password? Disable IP services? Network settings protectionNetwork interfaces? One LAN/Ethernet (RJ-45) 10/100/1000 MbitOther interfaces? USB host for future usage? USB device for future usage? GPIOTelePresence PrecisionHD Camera (1080p)? 1/3"inch CMOS? 12x zoom? +15°/-25° tilt and +/-90° pan? 43.5° vertical field of view? 72° horizontal field of view? Focus distance 0.3m-infinity? 1920 x 1080 pixels progressive @ 60fps? Other formats supported (configurable through Dip-switch):? 1920x1080@60fps (HDMI only)? 1920x1080@50fps (HDMI only)? 1920x1080@30fps? 1920x1080@25fps? 1280x720@60fps? 1280x720@50fps? 1280x720@30fps? 1280x720@25fps? Automatic or manual focus, brightness, and white balance? Far-end camera control? Daisy-chain support (Visca protocol camera)? Dual HDMI and HD-SDI output? Upside-down mounting with automatic flipping of pictureSystem management? Support for the Cisco TelePresence Management Suite? Total management via embedded SNMP, Telnet, SSH, XML, and SOAP? Remote software upload: via web server, SCP, HTTP, and HTTPS? One RS-232 for local control and diagnostics? Remote control and on-screen menu systemDirectory services? Support for local directories (My Contacts)? Corporate Directory? Unlimited entries using server directory supporting LDAP and H.350 (requires Cisco TelePresence Management Suite)? Unlimited number for Corporate Directory (through Cisco TelePresence Management Suite)? 200 number local directory? Received calls? Placed calls? Missed calls with date and timePower? Auto-sensing power supply? 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz? 175 watts maximum for codec and main cameraOperating temperature and humidity? 0 to 35° (32 to 95° F) ambient temperature? 10 to 90% relative humidity (RH)Storage and transport temperature? -20° C to 60° C at RH 10-90% (non-condensing)Dimensions? Length: 17.4" in. (44.2 cm)? Height: 1.7" in (4.4 cm)? Depth: 10.9" in. (27.8 cm)? Weight: 8.8 lbs (4 kg)35LIC-INTP-C60-MSCISCO Integrator Package Codec C60 4x, 4 Way Individual Transcoding Multisite (MS)4 Way Multisite License for Video Conference Unit Above36LIC-INTP-C60-PRCISCO Int Pkg Codec C60 Premium Resolution Option - Must be purchased with a configurable GSA end product - Not separately orderablePremium Resolution (1080P) option for Video Conference Codec Above37ASF-CEI-G-BV-ICUXCISCO Integrator Package C60 4x Domestic On-site InstallationOnsite Installation of Video Conference Codec Above38GZ-CON-PZDN-INTPC60CISCO Integrator Package C60 4x 1 Year Domestic Z Care Service 24X7XNBD annual support for Video Conference Codec AboveAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements Miscellaneous Parts and Accessories39CTS-RMT-TRC4=TRC 4 Advanced Tandberg Remote Control for Edge Series ONLYTRC4 Remote for Tandberg/Cisco Edge Series Codecs40CTS-PHD-1080P4XS=Precision HD 1080p x4 SparePrecisionHD 1080p 4x spare camera41CTS-PHD-1080P-KITPrecision HD 1080p Camera Spare KitPrecisionHD 1080p Camera Spare Kit42CTS-QSC20-WMK=Quick Set 20 Wall Mount Kit SpareQuick Set 20 Wall Mount Kit Spare43L-TMS-25Cisco TMS - Additional 25 SystemsCisco TMS - Additional 25 Systems 44L-TMS-100Cisco TMS - Additional 100 SystemsCisco TMS - Additional 100 Systems 45L-EX90-DDCISCO EX90 Dual Display OptionTANDBERG EX90 Dual Display Option46L-EX90-MSCISCO EX90 Multi Site OptionTANDBERG EX90 MultiSite Option47L-EX90-PRCISCO EX90 PR OptionTANDBERG EX90 PR Option48L-EX60-PREX60 PR optionEX60 PR option49L-EDGE-NPPOrder L-MXP-PAK for NPP Upgrade for Legacy Edge systemsOrder L-MXP-PAK for NPP Upg for Legacy Edge systems50L-EDGE-MSOrder L-MXP-PAK for MS Upgrade for Legacy Edge systemsOrder L-MXP-PAK for MS Upg for Legacy Edge systems 51L-QSC20-DDCISCO C20 Dual Display OptionTANDBERG C20 Dual Display Option52L-QSC20-PRCISCO C20 Premium Resolution OptionTANDBERG C20 Premium Resolution Option53L-INTP-C40-DDCISCO Integrator Package C40 4x Dual Display OptionTANDBERGIntegrator Package C40 4x Dual Display Option54L-INTP-C40-MSCISCO Integrator Package Codec C40 4x, 4 Way Individual Transcoding Multisite (MS)TANDBERGIntegrator Package Codec C40 4x, 4 Way Individual Transcoding Multisite (MS)55L-INTP-C40-PRCISCO C40Premium Resolution (1080p/720p60) Option - Must be purchased with a configurable GSA end product - Not separately orderableTANDBERG C40Premium Resolution (1080p/720p60) Option - Must be purchased with a configurable GSA end product - Not separately orderable56L-INTP-C60-MSCISCO Integrator Package Codec C60 4x, 4 Way Individual Transcoding Multisite (MS)TANDBERGIntegrator Package Codec C60 4x, 4 Way Individual Transcoding Multisite (MS)57L-INTP-C60-PRCISCO Int Pkg Codec C60 Premium Resolution Option - Must be purchased with a configurable GSA end product - Not separately orderableTANDBERG IntPkg Codec C60 Premium Resolution Option - Must be purchased with a configurable GSA end product - Not separately orderable58CTS-PHD-1080P12XSPrecision HD 1080p Camera w 12x zoom - not sold stand alonePrecisionHD 1080p Camera w 12x zoom - not sold stand alone Maintenance59GZ-CON-PZDN-180P12XSZ Care 8X5XNBD Precision HD 1080p 12X Unit - Silver 24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco 12X cameraAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 60GZ-CON-PZDN-C550NTSCZ Care for: TANDBERG 550MXP One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg 550MXPAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 61GZ-CON-PZDN-C511352N for: TANDBERG 150MXP One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg 150MXPAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 62GZ-CON-PZDN-CP3KNTSCZ Care for: TANDBERG 3000MXP PORTABLE One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg 3000MXP PortableAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 63GZ-CON-PZDN-C770NTSC for: TANDBERG 770MXP One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg 770MXPAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 64GZ-CON-PZDN-C880NTSC for: TANDBERG 880MXP One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg 880MXPAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 65GZ-CON-PZDN-C990NTSC for: TANDBERG 990MXP One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg 990MXPAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 66GZ-CON-PZDN-CTSMXP3K for: TANDBERG CODEC 3000MXP One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg 3000MXP CodecAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements67GZ-CON-PZDN-CTS-6000 for: TANDBERG CODEC 6000MXP One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg 6000MXPAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements68GZ-CON-PZDN-EDGE75 for: TANDBERG Edge 75MXP One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg Edge 75MXPAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements69GZ-CON-PZDN-CEDGE85NTANDBERG Edge 85MXP One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg Edge 85MXPAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements70GZ-CON-PZDN-C342MK2N TANDBERG Profile 3000MXP One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg Profile 3000MXP 42 inch screenAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 71GZ-CON-PZDN-C332MK2N TANDBERG Profile 3000MXP One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg Profile 3000MXP 32" screenAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements72GZ-CON-PZDN-P42C40K9 CISCO Profile 42 C40 One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco Profile 42 C40Access to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 73GZ-CON-PZDN-P52DC60Z Care for: TANDBERG Profile 52 Dual One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg Profile 52 DualAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements Maintenance 74GZ-CON-PZDN-C650MK2NTANDBERG Profile 6000 MXP One Year24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg Profile 6000MXPAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 75GZ-CON-PZDN-P42C20 8x5xNBD for Profile 42 in w C20 - PHD 1080p 12x Cam, Touch UI, 2 Microphones24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco Profile 42 inch C20 12XAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 76GZ-CON-PZDN-P52C60 8x5xNBD for Profile 52 in w C60 NPP PHD 1080p 12x Cam, Touch UI, 3 Microphones24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco Profile 52 " C60 12XAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 77GZ-CON-PZDN-INTP3K 8x5xNBD for 3000 MXP - BW, Pre HD Cam, 1 Mic, Cables and Trackers24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg 3000MXP IntegratorAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 78GZ-CON-PZDN-INTP6K 8x5xNBD for 6000 MXP - BW, Pre HD Cam, 2 Microphones, Cables and Trackers 2M/6M24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg 6000MXP IntegratorAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 79GZ-CON-PZDN-CEDGE85N 8x5xNBD for 115580P, 115585P TANDBERG Edge 85MXP24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg 550MXPAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 80GZ-CON-PZDN-CCTRLDV8 8x5xNBD for Spare - Touch Control for EX with cradle and handset24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco EX Touch Control PanelAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 81GZ-CON-PZDN-CTRLDVC8Z Care 8x5xNBD for Touch Control Device for C Series, Profile - no handset24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco C Series Touch Control PanelAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 82GZ-CON-PZDN-CS115360 8x5xNBD for 115360, 1153601 TANDBERG CONTENT SERVER24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco Content ServerAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 83GZ-CON-PZDN-LICTMS25 Cisco TMS - Additional 25 Systems24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco TMS - Additional 25 SystemsAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 84GZ-CON-PZDN-LMOVI500 Order L-TMS-SW-PAK for E-delivery of 500 Jabber Video licenses24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco MOVI/JABBER Video - 500 LicensesAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 85GZ-CON-PZDN-MOVI-100 Jabber Video 100 Additional User Licenses24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco Jabber - 100 LicensesAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 86CON-SNT-AS1SBK9Smart net ASA 5510 Security Plus Appl with SW, HA, 2GE+3FE, 3DES/AES24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco ASA 5510Access to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 87GZ-CON-PZDN-VCSE-50 Video Communication Server - 50 Traversal Calls24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco VCS - 50 Traversal CallsAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 88GZ-CON-PZDN-LICVCS50 Video Communication Server 50 Add Non-traversal Network Calls24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco VCS - 50 Non-traversal callsAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 89GZ-CON-PZDN-LICVCS20 Video Communication Server, 20 Add Non-traversal Network Calls24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco VCS - 20 Non-traversal callsAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 90CON-ECDN-CP18PKITWarranty Option: ESS WITH 8X5XNBD Precision HD 1080p Camera Spare Kit24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco Precision HD 1080P Camera Spare KitAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 91GZ-CON-PZDN-LICTMS25 SW SUPP+UPGR TMS Management Suite - Additional 25 Systems24X7XNBD annual support for TMS Management Suite - 25 SystemsAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 92GZ-CON-PZDN-LTMS-100 ESS SW SUPP+UPGR TMS Management Suite - Additional 100 Systems24X7XNBD annual support for TMS Management Suite - 100 SystemsAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 93GZ-CON-PZDN-CCPSDCK9CPS - Single Monitor AC Powered System 720p (1080p requires PR option) - Z Care24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco CPS Single Monitor 720PAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 94GZ-CON-PZDN-CTSINTRN One year warranty and remote service agreement 24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg InternAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 95GZ-CON-PZDN-EDGE95 One year warranty and remote service agreement for Edge 9524X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg Edge 95Access to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 96GZ-CON-PZDN-CTSQSC20CISCO C20 includes Codec C20 w/NPP, Performance Mic 20 microphone, TRC 5 remote control and cables 1 Year Domestic Service24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco C20Access to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 97GZ-CON-PZDN-LQSC20HD WITH 8X5XNBD C20 License Key for HD 24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco C20 License Key for HDAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 98GZ-CON-PZDN-180P4XS1 Maintenance for Precision HD 1080p Camera w 4x zoom - not sold stand alone24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco Precision HD 1080p Camera w/ 4X zoomAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 99GZ-CON-PZDN-CTSMXP1K One year warranty and remote service agreement for T1000 MXP24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg T100MXPAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 100GZ-CON-PZDN-CTS-1700One year warranty and remote service agreement for T1700 MXP24X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg 1700MXPAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 101GZ-CON-PZDN-CTSE20K9Option: One year warranty and remote service agreement for E2024X7XNBD annual support for Tandberg E20Access to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements 102GZ-CON-PZDN-CP18PKITWarranty Option: ESS WITH 8X5XNBD Precision HD 1080p Camera Spare Kit24X7XNBD annual support for Cisco PrecisionHD 1080P Camera Spare KitAccess to TAC by phone, email, online, or videoSoftware Update DownloadsSoftware guidance/ remote implementation (actually assistance in upgrading units, not just providing the SW)All Engineers domestically located and US CitizensAll Engineers are Master ATP certifiedOne Call Flow Engineering (no tiers, faster meantime to repair since all engineers are top tier engineers)Proactive Notifications (new SW releases, Cisco outages, security vulnerabilities, etc)Access to lab or demo gear for testingTicket reportingContract management NBD DOA replacements Part NumberPolycom Desktop Videoconferencing Units 103G7200-63530-001Real Presence Group 300 - 720p: Group 300 HD codec, Eagle Eye Acoustic camera, universal remote, NTSC/PAL. Cables: 1 HDMI 1.8m, 1 CAT 5E LAN 3.6m, Power: AMER - Type B, NEMA 5-15. Maintenance Contract Required.720P Video Codec and Camera Solution must use the Open Standard of H.264 High Profile.The Codec must be able to initiate or take part in a Microsoft Lync multipoint conference. For the Microsoft Lync capability, if the Codec needs additional licenses, software or hardware all must be included.Contain web interface (virtual user interface)Capable of wireless content transmission via H.239USB battery charging for RCU1 video Input (HDCI only)2 x HDMI 1.3 video outputsCamera must have? SMPTE 296M 1280 x 720p60 SMPTE 274M 1920 x 1080p, 60/50? 12x optical zoom? 72° FOV minVideo resolution? 720p, 60 fps from 832 KbpsNetworkIPv4 and IPv6 support only, (no ISDN)1 x 10/100/1G EthernetAuto-MDIXH.323 and/or SIP up to 6 Mbps1044870-63420-002Onsite installation service for Real Presence Group 300 - 720p: Group 300 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOne Year Maintenance for unit above - 24X7 phone support and NBD hardware replacement1054870-63420-112Premier, One Year, Real Presence Group 300 - 720p: Group 300 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOne Year Onsite Maintenance for unit above - 24X7 phone support and NBD hardware replacement1064870-63530-114Premier Onsite, One Year, Real Presence Group 300-720p: Group 300 HD codec, Eagle Eye Acoustic cameraOnsite installation of unit aboveGroup 500 - 720P 107G7200-63430-001Real Presence Group 500-720p: Group 500 HD codec, Eagle Eye III camera, mic array, universal remote, NTSC/PAL. Cables: 2 HDMI 1.8m, 1 CAT 5E LAN 3.6m, 1 HDCI analog 3m, Power: AMER-Type B, NEMA 5-15. Maintenance Contract Required.720P Codec and Camera Solution must use the Open Standard of H.264 High Profile.The Codec must be able to initiate or take part in a Microsoft Lync multipoint conference. For the Microsoft Lync capability, if the Codec needs additional licenses, software or hardware all must be included.Contain web interface (virtual user interface)Capable of wireless content transmission via H.239USB battery charging for RCU3 Video Inputs, (HDCI, HDMI, or VGA)2 x HDMI 1.3 video outputsCamera must have? SMPTE 296M 1280 x 720p60 SMPTE 274M 1920 x 1080p, 60/50? 12x optical zoom? 72° FOV minVideo resolution? 1080p, 60 fps from 1740 KbpsNetworkIPv4 and IPv6 support only, (no ISDN)1 x 10/100/1G EthernetAuto-MDIXMust be Multi-Site capable of up to 6 sites with SDCP or 4 Sites with HDCPH.323 and/or SIP up to 6 Mbps1085150-65081-001Group Series Multi point License - 6-way on Group 500 or 8-way on Group 700. Both support 4-way HD continuous presence. NOTE- ASIA, CALA, Japan and China include Maintenance in price. All others require purchase of separate service Product ID6 way multipoint license for unit above.1092215-63885-001Real Presence Room Mic Array: Contains one Microphone Array and one C Link 2 cable. Compatible with Group Series and Sound Structure.?1104870-63430-112Premier, One Year, Real Presence Group 500 - 720p: Group 500 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOne Year Maintenance for unit above - 24X7 phone support and NBD hardware replacement1114870-63430-114Premier Onsite, One Year, Real Presence Group 500 - 720p: Group 500 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOne Year Onsite Maintenance for unit above - 24X7 phone support and NBD hardware replacement1124870-63430-002Onsite installation service for Real Presence Group 500 - 720p: Group 500 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOnsite installation of unit aboveGroup 500 - 1080P 113G7200-63490-001Real Presence Group 500-1080p: Group 500 HD codec, Eagle Eye III camera, mic array, universal remote, NTSC/PAL. Cables: 2 HDMI 1.8m, 1 CAT 5E LAN 3.6m, 1 HDCI analog 3m, Power: AMER-Type B, NEMA 5-15. Maintenance Contract Required.1080P Codec and Camera Solution must use the Open Standard of H.264 High Profile.The Codec must be able to initiate or take part in a Microsoft Lync multipoint conference. For the Microsoft Lync capability, if the Codec needs additional licenses, software or hardware all must be included.Contain web interface (virtual user interface)Capable of wireless content transmission via H.239USB battery charging for RCU3 Video Inputs, (HDCI, HDMI, or VGA)2 x HDMI 1.3 video outputsCamera must have? SMPTE 296M 1280 x 720p60 SMPTE 274M 1920 x 1080p, 60/50? 12x optical zoom? 72° FOV minVideo resolution? 1080p, 60 fps from 1740 KbpsNetworkIPv4 and IPv6 support only, (no ISDN)1 x 10/100/1G EthernetAuto-MDIXMust be Multi-Site capable of up to 6 sites with SDCP or 4 Sites with HDCPH.323 and/or SIP up to 6 Mbps1145150-65081-001Group Series Multi point License - 6-way on Group 500 or 8-way on Group 700. Both support 4-way HD continuous presence. NOTE- ASIA, CALA, Japan and China include Maintenance in price. All others require purchase of separate service Product ID6 way multipoint license for unit above.1154870-63490-112Premier, One Year, Real Presence Group 500 - 1080p: Group 500 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOne Year Maintenance for unit above - 24X7 phone support and NBD hardware replacement1164870-63490-114Premier Onsite, One Year, Real Presence Group 500 - 1080p: Group 500 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOne Year Onsite Maintenance for unit above - 24X7 phone support and NBD hardware replacement1174870-63490-002Onsite installation service for Real Presence Group 500 - 1080p: Group 500 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOnsite installation of unit aboveGroup 700 - 720P 118G7200-63520-001Real Presence Group 700-720p: Group 700 HD codec, Eagle Eye III camera, mic array, universal remote, NTSC/PAL. Cables: 1 HDMI 1.8m, 1 CAT 5E LAN 3.6m, 1 HDCI analog 3m, Power: AMER-Type B, NEMA 5-15. Maintenance Contract Required.720P Video Codec and Camera Solution must use the Open Standard of H.264 High Profile.The Codec must be able to initiate or take part in a Microsoft Lync multipoint conference. For the Microsoft Lync capability, if the Codec needs additional licenses, software or hardware all must be included.Contain web interface (virtual user interface)Capable of wireless content transmission via H.239USB battery charging for RCU2 HDCI Video Inputs3 HDMI Video Inputs1 VGA Video Input1 YbPr Video input3 x HDMI 1.3 Video outputs3 x VGA Video OutputsContent Frame Rate? 5–60 fps (up to 1080p resolution at 60 fps)Content Sharing:Multi-site capable of up to 8 sitesCamera must have? SMPTE 296M 1280 x 720p60 SMPTE 274M 1920 x 1080p, 60/50? 12x optical zoom? 72° FOV minVideo resolution? 1080p, 60 fps from 1740 KbpsNetworkIPv4 and IPv6 support only, (no ISDN)1 x 10/100/1G EthernetAuto-MDIXH.323 and/or SIP up to 6 Mbps1195150-65081-001Group Series Multipoint License - 6-way on Group 500 or 8-way on Group 700. Both support 4-way HD continuous presence. NOTE- ASIA, CALA, Japan and China include Maintenance in price. All others require purchase of separate service Product ID8 way multipoint license for unit above.1204870-63450-112Premier, One Year, Real Presence Group 700 - 720p: Group 700 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOne Year Maintenance for unit above - 24X7 phone support and NBD hardware replacement1214870-63450-114Premier Onsite, One Year, Real Presence Group 700 - 720p: Group 700 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOne Year Onsite Maintenance for unit above - 24X7 phone support and NBD hardware replacement1224870-63450-002Onsite installation service for Real Presence Group 700 - 720p: Group 700 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOnsite installation of unit aboveGroup 700 - 1080P 123G7200-63450-001Real Presence Group 700-1080p: Group 700 HD codec, Eagle Eye III camera, mic array, universal remote, NTSC/PAL. Cables: 1 HDMI 1.8m, 1 CAT 5E LAN 3.6m, 1 HDCI analog 3m, Power: AMER-Type B, NEMA 5-15. Maintenance Contract Required.1080P Video Codec and Camera Solution must use the Open Standard of H.264 High Profile.The Codec must be able to initiate or take part in a Microsoft Lync multipoint conference. For the Microsoft Lync capability, if the Codec needs additional licenses, software or hardware all must be included.Contain web interface (virtual user interface)Capable of wireless content transmission via H.239USB battery charging for RCU2 HDCI Video Inputs3 HDMI Video Inputs1 VGA Video Input1 YbPr Video input3 x HDMI 1.3 Video outputs3 x VGA Video OutputsContent Frame Rate? 5–60 fps (up to 1080p resolution at 60 fps)Content Sharing:Multi-site capable of up to 8 sitesCamera must have? SMPTE 296M 1280 x 720p60 SMPTE 274M 1920 x 1080p, 60/50? 12x optical zoom? 72° FOV minVideo resolution? 1080p, 60 fps from 1740 KbpsNetworkIPv4 and IPv6 support only, (no ISDN)1 x 10/100/1G EthernetAuto-MDIXH.323 and/or SIP up to 6 Mbps1245150-65081-001Group Series Multipoint License - 6-way on Group 700 or 8-way on Group 700. Both support 4-way HD continuous presence. NOTE- ASIA, CALA, Japan and China include Maintenance in price. All others require purchase of separate service Product ID8 way multipoint license for unit above.1254870-63450-114Premier Onsite, One Year, Real Presence Group 700 - 1080p: Group 700 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOne Year Onsite Maintenance for unit above - 24X7 phone support and NBD hardware replacement1264870-63450-002Onsite installation service for Real Presence Group 700 - 1080p: Group 700 HD codec, Eagle Eye III cam., universal remoteOnsite installation of unit abovePolycom Real Presence Practitioner Cart 8000 or Equivalent1272230-64973-001Polycom Real Presence Practitioner Cart 8000 Includes: HDX8K series Codec, EE 1080 camera, HDX Microphone LR, P+C, Mobile Cart w/Battery Power System and 24" monitor. Eng. Remote. NA/CALA - Maintenance Contract RequiredTelehealth Cart Includes: HDX8K series Codec, EE 1080 camera, HDX Microphone LR, P+C, Mobile Cart w/Battery Power System and 24" monitor. Eng. Remote. NA/CALA - Maintenance Contract RequiredMaintenanceMaintenance for existing equipment1284870-00125-106Option: One year warranty and remote service agreement for Polycom VSX 5000.Option: One year warranty and remote service agreement for Polycom VSX 5000.1294870-00125-108Option: One year warranty and on-site service agreement for Polycom VSX 5000.Option: One year warranty and on-site service agreement for Polycom VSX 5000.1304870-00001-106Option: One year warranty and remote service agreement for Polycom VSX 7000s.Option: One year warranty and remote service agreement for Polycom VSX 7000s.1314870-00001-108Option: One year warranty and on-site service agreement for Polycom VSX 7000s.Option: One year warranty and on-site service agreement for Polycom VSX 7000s.1324870-00097-106One Year Polycom Premier Support for: Polycom VSX 6000AOne Year Polycom Premier Support for: Polycom VSX 6000A1334870-00125-106One Year Polycom Premier Support for: Polycom VSX 5000One Year Polycom Premier Support for: Polycom VSX 50001344870-00147-106Premier Support for: VSX 7800e Medical Cart 1LCD 32 Nospk (P/N: 7200-22954-001)Premier Support for: VSX 7800e MedCtr 1LCD 32 Nospk (P/N: 7200-22954-001)1354870-00388-106Premier Support for: HDX 8000,N,2PT,ENG,NA,720 (P/N: 7200-26880-001)Premier Support for: HDX 8000,N,2PT,ENG,NA,720 (P/N: 7200-26880-001)1364870-00422-106Premier Support for: HDX MC,7002XL,N,1WT,ENG,NA (P/N: 7200-27820-001)Premier Support for: HDX MC,7002XL,N,1WT,ENG,NA (P/N: 7200-27820-001)1374870-00584-106HDX 6000 Premier SupportHDX 6000 Premier Support1384870-00386-106 ??????????????? HDX 8000 Premier SupportHDX 8000 Premier Support1394870-00071-106VSX 7000 w/ 1000 Premier SupportVSX 7000 w/ 1000 Premier Support1404870-00305-106Option: One year remote maintenance on Polycom V700Option: One year remote maintenance on Polycom V7001414870-00305-108Option: One year on-site maintenance on Polycom V700Option: One year on-site maintenance on Polycom V7001424870-00066-106Option: One year remote maintenance on Polycom VSX 3000Option: One year remote maintenance on Polycom VSX 30001434870-00066-108Option: One year on-site maintenance on Polycom VSX 3000Option: One year on-site maintenance on Polycom VSX 30001444870-00370-106Option: One year remote maintenance on Polycom HDX 4000 SeriesOption: One year remote maintenance on Polycom HDX 4000 Series1454870-00370-108Option: One year on-site maintenance on Polycom HDX 4000 SeriesOption: One year on-site maintenance on Polycom HDX 4000 Series1464870-00578-106Premier, One Year, Polycom Real Presence Practitioner Cart 8000 and HDX Practitioner telehealth Cart SeriesPremier, One Year, Polycom RealPresence Practitioner Cart 8000 and HDX Practitioner TeleHealth Cart Series1474870-00578-106Option: One year warranty and remote service agreement (Instructional Model Cart + Codec Only)Option: One year warranty and remote service agreement (Instructional Model Cart+Codec Only)1484870-00578-108Option: One year warranty and on-site service agreement (Instructional Model Cart + Codec Only)Option: One year warranty and on-site service agreement (Instructional Model Cart+Codec Only)Video Conferencing Systems End User TrainingSalient Characteristics1494864-27005-001HDX Tech Maintenance Training (2Days) Held at Polycom, priced per person. VA MUST PAY FOR / ARRANGE TRAVEL2 Day Training at manufacturer1504864-05101-0022 Day Training: On Site at Customer Location. No topic substitutions; any changes require a custom price quote and location per customer choice with Polycom acceptance. Priced for maximum of 10 students. Includes instructor Travel and Expenses.2 Day Training: On Site at Customer Location. Priced for max. of 10 students. Includes instructor Travel & Expenses.Part NumberGLOBALMED Mobile Videoconferencing Unit (Multi-Room Flexibility Option)151GMDi8500EEducational - i8500 Mobile Video "AMMO" Weighted Cart Base, 42" 1080p HD Monitor, Small Form Factor PC, Codec & Camera Brackets, 8 Port 10/100 Switch, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included)Educational - mobile video telehealth cart with weighted 5 Star wheel base, anti-microbial work surface (30”W x 21.25”D), locking drawer, 42" 1080p HD monitor, small form factor PC, codec & camera brackets, 8 Port 10/100 VA approved network Switch, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included), US 48 Shipping. FDA Cleared Class 1 Device.152GMDi8500BBase Unit w/Total HD? - i8500 Mobile Video "AMMO" Cart Base, Dual 22" 1080p HD Monitors, 8 Port 10/100 Switch, Echo Canceling Microphone, Battery Brackets, HD Compatible PC, CapSure Vista 2.x? Image Automation Software w/AET Setup and Freeze Frame Foot pedal, Retractable Power Reel, Retractable Cat5 Reel, Medical Battery Backup, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included)Base Unit Telehealth Cart- VistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Software and HD- Telemedicine Exam camera (1080p/10.1 mega pixel) w/ variable polarization hood/tongue depressor/derm hood, Freeze Frame Foot pedal. Dual 22" 1080p monitors, UPS battery backup, 5 star wheel base, anti-microbial work surface (30”W x 21.25”D), locking drawer, HD compatible PC, codec & camera brackets, 8 Port 10/100 VA approved network Switch, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included),Retractable CAT5 Reel, Retractable Power Reel, Ships fully integrated, US 48 Shipping. FDA Cleared Class 1 Device.153GMDi8500SSpecialty Care Unit w/TotalExam HD? - i8500 Mobile Video "AMMO" Cart Base, Dual 22" 1080p HD Monitors, 8 Port 10/100 Switch, Care Tone IP, Echo Canceling Microphone, HD Compatible PC, CapSure Vista 2.x? Image Automation Software w/AET Setup and Freeze Frame Foot pedal, Retractable Power Reel, Retractable Cat5 Reel, Video Switch, Medical Battery Backup, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included)Specialty Unit Telehealth Cart- VistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Software and HD- Telemedicine Exam camera (1080p/10.1 mega pixel) w/ variable polarization hood/tongue depressor/derm hood, FDA Approved Stethoscope, Freeze Frame Foot pedal. Dual 22" 1080p monitors, UPS battery backup, 5 star wheel base, anti-microbial work surface (30”W x 21.25”D), locking drawer, HD compatible PC, codec & camera brackets, 8 Port 10/100 VA approved network Switch, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included),Retractable CAT5 Reel, Retractable Power Reel, Ships fully integrated US 48 Shipping. FDA Cleared Class 1 Device.154GMDi8500PPrimary Care Complete Unit w/TotalExam HD? - i8500 Mobile Video "AMMO" Cart Base, Dual 22" 1080p HD Monitors, 8 Port 10/100 Switch, Care Tone IP, TotalENT HD? w/Freeze Frame Foot Pedal, Echo Canceling Microphone, HD Compatible PC, CapSure Vista 2.x? Image Automation Software w/AET Setup and Freeze Frame Foot pedal, Retractable Power Reel, Retractable Cat5 Reel, Video Switch, Medical Battery Backup, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included)Primary Care Unit Telehealth Cart- VistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Software and HD- Telemedicine Exam camera (1080p/10.1 mega pixel) w/ variable polarization hood/tongue depressor/derm hood, FDA Approved Telemedicine Stethoscope, Telemedicine ENT System, Freeze Frame Foot pedal. Dual 22" 1080p monitors, UPS battery backup, 5 star wheel base, anti-microbial work surface (30”W x 21.25”D), locking drawer, HD compatible PC, codec & camera brackets, 8 Port 10/100 VA approved network Switch, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included), Retractable CAT5 Reel, Retractable Power Reel, Ships fully integrated, US 48 Shipping. FDA Cleared Class 1 Device.155GMDi8500AAudiology Care Unit w/Total Exam HD? - i8500 Mobile Video "AMMO" Cart Base, Dual 22" 1080p HD Monitors, 8 Port 10/100 Switch, Care Tone IP, TotalENT HD? w/Freeze Frame Foot Pedal, Echo Canceling Microphone, HD Compatible PC, CapSure 2.x? Image Automation Software w/AET Setup and Freeze Frame Foot pedal, Retractable Power Reel, Retractable Cat5 Reel, Video Switch, Medical Battery Backup, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included), Complete GN Audiology Equipment Suite (Astera w/Hi Free, Auricle PMM with Hi-Pro, ACP & Remote ACP Adapter for Astera, Oto Flex Diagnostic, Noah Link, Auricle HIT Box, Sound Level Meter), GN Audiology Complete Integration, Installation and Training on Audiology Equipment (GlobalMed Telehealth Training Sold Separately)Audiology Care Unit Telehealth Cart- VistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Software and HD- Telemedicine Exam camera (1080p/10.1 mega pixel) w/ variable polarization hood/tongue depressor/derm hood, FDA Approved Telemedicine Stethoscope, Telemedicine ENT System, Freeze Frame Foot pedal. Dual 22" 1080p monitors, UPS battery backup, 5 star wheel base, anti-microbial work surface (30”W x 21.25”D), locking drawer, HD compatible PC, codec & camera brackets integrated, 8 Port 10/100 Switch, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included), Retractable CAT5 Reel, Retractable Power Reel. Complete Software Controlled Audiology Equipment Suite: Diagnostic Typonmetry device, Hearing Instrument Test Chamber, Universal Hearing Aid Programmer- hard wired, Universal Hearing Aid Programmer- wireless, Probe Microphone Measurement System w/ built-in Hi-Pro, Audiology User Interface Software, , Clinical Audiometer with up to 20KHz, Audiometer Control Panel l HIT Box, Sound Level Meter built in to Audiology software, Audiology Complete Integration, Installation and Training on Audiology Equipment (Telehealth Training Sold Separately). Ships fully integrated, US 48 Shipping. FDA Cleared Class 1 Device.156GMDFESL8N1THS5O2CSFirst Exam? Mobile Telemedicine Station w/Total Exam HD? - First Exam "AMMO" Cart Base with Integrated, Lockable Peripheral Device Bins, 27" 1080p HD Monitor, 8 Port 10/100 Switch, Care Tone IP, WelchAllyn Macroview Video Otoscope, Echo Canceling Microphone, 17" HD Compatible Laptop PC, CapSure 2.x? Image Automation Software w/AET Setup and Freeze Frame Foot pedal, Retractable Power Reel, Retractable Cat5 Reel, Medical Grade Backup Battery, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included) Modular Examination Station w/ Hardware Codec - Primary Care Station w/Independent Electric Height Adjustment for Both Monitor and Accessory Bin Modules, Anti-Microbial Work Surface 23.6”W x 27.9”D w/ integrated key-board, touchpad and additional secured storage, as well as device holders and handles. Retractable Power, Data Reel and Battery- AC input voltage:90 to 250 VDC range, 8 Hours of Run Time from Battery, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included), Dual 22" 1080p HD Monitors w/ 120 Degree Rotation, 5 Locking Dual Casters, 8 Port 10/100 VA approved network Switch, Powered Device Integration Locking Compartments, Non-Powered Locking Storage Compartment. Devices Include: FDA Approved Telemedicine Stethoscope & Chest Piece, Telemedicine Exam camera (1080p/10.1 mega pixel) w/ variable polarization hood/tongue depressor/derm hood, HD ENT w/ Otoscope w/Freeze Frame Foot Pedal, Ultra Small Form Factor PC, VistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Interface and Image Automation Software w/AET Setup and Freeze Frame Foot pedal. Ships Fully Integrated. US 48 Shipping. FDA Cleared Class 1 Device.Mobile Videoconferencing Unit (Multi-Room Flexibility Option)157GMDLESB4D1C2VALight Exam Station- LES w/SX20 Integration for VA (includes backup battery and pull reels), 10/100 switchModular Examination Station w/ Hardware Codec - Primary Care Station w/Independent Electric Height Adjustment for Both Monitor and Accessory Bin Modules, Anti-Microbial Work Surface 23.6”W x 27.9”D w/ integrated key-board, touchpad and additional secured storage, as well as device holders and handles. Retractable Power, Data Reel and Battery- AC input voltage:90 to 250 VDC range, 8 Hours of Run Time from Battery, PTZ Video Camera, Echo Cancelling Microphone, Speakers, Dual 22" 1080p HD Monitors w/ 120 Degree Rotation, 5 Locking Dual Casters, 8 Port 10/100 VA approved network Switch, Powered Device Integration Locking Compartments, Non-Powered Locking Storage Compartment. Devices Include: FDA Approved Telemedicine Stethoscope & Chest Piece, Telemedicine Exam camera (1080p/10.1 mega pixel) w/ variable polarization hood/tongue depressor/derm hood, HD ENT w/ Otoscope w/Freeze Frame Foot Pedal, Ultra Small Form Factor PC, VistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Interface and Image Automation Software w/AET Setup and Freeze Frame Foot pedal, US 48 Shipping158GMDLESB4D1THC2VALES w/TEHD and SX20 (includes backup battery and pull reels), 10/100Modular Examination Station w/ Hardware Codec - Educational Station w/Independent Electric Height Adjustment for Both Monitor and Accessory Bin Modules, Anti-Microbial Work Surface 23.6”W x 27.9”D w/ integrated key-board, touchpad and additional secured storage, as well as device holders and handles. Retractable Power, Data Reel and Battery- AC input voltage:90 to 250 VDC range, 8 Hours of Run Time from Battery, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included), Single 27.5", 42" OR Dual 22" 1080p HD Monitors w/ 120 Degree Rotation, 5 Locking Dual Casters, 8 Port 10/100 VA approved network Switch, Powered Device Integration Locking Compartments, Non-Powered Locking Storage Compartment.159GMDWESD2LTTHCVC2Wall Examination Station - Lockable, Wall Mounted Specialty Care Station w/Articulating and Height Adjustable Single 27" 1080p HD Monitor, Badge Reader, 8 Port 10/100 Switch, Clear Stethoscope Chest Piece, Ultra Small Form Factor PC, CapSure Vista 2.x Live!? Telehealth Encounter and Image Automation Software w/AET Setup and Freeze Frame Foot pedal, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included), US 48 ShippingWall Examination Station - Lockable, Wall Mounted Specialty Care Station w/Articulating and Height Adjustable, Single 27" 1080p HD Monitor, CAC Reader, 8 Port 10/100 Switch, FDA Approved Tele- Stethoscope, Chest Piece, HD USB 3.0 Examination Camera Body w/ Manual Focus Examination Module and Otoscope Module, Ultra Small Form Factor PC, VistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Interface w/AET Setup and Freeze Frame Foot pedal, Hardware Video Codec Integration (codec not included), US 48 Shipping160GMDWESD2LTTHCVI5CJWall Examination Station - Lockable, Wall Mounted Specialty Care Station w/Articulating and Height Adjustable Single 27" 1080p HD Monitor, Badge Reader, 8 Port 10/100 Switch, Clear Stethoscope Chest Piece, Ultra Small Form Factor PC, CapSure Vista 2.x Live!? Telehealth Encounter and Image Automation Software w/AET Setup and Freeze Frame Foot pedal, Software Video Codec Bundle (codec not included), Echo Canceling Microphone, USB PTZ Camera, US 48 ShippingWall Examination Station - Lockable, Wall Mounted Specialty Care Station w/Articulating and Height Adjustable Single 27" 1080p HD Monitor, CAC Reader, 8 Port 10/100 Switch, FDA Approved Tele-Stethoscope & Chest Piece, HD USB 3.0 Examination Camera Body w/ Manual Focus Examination Module and Otoscope Module, Ultra Small Form Factor PC, VistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Interface w/AET Setup and Freeze Frame Foot pedal, Software Video Codec Bundle (codec not included), Echo Canceling Microphone, USB PTZ Camera, US 48 ShippingAudiology161GMR12080019Audiology Integration for Cart - for both new cart and retrofitInstallation of Tele-Audiology components by telemedicine cart manufacturer, required for new cart or retrofit cart.162GMR12080020Audiology Integration Kit - Armatures, Bracketry & Tabletop Reinforcement for GlobalMed i8500 Carts with Audiology, Required for new Audiology Cart or Audiology Retrofit (GlobalMed Part # GMR12080019 Also Required for New and Retrofit Integration of Audiology Equipment onto i8500 Series Mobile Carts) Audiology Integration Kit - Armatures, Bracketry & Tabletop Reinforcement for GlobalMed i8500 Carts with Audiology, Required for new Audiology Cart or Audiology Retrofit (Tele-Audiology Integration part also required for new and retrofit Integration of Audiology Equipment onto i8500 Series Mobile Carts)163GMR12080010GN Astera with Hi FreqMust be a PC-based audiometer. Compatible with GlobalMed i8500 bracketry & tele-health cart. Must interface with software program to control testing. Must be NOAH compatible and offer a validated software link to Quasar. Able to be controlled remotely by an audiologist via telehealth cart. 5 speaker output capability. Must have 1hz resolution. User software must include tinnitus testing module. Must be compatible with current tele-health codec, with demonstrated ability to perform live speech, monitoring & talk to assistant functionality. · 2 channel PC-based clinical audiometer· Frequency from 125 – 20,000Hz· Intensity from -10/120 dB HL· Integrated speech material· Live voice wording· Customizable word lists· Built-in amplifier· Talk forward/talk to assistant microphone· Tests include CUNY, TEN, QuickSIN, SISI, ABLB, SAL test164GMR12080015GN ACP & Remote ACP Adapter for Astera - Optional Component for Audiology Exams. Includes GN Remote ACP AdapterMust be physically separate from the audiometer hardware. Must be able to remotely control the audiometer hardware. Must offer push-button talk to TCT functionality.165GMR12080012GN Oto Flex DiagnosticMust be a PC-based clinical Tympanometer. Compatible with GlobalMed i8500 bracketry & tele-health cart. Must have 2.4GHz compatibility. Must interface with software program to control testing. Able to be controlled remotely by an audiologist via telehealth cart. Must be NOAH compatible. PC-based diagnostic immittance deviceProbe tones 226, 1000 HzMultiple layered tympanogramsJerger norm & auto classificationReflex screening/threshold/decayETF Test for Intact Tympanic MembraneETF Test for Perforated Tympanic MembraneAdmittance MonitoringSingle page reportsDesktop charger with integrated test cavityImmittance probe (cable length 180 cm)Shoulder harness and cable clipUSB Bluetooth adapterSynchronous data display on PCConduct testing from PCConductance and susceptance166GMR12080013GN Noah LinkMust be a PC-based HIT chamber. Vertical design must be compatible with GlobalMed i8500 bracketry & tele-health cart. Must interface with software program to control testing. Must be NOAH compatible. Able to be controlled remotely by an audiologist via telehealth cart. Must have the ability to test cross hearing aid technology. Must be powered by a single USB plug. 167GMR12080014GN Auricle HIT BoxGeneral purpose hard-wired universal hearing aid programming device. · PC-based Hearing instrument test chamber· Coupler Based Fitting with RECD’s, preprogramming,and pre-fitting test chamber measurements according toIEC and ANSI test standards.· Coupler Based Fitting using RECD according to DSL v5.0b and NAL NL2· For pediatric and adult clients· Directionality testing· Built-in induction loops· Auto-detecting battery pills· Designed for wireless His· Innovative design and small footprint· USB powered· HI testing according to IEC and ANSI standards· Snap-on couplers168GMR12080017GN Hi-Pro USB - Not needed if purchasing Auricle PMMGeneral purpose wireless universal hearing aid programming device. 169GMR12080018GN Auricle PMM with Hi-ProMust be compatible with GlobalMed i8500 bracketry & tele-health cart. Must interface with software program to control testing. Must be NOAH compatible. Able to be controlled remotely by an audiologist via telehealth cart. Must have 2.4GHz compatibility. Must offer binaural test capability and include a built-in wireless universal hearing aid programming device.· PC-based wireless Probe Microphone Measurement system· Probe mic/reference mic intensity: 40 – 130 dB· Frequency resolution: 1/24 octave or 1/3 octave, in 4 channels· Stimuli: Pink Noise, White Noise, Speech ANSI, ISTS, ICRA, Rainbow Passage, Tone Sweep, FreeStyle sound library with favorites list, live, recorded signals, recordings, CD material (wav, mp3)· Tests available: REUR, REUG, REOR, REOG, REAR, REAG, REIG, Noise Reduction, Customizable User-Tests. Dynamic REM, FreeStyle.cal Data· Verify hearing aid fittings against NAL, NL 1, NAL NL2, DSL v4.2, DSL v5.0b, and FIG6 fitting prescriptions.· Occluded probe detector170GMD12080062Audiology Sound Booth, Inside Dimensions 6’4”x6’0”x6’6”, Outside Dimensions 7’0”x6’8”x7’7”, includes door upgrade to ADA Required 36” wide, shipping included 9’ x 9’ exterior noise attenuating Tele-Health sound suite. Sound suite must be customized to meet tele-health audio and video requirements. Some of these requirements include in-booth wall mounted dual video monitors, direct communication with the GlobalMed i8500 tele-health cart via customized tele-health patch panel, wall mounted Cisco Precision c40 high def video camera, low profile noise isolating floor to meet ADA requirements, 36” door with window. 171GMD12080064Sound Level Meter Software License - Utilize existing AURICAL hardware already located on the GlobalMed i8500 mobile tele-health cart to act as room noise monitoring microphone. Provides the remote audiologist a frequency-specific visual representation of ANSI standard noise floor at the CBOC location, to ensure quality standards are in place during diagnostic testing. This visual representation must be built into the audiology software program used by the audiologist.??The sound level meter (SLM) solution must meet the criteria for permissible ambient noise during audiometric testing, with auto-recognition for appropriate transducers used in tele-audiology practice. These are the octave or one-third octave band measurements for frequencies from 125Hz through 8000Hz as described in the ANSI standards, with a built-in class 1 microphone with a frequency accuracy tolerance of +/- 1 dB.172GMT80010019Training and Installation - Prepaid Voucher for On Site for Audiology Carts & Retrofits (Covers GNO; Charged Per Site), Payment Due Net 30 Subsequent to Shipment of Audiology Cart or RetrofitTraining and Installation - Prepaid Voucher for On Site Training for Audiology Carts & Retrofits (Covers Audiology Manufacturer training, Charged Per Site), Payment Due Net 30 Subsequent to Shipment of Audiology Cart or Retrofit173GMT80010021Audiology Sound Booth Installation and TrainingTraining and Installation – Prepaid Voucher for onsite training and installation for Audiology Sound Booth; Site visit to measure room & specify location & configuration of sound booth (i.e. door swing, window placement, etc.), Sound Booth Installation including mounting, 2nd video camera and video monitors (2), wiring for interoperability with existing telemedicine cart. All connections will be tested and certified. Training includes operation of all audiology peripherals in the newly configured booth arrangement. 174NOAH 4 Software LicenseNOAH 4 License with starter packTransportable Exam Station (TES)175GMDTESTSSOCVTES? (Transportable Exam Station) - Lightweight and Transportable Medical Exam Station Containing Seamless Integration with Wireless Tablet Computer, Windows 7/32, Enterprise Router with Mobile3G, Ethernet Port and VPN, SSOIP IP Stethoscope, TotalExam 2? Examination Camera, 5 Tongue Depressors and Touch Collars, USB Video Otoscope w/5 Specula, CapSure? Image Automation Software, Durable, Rolling Travel Case with Extendable HandlesLightweight Transportable Medical Exam Station with wireless tablet computer, Windows 7/32 OR Android, mobile cellular service card, Ethernet port, built-in battery, Stethoscope, USB 3.0 Examination Camera with modular camera head, tongue depressor adapter, Derm Hood, USB Video Otoscope, VistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Interface license, Durable Rolling Travel Case with extendable handle, locking case. Ships fully integrated US 48 Shipping. FDA Cleared Class 1 Device.176GMA1-GMDTESTSSOCVGlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis Year 1 (Months 1-12 from Purchase): TES?Year one 24/7/365 remote phone support next business day replacement parts for defective items for Lightweight Transportable Medical Exam Station. 177GMA2-GMDTESTSSOCVGlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: TES?Year two 24/7/365 remote phone support next business day replacement parts for defective items for Lightweight Transportable Medical Exam Station. Telemedicine Peripherals178GMD12050001Pre 2012 i8500 Cart Upgrade to Current Specifications - Onsite Upgrade of GlobalMed i8500 Mobile Video “AMMO” Cart – Replacement of i8500 Mobile Video "AMMO" Cart Base Including Wheels, Star base, Lift Cylinder and Tabletop, Replacement of Existing Dual 22" Monitors and Related Mounting Brackets with New Dual 22” Monitors with 1080p Resolution and New Monitor Mounting Brackets, Includes All New Wiring, Migration of All Peripherals, Network Switches, Video Codec, Cat5 and Power Reels, Medical Grade Backup Battery and PC from Existing Cart. Migration of Existing Equipment to Upgraded Cart Will be Recertified for FDA/ISO Requirements by GlobalMed Professional at no Additional Cost within the Continental US.Pre 2012 i8500 Cart Upgrade to Current Specifications - Onsite Upgrade of GlobalMed i8500 Mobile Video “AMMO” Cart – Replacement of i8500 Mobile Video "AMMO" Cart Base Including Wheels, Star base, Lift Cylinder and Tabletop, Replacement of Existing Dual 22" Monitors and Related Mounting Brackets with New Dual 22” Monitors with 1080p Resolution and New Monitor Mounting Brackets, Includes All New Wiring, Migration of All Peripherals, Network Switches, Video Codec, Cat5 and Power Reels, Medical Grade Backup Battery and PC from Existing Cart. Migration of Existing Equipment to Upgraded Cart Will be Recertified for FDA/ISO Requirements by GlobalMed Professional at no Additional Cost within the Continental US.179GMDi8500CVRFitted Dust Cover for Telemedicine Model Cart (Tandberg Edge Version) Fitted Dust Cover for GlobalMed i8500 Cart 180EXA1-GMD30300012Care Tone? IP Mgmt System Support - Annual Maintenance for VA Wide CIMS. Entitles VA to ongoing upgrades to the latest versions of CIMS and tier 1-4 CIMS support for all VA sites. CareTone? IP Mgmt System Support - Annual Maintenance for VA Wide CIMS. Entitles VA to ongoing upgrades to the latest versions of CIMS and tier 1-4 CIMS support for all VA sites. Telemedicine Peripherals181GMD30100022 CapSure Vista 2.0 (full version); Single User License, Telehealth encounter interface allowing for Image Integration into VistA Imaging for SNF or Image Archiving. Manageable via Microsoft Outlook and/or TSS. Access CPRS, Jabber and ClearSteth. Integration of scope images, EKG, Spirometer, Non-Invasive Cardio DeviceVistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Interface License for Single User. Automates the process of acquiring and storing images up to 8.4 mega pixels in DICOM, bmp, jpg, png file formats as well as information including: EKG tests, Spirometer tests, non-Non-invasive Cardiology tests and vital signs into VistA imaging for SNF or image archiving. Image capture and device selection can be controlled at patient or provider side. Manageable via Microsoft Outlook and/or TSS. Access CPRS, Jabber and ClearSteth TotalExam cameras, Otoscope, EKG, Spirometer, Non-Invasive Cardio Device. Supports video scopes up with to 1080p resolution at 60 frames per second, supports two concurrent camera sources and far end camera control. FDA Registered Class 1 Medical Device.182EXA2-GMD30100007Extended Assurance Year 2 (Months 13-24 from Purchase): CapSure Vista 2.0Year two extension of software assurance for VistA validated telehealth encounter interface system allows for receive ongoing updates, bug fixes, patches and telephone support for web-based.183GMD5503HD07 GlobalMed TotalExam3 Modular HD Examination Camera - USB3 Connectivity, 720p 30fps Examination Camera with LED IlluminationHandheld HD USB Examination Camera Universal Body- Supports modular device head attachments. Camera has CMOS sensor, freeze frame, skin tone balance, freeze frame, auto color balance, low/med/high switch for light control, resolution of 720p up to 60 frames per second, freeze frame with 17 frame analysis for image stability, USB 3 video output, powered by USB 3.0, requires CapSure version 2 or later for live or still frame imaging. Package Includes camera handle, attached USB 3.0 cable, and , freeze frame button, auto color balance. FDA Registered Class 1 Medical Device.184GMD5503HD08 GlobalMed TotalExam3 - Universal C Mount Adapter C Mount F/ HD USB 3.0 Camera: Universal C Mount Adapter 185GMD5503HD09GlobalMed TotalExam3 - General Examination Module Attachment, Manual FocusManual Examination Camera Module: Manual focus, 8- 7200K LED's with variable intensity, Derm hood, Variable Polarizing Hood, tongue Depressor Adapter186GMD5503HD10GlobalMed TotalExam3 - General Examination Module Attachment, Automatic FocusAuto Focus Examination Camera Module: Auto focus, 8- 7200K LED's with variable intensity, Derm hood, Variable Polarizing Hood, tongue Depressor Adapter187GMD5503HD11GlobalMed TotalExam3 - Otoscope Module AttachmentOtoscope Module: For HD USB 3.0 Universal Camera Body for Examination Camera188GMD5503HD12GlobalMed TotalExam3 - Ophthalmoscope attachmentOphthalmoscope Module: For HD USB 3.0 Universal Camera Body for Examination Camera189GMD5503HD13GlobalMed TotalExam3 - Dermatoscope Attachment Dermatoscope Module: For HD USB 3.0 Universal Camera Body for Examination Camera190GMD5503HD14GlobalMed TotalExam3 - Colposcope attachmentColposcope Attachment: For HD USB 3.0 Universal Camera Body for Examination Camera191GMD5503HD15GlobalMed TotalExam3 - Flash Upgrade for Still Image PhotographyFlash Upgrade: for Still Image Photography with HD USB 3.0 Universal Camera Body for Examination Camera192GMD5503HD16GlobalMed TotalExamHD - Flash Upgrade for Still Image Photography for TEHDFlash Upgrade: for Still Image Photography for HD Examination Camera (1080p/10.1 mega pixels)193GMD5503HD17GlobalMed TotalExamHD - Dermatosocpe attachment for TotalExamHDDermatoscope Attachment: for Examination Camera (1080p/10.1 mega pixels)194GMD55100002Disposable Derm Rings for Total Examination Camera (250 Count) COUNT IS 300Disposable Derm Rings for Total Examination Camera series- COUNT IS 300195GMD51000001WA Otoscope - Digital Macroview USB Otoscope Digital Macroview USB Otoscope, USB 2.0 cable, rechargeable battery, charging handle196GMD51000002Spare Battery for Tele-Otoscope Spare battery for Digital Macroview USB Otoscope 197GMD52430001Disposable specula for otoscope (850 Count)Disposable specula for otoscope (850 Count)198GMD50600001WA 12-Lead Tele-ECG Unit with Leads. For HBPC. Hardware/ PC software.12-Lead, PC based USB Resting EKG Unit with CardioPerfect Diagnostic Software. Requires VistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Interface- for automated VistA Imaging integration.199GMD50600002WA Disposable electrodes for Tele-ECG (For mobile telemedicine applications such as HBPC replacement leads -(box of 500) BOX OF 1,000Disposable electrodes for USB EKG replacement leads - BOX OF 1,000200GMD50600003WA Set of placement leads for Tele-ECG (For mobile telemedicine applications such as HBPC replacement leads - (10 lead cable))Set of placement leads for USB EKG replacement leads - (10 lead cables)201GMD54010000Colposcopy High-resolution 380,000 pixel color CCD, extra-bright multi-point LED light source, 1x - 40x zoom magnification, ultra-fast auto focus technology, manual focus option, image freeze button, built-in video capability, height-adjustable floor stand, green light filter button202GMD60100006HORUS Ophthalmoscope, compatible with CapSure 2 VistATelemedicine Fundus Camera: 1080p video image, 3.5" full color LCD display for local viewing, eye cup for stabilization, charging cradle, USB output to integrate into VistA Validated Telemedicine Encounter Interface for automated VistA Imaging integration.203GMD50700001WA Spot Vital Signs Lxi w/Blood Pressure - Complete Kit w/SoftwareSpot Vitals Monitor: pulse, oximeter and digital thermometer. USB interface for integration into VistA Validated Telehealth Interface. 204GMD50500001WA Spiro Perfect Spirometer - Complete Kit w/SoftwarePC Based USB Spirometer Unit and 3 Liter Calibration Syringe with CardioPerfect Diagnostic Software. Reliable pre-/post bronchodilator FVC, SVC, and MVV testing with automatic interpretation and reversibility analysis Requires VistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Interface- for automated VistA Imaging integration.205GMD50500002WA Flo Transducers (Quantity of 100)WA Flo Transducers (Quantity of 100)206GMD50500003WA Nose Clips (Quantity of 25)WA Nose Clips (Quantity of 25)207GMD5021HP01Headphone covers for Care Tone (box of 100)Headphone covers (box of 100)208GMD5021CP01Chest piece covers for Care Tone (box of 100)Chest piece covers (box of 100)209GMD50700002WA Sure Temp Probe covers (1000 covers, boxes of 25) WA Sure Temp Probe covers (1000 covers, boxes of 25) 210GMD5020IP01Care Tone? - IP AdapterTelemedicine Stethoscope data to IP Adapter211GMD5021IP01Care Tone? Ultra Send w/IP Adapter - Stethoscope, Headphones and Coordinating CablesTelemedicine Stethoscope Send unit w/IP Adapter - Stethoscope, Headphones and Connecting Cables, Operating Frequency of 25 – 525 Hz. FDA Approved Stethoscope212GMD5022IP03Care Tone? Ultra Receive w/IP Adapter & Upgraded Headphones - Includes High Quality Noise Canceling Stethoscope Headset for Cardiology and Pulmonology and Coordinating CablesTelemedicine Stethoscope Receive w/IP Adapter & Upgraded Headphones - Includes High Quality Noise Canceling Stethoscope Headset for Cardiology and Pulmonology and Connecting Cables, Operating Frequency of 25 – 525 Hz. FDA Approved Stethoscope213GMD12050100HD-280 PRO Headphones - High Quality Noise Canceling Stethoscope Headset for Cardiology and PulmonologyHigh Quality Noise Canceling Stethoscope Headset for Cardiology and Pulmonology214GMR55100002TotalExam2? - Camera Bracket Assembly for i8500 Series Carts Telemedicine Examination Camera bracket assembly for TotalExam camera series and i8500 Telemedicine Cart215GMD5510000315” TotalExam Camera Stand 15" Camera Stand for TotalExam Series216GMS-GMR11500016Video Switch - LISTED AS: UPGRADE CHARGE - VIDEO SWITCH)Video Switch for Telemedicine Cart or Wall Station217GMR12050088Cisco 10/100 8 Port Switch and Bracket Assembly for i8500 Educational Carts (Not Installed)VA approved 10/100 Ethernet Switch with 8 Ports218GMR12050019GlobalMed PC Assembly - Includes Bracket/Cable Assembly, Installation not included PC Bracket for i8500 Telemedicine CartTelemedicine Peripherals219GMD30100023 CapSure Vista Upgrade - CapSure 2.1; Enterprise License for Entire VA System, Telehealth Encounter Interface Allowing for Image Integration into VistA imaging for SNF or image archiving. Manageable via Microsoft Outlook and/or TSS. Access CPRS, Jabber and ClearSteth. Integration of scope images, EKG, Spirometer, Non-Invasive Cardio DeviceVistA Validated Telehealth Encounter Interface License for all VA Users. Automates the process of acquiring and storing images up to 8.4 mega pixels in DICOM, bmp, jpg, png file formats as well as information including: EKG tests, Spirometer tests, non-Non-invasive Cardiology tests and vital signs into VistA imaging for SNF or image archiving. Image capture and device selection can be controlled at patient or provider side. Manageable via Microsoft Outlook and/or TSS. Access CPRS, Jabber and ClearSteth TotalExam cameras, Otoscope, EKG, Spirometer, Non-Invasive Cardio Device. Supports video scopes up with to 1080p resolution at 60 frames per second, supports two concurrent camera sources and far end camera control. FDA Registered Class 1 Medical Device.220GMR12050134Care Tone? Ultra Send - Bracket Assembly for i8500 Series CartsENT Otoscope Holder Bracket for i8500 Telemedicine Cart Series221GMR12050136TotalENT? Otoscope Bracket and Cable Holder Assembly for i8500 Series CartsTilting bracket for main camera for i8500 telemedicine cart222GMR55100002TotalExam2? - Camera Bracket Assembly for i8500 Series Carts TotalENT - Replacement Bulb for Illumination Box223GMR12050137GlobalMed Adjustable Tilt Universal Camera Bracket Assembly for i8500 Series cartsTilting bracket for main camera for i8500 telemedicine cart224GMD6024Jed Med Light Box only replacementTelemedicine ENT Light Box replacement, 24 Watt Xenon light source and camera 225GMR14020010KOSS UR40 Headset for Care ToneTelemedicine Stethoscope Headset 226GMR14030020Spare/Replacement Fiber Optic Cable for Jed Med6' replacement fiber optic cable for ENT Telemedicine System227GMR12040020GlobalMed Wire basket for i8500 CartTelemedicine Cart Basket for i8500 Telemedicine Cart228GMR12050169GlobalMed i8500 Tool KitTool Kit for i8500 Telemedicine Cart229GMR55100003TotalExam Tongue Depressor AdapterTongue Depressor Adapter for TotalExam Camera Series230GMR55100004TotalExam Extended Derm HoodDerm Hood for TotalExam Camera Series231GMD5503HD01TotalExam HD Camera Retrofit Kit - Includes TotalExam HD? camera, Dell T1650 PC, Upgraded Video Card, Polarization Lens/Hood for TotalExam HD, CapSure 2.0, Upgraded Camera Bracket, Upgraded PC Bracket. This part # is for the upgrade of an existing GMG cart not equipped with imaging capabilities to HD imaging. Note: the on-site upgrade of existing GMG carts to TotalExam HD? must be performed by a GMG technician due to FDA regulations; as such part numbers GMT80010008 and GMT80010005 must be included with GMD5503HD01HD Telemedicine Examination Camera Retrofit Kit: HD Telemedicine Examination Camera: 8oz hand held camera produces 1080p at 60 fps live image and/or 10.1 mega pixel image from a 1/2' CMOS sensor, focus distance of 35mm to 100+ feet, has 8 7200K LED's with varying intensity levels, auto color balance, freeze frame with 17 frame analysis for image stability, manual or auto focus settings, HDMI or DVi output, WxDxH= 1"x8x1", HD Camera requires VistA validated telemedicine encounter interface for image storage. Kit Includes: video hub, full form PC with upgraded video card, removable Variable Polarization Lens to remove glare at eight varying levels, derm hood, camera holster brackets for i8500 cart, full form PC bracket for i8500 cart. Note: the on-site upgrade of existing carts requires installation/training by manufacturer representative. FDA Registered Class 1 Device.232GMD5503HD03TotalExam HD? Camera Retrofit Kit w/TotalExam2? Trade In - Requires Trade-In of TotalExam? 1 or 2 Examination Camera, Small Form Factor PC, and Mounting Brackets. This part # is for the upgrade of an existing GMG cart system with SD imaging to HD imaging. Note: the on-site upgrade of existing GMG carts to TotalExam HD? must be performed by a GMG technician due to FDA regulations; as such part numbers GMT80010008 and GMT80010005 must be included with GMD5503HD03HD Telemedicine Examination Camera Retrofit Kit w/ Trade-in discount: HD Telemedicine Examination Camera: 8oz hand held camera produces 1080p at 60 fps live image and/or 10.1 mega pixel image from a 1/2' CMOS sensor, focus distance of 35mm to 100+ feet, has 8 7200K LED's with varying intensity levels, auto color balance, freeze frame with 17 frame analysis for image stability, manual or auto focus settings, HDMI or DVi output, WxDxH= 1"x8x1", HD Camera requires VistA validated telemedicine encounter interface for image storage. Kit Includes: video hub, full form PC with upgraded video card, removable Variable Polarization Lens to remove glare at eight varying levels, derm hood, camera holster brackets for i8500 cart, full form PC bracket for i8500 cart. Discount requires trade in of existing TotalExam 2 camera. Note: the on-site upgrade of existing carts requires installation/training by manufacturer representative. FDA Registered Class 1 Device.233GMD5503HD02TotalExam HD? Camera - Hand Held High Definition Examination Camera, Multiple Illumination Settings, Auto Focus, Includes Oral Exam Attachments (Does not include PC, Video Capture Card, CapSure2.0? Vista Software or bracketry required to use TEHD with i8500 Series Mobile Carts)HD Telemedicine Examination Camera: 8oz hand held camera produces 1080p at 60 fps live image and/or 10.1 mega pixel image from a 1/2' CMOS sensor, focus distance of 35mm to 100+ feet, has 8 7200K LED's with varying intensity levels, auto color balance, freeze frame with 17 frame analysis for image stability, manual or auto focus settings, HDMI or DVi output, WxDxH= 1"x8x1", HD Camera requires VistA validated telemedicine encounter interface for image storage. Package Includes: video hub, Variable Polarization Lens to remove glare at eight varying levels, derm hood. FDA Registered Class 1 Device.234GMD55100010TotalExam HD? Polarizing Derma Hood - Polarizing Hood for Dermatologic Examinations Variable Polarizing Derm Hood - Polarizing Hood for Dermatologic Examinations. Lens removes glare at eight varying levels.FDA Registered Class 1 Device.235GMR12050087GlobalMed 10/100 8 Port Cisco Switch and Bracket Assembly Installed for i8500 Series carts10/100 Ethernet Switch Bracket w/ Factory Installation for Telehealth Cart.236GMDi856024OPOto/Derm scope holderOto/Derm scope holder237GMDi856024FCFiber optic cable ManagementFiber Optic Cable Management for i8500 cart238GMDi856024MBC24 System Main Bracket and Mounting SystemC20 System Main Bracket and Mounting System239GMD6150AB01Clear Probe Handheld USB 3.5 - 5.0 MHz Abdominal Ultrasound?????????????????????????? PC Based Abdominal Ultrasound, USB interface, ultrasound software, store images and video clips locally, 3.5 - 5.0 MHz ?????????????????????????? 240GMD6175RV01Clear Probe Handheld USB 7.5 MHz Endocavity Ultrasound????PC Based Endocavity Ultrasound, USB interface, ultrasound software, store images and video clips locally, 7.5 MHz. 241GMD6175VA01Clear Probe Handheld USB 7.5 MHz Vascular Ultrasound???????????????????????????????PC Based Vascular Ultrasound, USB interface, ultrasound software, store images and video clips locally, 7.5 MHz 242 GMT80010021Tele-audiometry HeadsetImprove noise attenuation at CBOC locations by replacing existing headphones with a new, passiveattenuation model. 243GMD40080003 ClearSteth Adapter - Hardware Adapter only, Enables Use of 3M Litmann Stethoscopes on the GlobalMed ClearSteth PlatformClearSteth Adapter - Hardware Adapter only, Enables Use of 3M Littman Stethoscopes on the GlobalMed ClearSteth PlatformInstall and Training244GMT80010008On-site installation/training day - prepaid voucher - payment due Net 30 after shipment of cartOn site installation/training day - prepaid voucher - payment due Net 30 after shipment of cart245GMT80010005On site travel - prepaid voucher - payment due Net 30 after shipment of cartOn site travel - prepaid voucher - payment due Net 30 after shipment of cart246GMT80010003Half Day Remote In-service Training - prepaid voucher - payment due Net 30Half Day Remote In-service Training - prepaid voucher - payment due Net 30MaintenanceMaintenance on existing equipment247GMA1-GMDi853510SVAGlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis Year 1 (Months 1-12 from Purchase): Base Unit w/TotalExam2?Year one 24/7/365 remote phone support and next business day replacement parts for defective items for Base Telemedicine Station248GMA1-GMDi852010SVAGlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis Year 1 (Months 1-12 from Purchase): Specialty Care Unit w/TotalExam2? and StethoscopeYear one 24/7/365 remote phone support and next business day replacement parts for defective items for Specialty Care Telemedicine Station249GMA1-GMDi8500PCD210SVAGlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis Year 1 (Months 1-12 from Purchase): Primary Care Complete Unit w/TotalExam2?Year one 24/7/365 remote phone support and next business day replacement parts for defective items for Primary Care Telemedicine Station250GMA1-GMDi8500S4V10SVAGlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis Year 1 (Months 1-12 from Purchase): EducationalYear one 24/7/365 remote phone support and next business day replacement parts for defective items for Educational Telemedicine Station251GMA2-GMD5502WR01GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: TotalExam2? Camera on Retractable ReelSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: TotalExam Series Camera on Retractable Reel252GMA2-GMD51000001GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: WA OtoscopeSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: WA Otoscope253GMA2-GMD50600001GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: WA 12 Lead ECG w/LeadsSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: WA 12 Lead EKG w/Leads254GMA2-GMD50210001GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Care Tone? Ultra SendSupport- 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: CareTone? Ultra Send255GMA2-GMD5022001GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Care Tone? Ultra ReceiveSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: CareTone? Ultra Receive256GMA2-GMD5021IP01GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Care Tone? Ultra Send w/IP AdapterSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: CareTone? Ultra Send w/IP Adapter257GMA2-GMD5022IP01GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Care Tone? Ultra Receive w/IP AdapterSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: CareTone? Ultra Receive w/IP Adapter258GMA2-GMDi8500S4V10SVAGlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: EducationalSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Educational259GMA2-GMDi853510SVAGlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Base Unit w/TotalExam2?Support - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Base Unit w/TotalExam Series260GMA2-GMDi8500PCD210SVAGlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Primary Care Complete Unit w/TotalExam2?Support - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Primary Care Complete Unit w/TotalExam Series261EXA1-GMD30100000GlobalMed VA Blanket Software Assurance ServiceEnterprise Software Assurance covers the right to receive ongoing updates, bug fixes, patches and telephone support for CapSure 1.9.x and CapSure 2.x VistA, CareTone CIMS Server, CardioPerfect, ClearProbe and OtoSuite software. 262FTS-GMDi85000001GlobalMed VA Blanket Fast Track Warranty ServiceEnterprise Warranty Extension covers 24/7/365 remote Technical support (Tiers 1-4) on all hardware, software, devices and carts sold to VA by GlobalMed. Service Includes Next Business Day shipping on all qualified parts when request is confirmed by 3PM MST. Part NumberJEDMED TotalENT and Options263GMD6000002TotalENT? Telemedicine camera/illumination system, includes: Combination Oto/Derm Scope Head, Insufflation bulb for Oto/Derm Scope Head, Camera Head & Fiber Optic CableTelemedicine ENT camera/illumination system, includes: single-chip camera and a built-in 24 watt metal halide Xenon light source light source, Combination Oto/Derm Scope Head, Insufflation bulb for Oto/Derm Scope Head, Camera Head & 10' Fiber Optic Cable, Light box with high/med/low light intensity settings, three video frame size options, automatic gain control, white balance. Fits i8500 brackets. 264GMD60240010TotalENT? - Light Box only replacementTelemedicine ENT camera/illumination system, includes: single-chip camera and a built-in 24 watt metal halide light source, high/med/low levels of light intensity, camera head, camera cable, three video frame size options, automatic gain control, white balance. Fits i8500 brackets.265GMR14030005TotalENT? - Replacement Bulb for Illumination Box24 watt metal halide Xenon light source light source for ENT Light Box266GMD6024003Freeze-Frame Foot Pedal for CameraTelemedicine ENT Foot Pedal267GMR12050044Bracket System for i8500 Cart and TotalENT Telemedicine ENT System Bracket for i8500 Telemedicine Cart268GMD60000030TotalENT HD? w/Freeze Frame Foot Pedal - HD Telemedicine Camera/Illumination System Includes: Combination HD Oto/Derm Scope Head, Insufflation Bulb for Oto/Derm Scope Head, Camera Head & Fiber Optic CableHD Telemedicine ENT System w/Freeze Frame Foot Pedal- System Includes: HD Telemedicine Camera/Illumination system w/ LED light source and HDMI output, Multi-port Turret, seven available light source ports, adjustable light intensity, automatic color balance, manual focus, 1280x720p resolution, 100-240V 50/60/Hz 100W input, Combination HD Oto/Derm Scope Head, Insufflation Bulb for Oto/Derm Scope Head, Camera Head, image quality is equivalent 5.1 mega pixels.269GMD60240001Combination Oto/Derm Scope HeadCombination Oto/Derm Scope Head270GMR14030005Replacement bulb for GMD602424 watt metal halide Xenon light source light source for ENT Light Box271GMD60240004Option: Extended length: 10’ cable (camera and fiber optic light cord)10' replacement fiber optic cable for ENT Telemedicine System272GMR14030026Universal "C" Mount adapter for camera system (30mm)Universal "C" Mount adapter for camera system (30mm)273GMR14030026TotalENT? Universal 28mm C Mount Video Coupler (Requires TotalENT? to Function)Telemedicine ENT System Universal 28mm C Mount Video Coupler (Requires Telemedicine ENT System to Function)274GMD52430001Disposable specula for Combination Oto/Derm Scope (box of 850)Specula for Telemedicine ENT system Otoscope- 850 count275GMR14030024Additional derm sleeve for combination Oto/Derm ScopeDerm sleeve for combination Oto//Derm Scope276GMD60000007TotalENT? - Laryngoscope Head 10mm Diameter at 70 Degrees (Requires TotalENT? and C Mount Coupler to Function)Telemedicine ENT System Laryngoscope Head: 10mm Diameter at 70 Degrees (Requires Telemedicine ENT System and 28mm C-Mount Coupler to Function)277GMD60000009TotalENT? - Sinus Scope Head 4mm Diameter at 30 Degrees (Requires TotalENT? and C Mount Coupler to Function)Telemedicine ENT System Sinus Scope Head: Available in 4.0 mm and 2.75 mm diameter sizes Available in 0°, 30°, 45° and 70°, 175 mm length (Requires Telemedicine ENT System and 28mm C Mount Coupler to Function)278GMD60000004TotalENT? - Flexible Naso pharyngoscope (Requires TotalENT? and C Mount Coupler to Function)Telemedicine ENT System Flexible Nasopharyngoscope: Available in 2.8 mm or 3.4 mm sizes,320 mm working length, 80° view, (Requires Telemedicine ENT System and 28mm C Mount Coupler to Function)MaintenanceMaintenance on existing equipment279GMA2-GMD60240010GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: TotalENT? Light Box Only ReplacementSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: ENT Light Box Only Replacement280GMA2-GMD60000001GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: TotalENT? w/Freeze Frame Foot PedalSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Telemedicine ENT System w/Freeze Frame Foot Pedal281GMA2-GMD60240004GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: TotalENT? - Extended Length 10’ Fiber Optic CableSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Telemedicine ENT System - Extended Length 10’ Fiber Optic Cable282GMA2-GMR14030020GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: TotalENT? - Spare/Replacement Fiber Optic CableSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Telemedicine ENT System - Spare/Replacement Fiber Optic Cable283GMA2-GMD60240001GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: TotalENT? Combination Oto/Derm Scope HeadSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Telemedicine ENT System Combination Oto/Derm Scope Head284GMA2-GMR14030026GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: TotalENT? Universal 28mm C Mount Video CouplerSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Telemedicine ENT System Universal 28mm C Mount Video Coupler285GMA2-GMD60000007GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: TotalENT? Laryngoscope HeadSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Telemedicine ENT System Laryngoscope Head286GMA2-GMD60000009GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: TotalENT? Sinus Scope HeadSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Telemedicine ENT System Sinus Scope Head287GMA2-GMD60000004GlobalMed Advantage - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: TotalENT? Flexible Naso pharyngoscopeSupport - 24 Hour Replacement After Phone Diagnosis and Tech Support Additional Year: Telemedicine ENT System Flexible NasopharyngoscopePart NumberMiscellaneous Cart and Mounting Options288LED-1Super low profile wall mount for LED displays ranging from 37” to 70”, includes bubble level in mountSuper low profile wall mount for LED displays ranging from 37” to 70”, includes bubble level in mount289UM-1Adjustable Universal Wall Mount adjusts to allow installation of most any 32” to 80” flat panelAdjustable Universal Wall Mount adjusts to allow installation of most any 32” to 80” flat panel290UM-1TAdjustable Universal Wall Mount adjusts to allow installation of most any 32” to 80” flat panel,15 inch tiltAdjustable Universal Wall Mount adjusts to allow installation of most any 32” to 80” flat panel,15 degree tilt291CS-1G-TBPLCMWall Mount Camera shelf for CISCO Precision HD Camera and Polycom HDX Eagle Eye Camera, single gang cut out. 1G Wall Mount Tandberg Camera shelf 292CS-2G-TBPLCMWall Mount Camera shelf for CISCO Precision HD Camera and Polycom HDX Eagle Eye Camera, dual gang cut out. 2G Wall Mount Tandberg Camera shelf 293PS-5024″ back plate and one videoconferencing camera shelf. Shelf support bracket 294SX20-WMWall Mount for Cisco SX20.Wall Mount for Cisco SX20.295C40-WMCisco C40 Wall Mount for CodecCisco C40 Wall Mount for Codec296ELT-1500S/LAVTEQ Elite ELT-1500S/L - Stand for single or dual flat-screen displays up to 70IN each Ultra Slim stand single 60 or dual 46" 297ELT-2000SAVTEQ Elite ELT-2000S - Stand for single flat-screen display up to 80IN Stand for single display up to 80" 298ELT-2000LAVTEQ Elite ELT-2000L - Stand for dual flat-screen displays up to 70IN each Stand for dual 70" displays 299TECHNOLOGY3Technology3 Credenza; Specify Cherry, Blonde, or Mahogany when ordering AV Credenza for displays 300TMP-200AVTEQ Telemedicine Cart. Supports single displays up to 32". All steel construction comes standard with 2RU of rack space, display and camera height adjustment, exterior shelf, Tripp Lite Medical Surge Protector and slide out lockable shelf. Also includes universal screen mounting system and adjustable camera mount. TeleMed Cart for 32" display 301RPS-800SSupport single display up to 55" AV Cart for up to a 55" display 302RPS-800LSupports two plasma/ LCDs from 32" to 47". All steel construction, (13" deep) comes standard with 9RU of threaded rack rails, 6 port APC power module, integrated camera shelf, universal display mount and one interior shelf. AV Cart for dual 55" displays 303RPS-1000SSupports one plasma or LCD screen up to 70".? All steel construction, (12" deep inside) comes standard with 8RU 19" rack mount bracket, 6 port APC power module, superior M-Audio speaker set, integrated adjustable camera shelf, and microphone wire access from front. AV Cart for single displays up to 70" 304GMP-200M-TT132" Tall cart holds one plasma or LCD screen up to 42"-55" 32" Tall AV Cart for up to a 55" display 305GMP-200L-TT232" Tall cart holds up to one 65" or up to two 55" plasma or LCD screens 32" Tall AV Cart for dual 55" displays 306HSH-EX60SHIELDR-01EX60 Shield with Handset on right - one year hardware warranty incl.EX60 Shield with Handset on right - one year hardware warranty incl.307HSH-EX60SHIELD-01EX60 Shield with NO Handset - one year hardware warranty incl.EX60 Shield with NO Handset - one year hardware warranty incl.Displays308S19B420BSAMSUNG : LED Display 19 Inch - 1440 x 900 3yr Warranty 19 Inch LED Display - 1440 X 900 3 year Advanced Exchange warranty includedTaa CompliantEPEAT GoldEnergy StarVGA and DVI Stand height, tilt, and Swivel 309S24A650SSamsung 24in 1920x1080 LED DVI VDA Display port 3yr Warranty 24 Inch LED Display - 1920X1080 3 year Advanced Exchange warranty includedTaa CompliantSpeakersEPEAT GoldEnergy StarVGA, Display Port, HDMI Stand height, tilt, and Swivel 310ED32CSamsung Commercial 32 ED-C Series,1080P BLACK,4000:1,3 Year Warranty Commercial Grade 32 Inch LED 1080P, 4000:1 3 year Onsite Parts/Labor warrantyNo Tuner Taa CompliantEPEAT GoldEnergy StarRoHS ComplaintVGA, HDMI, DVI, RS-232 Displays311ED40CSamsung Commercial 40 ED-C Series,1080P BLACK,5000:1,3 Year Warranty Commercial Grade 40 Inch LED 1080P, 5000:1 3 year Onsite Parts/Labor warrantyNo Tuner 1920 x 1080 Full HD resolutionTaa CompliantEPEAT GoldEnergy StarRoHS ComplaintVGA, HDMI, DVI, RS-232 312ED46CSamsung Commercial 46 ED-C Series,1080P BLACK,5000:1,3 Year Warranty Commercial Grade 46 Inch LED 1080P, 5000:1 3 year Onsite Parts/Labor warrantyNo Tuner 1920 x 1080 Full HD resolutionTaa CompliantEPEAT GoldEnergy StarRoHS ComplaintVGA, HDMI, DVI, RS-232 313ED55CSamsung Commercial 55 ED-C Series,1080P BLACK,5000:1,3 Year Warranty Commercial Grade 55 Inch LED 1080P, 5000:1 3 year Onsite Parts/Labor warrantyNo Tuner 1920 x 1080 Full HD resolutionTaa CompliantEPEAT GoldEnergy StarRoHS ComplaintVGA, HDMI, DVI, RS-232 314ED65CSamsung Commercial 65 ED-C Series,1080P BLACK,4000:1,3 Year Warranty Commercial Grade 65 Inch LED 1080P, 4000:1 3 year Onsite Parts/Labor warrantyNo Tuner 1920 x 1080 Full HD resolutionTaa CompliantEPEAT GoldEnergy StarRoHS ComplaintVGA, HDMI, DVI, RS-232 315ED75CSamsung Commercial 75 ED-C Series,1080P BLACK,4000:1,3 Year Warranty Commercial Grade 75 Inch LED 1080P, 4000:1 3 year Onsite Parts/Labor warrantyNo Tuner 1920 x 1080 Full HD resolutionTaa CompliantEPEAT GoldEnergy StarRoHS ComplaintVGA, HDMI, DVI, RS-232 316SBID8084i-G4-SMPSMART Board 84" interactive flat panel - Gen. 4 - SMART Meeting Pro software84" touchscreen 1080P SmartBoard ? Must be able to use a finger or pen to write on the interactive whiteboard and to control applications? Must support two users performing tasks simultaneously. Each user must have full access to all tools and menus.? Must not require a mode switch, either through the software or hardware, to enable multitouch interactions? Must support the operating system’s built-in multitouch gestures in applications outside of proprietary whiteboard software? Must not contain non-volatile memory.? Must have a hard-coated, low-gloss, durable surface that does not reduce display brightness or contrast ratio? The whiteboard surface must not contain any technology, embedded pattern or coding in order to enable interactivity? Interactive whiteboard must facilitate auto-input recognition, where users can pick up a pen and write with it, control applications with a finger and erase with a palm, all without having to return the pen to the pen tray? Interactive whiteboard must enable users to automatically write directly into third-party files, so no program has to be launched manually Pens must be wireless, non-mechanical, battery free and fully interchangeable? Interactive whiteboard must be able to operate with or without the pens? Must be able to write in digital ink by using a pen from the pen tray or a finger, without needing to select a tool from an icon strip, toolbar or remote control? Must be able to connect multiple computers to system and switch touch connectivity via a single button ? Must be able to write directly into third-party applications such as Microsoft? Excel?, Word andPowerPoint? software , Adobe? software, or AutoCAD? software, have the option to convert thenotes to text, and be able to save the digital or text notes directly into any of these applications.? Must be able to record all on-screen activity (whether in the interactive whiteboard software, in anyother application or on the desktop) and audio as a digital video file. Must have the option to recordthe full screen, a window or a specified area. ? Must be able to write over digital video files and be able to capture video frames with annotation intact.? Network administrator must be able to perform a silent installation of the interactive whiteboardsoftware and customize content.? Must support VA standards.? Must be able to import and export PowerPoint? files.? Must be able to modify (move, flip, clone, rotate, resize, lock, edit, make transparent) an objectwithin the interactive whiteboard software by clicking on the object.? Interactive whiteboard software must include the ability to have unlimited white boarding space.? Must be able to write directly into third-party applications such as Microsoft? Excel?, Word andPowerPoint? software , Adobe? software, or AutoCAD? software, have the option to convert thenotes to text, and be able to save the digital or text notes directly into any of these applications.? Must be able to record all on-screen activity (whether in the interactive whiteboard software, in anyother application or on the desktop) and audio as a digital video file. Must have the option to recordthe full screen, a window or a specified area. Must be able to write over moving video.? Software must be able to display the desktop of any networked computer, laptop or tablet PC on anetworked interactive whiteboard, without requiring additional hardware switches.? Interactive whiteboard software service packs from the interactive whiteboard manufacturer mustbe provided online and at no additional charge.? Network administrator must be able to perform a silent installation of the interactive whiteboardsoftware and customize content.? Software must have support for tablet PCs.Warranty? Must come with a minimum two-year warranty.? Full warranty must cover all the interactive whiteboard components, including electronics, frame and pens? Must have online, on-demand training resources, including real-time orientation sessions? North American call center must be available for 8 hours a day, M-F317SBID8070i-G4-SMPSMART Board 70" interactive flat panel - Gen. 4 - SMART Meeting Pro software70" Touch 1080P SmartBoard ? Must be able to use a finger or pen to write on the interactive whiteboard and to control applications? Must support two users performing tasks simultaneously. Each user must have full access to all tools and menus.? Must not require a mode switch, either through the software or hardware, to enable multitouch interactions? Must support the operating system’s built-in multitouch gestures in applications outside of proprietary whiteboard software? Must not contain non-volatile memory.? Must have a hard-coated, low-gloss, durable surface that does not reduce display brightness or contrast ratio? The whiteboard surface must not contain any technology, embedded pattern or coding in order to enable interactivity? Interactive whiteboard must facilitate auto-input recognition, where users can pick up a pen and write with it, control applications with a finger and erase with a palm, all without having to return the pen to the pen tray? Interactive whiteboard must enable users to automatically write directly into third-party files, so no program has to be launched manually Pens must be wireless, non-mechanical, battery free and fully interchangeable? Interactive whiteboard must be able to operate with or without the pens? Must be able to write in digital ink by using a pen from the pen tray or a finger, without needing to select a tool from an icon strip, toolbar or remote control? Must be able to connect multiple computers to system and switch touch connectivity via a single button ? Must be able to write directly into third-party applications such as Microsoft? Excel?, Word andPowerPoint? software , Adobe? software, or AutoCAD? software, have the option to convert thenotes to text, and be able to save the digital or text notes directly into any of these applications.? Must be able to record all on-screen activity (whether in the interactive whiteboard software, in anyother application or on the desktop) and audio as a digital video file. Must have the option to recordthe full screen, a window or a specified area. ? Must be able to write over digital video files and be able to capture video frames with annotation intact.? Network administrator must be able to perform a silent installation of the interactive whiteboardsoftware and customize content.? Must support VA standards.? Must be able to import and export PowerPoint? files.? Must be able to modify (move, flip, clone, rotate, resize, lock, edit, make transparent) an objectwithin the interactive whiteboard software by clicking on the object.? Interactive whiteboard software must include the ability to have unlimited white boarding space.? Must be able to write directly into third-party applications such as Microsoft? Excel?, Word andPowerPoint? software , Adobe? software, or AutoCAD? software, have the option to convert thenotes to text, and be able to save the digital or text notes directly into any of these applications.? Must be able to record all on-screen activity (whether in the interactive whiteboard software, in anyother application or on the desktop) and audio as a digital video file. Must have the option to recordthe full screen, a window or a specified area. Must be able to write over moving video.? Software must be able to display the desktop of any networked computer, laptop or tablet PC on anetworked interactive whiteboard, without requiring additional hardware switches.? Interactive whiteboard software service packs from the interactive whiteboard manufacturer mustbe provided online and at no additional charge.? Network administrator must be able to perform a silent installation of the interactive whiteboardsoftware and customize content.? Software must have support for tablet PCs.Warranty? Must come with a minimum two-year warranty.? Full warranty must cover all the interactive whiteboard components, including electronics, frame and pens? Must have online, on-demand training resources, including real-time orientation sessions? North American call center must be available for 8 hours a day, M-F318SBID8055i-SMPSMART Board 55” Interactive Display with SMART Meeting Pro55" Touch 1080P SmartBoard ? Must be able to use a finger or pen to write on the interactive whiteboard and to control applications? Must support two users performing tasks simultaneously. Each user must have full access to all tools and menus.? Must not require a mode switch, either through the software or hardware, to enable multitouch interactions? Must support the operating system’s built-in multitouch gestures in applications outside of proprietary whiteboard software? Must not contain non-volatile memory.? Must have a hard-coated, low-gloss, durable surface that does not reduce display brightness or contrast ratio? The whiteboard surface must not contain any technology, embedded pattern or coding in order to enable interactivity? Interactive whiteboard must facilitate auto-input recognition, where users can pick up a pen and write with it, control applications with a finger and erase with a palm, all without having to return the pen to the pen tray? Interactive whiteboard must enable users to automatically write directly into third-party files, so no program has to be launched manually Pens must be wireless, non-mechanical, battery free and fully interchangeable? Interactive whiteboard must be able to operate with or without the pens? Must be able to write in digital ink by using a pen from the pen tray or a finger, without needing to select a tool from an icon strip, toolbar or remote control? Must be able to connect multiple computers to system and switch touch connectivity via a single button ? Must be able to write directly into third-party applications such as Microsoft? Excel?, Word andPowerPoint? software , Adobe? software, or AutoCAD? software, have the option to convert thenotes to text, and be able to save the digital or text notes directly into any of these applications.? Must be able to record all on-screen activity (whether in the interactive whiteboard software, in anyother application or on the desktop) and audio as a digital video file. Must have the option to recordthe full screen, a window or a specified area. ? Must be able to write over digital video files and be able to capture video frames with annotation intact.? Network administrator must be able to perform a silent installation of the interactive whiteboardsoftware and customize content.? Must support VA standards.? Must be able to import and export PowerPoint? files.? Must be able to modify (move, flip, clone, rotate, resize, lock, edit, make transparent) an objectwithin the interactive whiteboard software by clicking on the object.? Interactive whiteboard software must include the ability to have unlimited white boarding space.? Must be able to write directly into third-party applications such as Microsoft? Excel?, Word andPowerPoint? software , Adobe? software, or AutoCAD? software, have the option to convert thenotes to text, and be able to save the digital or text notes directly into any of these applications.? Must be able to record all on-screen activity (whether in the interactive whiteboard software, in anyother application or on the desktop) and audio as a digital video file. Must have the option to recordthe full screen, a window or a specified area. Must be able to write over moving video.? Software must be able to display the desktop of any networked computer, laptop or tablet PC on anetworked interactive whiteboard, without requiring additional hardware switches.? Interactive whiteboard software service packs from the interactive whiteboard manufacturer mustbe provided online and at no additional charge.? Network administrator must be able to perform a silent installation of the interactive whiteboardsoftware and customize content.? Software must have support for tablet PCs.Warranty? Must come with a minimum two-year warranty.? Full warranty must cover all the interactive whiteboard components, including electronics, frame and pens? Must have online, on-demand training resources, including real-time orientation sessions? North American call center must be available for 8 hours a day, M-F319SB885ix2-SMP87'' SMART Board 885 with UX80 Projector and SMART Meeting ProInteractive whiteboard with projector? Must be able to use a finger or stylus to write on the interactive whiteboard and to control applications? Must support two users performing tasks simultaneously. Each user must have full access to all tools and menus.? Must not require a mode switch, either through the software or hardware, to enable multitouch interactions? Must support the operating system’s built-in multitouch gestures in applications outside of proprietary whiteboard software? Must have a hard-coated, low-gloss, durable surface that is also compatible with magnets and dry-erase markers? The whiteboard surface must not contain any technology, embedded pattern or coding in order to enable interactivity? The active surface must be low-glare, low-gloss and designed for projection, thereby reducing projector hotspots? Interactive whiteboard must facilitate auto-input recognition, where users can pick up a pen and write with it, control applications with a finger and erase with a palm, all without having to return the pen to the pen tray? Interactive whiteboard must enable users to automatically write directly into third-party files, so no program has to be launched manually Pens must be wireless, non-mechanical, battery free and fully interchangeable? Interactive whiteboard must be able to operate with or without the pens? Must be able to write in digital ink by using a pen from the pen tray or a finger, without needing to select a tool from an icon strip, toolbar or remote control? Software has certificate to operate to ? Must be able to write directly into third-party applications such as Microsoft? Excel?, Word?, Visio? andPowerPoint? software , and .pdf files have the option to convert the notes to text, and be able to save the digital or text notes directly into any of these applications.? Handwriting recognition within the interactive whiteboard software must be available from a dropdownmenu that is located on the handwritten note. Handwriting recognition must be available in at least 11 languages for Windows? operating systems.? Must be able to record all on-screen activity (whether in the interactive whiteboard software, in anyother application or on the desktop) and audio as a digital video file. Must have the option to recordthe full screen, a window or a specified area. Must be able to write over digital video files and be able to capture video frames with annotation intact.Size - 78 1/2" W × 51 1/8" H × 6 1/2" D(199.4 × 130.0 × 16.5 cm)Active screen area - (maximum interactive, projected image)73 7/8" × 46 1/4"(187.7 × 117.3 cm)87" (221 cm) diagonal16:10 aspect ratioWarranty? Must come with a two-year warranty that can be extended to five years upon no-cost registration for the whiteboard? Full warranty must cover all the interactive whiteboard components, including electronics, frame and pens? Unlimited phone, e-mail, web and online support must be available at no charge, with no time limit? Must have online, on-demand training resources, including real-time orientation sessions? North American call center must be available for 8 hours a dayProjector SpecificationsDisplay type Must offer a native resolution of no less than WXGA (1280 x 800) to obtain a quality image Projection distance Must be capable of projecting an 87-inch image at a distance of 17 inches or less Brightness Must measure at least 3,300 ANSI lumens Lamp life Lamp must work for a minimum of 3,000 hours in standard mode and 4,000 hours in economy mode Filters Projector must operate without filters Aspect ratio Must have a native aspect ratio of 16:10 and support for 16:9, 5:4 and 4:3 ratios Contrast ratio Must have a contrast ratio of at least 2000:1 Mounting hardware Must include a safety tether, limit strap and hardware for mounting the projector to framed, hollow and solid walls and the hardware for mounting the ECP to the interactive whiteboard Projector noise Must maintain noise levels below 36 dBA in high fan speed mode or 31dBA in standard fan speed mode, measured using JIS method Power consumption Must use 310 W in standard mode, 2 W in standby mode and 260 W in economy mode or less of electricity Power requirements 100V AC to 240V AC, at 50 Hz to 60 Hz Only one socket and one included 14' 9" (4.5 m) power cable must be required to power the interactive whiteboard and integrated projector Security Projector must be rendered inoperative if detached from its base and not function without the remote control Warranty Must have a two-year warranty on the projector 320SB885-SMP87'' SMART Board 885 with SMART Meeting ProInteractive whiteboard ? Must be able to use a finger or stylus to write on the interactive whiteboard and to control applications? Must support two users performing tasks simultaneously. Each user must have full access to all tools and menus.? Must not require a mode switch, either through the software or hardware, to enable multitouch interactions? Must support the operating system’s built-in multitouch gestures in applications outside of proprietary whiteboard software? Must have a hard-coated, low-gloss, durable surface that is also compatible with magnets and dry-erase markers? The whiteboard surface must not contain any technology, embedded pattern or coding in order to enable interactivity? The active surface must be low-glare, low-gloss and designed for projection, thereby reducing projector hotspots? Interactive whiteboard must facilitate auto-input recognition, where users can pick up a pen and write with it, control applications with a finger and erase with a palm, all without having to return the pen to the pen tray? Interactive whiteboard must enable users to automatically write directly into third-party files, so no program has to be launched manually Pens must be wireless, non-mechanical, battery free and fully interchangeable? Interactive whiteboard must be able to operate with or without the pens? Must be able to write in digital ink by using a pen from the pen tray or a finger, without needing to select a tool from an icon strip, toolbar or remote control? Software has certificate to operate to ? Must be able to write directly into third-party applications such as Microsoft? Excel?, Word?, Visio? andPowerPoint? software , and .pdf files have the option to convert the notes to text, and be able to save the digital or text notes directly into any of these applications.? Handwriting recognition within the interactive whiteboard software must be available from a dropdownmenu that is located on the handwritten note. Handwriting recognition must be available in at least 11 languages for Windows? operating systems.? Must be able to record all on-screen activity (whether in the interactive whiteboard software, in anyother application or on the desktop) and audio as a digital video file. Must have the option to recordthe full screen, a window or a specified area. Must be able to write over digital video files and be able to capture video frames with annotation intact.Size - 78 1/2" W × 51 1/8" H × 6 1/2" D(199.4 × 130.0 × 16.5 cm)Active screen area - (maximum interactive, projected image)73 7/8" × 46 1/4"(187.7 × 117.3 cm)87" (221 cm) diagonal16:10 aspect ratioWarranty? Must come with a two-year warranty that can be extended to five years upon no-cost registration for the whiteboard? Full warranty must cover all the interactive whiteboard components, including electronics, frame and pens? Unlimited phone, e-mail, web and online support must be available at no charge, with no time limit? Must have online, on-demand training resources, including real-time orientation sessions? North American call center must be available for 8 hours a dayLamp life Lamp must work for a minimum of 3,000 hours in standard mode and 4,000 hours in economy mode Filters Projector must operate without filters Aspect ratio Must have a native aspect ratio of 16:10 and support for 16:9, 5:4 and 4:3 ratios Contrast ratio Must have a contrast ratio of at least 2000:1 Mounting hardware Must include a safety tether, limit strap and hardware for mounting the projector to framed, hollow and solid walls and the hardware for mounting the ECP to the interactive whiteboard Power consumption Must use 310 W in standard mode, 2 W in standby mode and 260 W in economy mode or less of electricity Power requirements 100V AC to 240V AC, at 50 Hz to 60 Hz 321?Custom Installation of SMART BoardCustom Installation of SMART Board322?FULL DAY SMART Training Session Max. 15 Participants Training Session Max. 15 Participants for SmartBoard above 323?On-site support for SMART Display: provides part replacement through manufacturer warranty, 24/7 telephone support, next day dispatch for service technician On-site support for SmartBoard Display: provides part replacement through manufacturer warranty, 24/7 telephone support, next day dispatch for service technician 324SP518-SMPSMART Podium 518 interactive pen display with SMART Meeting Pro18" Interactive Smart Tablet ? Must be able to use a stylus to write on the interactive whiteboard and to control applications? Must have a single row of buttons to control stylus functions for ink colors, stylus, eraser and right mouse click? Interactive whiteboard must enable users to automatically write directly into third-party files, ? Must not contain non-volatile memory.? Must be able to write directly into third-party applications such as Microsoft? Excel?, Word?, Visio? andPowerPoint? software , and .pdf files have the option to convert the notes to text, and be able to save the digital or text notes directly into any of these applications.? Must be able to record all on-screen activity (whether in the interactive whiteboard software, in anyother application or on the desktop) and audio as a digital video file. Must have the option to recordthe full screen, a window or a specified area. ? Must be able to write over digital video files and be able to capture video frames with annotation intact.? Network administrator must be able to perform a silent installation of the interactive whiteboardsoftware and customize content. Active screen size 18.5" (47 cm) diagonalAspect ratio 16:9Resolution 720pDimensions 18 3/8" W × 13" H × 3" D(46.7 × 33.0 × 7.6 cm)Warranty? Must come with a two-year warranty that can be extended to five years ? Full warranty must cover all the interactive whiteboard components, including electronics, frame and pens? Unlimited phone, e-mail, web and online support must be available at no charge, with no time limit? Must have online, on-demand training resources, including real-time orientation sessions? Support site must include a searchable knowledge base with at least 1,500 documents and no access restrictions? North American call center must be available for 8 hours a day, M-F325SP524-SMPSMART Podium 524 interactive pen display with SMART Meeting Pro24" Touch Interactive Smart Tablet ? Must be able to use a stylus to write on the interactive whiteboard and to control applications? Must have a single row of buttons to control stylus functions for ink colors, stylus, eraser and right mouse click? Interactive whiteboard must enable users to automatically write directly into third-party files, ? Must not contain non-volatile memory.? Must be able to write directly into third-party applications such as Microsoft? Excel?, Word?, Visio? andPowerPoint? software , and .pdf files have the option to convert the notes to text, and be able to save the digital or text notes directly into any of these applications.? Must be able to record all on-screen activity (whether in the interactive whiteboard software, in anyother application or on the desktop) and audio as a digital video file. Must have the option to recordthe full screen, a window or a specified area. ? Must be able to write over digital video files and be able to capture video frames with annotation intact.? Network administrator must be able to perform a silent installation of the interactive whiteboardsoftware and customize content. Active screen size 24" (61 cm) diagonalAspect ratio 16:9Resolution 1080pDimensions 23 5/16" W × 15 13/16" H × 3" D(59.3 × 40.1 × 7.6 cm)Warranty? Must come with a two-year warranty that can be extended to five years ? Full warranty must cover all the interactive whiteboard components, including electronics, frame and pens? Unlimited phone, e-mail, web and online support must be available at no charge, with no time limit? Must have online, on-demand training resources, including real-time orientation sessions? Support site must include a searchable knowledge base with at least 1,500 documents and no access restrictions? North American call center must be available for 8 hours a day, M-FUltra-Small Form Factor Desktop Specification326CEVN-DESKTOPOptiPlex 9010 Small Form Factor (225-2594) 3rd Gen Intel Core i5-3470 Processor (6MB, 3.2GHz) w/HD2500 Graphics, Dell Optiplex 9010 (319-0808), 6GB, NON-ECC, 1600MHZ DDR3,2DIMM,OptiPlex (317-8986), Dell Smartcard Keyboard with Detachable Palmrest,OptiPlex (330-3944), Activate Dell Data Protection Access Software to enable authentication selection (469-2686), No Monitor Selected, Dell OptiPlex (320-3704), Intel&#174; Integrated Graphics w/o Adapters, OptiPlex (320-3184), 320GB, SATA HDD, 2.5inch, 7200RPM,Optiplex S/D (342-4712), Windows 7 Professional, No Media, 64-bit, Optiplex, English (421-5606), Dell MS111 USB Optical Mouse, OptiPlex and Fixed Precision (330-9458), 8X Slim Line, DVD+/-RW, Dell OptiPlex (318-0620), OptiPlex 9010 Small Form Factor Standard Power Supply (331-5639), Chassis Intrusion Switch, OptiPlex SFF (317-6625), Dell Limited Hardware Warranty Plus Service3 Year, ProSupport : 7x24 Technical Support 3 Year, Keep Your Hard Drive, 3 Year (984-0102)MEET VA OIT REQUIRMENTS AND APPROVAL FOR DESKTOP COMPUTER Small Form Factor PC TAA3rd Gen Intel Core i5-3470 Processor (6MB, 3.2GHz) w/HD2500 Graphics6GB, NON-ECC, 1600MHZ DDR3,2DIMMSmartcard Keyboard with Detachable PalmrestIntel Integrated Graphics w/o Adapters320GB, SATA HDD, 2.5inch, 7200RPM,OptiplexWindows 7 Professional,No Media, 64-bit, , EnglishUSB Optical Mouse8X SlimLine, DVD+/-RW,Small Form Factor Standard Power SupplyLimited Hardware Warranty Plus Service3 Year 7x24 Technical Support 3 YearKeep Your Hard Drive, 3 YearUltra-Small Form Factor Desktop Specification327CEVN-LAPTOPDell Latitude E6430 (225-2656), 3rd gen Intel Core i5-3360M Processor (2.8GHz, 3M cache, Upgradable to Intel vPro technology), Dell Latitude E6X30 (317-9438), 8.0GB, DDR3-1600MHz SDRAM, 1 DIMM, Dell Latitude (319-1529), Intel HD Graphics 4000, Dell Latitude E6430, (318-1714), 750GB Hard Drive, 7200RPM, Dell Latitude E6X30 (342-4224), Dell Control Vault, Fingerprint Reader, Smartcard Reader and Contactless Smartcard Reader, Single Point (331-5840), 14.0" HD+(1600x900) Anti-Glare LED-backlit with Premium Panel Guarantee, Dell Latitude E6430 (320-3063), Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit, No Media, Latitude, English (421-8067), 8X DVD, Dell Latitude E6X30 (318-2043), Light Sensitive Webcam and Noise Cancelling Digital Array Mic, Dell Latitude E6430/ATG (318-1720), Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205 802.11n 2x2 Half Mini Card, Dell Latitude E4/Mobile Precision (430-4632), 6-Cell (60WH) Primary Lithium Ion Battery, (2.8Ah) Express Charge Capable for Latitude E4 (312-1318), Keep Your Hard Drive, 3 Year (984-1952)MEET VA OIT REQUIRMENTS AND APPROVAL REQUIRED FOR Laptop TAA3rd gen Intel Core i5-3360M Processor (2.8GHz, 3M cache, Upgradable to Intel vPro technology),8.0GB, DDR3-1600MHz SDRAM, 1 DIMM,Intel HD Graphics 4000,TAA 750GB Hard Drive, 7200RPM,Fingerprint Reader, Smartcard Reader and Contactless Smartcard Reader, Single Point14.0"" HD+(1600x900) Anti-Glare LED-backlit with Premium Panel Guarantee,Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit, No Media, English 8X DVD, Light Sensitive Webcam and Noise Cancelling Digital Array Mic, Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205 802.11n 2x2 Half Mini Card,6-Cell (60WH) Primary Lithium Ion Battery, (2.8Ah) ExpressCharge CapableKeep Your Hard Drive, 3 Year Server Specs for Care Tone CIM Server 328CEVN-CIM-SERVERPE R610 with Chassis for Up to Six 2.5-Inch Hard Drives and Intel 56XX Processors (224-8479)PE R610, with Chassis for Up to Six 2.5-Inch Hard Drives and Intel 56XX Processors (224-8479), 6GB Memory (3x2GB), 1333MHz Single Ranked LV RDIMMs for 1 Proc, Optimized (317-7327), Embedded Broadcom, GB Ethernet NICS with TOE and ISCSI Offload Enabled (430-2970), Embedded Broadcom, GB Ethernet NICS with TOE (430-1764), Intel Xeon E5649 2.53GHz, 12M Cache, 5.86 GT/s QPI, 6C (317-6155), No Second Processor (311-3928), PERC 6/i SAS RAID Controller 2x4 Connectors, Internal, PCIe256MB Cache (341-9254), Windows Server 2008 R2, Standard Edition, Includes 5 CALS (421-1622), Broadcom 5709 Dual Port 1GbE NIC w/TOE iSCSI, PCIe-4 (430-3260), DVD+/-RW, SATA, INTERNAL (313-9090), RAID 1/RAID 5 for H700 or PERC 6/i Controllers (341-8760), Dell Hardware Limited Warranty Plus On Site Service Initial Year (993-9457), Pro Support : Next Business Day Onsite Service After Problem Diagnosis, 2Year Extended (993-0092), ProSupport : 7x24 HW / SW Tech Support and Assistance , 3 Year (993-0132), High Output Power Supply Redundant, 717W (330-3518), Power Cord, NEMA 5-15P to C13, 15 amp, wall plug, 10 feet / 3 meter (310-8509), Power Cord, NEMA 5-15P to C13, 15 amp, wall plug, 10 feet / 3 meter (310-8509), Power Cord, NEMA 5-15P to C13, 15 amp, wall plug, 10 feet / 3 meter (310-8509), Keep Your Hard Drive, 3 Year (983-6402), 160GB 7.2K RPM SATA 2.5" Hot Plug Hard Drive (341-8724), 160GB 7.2K RPM SATA 2.5" Hot Plug Hard Drive (341-8724), 250GB 7.2K RPM SATA 2.5 inch Hot Plug Hard Drive (341-8725), 250GB 7.2K RPM SATA 2.5 inch Hot Plug Hard Drive (341-8725), 250GB 7.2K RPM SATA 2.5 inch Hot Plug Hard Drive (341-8725), 250GB 7.2K RPM SATA 2.5 inch Hot Plug Hard Drive (341-8725)MEET VA OIT REQUIRMENTS AND APPROVAL REQUIRED FOR SERVER. Rackmount Server, Intel? Xeon? E-26XX Processors, Chassis with up to 8 Hard Drives and 2 PCIe Slots Intel? Xeon? E-26XX Processors, Chassis with up to 8 Hard Drives and 2 PCIe Slots6GB (3x2gb RDIMM), 1333 MT/s, Low Volt, Single Rank, x8 Data Width?Broadcom 5720 QP 1Gb Network Daughter Card Broadcom 5720 DP 1Gb Network Interface Card Intel? Xeon? E5-2630 2.30GHz, 15M Cache, 7.2GT/s QPI, Turbo, 6C, 95W, Max Mem 1333MHz Integrated RAID Controller Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Standard Edition,x64, Includes 5 CALS Broadcom 5720 DP 1Gb Network Interface Card DVD+/-RW, SATA, INTERNALRAID 1+RAID 5 for H710P/H710/H310 (2 + 3-8 HDDs)3 Year Next Business Day Onsite ServiceDual, Hot-plug, Redundant Power Supply (1+1), 750W NEMA 5-15P to C13 Wall Plug, 125 Volt, 15 AMP, 10 Feet (3m)NEMA 5-15P to C13 Wall Plug, 125 Volt, 15 AMP, 10 Feet (3m)Keep Your Hard Drive, 3 Year 250GB 7.2K RPM SATA 3Gbps 2.5in Hot-plug Hard Drive?250GB 7.2K RPM SATA 3Gbps 2.5in Hot-plug Hard Drive?500GB 7.2K RPM SATA 3Gbps 2.5in Hot-plug Hard Drive 500GB 7.2K RPM SATA 3Gbps 2.5in Hot-plug Hard Drive 500GB 7.2K RPM SATA 3Gbps 2.5in Hot-plug Hard Drive 500GB 7.2K RPM SATA 3Gbps 2.5in Hot-plug Hard Drive Part NumberAMD Description329C1800IMEDS II Telemedicine Ready Cart System- Includes: VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, Speaker, 4 Port Switch, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable GE Camera Reel, Integrated Device Brackets, Anti-Microbial working surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine-Ready Mobile Cart with dual monitors, medical grade power system, and integrated brackets and reels to mount medical devices and telemedicine equipment.Telemedicine Mobile Cart System with dual monitors and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter; a digital stethoscope that delivers high quality electronic auscultation to remote physicians using low data bandwidth; a high performance ear/nose/throat otoscope with integrated LED light source to perform clinical examinations of the out-ear canal, ear drum and middle ear.Telemedicine Mobile Cart System with dual monitors and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter; and a digital stethoscope that delivers high quality electronic auscultation to remote physicians using low data bandwidth.Telemedicine Mobile Cart System with dual monitors and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter. Telemedicine Mobile Cart and PC with dual monitors, high definition web camera with speaker/microphone, and medical grade power system. Includes integrated brackets and reels to mount medical devices and telemedicine equipment.330C1800S5CEPGIMEDS II Primary Healthcare Telemedicine Cart System- Includes: Camera & Illumination System, Coupler, ENT Scope, Pneumatic Bulb, Digital Stethoscope with Chest Piece and Headset, General Examination Camera, VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, Speaker, 4 Port Switch, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable GE Camera Reel, Integrated Device Brackets, Anti-Microbial working surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine Mobile Cart System with dual monitors and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter; a digital stethoscope that delivers high quality electronic auscultation to remote physicians using low data bandwidth; a high performance ear/nose/throat otoscope with integrated LED light source to perform clinical examinations of the out-ear canal, ear drum and middle ear.331C1800SGIMEDS II Telemedicine Ready Cart System - Includes: Digital Stethoscope with Chest Piece and Headset, General Examination Camera, VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, Speaker, 4 Port Switch, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable GE Camera Reel, Integrated Device Brackets, Anti-Microbial working surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine Mobile Cart System with dual monitors and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter; and a digital stethoscope that delivers high quality electronic auscultation to remote physicians using low data bandwidth.332C1800GIMEDS II Telemedicine Ready Cart System- Includes: General Examination Camera, VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, Speaker, 4 Port Switch, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable GE Camera Reel, Integrated Device Bracket, Anti-Microbial working surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine Mobile Cart System with dual monitors and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter. 333PC1800IMEDS II Telemedicine Ready PC Based Cart System: Includes: i7 Quad Core Small form Factor PC with Window 7 Pro, Anti-Microbial KB&M, VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, HD Web Camera with Speaker & Microphone, 4 Port Switch, External 4 Port Hub, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable General Examination Camera Reel, Integrated Device Brackets, Anti-Microbial Working Surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine Mobile Cart and PC with dual monitors, high definition web camera with speaker/microphone, and medical grade power system. Includes integrated brackets and reels to mount medical devices and telemedicine equipment.334PC1800KRS5CEPVGAIMEDS II Telemedicine Ready PC-Based Cart System: Includes: PC-Based 12-Lead ECG, PC-Based Digital Spirometer, Camera & Illumination System, Coupler, ENT Scope, Pneumatic Bulb, Digital Stethoscope with Chest Piece and Headset, General Examination Camera, Spot Vital Signs Monitor, AGNES Complete software, i7 Quad Core Small form Factor PC with Window 7 Pro, Anti-Microbial KB&M, VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, HD Web Camera with Speaker & Microphone, 4 Port Switch, External 4 Port Hub, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable General Examination Camera Reel, Integrated Device Brackets, Anti-Microbial Working Surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine Mobile Cart and PC with dual monitors, high definition web camera with speaker/microphone, and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter; a digital stethoscope that delivers high quality electronic auscultation to remote physicians using low data bandwidth; a high performance ear/nose/throat otoscope with integrated LED light source to perform clinical examinations of the out-ear canal, ear drum and middle ear; a PC-based 12-lead electrocardiograph measurement device; a digital spirometer device to measure lung capacity and respiration flow rates; a vital signs monitor to capture and measure a patient's physiological statistics in seconds, and a web-based telemedicine software application to capture and share medical device data and images in real-time with a remote physician (all modules included).335PC1800KRSOVGAIMEDS II Telemedicine Ready PC-Based Cart System: Includes: PC-Based 12-Lead ECG, PC-Based Digital Spirometer, Digital Macro View Otoscope w/ Battery Handle, Digital Stethoscope with Chest Piece and Headset, General Examination Camera, Spot Vital Signs Monitor, AGNES Complete software, i7 Quad Core Small form Factor PC with Window 7 Pro, Anti-Microbial KB&M, VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, HD Web Camera with Speaker & Microphone, 4 Port Switch, External 4 Port Hub, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable General Examination Camera Reel, Integrated Device Brackets, Anti-Microbial Working Surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine Mobile Cart and PC with dual monitors, high definition web camera with speaker/microphone, and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter; a digital stethoscope that delivers high quality electronic auscultation to remote physicians using low data bandwidth; an ear/nose/throat digital otoscope to perform clinical examinations of the out-ear canal, ear drum and middle ear; a PC-based 12-lead electrocardiograph measurement device; a digital spirometer device to measure lung capacity and respiration flow rates; a vital signs monitor to capture and measure a patient's physiological statistics in seconds, and a web-based telemedicine software application to capture and share medical device data and images in real-time with a remote physician (all modules included).336PC1800S5CEPVGAIMEDS II Primary HealthCare Telemedicine Ready PC-Based Cart System: Includes: Camera & Illumination System, Coupler, ENT Scope, Pneumatic Bulb, Digital Stethoscope with Chest Piece and Headset, General Examination Camera, Spot Vital Signs Monitor, AGNES Complete software, i7 Quad Core Small form Factor PC with Window 7 Pro, Anti-Microbial KB&M, VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, HD Web Camera with Speaker & Microphone, 4 Port Switch, External 4 Port Hub, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable General Examination Camera Reel, Integrated Device Brackets, Anti-Microbial Working Surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine Mobile Cart and PC with dual monitors, high definition web camera with speaker/microphone, and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter; a digital stethoscope that delivers high quality electronic auscultation to remote physicians using low data bandwidth; a high performance ear/nose/throat otoscope with integrated LED light source to perform clinical examinations of the out-ear canal, ear drum and middle ear; a vital signs monitor to capture and measure a patient's physiological statistics in seconds, and a web-based telemedicine software application to capture and share medical device data and images in real-time with a remote physician (all modules included).337PC1800SOVGAIMEDS II Primary HealthCare Telemedicine Ready PC-Based Cart System: Includes: Digital Macro View Otoscope w/ Battery Handle, Digital Stethoscope with Chest Piece and Headset, General Examination Camera, Spot Vital Signs Monitor, AGNES Complete software, i7 Quad Core Small form Factor PC with Window 7 Pro, Anti-Microbial KB&M, VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, HD Web Camera with Speaker & Microphone, 4 Port Switch, External 4 Port Hub, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable General Examination Camera Reel, Integrated Device Brackets, Anti-Microbial Working Surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine Mobile Cart and PC with dual monitors, high definition web camera with speaker/microphone, and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter; a digital stethoscope that delivers high quality electronic auscultation to remote physicians using low data bandwidth; an ear/nose/throat digital otoscope to perform clinical examinations of the out-ear canal, ear drum and middle ear; a vital signs monitor to capture and measure a patient's physiological statistics in seconds, and a web-based telemedicine software application to capture and share medical device data and images in real-time with a remote physician (all modules included).338PC1800S5CEPA134IMEDS II Primary HealthCare Telemedicine Ready PC-Based Cart System- Includes: Camera & Illumination System, Coupler, ENT Scope, Pneumatic Bulb, Digital Stethoscope with Chest Piece and Headset, AGNES software “Video, Stethoscope and Session Documents” modules, i7 Quad Core Small form Factor PC with Window 7 Pro, Anti-Microbial KB&M, VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, HD Web Camera with Speaker & Microphone, 4 Port Switch, External 4 Port Hub, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable General Examination Camera Reel, Integrated Device Brackets, Anti-Microbial Working Surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine Mobile Cart and PC with dual monitors, high definition web camera with speaker/microphone, and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter; a digital stethoscope that delivers high quality electronic auscultation to remote physicians using low data bandwidth; a high performance ear/nose/throat otoscope with integrated LED light source to perform clinical examinations of the out-ear canal, ear drum and middle ear; and a web-based telemedicine software application to capture and share medical device data and images in real-time with a remote physician (includes video, stethoscope and session doc modules).339PC1800SOGA134IMEDS II Primary HealthCare Telemedicine Ready PC-Based Cart System: Includes: Digital Macro View Otoscope w/ Battery Handle, Digital Stethoscope with Chest Piece and Headset, General Examination Camera, AGNES software “Video, Stethoscope and Session Document” modules, i7 Quad Core Small form Factor PC with Window 7 Pro, Anti-Microbial KB&M, VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, HD Web Camera with Speaker & Microphone, 4 Port Switch, External 4 Port Hub, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable General Examination Camera Reel, Integrated Device Brackets, Anti-Microbial Working Surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine Mobile Cart and PC with dual monitors, high definition web camera with speaker/microphone, and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter; a digital stethoscope that delivers high quality electronic auscultation to remote physicians using low data bandwidth; an ear/nose/throat digital otoscope to perform clinical examinations of the out-ear canal, ear drum and middle ear; and a web-based telemedicine software application to capture and share medical device data and images in real-time with a remote physician (includes video, stethoscope and session doc modules).340PC1800GA1IMEDS II Telemedicine Ready PC-Based Cart System: Includes: General Examination Camera, AGNES software “Video” module, i7 Quad Core Small form Factor PC with Window 7 Pro, Anti-Microbial KB&M, VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, HD Web Camera with Speaker & Microphone, 4 Port Switch, External 4 Port Hub, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable General Examination Camera Reel, Integrated Device Brackets, Anti-Microbial Working Surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine Mobile Cart and PC with dual monitors, high definition web camera with speaker/microphone, and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter; and a web-based telemedicine software application to capture and share medical device data and images in real-time with a remote physician (includes video module only).341PC1800GSA13IMEDS II Telemedicine Ready PC-Based Cart System: Includes: General Examination Camera, Digital Stethoscope with Chest Piece and Headset, AGNES software “Video and Stethoscope” modules, i7 Quad Core Small form Factor PC with Window 7 Pro, Anti-Microbial KB&M, VESA Mounts w/Dual HD 22’ Monitors, HD Web Camera with Speaker & Microphone, 4 Port Switch, External 4 Port Hub, Retractable Ethernet Cord, Retractable General Examination Camera Reel, Integrated Device Brackets, Anti-Microbial Working Surface, One-Touch Electronic Height Adjustment, Storage Basket, Lighted Locking Drawer, Two External Power Outlets, Medical Grade Power System with 4-Hour Battery Backup, Locking Wheels and Built-In Hand Grips for Mobility.Telemedicine Mobile Cart and PC with dual monitors, high definition web camera with speaker/microphone, and medical grade power system. Includes a multi-purpose examination camera to capture and display high resolution video and images of a patient encounter; a digital stethoscope that delivers high quality electronic auscultation to remote physicians using low data bandwidth; and a web-based telemedicine software application to capture and share medical device data and images in real-time with a remote physician (includes video and stethoscope modules only).342AMD-3700TELEPHONIC STETHOSCOPEElectronic stethoscope capable of delivering high quality auscultation sounds of the heart and lungs. Device should include a switch to toggle between Bell and Diaphragm positions for optimal emphasis of various high and low frequencies. Device should be able to connect via RS-232 and/or audio cable, depending on user preference. Device should be AC Powered.343AMD-8221SPOT VITAL SIGNS MONITOR (Blood Pressure, SP02 & Temperature)Vital Signs Monitor capable of taking a patient’s Blood Pressure, Body temperature, Pulse Rate, and Respiratory rate in seconds. Device should be AC Powered, and include a USB cable to transmit data to a PC if necessary.3441-0003SCOPE DEVICE TRAY FOR CARTPlastic, molded tray for the storage of various medical video scopes, and devices345AMD-1825VSM KIT FOR IMEDS II BASIC CARTExtended arm bracket for the telemedicine carts to support the addition of a vital signs monitor346AMD-2006SINUSCOPE, 2.7MM, 0 DEGREE, 110MM LENGTHSinuscope attachment for a camera & illumination video scope system. The Sinuscope should be autoclavable, have a working length of approximately 110mm and a 0° angle viewing direction.347AMD-2007SINUSCOPE, 2.7MM, 30 DEGREE, 110MM LENGTHSinuscope attachment for a camera & illumination video scope system. The Sinuscope should be autoclavable, have a working length of approximately 110mm and a 30° angle viewing direction.348AMD-2008DISPOSABLE SHEATHS FOR USE WITH SINUSCOPES - BOX OF 12Disposable sheaths for use with the Sinuscope for sanitation.349AMD-2013USB DIGITAL MACROVIEW OTOSCOPE, WITH 3.5V RECHARGABLE HANDLEUSB powered Digital Otoscope with free-focusing wheel and zoom feature. Should have an integrated light source from the rechargeable power handle, and automatic image brightness and white balance.350AMD-20112.75MM DISPOSABLE SPECULA, BAG OF 850Pediatric sized disposable specula for digital otoscope (Qty of 850)351AMD-20124.25MM DISPOSABLE SPECULA, BAG OF 850Adult sized disposable specula for digital specula (Qty of 850)352AMD-2015ENT SCOPEEar, Nose, Throat (ENT) scope attachment for a camera & illumination video scope system. The ENT Scope should have a minimum, wide angle field of view of 80°. 353AMD-2015PBPNEUMATIC BULB FOR USE WITH AMD-2015Accessory for the ENT video scope to be used for observation of the eardrum mobility in response to both positive and negative pressure.354AMD-2017PEDIATRIC SPECULA ADAPTER FOR USE WITH AMD-2015Specual appropriate for use (adult and pediatric) with any otoscope proposed herein.355AMD-20182.5MM DISPOSABLE SPECULA, BAG OF 1000Pediatric sized disposable specula for ENT Scope (Qty of 1,000)356AMD-20214MM DISPOSABLE SPECULA, BAG OF 1000Adult sized disposable specula for ENT Scope (Qty of 1,000)357AMD-2019KLEENSPEC PLUS SPECULA HOLDERWall mountable box to store and dispense disposable specula358AMD-2070USB VIDEO OPTHALMOSCOPEHandheld USB Video Ophthalmoscope. Device should not require patient’s pupils to be dilated. Should have the ability to stream real-time video. Device should include the digital camera attachment, and base opthalmoscope.359AMD-2025PANOPTIC OPHTHALMOSCOPEPANOPTIC OPHTHALMOSCOPE360AMD-2022MODEL PRACTICE EYE W/WOOD SUPPORT BASEModel Eye for user practice of the handheld video ophthalmoscope361AMD-2030DERMASCOPEDermascope attachment for the camera & illumination video scope system. Device should be a contact Dermascope. The reticle plate on the scope must have a millimeter scale in order to measure and track lesion growth. Scale should span 10mm.362AMD-2030RPBBLACK LINE RETICLE PLATE FOR USE WITH AMD-2030Interchangeable reticle plate with black line millimeter scale for various skin tones363AMD-2030RPWWHITE LINE RETICLE PLATE FOR USE AMD-2030Interchangeable reticle plate with white line millimeter scale for various skin tones364AMD-2040NASOPHARYNGOSCOPE, 3.8MMNaso-Pharyngoscope attachment for the camera & illumination video scope system. The scope should be capable of examining the upper airway from the nasal passage to the vocal cords of the patient. The flexible scope should have a manually maneuverable insertion tube tip capable of deflecting 140° in each direction. should be completely soakable and designed for gas sterilization. 365AMD-2300COLPOSCOPE WITH ARTICULATING ARMDigital Video Colposcope capable of providing high quality images and video for clinical examinations of the cervix, vulva, and vagina. System should include an adjustable, vertical stand, and detachable camera unit for complete handheld mobility when desired. Device should have an LED light source, button controls for optical zoom, freeze frame, auto or manual focus, and a minimum of (3) electronic green filters for pathology visualization. The device should have 366AMD-2400COLPOSCOPE WITH VERTICAL STANDCOLPOSCOPE WITH VERTICAL STAND367AMD-500SDCAMERA & ILLUMINATION SYSTEM, STANDARD DEFINITIONLED Light Source, Standard Definition, (OUTPUTS-S-Video, USB 2.0 & Composite), Accepts Rigid or Flexible Medical Video Scopes, One Touch Light Balance, Average Life of LED Light Source (10,000 Hours), PAL or NTSC Available368AMD-500HDCAMERA AND ILLUMINATION SYSTEM, HIGH DEFINITIONLED Light Source, High Definition, (OUTPUTS-DVI-D, S-Video, USB 2.0 & Composite), Accepts Rigid or Flexible Medical Video Scopes, One Touch Light Balance, Average Life of LED Light Source (10,000 Hours) - PAL or NTSC Available369AMD-245030MM COUPLERCoupling device for connecting medical scopes to camera - 30mm focal length370AMD-245123MM CouplerCoupling device for connecting medical scopes to camera - 23mm focal length371AMD-410MICROSCOPE WITH DIGITAL CAMERAHalogen Illumination, (4x, 10x & 40x Objectives), Accepts ALL UIS Optics, 8- Position Universal Condenser, Wide Magnification Range of 1.25x -100xWithout Condenser Change, True Koeler Illumination372AMD-2500GENERAL EXAM CAMERAOptical Zoom, Built in Push Button Polarization, Built in Light Source that is easily replaced with significant expense or obsolescence, Auto-Focus, Magnification up to 100x with Polarized Lens, Push Button Zoom in Zoom out Button, Push Button Freeze Frame, Auto White Balance, Single Hand Held, Full Iris Control. Multiple outputs and termination options; USB, S-Video and Composite. Proven reliability and a documented useful life of 10 years.373AMD-2502RETRACTABLE REEL FOR GENERAL EXAMINATION CAMERACable management reel for examination camera; retractable spring design.374AMD-2510100X LENS FOR GENERAL EXAMINATION CAMERA100x Polarized Magnification Lens for AMD-2500 General Examination Camera. Demonstrated 10 year useful life and reliability proven at 99.9%375AMD-2505DISPOSABLE TIP COVERS FOR GENERAL EXAM CAMERADisposable, Prophylactic covers for examination camera376AMD-2525TRIPOD FOR AMD-2500Desktop mounting tripod for examination camera377AMD-2526FLEXIBLE TABLE MOUNT FOR AMD-2500Table mount stand for examination camera378AMD-3000PORTABLE TELEMEDICINE CASELightweight, Portable, Self-Contained, Removable Touch Screen Tablet, Docking Station, Connectivity Options - (LAN, Wireless Card or VSAT), Multiple USB Inputs for Medical Devices, Built in HD WebCam, Removable Wireless Keyboard with Integrated Mouse, 379AMD-3015CUSTOM RUGGED CASE FOR SHIPMENT OF PORTABLE TELEMEDICINE CASEA custom built carry case for the safe transport of mobile telemedicine equipment aboard common carrier freight.380AMD-3100AUSCULETTE II ELECTRONIC STETHOSCOPEAUSCULETTE II ELECTRONIC STETHOSCOPE381AMD-3200SIMULSCOPE ELECTRONIC STETHOSCOPESIMULSCOPE ELECTRONIC STETHOSCOPE382AMD-31503M LITTMANN ELECTRONIC STETHOSCOPE, MODEL 3200 BLACKA battery powered digital stethoscope capable of data transmission to a PC application via Bluetooth. Supports bell, diaphragm settings as well as adjustable volume. 383AMD-31753M LITTMANN TELESTETH SOFTWARE, HOSTED CLIENT LICENSEPC based software client application capable of receiving bluetooth delivered stethoscope sounds and transmitting those sounds to another networked enabled PC running the same software application.384AMD-3875MIDMARK 12 LEAD USB, PC BASED ECGA PC software based ECG application with USB based electrode system (3 -12 electrode leads) capable of analyzing the heart of a patient. System should be capable of automatically and without user intervention route the .pdf based output study to a secure document distribution service.385AMD-3880RESTING TAB ELECTRODES FOR USE WITH MIDMARK ECG, BOX OF 500Self-adhering conductive skin patches capable of accepting ECG electrodes of a Midmark ECG device 386AMD-3890ECG CLIPS FOR USE WITH MIDMARK ECG, 10/PACKConnecting clips for attaching Welch Allyn ECG electrodes to Midmark resting tab skin patches387AMD-3879ECG SIMULATORA human heart simulation device capable of producing heart rhythms to be consumed and analyzed by an ECG application.388AMD-3920MIDMARK SPIROMETER, USB VERSIONA PC software based application with USB based transducer and calibration syringe capable of analyzing the capacity of a patient’s respiratory system. System should be capable of automatically and without user intervention route the .pdf based output study to a secure document distribution service.389AMD-39213 LITER CALIBRATION SYRINGE FOR USE WITH AMD-3920Calibration device for spirometer system390AMD-3922DISPOSABLE MOUTH PIECES FOR USE WITH MIDMARK SPIROMETER, BOX OF 25Disposable plastic spirometer transducer tubes for Midmark Spirometer device391AMD-3923DISPOSABLE NOSECLIPS FOR USE WITH MIDMARK SPIROMETER, BOX OF 25Comfortable foam nose clips designed to impede the passage of air through the nose during a spirometer test.392AMD-3877MIDMARK DIAGNOSTIC WORKSTATION SW, PATIENT DATA MANAGEMENT OF ECG AND SPIROMETRYDual purposed PC software application capable of managing both an ECG, Spirometer and a database of Patient records and results393AMD-3870IQMARK ADVANCED HOLTER KIT, WITH RECORDERHolter monitoring system cable of 3 lead recording via 5 lead attachments. (Optional 7 leads) Weight not to exceed 3 oz and must have digital display for lead connection strength indications. 24 hour standing record length with available upgrades to 48 - 72 hours.394AMD-3900IQHOLTER "DIGITAL HOLTER" WITH 2 RECORDERSHolter monitoring system cable of 3 lead recording via 5 lead attachments. (Optional 7 leads) Weight not to exceed 3 oz and must have digital display for lead connection strength indications. 24 hour standing record length with available upgrades to 48 - 72 hours. 2 recorders per package.395AMD-3901HOLTER PREP KIT, CASE OF 30 EACHPatient preparation kit for Holter system. Includes tools necessary to ready the patient for the attachment of leads.396AMD-3300ECG WITH PHYSIOGLOVE, SOFTWARE AND CONNECTING CABLEA PC software based ECG application with USB based electrode system comprised of a single, wearable 'glove' configuration when worn by the patient and their hand placed across their chest capable of analyzing the heart of a patient. System should be capable of automatically and without user intervention route the .pdf based output study to a secure document distribution service.397AMD-3400WA 12 LEAD PC-BASED RESTING ECGA PC software based ECG application with USB based electrode system (3 -12 electrode leads) capable of analyzing the heart of a patient. System should be capable of automatically and without user intervention route the .pdf based output study to a secure document distribution service.398AMD-3450WA PC-BASED SPIROPERFECT SPIROMETER W/CALIBRATION SYRINGEA PC software based application with USB based transducer and calibration syringe capable of analyzing the capacity of a patient’s respiratory system. System should be capable of automatically and without user intervention route the .pdf based output study to a secure document distribution service.399AMD-3452DISPOSABLE SPIROMETRY FLOW TRANSDUCERS (BOX OF 25)Disposable plastic spirometer transducer tubes for Welch Allyn Spirometer device400AMD-3453NOSE CLIPS FOR USE WITH WA SPIROMETER (25/PACK)Comfortable foam nose clips designed to impede the passage of air through the nose during a spirometer test.401AMD-3480RESTING TAB ELECTRODES FOR USE WITH WA ECG, BOX 0F 100Self-adhering conductive skin patches capable of accepting ECG electrodes of a Welch Allyn ECG device 402AMD-3490RESTING TAB ELECTRODE ADAPTERS FOR USE WITH WA ECG, 10 CLIPSConnecting clips for attaching Welch Allyn ECG electrodes to Welch Allyn resting tab skin patches403AMD-3725USB TELEPHONIC STETHOSCOPEElectronic stethoscope capable of delivering high quality auscultation sounds of the heart and lungs. Device should include a switch to toggle between Bell and Diaphragm positions for optimal emphasis of various high and low frequencies. Device should be able to connect via RS-232 or audio cable, depending on user preference. Device should be powered via USB cable to the PC.404AMD-3705CHESTPIECE FOR USE WITH TELEPHONIC STETHOSCOPESTelephonic stethoscope (chest piece only) with audio jack (male) connection/output405AMD-3710HEADSET FOR USE WITH TELEPHONIC STETHOSCOPESOver the ear diagnostic quality headphones for use with a telephonic stethoscope406AMD-5500TERASON 3000 ULTRASOUND SYSTEM, ADVANCED SW AND 1 TRANSDUCERAn all-in-one Ultrasound system with a dedicated PC platform and the ability to support as many as 5 different probe types. 407AMD-5650GP ABDOMINAL USB ULTRASOUND PROBE, WITH SOFTWAREA USB based output Ultrasound probe capable of visualizing vascular structures with PC based software. Device shall have a scan depth of 4 -20cm, a scan angle of 90 degrees, a frame rate of 12-15 per second and a pulse frequency range from 3.5 - 5 MHz408AMD-5655SP VASCULAR ACCESS USB ULTRASOUND PROBE, WITH SOFTWAREA USB based output Ultrasound probe capable of visualizing vascular structures with PC based software. Device shall have a scan depth of 10cm, a scan angle of 60 degrees, a frame rate of 15 per second and a pulse frequency range from 7.5 - 24 MHz409AMD-7115IRIS USB2.0 DENTAL "STICK PROBE" DIGITAL CAMERAA device with an offset camera and embedded light source(8 point LED, white) capable of performing dental exams with a 5 point focus wheel. Device shall have standards based USB video output.410AMD-8223Spot LXI Small Child CuffBlood pressure cuff for small child for automatic vital signs device411AMD-8224Spot LXI Child CuffBlood pressure cuff for adolescent child for automatic vital signs devicePart NumberAMD Description412AMD-8225Spot LXI Small Adult CuffBlood pressure cuff for small adult for automatic vital signs device413AMD-8226Spot LXI Adult CuffBlood pressure cuff for adult for automatic vital signs device414AMD-8227Spot LXI Large Adult CuffBlood pressure cuff for large adult for automatic vital signs device415AMD-8228Spot LXI Large Long Adult CuffBlood pressure cuff, thigh placement for automatic vital signs device416AMD-8229Spot LXI Thigh CuffBlood pressure cuff, thigh placement for automatic vital signs device417AMD-8250CVSM 6300 - BP, NELLCOR SPO2, SURE TEMP AND PULSEA LAN network ready multiple vital signs measurement and capture platform; noninvasive blood pressure, SPO2, Pulse, Respiration and temperature. Ability to integrate with electronic weight scales optional. Must support an SDK that would allow third party applications to query the device for current data via either a USB port or the network and include programmable alerts and alarms capability for the medical staff. Must include the ability to serve children and adults with equal ease. 418AMD-950NON-MYDRIATIC RETINAL CAMERA IMAGING SYSTEMA desktop or roll about machine capable of examining the back of the human eye and the optic nerve without the need for chemically inducing dilation of the eye. Should have automatic capability to focus on the cornea, capture high resolution images and transfer those images using industry standard protocols. The device shall allow for the patient to be stationed in front of the device in a comfortable sitting position.419AMD-9948USB VIDEO ADAPTERAn adapter device with embedded software capable of converting S-Video and Composite video signals to USB standard video protocol and termination into a PC environment.420AMD-9960-AIAGNES Interactive Complete - Includes: software and license key for one referring site and one consulting site (both with unlimited logins for additional users); secure web-based access to exam site; 2-party video conferencing; HL7 integration(available Q2 2014); documents module to temporarily store documents, reports and images that can be accessed later in the session and saved to and EMR; video module to generate live, streaming video from images taken with configured medical devices; stethoscope module to hear auscultation sounds in real-time through configured digital stethoscope device; and vital signs module to access SPO2 blood pressure, thermometer and pulse test results taken with configured VSM device.A modular, web services based servlet that originates at the 'patient side' capable of aggregating the input from various telemedicine devices (for example; telephonic stethoscope, video scopes, vital signs monitors, examination cameras, dental probes, ECG's, audiology systems etc.) in real time and consumed by users with just a browser. By design the system should not need any browser plugins or additional client side software. Additionally, the software shall have the ability to capture data from all of the devices and have a vendor neutral document sharing capability which is secure and encrypted. The technology used within the product that allows the consumption of the medical device data shall NOT be based on screen sharing and/or H239 methodologies. The system should additionally have the ability to package any captured data and transmit it to a target system utilizing HL7 message sets. The system shall not contain the ability or have the need to house or store patient data in order to operate as prescribed. The system shall not rely on any specific vendors or third party video conferencing system to execute the telemedicine encounter. Specifically, the system shall be video conferencing system agnostic. The software system shall carry an FDA MDDS registration or be capable of earning one.421AMD-9961-AIAGNES Interactive Software with Session Documents Module – Includes: software and license key for one referring site and one consulting site (both with unlimited logins for additional users); secure web-based access to exam site; 2-party video conferencing; documents module to temporarily store documents, reports and images that can be accessed later in the session and saved to and EMR.A web-based telemedicine software application that allows ability to capture and share the information gathered during the patient assessment in a format that can be shared or saved into an EMR system.422AMD-9965-AIAGNES Interactive Software with Medical Video Module – Includes: software and license key for one referring site and one consulting site (both with unlimited logins for additional users); secure web-based access to exam site; 2-party video conferencing; and video module to generate live, streaming video from images taken with configured medical devices.A web-based telemedicine software application that allows ability to integrate diagnostics scopes and other medical devices that output a video signal, so you can view the data and capture it in real-time and share with a remote physician.423AMD-9966-AIAGNES Interactive Software with Stethoscope Module – Includes: software and license key for one referring site and one consulting site (both with unlimited logins for additional users); 2-party video conferencing; and stethoscope module to hear auscultation sounds in real-time through configured digital stethoscope device.A web-based telemedicine software application that allows ability to connect a digital stethoscope so the remote physician can hear the patient’s heart and lung sounds as needed in real-time. 424AMD-9967-AIAGNES Interactive Software with Vital Signs Module – Includes: software and license key for one referring site and one consulting site (both with unlimited logins for additional users); 2-party video conferencing; and vital signs module to access SPO2 blood pressure, thermometer and pulse test results taken with configured VSM device.A web-based telemedicine software application that allows ability to integrate medical data directly from an external spot vital sign monitor, so you can include and capture this information as part of the exam session, for the physician to review and consider in real-time.425AMD-9968-AIAGNES Interactive Software with Littman Stethoscope Module – Includes: software and license key for one referring site and one consulting site (both with unlimited logins for additional users); secure web-based access to exam site; 2-party video conferencing; and stethoscope module to hear auscultation sounds in real-time through configured Littman Stethoscope.A web-based telemedicine software application that allows ability to connect a Littman electronic stethoscope so the remote physician can hear the patient’s heart and lung sounds as needed in real-time. 426AMD-9969-AIAGNES Interactive Software with HL7 Integration Module – Includes: software and license key for one referring site and one consulting site (both with unlimited logins for additional users); secure web- based access to exam site; 2-party video conferencing; and HL integration module to save the session data into any HL7 system.A web-based telemedicine software application that allows ability to capture and share medical device data, exchange documents and medical images in real-time, and participate in a live video conference. Includes the module to save the session data into any HL7 system.427AMD-9965CAM-AIAGNES Interactive Port Fee for Examination Camera Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied examination camera device.Interactive Port Fee for Examination Camera Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied examination camera device.428AMD-9965COL-AIAGNES Interactive Port Fee for Colposcopy Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied colposcopy device.Interactive Port Fee for Colposcopy Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied colposcopy device.429AMD-9965DEN-AIAGNES Interactive Port Fee for Dental Camera Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied dental camera device. Interactive Port Fee for Dental Camera Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied dental camera device.430AMD-9965ENT-AIAGNES Interactive Port Fee for ENT Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied ENT device.Interactive Port Fee for ENT Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied ENT device.431AMD-9965MAC-AIAGNES Interactive Port Fee for ENT Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied ENT device.Interactive Port Fee for ENT Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied ENT device.432AMD-9965P-AIAGNES Interactive Port Fee for Video Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied video device.Interactive Port Fee for Video Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied video device.433AMD-9966P-AIAGNES Interactive Port Fee for Stethoscope Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied stethoscope device. Interactive Port Fee for Stethoscope Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied stethoscope device.434AMD-9967P-AIAGNES Interactive Port Fee for Vital Signs Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied vital signs device.Interactive Port Fee for Vital Signs Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied vital signs device.435AMD-9968P-AIAGNES Interactive Port Fee for Littman Stethoscope Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied Littman stethoscope device.Interactive Port Fee for Littman Stethoscope Device – includes device configuration and support for a customer-supplied Littman stethoscope device.436AMD-9962-AIAGNES Interactive Integration with Telehealth Consult – includes configuration and support for integration with Telehealth Consult software; single sign-on; automated patient demographic exchange and document/image capture; transfer/archive into Telehealth Consult automatically. Interactive Integration with Telehealth Consult – includes configuration and support for integration with Telehealth Consult software; single sign-on; automated patient demographic exchange and document/image capture; transfer/archive into Telehealth Consult automatically.437AMD-9963-AIAGNES Interactive API License and Support – includes all API documentation and code examples and the support necessary for an experienced programmer to; create a new user interface for AGNES Interactive or embed AGNES Interactive into another application user interface.Interactive API License and Support – includes all API documentation and code examples and the support necessary for an experienced programmer to; create a new user interface for AGNES Interactive or embed AGNES Interactive into another application user interface.438AMD-9984vaddio clearview ptz usb cameraA high definition, network addressable (for control via a browser) PTZ camera capable of communicating with PC based software video conferencing over a USB connection439CT1TVLINCOne day on-site training (21 days advance notice for booking travel)ONE DAY ON-SITE TRAINING, TRAVEL COSTS INCLUDED WITHIN THE 48 CONTIGUOUS STATES (21 Days Advance notice for booking travel)440CT1One day on-site training, travel not includedONE DAY ON-SITE TRAINING, TRAVEL NOT INCLUDED441CTI1TVINCOn-site 1/2 day installation, 1/2 day user training, (21 days advance notice for booking travel)ON-SITE 1/2 DAY INSTALLATION, 1/2 DAY USER TRAINING, TRAVEL COSTS INCLUDED WITHIN THE 48 CONTIGUOUS STATES (21 DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR BOOKING TRAVEL) Part NumberARANZ Description442AMLGPSTC1000Single Silhouette Star + SilhouetteConnnect GSAA single laser-based 3D imaging & measuring camera/ device which can be grasped and operated with a single hand, to provide consistent, reliable wound photographs and accurate, consistent 3D measurements, including wound depth and volume. Must connect to a workstation via USB and be controlled by software which collects data from the device and processes this through 3D modeling algorithms and presents the user with a graphical representation of wound dimensional progress over time. Includes a license to said software which must provide wound-specific data capture forms, wound/risk assessment guides and related facility specific treatment algorithms and protocols, as well as graphical views of wound progress. One year manufacturer’s limited warranty.443AMLGSSST2000Annual Support & Warranty on Single Silhouette Star & Connect Year 2+ GSAAn additional one year manufacturer's limited warranty for items described in line above.444AMLGPSTC101010 pack of Silhouette Star + Silhouette Connect GSATen units of the items described in line above445AMLGPCES1005Silhouette Central VistA (continuous license) - 5 ConnectionsA license for a network-based software suite which is capable of synchronizing data between as many as 5 deployments or end-points of the components described in line 3. Must be capable of storing and allowing, through a web browser interface, the viewing and editing of data produced by components described in line 3. Must be capable of rendering and outputting single patient and aggregate patient population reports. Must allow configuration of multiple treatment units and providing role based access for all users. Must be capable of receiving via DICOM and storing wound consults from CPRS/Vista and distributing these by synchronization to endpoints which are using the components described in line 3, as well as receiving assessment data, including images, generated by these components and transmitting these via DICOM to VistA imaging.446AMLGPCES1010Silhouette Central VistA (continuous license) - 10 ConnectionsA license for the items described above which allows the use of up to 10 end-points.447AMLGPCES1020Silhouette Central VistA (continuous license) - 20 ConnectionsA license for the items described above which allows the use of up to 20 end-points.448AMLGPCES1001Silhouette Central VistA (continuous license) - 1 additional ConnectionA license for the items described above which allows the use of a single end-point.449AMLGSSSC2005Annual Software Support on Silhouette Central VistA Year 2+ 5 ConnectionsAn additional one year manufacturer's limited warranty for items described above.450AMLGSSSC2010Annual Software Support on Silhouette Central VistA Year 2 + 10 ConnectionsAn additional one year manufacturer's limited warranty for items described above.451AMLGSSSC2020Annual Software Support on Silhouette Central VistA Year 2+ 20 ConnectionsAn additional one year manufacturer's limited warranty for items described above.452AMLGSSSC2001Annual Software Support on Silhouette Central VistA Year 2+ 1 additional ConnectionAn additional one year manufacturer's limited warranty for items described above.453AMLGSINS1000Support for Installation of Silhouette Central VistAOnsite Technical engineering assistance to O&IT and Biomedical staff for the installation, and testing of the software items above454AMLGSSTD1000System Configuration and training per day - GSAOnsite Provision of technical engineering assistance and administrative technical training to O&IT and Biomedical staff, for the configuration and testing of the both the hardware and software listed above, as well as hands-on training for clinical staff in the use of these items.455AMLGSPMA1000Project Management on Silhouette Central VistA per DayProvision of management resources with technical and operational knowledge of the items described to plan and coordinate vendor activities with those of O&IT, biomedical and clinical staff with respect to the items described456AMLGSCCD1000Clinical Consultancy per day GSAOnsite Provision of consultation and advice from a clinical professional for the purposes of, for example, identification and specification of appropriate workflows for the items described457AMLGSIVA1000Implementation of CPRS VistA IntegrationProvision of technical engineering assistance to the O&IT and Biomedical staff for the installation and configuration of the relevant components of the items above, to establish the receipt of wound consult data from CPRS/VistA and the subsequent transfer of assessment results and images to Vista imaging458AMLGPC1810001.8m Silhouette Star USB CableA 1.8 m long USB cable used to connect the imaging device to the workstation running the software described in line 3 which meets usb 2.0 & 3.0 specifications459AMLGPC3010003m Silhouette Star USB CableA 3.0 m long USB cable used to connect the imaging device to the workstation running the software described in line 3 which meets usb 2.0 & 3.0 specifications460AMLGPC5010005m Silhouette Star USB CableA 5.0 m long USB cable used to connect the imaging device to the workstation running the software described in line 3 which meets usb 2.0 & 3.0 specificationsPart NumberBL Healthcare DescriptionDescription461BLH-TCV-10013-BHealthcare Access Video TabletA SIP video tablet with 10.4" touchscreen, FDA 510 (k) Class II cleared. The tablet will have inbuilt wireless communication including LTE (including first year service), inbuilt network and Wi-Fi communications. Must be approved to work with VA's current SIP enabled Videoconferencing systems. Must support general exam camera, weight scale, thermometer, pulse oximeter, stethoscope and PT iN/R462BLH-TVV-10013-BHealthcare Access Video NavigatorA SIP video unit with HDMI connector to connect to a television and remote control, FDA 510 (k) Class II cleared. Inbuilt wireless communication including LTE, inbuilt network and Wi-Fi communications. Must be approved to work with VA's current SIP enabled Videoconferencing system. Must support general exam camera, weight scale, thermometer, pulse oximeter, stethoscope and PT/INR463BLH-TDV-10003-BHealthcare Access Video Desk-TabletA touchscreen Clinician SIP Video Desktop Tablet System. Must be approved to work with the VA's current SIP enabled videoconferencing system. Can control and get data from the tablet mentioned above464BLH-MON-10003-BHealthcare Access MonitorA wireless enabled data collection hub. It can automatically collect data from Bluetooth and wired medical peripheral devices and transmit over wireless. Inbuilt audio for reminders, and notifications.465BLH-VSP-10013-BHealthcare Access Portable Video StationA touchscreen SIP Video portable ruggedized suitcase System. FDA 510 (k) Class II cleared. Inbuilt wireless communication including LTE, inbuilt network and Wi-Fi communications. Must be approved to work with VA's current SIP enabled Videoconferencing systems. It includes a high resolution general examination camera, stethoscope, wireless pulse oximeter, wireless thermometer.466BLH-VSW-10013-BHealthcare Access Wall Mount Video StationA touchscreen SIP Video wall mount System. FDA 510 (k) Class II cleared. Inbuilt wireless communication including LTE, inbuilt network and Wi-Fi communications. Must be approved to work with VA's current SIP enabled Videoconferencing systems. It includes a high resolution general examination camera, stethoscope, wireless pulse oximeter, wireless thermometer.467BLH-VST-10003-BHealthcare Access Video StationA touchscreen Clinician SIP Video cart System. FDA 510 (k) Class II cleared. Inbuilt wireless communication including LTE, inbuilt network and Wi-Fi communications. Must be approved to work with VA's current SIP enabled Videoconferencing systems. It includes a high resolution general examination camera, stethoscope, wireless pulse oximeter, wireless thermometer.468BLH-CST-10003-BHealthcare Access Clinician Video StationA large screen (60") SIP Video conferencing System. Must be approved to work with the VA's current SIP enabled videoconference system. Can control and get data from tablet requested above.469BLH-SRV-10004-BBL Healthcare Access ServerWindows 2000 Server based application that uses SQL Server to store information. The server application must be able to periodically monitor up to 5000 of the requested tablet units and collect their status. The application must provide a way to manage the remote tablet devices470BLH-CCC-10005-BBL Healthcare Care Coordination Center SystemA care-coordination system that allows coordination of virtual visits and provides high level care coordination tools including monitoring patients with the tablet devices listed above, coordinating patients visit with providers, caregivers, managing schedules for remote care, sending reminders, getting patients ready for their virtual visit with clinicians. A large touch screen is included that graphically displays the virtual clinic and allows care coordinators to route patients through the virtual visit process.471UA-767PBTA&D Medical, Blood Pressure Meter and Cuff (Medium), Bluetooth? Connection, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorBluetooth, Blood Pressure Meter. Pairs with and communicates over Bluetooth with tablet above.472MGH-BT1Entra Health Systems, Glucose Meter, Bluetooth Connection, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorBluetooth Blood Glucose Meter. Pairs with and communicates over Bluetooth with tablet above473BLH-PFL-10003-BPeak Flow Meter with Bluetooth ConverterPeak Flow Meter with Bluetooth Converter unit. Pairs with and communicates over Bluetooth with tablet above.474200432Alere, INRatio2 PT/INR Monitor Kit; includes INRatio2 Monitor, INRatio2 Users Guide, PST, Multilingual (Booklet), INRatio2 Quick Reference Guide, English, INRatio2 Training DVD Multilingual, Auto let Impression Lancet Device, 12 Unilet Blood Lancet Needle Tips, Alcohol Prep Pad, Gauze (2/Pk), AA Batteries (4/Pk), and Carrying Case, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorPT/INR Monitor Kit; includes FDA 510 (k) class II cleared PT/INR Monitor, Users Guide, PST, Multilingual (Booklet), Quick Reference Guide, English, Training DVD Multilingual, Autolet Impression Lancet Device, 12 Unilet Blood Lancet Needle Tips, Alcohol Prep Pad, Gauze (2/Pk), AA Batteries (4/Pk), and Carrying Case. Connects to tablet and sends date over a wired serial connection. Includes a serial cable.475INRATIO2Alere, INRatio2 PT/INR Monitor, Serial Connection, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access Monitor PT/INR Monitor. FDA 510 (k) class II cleared. Connects to tablet above and sends date over a wired serial connection. Includes a serial cable.4766343-002Nonin, Onyx II 9560 Pulse Oximeter, Bluetooth Connection, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorBluetooth FDA 510 (k) class II cleared Pulse Oximeter. Pairs with and communicates over Bluetooth with tablet above.477CP-1RNK Products, Stethoscope, Electronic with Serial Connection, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorWired Stethoscope. Plugs into tablet above and sends date over a wired connection.478UC-321PBTA&D Medical, Weight Scale, Bluetooth Connection, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorBluetooth Weight Scale (450lbs). Pairs with and communicates over Bluetooth with tablet above.479BLH-WHT-15003-BBL Healthcare l, Weight Scale, Bluetooth Connection, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorBluetooth Weight Scale (450lbs). Pairs with and communicates over Bluetooth with tablet above.480UA-279A&D Medical, Blood Pressure Cuff (small), component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorBlood Pressure Cuff (small) for blood pressure machine.481UA-280A&D Medical, Blood Pressure Cuff (medium), component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorBlood Pressure Cuff (medium) for blood pressure machine.482UA-281A&D Medical, Blood Pressure Cuff (large), component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorBlood Pressure Cuff (large) for blood pressure machine.483UA-282A&D Medical, Blood Pressure Cuff (extra large), component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorBlood Pressure Cuff (extra-large) for blood pressure machine.484MGH-TS50Entra Health Systems, Glucose Meter Strips, Pack of 50, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorGlucose Meter Strips for Blood Glucose Machine, Pack of 50.485MGH-TS100Entra Health Systems, Glucose Meter Strips, Pack of 100, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorGlucose Meter Strips for Blood Glucose Machine, Pack of 100.486MGH-TS150Entra Health Systems, Glucose Meter Strips, Pack of 150, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorGlucose Meter Strips for Blood Glucose Machine, Pack of 150.487MGH-LCT100Entra Health Systems, Glucose Meter Lancets, Pack of 100, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorGlucose Meter Lancets for Blood Glucose Machine, Pack of 100488MGH-LCT200Entra Health Systems, Glucose Meter Lancets, Pack of 200, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorGlucose Meter Lancets for Blood Glucose Machine, Pack of 200.489MGH-LCT100Entra Health Systems, Test Strip / Soft Lance Combo Pack (100 strips / 100 lancets), component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorTest Strip / SoftLance Combo Pack (100 strips / 100 lancets) for Blood Glucose Machine490MGH-LCT200Entra Health Systems, Test Strip / Soft Lance Combo Pack (200 strips / 200 lancets), component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorTest Strip / SoftLance Combo Pack (200 strips / 200 lancets) for Blood Glucose Machine491MGH-CSLEntra Health Systems, Glucose Meter Control Solution (Low), component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorGlucose Meter Control Solution (Low) for Blood Glucose Machine492MGH-CSNEntra Health Systems, Glucose Meter Control Solution (Normal), component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorGlucose Meter Control Solution (Normal) for Blood Glucose Machine493MGH-CSHEntra Health Systems, Glucose Meter Control Solution (High), component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorGlucose Meter Control Solution (High) for Blood Glucose Machine494MGH-C3Entra Health Systems, Glucose Meter Control Solution Combo Pack, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorGlucose Meter Control Solution Combo Pack for Blood Glucose Machine495MGH-LD01Entra Health Systems, Glucose Meter Lancing Device, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorGlucose Meter Lancing Device for Blood Glucose Machine496100071IN Ratio Test Strips (12 per box), component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorTest Strips (12 per box) for PT/INR497BLH-THM-15003-AAvita Thermometer, BLH-THM-15003-A, component item of the remote healthcare management system Healthcare Access Tablet, Healthcare Access Navigator or Healthcare Access MonitorBluetooth thermometer. Pairs with and communicates over Bluetooth with tablet above.498BLH-SER-10003-BRemote server set up and licensing (up to 500 users)Remote server set up and licensing (up to 500 users). Collected, stores and distributes information collected from tablet listed above. Inbuilt web based videoconferencing tools that works with VA's existing SIP enabled videoconferencing system.499BLH-CUS-10003-BSoftware modification and customization services (PER HOUR)Software modification and customization services (PER HOUR) for tablet above.500BLH-TRN-10003-BOn-site training module (one day, one location, two trainers, up to 10 trainees, unlimited observers)On-site training module (one day, one location, two trainers, up to 10 trainees, unlimited observers) for tablet above.501BLH-TRN-10004-BOn-site training module (two days, one location, up to 10 trainees, unlimited observers)On-site training module (two days, one location, up to 10 trainees, unlimited observers) for tablet above.502BLH-TRN-10005-BOn-site training module (one day, one location, 11-20 trainees, unlimited observers)On-site training module (one day, one location, 11-20 trainees, unlimited observers) for tablet above.503BLH-TRN-10006-BOn-site training module (two days, one location, 11-20 trainees, unlimited observers)On-site training module (two days, one location, 11-20 trainees, unlimited observers) for tablet above.504BLH-TRN-10007-BOn-site training module (one day, one location, 21-40 trainees, unlimited observers)On-site training module (one day, one location, 21-40 trainees, unlimited observers) for tablet above.505BLH-TRN-10008-BOn-site training module (two days, one location, 21-40 trainees, unlimited observers)On-site training module (two days, one location, 21-40 trainees, unlimited observers) for tablet above.506BLH-EXM-11005-AGeneral Examination camera including 5M, 20x autofocus, polarized lighting, dermscope adapter, BLH ApplicationGeneral Examination camera including 5MP that connects to tablet above, autofocus, polarized lighting, dermscope adapter. An application that allows option to remotely view the image in real time, capture and upload it to a clinician's station on the VA network.507BLH-EXM-11008-AGeneral Examination camera (accessory for HAT unit) including 8M autofocus, 4.5" touchscreen, BLH Application, video toolsGeneral Examination camera including 8M autofocus that connects to tablet above, 4.5" touchscreen. An application that allows option to remotely view the image in real time, capture and upload it to a clinician's station on the VA network.508BLH-EXM11013-AGeneral Examination camera (accessory for HAT unit) including, 13M autofocus, 6.5" touchscreen, BLH Application, video toolsGeneral Examination camera including, 13M autofocus that connects to tablet above, 6.5" touchscreen. An application that allows option to remotely view the image in real time, capture and upload it to a clinician's station on the VA network.509BLH-EXM11014-AGeneral Examination Camera with depth and volume measurement options, BL Healthcare ApplicationGeneral Examination Camera with depth and volume measurement options that connects to tablet above. An application that allows option to remotely view the image in real time, capture and upload it to a clinician's station on the VA network.510BLH-HHT-11010-ARemote Hearing Test kit (accessory for HAT unit) - includes hearing test kit, earphone, HAT-HHT applicationRemote Hearing Test kit that connects to tablet above - includes hearing test kit, earphone, Application to allow the hearing test to be conducted locally by the patients or remotely by clinicians while videoconference with the patients.511BLH-SVY-11010-AHome Survey video kit (accessory for HAT unit), 6.5" portable video module, application, video recording option, complete remote controlRemote Home Survey video kit that connects to tablet above , 6.5" portable video module, application to view and capture the survey locally or remotely via videoconference, video recording option, complete remote control512BLH-HAT-11017-AClinician Interface - 23" touchscreen, H.264 SIP Video End point, Ethernet, WiFi, Clinician Interface applicationsClinician Interface - 23" touchscreen, H.264 SIP Video End point, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Clinician Interface applications513BLH-USD-11010-AAbdominal Ultrasound kit, sensor, software, and applicationAbdominal Ultrasound kit, sensor, software and application to view the image locally and remotely via videoconferencing.514BLH-USD-11011-AVascular Ultrasound kit, sensor, software, and applicationVascular Ultrasound kit, sensor, software and application to view the image locally and remotely via videoconferencing.515BLH-PZK-11010-APan and Tilt stand for a HAT device. This can be ordered WITH a HAT units - it comes pre-assembled with HATPan and Tilt stand for tablet listed above. This must be ordered WITH a tablet if needed.516BLH-IHC-11010-AiPad Application license. Clinician's App - include 1 year supportiPad Application license for Clinician's Application including videoconferencing (SIP), remotely vowing and controlling tablet above - includes 1 year support and maintenance517BLH-IHC-11011-AiPad Application license. Clinician's App - includes 1 year supportiPad Application license for Caregiver's Application including videoconferencing (SIP), remotely viewing and controlling tablet above - includes 1 year support and maintenance518BLH-AHC-11010-AAndroid Application license. Clinician's App - include 1 year supportAndroid Application license for Clinician's Application including videoconferencing (SIP), remotely viewing and controlling tablet above - includes 1 year support and maintenance519BLH-AHC-11011-AiPad Application license. Clinician's App - includes 1 year supportAndroid Application license for Caregiver's Application including videoconferencing (SIP), remotely viewing and controlling tablet above - includes 1 year support and maintenance520BLH-BBP-11010-ABluetooth Blood pressure meter with BL Healthcare App - - include 1 year supportBluetooth Blood pressure meter - - include 1 year support521BLH-BWS-11010-ABluetooth weight scale (450 lbs) with BL Healthcare App - - include 1 year supportBluetooth weight scale (450 lbs) - - include 1 year support522BLH-BPX-11010-ABluetooth Pulse Oximeter with BL Healthcare App - - include 1 year supportBluetooth Pulse Oximeter - - include 1 year support523BLH-ECG-11010-ASingle Channel ECG unit with BL Healthcare App - - include 1 year supportSingle Channel wireless ECG, software and application to view it locally and remotely via videoconferencing. - includes 1 year support and maintenance524BLH-ECG-11011-AThree Channel ECG unit with BL Healthcare App - include 1 year supportThree (3) Channel wireless ECG, software and application to view it locally and remotely via videoconferencing. - includes 1 year support and maintenance525BLH-ECG-11012-ASix Channel ECG unit with BL Healthcare App - include 1 year supportSix (6) Channel wireless ECG, software and application to view it locally and remotely via videoconferencing. - includes 1 year support and maintenance526BLH-ECG-11013-ATwelve Channel ECG unit with BL Healthcare App - include 1 year supportTwelve (12) Channel wireless ECG, software and application to view it locally and remotely via videoconferencing. - includes 1 year support and maintenance527BLH-BMM-11010-AVideo based Medication management App - - include 1 year supportVideo based Medication management App for tablet above. . Includes software upgrades and support for one (1) year.Maintenance528BLH-MAN-10013-BAnnual Software License and Maintenance Fee, Healthcare Access Devices (all (*) starred devices), includes wireless connectivity fee for eight (8) thirty (30) minute video conferencing service per month for one (1) year (12 months)Annual Software License and Maintenance Fee for two items listed above, includes wireless connectivity fee for eight (8) thirty (30) minute video conferencing service per month for one (1) year (12 months)529BLH-TCV-15003-BOne-Year Extended Warranty, Healthcare Access Video TabletOne year extended warranty for tablet above.530BLH-TVV-15003-BOne-Year Extended Warranty, Healthcare Access Video NavigatorOne year extended warranty for device that connects to TV above.531BLH-MON-15003-BOne-Year Extended Warranty, Healthcare Access MonitorOne year extended warranty for access hub above.532BLH-VSP-15013-BOne-Year Extended Warranty, Healthcare Access Portable Video StationOne year extended warranty for ruggedized suitcase above.533BLH-VST-15003-BOne-Year Extended Warranty, Healthcare Access Video StationOne year extended warranty for touchscreen clinician system above.534BLH-REP-10003-BNon-warranty repair work (PER HOUR)Non-warranty repair work (PER HOUR) for tablet above.535BLH-MAN-10003-BAnnual Software License and Maintenance Fee, Healthcare Access Devices (all (*) starred devices), includes wireless connectivity fee for four (4) thirty (30) minute video conferencing service per month for one (1) year (12 months)Annual Software License and Maintenance Fee, Healthcare Access Devices (all (*) starred devices), includes wireless connectivity fee for four (4) thirty (30) minute video conferencing service per month for one (1) year (12 months)536BLH-MAN-10004-BAnnual Server Software License and Maintenance Fee for one (1) year (12 months)Annual Server Software License and Maintenance Fee for one (1) year (12 months) 537BLH-MAN-10005-BAnnual Care Coordination Center Software License and Maintenance Fee for one (1) year (12 months)Annual Care Coordination Center Software License and Maintenance Fee for one (1) year (12 months)538BLH-EXM-11005-MGeneral Examination Camera kit - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for 5MP camera above. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.539BLH-EXM-11008-MGeneral Examination Camera 8M kit - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for 8MP Camera above. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.540BLH-EXM11013-MGeneral Examination Camera 13M kit - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for 13MP above. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.541BLH-EXM11014-MGeneral Examination Camera - 3D image capture - - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for 3D camera above. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.542BLH-HHT-11010-MHome Hearing Test Kit - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Home Hearing Test. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.543BLH-SVY-11010-MHome video survey kit - - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Home Video Survey Kit. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.544BLH-HAT-11017-MHealthcare Access Tablet - Clinician (HAT-C) - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Clinician Tablet. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.545BLH-USD-11010-MAbdominal Ultrasound Kit, BL Healthcare software and App - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Abdominal Ultrasound Kit. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.546BLH-USD-11011-MVascular Ultrasound Kit, BL Healthcare software and App - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance Vascular Ultrasound Kit. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.547BLH-PZK-11010-MRemote HAT Pan and Tilt Kit - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Remote Pan and Tilt Kit. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.548BLH-IHC-11010-MiPad Clinician Video Application - 10 licenses - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for iPad Clinician Application. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.549BLH-IHC-11011-MiPad Caregiver Video Application - 10 licenses - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for iPad Caregiver Application. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.550BLH-AHC-11010-MAndroid Clinician Video Application - 10 licenses - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Android Clinician Application. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.551BLH-AHC-11011-MAndroid Caregiver Video Application - 10 licenses - Annual Maintenance eAnnual Maintenance for Android Caregiver Application. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.552BLH-BBP-11010-MBL Healthcare Bluetooth Blood Pressure Meter and Apps - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Bluetooth Blood Pressure Meter. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.553BLH-BWS-11010-MBL Healthcare Bluetooth Weight Scale and Apps - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Bluetooth Weight Scale. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.554BLH-BPX-11010-MBL Healthcare Bluetooth Pulse Oximeter and Apps - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Bluetooth Pulse Oximeter. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.555BLH-ECG-11010-MWireless ECG - Single Channel with BL Healthcare Application - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Wireless ECG - single channel. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.556BLH-ECG-11011-MBluetooth Wireless ECG - Three (3) Channel with BL Healthcare Application - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Wireless ECG - three channel. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.557BLH-ECG-11012-MBluetooth Wireless ECG - Six (6) Channel with BL Healthcare Application - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Wireless ECG - six channel. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.558BLH-ECG-11013-MBluetooth Wireless ECG - Twelve (12) Channel with BL Healthcare Application - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for wireless ECG - twelve channel. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.559BLH-BMM-11010-MVideo based Medication Management Application for HAT - 10 licenses - Annual MaintenanceAnnual Maintenance for Medication Management Application. Includes limited hardware warranty, software upgrades and support for one (1) year.Part NumberSFT EquipmentDescription5605336B002CANON CR-2 Plus Non-Mydriatic Digital Retinal CameraCANON CR-2 Plus Non-Mydriatic Digital Retinal Camera5612100V8563 Year Warranty3 Year Warranty562?Patient Stool and Operator Stool SetPatient Stool and Operator Stool Set5631920A042Wheel Chair Accessible TablesWheel Chair Accessible Tables5641810V323Computer CPU Holder BracketComputer CPU Holder BracketPart NumberTOPCON TELERETINALDescription56535000-80AIMAGEnet TRC Retinal Imaging System - includes 3 year warranty, installation and training, and shipping and handlingIMAGEnet TRC Retinal Imaging System - includes 3 year warranty, installation and training, and shipping and handling566205042-11-000AIT-250W Wheelchair Accessible TableAIT-250W Wheelchair Accessible Table56726014-BL-000 (PT)Patient Stool Patient Stool 56826006-BL-000 (OP)Operator Stool SetOperator Stool SetPart NumberTOPCON TELERETINALDescription56935410 SFT26IMAGNet to VistA DICOM ModuleIMAGNet to VistA DICOM ModulePart NumberAVIZIACARTS570AVZ-CA-110-4XClinical Assistant - 110V (includes integrated SX20 codec, remote control, 4X camera and dual display SW option)Easy-to-use, high-definition (1080p30FPS,) video collaboration system with a 4x zoom camera designed for mobility at the point of care. FDA Class I Medical Device Data System (MDDS) as well as IEC 60601-1 compliant. 5 wheels for better mobility, and available in numerous configurations for most all medical applications. Battery powered and wireless network compatible using SX20 Telepresence technology571AVZ-CA-110-12XClinical Assistant - 110V (includes integrated SX20 codec, remote control, 12X camera and dual display SW option)Easy-to-use, high-definition (1080p30FPS,) video collaboration system with a 12x zoom camera designed for mobility at the point of care. FDA Class I Medical Device Data System (MDDS) as well as IEC 60601-1 compliant. 5 wheels for better mobility, and available in numerous configurations for most all medical applications. Battery powered and wireless compatible using SX20 Telepresence technology572AVZ-CA-SW-SX20-MSClinical Assistant Multisite OptionTelepresence software built in bridge to enable multi party calls573AVZ-CA-SW-SX20-PRClinical Assistant Premium Resolution OptionTelepresence software to enable higher resolution quality up to 60 FPS574AVZ-CA-ACC-DMClinical Assistant Drawer ModuleLockable drawer, adjustable height575AVZ-CA-ACC-LTClinical Assistant Laptop TrayAdjustable tray for laptop use designed to keep the technician from standing in front of the video system576AVZ-CA-ACC-RNCClinical Assistant Retractable Network CordRetractable Network Cord577AVZ-CA-ACC-RPCClinical Assistant Retractable Power CordRetractable Power CordPart NumberAVIZIACARTS578AVZ-CA-ACC-SCClinical Assistant Splash Coverwashable/wipeable splash protector579AVZ-CA-ACC-SHClinical Assistant Scope Hookadjustable hooks for otoscope, dermscope, etc.580AVZ-CA-ACC-SMClinical Assistant Shelf Moduleadjustable height shelf581AVZ-CA-ACC-SPClinical Assistant Storage Podwire/cord storage area582AVZ-CA-ACC-WMClinical Assistant Wireless Mountspecific to Cisco 2300 and 3600 (and 1142) access points583AVZ-CA-ACC-CMClinical Assistant Cabinet ModuleLarge lockable storage584AVZ-CA-ACC-DDAClinical Assistant Dual Display Armadjustable height are to add second display585AVZ-CA-110-4X-ACSAvizia Core Services - Clinical Assistant - AVZ-CA-110-4X 24X7 Phone Support and 8X5XNBD Hardware Replacement 586AVZ-CA-110-12X-ACSAvizia Core Services - Clinical Assistant - AVZ-CA-110-12X 24X7 Phone Support and 8X5XNBD Hardware Replacement TACTICAL587AVZ-TACTactical (includes integrated SX20 codec, remote control, and dual display SW option)Ruggedized and lightweight mobile telepresence product features Cisco's codec technology in a portable, briefcase-style form factor. Specifically designed for remote field locations,588AVZ-TAC-SW-MSTactical Multisite OptionTelepresence software built in bridge to enable multi party calls589AVZ-TAC-SW-PRTactical Premium Resolution OptionTelepresence software to enable higher resolution quality up to 60 FPS590AVZ-TAC-ACSAvizia Core Services - Tactical - AVZ-TAC 24X7 Phone Support and 8X5XNBD Hardware Replacement SYNCH591AVZ-SYCSynch (standalone)Stand alone device (no video system included) used to bring video conferencing and electronic whiteboard technologies together. The solution must scale the whiteboard image therefore allowing continued use of all the features ,functions, capabilities of the whiteboard592AVZ-SYC-SX20-ACCKITSynch SX20 Accessory Kit (mounting hardware and required cables) For the stand alone item above, this kit contains most of the equipment/cables necessary for installation: wall mount bracket, serial to usb adapter, 6' usb, 3.5mm stereo codec audio out, 12' rca cable, 15' hdmi cable, 593AVZ-SYC-C40-ACCKITSynch C40 Accessory Kit (mounting hardware and required cables)For the stand alone item above, this kit contains most of the equipment/cables necessary for installation: wall mount bracket, serial to usb adapter, 6' usb, 3.5mm stereo codec audio out, 12' rca cable, 15' hdmi cable, 594AVZ-SYC-ACSAvizia Core Services - Synch (standalone) - AVZ-SYC24X7 Phone Support and 8X5XNBD Hardware ReplacementPart NumberOPEN MARKET OPEN MARKET – NON TRADE AGREEMENT ACT (TAA) COMPLIANT 595BRKT-PHD-MONITOR=C40 Bracket for Room BasedC40 Bracket for Room Based596BLH-GEM-10003-BGeneral Examination Camera, Serial ConnectionGeneral Examination Camera, Serial Connection597CTS-RMT-TRC5=TRC 5 Advanced Tandberg Remote Control for C Series - also works with Edge 95 TRC 5 Advanced Tandberg Remote Control for C Series - also works with Edge 95 598CTS-QSC20-MIC=Spare Microphone Spare Microphone 599PWR-CORD-US-A=Spare Power Cord Spare Power Cord 600CTS-MIC-CLNG=Cisco Ceiling Microphone Cisco Ceiling Microphone 601CTS-PHD-1080P12XS= Precision HD 1080p 12X Unit - Silver Precision HD 1080p 12X Unit - Silver 602DVR620DVD/VCR recorder DVD/VCR recorder 603FMC3Kanto Full Motion smooth articulating mount for 30 to 50 inch TVs Full Motion smooth articulating mount for 30 to 50 inch TVs 604FCD100Wall Mount for accessory equipment such as DVD/VCR recorder Wall Mount for accessory equipment such as DVD/VCR recorder 605EB-I-200ELuidia / Beam Inscriber 200eLuidia / Beam Inscriber 200e606CC3000eLogitech Colossus USB PTZ Camera? Smooth motorized pan, tilt and zoom, controlled from remote or console? 260-degree pan, 130-degree tilt? 10X lossless zoom? 90-degree Field of View? Full HD 1080p30fps with onboard UVC 1.5 and H.264 SVC? Camera “Home” preset key? ZEISS? Optics with autofocus? Kensington Security Slot? LED to confirm video streaming? Standard tripod threadSpeakerphone? Integrated full duplex speakerphone with echo and noise cancellation? Supports stereo or mono PC audio? Bluetooth? and NFC enabled? LCD for caller ID, call duration and other functional response? LEDs for speakerphone streaming, mute, hold, and Bluetooth? pairing? Touch controls for call answer/end, volume and mute, Bluetooth pairing – plus camera PTZ, “home” preset and far-end control? Microphones (Tx) o Two omni-directional microphones supporting 20-foot diameter rangeo Frequency response: 100Hz – 7.75KHzo Sensitivity: -28dB +/-3dBo Distortion: <1% @ 1KHz at 65dB? Speakers (Rx) o Frequency response: 120Hz – 10KHzo Sensitivity: 83dBSPL +/-3dB at 1W/1Mo Max output: 95dBSPLo Distortion: <5% from 200Hz? Kensington Security SlotRemote Control? Dockable remote control for all available functions? 10-foot range remote controlHub/Cables? Central mountable hub for connection of all components? Included adhesive solution for under-table mounting? Two 16-foot cables for connection between hub and camera/speakerphone? One 10-foot USB cable for connection to PC/Mac? AC Power adapterMount? Dual purpose mount for wall placement or for elevating camera on tableCompliance and Tools? USB 2.0 compliant? UVC-compliant video and audio for broad application compatibility? Optimized for Microsoft? Lync?, Cisco? compatible (with Jabber? and WebEx?), Skype? certified, integrated with Vidyo?? Downloadable diagnostic tool? Field upgradeable firmware tool? Downloadable app plug-ins for advanced feature support607960-000683 Logitech HD Pro Webcam B910 HD 720p USB video camera at 30 frames per secondTrue 16:9 widescreen with 78 degree field of viewDual Stereo MicrophonesCarl Zeiss Glass LensCisco compatiblePrivacy Shade IncludedHigh speed USB 2.0 (3.0 Ready)Plug and play setup, driverlessWebcam must intelligently adjust to improve visual quality in low lightand at multiple distancesAllows for silent installationTripod ready universal clip fits laptops, LCD or CRT monitors608960-000764Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 Full HD 1080p USB video camera calling (up to 1920 x 1080 pixels) 720p HD video calling (up to 1280 x 720 pixels) with supported clients Full HD video recording (up to 1920 x 1080 pixels) with a recommended system** H.264 video compression* Carl Zeiss? lens with 20-step autofocus Built-in dual stereo mics with automatic noise reduction Automatic low-light correction Hi-Speed USB 2.0 certified (USB 3.0 ready) Tripod-ready universal clip fits laptops, LCD or CRT monitors 609960-000945Logitech HD Pro C920-C Made for Cisco JabberFull HD 1080p USB Video Camera Cisco Jabber and WebEx Certified CompatibleUp to 1080p video calling at 30 frames-per-second (up to 1920 x 1080 pixels)Integrated Privacy ShadeH.264 video compression20-step autofocusBuilt-in dual stereo mics with automatic noise reductionAutomatic low-light correctionHi-Speed USB 2.0 certified (USB 3.0 ready)Tripod-ready universal clip fits laptops, LCD or CRT monitors78 Degree Field of ViewUSB plug and play driverless610F3U134-1010' USB Extension Cable (For USB connected peripherals) 10' USB Extension Cable (For USB connected peripherals) 611TT-12ELMO TT-12 Interactive Document Camera ELMO TT-12 Interactive Document Camera 61240290Impact Acoustics Sonic Wave HDMI to DVI Digital Vid HDMI to DVI Digital Vid 613W955KAX210 USB Stereo Speakers USB Stereo Speakers 61479930-41Plantronics Black wire Microsoft Office Communicator Headset wired Microsoft Office Communicator Headset 615981-000349 H150 – Stereo Headset - works with EX-Series Stereo Headset that works with Cisco EX90 or equivalent Full Stereo SoundAdjustable for mic worn on left or right sideAdjustable headbandIn Line Audio ControlsRotating BoomNoise Cancelling microphoneAnalog connection with 3.5 mm input and output jack616981-000176Logitech Headset G330 works with EX-Series or USB USB wired headset that works with Cisco EX90 or equivalentCisco compatibleDynamic Equalizer for both voice and musicIn-call LED red light indicatorFlat tangle free cordQuick access inline call controlsFlexible microphone boomAcoustic echo and noise cancelling microphoneCloth zipper travel backWideband audioUSB plug and play, driverless2 year warrantyLeatherette ear padsSERVICESQUALIFICATIONEXPJOB DESCRIPTION617Technician Level 2 or equivalent to descriptionHigh School3The Level 2 Technician provides a range of technical services to support the installation and implementation of networks and computer systems. Duties may range from basic tasks such as unpacking and setting up equipment and removing packing materials, to installing cabling and rack mounted equipment, to basic configuration and testing. The Level 2 Technician works on simple projects independently or is assigned to larger more complex projects and works under the direction of more senior personnel.618Technician Level 4 or equivalent to descriptionBachelors0The Level 4 Technician provides a range of technical services to support the installation and implementation of networks and computer systems. Duties may range from basic tasks such as unpacking and setting up equipment and removing packing materials, to installing cabling and rack mounted equipment, to basic configuration and testing. The Level 4 Technician works on larger and more complex projects independently or provides direction on large projects to less senior personnel.619Engineer Level 2 or equivalent to descriptionBachelors5The Level 2 Engineer performs configuration, implementation, and troubleshooting of network and systems. Engineers participate in the full system lifecycle including analysis, planning, implementation, testing, documentation, and operations. Engineers also participate in activities such as ongoing maintenance of networks and systems; monitoring service-level metrics and commitments; and developing standards, policies, and operational processes. The Level 2 Engineer works on simple tasks independently or works as part of a team on larger more complex projects under the direction of a Project Manager or a senior level Engineer.620Engineer Level 5 or equivalent to descriptionBachelors12The Level 5 Engineer performs configuration, implementation and troubleshooting of network and systems. Engineers participate in the full system lifecycle including analysis, planning, implementation, testing, documentation, and operations. Engineers also participate in activities such as ongoing maintenance of networks and systems; monitoring service level metrics and commitments; and developing standards, policies, and operational processes. The Level 5 engineer is assigned to the most complex independent technical tasks or performs as a team lead directing and coordinating the technical work of all team members to complete projects successfully. 621Project Manager Level 4 or equivalent to descriptionBachelors12The Level 4 Project Manager (PM) is responsible for managing and completing complex projects. PMs are responsible for managing all project staff and insuring that the staff completes all of their assigned tasks on time and correctly. The PM is also responsible for maintaining appropriate communications with customer personnel and insuring that the customer is completely satisfied with all aspects of the project. The PM also manages the test and acceptance process through final customer acceptance. Level 4 PM manages large complex projects with multiple technologies and/or multiple engineers. In addition, the Level 4 PM may provide some direction and oversight of customer personnel who have responsibility for some elements of the overall project plan.PART 4 SPECIFIC TASKSSPECIFIC TASKS: 4.1Contractor Project Management Plan: Following the phase-in/phase-out activities conducted by the incumbent contractor as prescribed in FAR Part 52.237-3; Continuity of Services, the contractor shall deliver a Contractor Project Management Plan (CPMP). The CPMP shall lay out the contractor’s approach, timeline and tools to be used in execution of the contract. ?The project plan should take the form of both a narrative and graphic format that displays the schedule, milestones, risks and resource support.??The project plan shall also include how the contractor shall coordinate and execute planned, routine, and ad hoc data collection reporting requests as identified within the PWS. The initial baseline project plan shall be concurred upon and updated monthly thereafter. The contractor shall update and maintain the approved project plan throughout the period of performance. Deliverables:4.1.1Contractor Project Management Plan4.2Helpdesk Support Services: The Contractor shall establish and maintain a fully functional helpdesk facility providing NTTHD Tier 1 to CVT service providers in the United States, all US Territories, including Guam and the Philippines. This includes initial triage and categorization of a reported problem. Contractor agrees to use the Remedy incident management systems for reporting of trouble tickets by CVT users. Contractor shall document problem resolution so that the VA solutions database can be updated. The contractor shall provide:Email Support: A Help Desk email mailbox shall be provided for reporting problems by electronic mail.The Contractor shall monitor the CEVN Help Desk email account and respond via email or telephone, as appropriate, based on the priority of the ticket.For all tickets, the user will be sent an automated email notification of the ticket number and priority. Preliminary network connectivity problem solving.Telephone Support:Calls must be answered within 15 seconds.For all tickets, an e-mail to the user will be sent notifying the user of the ticket number and priority. The Help Desk shall generate a ticket for each call as required.Callers shall have the option to leave a voice mail. Voice mail messages received during duty hours must be responded to within 30 minutes.Voice mail messages received after duty hours shall be answered by 8:30 AM EST the next work day. Assignment of aliases utilizing a centralized solution coordinated with OI&T/BME.Ticket Priorities:Critical (Emergency) Priority – user is experiencing fatal system error, loss of data or a system outage is occurring impacting multiple sites. Immediate notification to VA is required for any critical priority.High Priority – system issue causing improper payment. High priority tickets require notification to VA within one business day. Medium Priority – user is experiencing inability to perform specific functionality but not experiencing fatal error or loss of data.Low Priority – user has normal inquiries for changes in configuration or questions on how to perform specific system functions.Resolution Time to Ticket Priorities :Critical (Emergency) Priority Resolution –The request shall be resolved within 2 hours. If the issue has not been resolved after 2 hours, then the Contractor shall provide hourly progress reporting to VA.Ping/Trace Route devices LAN and WAN interface(s).Provide guidance to the caller on how to re-seat patch cables.Assist with guidance on the recycling of routers.Reboot CVT device.Attempt to remotely access endpoint via web interface or Telepresense Management Suite (TMS) to verify system status/settings.Troubleshoot hardware failure related to all Telehealth technologies.Provide end users with information on operation/use with the following:CVT Video ProblemsCreate & process requests for Quick Reference GuidesSafety Alerts & PrecautionsCVT Equipment/Port ActivationCVT Into the Home; Clinical, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)Issue CVT equipment static IPs / Configure IP addressesRemove IP address from old video equipment if applicableClear the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entry on the switch before adding a new systemSetup & configure network connectivity of new replacement equipmentInstruct on-site resources in the removal of old telehealth equipment from the network &inform Facility Telehealth Coordinator (FTC) that equipment is ready for pick upAssess bandwidth issuesAssist with Firewall/VPN Connectivity Clear the ARP entry on the switch before adding a new systemEscalation of issues to Tier 2 that require OI&T/BME support.Escalation of defective equipment to Tier 3 for equipment replacement.The contractor shall provide experienced subject matter experts who are capable of providing Tier 1 support on equipment listed in Part 3 of the PWS.Maintain a lab with CVT equipment to test and troubleshoot all solutions provided to the customer.Deliverables:4.2.23Helpdesk Weekly Status Report 4.2.24Monthly Status report to the COR captures the following information: 4.3Hardware Integration: For Global Media Telemedicine Carts the contractor shall process purchase orders for the medical cart and video codec support equipment on behalf of the customer that will be integrated by Global Media. The contractor shall track all orders which provides line item information including part #, serial #, tracking # and who signed for the order at Global Media. The contractor shall obtain packing slips and PODs (proof of deliveries) and provide them to the COR as requested. The contractor shall provide a form/report to Global Media on all codecs being shipped to Global Media for integration. This is required so that Global Media can keep the correct codecs with the correct order. The contractor shall also be required to assist CVT customers in receipt of new equipment to initiate a Tier 2 ticket for local OI&T and BME local VA service to have the new equipment configured for installation. All items defined as Information Technology need to be entered into and approved through the IT Acquisition Request System (ITARS). Planned IT capital asset expenditures that exceed $10 million acquisition or $30 million life cycle costs, must apply to the Strategic Management Council (SMC) through the Information Technology Board (ITB) for approval. They need to be approved before they can be approved in the ITARS.Deliverable:4.3.1Purchase Orders - Integration4.3.2Shipping Report - Integration4.4Maintenance: The contractor shall be required to coordinate with CVT facilities to provide maintenance options for all equipment beyond the standard first year warranty for all CVT equipment. The contractor shall monitor OEM maintenance and coordinate with OEM’s to insure maintenance work is performed as required.? The contractor shall track all maintenance plans to insure they are kept current on an annual basis.? The contractor shall track all Return to Manufacturer Action’s (RMA’s) to insure they arrive at the manufacturers’ and replacement parts are delivered to the customer.? The contractor shall remotely as required push out software/firmware upgrades to video codec’s VISN-wide via the TelePresence Management Suite (TMS).? (Software upgrades need to be approved by the COR who will coordinate with OI&T). A complete list of maintenance plans for all CVT equipment is listed in Part 3.Deliverable:4.4.1Maintenance Report4.5Inventory Management: The contractor shall manage the entire CVT inventory from cradle to grave which includes:Account for the over 8,000 CVT serialized items in the inventory.Updating the serialized database due to upgrades, replacements and new provisioning.Track endpoints medical cart and video codec by serial numbers that are purchased and registered by the 21 Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISN).Deliverable:4.5.1Equipment Tracking Report4.5.2Master Inventory4.6Training: The contractor shall provide user training to Technicians and Care Providers on CVT equipment. Training request will be initiated by the customer and tracked as a Tier 1 ticket generated by the NTTHD. Deliverable:4.6.1Weekly Training Request Report4.7Hardware Provisioning: The contractor shall purchase equipment listed in Part 3 of the PWS as may be required in response to Tier 3 tickets or to fulfill National provisioning placed by Telehealth Services. Prior to shipping, Contractor shall notify Site POCs, by phone followed by email, of all incoming deliveries including line-by-line details for review of requirements. Contractor shall not make any changes to the delivery schedule at the request of Site POC.Contractors shall coordinate deliveries with Site POCs before shipment of hardware to ensure sites have adequate storage space. All shipments, either single or multiple container deliveries, will bear the VA Purchase Order number on external shipping labels and associated manifests or packing lists. In the case of multiple container deliveries, a statement readable near the VA PO number shall indicate total number of containers for the complete shipment (i.e. “Package 1 of 2”), clearly readable on manifests and external shipping labels. The contractor shall track all orders which provides line item information including part #, serial #, tracking # and who signed for the order at the point of destination. The contractor shall obtain packing slips and PODs (proof of deliveries) and provide them to the COR as requested. All items defined as Information Technology need to be entered into and approved through the IT Acquisition Request System (ITARS). Planned IT capital asset expenditures that exceed $10 million acquisition or $30 million life cycle costs, must apply to the Strategic Management Council (SMC) through the Information Technology Board (ITB) for approval. They need to be approved before they can be approved in the ITARS.Deliverable:4.7.1Purchase Orders 4.7.2Shipping Report PART 5DELIVERABLES SCHEDULE5.The Contractor shall deliver documentation in electronic format, unless otherwise directed in Section B of the solicitation. Acceptable electronic media include: MS Word 2000/2003/2007/2010, MS Excel 2000/2003/2007/2010, MS PowerPoint 2000/2003/2007/2010, MS Project 2000/2003/2007/2010, MS Access 2000/2003/2007/2010, MS Visio 2000/2002/2003/2007/2010, AutoCAD 2002/2004/2007/2010, and Adobe Postscript Data Format (PDF).DescriptionRequirementsDelivery Date4.1Phase-in/Phase-out 4.1.1 Contractor Project Management PlanContractor Project Management Plan (CPMP) which lays out the contractor’s approach, timeline and tools to be used in execution of the contract.The initial baseline CPMP shall be submitted fifteen (15) days following the award and the final will be delivered thirty (30) days later. Monthly updates thereafter will be submitted COB 5th business day of each monththereafter.4.2 Helpdesk Support Services 4.2.23Helpdesk Weekly Status Report4.2.24Monthly Status report Weekly Status Report to the COR captures the following information:Calls Received and AbandonedAverage Speed of Answer (in seconds)Tickets Created and ClosedAverage Ticket Duration (Days between creation and closure)Tickets created by priorityOpen RMAsRemedy Tickets Created by VISNTickets resolved by Support TierTickets resolved by Tier 2Unresolved Tickets by Support TierUnresolved Tickets Owned by Tier 2Nature of Escalation Unresolved IssuesCVT & SFT TicketsNetwork Connectivity & Hardware FailuresTickets by VISNNature of Hardware Failure & Network Connectivity IssuesKnown Issues ReportMonthly Status report to the COR that captures the following information:Monthly Ticket Closure reportCOB TuesdayCOB 5th business day of each month4.3 Hardware Integration4.3.1 Purchase Orders - Integration4.3.2 Shipping Report - IntegrationThe contractor shall submit integration purchase orders, and shipping report to the COR.At the end of each quarter4.4 Maintenance4.4.1 Maintenance ReportThe contractor shall submit to the COR the maintenance report that includes part number, description, serial #, start-end date, prorated price and extended price.Annually4.5 Inventory Management4.5.1 Equipment Tracking Report4.5.2 Master InventoryEquipment tracking report shall list by VISN endpoints purchased, endpoints registered serial #. Percentage of endpoints purchased versus endpoints registered. Delivered to the COR.Master Inventory of CVT equipment by serial # by endpoint and all equipment associated to the endpoint.Monthly4.6 Training4.6.1 Weekly Training Request ReportThe report shall include Tier 1 ticket #, the VISN and the type of training requested. The report shall be delivered to the COR.COB TuesdayAs part of the Weekly Status Report4.7 Equipment Provisioning4.7.1 Purchase Orders 4.7.2 Shipping Report The contractor shall submit purchase orders, and shipping report to the COR.The last business day of each quarterPART 6PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY6.The contractor service requirements are summarized into performance objectives that relate directly to project essential items. The performance requirements summary briefly describes the minimum acceptable levels of service required for each requirement. These thresholds are critical to project success.Performance Requirements SummaryDesired Outcomes Performance Acceptable Quality Surveillance Incentives Standard Level (AQL) Method/MeasureTASK 4.1Contractor shall have an approved CPMP that captures the Provide management of business, personnel, and financial matters to ensure personnel are qualified, accountable, and that they produce services and products on time and within budget in accordance with performance objectives. No deviation.Customer satisfaction survey conducted between the contractor and Telehealth Services at least semi-annually. (+) Positive Performance Feedback in CPARS(-) Negative Performance Feedback in CPARSTASK 4.2. The Contractor shall establish and maintain a fully functional helpdesk facility providing NTTHD on-site Tier 1 to CVT service providers.The contractor shall answer all incoming support calls in a timely manner. 90% of Tier 1 calls are resolved within same business day.100% of all incoming calls will be answered within 15 seconds.80% of Tier 1 calls are resolved within same business day.98% of all incoming calls will be answered within 15 seconds.Trouble tracking system will be reviewed, noting how request arrived (e-mail, phone), time arrived, and date/time completed; random sampling of customers.Weekly review of the Helpdesk Status Report; random sampling of customers.(+) Positive Performance Feedback in CPARS(-) Negative Performance Feedback in CPARS.Performance Requirements SummaryDesired Outcomes Performance Acceptable Quality Surveillance Incentives Standard Level (AQL) Method/MeasureTASK 4.3. For Global Media Telemedicine Carts the contractor shall process purchase orders for the equipment on behalf of the customer that will be integrated by Global Media.100% of systems integration operate properly, with the exception of the SCCM Image and IP addresses (these are provided by the government) 95% of systems integration operate properly, with the exception of the SCCM Image and IP addresses (these are provided by the government.Weekly review of the Helpdesk Status Report; random sampling of customers.(+) Positive Performance Feedback in CPARS(-) Negative Performance Feedback in CPARS.TASK 4.4. The contractor shall be required to coordinate with CVT facilities to provide maintenance options for all equipment beyond the standard first year warranty for all CVT equipment.Up to date maintenance plans will in place for 100% for registered CVT equipmentUp to date maintenance plans will in place for 90% for registered CVT equipmentReview of the Maintenance Report(+) Positive Performance Feedback in CPARS(-) Negative Performance Feedback in CPARS TASK 4.5.The contractor shall manage the entire CVT inventory.100% accountability of registered CVT Equipment.90% accountability of registered CVT Equipment.Review of the Master Inventory and random customer feedback.(+) Positive Performance Feedback in CPARS(-) Negative Performance Feedback in CPARS TASK 4.6. The contractor shall provide training to CVT Technicians, and Care Providers with user training.100% Tier 1 training request will be processed within 24 hours. 100% Tier 1 training request will be processed within 48 hours.Review of the weekly helpdesk status report for requested and completed training.(+) Positive Performance Feedback in CPARS(-) Negative Performance Feedback in CPARSPerformance Requirements SummaryDesired Outcomes Performance Acceptable Quality Surveillance Incentives Standard Level (AQL) Method/MeasureTASK 4.7. The contractor shall purchase equipment listed in Part 3 of the PWS as may be required in response to Tier 3 tickets or to fulfill National provisioning placed by Telehealth Services.100% of purchase orders shall be delivered within 30 days.90% of purchase orders shall be delivered within 30 days.Weekly review of the Helpdesk Status Report for Tier 3 open/closed tickets.(+) Positive Performance Feedback in CPARS(-) Negative Performance Feedback in CPARSPART 7ESTIMATED WORKLOAD DATA(This information)7.NTTHD Estimated Workload. This estimate is based on historical information and not intended to exactly predict future need/scope. The NTTHD shall receive approximately 22 calls per day/per VISN resulting in approximately 500 total calls daily. A review of typical support levels previously provided reflect an estimated average of 15 minutes per call including the initial receipt, discussion, resolution, documentation of support and readying for the next call. 7.1Based on the above assumption, the anticipated level of effort for the base year is estimated to be 500 calls per day.+/- 22 Calls/VISN x 23 VISNs = 500 Estimated Call/Day500 Calls x 15 Minutes* = 7500 Minutes or 125 Hours of support daily125 Hrs / 8 Hrs (shift) = 16 FTEs (Plus operational management) TITLEDAYTIME STAFFEVENING STAFFHOURSProject Manager 1366Operations Manager11752Deputy Operations Manager11752Escalation EngineerPool of hours – on call266Engineer Level 223504Technician Level 4223064Technician Level 264102437.2Operations Support Estimated Workload. This estimate is based on two individuals dedicated to inventory management and purchasing actions prescribed in Part 4 in support of the NTTHD.TITLEDAYTIME STAFFEVENING STAFFHOURSTechnician Level 223504PART 8CYBER AND INFORMATION SECURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR VA IT SERVICES8.The contractor shall ensure adequate LAN/Internet, data, information, and system security in accordance with VA standard operating procedures and standard PWS language, conditions, laws, and regulations.? The contractor’s firewall and web server shall meet or exceed VA minimum requirements for security in accordance with VA Handbook 6500.6.? All VA data shall be protected behind an approved firewall also in accordance with VA Handbook 6500.6.? Any security violations or attempted violations shall be reported to the VA Program Manager and VA Information Security Officer as soon as possible.? The contractor shall follow all applicable VA policies and procedures governing information security, especially those that pertain to certification and accreditation.8.1Contractor supplied equipment, PCs of all types, equipment with hard drives, etc. for contract services must meet all security requirements that apply to Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) and Government Owned Equipment (GOE).? Security Requirements include:? a) VA Approved Encryption Software must be installed on all laptops or mobile devices before placed into operation, b) VA approved anti-virus and firewall software, c) Equipment must meet all VA sanitization requirements and procedures before disposal.? The COR, CO, the Project Manager, and the Information Security Officer (ISO) must be notified and verify all security requirements have been adhered to.8.1.1Each documented initiative under this contract incorporates VA Handbook 6500.6, “Contract Security,” March 12, 2010 by reference as though fully set forth therein. The VA Handbook 6500.6, “Contract Security” shall also be included in every related agreement, contract or order.? The VA Handbook 6500.6, Appendix C, is included in this document as Addendum B.8.1.2Training requirements: The contractor shall complete all mandatory training courses on the current VA training site, the VA Talent Management System (TMS), and will be tracked therein. The TMS may be accessed at . If you do not have a TMS profile, go to and click on the “Create New User” link on the TMS to gain access.8.1.3Contractor employees shall complete a VA Systems Access Agreement if they are provided access privileges as an authorized user of the computer system of VA.8.2VA Enterprise Architecture Compliance. The applications, supplies, and services furnished under this contract must comply with One-VA Enterprise Architecture (EA), available at in force at the time of issuance of this contract, including the Program Management Plan and VA's rules, standards, and guidelines in the Technical Reference Model/Standards Profile (TRMSP).? VA reserves the right to assess contract deliverables for EA compliance prior to acceptance. 8.3VA Internet and Intranet Standards. The contractor shall adhere to and comply with VA Directive 6102 and VA Handbook 6102, Internet/Intranet Services, including applicable amendments and changes, if the contractor’s work includes managing, maintaining, establishing and presenting information on VA’s Internet/Intranet Service Sites.? This pertains, but is not limited to: creating announcements; collecting information; databases to be accessed, graphics and links to external sites. 8.3.1Internet/Intranet Services Directive 6102 is posted at (copy and paste the following URL to browser): Services Handbook 6102 is posted at (copy and paste following URL to browser): of the Federal Accessibility Law Affecting All Electronic and Information Technology Provisioning (Section 508). On August 7, 1998, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was amended to require that when Federal departments or agencies develop, procure, maintain, or use Electronic and Information Technology, that they shall ensure it allows Federal employees with disabilities to have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to the access to and use of information and data by other Federal employees.? Section 508 required the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) to publish standards setting forth a definition of electronic and information technology and the technical and functional criteria for such technology to comply with Section 508. These standards have been developed and published with an effective date of December 21, 2000. Federal departments and agencies shall develop all Electronic and Information Technology requirements to comply with the standards found in 36 CFR 1194.8.4.1The Section 508 standards established by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) are incorporated into, and made part of all VA orders, solicitations and purchase orders developed to procure Electronic and Information Technology (EIT). These standards are found in their entirety at: and . A printed copy of the standards will be supplied upon request.? The Contractor shall comply with the technical standards as marked: _x_§ 1194.21 Software applications and operating systems_x_§ 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications_x_§ 1194.23 Telecommunications products_x_§ 1194.24 Video and multimedia products_x_§ 1194.25 Self-contained, closed products_x_§ 1194.26 Desktop and portable computers_x_§ 1194.31 Functional Performance Criteria_x_§ 1194.41 Information, Documentation, and Support8.4.2The standards do not require the installation of specific accessibility-related software or the attachment of an assistive technology device, but merely require that the EIT be compatible with such software and devices so that it can be made accessible if so required by the agency in the future.8.5Physical Security & Safety Requirements. The contractor and their personnel shall follow all VA policies, standard operating procedures, applicable laws and regulations while on VA property.? Violations of VA regulations and policies may result in citation and disciplinary measures for persons violating the law. 8.5.1The contractor and their personnel shall wear visible identification at all times while they are on the premises.VA does not provide parking spaces at the work site; the contractor must obtain parking at the work site if needed.? It is the responsibility of the contractor to park in the appropriate designated parking areas.? VA will not validate or make reimbursement for parking violations of the contractor under any conditions.Smoking is prohibited inside/outside any building other than the designated smoking areas.Possession of weapons is prohibited.The contractor shall obtain all necessary licenses and/or permits required to perform the work, with the exception of software licenses that need to be procured from a contractor (s) in accordance with the requirements document. The contractor shall take all reasonable precautions necessary to protect persons and property from injury or damage during the performance of this contract.8.6Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure. The contractor shall follow all VA rules and regulations regarding information security to prevent disclosure of sensitive information to unauthorized individuals or organizations.8.6.1The contractor may have access to Protected Health Information (PHI) and Electronic Protected Health Information (EPHI) that is subject to protection under the regulations issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, as mandated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA); 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164, Subparts A and E, the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (“Privacy Rule”); and 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164, Subparts A and C, the Security Standard (“Security Rule”).? Pursuant to the Privacy and Security Rules, the contractor must agree in writing to certain mandatory provisions regarding the use and disclosure of PHI and EPHI.??8.6.2The contractor will have access to some privileged and confidential materials of VA.? These printed and electronic documents are for internal use only, are not to be copied or released without permission, and remain the sole property of VA.? Some of these materials are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (revised by PL 93-5791) and Title 38.? Unauthorized disclosure of Privacy Act or Title 38 covered materials is a criminal offense.8.6.3The VA Contracting Officer will be the sole authorized official to release in writing, any data, draft deliverables, final deliverables, or any other written or printed materials pertaining to this contract. The contractor shall release no information.? Any request for information relating to this contract presented to the contractor shall be submitted to the VA Contracting Officer for response.8.6.4Contractor personnel recognize that in the performance of this effort, may receive or have access to sensitive information, including information provided on a proprietary basis by carriers, equipment manufacturers and other private or public entities.? Contractor personnel agree to safeguard such information and use the information exclusively in the performance of this contract.? Contractor shall follow all VA rules and regulations regarding information security to prevent disclosure of sensitive information to unauthorized individuals or organizations as enumerated in this section.8.6.5Contractor shall limit access to the minimum number of personnel necessary for contract performance for all information considered sensitive or proprietary in nature.? If the contractor is uncertain of the sensitivity of any information obtained during the performance this contract, the contractor has a responsibility to ask the VA Contracting Officer.8.6.7Contractor shall train all of their employees involved in the performance of this contract on their roles and responsibilities for proper handling and nondisclosure of sensitive VA or proprietary information.? Contractor personnel shall not engage in any other action, venture or employment wherein sensitive information shall be used for the profit of any party other than those furnishing the information. The sensitive information transferred, generated, transmitted, or stored herein is for VA benefit and ownership alone. Contractor shall maintain physical security at all facilities housing the activities performed under this contract, including any contractor facilities according to VA-approved guidelines and directives.? The contractor shall ensure that security procedures are defined and enforced to ensure all personnel who are provided access to patient data must comply with published procedures to protect the privacy and confidentiality of such information as required by VA. Contractor must adhere to the following:The use of “thumb drives” or any other medium for transport of information is expressly prohibited.Controlled access to system and security software and documentation.Recording, monitoring, and control of passwords and privileges.All terminated personnel are denied physical and electronic access to all data, program listings, data processing equipment and systems.VA, as well as any contractor (or subcontractor) systems used to support development, provide the capability to cancel immediately all access privileges and authorizations upon employee termination.Contractor PM and VA PM are informed within twenty-four (24) hours of any employee termination.Acquisition sensitive information shall be marked "Acquisition Sensitive" and shall be handled as "For Official Use Only (FOUO)".Contractor does not require access to classified data.Regulatory standard of conduct governs all personnel directly and indirectly involved in provisioning.? All personnel engaged in provisioning and related activities shall conduct business in a manner above reproach and, except as authorized by statute or regulation, with complete impartiality and with preferential treatment for none.? The general rule is to strictly avoid any conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest in VA/Contractor relationships. VA Form 0752 shall be completed by all contractor employees working on this contract, and shall be provided to the CO before any work is performed.? In the case that contractor personnel are replaced in the future, their replacements shall complete VA Form 0752 prior to beginning work.PART 9INFORMATION AND INFORMATION SYSTEM SECURITY9.Contractors, contractor personnel, subcontractors, and subcontractor personnel shall be subject to the same Federal laws, regulations, standards, and VA Directives and Handbooks as VA and VA personnel regarding information and information system security.9.1A contractor/subcontractor shall request logical (technical) or physical access to VA information and VA information systems for their employees, subcontractors, and affiliates only to the extent necessary to perform the services specified in the contract, agreement, or task order.9.1.1All contractors, subcontractors, and third-party servicers and associates working with VA information are subject to the same investigative requirements as those of VA appointees or employees who have access to the same types of information. The level and process of background security investigations for contractors must be in accordance with VA Directive and Handbook 0710, Personnel Suitability and Security Program. The Office for Operations, Security, and Preparedness is responsible for these policies and procedures.9.1.2Contract personnel who require access to national security programs must have a valid security clearance. National Industrial Security Program (NISP) was established by Executive Order 12829 to ensure that cleared U.S. defense industry contract personnel safeguard the classified information in their possession while performing work on contracts, programs, bids, or research and development efforts. The Department of Veterans Affairs does not have a Memorandum of Agreement with Defense Security Service (DSS). Verification of a Security Clearance must be processed through the Special Security Officer located in the Planning and National Security Service within the Office of Operations, Security, and Preparedness.9.1.3Custom software development and outsourced operations must be located in the U.S. to the maximum extent practical. If such services are proposed to be performed abroad and are not disallowed by other VA policy or mandates, the contractor/subcontractor must state where all non-U.S. services are provided and detail a security plan, deemed to be acceptable by VA, specifically to address mitigation of the resulting problems of communication, control, data protection, and so forth. Location within the U.S. may be an evaluation factor. 9.1.4The contractor or subcontractor must notify the Contracting Officer immediately when an employee working on a VA system or with access to VA information is reassigned or leaves the contractor or subcontractor’s employ. The Contracting Officer must also be notified immediately by the Contractor or Subcontractor prior to an unfriendly termination.9.2VA Custodial Language. Information made available to the contractor or subcontractor by VA for the performance or administration of this contract or information developed by the contractor/subcontractor in performance or administration of the contract shall be used only for those purposes and shall not be used in any other way without the prior written agreement of VA. This clause expressly limits the contractor/ subcontractor's rights to use data as described in Rights in Data - General, FAR 52.227-14(d) (1).9.2.1VA information should not be co-mingled, if possible, with any other data on the Contractors/Subcontractor’s information systems or media storage systems in order to ensure VA requirements related to data protection and media sanitization can be met. If co-mingling must be allowed to meet the requirements of the business need, the Contractor must ensure that VA information is returned to VA or destroyed in accordance with VA’s sanitization requirements. VA reserves the right to conduct onsite inspections of Contractor and Subcontractor IT resources to ensure data security controls, separation of data and job duties, and destruction/media sanitization procedures are in compliance with VA directive requirements.9.2.2Prior to termination or completion of this contract, Contractor/Subcontractor must not destroy information received from VA, or gathered/created by the contractor in the course of performing this contract without prior written approval by VA. Any data destruction done on behalf of VA by a contractor/subcontractor must be done in accordance with National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) requirements as outlined in VA Directive 6300, Records and Information Management and its Handbook 6300.1 Records Management Procedures, applicable VA Records Control Schedules, and VA Handbook 6500.1, Electronic Media Sanitization. Self-certification by the Contractor that the data destruction requirements above have been met must be sent to the VA Contracting Officer within 30 days of termination of the contract.9.2.3The contractor/subcontractor must receive, gather, store, back up, maintain, use, disclose and dispose of VA information only in compliance with the terms of the contract and applicable Federal and VA information confidentiality and security laws, regulations and policies. If Federal or VA information confidentiality and security laws, regulations and policies become applicable to VA information or information systems after execution of the contract, or if NIST issues or updates applicable FIPS or Special Publications (SP) after execution of this contract, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to implement the information confidentiality and security laws, regulations and policies in this contract. 9.2.4The contractor/subcontractor shall not make copies of VA information except as authorized and necessary to perform the terms of the agreement or to preserve electronic information stored on contractor/subcontractor electronic storage media for restoration in case any electronic equipment or data used by the contractor/ subcontractor needs to be restored to an operating state. If copies are made for restoration purposes, after the restoration is complete, the copies must be appropriately destroyed. 9.2.5If VA determines that the contractor has violated any of the information confidentiality, privacy, and security provisions of the contract, it shall be sufficient grounds for VA to withhold payment to the contractor or third party or terminate the contract for default or terminate for cause under Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) part 8. 9.2.6If a VHA contract is terminated for cause, the associated Business Associate Agreement (BAA) must also be terminated and appropriate actions taken in accordance with VHA Handbook 1600.01, Business Associate Agreements. Absent an agreement to use or disclose protected health information, there is no business associate relationship. 9.2.7The contractor/subcontractor must store, transport, or transmit VA sensitive information in an encrypted form, using VA-approved encryption tools that are, at a minimum, FIPS 140-2 validated.9.2.8The contractor/subcontractor’s firewall and Web services security controls, if applicable, shall meet or exceed VA minimum requirements. VA Configuration Guidelines are available upon request.9.2.9Except for uses and disclosures of VA information authorized by this contract for performance of the contract, the contractor/subcontractor may use and disclose VA information only in two other situations: (i) in response to a qualifying order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or (ii) with VA prior written approval. The contractor/subcontractor must refer all requests for, demands for production of, or inquiries about, VA information and information systems to the VA contracting officer for response.9.2.10Notwithstanding the provision above, the contractor/subcontractor shall not release VA records protected by Title 38 U.S.C. 5705, confidentiality of medical quality assurance records and/or Title 38 U.S.C. 7332, confidentiality of certain health records pertaining to drug addiction, sickle cell anemia, alcoholism or alcohol abuse, or infection with human immunodeficiency virus. If the contractor/subcontractor is in receipt of a court order or other requests for the above mentioned information, that contractor/subcontractor shall immediately refer such court orders or other requests to the VA contracting officer for response.9.2.11For service that involves the storage, generating, transmitting, or exchanging of VA sensitive information but does not require Certification & Accreditation (C&A) or a Memorandum of Understanding-Interconnection Service Agreement (MOU-ISA) for system interconnection, the contractor/subcontractor must complete a Contractor Security Control Assessment (CSCA) on a yearly basis and provide it to the COR.9.3Information System Design and Development. Information systems that are designed or developed for or on behalf of VA at non-VA facilities shall comply with all VA directives developed in accordance with FISMA, HIPAA, NIST, and related VA security and privacy control requirements for Federal information systems. This includes standards for the protection of electronic PHI, outlined in 45 C.F.R. Part 164, Subpart C, information and system security categorization level designations in accordance with FIPS 199 and FIPS 200 with implementation of all baseline security controls commensurate with the FIPS 199 system security categorization (reference Appendix D of VA Handbook 6500, VA Information Security Program). During the development cycle a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) must be completed, provided to the COR, and approved by the VA Privacy Service in accordance with Directive 6508, VA Privacy Impact Assessment.9.3.1The contractor/subcontractor shall certify to the COR that applications are fully functional and operate correctly as intended on systems using the VA Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC), and the common security configuration guidelines provided by NIST or VA. This includes Internet Explorer 7 configured to operate on Windows XP and Vista (in Protected Mode on Vista) and future versions, as required.9.3.2The standard installation, operation, maintenance, updating, and patching of software shall not alter the configuration settings from the VA approved and FDCC configuration. Information technology staff must also use the Windows Installer Service for installation to the default “program files” directory and silently install and uninstall.9.3.3Applications designed for normal end users shall run in the standard user context without elevated system administration privileges.9.3.4The security controls must be designed, developed, approved by VA, and implemented in accordance with the provisions of VA security system development life cycle as outlined in NIST Special Publication 800-37, Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems, VA Handbook 6500, Information Security Program and VA Handbook 6500.5, Incorporating Security and Privacy in System Development Lifecycle. 9.3.5The contractor/subcontractor is required to design, develop, or operate a System of Records Notice (SOR) on individuals to accomplish an agency function subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, (as amended), Public Law 93-579, December 31, 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) and applicable agency regulations. Violation of the Privacy Act may involve the imposition of criminal and civil penalties.9.3.6The Contractor/Subcontractor agrees to comply with the Privacy Act of 1974 (the Act) and the agency rules and regulations issued under the Act in the design, development, or operation of any system of records on individuals to accomplish an agency function when the contract specifically identifies the Systems of Records (SOR); and the design, development, or operation work that the Contractor/Subcontractor is to perform. the Privacy Act notification contained in this contract in every solicitation and resulting subcontract and in every subcontract awarded without a solicitation, when the work statement in the proposed subcontract requires the redesign, development, or operation of a SOR on individuals that is subject to the Privacy Act. this Privacy Act clause, including this subparagraph (3), in all subcontracts awarded under this contract which requires the design, development, or operation of such a SOR.9.3.7In the event of violations of the Act, a civil action may be brought against the agency involved when the violation concerns the design, development, or operation of a SOR on individuals to accomplish an agency function, and criminal penalties may be imposed upon the officers or employees of the agency when the violation concerns the operation of a SOR on individuals to accomplish an agency function. For purposes of the Act, when the contract is for the operation of a SOR on individuals to accomplish an agency function, the contractor/subcontractor is considered to be an employee of the agency.“Operation of a System of Records” means performance of any of the activities associated with maintaining the SOR, including the collection, use, maintenance, and dissemination of records.“Record” means any item, collection, or grouping of information about an individual that is maintained by an agency, including, but not limited to, education, financial transactions, medical history, and criminal or employment history and contains the person’s name, or identifying number, symbol, or any other identifying particular assigned to the individual, such as a fingerprint or voiceprint, or a photograph.“System of Records” means a group of any records under the control of any agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual.9.3.8The contractor shall ensure the security of all procured or developed systems and technologies, including their subcomponents (hereinafter referred to as “Systems”), throughout the life of this contract and any extension, warranty, or maintenance periods. This includes, but is not limited to workarounds, patches, hot fixes, upgrades, and any physical components (hereafter referred to as Security Fixes) which may be necessary to fix all security vulnerabilities published or known to the contractor anywhere in the Systems, including Operating Systems and firmware. The Contractor shall ensure that Security Fixes shall not negatively impact the Systems.9.3.9The contractor shall notify VA within 24 hours of the discovery or disclosure of successful exploits of the vulnerability which can compromise the security of the Systems (including the confidentiality or integrity of its data and operations, or the availability of the system). Such issues shall be remediated as quickly as is practical, but in no event longer than __3___days. 9.3.10When the Security Fixes involve installing third party patches (such as Microsoft OS patches or Adobe Acrobat), the Contractor will provide written notice to VA that the patch has been validated as not affecting the Systems within 10 working days. When the contractor is responsible for operations or maintenance of the Systems, they shall apply the Security Fixes within __3___ days.9.3.11All other vulnerabilities shall be remediated as specified in this paragraph in a timely manner based on risk, but within 60 days of discovery or disclosure. Exceptions to this paragraph (e.g. for the convenience of VA) shall only be granted with approval of the contracting officer and the VA Assistant Secretary for Office of Information and Technology.9.4Information system hosting, operation, maintenance, or use. For information systems that are hosted, operated, maintained, or used on behalf of VA at non-VA facilities, contractors/subcontractors are fully responsible and accountable for ensuring compliance with all HIPAA, Privacy Act, FISMA, NIST, FIPS, and VA security and privacy directives and handbooks. This includes conducting compliant risk assessments, routine vulnerability scanning, system patching and change management procedures, and the completion of an acceptable contingency plan for each system. The contractor’s security control procedures must be equivalent, to those procedures used to secure VA systems. A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) must also be provided to the COR and approved by VA Privacy Service prior to operational approval. All external Internet connections to VA network involving VA information must be reviewed and approved by VA prior to implementation.9.4.1Adequate security controls for collecting, processing, transmitting, and storing of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), as determined by the VA Privacy Service, must be in place, tested, and approved by VA prior to hosting, operation, maintenance, or use of the information system, or systems by or on behalf of VA. These security controls are to be assessed and stated within the PIA and if these controls are determined not to be in place, or inadequate, a Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) must be submitted and approved prior to the collection of PII.9.4.2Outsourcing (contractor facility, contractor equipment or contractor staff) of systems or network operations, telecommunications services, or other managed services requires certification and accreditation (authorization) (C&A) of the contractor’s systems in accordance with VA Handbook 6500.3, Certification and Accreditation and/or the VA OCS Certification Program Office. Government-owned (Government facility or Government equipment) contractor-operated systems, third party or business partner networks require memorandums of understanding and interconnection agreements (MOU-ISA) which detail what data types are shared, who has access, and the appropriate level of security controls for all systems connected to VA networks.9.4.3The contractor/subcontractor’s system must adhere to all FISMA, FIPS, and NIST standards related to the annual FISMA security controls assessment and review and update the PIA. Any deficiencies noted during this assessment must be provided to the Contracting Officer and the ISO for entry into the VA POA&M management process. The contractor/subcontractor must use the VA POA&M process to document planned remedial actions to address any deficiencies in information security policies, procedures, and practices, and the completion of those activities. Security deficiencies must be corrected within the timeframes approved by the Government. Contractor/subcontractor procedures are subject to periodic, unannounced assessments by VA officials, including the VA Office of Inspector General. The physical security aspects associated with contractor/subcontractor activities must also be subject to such assessments. If major changes to the system occur that may affect the privacy or security of the data or the system, the C&A of the system may need to be reviewed, retested and re-authorized per VA Handbook 6500.3. This may require reviewing and updating all of the documentation (PIA, System Security Plan, and Contingency Plan). The Certification Program Office can provide guidance on whether a new C&A would be necessary.9.4.4The contractor/subcontractor must conduct an annual self-assessment on all systems and outsourced services as required. Both hard copy and electronic copies of the assessment must be provided to the COR. The Government reserves the right to conduct such an assessment using Government personnel or another contractor/subcontractor. The contractor/subcontractor must take appropriate action to correct or mitigate any weaknesses discovered during such testing, generally at no additional cost.9.4.5VA prohibits the installation and use of personally-owned or Contractor/Subcontractor owned equipment or software on the VA network. If non-VA owned equipment must be used to fulfill the requirements of a contract, it must be stated in the service agreement, PWS or contract. All of the security controls required for Government furnished equipment (GFE) must be utilized in approved other equipment (OE) and must be funded by the owner of the equipment. All remote systems must be equipped with, and use, a VA-approved antivirus (AV) software and a personal (host-based or enclave based) firewall that is configured with a VA approved configuration. Software must be kept current, including all critical updates and patches. Owners of approved OE are responsible for providing and maintaining the anti-viral software and the firewall on the non-VA owned OE.9.4.6All electronic storage media used on non-VA leased or non-VA owned IT equipment that is used to store, process, or access VA information must be handled in adherence with VA Handbook 6500.1, Electronic Media Sanitization upon: (i) completion or termination of the contract or (ii) disposal or return of the IT equipment by the contractor/subcontractor or any person acting on behalf of the contractor/subcontractor, whichever is earlier. Media (hard drives, optical disks, CDs, back-up tapes, etc.) used by the contractors/subcontractors that contain VA information must be returned to VA for sanitization or destruction or the contractor/ subcontractor must self-certify that the media has been disposed of per 6500.1 requirements. This must be completed within 30 days of termination of the contract.9.4.7Bio-Medical devices and other equipment or systems containing media (hard drives, optical disks, etc.) with VA sensitive information must not be returned to the Contractor at the end of lease, for trade-in, or other purposes. The options are: must accept the system without the drive;’s initial medical device purchase includes a spare drive which must be installed in place of the original drive at time of turn-in; or9.4.7.3VA must reimburse the company for media at a reasonable open market replacement cost at time of purchase. to the highly specialized and sometimes proprietary hardware and software associated with medical equipment/systems, if it is not possible for VA to retain the hard drive, then; The equipment contractor must have an existing BAA if the device being traded in has sensitive information stored on it and hard drive(s) from the system are being returned physically intact; and9. Any fixed hard drive on the device must be non-destructively sanitized to the greatest extent possible without negatively impacting system operation. Selective clearing down to patient data folder level is recommended using VA approved and validated overwriting technologies/methods/tools. Applicable media sanitization specifications need to be preapproved and described in the purchase order or contract. A statement needs to be signed by the Director (System Owner) that states that the drive could not be removed and that (a) and (b) controls above are in place and completed. The ISO needs to maintain the documentation.9.5Security incident investigation. The term “security incident” means an event that has, or could have, resulted in unauthorized access to, loss or damage to VA assets, or sensitive information, or an action that breaches VA security procedures. The contractor/subcontractor shall immediately notify the COR and simultaneously, the designated ISO and Privacy Officer for the contract of any known or suspected security/privacy incidents, or any unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information, including that contained in system(s) to which the contractor/subcontractor has access.9.5.1To the extent known by the contractor/subcontractor, the contractor/subcontractor’s notice to VA shall identify the information involved, the circumstances surrounding the incident (including to whom, how, when, and where the VA information or assets were placed at risk or compromised), and any other information that the contractor/subcontractor considers relevant.9.5.2With respect to unsecured protected health information, the business associate is deemed to have discovered a data breach when the business associate knew or should have known of a breach of such information. Upon discovery, the business associate must notify the covered entity of the breach. Notifications need to be made in accordance with the executed business associate agreement.9.5.3In instances of theft or break-in or other criminal activity, the contractor/subcontractor must concurrently report the incident to the appropriate law enforcement entity (or entities) of jurisdiction, including the VA OIG and Security and Law Enforcement. The contractor, its employees, and its subcontractors and their employees shall cooperate with VA and any law enforcement authority responsible for the investigation and prosecution of any possible criminal law violation(s) associated with any incident. The contractor/subcontractor shall cooperate with VA in any civil litigation to recover VA information, obtain monetary or other compensation from a third party for damages arising from any incident, or obtain injunctive relief against any third party arising from, or related to, the incident.9.6Liquidated damages for data breach. Consistent with the requirements of 38 U.S.C. §5725, a contract may require access to sensitive personal information. If so, the contractor is liable to VA for liquidated damages in the event of a data breach or privacy incident involving any SPI the contractor/subcontractor processes or maintains under this contract.9.6.1The contractor/subcontractor shall provide notice to VA of a “security incident” as set forth in the Security Incident Investigation section above. Upon such notification, VA must secure from a non-Department entity or the VA Office of Inspector General an independent risk analysis of the data breach to determine the level of risk associated with the data breach for the potential misuse of any sensitive personal information involved in the data breach. The term 'data breach' means the loss, theft, or other unauthorized access, or any access other than that incidental to the scope of employment, to data containing sensitive personal information, in electronic or printed form, that results in the potential compromise of the confidentiality or integrity of the data. Contractor shall fully cooperate with the entity performing the risk analysis. Failure to cooperate may be deemed a material breach and grounds for contract termination.9.6.2Each risk analysis shall address all relevant information concerning the data breach, including the following: of the event (loss, theft, unauthorized access); of the event, including: date of occurrence; data elements involved, including any PII, such as full name, social security number, date of birth, home address, account number, disability code; of individuals affected or potentially affected; of individuals or groups affected or potentially affected; of logical data access to the lost, stolen or improperly accessed data in light of the degree of protection for the data, e.g., unencrypted, plain text; of time the data has been out of VA control; likelihood that the sensitive personal information will or has been compromised (made accessible to and usable by unauthorized persons); misuses of data containing sensitive personal information, if any; of the potential harm to the affected individuals; Data breach analysis as outlined in 6500.2 Handbook, Management of Security and Privacy Incidents, as appropriate; Whether credit protection services may assist record subjects in avoiding or mitigating the results of identity theft based on the sensitive personal information that may have been compromised.9.6.3Based on the determinations of the independent risk analysis, the Contractor shall be responsible for paying to VA liquidated damages in the amount of $37.50 per affected individual to cover the cost of providing credit protection services to affected individuals consisting of the following:; year of credit monitoring services consisting of automatic daily monitoring of at least 3 relevant credit bureau reports; breach analysis; resolution services, including writing dispute letters, initiating fraud alerts and credit freezes, to assist affected individuals to bring matters to resolution; year of identity theft insurance with $20,000.00 coverage at $0 deductible; and9.6.3.6Necessary legal expenses the subjects may incur to repair falsified or damaged credit records, histories, or financial affairs.9.7Security controls compliance testing. On a periodic basis, VA, including the Office of Inspector General, reserves the right to evaluate any or all of the security controls and privacy practices implemented by the Contractor under the clauses contained within the contract. With 10 working days’ notice, at the request of the Government, the contractor must fully cooperate and assist in a Government-sponsored security controls assessment at each location wherein VA information is processed or stored, or information systems are developed, operated, maintained, or used on behalf of VA, including those initiated by the Office of Inspector General. The Government may conduct a security control assessment on shorter notice (to include unannounced assessments) as determined by VA in the event of a security incident or at any other time. 9.8Training. All contractor employees and subcontractor employees requiring access to VA information and VA information systems shall complete the following before being granted access to VA information and its systems:9.8.1Sign and acknowledge (either manually or electronically) understanding of and responsibilities for compliance with the Contractor Rules of Behavior, Appendix D relating to access to VA information and information systems;9.8.2Successfully complete the VA Privacy and Information Security Awareness and Rules of Behavior training and annually complete required security training;9.8.3Successfully complete Privacy and HIPAA Training if contractor will have access to PHI;9.8.4Successfully complete the appropriate VA privacy training and annually complete required privacy training; and9.8.5Successfully complete any additional cyber security or privacy training, as required for VA personnel with equivalent information system access.9.8.6The contractor shall provide to the contracting officer and/or the COR a copy of the training certificates and certification of signing the Contractor Rules of Behavior for each applicable employee within 1 week of the initiation of the contract and annually thereafter, as required.9.8.7Failure to complete the mandatory annual training and sign the Rules of Behavior annually, within the timeframe required, is grounds for suspension or termination of all physical or electronic access privileges and removal from work on the contract until such time as the training and documents are complete. ................

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