Auburn University

Requirements for Class Help with Project

Seniors in Second Life

Senior Research at AU CSSE wants to create a Virtual Learning Space for senior citizens. In this project, we need help from developers to create Learning Spaces in Second Life. The development skills that we need are those of User Interaction Specialist. Developers should be familiar with web based applications and scripting languages. Your contribution will help our project to support the Senior Community with future goals of helping teach other communities as well (e.g. K-12 and adult education). This type of computer supported collaborative work will enhance the quality of life of senior and also increase their computer efficacy, and increase their cybertrust.

Our rationale for creating applications for Senior citizens is that they represent the fastest growing demographic worldwide. As indicated in the Year 2000 U.S. Census, there are 35 million people 65 or older in the U.S., and by 2030, it is estimated that there will be about 70 million older adults in the U.S. alone (Chadwick-Dias, McNulty, Tullis). With the older population growing rapidly and being increasingly exposed to computers and technology, it is important that they be made aware of what computers can do for them, (e.g., email, document creation, games, and Internet). This study will use a longitudinal study which will employ a mixed method approach to data collection and analysis, including the use of standardized surveys, measures of physical fitness and physiology, observations in their retirement community, and interviews. Drawing upon Auburn University faculty in the College of Engineering, the senior citizens will participate in workshops designed to develop their skills in computing. The potential significance of this project is to create a valid, reliable and reproducible model for outreach to retirement communities and other centers for senior citizens.

Prerequisites: HOBBY SURVEY OF OLLI, Land in SL, Design Specifications


A. Web to support project

B. 1-2 Lessons created by each developer

• Top 3 for men hobbies

• Top 3 for women hobbies

• 3-6 technology concepts

C. Tutorial to support experience created as pod cast/stream/thread

Client: Kelley Clanton and Dr. Seals – 6- 8 weeks

Links that we need to study and use for reference.

A. 101 Uses for Second Life in the College Classroom

at Elon College

101 Uses for Second Life in the College Classroom

B. Wikipedia has several excellent collections of references

[16] Second Life. Wikipedia.

C. Simteach 12 [10] is a 2006

[10] Kemp, J. (2006). The Simteach 12. Available at:

Last accessed February 24, 2007


Second Life development

At Linden Lab, we are asked all the time: "What does it take to develop a successful community in Second Life?" This is a tough question for businesses, non-profit organizations, educators, and individuals alike.

The answer to this question is about as varied and diverse as the Resident population itself. Online communities are extremely complex, delicate creatures. While there is no simple formula, there are currently a variety of articles, resources, and academic studies on the web about community development in Second Life. This Wiki is an attempt to capture that knowledge in one place and create a "living document" anyone can edit and contribute to. It is our hope this Guide will be useful to interested individuals, businesses or organizations using the Second Life Grid.

Regular meetings like a club.

Where folks would participate virtually.

Tools available....

Literature Alive!

LA! provides open content tools and free training to residents in SL on creating ethical and immersive educational and training materials. Private sessions are available for education and business.


** ( really good visual of SL )


Whatever you do on the screen. You can get a free version of Camtasia Studio by Tech Smith and it is a macro recorder that captures all screen captures and keyboard press to make really nice video or tutorial.

We think that we need more structured play environment for our seniors so that they won't get bored. There time is at a premium.

experimental learning living lab

A. Voice thread is a new technology for share meetings.

Method of presentation for lesson.


interesting thread

B. Tech Smith, Camtasia & Snagit

C. Powerpoint with audio ( to help visually impaired audience)

Also we can use screen reader that is built into Windows XP, Vista

D. and build an expert system or pedgogical agent (can be embedded in a web page)

Things that folks can reuse might be a great community builder. So they can get words of expertise from other previous users.

Dragon Naturally Speaking does transcripts at 99% accuracy and 160 wmp


You can have presenters/collaborators that look like the participants to them feel more comfortable and that this experience is really geared toward their demographic.

HOBBY SURVEY OF OLLI to find their top hobbies (email Ms. Burkhart) and get hobbies, to build lessons for things that seniors would want to do and to get experts in those areas to help us to create virtual AND REAL pedagogical agents to teach these concepts.

With Second Life Intro +

+top 3 for men hobbies

+top 3 for women hobbies

+3-6 technology concepts


Sept 15 - Requirements

October 15 - Alpha Prototype

November 1 - Beta Prototype

So that we will have 1-2 weeks for testing/eval and 1-2 weeks for writing.

Cheryl D. Seals

Assistant Professor

Computer Science & Software Engineering

Auburn University


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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