Update Sheet (November 2017)Reminder of key points:A code only needs validating once, so when you have validated a permanent code (starting 5000…) there is no further action you need to takeIf you have validated a temporary code (starting 11…) the parent on reconfirmation will receive a permanent code (starting 5000…) and you will have to undertake a validation check on the new permanent codeThe code must be validated via the Eligibility Checking System before the child can actually take up their funded placePlease ensure the child’s date of birth is checked before agreeing a start date. A child has to meet both of the following criteria to take up a 30 hours free entitlement place at the beginning of a term: a child is eligible to start their 30 hours place the term following their third birthdayor the term following the date (validity start date) they received their code, whichever is later Please Note: the ‘Validity Start Date’ is the date HMRC confirm a parent’s eligibility, not the date a child can take up their free entitlement place.A child must be with the school/childcare provider on headcount date for the school/childcare provider to claim the extended hours funding for them. If a child applies for a place after headcount it is the school/childcare providers choice to accept them or not before the beginning of the next term. Please be aware that you will not be able to claim for a child who takes up a place after the headcount date.Parents must reconfirm their details every 3 months and should be directed to their HMRC Childcare Account to do this. They will also receive reminders from HMRC before they need to reconfirm. If they miss their reconfirmation date, they can still go into their Childcare Account and reconfirm late. Timeline of reconfirmation reminders from HMRC to parents:4 weeks (28 days) before their validity end date the parent receives an email/text reminding them to reconfirm2 weeks before validity end date the parent receives an email reminding them to reconfirm (if they haven’t reconfirmed yet)Day after validity end date the parent receives an email telling them that their eligibility has lapsed and they’re no longer eligible for 30 hours, however they can still access their childcare account and reconfirm lateGrace periods: A ‘new starter’ cannot start a 30 hours place at the beginning of a term in a grace period. However a 30 hours child already in a place that falls into a grace period can move from one funding term into anotherYou can access previous Update Sheets, Information for Parents, Information for Professionals, HMRC System – Parents Guide to Access their Code and the Sample Schools Admission Arrangements documents on the Families Information Service website .uk/fisPlease continue to signpost parents to apply .uk/fis for informationHMRC Customer Interaction Centre, Telephone 0300 123 4097 for queries regarding the application processThe parents online childcare account for them to reconfirm their eligibility for the 30 hours entitlement every 3 monthsHMRC November Bulletin: received from The Childcare Choices TeamIt’s great to see the messages going out over Twitter and Facebook! We will be providing two sets of social media assets throughout November, to help local authorities send the message to parents wanting to take up a 30 hours place this January.? Not all parents can get a code straight away when they apply online, HMRC sometimes needs more information to check whether a parent is eligible.?Therefore parents should apply as soon as possible. We strongly advise parents to apply before 30 November to make sure they get their code in good time for next term. ?We also want to remind existing parents to reconfirm their eligibility for 30 hours every 3 months, so please do continue to communicate that important message too. In addition we’ve produced a new parent communications toolkit, to provide further information to parents about 30 hours and Tax Free Childcare. The toolkit includes materials such as:Customer journey info graphics for both 30 hours and Tax Free Childcare‘Top things parents and providers should know’ Q&AA factsheet for parents on how they can use their 30 hours’ entitlementPre-drafted emails to parents and providers to inform them of the application deadline and reconfirmationsA glossary for parents and providers to help explain key words associated with 30 hours and Tax Free ChildcareThe toolkit can be found at: on the small arrows next to?the products to download them. The toolkit will also be available on the provider page of the Childcare Choices website. We’ve created a feedback form, for you to tell us what you think of the toolkit, and what you’d like to see from us in the future:? Majesty Revenue & Customs (HMRC) Questions & AnswersQ) Some eligible parents are reluctant to apply for either 30 hours or tax free childcare as some parents have reported that even simply opening a government gateway account has had an immediate impact upon other benefits they are receiving. What are the implications on other benefits including universal credit? A) HMRC: Opening a Government Gateway account in itself does not affect any entitlement to benefits - it's simply there to access Government services. Parents can apply for 30 hours free childcare and still receive universal credit, tax credits and childcare vouchers. Parents cannot use Tax Free Childcare at the same time as Universal Credit, tax credits or vouchers, but can make the choice during the application process to keep any of these offers and apply for 30 hours only. The Childcare Calculator (on the Childcare Choices website) can help parents to decide which offer is best for them - Q) Can HMRC confirm that reconfirmation texts and emails are now going out to parents as expected as I know there were some initial problems around this?A) HMRC: Unfortunately, some parents didn't receive a text or email earlier in the term - but this is now fixed so these should be going out as planned. We're also sending out some additional communications to those parents whose reconfirmation will be overdue in the next few weeks, to make sure that they do so before the start of the spring term.Q) What is the latest date the parent would be given to re-confirm their details when they are sent the reminder A) HMRC: Parents can find the date of their reconfirmation in their childcare account. They'll also receive reminders from us before they need to reconfirm. If they miss their reconfirmation date, they can still go into their account and reconfirm late.Q) Tax Free Childcare is currently only available to children up to 5 years old (or 17 with a disability). When is it going to be open to children 5 to 12 years old?A) HMRC: Tax Free Childcare is still in the process of being rolled out to all families with the intention for it to be completed by March 2018. HMRC will soon be inviting families with children aged 5 to 12 years to apply.HMRC Questions & Answers (continued)Q) When a school or childcare provider tries to verify a temporary code (that start with 11..), the checker system says not found or not eligible. The parent is then signposted to the Customer Interaction Centre. Please could you advise if this issue will be rectified ready for the Spring Term 18?A) HMRC: In the vast majority of cases we find that issues with codes not being verified is due to incorrect information being inputted for the check, so please make sure the school or childcare provider are putting in the right information. Sometimes they have been given the wrong information from the parent. If the information has been checked with the parent and the school or childcare provider is sure that's not the cause of the error, please ask parents to contact the helpline and explain this. We are expecting far fewer parents to have temporary codes in the future and will continue to work with DfE to make sure they all can be used effectively.Childcare Works Regional Meeting NotesBelow are the main points delivered at the October meeting for Local Authorities which was hosted by Childcare Works:DfE target was 200,000 applications, achieved 216,000 of which 175,000 have been validatedThere have been no reports of parents unable to access a 30 hours placeExpectation is demand will grow as the programme gets established and expecting a peak in summer 2018HMRC Customer interaction centre – staff are receiving additional training and development sessionsA parent who is not in work and about to start a new job can apply for 30 hours 2 weeks before their start date and can show an ‘offer of employment’ letter to HMRCHMRC are aware that some parents who reconfirm are receiving a new ‘start date’ this should not happen - the start date should remain the same – HMRC are addressing thisThe re-confirmation messages are going out to parents, however, when the parent applied they had to indicate how they wanted to receive messages – text or emailMain technical issues that were experienced by parents whilst doing an online application have now been resolvedA national marketing campaign was delayed due to purdah and then there were technical issues with the online application process (of which the majority are now resolved). There is no date set for the launch of the national marketing campaign, however information will be out soon.HMRC want schools/childcare providers to encourage parents to access the Childcare Choices website and apply for the 30 hours immediately they find out about it. This is to support a steady flow of applications across the term which will hopefully minimise a last minute rush at the end of December.SustainabilityAs mentioned in previous updates we have a sustainability toolkit available to support you with your delivery of the 30 hours.The toolkit provides information including:Useful factsheetsLinks to local, regional and national supportFunding and Grants If you require a targeted 1:1 sustainability meeting please click on the link below and complete the short pre-meeting questionnaire. The full toolkit is available on the following link: Wood, Senior Sufficiency & Planning OfficerThe 30 Hours Implementation Team at DfE have provided the following information:Reconfirmation issuesYou may be aware, some parents have experienced technical issues when trying to reconfirm their eligibility through the childcare service. ?Most of these problems are due to the parent having made a mistake in their original application which they have tried to correct, but which has instead resulted in a duplicate application for the same child.? These parents have been unable to reconfirm.? We are aware this is affecting a small percentage of parents, and are keen to resolve this as a high priority given that parents will fall out of eligibility if they can’t reconfirm.Part of the solution requires HMRC to delete these childcare accounts from the system. HMRC will then contact these affected parents directly, asking them to re-apply through the childcare service. This means the parent will then receive a new childcare account and a new 30 hours eligibility code.Therefore schools and childcare providers may be approached by some parents with a new 30 hours code to continue their child’s place for the spring term onwards. Please be assured that the parents’ old code will still exist in the Eligibility Checking System and so those that have been used to secure a 30 hours place for the autumn term continues to remain valid. To continue a 30 hours place, the parent will need to acquire their new 30 hours code before the old code’s validity end date. MarketingPlease continue with your marketing and raising awareness to parents about the 30 hours entitlement. To minimise the rush of applications at the end of December and the potential for Doncaster families to get caught up in the system and not receive their code in time, can schools, childcare providers and professionals working with families please promote the following message:Parents have until the 31st December 2017 to apply for an eligibility code for their child to start a 30 hour entitlement place from the beginning of January 2018 (Spring term). Parents are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible to avoid any potential delays due to the expectation that mid - end of December will be an extremely busy period for applications. HMRC and DfE’s main focus at the moment is for local authorities and the National Association of Families Information Services (NAFIS) network to utilise the social media assets and other materials in the toolkit they have provided. Their intention is to release more social media assets over the next few weeks as they ramp up the marketing towards the end of term. The aim is to make sure there's high quality information available to parents through local authorities and stakeholder channels.For your information you will find at the end of this newsletter the Councils communication plan for families with regards to the promotional activities that are being undertaken to raise awareness of the 30 hours free entitlement. This should also provide you with information and materials you can use in your own marketing and promotional activities. If you have any further ideas for promotion to parents or if there is anything else we can provide to yourselves that would support your own marketing please let us know by contacting Natalie Pendleton (whose contact details are at the end of this Update Sheet). If you have any questions about the content of this sheet or would like further information please contact: Sandra Hammond Telephone: 01302 862118 Email: sandra.hammond@.ukDawn WoodTelephone: 01302 862129Email: Stephanie DouglasTelephone: 01302 737810Email: Natalie PendletonTelephone: 01302 835237Email: Education Returns & CollectionsTelephone: 01302 862111Email: educationreturnsandcollections@.ukCommunication Plan for Families: 30 Hours Free Entitlement ActivityLocationHow oftenPublish - Guide for Parents to Access HMRC Account Website + facebookUpdate on receipt of new informationLink from FIS post re: Guide for Parents to Access HMRC Account Social media-Promote information from HMRC and DfESocial MediaPost on receipt of informationUpdate Parents frequently asked questions sheet - publishWebsiteUpdate on receipt of new informationUpdate website page for parents WebsiteUpdate on receipt of new informationUpdate Schools Admissions booklet + information sheet + website information to include 30 hoursWebsite + booklet sent directly to parentsBooklet and information sheet annually, website as requiredDMBC Civic Office – advert on the One Stop Shop screen One Stop Shop in Civic Office-DMBC Civic Office - Double sided bannerOne Stop Shop in Civic Office-Single sided banner available for community eventsAs required-Netmums advert – will provide stats on hits and links accessedSocial mediaOngoingAdvert in Doncaster Free Press (1/2 page)Local PressEnd of August – consider termlyInformation stand with banner, leaflets and 1:1 support availableFrenchgate Centre, Lakeside outletEnd of August – consider termlyFacebook posts and tweets – scheduled to receive most traffic i.e. 7am & 9pmSocial mediaOngoingPosters and postcards distributed to: dentists; doctors; libraries; community leads; councillors, childcare providers, schools, Family HubsIn the communityContact details kept and will keep stocked upIdentified further outlets for the posters and postcards Frenchgate Centre; Supermarkets; Play Centres (Balby & Carcroft); other outletsContact details kept and will keep stocked upRegular ‘Update’ sheets sent to childcare providers/schools and partners/colleagues so professionals working with parents are up to date with information – pass on to familiesEmail + on FIS website in professionals sectionUpdate on receipt of new informationWithin DMBC Civic Office: article in DMBC Chief Exec (Jo Millers) column and on intranet, poster on toilet doors, single sided banner in entranceInternal – DMBC employeesTermlyAdvert on screen at play centre – 3 months (Aug, Sept, Oct)Astrabound (Wheatley)Consider repeatingProvide banner and posters / postcards for Youth Hub standDoncaster event in AugustBe aware of further eventsProvide posters / postcards for Doncaster Training Providers standFrenchgate Centre in AugustBe aware of further eventsIncrease in Family Hub social media posts re 30 HoursSocial mediaOngoingContinued promotion to parents at Family Hub events Family HubsOngoingTargeted email to parents (5,300)EmailMid August – consider termlyPress release for the new places created at Saltersgate Infant School official opening 12/10/17Local Press 3 other projects to publicise on openingAttend staff meetings with partners, internal colleagues and Family Hubs: 30 hours update & Q&A to ensure everyone up to date and can pass on accurate information to parentsMeetingsTermlyDMBC Civic Office, One Stop Shop staff to have a ‘promote 30 hours’ day each month, propose wear special t-shirts / script FAQ’s etcOne Stop Shop in Civic OfficePlanned for Spring termIdentify case studies of parents benefitting from 30 hours through support them into work / work more hoursFacebookOngoing ................

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